Modern Family | What the *BLEEP* Did Lily Say???

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all right thank you very much hey lily come here honey hi do you know what this is a box uh containing she doesn't know containing well that's how she learns new words by us using them or that's how we lower self-esteem by bombarding her with confusing vocabulary what's the wealth containing told you okay it's your dress it's finally here it's every little girl's dream to be a flower girl in a wedding it's lily's chance to shine i was a three-time ring bearer it's lily's chance to shine oh no cam cam she's gonna look like little bo peep or little bow cheap look at this fabric it's already pilling maybe you'll look better on you mean turned on no it does not come i love it no you don't oh my gosh are we really gonna let her wear this you know what if the bride wants to have a tacky wedding she can have a tacky wedding lily will be the bright spot literally heard it as soon as i said it and it's this and it's this not this but this okay okay that's good cam safe let's save some petals for lily all right let's do it over here sweetie okay there you go oh like you're coming down the aisle yeah okay not too many at once you're doing great lil she is isn't she forget the bride all the eyes are gonna be on her [Music] i cannot believe you laughed i am sorry but you know i have two weaknesses children cursing and old people rapping cam we have to tell her it's a bad word no that just gives it more power the less we make of it the better let's just pretend like it never happened okay well you know maybe it maybe it didn't maybe we maybe we misheard yeah maybe she said truck or duck or luck she could have said yuck daddy give me some ice cream no honey if you're hungry you can have some fruit fruit i have two children do you have any idea what station this is oh here i'll look online it's a webcast that would have been helpful to know 900 channels ago no it's on public access or something i want to watch that claire okay well first honey we need to talk about something it's about that word you said this morning what word you know the one that starts with f flower no fruit no if she doesn't remember it we shouldn't remind her oh she said it three times oh you mean cam leave the room nope i can do this lily that is a bad word and you are not allowed to say it ever but it makes you laugh okay well daddy shouldn't be laughing and you should never say that word do you understand maybe okay this is not a game all right if you say that word one more time i'm gonna take away all your toys i'm serious she knows i'm not serious what about the wedding but what if she says it there she's like a ticking time bomb what are we gonna do cancel yes maybe we just call and say we're not going to any more weddings until the gays can get married oh so now we're political we leave town on gay pride weekend because we don't like the traffic please be seated [Music] friends family thank you really well you know i cry at weddings oh no what a glorious day stop stop crying but just because you have ice water in your veins doesn't mean no no lily n no lily he's fine oh daddy's not sad daddy daddy [Laughter] see i told you it was funny uh [Music] you
Channel: Peacock
Views: 617,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: peacock, peacock tv, peacock streaming service, modern family, tv show, sofia vergara, jesse tyler ferguson, eric stonestreet, modern family funny moments, modern family lily bloopers, modern family lily funny moments, modern family lily curses, modern family lily grown up, modern family lily wedding, modern family lily swears, modern family funny lily moments
Id: CcjfsHkB3aQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 37sec (277 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 26 2022
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