C4D TUTORIAL | Chest model & animation

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[Music] hey what is up guys this is Eli and first of all I would like to thank you guys for 10,000 subscribers that's a lot of people it even amazes me that I could even get close to this number with such few videos and make an T long periods in between them so that makes it extra special to me so as a thank you for you guys I made this animation and as you may have figured by now I will also be teaching you guys how to make this in this video so let's get started we're going to start off with the top part of the chest so let's begin with a cube object and you're going to make this just a little wider and also a little less tall also I would recommend just using these numbers I'm entering right now because there are some parts which are very dependent on these numbers so just stick with it for now also we are going to add two segments on the y-axis if you can't see them you can go up to display and set it to Garage shading lines I'm also going to delete this funk Tech right now so this low poly the font tag is meant for smoothing okay so let's make this object editable and go in the edge mode so I can use the loop selection tool to select this middle ring you can do that by pressing U and L and with the selected I'm going to scale is down while holding shift so we can scale it down like 90 percent but only on the z axis so that is the blue handle for this one and I'm also going to raise this up just a little maybe also at the shift button so 10 centimeters up and then I'm going to select this top ring of edges and scale is down as well on the z axis but maybe this times something like 50% so you can see this is kind of the base shape off in the top part let's go ahead and select these two sides with both polygons and I'm going to use the inner extruder with preserve groups still turned on and I'm going to set the offset to 20 centimeters this 20 centimeters will be used for all the offsets we will be doing for any cuts so just remember to keep that number if you were using something else than 20 okay so now for the front and back portion we will be using something else and the inner X through tool we will just be using the loop cut tool if you're on an older version of cinema 4d you will have to use the knife tool and set the mode to or path or something so what I'm going to do is just hover above here and click somewhere close to the edge and you will see it will give you the distance you have been clicking out but I'm going to overwrite this with a new number which will be 20 in my case so do the same thing on the other side and you may notice that the distance will be something very large or nowhere near 20 centimeters so in that case you just need to undo it and just try it on another edge so in this case it will not work on the middle one but on the top one mostly it's the mirrored version of the other side and I'm also going to add one more cut at the middle so that is 50% and I'm also going to make one cut at every side so that it's 10 centimeters so that way I can fake this 20 centimeters gap in the middle and now we can use the loop selection tool again to select this middle ring of edges we don't need this anymore and just press M and 10 on the keyboard to dissolve these so that means they will be gone if that doesn't work for you you can also right-click and select dissolve okay so now we have these sides here and you can see the corners are having a diagonal line but I would like to have something that is more squarish so we need two more cuts actually what I'm going to do is going in the right view and I'm going to use the knife tool or realign cut tool and the newer versions and we will be deselecting visible only so we can cut through the whole object so let's start here at this point and I'm going to hold shift while moving to the sides and then click to confirm this cut and I'm also going to do the same thing towards the bottom and also repeat these steps on the other side now we can also select these diagonal lines because we don't need them anymore so select those and we will be dissolving these again by pressing m and 10 okay let's select these polygons at the bottom and delete them we don't need this anymore and also a good thing to do whenever you're deleting polygons or stuff is going in the point mode and you will see there are a lot of floating points so it is better to clean these up you can do that by pressing ctrl or command + a to select all the points and then press u and O to optimize or right click and choose optimize I'm also going to select these four points at the bottom so the mill once actually and I'm going to scale these up a little on the z-axis again so the blue handle so it lines up just a little more with the edges above it okay what I'm going to do now is going in the polygon mode and you're going to select all the polygons again by pressing ctrl or command + a and what you would normally expect to do to give this a little more thickness is using the extrude tool but you can see this is giving weird overlaps because all the edges are not exactly lined up with each other we are working with angles so that doesn't work for this so what we need to do is making sure to create gaps option is still turned on and I'm going to make an extrusion with an offset of 0 of centimeters which means that we have the same polygons at the exact same position now after this we are going to scale these down so let's go inside you.maybe and start scaling down and I will stop one of this kind of lining up with the other edges so that it's 20 send a mirror smaller and I'm also going to move this down so the bottom and just line up with the outer part okay so this way you can see we don't have this glitchy stuff and overlapping parts let's go ahead and select all these large polygons which are left and for this one we are also going to use the extrude tool but this time make sure you deselect create caps so we can make it sink in a little let's enter a manual number again so everything will be the same way on the whole chest so let's go for 5 centimeters and also an optional thing to do is going in the inside of the chest and just selecting these polygons and also doing the same thing by extruding it inwards 5 centimeters so now we have new geometry to work with so I'm going to select all these small edges at every corner and after that we can use the bevel tool I'm going to make sure it is set on zero subdivisions to keep things simple and it also looks nicer and I will be using an offset of 15 centimeters you can also select the limit option to keep it cleaner so it isn't overlapping each other you can also notice I have new lines on my model which may not show up on your screen and it is because these are angles and I have selected this in the filter menu so in down here you have angle lines and these are just calculated lines from cinema 4d where you don't have polygons which have four sides so it tries to compensate for that a flat surfaces you won't notice much of it but if you were trying to model this and export it as a game acid or something you should really try to get rid of these and gums so I'm going to clean it up just a little here so at the front here I would like to get rid of this cross at this Center so what I can do is selecting the line cut tool again and I will be selecting the visible only option this time so I'm not cutting through the whole object and I will just make a cut from this point to the other maybe also at the center at the bottom so that way we can dissolve these edges at the center we don't need these anymore and you can see the new angles are starting to happen which are kind of a hint where you should make a cut if you want to [Music] and I'm also going to make some cuts towards the bottom but reduces this better to deselect the visible only option again so we can cut through the whole object that when going in the front view to make these cuts you can see this kind of confusing where the edges are exactly so we can see through all the edges only hole objects so what you can do is go into display and select hidden lines that way you only have the lines which are in front so let's make a cut straight down again and now we can dissolve even more of these diagonal lines and I'm also going to scale these two outer edges just a little now let's select these polygons at the bottom we just created by making these cuts and I'm going to extrude these downwards maybe something like 20 centimeters again to stay in the exact same proportions and I'm also going to scale down these two outer edges just a little so we get a more interesting shape okay I'm also going to disable the angle lines filter so there's a little easier to see where the edges are okay so what I would like to do now is adding some smoothing on the edges which we can do by selecting them manually you can also try to double click on these edges so it selects the ring of them that works on some parts and it doesn't on some other but I'm just going to limit myself to these outer lines so not the ones connected to the T deeper parts of D chest so something like this and then we can go to the battle tool again and set the offset to something like 1 centimeter maybe and also we are going to increase these subdivisions to something like 3 or maybe 5 also one more detail you should notice here's here at the bottom is that the beveling at these corners is looking kind of strange so what we can do is going down here in the topology options and you have this measuring option it is set to default but if you set it to something different you can see it totally changes how it will bevel the corner so in this case I think uniform looks the best actually ok so that is the base shape of the top part of the chest let's continue by adding some details to this first of all I would like to cut out a piece at the front here which will be the keyhole so let's create a cylinder and roughly size it to something that could be a keyhole and I'm also going to decrease the rotation segments of this cylinder to 8 segments this way it will fit more with the low-poly look and it will also be easier to model with this so that's just roughly scaleless and it also helps when we make this object editable so we can select these two bottom polygons and just extrude these down words but you will not use the extrude tool for this but just the move tool while holding ctrl or command and moving these polygons down we're doing this because this way you just move the polygons down on the axis we're moving it down instead of when you were using extrude tool that we try to extrude these polygons on the axis of the polygon so it would turn wider towards the bottom that's also scale this down just a little on the x-axis so that is their red axis and now let's just randomly sing this inside of it and we are going to create a bool object and drag both of them inside of it and also make sure the cylinder is below the cube object in the hierarchy and that way we get this intersection so it cuts out the shape in the chest let's add some more details we are going to create a sphere object and I'm going to make this editable and go in the side view and then the point mode you can use the rectangle selection tool to select the whole left side or right side it doesn't really matter and just delete these points and what I'm going to do now is just selecting this object again and scaling this down on one axis so it gets a lot flatter let's move this down so we can place this on the frame pieces of the chest and I'm just going to stick with two pieces at every side and it is also a good idea to keep it at the same distance from the edges so I will just move them towards the edges and then use the move tool while holding shift to move them something like 10 centimeters maybe you can also duplicate these and rotate them also if you want to duplicate all of this to the other side so mirror it and it's easy to do by just selecting them all that make a duplicate of them so you can rotate them but if you try to move them you can see the axis is slightly angled so what we can do to move this exactly horizontally is selecting this button at the top and that way the axis is reset to the world axis and then just move these in position again so now we have all the spheres on this you can see these are just a bit too large so what we want to do is scaling these down so let's select all of them but before we start scaling these down we need to go in the object axis tab and make sure you select per object manipulation this way it will scale down every object on its own instead of the whole group of objects let's group these together and give it a name it also looks like I forgot to add some battles on these edges at the keyhole piece so I'm just going to do this right now it will not be perfectly smooth in the corners because we already added the battle on the other parts but just try to select these edges like this but luckily because we set the measuring to uniform on the previous bevels it will not look too bad when we add these new bevels separately okay let's continue so what I will be doing now is adding some cube objects which are very thin and I'm going to position these exactly on these deeper parts of the chest so this will actually be there to add the materials on later because it will look a lot better so for this you can make it something like to send them in your stick and I'm also going to add a filler to this so we have some rounding on the ends so now we can add a duplicate of this and position it above the other one and you can also try to line this up with this line you can see right here so that is the line of the deeper parts of the chest and you can also scale this up on the y-axis so now when these two ends connect with each other you have some kind of smooth gaps in between them which will cast some shadows when we continue with the lighting so that's a good thing so let's continue with the other parts maybe for this top part we will be using two pieces or just one that's up to you and it is the same thing on the other side again so you can copy and paste these and just rotate them and we will also do the same thing on these sites for the top Cuba the sites you will also notice it will always be too big so for this one you will need to make this editable and just move these top points towards the center so that this all there is to the top part now we can go ahead and select all these parts we just created and group them together so it is a little cleaner and now let's continue with the bottom part for this one we will be using a slightly different technique because the shape is totally different so let's create a plain object this time instead of a cube object and you're going to rotate this so it looks like this and we will also be decreasing these segments to just one segment on every axis let's make this plane editable as well and also down here at the coordinates field you can scale this with exact numbers so for this one I will be using 100 centimeters on the x-axis and also 180 centimeters on the z-axis if you rotate it the object this way so you need to make sure it looks something like this in the viewport let's move this down so it kind of lines up with the bottom of the top part and we're going to select this bottom edge and use the scale tool to scale is out so it roughly follows the lines of the top part that maybe we also want to scale up this top edge just a little so this looks like a shape that will fit let's hide the top part and we're going in the polygon mode so we can select this one polygon we have and normally you would use the inner extrude tool again but you will have these diagonal lines again at the corners which we don't want so this time I'm just going to manually add loop cuts at every side so 20 centimeters again but if you would try to make some vertical cuts on this you will see the line is in a different angle depending on where you want to make the cut so we don't want that because that's not exactly precise instead we are going to set the offset mode of the loop cut option to edge distance instead of proportional this way it will always stay at the same angle depending on the edge you are starting from and for the horizontal ones we can also reset the offset mode to proportional just to be sure and just make two more cuts at 20 centimeters let's delete a center polygon we don't need this anymore and we're going to select all the other polygons again and use the extrude tool with create caps turned on and extrude is something like minus 20 centimeters or just 20 centimeters it doesn't really matter this way we have this one piece of the frame so let's line this up with the side while holding shift so it moves in increments of 10 centimeters and we're going to duplicate this to the other side while holding Shift + command so we have the exact mirrored version of this and now what we would like to do is making a connection between these two objects that these are two separate objects so what we need to do first is selecting both of them right-clicking on them and then go down here to connect objects and delete this way we have just one object with all the geometry inside of it let's go any polygon mode again and select these four corner pieces at every side and then right click and select bridge this way if we are still in the polygon mode you have this option delete original polygons we want this to be checked so it will get rid of everything we don't need anymore after making the connections and just start by dragging from one corner to the other but just make sure you use the same corner of the polygon at every side so not the top left and the bottom right but always the top left and the other top left so this way we have some nice connections also one more thing before we continue is making a duplicate of this object and just hiding it so we have a backup object with this geometry which is clean and just not touched at all we will need this object in the next step so make sure you actually do this so let's continue by adding some smoothing to these edges so what you can do is using your loop selection tool again in the edge mode and select all the Rings at the center and also at each sides so the outer rings and the inner rings make sure to check every side so everything that needs to be selected this and then we can use the bevel tool again that the values should still be at the same as we did them on the previous bevel so what we can do is just scrolling down and selecting new transform and that way you twelve set the battle exactly like we did it on the previous one let's reveal the top part again so we can see how this looks maybe we want to move the bottom part up a little so it looks better okay so now we are at the part where we want this back up object we just made a duplicate off so let's hide the beveled one and unhide the clean one and I'm going to make just another copy of this just to be sure and use that one instead and what a good like to do now is adding some petals at the inner parts of the frame so what you would normally do is selecting these edges and just using the bevel tool to make some levels like so like we did on the top part actually but you will see it will give us some weird glitchy stuff at the inside of the frame which we don't want of course so instead we will need to do some manual modeling what you can do is using the loop cut tool again and we will make a loop cut at 20 centimeters from every side of the corner pieces like this so when that is done you can go in the polygon mode and select just these polygons at the corner so the outside frame of it and just press you and I on the keyboard which will invert the selection and press Delete to delete everything else now we need to finish up some of these pieces so it looks like the bevel I originally intended to make so what we can do is going in the edge mode and using the bridge tool to bridge these edges so we fill in these corners with a nice diagonal line okay so one that is done on every side we can select all of these polygons again let's also unhide the battleframe we made and I'm going to make an extrusion on these polygons we have selected with the create caps option turn on and let's use something like 3 centimeters this way we have some nice corner pieces which are the feet of the chest actually so now we can also add some smoothing to this we you can do this manually like we just did it on all the other parts or you can use the bevel deformer if you're on a newer version of cinema 4d and just drag it on the plane object and also set the offset to 1 centimeters with 5 subdivisions like we did on the other ones but you can see we have some smoothing at these center pieces which are not exactly meant to be beveled so what we need to do for that is selecting the use angle option you could play around with the angle threshold but it should be fine at the default setting so what we need to do now is just adding these cube objects like we did at the top so just use the duplicates of that and maybe you want to scale and down so it is looking a little better and then just to repeat the same steps over again and group everything together to keep it clean let's add some final details to these bottom pieces we just created so let's add a cylinder object maybe and you're going to add two of these at the sides so maybe let's try to Center these up with these polygons like so duplicate them to every side and just try to make sure the angles are aligned up so the cylinders aren't floating next to the object okay one last piece we are going to create for the chest itself are the handles at the side so let's start off with a cube object and I'm going to make this something like 12 centimeters on every side or maybe even smaller if you like too and just make it roughly one-third of the size of the side that we are going to make this editable so we can select both the outer polygons and we're going to extrude this with the same size as we set the cube objects itself so that was 12 centimeters this way we have exact cubes at every side again and now we can select these new polygons at the front and extrude these out again so they almost hit the chest now use the inner X through 2 to give a second larger polygon at the same position and then use the extrude tool again to make the full connection towards the chest so what I'm going to do now is soloing this piece and the viewport and I'm going to select these four edges so the ones at the outer corners and the inner corners and then use the bevel tool again with 0 subdivisions so we can get something like this and now use the loop selection tool in the edge mode again so you can select this top ring and the bottom ring and also these rings at the connections with the chest and we're also manually going to add these four edges at the outer corners so now here is the bevel tool again and we're going to set it to 1 centimeters with five subdivisions again like we did on the other smooth parts it would look nice if we added some kind of angle to this so it isn't sticking out exactly straight like this now the easiest and most reliable way to do this is using a deformer so let's get a shear deform and drag it under the cube object and you can see this yellow dot is pointing upwards so we want to rotate the shear object so it is pointing away from the chest and then click fit to parent to make it exactly the size of the handle we just created and now you can play around with the strength of its also set the angle to zero if you want it to be a straight angle and not curved and also one more thing to make it look even better is using the within box mode so that way it is only deforming the object within this purple box so you can see on the viewport and then just move the box just a bit away from the chest so it doesn't include these connection pieces at the side and that way it looks the best in my opinion so let's duplicate this object to the other side and rotate it of course and that way we can also drag this under the bottom group we've already had okay so let's continue with one more piece we need a model which is the key which will enter the keyhole in the animation so that it's just a cylinder again try to make a Desai's of the keyhole in the front view and you are also going to decrease the segment's to eight in this case again so it fits in the hole and we're going to make this roughly the length of a key and then what we can do is making this editable and selecting these front polygons and extruding them out a little so we can scale them down just a bit that way we have some kind of grounding to the front and then to get these small pieces at the bottom we're going to make some loop cuts you could make some manual loop cuts though too at every part or you could even make one loop cut and decrease the number of cuts under the loop cut options so this way we have new polygons at the bottom which we can extrude downwards again with the move tool so while holding commander control this way it will always go in an exact vertical direction instead of growing towards the bottom okay so when that is done we need the part at the back of course the handle of the key so for that we can use this cylinder object again and we will need to rotate this like so and make it roughly the size of something that would fit and we're going to decrease the rotation segments again to eight and we can also delete the polygons at both sides so we just have this ring of polygons and now scale is down on the z axis so the blue handle this way it will turn into an oval and we're going to select all the polygons so we can use the extrude tool with the create caps option turned on and that way we can give it some thickness also one more thing you can do if you want to is selecting these outer rings of edges and just give them a bit of a bevel to make it look a bit smoother let's group both objects together and name it key so it is clean again and we can also place this under the top group because it will move together with the top part when it rotates when it opens in the chest okay so that is actually what there is to the chest what I did for this animation is adding some text inside of it so the 10,000th number you can do this by going in the mograph menu and using the mode text object and then just enter the settings you like for the font and stuff and what I also did this adding some Phillip gaps to this you can also see it will start to look a little more fat so what we need to do is decrease in the font weight of its maybe and also the horizontal spacing so it isn't intersecting with each other and one more thing I forgot to do is adding some plates or pubes at the bottom of the chest so we need to animate this top group but if you try to rotate right now you can obviously see it isn't rotating like we want to do so what we need to do is moving the axis of the rotation to a more correct spot so with the top group selected select this enable access button that we're going to move this somewhere near the back here at the bottom you can see it is overlapping as a hinge or something and that way it will look the best in my opinion but feel free to put it anywhere you like it's even more there is some overlapping and stuff but this is some kind of cartoony style so it doesn't need to be that realistic with real hinges and stuff I'm not going to pay attention to that okay so before moving on let's add some more scenery around the cell a floor and background so first of all we are going to create this floor object and try to line it up with the bottom of the feet of the chest and we're also going to create a background object of course as you may have seen in other videos you can create an infinite floor look by adding a compositing tag to the floor object and then selecting the compositing background option I'm also going to open my project settings by pressing ctrl or command + D and down here you have the default object color and I'm going to set this to 80% gray to get this kind of clay render so you can see the background and the floor are working it also looks like I need some small adjustments to these cubes also for this one I'm going to use an HDR image to light the scene but for animations I have to tell you it is a little slower to render so if you want something that will render your animation quickly I would recommend staying away from this method and just checking my previous video on some lighting tips where you have some alternatives which render way quicker but for this one you can go to the material manager at the bottom and click on create and load material preset and in here you have a lot of presets on materials but also lighting setup so I'm going with the sunny neighborhood so let's go in the render settings again and I will be adding a global illumination and you can keep the settings at default for now just to see how it looks also I'm not exactly sure if I already mentioned that you should add a name Bude occlusion to make it look better but if you haven't already also make sure to add that one so for my liking the front of this chest is just a little too dark so what I'm going to do is adding a light to the scene and just add an area shader to this but maybe we can also decrease the intensity so it isn't too dominating or too bright and you can see this kind of positioned in front and above the chest so that way it is compensating enough and guess and that way we have this more bright look to it so here at the bottom at least at my screen I can see the keyhole its surface is not exactly very smooth so we have this line here the edges which are showing that is because we deleted the funk tag on this so maybe we should add the fan tag back to it the easiest way to do this is just duplicating it from another object in your hierarchy so let's move on to some materials to make it look better the first one will be 40 background so I'm going to use something like a very dark grey with a hint of blue in it and I'm going to drag this on both the floor object and the background objects also I'm working if you would render this you would see the sky in the background so we need to disable that the sky is seen through the background to do this we need to add a compositing tag to this one again and you can uncheck scene by camera let's create a new material again this one will be for the golden frame so we need a gold color of course and I'm also going to add a layer texture to this so had a layer that we can go inside of this by clicking the thumbnail and then here we can start adding the layers so the first one will be a shader and go to surfaces and we're going to add some rests to this you can see the colors are very strange but you shouldn't worry about that because we are going to add yet another shader which will be the color and this one can be some kind of gold but it doesn't need to be exactly the same color as the gold we just added ok so when that is done we need to arrest beneath it to show through the color so let's set the mode of the color to color that way you can see through it it is still very patchy and way too dark so we're going to set the mix strength of this layer to add and also decrease you make strength of it to something like 15% okay let's go to the reflectance let's make this just a little wider and also increase the specular strength of this to a hundred percent so it's shinier maybe you can also right-click on this sphere at the top so you can change this to rounded cube to have a better understanding of how it looks on the object so now you can see we have this reflection of the specular which is very white but we wanted to be more gold looking so at the bottom here we can change this specular color to something more yellow so not exactly gold but more bright yellow in this way you get this kind of fast rendering golden shiny look we're also going to add a bump to this and you're going to just manually recreate that same rest pattern so create a layer you're going to add a shader and maybe we can also add a metal texture to this first to get it more layered and after that we are going to add this rest effect we just added on the color Channel and now just set the mix mode to overlay for the rest layer that way we have a mixture of both of them also if we go back to the bump options you can increase the strength of it to make it more defined and that is all we need to do for the golden material so let's add that to the frames and maybe you can see some kind of weird projection on this so the easiest way to fix this just clicking on these materials and setting the projection from UVW mapping to cubic in that way it is just projecting it like it should be okay so let's move on to a new material again but for this one we can actually just copy and paste this previous gold material and we will be adjusting this this one will be for the other metal parts so it just changed the color to something more gray and we will also go in the layers of course because we have this yellow color inside of it that we will set this to something more blueish dark gray also one last thing we need to adjust is the reflectance color so let's also set this to our very bright blue color let's add this material to defeat at the bottom the handles and the key so I'm moving on to the next material which will be the wooden parts what we are going to do is just ignoring the color of it and you're just going to add a texture to this feel free to use any texture you find on the internet if you want to but I will be using the wooden material which is built inside of cinema 4d so add texture and go to surfaces again and we will select wood let's open this up and the first thing I'm going to do is moving this point at the start of the gradient more towards the back so the lines are more sharp and I'm also going to change these colors you can copy what you see on my screen or you can do something yourself but I want it to be some kind of brown which is very close to red or orange and the second one will be just slightly different it is just a few percentage is different from the other color now down here you can play around 2d values but what I found to be nice-looking is disabling all the grain on this and we will also decrease the wave scale of everything so something like 10% will do and now we can drag this on these cubes we just created then quickly going to disable the ami and occlusion and global illumination to have a faster render so you can see how the texture is projected on the cube this way you can see we have something that looks like wood but maybe this isn't exactly realistic I wanted to be more stretched over the object and not circular so what we can do is go into this object and selecting the material that we are going to set this projection to cubic again and now we are going to manually adjust how this material is projected on this cube so click on this button right here for the texture mode and you should be able to see this kind of weird cage around the cube so that is the cubic projection and if you try to move this or scale as you can see we have some kind of weird stuff going on and that is because to actually do this correctly we need to enable the access mode don't ask me why but it is just the way it is so with that enabled we can stretch this horizontally and maybe scale is down on a zone as well and that way we can get this stretched look on the texture so to make things a little faster I think it is easier to just copy and paste this material on all the other cubes instead of repeating these steps over and over again and you can also add some variation to how it looks by moving the texture with this texture mode still enabled so I'm going to speed this up for you guys it is just the same steps and just try to move some of these textures so it breaks up a little more okay so that is done I'm going to re-enable my ambient occlusion and global illumination and see how this looks when we render again and you can see this is how it looked in the example actually so one more thing I'm going to do now is adding a camera object with a focal length of something like 50 to make it look more playful and let's get one more render with everything opened up so we can see if everything is correct that maybe you should be adding some of these wooden materials on the inside of the top part as well okay so let's add some last preparations before we start the actual animation part in the example at the beginning you can see there are some lights Saudis actually wear some spotlights so get one and you're going to position this somewhere at the bottom of the chest now let's go in the general tab of this light and you can set this to any color you like I got something in between pink and purple that we're also going to change the type of spotlight to square spot we are not going to add any shadows to this but we will set the visible lights to volumetric this way the light will be more visible so you can just use these yellow handles at the top to make it smaller and you can also click on the center one and drag it down to adjust some of the inner follow offset stuff that you're going to make some duplicates on every side and rotate these a little so it is going outwards and let's take a look when we render this again this is kind of underwhelming they are very small so we need some adjustments I have to admit that I always forget what sitting is giving us what effects so I usually just play around with these settings until something is changing but for this problem that I look so small I think this just that we need to make them look bigger so just increase the size at the top so that is looking slightly better maybe increase the size even more and also one last thing I'm going to do is actually placing them all together so they are starting from the center instead of next to each other and that way it looks just a bit better in my opinion also once again if you don't want this chest to look black in the viewport you should hide it in the render view by clicking this top dot every light okay so finally let's get started with animation so a first thing we are going to animate is the top part of the chest so make sure it is actually closed you can reset the value of the rotation to zero let's also get us some space in the time by adding some more frames to this at the back so let's go to one hundred and ten frames maybe this one will be quite easy but I know if you open the F curves and it's really overwhelming because everything is inside of there so we would like to have this more simplified and that is actually easier to do than you think so for this top part of the chest I know we just want to add some rotation to this so that means we want to disable all the other options when we make a keyframe so down here next to the keyframe buttons we can actually disable everything except the rotation option and now we can create a first keyframe what I've found to be nice-looking as adding it somewhere close to the 35 or 36 frame click on keyframe and we're going to stop the animation at 88 frames so now in between those two keyframes at frame 61 maybe you can add the rotation to this and create a keyframe so this way we have it open and close but we wanted to stop when it is open so not exactly just opening and instantly closing so we need a second keyframe at the same value so we want this to be at somewhere close to 71 for example but you don't want to press keyframe because it will be somewhere in between those two keyframes we already had so instead we actually need the same keyframe as the previous one so click on that one and hold ctrl or command again while moving it so we have a duplicate of this again it is actually the same thing as your model stuff okay so that is the base animation but one more thing I would like to add to this animation to make it look more realistic is a slight bounce when it is closing but I'm not going to do this by adding manual keyframes at every spot where it should open and close but instead I'm going to use the F KERS to do this for us so to get this bounce I want some extra keyframe somewhere around frame 81 where it is totally closed and then almost to the end of the animation I want one more keyframe where it is slightly opening something like even just two degrees or something of rotation okay so now you can see we have this base animation of the opening and closing with the slide bounds of it but you can see there's still a little stiff so we need to adjust the velocity of everything let's go to window and timeline F curve now you can open up this hierarchy at the side and we only need to adjust the pre rotation for this one and you can see this is the curve we have for animation it's an automatic smoothing on this but we want to adjust this so this more dynamic so let's start with this one at the bottom we're going to click on it and we are going to use this handle to stretch this so to understand how this affects the animation you could say that if it is going horizontally it is going slower and how steeper the line is how faster it will go so in this case it will start pretty slow and speed up and then be slower and slower towards the middle of the animation so let's do the same thing on the other side so that is looking pretty good on this part already so now we need to adjust the part at the back now what we can do is rotating these handles a little so it actually is giving us an extra curve at the top and also at the bottom now one last thing to get a last bounce is using the last point and moving that handle downwards so we have one more extra curve to the bottom and this way you can see we have this bouncy look but you can play around with the handless until it looks just fine with the timing and stuff okay so next up we need to make this text come out of the chest when it is opening so that is quite easy to do we were going to add the first keyframe where it is just showing up like it should be in the chest so that is in the middle of the animation and I move back on the timeline until it is closed again and we can move this text down to the bottom and also rotate this but now I made a beginner mistake and that is that only the rotation keyframing turned on and I actually try to animate the movement of it as well so let's move back to the previous frame and make sure the movement is also being keyframed so pay attention to that because otherwise it will not work when that is done we can open the timeline again and let's go to the mode text you can never get through this timeline just like you would in the viewport for modeling so just try that out and what I'm going to do with this curve is making it go slow at the beginning speed up and then going very slow towards the end of the animation let's also do the same thing with the rotation that way you can see this is looking pretty neat okay so now we need to do the same thing with these lights we created of course first of all we need to make them visible again but you can also disable them by clicking these check marks that way we have color again and for this it is just the same steps again we're going to create some keyframes where the animation will actually end and then create the start position and rotation of the lights so you can see in this animation I've made it go slightly different in timing compared to the other animations I think that looks a little more playful but also when the lights are enabled again by clicking on these X's this time you should take a render when the chest is closed to make sure no light is leaking through the object because we used some cuba checks to fill up the parts at the bottom and that way there could be some kind of gaps in between them so make sure that it's not happening otherwise you need to move them closer to each other okay one last thing we need to animate right now is this key at the front this one is a little more complicated so I hope it will be clear to you what I'm doing so let's start by moving the key inside of the keyhole and I'm also going to add a rotation to this so it looks like this opening the chest and let's set a keyframe at something like frame 30 that is the end of the animation again so let's move back in time to somewhere close to 20 and I'm going to rotate this back to the original position and keyframe maybe add one more keyframe in front of it where it is slightly outside of the keyhole and move these two keyframes apart and then at frame 0 I will be adding the start position of the key so that is similar up here and also rotate it downwards a little so we have this nice curve where it will come from so this is looking a little weird at the end of it animation so for that we need to go to the F curves again let's open this up and you can see there is a lot of stuff going on on this one let's go to Giusti position Y as we're just going to stretch these handles just a little more so it is going slower in the beginning and the ending that is enough for this one let's open the position Z so what we want to happen again is that it starts slower you can also move these dots as well okay I think that should be alright for this one so let's go to the rotation of the key one at this inside of the keyhole so that is just one frame at the end for this one we're going to speed it up towards the end instead of slowed it down so we don't need to move this handle horizontally but very clean okay now lastly we need to go to the rotation of the P axis this is how the key is rotating while it's flying towards the chest and I'm going to stretch this bottom handle towards the side so it is keeping its rotation for a longer time when this coming downwards okay so that is looking good when it is coming towards the chest but it is taking a long time to get in the correct position when it is in front of the chest so actually I should increase the size of these handles at the top again and this way you can see the straightening itself when it is getting closer to the chest so let's go back to our camera view and see what this looks like so one last thing we need to do now for this animation of the key is making sure it closes the chest and gets out of the view so we can make this a loopable animation luckily this is very easy to do just select all the keyframes on the key object and we are going to make some duplicates of this to the side now with these still selected right click on them and go to edit and select reverse sequence this way it is reversed in time so that is quite easy to do and now just move them to the correct position so it is closing where it should be okay let's play this one more time to see if everything is going like it should be and you can see we have one more problem at the top of the key here so when the chest is opened and waiting it is rotating ever so slightly and that usually happens when you reverse sequences and stuff because it is trying to smooth the keyframes at the end of the original animation and the beginning of the new part we just duplicate it so what we need to do is going in the F curve again and find this rotation curve so that was rotation B and you can see here at the middle we have some very strange curve so we need to straighten this out so let's select both of these and instead of making this linear with the options at the top what you would normally do you're going to use the option at the very right of the menu so if you click that the handles of the keyframe will turn to a value of 0 that way it is also straightened out ok now let's take a render when the chest is opened to get things wrapped up and you can see we have some kind of bad stuff going on on the background and on the floor and this kind of patchy and also if you render this like it was with these settings right now with the global illumination that will give you a lot of flickering so right now on the screen you can see how it will look if you render it with the default options and that is even when you try to get rid of the patches at the floor so this will not work for an animation but luckily there are some settings I found on the Internet so what you're going to do is open your under settings and go into global illumination and change the primary method to qmc and the second one to radiosity maps and make sure you are still inside of the general tab and that these samples we are going to click on it and set it to custom sample count you can set this to something lower like 24 and then we are going to Doretta yosity maps tab and then here we are going to decrease the map density to 50% one last thing we need to do to make sure it is looking smooth and detailed it's changing the rendering mode from standard to physical and that way you can render an animation with global illumination so now on the screen you can see the difference between the original render and the new one with the new settings so that is all the rest doing this one I hope you learned a lot of new stuff today and also if you want to share your end results of what you've made or anything you've just made regardless of this video you can find me on Instagram or Twitter and just tag me there in your post so I can see what you've made I'm looking forward to it thanks for watching and I will see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Twistereli
Views: 53,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: C4D, cinema 4D, tutorial, tut, lesson, guide, walkthrough, beginner, noob, start, easy, low poly, cartoon, cute, kawaii, amateur, 3D, render, animation, animating, modeling, model, free download, materials, texture, miniature, isometric, chest, pirate, key, reveal, subscribers, speed art, timelapse, twistereli, how to, graphic design, prop, asset, color, loot
Id: OIi2A1t9d88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 0sec (3120 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 30 2018
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