Modern Family BLOOPERS and GAG REEL - Season 4

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maybe i can help he'll have a day if she learns how to front the happy dinner she learns how to frost his job what she did you know let me see the whole thing i come from a very long line of stranger woman that's rude you beat broome's room's rooms room room closets closets so how was the first race terrarium just let me choose [Music] you i don't know i mean they haven't changed his name is this the first time you've had to say his name in a scene no okay then i can see where this is going meth production and distribution oh nice oh what about the kids i put them to work i don't want to handle those chemicals all the time i love you i'm so sorry i'm so sorry when i had my first loose when i first had my fir tell that to the cow-shaped hole in my better mall tell that to the cow-shaped hole in my bedroom wall i think because the cow-shaped hole doesn't have ears and isn't a real thing i can't connect it ah let's just do it let's just do it tell that to the cow shaped hole size room in my room i can't do it i gotta quit the but we can't be late because then there won't be any ice left in the house because if we're late there won't be any dry house in the house because then there won't be any dry eye left in the kitchen or there won't be any dry ice left in the house oh wait i said it wrong that was right that's right is the kitty tickling you it is yeah when you say one you've got to save the tree oh that's so good and so early i wish we were at that point in the scene you're doing so good you're doing so good you're so beautiful tough day at work huh i didn't eat too much yeah some actresses in hollywood do that what do you think oh my god i mean square oh yeah no you're always silly oh my god what's wrong with me yeah i'd like to do i'd like to push her a few more times actually i mean do you know how long i've waited on her for different things over the last two seasons like yeah this is no seriously a few more or should i say plan bieber took me 20 minutes to get these pillow creases just right oh sorry i forgot to save my life and he was like no no that's not how it happened acting time let's get this place ship shaped before she gets home i uh i don't know what i i'm supposed to say right here so i'm gonna go back right there we're gonna do this again and then that smug carol chew is all you cannot deal with that environmental impact study and then i was like bam and i slapped the study at the choice desk and then no god no maybe the store-bought but i make my own so it's not even real fake and it's faux faking it's focus it's folk and disgusting this is what reporters always want to know so if you guys laugh on set is it hard never getting close yeah jessie laughs at himself but not it's i'm laughing at the words i know the text stick it lily stick it stick it stick it lily stick it stick it she stuck it she [Applause] you know what the key is it's trust it is trust it's trust absolutely trust you trust me i do trust you can you trust me now yes right now trust me now it was the child actor's fault not the adult actor what am i gonna do with this chip it's already cheese was that the only one this thing uncle when that comes to build wow wow i still have [ __ ] we uh head up to the bedroom for some halftime festivities sorry how about we head up to the bedroom for some you know what it does you know what it doesn't matter you know what it doesn't matter there's another one you know what it doesn't matter there's another one upstairs how about we all right all right that's not even our mascot [Music] so if anything i'm the victim here what haley you should just stop talking now your father wants to sing something to you believe me i know 14 year olds she has a 14 year old daughter she just got her first period cool hello there i'm rodriguez rico rodriguez i like to be shaken but not stirred stay in school my friends [Music] it's the same every time one of you goes to something it's the same every time one of you goes to something it's the same every time one of you goes to do you have do you think it has to do something with mom my mom and dad acting so crazy i don't know but it's creepy something's going on what was that noise i've never whistled before was that a whistle you ready tooth fairy let's i'm so sorry i think i ripped in some glitter you know what i do when that happens okay oh you want another one don't you there you go no you want another one though don't you honey there you go okay there you go all right what's going on oh nothing she just wants one of these cupcakes i've never said this to you but what you just did was very albany i really think that keeping in touch with our heritage only enriches our college red another yellow leather wrap not the gimbal by the red not together jesse was on broadway i was on broadway red leather yellow brother i wasn't sorry it was a setup we're giving me i wasn't sorry it was a setup we're heating gaming [Music] you
Channel: Blooper Zone
Views: 159,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: modern family, modern family bloopers, modern family behind the scenes, modern family gag reel, modern family funny moments, modern family bloopers gloria, modern family gloria, modern family funny, modern family best moments, modern family season 10, modern family bloopers season 4
Id: 4cbVhgHXKnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 28sec (508 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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