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on the build shoe today a very special topic that's near and dear to my heart my house that's right we are in framing I am so excited guys I got a brand new house under construction behind me here let me give you a full tour we're gonna talk to you about the frame we're using a couple of the details I'm gonna get into some nerdy stuff and I got a great series of videos on this basically new construction house it's no longer the real remodel series this is now the real rebuild series from my house let's get going [Music] alright y'all you're ready for a tour first off let me show you the site I've got stacks and stacks of insulation I've got a bunch of lumber covered up because we got some rain coming in the man bill wood and the guys at Madera have done an incredible job of getting us off the slab so if you watch the last series of videos you know that we started with basically a slab and we are framing new construction from here up so this is a brand new house now we're in the basic same footprint as the old house and they have one or two old pieces of wood like this garage header this wall is basically the same but this is a brand-new framed house we got a couple things going on here cash where do I start there's so many details I want to tell you about first off this yellow lumber you're seeing here this is not traditional lumber although it is a 2x4 it's not a traditional 2x4 this is lvl studs have you seen these before and lvl is basically a plywood stud and if we were to count these we're somewhere around maybe 12 ply 14 ply something like that very very straight very very strong these are made by Boise Cascade there's a couple different manufacturers of engineered lumber but Boise Cascades got an especially nice lvl stud the other thing you're gonna notice here is we frame now the first floor with 9-foot plate height meaning there's your eight-foot sheet of hebrew zip and we blocked it we still have another foot to go so now my garage has a foot of extra height the second floor has an extra foot of height and I'm using some engineered floor joists which are a little taller so my whole house has grown a little bit in height but other than that it's the same basic shape and outline it as it was before a couple things I want to point out on the front here this is my garage header and you can see we've not framed the roof over the garage yet it's going to get a shed roof over the garage which is going to extend over this way which will ultimately be the port roof as well underneath this OSB here is a concrete porch and so this where the front door gonna be like right here this will get framed out now we didn't frame that yet because we wanted to she on the second floor with the zip system the zip system is what we're using for both structural sheathing as well as water and air proofing and we want that to be our big air proofing layer on the outside of the house which means that we want to achieve all this first before we put this garage roof rafters on and in that way we'll have this continuous air barrier all the way across then we're gonna have to also sheet into the garage here but I'm gonna wait until I blow the insulation in this spot first and this floor before we seed that but we're gonna also block you can see we've blocked off between the house and the garage there so that any mechanicals that go through will be able to air seal bad now let's pop over here we'll we'll come through the front door and I'm going to show you some other good framing details as we go into the front door here you're gonna see that the framing is a double bottom plate that's a little unusual out there you don't see that very often and you're gonna see that in these interior walls we've also used sill sealer you're familiar still sealer right that's that blue kind of foam gasket that's at the bottom of the house that's everywhere on the outside walls as well but we've done an extra air sealing step that you may not have seen before I got some videos of the guys doing that from the Madera crew while they were running and here's the process basically we're going to take an acoustic there's a couple different options out there we used both trim codes acoustic sealant as well as this that comes in a sausage to you this is by Pro clima and this is called can tiga HF they're both what's called acoustic sealants and an acoustic sealant is different from regular sealants because it never skins over it never hardens it's basically forever elastic and the way that we're using it for ear sealing in this house is at the bottom plate we ran a beat of that down on the creet before we put our bottom plate down and then we turn the bottom plate over stapled on the sill sealer to that but you'll notice we've only stapled it on one end so that then we could run another bead of that acoustic sealant between the sill sealer and the bottom plate that pressure-treated 2x4 bottom plate so that then when we put that down first you've got this kind of Z shaped gasket on the bottom now sill sealer alone does a good job of being a capillary break it does not do a great job air sealing and I've learned that the hard way over the years but air can flow through there and so this is a great inexpensive detail from my buddy Steve basic on how to air seal that area that's really hard to hear so you're always gonna have some waves some bumps on the concrete the house is gonna move and we don't want this cheap sill sealer to be our only air gasket this is gonna do a really nice job for us okay so then from that point up you'll notice that all the wall framing is pretty traditional 2x4 16 inch on center wall frame and we've got some California corners going on if you're familiar with that term here's what the California corner looks like you can see I've got a stud here and then I've got a stud in the flat so that I can shove insulation back there however I'm not quite as worried about those insulation details being perfect because ultimately we're going to use this for insulation on the outside this is Atlas insulation it's poly iso and we've got two inches of poly I so got on the outside of the building four inches on the roof up above no I haven't framing any of this roof here this is my master bedroom so there's the door to the master we came in bed wall is gonna be right here got some great window locations these gonna be all gelled winds or a line which is a composite window there's the door into the bathroom we walk in here and this is my wife's closet area vanities will be right here go through this door right here and then we've got a shower here we're gonna do a nice 0 entry curb shower with Schlueter systems to get that all taken care of and then this room over here will have a doorway here and this will be my closet I got the turning closet of course no big deal let's talk for a minute about why we used two by fours versus maybe going up two by sixes a big reason is because I've got all that exterior insulation on the outside of the house I didn't need more cavity insulation we're gonna use rock wool on the inside of the house in all the cavities but because I've got two inches of insulation on the outside of the house I basically have an r-13 on the entire outside of the house I've already met my code mandated insulation level on the outside of the house before I even go to the inside which brings me to an interesting topic we're gonna get into this in the future but I'm thinking about potentially getting this house rated as a passive house I think I've got the details for what I'm gonna talk to a couple buddies about that we've got a couple of our rafters on here this is gonna be my family room the family room have a vaulted ceiling you can see there's all lvl rafter material as well I got a big old lvl beam up there and then this will be the stairwell I'm not gonna go up today I don't even have a ladder here in the the crews gone but basically from here you'll step up that'll take you to the second floor and then the second floor roof just went on today as well and you can see on that gable wall it's coming down and there's a ton of load on this beam right here now if you saw my other series of videos the old house had a staircase or my not the old house the previous house had a staircase and you can see the outline of it right here this is the staircase used to step right here to go up and this was a closet and so we decked over that and then we pushed the house out on the second floor over a couple feet so I could create a bathroom upstairs for my daughter and a bigger living room space upstairs I also wanted a little bit more of a space for my mechanicals so we've used the Boise Cascade by Joyce as well these BCI joists super straight and flat really really nice we've got those on a series of LDLs that wit Smith my engineer designed it for me there look at that big old Simpson let's see if you can see it can you see that big old Simpson hang here right there that triple is coming on that's crazy and then the engineer also said hey we want you to bolt these columns together these stud packs you want to make sure that these aren't just nailed so these are through bolted and building the guys did a nice job that he's a fours in a bit right here countersunk that head coming over here we've got another stud pack right here which lands on those two LVO beams are landing right in the center there and check out that sweet saddle my steel guys made for me right there that saddle is kind of taking that lvl together and transferring that load down to that column it looks really nice got such a great job on that we come over here this is my kitchen area so I've got benka cabinets here garage on the far side of that kitchen here my stove is going here obviously kitchen windows kitchen sink in that area and then there'll be a pocket door here I'm using cavity slider from my pocket doors will slide here there's another cavity slider going in here that'll be my pantry a little built-in desk for a family computer here laundry space right here and then a door to the garage see I've got this double bottom plate why the double bottom plate we're doing that because I've got a foam detail as well on the floor we're gonna be doing insulation on top of the floor which is gonna allow me to insulate the slab a Steve basic came up with this detail I've seen him use it over on Jake Burton's jobs and the first time I saw it on Jake's job mind-blower incredible idea incredible concept here's the basics we're gonna use an inch and a half of EPS foam on top of my slab and then we're gonna put two layers of Advantech decking on top of that running opposite each other and you know at a 45 or 90 rather glued and screwed together and floating above so where my feet are now there'll be three inches higher when we finish that and that will then give me a wood subfloor so that I can put Harvard floors in here as well so I'll have a hardwoods on my whole first floor and it'll be fully insulated man that's gonna be cool I can't wait all right a couple of details I wanted to mention check out this curb on the back of the house here this curb is going where I've got a big sliding glass door coming it's gonna give me some good light and some good views on the outside but I didn't want to build that out of framing I wanted the durability of that concrete so if any splash back happened on the outside it would hit concrete underneath there and that's gonna flush out so that door will sit right on top that's basically he's faced three inches off the slab I think that's really it for today's video I really wanted to show you the progress from the guise of Madera Phil wooden his career I've been building those guys for about 13 years now we build a lot of houses for a lot of people but never one for myself and my family I can't tell you how excited I'm am I am this is just gonna be it's already been so so fun big thanks to my friends at Boise Cascade they gave me a sweet deal on these 2x4 studs and then basically we decided because they gave us such a good deal on the studs we're gonna use all the LDLs for the roof framing as well so stay tuned for some videos on that we got a bunch of videos on installing windows how we're doing the exterior foam will see if I end up rating this Passivhaus or not but I'll get into some of the HVAC details my friends of positive energy have done an incredible HVAC design for me after building homes for other people for 25 years to be able to finally build one the way I want to build it so so awesome all right guys if you're not currently subscriber hit that subscribe button below you know I've got new content every Tuesday and every Friday and oh by the way if you're not familiar with my new website that we started publishing about three months ago I jokingly call it Netflix for builders I've got several other amazing builders and one awesome architects the basic who I mentioned filming videos at their job sites and we're publishing sick new videos a week over on build show network calm you got to go check it out I'll put a link in the description for our newsletter which comes out every Friday morning on email which tells you here's what's new this week so you can click on a specific new video that you might want to see from one of those guys but like I said if you're not currently subscriber hit that subscribe button new content every Tuesday and Friday follow me on Twitter Instagram otherwise we'll see you next time on the build show [Music]
Channel: Matt Risinger
Views: 223,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: framing, build show, boise cascade studs, lvl studs
Id: uPbVr59a964
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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