Knife Modeling Using Zmodeler in Zbrush

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hey welcome to my channel this is Nolan here and in this video I'm gonna make a knife so if you have not subscribed my channel yet and you're new kindly consider subscribe my channel and hit the bell icon so that you get notified whenever I upload my new videos okay so let me show you the image this theme is I'm gonna do I mean this is the image of the knife which I'm gonna do and I know it's a little bit simple and basic and again this video is for beginners and who has never used G modular inside G+ so it's kind of an introduction video to G modeling G modeling so if you are a pro at that and you knows you're modeling then kindly don't watch this video it's gonna cover basic stuff so let's start I'm gonna move this to my second monitor and the first thing here I want to do is importing that texture as a background image here so that I can kind of work again model on top of that kind of tracing thing if you want to do that we need to go to texture before I do anything actually I need to I want to increase this canvas size so let's go to document and heat on this double up some okay now I have a bigger canvas area to work with so let's go to texture and click on the import option okay now let me browse my image so let's import that this is a PNG image you can see doesn't anything the image is not here the image is here you can see once you import that image is here we need to select that and hit this spotlight option so we need to use the spotlight if you have never used spotlight before then you can know check some tutorials or you can follow me and not a big deal so here you can see the spotlight controls and here we can kind of move this image anywhere by clicking on this image area I can just move that like this so I'm using my Wacom tablet here or you can use your mouse doesn't matter you can just hold left mouse or your pain and to move the image and position it if you want to scale it let's say I want to scale up a little bit so I can do that by using this icon so you can see there had a lot of icons and I'm gonna use this to scale you can just drag on that icon you can say that's got highlighted now you can scale and position it like this once you are happy with the position and scaling we can drop it so basically I think I can also make it a little bit transparent so that it it's not that contrast look I mean it should be a little bit dull so there you can see the model easily so we can do that by going to the opacity here you can dial it down you can see yeah and now it's a little bit weak transparent okay now I want to drop it there and then start working with the model so I can do that by pressing G so if I do that it's there and now we are in this draw mode we can take anything I think I'm gonna start with I'm gonna start with a cube maybe we'll do the basic stuff first and for that I think let's start with this step I'm gonna draw that and and start with it and you can see that star is there if I oh I kind of accidentally I'm drawing it because I am not in edit mode so let's go to edit mode and press ctrl n to get rid of other things the latticed will be here and now you can see I can kind of using gbrowse like I used to I mean we are rotating and not doing our stuff so here my X ax axis is and checking my x axis so this is my x axis okay so this is this would be the side the first thing I'm going to do I'm going to change this tag to a plane and then start creating the overall come to our same ok so let's switch to maybe move and then click on you when you click this Bobson will find this gizmo and then we have some option here I can click on this click on this little setting icon and then I'm gonna choose this poly plane okay and you may not able to see that because that's a plane and you cannot see that from the opposite angle it's good to have double side it if you don't see anything kindly come down here display properties hit on this double option so then you can see the polygon face from both side okay and okay not a big thing or a big issue here I'm gonna adjust it so this is my plane if I turn on my poly frame you can see I have quite a bit of polygons going on so I don't want this much of polygons first so what I can do we can use this cone kind of ice cream cone you can see there die scum green ice cream cone and the ice cream part is missing by the way so I'm gonna drag these things to control these edge loops here I want the minimum and here you can see I may I may need to scale it so let's go to scale and scale it so okay so I'm still in this more so what I'm gonna do is clicking on this little setting icon again and switch back to gizmo because we are in we're still in this poly plane mode okay if you don't understand anything kindly repeat and as you watch you'll get it and now I can scale it so let me move this gizmo we can do that holding alt if I move it from here it's basically moving the object but if I kind of just want to move the gizmo then I can hold alt and then do it okay so it's a very good option to kind of scale it let's say you position it here and then want to scale from this side you can do that and again let's say I positioned it here and want to scale this way only I put the gizmo here to this area and scale it so basically I'm scaling from this boxes so basically let's get this overall overall kind of proportion and then I'm gonna use my mudra so here I have my process so I'm using a custom interface here if you don't I'll you are not gonna see the process here you need to come here and choose I mean for move you can place em and you can see all the process start with em letters and then you can choose em I am in the move from there okay so now I'm gonna adjust this vortex I mean these points here we don't I think they don't call this more texia their points inside G+ same thing so here I'm adjusting this top you can see our justing this are adjusting the points I have two lines in between there if it's I think it's visible I'm adjusting the overall shape you can even have one is loops in between rather than two from start and then you can add anytime we want so here you can see I just did that thing I just created that plane here okay no that is behind well what is that that is my basic plane so it doesn't have any thickness so we are gonna do that in a minute I think before I do that I have a hole here so I may I may want to do that let me put this point here maybe here on point so I may want to our odd one is loop here I'm thinking whether I should do it right now okay let's add one is loop so we are working here with G modeling but we have not chose the G model of glass yet so I'm gonna find the G modeling bus so if you press Z you'll find this G modular let's bring that and if you hope over any a is here you can see it says insert edgeloop tool' that's said to insert edgeloop tool' if you hold spacebar and you are on an AIDS any age will see age option is action options and then target so we have two areas here now it's said to insert and single edge loop that means if I click on or click and drag on any age I'm gonna get a is loop you can see okay I think I'm gonna get back to get back the spotlight by pissing G and then switch I mean dial the positive in down so that I can see my object better okay now you can see I'm gonna put a pair Z again to kind of put that there and then let's start adjusting it so basic thing basics a bar just meant here not a big thing here such a just basic stop here and then I'm gonna do one thing I think we're gonna extruder and get the thickness I think I'm gonna put one mores loop here and there and let's not just maybe and at the same time I don't want to put a lot of points here it's always good to have fewer lines fewer points to exist and then eventually we're gonna increase it okay I think I'm happy with this and then I'm gonna give it a little bit thickness okay so if you want to kind of hide the image you can press shift G and again shift eg to bring it back it basically hides the background image okay now I'm gonna give it thickness now it doesn't have any thickness so if you hope about any polygon so now I'm calling these faces polygons here so if I if I hope about any polygons now that's highlighted now it's a 2q Miss and if I hold spacebar I can see all the options here polygons action target area so now it said to QMS a QMS is basically like extrude a little bit kind of more magical little bit more advanced I would say the Q message and I can use extrude as well all single poly if I have this sitting extrude a single poly and I drag on a polygon you can see it extrude that polygon and in this case I want to execute the whole thing so that's why I'm gonna change this to all polygons I'm getting this minnow by holding spacebar okay let's extrude and give it a little bit thickness I'm not exactly sure what would be the thickness but again this is the thickness I guess okay we want one at the center one at the center so you can do one thing we can disperse find access audience and now you can see that this is the front axis which it takes and this is not of I mean we want the z-axis so I'm gonna well mirror and well basically go to geometry and modify topology if you want I want this to kind of hop and mirror it to the other side let's say you are just one side and want to mirror to the other side we can do that let's go to mirror and weld I need to change this to from X to G you can see that little X is highlighted let's change it to G and click mirror now it says the resulting 3d image doesn't contain any polygons operation can salt okay I mean it says there's any polygon action okay my symmetry is not turned on so that's why so I'm gonna actually turn on my symmetry again G and [Music] you need to find out that way it's not not at the center as well so now this model is not at the center so what I'm gonna do is let's go to geometry and position and you can see the G position has some weird value solution press Z I mean zero to the j x and z axis here again let's go to modify topology try mirror weld now it did its job here you can see it mirrored and we got a good and gotten center is basically so before you do this make sure that the model is at the center so for that what I did I went to geometry and under the geometry epsilon you can find position and I can put 0 in the Z position because this is the z-axis here and this is the x-axis so just find your model access it doesn't have to be G you might know kind of doing a knife in this direction so the access would be differential you need to find it by placing the symmetry and see if it's X or G or you can look at this if you are looking at this face like this that means you have G axis okay now I'm gonna adjust it real quick I mean it's not flat I think we can but I can do is let's mask I'm gonna mask this idiots the side area and leave the center and let's invert the mask holding ctrl and clicking outside inverse it let's bring the scale and here I'm gonna maybe put the scale somewhere the center I'm not sure you can put that put the center at the center and then scale like this but basically what I'm doing I'm getting this round say what I did I'm asked both side because I'm using symmetry I just masked one side and it didn't the other side masked and then I can reverse the mask so it must this center area and then I'm scaling you can also just match the center idea and then do it same thing I mean that's more straightforward so now I'm gonna use move brush and now I cannot differentiate the model from the background so I'm gonna change the background color a little bit maybe making it a little bit lighter so I'm dragging this range of Sun towards left so it's making the background more flat so I I was I had a kind of gradient background so this is the basic shape here for the handle I think I need to move this so I'm using the mudras makes you the symmetry is turned on you okay now if I place D and D when I press D that means I'm using dynamics subdiv and if I turn on dynamic here or press D same thing and now it's asking me basically confirming so let's press maybe yes Aloha yes okay now you can see the preview it's like pressing 3 inside Maya so it's a smooth preview it's not the real polygon so we don't have polygons to our you cannot sculpt to anything in between here because we don't have actual polygons it's just a preview but we can convert this preview to actual polygons so we are gonna do that later but here you can see this is the handle I can turn up the poly frame and see let me I don't like this material so let's change it to basic material maybe okay I'm looking at the concept I mean another monitor and and looking at the overall safe I think we need to put some supporting a stuck on kind of hold this area and I want the body a little bit rounded looking so I'm gonna turn off this you can do this by pressing shift D as well okay let's turn on poly film it's easy so I'm gonna what I'm gonna do I'm gonna mask this stuff on this top holding control basically let me hold ctrl and change this free and to lasso so that I can basically draw the inside part and mask these things you can see I'm asking those points are inside points okay I'm asked those pine and gonna I'm gonna reverse it hold ctrl and click anywhere in this canvas area now everything is masked except this idea now I'm gonna scale those so at this stage I'm trying to get overall volume overall form of the handle so it's rounded there I mean around it there and there are few edges which is sharp so I'm looking at that I think yes I think that is fine so here I'm gonna put some supporting edge loops to hold hold the same or I can even go and use creasing option so let's use grids if I press D a ton on dynamic I can see everything is very smooth and now I'm gonna use Creed's so if I go to crease here and I can do the creasing manually if I click on this crease option here it's gonna do it automatically let's see and now you can see every corner is basically which the ace has more than maybe 90 degree of more than 45 degree that is got creased and even though we have dynamics object turned on I mean the smooth modifier turned on because of the crease you can see this dotted dotted lines those are the crease because of those crease now we can see the hard edges okay I can go ahead and AMEX Optive increase the smooth subdiv maybe three or four so there you can see a little bit smoother Merson but the crease is too high okay now i'm gonna let me turn on this i'm gonna decrease this crease level to one okay maybe one two let's see so one now you can see we have kind of creased lines those edges are still kind of holding the shape but not that much I mean you can see the edge corner edge if I increase all now you can see it's very very smooth let me undo so again go to crease and I just undo that so let's you can put maybe two and we'll get more surfaces and if you want very very smooth geometry then we need to come down to here and increase the smooth level here you can see now four is working pretty good and we have the mask and that's why it was you know looking weird okay now you can see hard edges and if I saw either image here you can see we have a cut not here and then round shape here and then we have some corner here okay so what I'm gonna do is increase this line so we don't want to crease this line so it would be more rounded then how can I do that how can i uncrazy so let me turn my poly frame so that I can see there's yes okay we cannot increase by using g modeling class okay let me bring my G model in browse if I hope over any is doesn't matter any age and hold space back get there is action menu and from here I'm gonna change this insert to a crease and again single a is fine I just want to increase this is for this time okay now I can uncreate by holding alt and click on this now you can see as soon as I click I get a smooth rounded shape these edges are still hard creased but that is around so it gave us this round shape so very very useful and everything looks fine except this is now I can say I got this as squished hold alt I'm creased like that okay now if I turn off this you can see the same so you kind of are just at the basic shape and then we're using this dynamic softly with creasing a crease option okay let's do the handle and I might come back to this and do some other stuff but let's do the hand and so let's first focus on bigger stop okay now I'm gonna come I can bring the image back pressing shift to G okay now I'm gonna do this part again same technique I'm gonna import I mean append a plane so let's go to sub tool I paint I'm gonna append a polygon plane plane 3d maybe I paint that and I'm gonna change it to I'm gonna use move and change click here and change to poly plane so it gave us the only difference is with this I think I did something weird so let's turn of this dynamic I think let me undo let's select this one so I often selected that's why make sure you have selected this once you append the polygon plane and select that and then I'm gonna switch to plane 3d the only difference is we can actually adjust the topology directly here so let's move it I move that piece again I don't want a lot of polygons there so let's move that and our just ate here and again scale it I can put the point here holding alt and then drag like that and then let's put the point here and scales basically scaling to get that overall shape and then I'm gonna adjust it using move brush well that's our justice points so I want it topology in this way so that I can not do this later so I think I'm gonna keep this so here we are kind of doing same modeling I mean we used to do these things before in Maya I mean box modeling technique and Jesus came the way and changed everything you kind of free freely weekend's called without worrying about topology but again for hard surface kind of thing now we still need to do this follow this block and box modeling technique now this topology is going this way okay and maybe we can I we can keep put this point here here as long as this topology is going this way we're fine you may need to put one or two edge loops in between these things okay I mean I mean we can put here and keep this summer here maybe when you do this stuff make sure you kind of think about the stuff you are doing I mean there are some details which myths particular topology okay that is good that is the plane here and I think I think I can put one or two ways loops there let's go to G modular and again switch from crease to insert so that I can insert a nice loop here and one is loop here maybe let's go to move our just it and beware of you're adding a lot of unnecessary Polly edge loops you don't want that because if you do that then that would be very hard to add just big steps later so you don't want that what you want is bare minimum bare minimum edge loops and we have that tools that tool is not going anywhere so you can use it anytime we want to use that so here I'm gonna I think okay I'm gonna extrude maybe I think I can do that later once I cannot get the thickness okay I'm fine it to this one and now I'm gonna kind of get rid of the background image by placing safety G and here I'm gonna put a little bit thickness so let's go to G modular again this time face and we have the settings that extrude and all polygons so here you can see if I extrude this way it's fine buzz if I extrude that way it's kind of flipping the polygons I mean it's kind of reversing it so you see this kind of thing it's fine if you want to execute this way you just need to come down to the display and flip it or you can just extrude this way it doesn't matter either way we are gonna move it to the center here you can see from this angle it's not kind of aligned to the center not position so we need to come down to geometry and position where is the position I forget that geometry position let me bring everything yes position G we need to put zero it's basically bringing the model exactly to the data access center okay so once you do this and I think we can have one is loop at the center maybe not a big deal I think we can have that so let's mirror it mirror and weld so when you meter run well it's gonna again we need to switch to G it's not x axis this angle is G axis I can say that from the head meter weld okay so here and I think that is fine then I'm gonna this is a little bit thick for a knife a blade specially and here I'm gonna choose my scale from the center we have that exactly at the center so let's scale it I think I rotated it a little bit we need to do it in a little bit carefully I mean I'm scaling it making it thinner you can do it from this angle it's clear to see I was doing it like this so that's bad I think this angle is good and then I'm gonna mask this point because the knife is kind of changing its plane it's kind of straight here and then from this line this line it's gonna change angle and we need to mask that area little mask this area we can actually mask everything here I think I missed this so make sure I got that every points here now I don't have mask this point so what I'm gonna do is scale those and get that point I mean very sharp line again we need to know avoid making this very very sharp like like you can a paper don't do that have a little bit thickness because when we're gonna apply dynamics Optive it's gonna lose a little bit of volume maybe so that's why and maybe I'm not exactly sure if I want to inverse it and make these things a little bit wider so that I get a good differentiation in this angle I get a good angle basically here okay now we have that basic shape and I just want to continue this area towards here so what I'm gonna do is let's go to polygons and let's hold spacebar and I think this time I'm gonna use maybe QMS and before I do that I need to make a poly group out of this four faces so that I can execute that idea only so I'm gonna hold alt and then paint like this you can press alt and paint to create poly groups when we create polygroups we can apply any of these options to a polygroup so now I'm gonna I think I can extrude but a big problem exterior and polygroups if I extrude with all polygons it's gonna extrude everything I don't want that I want to extrude only this Pollak group okay if you don't have and don't have any idea about polygroups kindly and watch some tutorials about poly group that very simple thing okay now it's basically kind of selecting to select and to apply things on that selection so extrude polygroup all you can choose that polygroup all that doesn't mean it's gonna kind of extra debris polygroup I mean it's gonna extrude this poly group all so this all the faces in that polygroup well now I'm gonna extra now you can see it's extrude that direction here I'm gonna mask that idea maybe must this area invert the mask holding ctrl and clicking outside so now everything got must accept that idea so I'm gonna move that into basically trying to floss that with the knife let me bring the knife image so that I make sure okay I did a wrong thing I mean when I cannot click this mirror and weld and it was it had the X on so it kind of mirrored this angle and not a big deal I'm gonna delete that just gonna ignore that for a minute and I'm you can notice one thing I'm doing it without turning prospectivity so when you are using in his image but at the back side I try to not to use this prospectivity so that you can kind of rematch it with the amazin into your stop okay active let's fast deleted so I can delete it by let me unmask it I can delete it by let's say hold ctrl shift and just drag a box like this and in the green box side here you can see I'm keeping this area so it's basically isolating it and now this part is hidden now I can delete that hidden part by coming to modify topology and del hidden so it's gonna delete the hidden object you know that part is gone and now let me bring my knife back trying to match with the knife okay maybe it's not max messing exactly I don't know why I think we need to match it maybe accidentally I scaled down that handle maybe I could have done that let's select that and scale it not a big deal sometimes this stop happens you accidentally scale and move something maybe not a big deal just kind of position it and scale it and then I'm gonna use move brush everything in GPS is very very easy so you don't need to worry about anything here and I think I should have X to this as well and I didn't do that I did it till here so I'm gonna acting do it again so what I'm gonna do it's a good good thing to soul so mean I mean so you the QM a substance I'm gonna do that so this time I'm gonna use QMS or let me go to G modular G modular and then however if face of polygons and just change this X to 2q miss a single poly that's fine I'm gonna extrude this thing okay let me solo it I mean just I want to see this and hide this one I can come here and hide the eye I mean turn of the eye of that okay now I'm gonna do one thing I'm gonna can accuse this like that and you can see the magic eye earlier I said it's a little bit kind of stronger and magical tool then extrude because it's actually it's a little bit different the next year when you extrude that's kind of x2 and Keef Tom a separate if I extrude now let me change it to extra and extrude this object first thing I need to actually polygroup it and do the stop and let me actually do if I do it you can see it's extra it doesn't it's not kind of slapping and merging it with other parts it's still a different piece if I smooth you can see it's not merging not welded here but if I use Q miss and do the same thing here we can it makes you my symmetries on by pressing X key maybe now you can see I just turn on my symmetry by pressing X it's kind of extruding and at the same time it's marching it's welded here it's not a different piece it's welded so that's the beauty of that q miss and now that's done let me bring my image back I think it's matching this time okay now I'm gonna switch to move maybe let's actually let's keep this point here and maybe with a bigger bust keep this here the overall size and when we can divide it we lost a little bit of volume here so I'm gonna move and try to get that arc got a little bit kind of volume lost a little bit volume so again when we are Justice Epps don't use a small brush and do this try to use bigger brush bigger more brush so that you won't get any wobbliness on the miss it still weighs smooth okay and now I think we need to put one is love here at the center so that I can get that curve there so let me hide the hide that and then let's put one is loop here against which 2g modular and change and put one is look now the edge loop is going this way so I can't do one thing maybe I can actually let let me move this point somewhere here and when I do this make sure let me mask and do this two masks and then I'm gonna if you want to move this gizmo quickly to that idea you can hold alt and click anywhere just to bring the gizmo to that third place you can do that course and I'm gonna move that like that so that when I put an ace glue it comes over here and this is not exactly symmetrical so I may try to reclaim this I mean click mirror and weld and you can see it correct the other side I mean it again mirror that okay now I think let me add an edge loop and oh we have the mask okay I think this is fine so now I'm gonna and I do one thing let me and we are Justin geld that arc there let me move here move these points if you want to go close and you can do that by again pressing Z bring the spotlight scale the image are the background image and then hit G to put that there and then start working here if you want to kind of look at the image closely you can do this and I'm gonna put it here don't worry we can three click on that mirror on ting option maybe you it's not gonna maybe Matt's exactly what they can that's not a big thing okay now we have that let me try it the Miss and now I'm gonna use my dynamic subdiv so let's go to geometry and click on dynamic subdiv hit the dynamic option on and we need to have some crease line so let's go to Crete and this time I'm gonna click on Crete okay now increase view is this you can see and the dotted lines if I go close you can maybe see those lines the first thing I'm gonna decrease it to maybe two okay so 11 is way too much so I'm gonna have two and then I'm gonna make this as creased because we have that hardit's so I'm gonna make that crease okay so let's go to my gym or liberals for that GI modular go to any is highlight that whole space but change this to crease hold alt and I mean sorry don't hold alt we want to crease it so not on crease you can just click to crease and now that it's got clear crease but in this case we just want to we want to crease that whole loop so in this situation and I need to change this to its loop complete and click on the edge now you should have seen and you should be able to see that hard is and no it's not I kind of finished here we need to have that line going this way but again this could be a knife but we need to spend more time if you want that I think let me undo I don't think I have the top close maybe maybe we can make this now make this is hot it's okay so let's make this I'm gonna click here make that is hard I don't want that this is to kind of go this way so let me undo and let's change this to again is only a so that I can do it one by one like that maybe this maybe yeah I should have turned on my symmetry I think I have all the is this crease here okay let's see let's see if I have it and okay we have that that looks fine we don't want this crease here so we can hold alt and and on crease this is this let's increase this is this I don't want this is this to be creased I just want this line to kind of come and this way kind of turns the corner and here we why we have this kind of round shape we in this situation we don't have that here you can see it's not very tight so in this kind of situation I need one supporting his loops so let me switch to insert and let's put every one is loop here Oh let me oh sorry I chose inset that's why insert and then single as loop is fine let me have a nice loop here you can see now we have a more kind of corner if I put it here you can see and we can still see some polygons that's because we don't have we just have two more smooth subjects in here we need to increase it to maybe three or four and now we have this I know it's very basic but again it gives you the basics of cheap modeling tool I mean gee modeling technique and if you want to make that whole then let's try to do that on this piece and let me go to poly frame and let's turn on the dynamic temporarily so that we can do something here and I'm gonna do the whole here so let's insert this face so I'm gonna hover over this face and let's switch to inside okay now I'm gonna do it single poly I just want to kind of inset is basically extruding and scaling inward in Maya or it's exactly in 3d max in 3d max it calls it it's called inset okay now let me check my symmetry that should be there oh let's turn on the symmetry and it's inside I want to make a hole here so it should be your perfect round in order to get that hole so I'm gonna make this a perfect square I mean perfect square so let's move these points and [Music] doesn't matter we are making this kind of manual square here okay this is the square and now I want to create a hole I mean this area needs to be empty kind of threw the model how you can do that again here we can see the strength the difference between QMS and extra if I go to G modular brass and however this polygon any polygon actually and then hold spacebar now I'm gonna choose QMS and a single poly is fine so now if I drag this out it's kind of extruding but if I go inside you can see if I go inside that way that side maybe actually let me turn of the creating the weirdest thing so let me go that way and now you can see the whole it's kind of extrude there and kind of snap inside to this side and clears the hole and see its hole if I can put my finger that side we can see my finger there okay now if I turn on my dynamic sub tip I'm in dynamic you can see the hole but again it's kind of melted we need to kind of crease those edges let me go to my gmod alert hobo or any age change it to create and I'm gonna craze it let me turn of this let's first crease I think I'm gonna turn on my symmetry again crease this is this I'm creasing these edges so that when I apply smooth I mean dynamic subdiv the is is tight and sharp here let me turn on okay I missed this as I think so let's click on that sometimes it's very hard to kind of highlight a particular age but again zebras chip modeling is very powerful and we can manage with it it's not perfect but again it's very very powerful and let me turn off this and you can see it's very easy to create holes by using QMS and I know it's not perfect I can we I can kind of adjust this shape but again it's very close it's very close you can just move these points and they're the more the square square is kind of perfect square I mean perfect box it will give you a good result here we are now it's done and now I'm going to put some material just to finish and this up so for this thing I'm gonna use maybe maybe the basic material I think this material is fine we just need to change the color maybe to brown okay something something like that and now I'm gonna choose mrgp and then let's go to color and field object now that object and got the material color now I'm gonna select this one and this time I'm gonna choose metal metal metal zero one and change this color to maybe it to be dark don't know I can see the metal less there something like that okay now I'm gonna fill it with this field object so now we have metal material with signs and then this is a simple metallic even they can have maybe I can choose em since the material - maybe basic or something but this one and just do it the same I'm gonna fill the material we get a reverse sign on this as well okay thank you for watching this video and please subscribe my channel if you have not and hit the bell icon so that you won't miss anything and if you wonder what I do i do create online courses I teach I teach character tutorials and I'm gonna put the links I'm gonna put the udemy links there in the description kindly shake those out if you are interested thank you for watching this video I'll see you till the next video take care bye bye
Channel: Nexttut
Views: 2,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maya 2018, zbrush tutorial, maya tutorial, nalini kanta jena, character sculpting, zbrush sculpting, zbrush turorial, beginner zbrush tutorial, human anatomy zbrush, modeling tutorial
Id: j2OXMHfjaW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 2sec (2942 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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