Modelling a Knife in Cinema 4d and Octane

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hello and welcome to my channel today I want to show you how to model a knife something like this in cinema 4d I'm using some different methods than you would normally use I want to make it all procedural and cinema 4d makes it very easy for me to do this I'm not very good at modeling but all these fine details as you can see here for example they are very easy to do with the tools that cinema 4d provides there are some disadvantages with this method but I'll come to this later so let's get started first of all we have to import our reference image into our viewport for this we switch to front mode and import the image the next step is to draw a basic spline around the blade so we do that now and once that is done we're gonna align the points so that the blade is straight the next step is that we duplicate the spline and start drawing the inner part that we can see here so we go to point selection and start moving the points until it fits [Music] when that's done we're going to switch to a perspective mode and just drag out the spline a little bit in this set direction gonna switch the order of those two splines and put them both into a loft so what we can see now is that we have a basic shape but there is a problem with this tip and this is because the number of points of our first line don't match the number of the second spline and the calculation gets messed up so we have to add two additional points to our original spline and now we can see that it fits better and also the tip is now corrected so what we can do now is switch on organic form and upper the mesh subdivisions and we get a very good-looking shape also we can go to the cap section of the loft and switch the type of ROM and gowns to quadrangles and make it a regular grid this is maybe better for upcoming operations we do so next step is that we gonna put the loft into a symmetry and right now we can see that the mirror plane is not correct but when we switch it to XY we get a perfectly shaped knife we can always lower the thickness or upper the thickness by moving our second spline so this is how it looks so far the next step is that we want to create these holes up there on the blade to do this I'm just going to create a simple cube and turn on the Filat and resize it that it fits I'm going to put the cube into a cloner the mode is set to linear which is good but we need to stretch it out in the X and count the e holes there 9 holes so put the count up to 9 and I'm going to adjust the cube size even more and also the rotation at the distance of the cloner [Music] so now that we have this I'm gonna create a pool and put the symmetry into the pool and also the cloner and we can see that this has happened and this is exactly what we want we have to create another hole at the tip but this is very easy we just gonna go to the cloner copy the cube and position it correctly we have to resize it and even upper the fill it radius maybe and also maybe the fill it subdivisions to give it a even smoother look so what we can do now is we can group the corner and put the cube into this group so that everything that is inside of this group works as a cut out for our symmetry object I'm gonna adjust the cubes Phillip radius and also the Phillip subdivisions this is just a small detail [Music] next thing is going to be this kind of carved in area for this I'm going to create a rectangle and resize it correctly and then I'm gonna convert the rectangle into a spline gonna switch two points mode and just go ahead with the knife tool by pressing K and K and draw four additional points I want to bend those four points I'm going to switch to top mode and select all the four points and just push them a little bit in these z-axis I want those points to be smooth so I just right click and say a soft interpolation I'm gonna put the rectangle into a extrude and afterwards the extrude object due to a symmetry and play around with the angle until it fits right I'm gonna re-enable the blade and just the extrude object even more and put the whole symmetry into our groups object of our boolean but there you can see the advantages of working in a procedural manner I can always go back and change something I'm going to rename this to blade and now we're going to create the handle I'm going to create a circle and just adjust it that it fits the handle I'm gonna put this circle into a loft and just control click and drag it so that we get this tube [Music] and again by just copying and resizing the circle and moving it around we get this perfectly shaped beginning of the handle and now to this section it has these furrows for this we need to create an n-sided object and to create these furrows by hand I'm just going to create an inside and just copy the radius of our last circle insert it into our inside and put the inside into our circle 3 we want the inside to be exactly at this point so I'm just putting it in and reset the position scale rotation by clicking on PSR so now we upper the sides of the angle by putting in 284 and I'm going to convert it into a spline so I'm going to select the points where those holes maybe could be just eyeballing it [Music] and I'm gonna invert the selection and I'm gonna scale the points and in our inside I'm gonna change the type to maybe Aquila we also have two upper our subdivisions maybe to 100 and you can already see that it looks much better now also check on organic form and I'm gonna go back and just duplicate the inside stretch it out and repeat the whole process until the handle is finished [Music] and this is looking good so far I'm just going to rename the loft to handle the next section is the protection party in the middle and if we take a look at a reference image there is this ring and also the shape that goes downward so I'm gonna create a circle and can adjust the radius and activate ring in the circles functions [Music] the next step is that I'm gonna draw a spline for the lower part of this protection again I'm just eyeballing it and I'll put the spline into symmetry again make sure that the points are centered it needs to be zeroed out so we're going to just duplicate the symmetry just to make sure that I have the original I'm just gonna convert this one into a spline I'm gonna go ahead and delete this lower part because I want to join these two points these two lower points together by right-clicking and set it to join and make those plants will get a perfectly close the spline so we need this plan to be in the same axis as the circle I'm just gonna drop the spline into the circle and type in PSR [Music] just drop it out [Music] and I'm gonna put the circle and the spline into a spline mask just gonna drop them in so we can see that something is wrong here first which took perspective we can see that very good this is because the axis is off of the spline mask if I switch it to another axis we're good to go I'm going to delete the original symmetry we don't need that anymore and also duplicate this black mask just to make sure that we have enough original I'm just gonna convert this one into a spline then I'm gonna put these blind into an extrude and just adjust it so that it fits also what I want to do is I want to bevel the points so we get some rounded edges just going to select the bottom two points right click on chamfer and click and drag to the right I'm gonna repeat this step with the other points as well [Music] so now let's clean up our project and call this one protection and this is basically it I'm gonna change the roundings of our protection by going to caps and set both caps to fill it caps and just adjust the radius and maybe the step size so now maybe to a little bit of a disadvantage the technique I used makes it very hard for me to bevel these edges up here for example in traditional workflows you would just model this with some polygons and then put on maybe a subdivision and also bevel it but what we can do is we can put this whole thing into a volume builder this is only available for you if you are on version are 20 and above so I put this into a volume builder and then into a volume measure you have to lower the the bottle size to maybe one centimeter and put on a smooth layer with the mode to a mean curvature and we get this very smooth edges here I can even lower the voxel size so that we get some even sharper edges but the edges are beveled a little bit so it reflects the light even better if you put some light on it afterwards so now to this issue here we get some jagged edges but we can solve that by going into our rectangle and switch the intermediate points to subdivide it we get some smooth shading [Music] so if we change our view to something else that we can see the lines we can see that we have a very very dense mesh this workflow is not intended to be like if you let's say if you are a game developer or something if you want to keep the mesh very light but I think in most cases if you're not and if you want to make it look good this is maybe something you can use right now I'm gonna fire up octane I'm going to do the whole shading process in octane and if I just do a basic HDRI lighting and put a metallic material for example fondant on our blade you can see that it looks very good and it catches the line at the edges very good I'm gonna do this shading in as I said in octane and cool thing in octane is that we can play around with the film with I put the material on edit some metal material and if I just play around with the float value if the film with we get this really really cool-looking material also what I did is I inserted the texture for the roughness change the extra protection to box so you can see that better it's like an ornament and I'm just gonna play around with the scale and also I connect the same node into the bump input which gives me some nice bombuh for the handle and also for the protection I use some textures I downloaded from polygon that come and there is actually a plugin provided for cinema 4d which already does all the things for you don't have to manually connect the notes just going to play around with the scale and projection [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so also I want a different material on the inner edges of the blade and we can achieve that by applying a dirt note if you just solo this can see very good where it takes an effect can I put the strength and the radius and even invert it and we can even combine a regular and an inverted short note together by connecting it to a multiply node [Applause] so this dirt note controls the appearance of another texture I already imported two kind of a scratched metal material so that's basically it I'm just gonna put on a floor and give it a render so I hope you liked this tutorial if so give me a like follow me and see you next time bye
Channel: Unicut Media
Views: 7,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cinema 4d, knife, octane, render, c4d, model, modelling, metal, bayonette, 3d, art
Id: eHbrX_-qxbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 04 2019
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