Jack Rickard’s “The Tesla Conspiracy” | In Depth

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hey everybody I'm Zack and I'm Jesse and you're watching in-depth on now you know [Music] sponsored by our friends at a better route planner you know beau is out there working his butt off every day to make sure that you can find your way home in your Eevee and type in waypoints so if you want to pick something up on the way yeah and it works seven million times it's work and we're brought to you by eco where us where you can get new designs every week I'm wearing an old one you're wearing a new one yes I mean if you've never seen these before they're all new to you so head over to eco wear us where you're gonna find new designs every week they're all carbon offset and we plant a tree for every purchase and you know we're up to 300 trees planted I'm feeling pretty pumped yeah alright let's get into this Jesse this is a conspiracy folks oh boy Catharine conspiracy volume down low what's the what are we talking about we're talking about Jack Rickard and he wrote a blog post called the tesla conspiracy or am i a dead whistleblower so who is Jack Ricker well Jack Rickard owns and operates evey TV motor werkes and fun fact here you can watch what's going on in his workshop on his live webcams check this out happening right now ok he has been building and converting v's for decades and as he puts it we basically got out of converting v's before we got to the early adopter stage basically he was in this so long ago doing it before anyone even knew what he was doing rightly he's probably forgotten more about solar PV batteries electric motors and car conversions than most people will ever know so when he discusses a subject pertaining to EVs I usually try and watch it and learn so he has a YouTube channel and although the shots are usually long and long-winded they are highly informative impact with info so this is a guy who really knows what he's talking about he's been making electric cars for years before you could buy an electric car he was converting electric cars so that people could enjoy an electric version of their favorite ice cars exactly and we're gonna go through some of the highlights of his letter here on in depth and we recommend that you read his whole letter so the link is down below so Jack starts it off with in the case of Tesla the car and the company if you eliminate all other possible causes what remains is the answer and I have the increasingly uncomfortable feeling that not all is right with the world all right so what is this conspiracy about okay so Jack starts off by stating some of the facts that you've probably heard on this channel many times before the model three one Detroit news magazines twenty eighteen Car of the Year award it was also named car of the Year by Popular Mechanics March 2018 automotive Excellence Awards Auto Express car of the year 2019 automobile magazine 2018 design of the year the Tesla Model 3 over and over again and then you know of course 2013 rather shockingly named the Tesla Model S car of the year in motor trend with the astonishing omission that since 1949 there was never a car like this Wow and then as we've been talking about on the show motor trends named the 2013 Tesla Model S as the ultimate car of the year the top car of the year in seven decades of publication naming a car of the year every year and Jack talks about this fact because in and of itself this is incredible because motor trend is paid for by advertising and Tesla has never spent a dime on advertising right so this alone is pretty astounding yeah so that's part of the set up right that Tesla's cars are amazing and he continues with the set up the Tesla's are the safest cars and he talks about how recently as we reported Nitz --is laid a cease and desist letter that we talked about in the last show is some sort of governmental attempt to limit what you can say about a publicly funded and governmental e administered test and I mean that's exactly what we were saying in Tesla time news is that Tesla is just trying to report on what Nissa tested they're not making any false claims about what Nitsa tested they're simply telling the world what Nitsa tested and it says like don't say that jack goes on to say so my claim is that Tesla makes the best automotive vehicle on the planet barring none in all respects including safety it is just the best car ever built and I would challenge anyone to demonstrate even partially that this is not so I mean there are very very few if any flaws with the model three so the jack goes on evey TV has largely ceased to convert ice cars to electric drive which was long ago our only reason for life and Tesla was largely the reason the model 3at $40,000 is a better car than I can do at $40,000 so he his whole life and and everyone who worked a TV TV was to convert ice cars to electrics and basically he has stopped doing that because it now is cheaper to buy a new brand new electric car than it is to convert a nice car where you already have a car and all you have to do is put motor and batteries in it right it's cheaper to just buy a brand new and fantastically amazing brand new evey than it is to convert so jack goes on worse it is kind of a one-sided launch we covered the news of lots of different electric cars and most notably hundreds of VW press releases that never were actually cars and the conclusion was that it just doesn't matter Porsche and BMW were the only ones that had the right stuff to compete with Tesla and they didn't all else didn't matter and couldn't matter and yes horses Taikan will launch this September 4th and they are going to sell 30,000 or 40,000 of them and they still won't matter Tesla just owns it and at this point the most of its battery technology and costing its supercharger network its online sales model the over-the-air software updates and much much more put it so far out ahead that the other manufacturers are still announcing the coming tesla killer aimed at the 2013 Tesla Model S problem it is 2019 I don't even know how to put this any better then then out Jack says it so I think I'll just let him speak for himself that's fantastic yeah he goes on I'm at the point where if you don't have a Tesla logo on your car you're not electric and don't matter to the point that we are working furiously on things like an obd2 port adapter for the Model 3 or reverse engineering Tesla batteries now evie batteries Tesla batteries for solar energy storage I have a half-finished cadillac escalade conversion hanging in the air on a lift where it has hung for a year but the blue sky for Tesla is essentially unlimited they can sell all they make and make all they sell starting at three hundred and sixty thousand units and topping out at seventy eight million they are 0.46% of a two point three trillion dollar market and they appear to my biased eye to already own all of it so what he's saying there with the 78 million cars that they could sell is basically the car market on on earth because essentially the way he sees it and to a larger extent the way I see it there's pretty pretty much no reason to buy any other car right there closest competition hasn't even gotten up to a car that they made six years ago right and no car that we've seen that you can buy today is pretty much anywhere close in terms of what the model three can do right so he goes on to say if somebody doesn't do something pretty quickly in the future all automobiles will be Tesla's hyperbole I grow weak in the knees publicly repeating a prediction I have quietly been making for years it is so unbelievable all I can harvest from it now is ridicule but you are not going to believe the big names and huge corporations that face unavoidable in absolute bankruptcy and dismemberment in the very near future no government can save them hundreds of thousands if not millions of jobs lost economic disruption and dislocation of unparalleled proportions office furniture available for six cents on the dollar not reorganization but like Eastman Kodak Sears Kmart companies that could not fail and are already gone picture GM VW Daimler the biggest the best I think that you know this is the kind of stuff that we've been talking about on this show if you've been watching the show really a long time you a lot of these talking points seem awfully similar how these big companies that seem just so insurmountable so solidified so impossible to go away really do not have in any way in any tangible way any sort of competition to what Tesla is putting out well the other thing is these big companies are really good at one thing which is telling you that they're really good companies that they never show a sign of weakness and they never come out in the CEOs like god I don't know what to do with the company this year they don't do that so when they do come out you're like wow they seem so confident and so like I guess they're gonna succeed they've got a plan look at history that's not what happened right so Jack continues let's take a look at the oil business currently we are at 100 million barrels of oil used each day worldwide 20 million here in the u.s. at $55 per barrel that's about 5.5 billion dollars per day that's another two trillion dollar world market business as the percentage of all automobiles that are electric grows the demand for oil will diminish fully 50% of all oil goes to Road Transport that is two point seven five billion dollars per day and for every day that future is delayed is another two point seven five billion dollars it would be a two point seven five billion dollar win if the adoption of the electric car could be for stalled for one day the incremental growth of the automotive market is as I stated inevitable and unstoppable but for every day it is delayed there are billions of dollars at stake literally the clock is running at 1.9 million dollars per minute on just that part of oil used by automobiles and I think that we're getting pretty close to the conspiracy this is getting to the heart of the argument and what I love is that he's laying out a really important thing that we allude to on the show a lot but he's giving some really hard numbers here which is that if you're in the oil business and you're like okay so every day we can slow down Tesla is 2.75 billion then you begin to see the scale with which they will want to slow it down right and the funny thing is is that there's no stopping it anymore there's no stopping it at this point right the cat is out of the back all of us anyone who's ever been inside a Tesla knows exactly why it is the best car on earth right and why I would never switch back to oil it you know even if I didn't really care about the planet or the environment because there are many of you who have messaged us directly and said I don't care about the planet or the environment but I love Tesla because it's the best freakin car in the world right the cat is completely out of the bag there is no going back rittle that's a great point we're not just driving these cars because we're hippies and tree huggers you can take that out of the equation if you want to and you still win the argument right let's go on what he says next Texaco bought the entire of Onyx nickel metal hydride battery business from General Motors with the patents of course they allowed this battery chemistry for camera and laptop batteries but specifically refused to license it to anyone in larger sizes suitable for electric cars and that continued until the patents ran out by then it didn't matter the lithium battery was ascendant but it absolutely delayed the development of electric vehicles by many years Stanford ovshinsky inventor of this nickel metal hydride battery died in 2012 at the age of 89 still deeply embittered by what General Motors in Texaco later acquired by Chevron had done to his baby its greatest potential use and the use that over schinsky specifically developed it for was never realized they simply bought it and shelved it does that make sense to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to acquire a promising technology and then shelve it and not worry at all about selling any products from it just Park it hold that thought so this is really where it's like oil has been dampening the electric car it's been preventing its rise throughout history and that's one just small example of where oil basically was like oh it looks like you have some patents for an electric car using some new battery technology we will pay you basically any amount of money to acquire that right and to then not use it for electric cars and you can see how excited over schinsky would have been when he made the patent and had all these interested buyers and it's like yes it's gonna get involved in the right out of motive industry you know GM will use it and yes and and GM will make an electric car of course and can you imagine his phone calls hello GM it's been a year and just wondering how you're doing with a new nickel metal hydride battery made right oh hello hello you sold it you sold it to an oil company he must have been so confused for a few days where Jim I guess maybe Texaco is gonna make a electric car no he did he knew he knew yeah he knew that that wasn't gonna happen and and that I think we are starting this is this I think we don't even need to say anything else and you can probably put the puzzle pieces together but let's continue here so jack goes on shorts don't behave this way they sell high buy low and pocket the difference that is if they're in it to make money these shorts keep doubling down and they increase their sales as tesla succeeds at this point you have a company that is growing its production at an exponential rate growing its revenues at an exponential rate has the best product in the entire market with unlimited demand in a market it owns outright just 0.46% of it is the ultimate growth stock in the ultimate market with unlimited blue sky room to grow oh and did I mention they can raise any amount of money they like at any time on three days notice their last three calls for capital have taken less than a week and were oversubscribed in all cases they raised more money than they asked for so we have exponential growth into an unlimited market with unlimited capital ready and waiting to invest what kind of moron bets against that well the concept of them being a moron implies the assumption they are trying to make money in the first place what if they had no desire to make money so keep in mind the the over two billion dollars a day of oil revenue and then think about this penny Tesla that's basically ready to just explode with the best I mean it's the best product on the market in terms of Vivi's all of these things here and why why are the shorts shorting it so much we already talked about the the billions of dollars every day that oil is making from its oil business and they know that every day that they can delay Tesla is literally billions of billions and billions of dollars and so it seems like the shorts are specifically targeting Tesla right to lower the value of the stock to make it harder for them to compete right and don't we have like some kind of government body that would make sure that this sort of thing wouldn't happen we do yeah yeah okay collect the Securities and Exchange Commission but as Jack says but the SEC can be bought apparently and while they investigate fulminate and litigate Musk's tweeting style what starts to look like the largest stock manipulation in the history of the United States of America is going on as we speak is it possible they don't know about it in a word no it is not possible that a stock swindle of this proportion could be going on without the express and direct participation of the Securities and Exchange Commission charged by law with preventing it absolute corruption corrupts absolutely to misquote a phrase this level of stock manipulation coupled with a funded and directed disinformation campaign could conceivably drive Tesla to failure and at five point five billion dollars per day simply delaying the inevitable is very profitable on a total expense of 10 billion dollars the payback period on that is less than two days because basically two short Tesla this much only costs ten billion dollars right which for oil is nothing it's more money than you can even think of and yet it's enough to just be like yeah heck short it shorted as much as we can exactly and that's the scary thing this is like this is the conspiracy here they are trying to prevent Tesla from succeeding they're trying to push Tesla into failure just through these means and not because of some problem with like you know mark the markets it's not like it's not like the market doesn't like Tesla right it's not like they could put 10 billion dollars into making a better car that's not their what they're trying to do they're trying to get more oil out of the ground so they have to just misdirect they have to somehow get this to slow down so they get more oil out of the ground right so jack goes on I still see articles explaining why batteries feature more emissions than gasoline cars all funded by industry groups and advocacies that one off two off or sometimes three off lead directly to oil companies so paid for disinformation campaigns are an absolutely established mode of operation for these companies why would they hesitate at stock manipulation to foster fear uncertainty and doubt and who in the auto industry would call them out on it GM and Texaco conspired there were no questions or unforeseen x' it was a conspiracy to defeat the concept of electric cars so as he's pointing out this is exactly something that happened in recent history it's happening again right and you know for all the people who are just like oh I don't think that that would like happen it's like no like it would you wish it wouldn't happen right that's what you're trying to say when you say it wouldn't happen you're you're thinking what kind of world do we live in where this could happen so I'm gonna wish that it doesn't happen right and it's sad but it is happening and that's a lot of money and when you get that much money lots of things happen that you wish wouldn't happen unfortunately and if you study history you'll see that it happens over and over and over again it's just happening now and it's not history it's actual now so it's hard for you to realize like oh are we in history right now yes we are to wrap up Jack says the following four point three trillion dollars combined annual market between autos and oil a puny ten billion dollars in expense not investment and a 32 percent short interest suddenly makes all the sense in the world it looks like the oil companies and automakers have no possibility of losing this one in reality they have no way to win it one man has them totally surrounded outnumbered and outgunned Elon Musk and I think that that's the perfect wrap-up I mean it's it's really true you have this one guy and I know I don't want to make it sound like it's just him you have everyone working in Tesla and they are they are working their butts off yeah I'm not gonna so you have Tesla basically completely changing an industry completely disrupting it okay and we are just seeing the the very beginning of it but it is so clear it is so absolutely and unquestionably clear that this is the direction that the auto industry has to move in at this point there is you know as more and more people see the Model 3 and that's the only thing really stopping it is exposure so many people have absolutely no idea what Tesla is who it is and if they have heard about it they've heard just enough FUD to make them think I don't want this I'm going to continue living my life the way that I've been living it I'm gonna keep going to the gas station and I'm gonna keep getting oil changes and I'm gonna keep you know having to pay extra money because they have to remove the water pump for whatever reason to fix the timing belt that's a really good point we bumped into a guy the other day when we're shooting something who said hey is that one of those new Tesla's I heard they're really confusing and hard to drive it was like where'd you hear that right it's the most simplest car to drive right in the world you don't you sit in it you press the brake you put it in Drive and you drive it this guy then proceeded to get into a car which if it were in the wrong gear and he started it it would just start flying backwards right like that that's just a thing that could happen in his car it can't happen in mine I can pull up somewhere in my car forget to hit Park forget to put it in park I can hop out of the car the car will automatically know to put it in park right it won't roll away it won't pin me against a wall until I die it won't do any of that I can leave it in my house I could drive it into the living room and play a game on it because I can do that and everyone in my house won't die from carbon monoxide poisoning the opposite is not true the car that the man just got into and drove away with it's the simplest car in the world and you might be thinking yourself right now well the car companies must watch your show Zack and Jesse know that it's over for them so why are they even still doing this shorting of the stock but here's the thing as Jack pointed out tesla has 0.46 percent of the market and to get to a tipping point in most markets you have to get to about two and a half percent so from their perspective they're looking at this going alright we're still ok folks it's halftime and we've kept the other team to quite a limited number of points if we can just go back in there in the second half of this game we can pull this out that's what they're hoping for they're hoping we don't get to the tipping point where it becomes a household thing where everyone just buys an Eevee so here's where you guys come in mmm we can make this happen we're so close all we need to do now is get butts and seats spread the word we need to make sure that message gets spread because there's so much fun out there there's so much misinformation that people aren't allowing themselves to even experience v's the people we bump into have so much fun in their head they're just like I don't think I want to get in this thing it's like they're from a different planet it's really it's like you've encountered someone from the Spanish Inquisition as soon as you bring up this electric car thing people are put off right and it's in it's sad because it would be really great to have people excited about it and there are some people who can get very excited about it very quickly and those people by and large are young people and extremely open-minded people just know that that's a great point if you're having trouble with your friend or family group find the 8 year olds in the group and have them check out the car because they will then be they'll get it immediately and then of course they won't test-drive it with you but they'll ride with you and then they will spread that enthusiasm with everyone around them because they get it immediately and you don't have to unbraid wash them right about all of the things you do have to brainwash people about an internal combustion engine car there is so much brainwashing that happens throughout your entire life from from a kid going all the way up and to the point where it's like yep and you have to make sure to checked the oil and to check the fluids and take it in for maintenance I heard a story the other day about a young girl who was driving with someone in an internal-combustion engine car and she had only driven in v's before and when this internal combustion engine car was shifting into a higher gear and making her sound she's turned to the driver and said oh my god is there something wrong with your car that's what we need we need that to become the new reality where if you hear something like that in a car you're like there's something wrong and there was a period of time where we had just gone on our road trip in the Tesla Model X and we came home and I had a Subaru Forester and I started it up and it it had been a couple weeks and I was like oh my god my car is broken because it just felt broken it felt like every single part of the car was not working properly and the funny thing was it was working okay wasn't working great it was working okay it's such a different world and we really really want you to help people experience it and hey I know that not all of you have an electric car out there and I would really really recommend that if you've been listening to us this whole time and you clearly understand what's going on that you get yourself in an electric car and that here's the good news I have some really good news people who drive electric cars by and large are some of the nicest people in the world right now I don't know if it's gonna be true in the future okay but something something in the world has happened that that we've gotten to this point where the nicest people in the world are all driving electric cars it is I remember when I was a kid and my mom was telling me like okay if if we get separated at the zoo today look for a woman with a baby carriage or a dog and go to her don't go to anyone else unless it's a police officer that was that was what I was told because that was gonna get me to safety I'm gonna put it up to you now if you see someone in an electric car they are really really nice they are a good person I thought you're gonna say if you get lost if you get lost yeah find someone your car right yeah and I want to do a you know shout out to Jack because I appreciate all the work you've done over the years to educate people on how they can convert cars to v's and get solar and all that great stuff and then to keep writing a fantastic blog post I mean you should go to his website he's got blog posts on practically everything you could imagine to do with v's really great stuff thank you so much jack for sharing this with us and I think that your conspiracy is true right I don't think you're a nut or a whacko this is actually what's going on we need to wake up to it we need to make our government respond to what they should be doing because this is an outrage that we have an SEC that is allowing this to take place when we all know if we look at the facts that that is what's happening and even beyond that we should have a government that is looking at climate change as the crisis right that it truly is it is a climate crisis it is the biggest problem that we are facing as a global society at the moment and I don't think we've ever faced such an existential threat since the Cold War I think that that was probably the first time that humanity was like oh hey you know what all of us could die like tomorrow and I think that today we are looking around and being like you know what we could all die slowly one by one basically from the equator out and just like hmm but not enough people believe it not enough people no agree with that and what happened so slowly it happened so slowly and there's this there's I guess like a lot of money that just really really doesn't want you to believe that who will fund studies to basically fly to you and who will put out advertisements selling the very thing that will destroy us all I don't know that it's almost like a conspiracy it is thank you so much for joining us on this in-depth we'll see you next week now you know
Channel: Now You Know
Views: 281,311
Rating: 4.5377007 out of 5
Keywords: now you know, tesla time news, zac, jesse, news, update, elon musk, model 3, model s, model x, NYK, EV, electric, cars, supercharger, autipilot, full self driving, electrek, roadster, the boring company, gigafactory, tesla pickup truck, TSLA, Tesla, Global Warming, NHTSA, v10, pipeline protesting, donald trump, solar roof, hyundai, kona, george hotz, e-bikes, twitter, Jack Rickard, The Tesla Conspiracy, conspiracy
Id: vfILTM_xcOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 36sec (1716 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
Reddit Comments

Personally I don't think shorting the Tesla stock is the best use of Big Oil's money if they want to stop/delay Tesla, misinformation campaigns are much cheaper and effective which they're doing, so other people can be tricked into shorting the stock.

👍︎︎ 37 👤︎︎ u/XYSong 📅︎︎ Aug 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

Good for me as I'm accumulating their stock right now;)

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/lokojones 📅︎︎ Aug 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

lol I put it over in /r/electricvehicles and it already got down-voted.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/darkstarman 📅︎︎ Aug 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

Their theory on why the automarket is in a slump is interesting... but I don't fully buy it.

Anyone who does a bit of research can see that the Tesla Model Y is coming, and an EV pickup will almost certainly be available within 1 to 2 years tops by Tesla & Rivian. Is the theory that expensive EV of that class need to be on the market to slow those sales down?

Waiting on a cheaper EV is probably at least some of the slowdown, but I think there's another big factor causing people to put off getting new cars to, the promise of self driving cars being in the imminent future in the next few years.

If you buy a Tesla you can upgrade it to have full self driving. If you buy anything else, and self driving cars come out a year or two later, you're stuck with a car that won't ever have full self driving, and will probably lose a lot of resale value when a bunch of auto-makers offer self driving cars.

Having two highly disruptive technologies shaking up the auto industry at once is obviously going to cause a lot of pain. Both could roll out so fast that consumers quickly end up regretting their choice to buy a new car a year or two too early.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/ShadowLiberal 📅︎︎ Aug 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

Tesla's poor customer service compared to other companies is going to slow its growth

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/HIP2013 📅︎︎ Aug 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

Geezus guys, take off the foil hats already. High growth stocks like Tesla with no earnings and tons of question marks about the future are always volatile. Plus it’s already at $40 billion market cap, worth more than ford already!

Plus if you’re long TSLA then this is good for you, the stock is on sale.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/throwaway923535 📅︎︎ Aug 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

Add never experienced bad customer service. I have experience long hold times when I called the toll-free one 800 phone number. Everything with my local service center has been terrific. I will agree hold times when you call the main support department, wherever that is, those hold times are outrageous.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/kassius79 📅︎︎ Aug 17 2019 🗫︎ replies
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