Modern Family bloopers/gag reels SEASON 3.

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are you going to the modern family party yeah are you yeah okay we'll see each other there let's do this first [Music] don't go breaking my heart I couldn't if I tried honey if I get restless maybe you're not the car nobody knows nobody knows [Laughter] today is the Dunphy's at their best [Music] [Music] sound is television acting go those are funny you've got some good one you know that's farm life you know rain or shine there's always Booker Bell was only the greatest deejay in the history of drive-by radio yeah well now yes Booker Bell was Booker Bell was only the greatest deejay in the history of Drivetime radio Booker no jerk-off Booker Bell well it's given the lights put on some Buble and get this over with what is that my finger no no what this stuff in the jar no mints for after I wish sometimes that when I got a massage someone would do it with his long silicone tentacles as well I'm gonna call Haley and tell her we're not going to that deli what was that what why is your face doing that I'll see you guys there I'm going to Abby's oh wait I'm sorry hang on apparently me pushing these buttons is actually changing things Oh when what used to look through this mine oculars and say your dad's lucky man he was wrong you're doing great job team none where you think you so bright I'm so proud I'm going to die honey do you think you're nervous because you had a little crush on just turning Novak Jarvis Jarvis three points there's just something about acting and eating at the same time that's really satisfying Luke what are you doing it Ola and uber hmm why don't we just suggest they stay home could sittings wrong I cut you off too early it's true were you guys from originally where are you guys from originally Modesto yeah that's awesome I drove through there oh okay my father make sure to discuss people not telling me notes on set TV show acting is hard acting is so hard you think about it's the war I work so hard maybe we're pioneers we're not pioneers we have three hair dryers for three different types of wood I'm sorry what is it we're hardly pioneers we have three different hair dryers for different kinds of weather no in there I mean with much harder lines but I've been there so we have three different hair dryers for different kinds of weather I'm sorry I mean so why I didn't get nominated it's really clear I mean I can only blame myself at this point I don't think my dad's really ready for this conversation up acting like I'm a yeah save that story for fan Chun's save that story what is it save that story for wing foo save that story for food - what is it keep that story for Wayne fun save that story for food - what is it that story for Hwang foo I say it wrong again Hwang food I'm sorry one more time we have it save that story for fan-xiu all right everybody let's go Gloria your English is terrible one time when many was six he took him took him to the petting zoo petting zoo I found out that the petting zoo was the name of a strip club of a strip strip strip yes it was the name of the stripper club once when Manny was six Javier took him to daily pursue well the point is that in my culture when you dream about among who's what did you say it's the mouse in your mouth no because I'm trying to have a real conversation and all you do it put me on a freely stone but that's a pedestal with Phil's face on it Claire have decided to postulate no snacks Wow you're donating some knickknacks so where should I put this book of knickers knockers Yoga is good for the glare for the for the humiliation so now I don't know where we go is humiliation I didn't say God but Musa he was setting I said that he got him see how he likes it get all right in there I can't do it oh you can't do it oh my god these copies are so good I'm honey horse women we say you guys are modern family yeah [Laughter] you
Channel: Nawaz
Views: 3,665,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: S3Ah-tbxJ0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 33sec (513 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2019
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