The Best Cam and Mitchell Moments (Mashup) | Modern Family | TBS

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No, no! Stop! Stop! No! You come into my house and you insult me and my boyfriend, who, by the way, is not that dramatic and ["Circle of Life" song playing] oh God. We adopted a baby. Her name is Lily. Exciting. Just turn it off. I can't turn it off. It's who I am. The music. Yes, the music. I'm breaking the window! Emergency assistance, this is Trina. Hi we need help. We locked our baby in the car, and people are judging us. I swear to God, I'm gonna break it! Do not break the window. You'll get glass on her. Sir, please tell your wife to relax. Everything is going to be okay. That's a man. Really? Don't worry. Lily! Lily, daddy's coming for you! Sir, we just sent the signal. The door should be unlocked. Check the door. Check the door. Check the door. It's not unlocked. Oh. Oh, okay. That is amazing. How did they do that? I don't know, it's just. We got it. Thank you. Did that come from space? Okay, Mr. Pritchett, there is a connecting light through Dallas that leaves in five minutes. You can catch it if you hurry. I don't want to go to Dallas. We're going to Turks and Caicos. Dallas is just where you make your connection. I'm sorry. I'm having a really hard time processing information right now. We took sleeping pills. Just make your way over to gate 32. Okay, okay. Wow. Wait. Why did they say Dallas? I'm sorry. There's been a horrible mistake. We don't want to go to Dallas. Okay. Listen carefully. You're connecting in Dallas to Turks and Caicos. You need to be at gate 32 in 4 minutes. Do you understand? Yes. I'm not an idiot. Okay, we have to be at gate 4 in 32 minutes. No. Gate 32, write it down. Okay. Why is she so angry? It's not obvious. She's totally into me. She gave me a marker. Make sense? All right. Okay. I'm gonna follow you. Okay. Wrong. I knew it. Instinct. What'd you do today? I nap. You did. Haven't napped in years. Yeah, it feels good, doesn't it? Good in a weird. Kind of like that one nozzle in the infinity pool. I wouldn't know if Phil was hogging it. [laughing] Is it me, or is Lily more relaxed, too? Oh, yes she is. I think it's because she's really picking up on her energy. You know, it's like if we're tense, she's going to be tense. And I think we need to bring this new energy home. That's good. It's better the first time [screaming] What! Oh! You forgot What? What happened? You didn't bring her out! I thought you had her. I thought you had her. Mr. Tucker, what happened out there was unacceptable. I agree. Is this kindergarten or the Hunger Games? I'm speaking of your behavior. We've never had an incident like this. And now we've had one on the first day before circle time. What the fudge were you thinking? Now the boy's parents are coming in, and trust me, they're mad as Hello Kitty. Oh you told his parents on us? That is so not cool. Well, I'm sure once they hear what their boy did, they will be understanding. All right. Whoever made our son cry has messed with the wrong moms. Lesbians. While often lumped together, gay men and lesbians have less in common than one might think. Like in the Venn diagram of sexual identity, you have gay men And straight men, both the same gender. Then you have gay men And straight women, both attracted to the same gender. But gay men and lesbians, Nothing. It's about the song that you sang yesterday. It seemed like you were trying to express something. Some feelings you might be having that you think might not be met with approval from your community. Or it's just a song has nothing to do with his personal situation. No it does. Ha ha. I'm sorry. Your pain is real. I just feel so guilty. I know people will be disappointed. No, no, don't feel guilty. Look, the first step is to say it out loud. I don't want to be a drummer. Okay, now say the other thing. I don't want to be in a band anymore. I miss home, I miss my girlfriend. I'm sorry your what? Whoa. Your what? It's like a weight has been lifted. Thank you so much, guys. You know, I was just going to stay inside today, but I'm really glad I came out. He doesn't get to say that. Cameron, do you take Mitchell to be your husband? I do. Cameron, would you please place this ring on Mitchell's finger? Mitchell, do you take Cameron to be your husband? I do. Then, by the powers vested in me, by the state of California, I am privileged to pronounce you spouses for life. You may now kiss your husband. [clapping]
Channel: TBS
Views: 84,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TBS, modern family jay, modern family gloria, modern family tv show, modern family best moments, modern family cam and mitch, modern family cam, modern family lily, modern family mitch, modern family cam and mitch funny moments, sofia vergara, modern family cam tucker, best moments of modern family, modern family cam and mitchell, modern family dad moments, modern family mitchell, Best Cam and Mitchell Moments, Cam and Mitchell, Cam and Mitchell Moments, Cam, Mitchell, Lily
Id: XDa-nbAziSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 5sec (305 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2023
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