Modern Science's Most Incredible Inventors | Tesla's Children | Spark

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innovation has many fathers and mothers Tesla was definitely one of the father Tesla was an extraordinary inventor and scientists Tesla gave us alternating current our main electrical grid around the world electric motors electric generators the ideas of free energy Tesla had that passion to create new things non-stop no matter how crazy they were what is a genius I think the term is way overused I think Tesla fits the bill because he didn't just invent one invention in one area he was in many different areas so he really was a genius he drew a lot of strength in feeling that he had planted seeds and that he knew eventually a lot of his ideas would come to fruition he really sacrificed a lot of his life he didn't hook up with anybody and get merry didn't have children but in a way over the decades that have passed there are many people that you could call the children of Tesla they have the same Drive and conviction and intellectual curiosity that Tesla had and because they're willing to pursue their their vision and dreams despite being told by others that you can't do it [Music] [Music] [Music] I would be honored to even consider myself as a child of Tesla I almost feel like I'm related to him or or like sometimes I said maybe he was reincarnated at me maybe it's my job to to pass along the message as a reporter at the Toronto Star I was asked to go to st. John's to report on the anniversary of Marconi sending the first wireless communications across the Atlantic and as I was doing the research of preparation for that I started to come up with information saying that well maybe it wasn't Marconi maybe it was this guy named Tesla and I started to dig more into Tesla and I found his life dramatically more fascinating than than Marconi well the first time I heard about Tesla I was working for countrywide publications and I went down to New York City to write an article and I got a book out on this guy and his name was Nikola Tesla I thought how could any one person invent all these different things and I never heard of him so we do take for granted a lot of the things that he's behind Neil and light a fluorescent lighting plasma physics infusion remote control robots helicopter airplanes particle beam-weapons and I found out that he had patents on the induction motor on the hydroelectric power system on wireless communication today we walk around with these devices and most people 99.9% of people don't know that a big portion of the inspiration behind that is Tesla a lot of people never even heard of Tesla so I'm trying to get the word out that this guy existed he shouldn't be known as the forgotten inventor he should be known as the one of the greatest men that ever did changed the world for the better that's what I'm trying to do change the world for the better a lot of people might say you know you set your goals - hi Paul but you know those are the things successful people ignore you know some guys they had their take a shower and they have an idea and they get out dry themselves off and go on with life you know I'm gonna shower I have an idea I get out and I do it I do experiment after experiment sometimes I don't know what I'm doing next just as Tesla did we have to take step by step by step and use scientific methods to see what we want to do next and improve on it and that's exactly what we're doing today we're taking electromagnetic radiation and transforming it into usable energy usable electron energy it's got aluminum foil on the inside that's crumpled up - to get a lot of points on there Tesla was always about having a lot of points for collecting energy the circuit over here I have a simple circuit a coil ground rod I got a second ground rod it goes back behind my lab and right now we're getting just over 50 volts so it's a lecture Oh magnetic radiation I say most of it is coming from the cosmos I built a new collector and well I'm gonna try that soon this would be equivalent to Teslas patent and apparatus for the utilization of radiant energy so I'm really excited to try this out you know a lot of times I do an experiment just because I have to see it even though science already tells me exactly what's going on in this net that's not good enough for me I think well I feel that might be missing something or some detail so that's that's why I did the levitating I said there's there's something about that yet I'm not sure if they have the explanation of that 100% correct Tesla was a really weird dude he was very quirky Tesla was a bit of a cleanliness nut and he was a bit of an obsessive-compulsive he used to use napkins like a big stack of napkins when he would have dinner and he would wipe the utensil after every use or before every use and he was very paranoid about germs and things like that he would circle the block three times before he got in he didn't want to touch women's hair he didn't like pearl earrings he had a lot of quirks or maybe having an overactive imagination maybe that's how'd you get that way so I'm sure it was a combination of both perception the Tesla was a mad scientist and you see that reflected in popular culture total destruction will come to bones and left at me and failed to heed my warning the first Superman movie cartoon had a an a villain named Tesla who had this electro euthanasia what ray or something at some crazy name and it was based on his his inventions of developing a death ray for the US military which there's a lot of conspiracy behind that I think what I like about him the most is that he was an altruist he was really trying to help the world Tesla was world famous in the 1890s everybody knew who Tesla was but his name's slowly disappeared from the history books and he became an unknown figure Tesla hasn't become a household name because he just never really was a guy who put effort into promoting his own work so up until recently his own name and branding just wasn't on anything Elon Musk who started PayPal and now as SpaceX created Tesla Motors why did he name it Tesla Motors because he's paying homage to Tesla you know there's the fact that the car itself and the motor in the car is based on an AC induction motor design that is what Tesla patented and came up with technically a reason to call the Tesla Motors but I think the other reason is just simply because they're trying to do something that people didn't believe could be possible and they're going against the mainstream I think we should remember Tesla as the man who brought us into lightness we really were living in the dark before since the 50s people been trying to make diamond work for electronics and Adam has come across the way that actually make the diamond work for electronics it's not something new we're actually taking the existing silicon technology incorporating diamond on to make it more efficient my big claim to fame was an able what's called n-type diamond so they're adding atoms to make diamond actually more electrically conductive even as compared to silicon and that's good for electronics purposes because we can make one continuous large sheet very similar to what's being done with silicon electronics it's my technology going to change the way that we interact in our lives I would say absolutely because the reason I'm in my field semiconductor technology is because semiconductor technology is ubiquitous it's found everywhere in our lives from our airplanes to our healthcare equipment to our coffee makers to our automobiles definitely I would say this would be transformative the diamond semiconductor is actually the next big step he's emerging on the scene at the right time where a lot of the electronic devices we have have become so miniaturized they're bumping up against the physical limits of what silicon is capable of in minute he told me my eye my iPhone wouldn't overheat any more I was in I was sold silicon has been around for 50 years you can see you don't have to be a scientist to see that it's reaching the end of its useful life so when he talks about diamonds replacing the silicon everybody can understand that and to have his worldwide headquarters and gurney is just a fantastic win-win all the way around Nana leaf was founded by myself and two of my best friends we all went to the University of Toronto and we were part of the solar car team the three of us were actually in charge of developing a lot of the electronics behind that car about seven or eight years later we decided to to get back together and take some of the skills and knowledge that we gained from the solar car team and apply it to world towards real-world products and we started off building a solar product it was a portable solar device I had a little screen on it you could plug in laptops cell phones TVs and it was an amazing product and we wanted to find a way to bring that to market and we had no idea who to sell this product to so we thought oh then let's just keep building right let's add a light bulb to go with it and then you have you could have a house that's fully powered by this little system and as we went further in developing this light bulb we realized that we had created the world's most energy-efficient light bulb so this is our very first product a nano leaf one the part that we find to be the most unique aspect of it certainly the the part that we care the most about is the energy efficiency aspect of it we custom design all the circuitry within this product so a typical LED bulb has a power supply and the power supply it needs to convert the AC power that's coming in into DC power we were able to create an AC to DC converter that's about 95 percent efficient whereas most LED light bulbs out there are only at about 75 to 80 percent efficient of course if you've reduced consumption of electricity you reduce the production of greenhouse gases which as we know is the main cause of global warming artificial lighting is the first human invention it was made 2 million years ago and we're working in that tradition lighting hasn't changed or didn't change for a hundred years after Edison developed the first mass-market incandescent light bulb I see them taking and existing technology and packaging it in a different way which is what Edison excelled at the fact that they've got this new laser approach that allows them to cut circuit boards and shape them in an origami fashion to make light bulbs really fits with that whole trend of having technology that looks nice the products it's coming out with it's like exploiting the versatility of LEDs to make the technology attractive in a lot of ways Nana leaf is very similar to the back when Tesla was doing his innovations on a daily basis we're trying out new ideas and ways that we could actually make changes to some of the products that we have in the world today some of those ideas are completely outrageous but some of them are amazing and and could lead to really long term products that could make a big impact and I think having that creative team you know that outside of the box thinking 9 out of the 10 ideas are going to be bad but one of them will just be completely cool in order to invent something that is completely new you have to forget about you know what's normal to you and you got to think about you know what could the world be and would that be better for example with light it's like we see the world under a certain type of light the whole concept of a light bulb for example right it's like hey a light bulb should look like this why because an incandescent light bulb looked like this you know that's what we've gotten used to over the last hundred years but why does it need to look like this why can't it be different [Music] having a true breakthrough is really gonna be some Black Swan that comes out of nowhere and is not gonna be based on existing technology it's gonna be an ax company coming out with a lightbulb based on the technology that we've never heard of Tesla was born in Smulian which is a town in Croatia Tesla came to New York in 1884 and he worked for Tom Edison and he had this great invention that the ability to harness alternating current it was a significant advance because at the time the main technology was direct current and that was what Thomas Edison was working on with alternating current the way it was designed you could actually transmit power over vast distances anderson didn't want to hear anything about it and then there was what was known as the Battle of the currents Edison was in a war and he literally began to electrocute cats and dogs and even an elephant with alternating current to show that the Tesla system was dangerous and that his system was safe so Tesla thought how can I have combat this terrible PR situation so he began to experiment about sending electricity through his body I think here's where you see his great genius he's figuring out how to send electricity through his body to show that it can be done safely and so he began to win the PR campaign and then actually won the right to harness Niagara Falls so after the world of cons was over everybody knew who Tesla was he's really unique to his times he saw the big picture and the sense of problems that needed to be solved people who may be just as brilliant as Tesla today may not you know have the same kind of support that he had there's a lot less patience in the financial community for investing in things that will take a long time there's a desire for a quick payback so nobody really wants to wait it out to see if that person that they're investing in is going to be or have the impact of Nikola Tesla an inventor is somebody who thinks about something that may not have existed before and brings it into being I was imagined that you would have an idea and you would then be able to follow it created and galvanize people around you if it was a good idea to bring it to life and make it happen because they all thought it was a good idea to I went into neurosciences through University and when I came out my research lab work that you know previously had been and mice now have started moving into the brain my own experience with psychotherapy and wanting to help people understand their mind and improve their life led to this device this is muse the brain sensing headband and what it does is it tracks your brain activity in real time and gives you real-time feedback to let you know when you're in a state of focused attention I am when you're meditating and when your mind is wandering so it tracks your EEG with clinical-grade sensors it sends that data to your smartphone or tablet and then is able to parse your brain activity based on an algorithm that we created from thousands and thousands of data sets that we gathered of meditators from around the world now Muse is used in the Mayo Clinic with breast cancer sufferers to help them deal with the stress of surgery and actually improve their recovery times afterwards it's being used with Harvard and Spaulding rehab for traumatic brain injury nyu uses it for educational purposes we keep finding these extraordinary uses where other people have taken the tool and are applying it to you know autism epilepsy ADHD disease states across the board when we look at this signal here this is what Muse is measuring we see all of these huge waveforms it is actually indicative of your brain state I think Tesla was an inventor that really opened himself up to possibility in an unconstrained way and I think when you do that you end up imagining a world that could be a whole lot different than what you're in so very different than Tesla I was lucky to be an environment in which the things that I was and created were always accepted I haven't had to you know deal with the ostracization with the hardship from a business perspective you know the businesses that we've created around this technology I've always been very successful I've raised eighteen million dollars to date from venture funded from venture firms that have supported what we are creating and bringing to the world you know our very first product is in Best Buy that's about as mainstream as you get what began as a quest to help a dying friend has evolved into a first of its kind luminary marble the collector weighs more than 30 tons and collects more light than any telescope on earth the origins of the moon light collector if maybe started when I was seven or eight years old when I built my first little telescope and then when I was a teenager I built quite a large one so I was always into astronomy and optics and telescopes it was an amazing process 75 different prototypes from beginning to end to build this huge 84 mirror collector I think that it was probably one of the most difficult things we ever did in our life and the most meaningful the stimulus that created the invention of the interstellar light collector and now the moonlight collector was a friend dying to pancreatic cancer she came to us and she said Richard you think outside the box you're not a scientist you're not a doctor but they're telling me right now I have no hope on this earth I have no chance to survive this and immediately Connie set Richard in motion to try to figure out a cure of some sort I studied the light and light therapy for many months and he said the frequency coming off of moonlight was similar to what the American Medical Association was studying to cure cancer the light of the moon and the stars cannot be duplicated artificially we have cells in our body that respond to moonlight all of us do first of all moonlight is not just reflected sunlight moonlight has its own spectrum it was pretty exciting it was it was like something out of a science fiction movie really when I learned that they were collecting moonlight and concentrating it that intrigued me because it's a form of subtle energy and it's a form of basic energy in the universe that the Sun produces both left-handed and right-handed torsion and the moon reflected light is more left-handed so it might well have some healing properties and that was the first thing that got my attention this thing has blossomed into this huge project it's kind of funny that was about a two and a half year process mortgaging house and mortgaging a lot in our life we finally built the interstellar light collector which is 84 of those eight foot by four foot mirrors Connie passed away but Connie spirit did not pass away everything that we did at that point forward had to be that we had to find an answer Richard just finally said perfect or not we're opening it and the press showed up and all these people showed up it was a blow your mind moment for everyone so I was invited out to this thing and it just seemed like a bunch of hippies in the desert and I had all my projections about it and thought it was such a whoo out there and quite frankly stupid thing and when I got there there were probably about a hundred people there it was massive it was like it looked like it was half the size of a football field in this huge pit out in the desert and it was aimed at the moon and the light would come down and and shine on this point where it looked like car headlights like bright bright headlights were shining on these people that were in us the box thing Tesla was an influence with the moonlight collector especially with this free energy concept and here's light energy just pouring down that no one is utilizing that there are some things that happen in our world that our present science doesn't teach us in our textbooks and yet they occur when I go back to some of the early writings of Tesla and some of the early newspaper clippings where he would he would do this ritual thing where he'd meet with members of the media and talk about you know what we're gonna have in the future and the journalists would eat it up he came up with ideas for extracting heat from the ocean and using that as a way to generate electricity these are inventions that never really came to fruition during his day but are coming to fruition today Tesla's advanced ideas play a lot to play a big role in what is now called the Higgs boson or the or the god particle the particle that gives matter its mass so that's one of the reasons why I think Tesla is so interesting because even though he's got all these great inventions he still has other ideas the physicists can look at today if these phenomena happen and our present science does not understand it is there some force that we're leaving out of our present science and the answer is yes I'd like to tell the whole world about Tesla you know things he was doing I mean he's uh talking about unmanned submarines and airplanes I mean we're just now doing that now you know it's like why didn't they listen to him why didn't they buy this stuff or develop it then that's what I want to do give people what he wasn't able to give them more you know what got taken away from everybody these plates will be collecting well I hope a lot of electromagnetic radiation from the air and transforming it again into usable energy a lot of people say it's coming from satellites cell phones radio I should be able to get a lot more energy from this collector now than I was able to get with my old collector which was basically the upside down lamp with a bunch of aluminum foil in it 56 volts 57 volts 58 59 sixty like the mad scientist Oh 63 64 65 best away Tesla wanted two things Wireless you know the only reason for the plugs is so they could monitor how much to charge us and it should be free like air and water 80 volts I think we could finally get some power out of this there's no end to ideas out there of like taking energy from the earth or the air or even vibrations harvesting it through through other means that's possible there's lots of ways to do that the problem is how are you gonna do it in a way that can be done on mass scale and in a way that's economical the results are what counts and that's really what I'm all about look at the results and that's what we need to go by I figured it's just moonlight can't hurt you no it's probably not gonna do anything but it'll be cool and so I went in there and it was almost like swimming underwater just love that feeling and that's kind of what it was like it was kind of calm but also kind of euphoric it was it felt almost spiritual but also like a physical thing you know like I just relaxed and I could breathe more easily wow what an experience this was a moment where you could stare at what I call the most heavenly light I don't even know it's like going into the light when people talk about that that's what being in the moonlight feels like so I've had chronic severe asthma since I was 17 and I went in the moonlight collector for two and a half minutes the first time and within a month I recognized that I wasn't having any asthma attacks at all so I started volunteering every night they had a moonlight event lots and lots of moonlight and I haven't had an asthma attack now in almost a decade once it was built and people started having experiences in the moonlight Monica asked me to follow up with them to see what effects they had been experiencing from a nurse's standpoint this was born of an idea to help people and heal people and what I saw was that it was doing that it wasn't doing that for everyone but there were some very profound experiences that as a nurse I found fascinating really well known doctors were coming in from all over to do research there and we were doing research with seeds and we're doing these crazy things with the geology and earth sciences department at the University and finding just mind-blowing stuff that it would it literally changed the crystalline structure of quartz crystals nobody knew why I was working but everybody agreed that something profound was happening it's like a lot of things with subtle energy our Western science doesn't really know how to measure these effects very well but I think that as we get better at measuring them we're gonna find more and more that there are measurable effects this is the beginning of a whole new way of seeing things I was having tea one afternoon and I got the phone call from Monica that a microburst an extremely powerful and contained small wind storm during our summer monsoons here had destroyed the moonlight collector the way microbursts work is they're very focused in their narrow and they hit just one small area it looked like about half of the array had just blown off and was crumpled in this mass like a like an airplane that had crashed or something I think we all just assumed that we were on the cusp of greater things and that just brought it to in an instant halt it was a real tragedy it felt hopeless it's fluctuating a little bit though now it's 46 what the heck 45 [Music] so we had we now got just over 60 volts but now it's it's gone back down 44 C something's happened oh there's so many times that I've got finished with a day and I was just kind of depressed you know day after day of not having the right results that I'm looking for but I would always tell myself and walk away with a smile I'd say you know it doesn't matter I just learned another way not to do it [Applause] if we look at Tesla's life in terms of his relationship to corporate America his invention of the hydroelectric power system was hugely beneficial to JP Morgan General Electric Westinghouse they made hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars because they were providing power to all the homes and while the factories in the world Tesla's next system was a wireless system where he said he could transmit energy by means of wireless he had this vision of a layer of the atmosphere transmitting electricity and high voltages around the world where we just simply tap into it he's trying to get the money to complete this great vision of Wardenclyffe this wireless tower Tesla thought the greatest financier of the date the fun Wardenclyffe JP Morgan enemies going to build a world communication city he got $150,000 from Morgan and he got a tract of land out on Long Island the tower it was an amazing construction it was 180 feet to the top but it was also a hundred and twenty feet down into the earth and he had birth grippers which went out like this so he was going to shape the earth in a sense and then find the impulse of the resident frequence of the earth and use that as a carrier wave and Morgan won't give him any more than 150 thousand dollars he found out the Tesla wanna give everybody free energy and he was supposed to be really working on his radio signals through the air which he was - so it wasn't lying Tesla said can we get beyond the contract I'm going to advance the world essentially a person in an America will be talking to a person in Australia as if it's across a table I'm gonna get global world peace through my communication system and you're worried about another 50 or 75 thousand dollars but he had some other alternate motives to give everybody free energy and when JP Morgan found out about this he withdrew his funding right away that system definitely threatened the corporate structure he had this longer-term vision but he didn't have the money to do it so he relied on people achieved Morrigan who didn't in the end have the patience and they pulled the money and that left Tesla crushed we are making progress on wireless transmission of Technology at very targeted distances right now we know our electric toothbrush can be put into a stand and there's like a wireless power connection that exists today so we're getting there it's not the same type of power transmission that Tesla talked about but I think that a lot of those people if you look back are inspired by his idea that power can be delivered through the air one part of Tesla influencing our course is that one part of his life is very much a cautionary tale Tesla was very brilliant in terms of the research very brilliant at understanding that I'm doing something fundamental but protecting the ideas for the application of the research that was very much a learning moment we have to make sure we're securing the patents make sure we're secure in the execution make sure we're secure and whom we're working with so Anna's very Kris mattock where he's working with the investors with media with everyone to say look at the importance of this technology as well as he helps out kids in high school and elementary to teach them they say hey look when you do things in your car and you come up with something this is how you move forward well yeah when I started I was actually 19 I started my work in a diamond so not much older than you guys they're thrilled and and they need those role models now they can actually see the results of the education and the hard work he's interested in doing something that obviously betters technology you know and his ideas absolutely that but what comes out and is at his very core she wants to better his community the people that live around him the people that he knows and he wants to give back there's a lot of technology developed in the Midwest that ends up moving to other high-tech areas such as Silicon Valley everyone knows about Silicon Valley well that's great so we got to have you know an an acronym that people really understand what we're trying to get accomplished here so Diamond Prairie I think Diamond Prairie is very fitting we are the Prairie State and when you kind of hear this story of Silicon Valley which was nothing more an orange grove until the first company went there and it took off and it's in a valley so it became Silicon Valley we thought Diamond Prairie was absolutely couldn't absolutely come up with a better name this is the diamond Prairie moving forward this will grow from here the entire world will experience a diamond age that's very very exciting an Intel might come out and say that we've we've squeezed more ability out of silicon well we don't need to go diamond we can we can delay it for another 10 or 20 years and delay is the end of the enemy of innovation because ultimately you run out of money it's a matter of whether he has the right timing and whether he can prove to the world that his approach is better finding people that are truly going to take a chance on something is more and more difficult these days it's just really different times we could benefit from having a Nikola Tesla today I just don't think we would spot him think about Nikola Tesla approaching a modern-day investor I have an idea that is going to dramatically change the world and requires an overhaul of existing infrastructure they're gonna say to capital-intensive that's not our game he would be going nuts trying to get his ideas out there and he would be writing books and maybe have a personal blog where he's like no one is paying attention to me [Music] so after the when my collector was destroyed I think we all had to go through a grieving process [Music] it wasn't quite a year though when they got another one of those epiphanies you know what if we make a smaller version this is a small portable duplicate of the big one only 31 inches by 41 inches with 84 mirrors and now we have one that's almost effect simile over the original except much much smaller it can fit in your backyard and you can roll it around and we're finding similar things happening so I'm really excited to see what happens and we have measurable quantifiable results with water the sky's the limit now well yeah I think the bigger mission of the Moon my collector is totally to have this everywhere on the earth we're guardians of it that's what we feel on a spiritual level this had to be built and I'll be honest even if it hadn't succeeded and I know it has I would feel proud to say that I tried you know you know Tesla has influenced my work in a way that persistence and dedication has been really the way to get things done I am sure that he would love it and I'm sure that he would embrace it end and really put it to good use because there are so many uses that have not been discovered yet it's crazy in a sense that even how can you even utilize this but isn't it crazy to not utilize it at the turn of the century he felt he had received pulse frequencies from outer space the UFO crowd attached themselves to Tesla and he became a cult figure he announced a new amazing invention like a way to communicate with other planets or way to harness cosmic energy and he never explained these inventions and so he began until be looked at as a quirk I kind of think that we should study these because I think that if he said he could do something my guess is that he could he didn't mean that he would communicate with extraterrestrials he meant he could send impulses to nearby planets and then there was that idea that was made into the movie the man fell to earth star David Bowie is this a weapon xi was too small for any planetary travel this movie about an extraterrestrial coming to the earth to give us all these inventions was a take-off on Tesla's life they fictionalized it and that's why Bowie played Tesla again in the prestige 30 years later about your acting any number of occasions there's conspiracy theories that when he died his apartment was searched and all these documents were taken and there's people who follow a Tesla and his life and are trying to get their hands on these documents to prove that there was some kind of conspiracy in that he was working on something much grander and I don't really know for sure but I have a feeling that some of his most important secret papers are still locked away in military intelligence here in the United States suddenly his story has become sexy for good reason Tesla went through his life being doubted there was naysayers there's people telling him what you're doing can't be done and in the end it might have taken you know a decade it might have taken several decades but in the end II he proved a lot of people wrong and I come back to a quote I used in my book saying it there's nothing like the passage of time to make the smartest people in the world look like idiots and Tesla had that ability to make a lot of people look like idiots with the passage of time if you look at the accomplishments Tesla made we have it all around us I want to tell the world that these people if you consider the mad like Tesla was mad or perceived as being mad that's a good thing some of these people might not be successful but even if just one of those people turns out to be the next generation Tesla you can imagine the benefits that would bring to the world so I want more people who who are mad like Tesla at any given time there's about like seven or eight different crazy project ideas that even though they might not ever see the light of day but we're like hey you know what let's try it out let's see where this goes before we say no to it let's let's just create a prototype let's see if it's actually feasible this would be the active part of the electronics and this is essentially just what holds it right if I can inspire somebody to develop the next generation of technology to see my small successes in my field and apply it for another critical need for Humanity I mean that that's really great for me that's exciting there's always more world to explore so I'm so curious about the next generation of inventors who are gonna come after us to create things that we could not possibly even conceive of sitting here can't wait to see what its gonna be every day I learn something new and step by step I'm gonna change the world as Tesla would have wanted it [Music]
Channel: Spark
Views: 1,010,585
Rating: 4.7833867 out of 5
Keywords: Spark, Science, Technology, Engineering, science documentary, science explained, science experiment, nikola tesla, tesla coil, thomas edison, nikola tesla movie trailer, nikola tesla wireless electricity project, nikola tesla coil, tesla coil music, nikola tesla free energy concept, thomas edison vs nikola tesla, nikola tesla free energy in hindi, thomas edison documentary, magnifying transmitter, nikola tesla documentary, alternating current, nikola tesla biography
Id: xPmUjobCfhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 58sec (2578 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 30 2019
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