Modern Family - Best Lily Moments (Season 3)

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[Music] you kissed the boy am i right Lili aren't you excited to get a new baby brother no I hate the baby did you have fun oh so it's just me and Lily getting the tree then hello and we're going to tie it on to our car ourselves you bet you will after you daddy he gets it Lily you're freaking me out are you gonna die I don't know there's still a 5% chance I'll make it hey Lily come here honey oh do you know what this is a box containing she doesn't know containing that's how she learns new words by us using them or that's how we lower self esteem by bombarding her with confusing vocabulary what's the wall containing told you let's do it over here smelly okay look like you're coming yeah too many once you're doing great little she is isn't she forget the bride all the eyes are gonna be on her or luck she could have said yuck daddy give out some ice cream no honey if you're hungry you can have some fruit fit oh I have two children Claire okay first honey we need to talk about something it's about that word you said this morning what word you know the one that starts with F flower no food no if she doesn't remember it we shouldn't remind her well she said it three times you me Lily what a dress oh well you ain't seen nothing yet Wow yes [Music] Lily Lily come show your father what we bought that's he jacket it's not turning off well throw something over at that oh god yeah well we play God look what we brought forth your eggs game oh no you love now she can free the dolphin you should pick one of his best friends to sleep with while he's gone burning down ooh talk it's just going great he does now because because he took talking less bunny now uh st. Louis why he's visiting his girlfriend girlfriend here's a boyfriend suck it here everybody all right is that a leash no it's a child safety tether this way sweetie it's a leash don't charge us go on Lily hey girl you're welcome look your dad got her baby high heels which we said we were never gonna let her wear I love you look gorgeous sweetie oh my god you felt people just this before wait till they meet Little Miss Anna hi I'm Kara it's like a her she could barely move thank you Dad you know what she's got pretty good games for a three-year-old what are you going to the modern family party yeah are you yeah okay we'll see each other they're like said ghetto right in there I can't do it well you can't do it you all do oh my god these cupcakes are so good hi honey host minute we say you guys are modern family yeah [Laughter]
Channel: The SITuation COMpilation
Views: 3,097,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Modern Family, Best Moments, Funny, Funniest moments, Highlights, Sitcom, Comedy Series, TV, TV Show, Lily, Aubrey Frances Anderson-Emmons, Lily Tucker-Pritchett, Modern Family Lily, Season 3, Lillian Elizabeth Lily Tucker-Pritchett, Vietnamese daughter
Id: uXSCMgeYIyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 34sec (274 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 29 2019
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