MODELING IN UNITY?! - ProBuilder Tutorial

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so pro builder has been acquired by unity and it's now free for everyone to use prova there is an amazing tool for quickly modeling assets and levels within the unity editor and I personally think it's really great for prototyping you can make some incredibly beautiful things using pro builder well I can't what other people can and let's no doubt it's a really useful tool so let's jump right into it also special thanks to Patrick McKinney Diego infinity PBR and your I Omar for their support on patreon so before we can start using pro builder we need to include it in our project as of recording this video the pro builder tools aren't part of unity by default instead we have to go to the asset store to download it I'll of course have a link for this in the description once it's downloaded you should see a pro core folder in your project now we can go to the top under tools go under Pro builder and let's open up the pro builder window and this is going to open up a new window with a bunch of icons if we right-click on the blank space here we can choose between icon mode or text mode this is really just a matter of preference I often switch between them when I'm looking for a particular setting but most of the time I spend in icon mode now I'm using Pro builder together with pro grids to easily snap everything to the grid and that's also why you seen the green gridlines here it's totally optional but if you want to set that up as well I suggest you check out our video on programs and now we're pretty much ready to get started so the first tool that I want to show is the polygon shape tool if we click this we can quickly draw out a shape I'm certainly gonna press my mouse button in order to insert some points and I'll draw out a nice space for our level here once you're satisfied simply close out the shape and we then use our mouse to control the height of the extrusion I think about two units seems fine we can always go in and adjust afterwards and once you're happy hit enter this completes our shape and it's now an object that we can move around the scene so that's how you can easily get started with creating objects in Pro builder but pro builder is also great for modifying objects after the fact at the very top here we have four different icons these are basically our selection modes currently we're in object mode so we select an entire object at a time we can also switch to vertex selection this allows us to select individual vertices and you'll notice that we can easily move these around using the default unity move tool I'm just gonna undo that we also have a selection move for edges these are the lines that connect between vertices as well as faces beside these surfaces that fill out our geometry so in my case here I'm gonna select the face at the bottom I'm then gonna switch to the scale tool by hitting R and if I just go ahead and scale this up you can see what happens it kind of stretches out our model this is fine in some cases but what I want is to create some extra geometry underneath our current platform to do that I hold down shift and then scale and you can see that we are now creating an extra surface underneath we then choose the right size for this and then gonna switch to the move tool and again I'm gonna hold down shift and move in order to extrude out the surface I'm gonna make this two units wide as well again I'm gonna switch to the scale tool hold down shift and extrude inwards in order to kind of form a pillar and don't worry about the glitching here that's just because the lighting is currently calculating and finally I'm gonna switch back to the move tool hold down shift and move it down in order to extrude out a pillar so now we kind of have a platform standing on top of a pillar and it's kind of resembling a watch tower if we want it we could easily go in here and add extra detail for example we could switch to at selection and in order to quick select the entire ring that goes around our pillar we can simply double click and now we could try moving this down a little I think that looks pretty cool in order to better see what we're looking at I'm just gonna take our directional light and just decrease the intensity to something like point eight now depending on what mode we're currently in and what we have selected we're going to see different icons in our pro builder window and you might find that these are pretty overwhelming in the beginning luckily they are color-coded in order to make it easier to find the setting you're looking for if we select the top face of our model here we can use all the red icons in order to change the geometry say we wanted to add a bevel we'd click the icon right here and voila we've now created a bevel all the way around our surface right next to the bevel we have a button that will subdivide the surface we can also flip the face normal as well as detached faces all the tools that are marked with blue have to do with selection the ones that I use the most here is the ability to grow and shrink your selection this is the gross selection button and this shrink selection button lets switch into object mode and here we can use all the green buttons to affect our entire object we could for example mirror objects and notice that this is one of the settings that has a little cog here which means that we can change some options on the setting by simply holding down alt and clicking and here we could for example change what access we want to mirror on I'm just gonna delete that another handy setting is that we can actually take our model and export it using this button right here if you hold down alt we get to choose what format we want and a bunch of other settings this is super useful for great boxing and prototyping a level because you can lay out your level and see if it place nice and once you're satisfied you can take your pro builder level and bring it into an actual 3d modeling software and there you can replace objects and add detail to make it look much better and then simply bring it back into unity and finally the orange color at the top is for all of the editors this is where we created our new polygon shape and that's actually another way to create objects which is really powerful and that's using this shape generator it's the first button in the top left and if we click this we now get a new window as well as a preview of the object that we're currently generating I'm just gonna go and move up our preview here so we can actually see it and this allows us to easily generate a bunch of different shapes if we go to the shape selector we can change from cube to prism their options for doors pipes cones arches and one that I use all the time which is extremely useful is it has a stayer generator this tool is just amazing I want to go ahead and get rid of the curvature so I'm gonna set that to zero I'm also going to move it over and move it down a bit I'm gonna rotate it by about 90 degrees and so it's nicely centered I'm gonna leave the width at around to that set the height to two as well and I think actually does the we'll be fine and around too as well if we want to adjust the amount of steps we can simply change that here I think I'm gonna add in a few more steps here once you're satisfied with all of your options simply hit build pro builder generates the object and it's now like any other that we can see in our scene if we go and close this window we can maybe add a tiny bit more geometry to our level I'm gonna open up the polygon shape tool and I'm just quickly gonna draw something out I definitely like the look of that so I'm gonna go ahead and create another stair for this I'm gonna select the stair tool I'm gonna move up the stair place it where I want it and this one I want to add curvature to so I'm gonna set the curvature to around 90 I'm gonna rotate it move it over let's change the height to one and I actually think that looks pretty nice and then I'm gonna hit build stair and I hope that you're starting to see just how easy it is to quickly create levels with this tall now once we're satisfied with our model its of course nice to be able to add some colors and materials to it to do that let's open up the material editor here we can drag in all the materials that we want to be able to apply to our models this of course the default prototype one which is the one that's currently applied I've also created two materials beforehand a blue material and a red material and if you want to create your own simply right click go create material we can call this one green material and you can pretty much use any settings that you'd like here probably also have some shaders that you can use the default shader simply use the standard vertex color you can choose a texture I'm just gonna go with the default grid box here and we can maybe tinted a green color and now we can simply drag it into the material editor just like all the others then to apply a material to one of our objects we simply select it so I'm gonna select the topmost object here and you can see the shortcuts that are mapped to the different materials right here so in my case I'm gonna press alt for in order to apply the green material and there we go for the stairs here I'm gonna add a blue material and if we only want to add colors to a certain part of an object well then we simply select the object we go into face mode and I'm gonna select all the faces around the edge of this tower here and then we simply press the material that we want so I'm gonna select a red material for this one and there we go now I'm just using simple colors to illustrate the concept here but you can add as much detail as you want to your materials if you want to use metallic maps and normal maps and height maps you can simply use the standard shader also sometimes it's nice to be able to manually edit you reads on an object luckily pro builder actually comes with a UV editor as well let's select our top object here and hit F to focus on it we then open up the UV editor here this is a nother window and here we can actually see the UVs that make up our object say we wanted to change the UVs on the top surface here well we can simply move it over scale it up and rotate it just as you would in the normal unity editor in fact if you wanted to create a custom texture specifically for this object we can press the small camera button here in order to render out or you v's so that we can paint on top of them in our texturing software pretty cool oh and did I mention that right away our objects should actually already have colliders I'm just gonna add a quick rigidbody to our scene here and if I now hit play we can see that the ball collides with our environment yay that's pretty much it for this video on pro builder I expect a lot of these features and you want to go through some changes now that it's part of the unity ecosystem so stay tuned for that also I'm pleased to announce that we now have an official breakfast discord server it was created by some awesome guys from the forum and it's a great place to meet other developers get feedback on your projects and just hang out you can join now by using the link in the description on that thanks for watching and I will see you in the next video also it's great to have classes now because I can do this and people take me seriously thanks to all the awesome patreon supporters who donated in March and a special thanks to Patrick McKinley Diego guy infinity PBR yo Ryoma Sybok mami dark Eames Kirk novel fizzle Murphy Bureau die double top 45 chief Snyder James P G delay Superman the great John Burkhart Koko Braille Dennis Sullivan Jason plans ed Alex Akatsuki Bruins cat pure and full club Sweetland sweden of matthew night Sasha hop Stein Gregory peers James Rogers Robert bundu demon Rob Ferren Adrienne has slinger and Erasmus you guys Rock
Channel: Brackeys
Views: 447,418
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brackeys, unity, unity3d, asset, assets, model, models, beginner, easy, how, to, howto, learn, course, series, tutorial, tutorials, fix, tip, game, development, develop, games, probuilder, pro, builder, modeling, modelling, uv, editor, mapping, texturing, material, materials, prototype, level, levels, grey, boxing, greyboxing, edit, mesh, meshes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 22 2018
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