Model, UV Unwrap, Texture and Render | Cinema 4D Tutorial

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hello everyone welcome I am back after a while with a great tutorial in tutorial I will show you how to model UE unwrap texture and render this adapter also at the beginning I will show you my image plane creating process which is really important when it comes to product modeling and rendering you cannot always find everything you want on online so out of that it will help you so further Ado let's get into it before getting into modeling let me show you how I prepared this image plane so basically I took these pictures with my phone this is the front one the front one should be right in the center of the image you can use these quad lines they help a lot for example I set this one right in the middle and I aligned this image as much as possible then the top one this one should be right above the front one and the last one is the side one you can put this one on the right side or the left side so that's it also the other thing when you take pictures with your iPhone since they have large angles you are going to get perspective Distortion for example this is what I took and you can see the distortion but you can pick stats with you know scale tools the perspective one we can try to fix that as much as possible of course it's not going to be perfect but it's better than nothing if you have a DSLR and a narrow lens your job should be much easier so that you are not going to get this prospective distortions so that's all for the image plane just say that as jpeg it doesn't matter the quality is not important now let's see which to 740 to import this image plane in I will hit shift NV sorry I should first go to the front view use middle Mouse if then we back select this one bring this up transparency then I'm gonna double click on here copy the pads Ctrl C let's go to the top view and paste that over and for the sorry to you as well Ctrl V now let's add a cube go to the front view as you can see since I put the front image right in the middle I don't need to change anything in the Singapore d of course we need to make some changes on the top end side view so let's put this one over here now let's go to the top view I will hit shift and V and change the Y offset we can use this model as a reference to change the y-axis like this is looking okay now I will go to the right view this time I will change the X offset one more time again scale this box and it looks like we are good to go as you can see if you prepare your image planes like that it's gonna make your job much faster and easier in Cinema 4D now let's get into modeling I will use that box and I'm going to start from the bottom parts whenever I approach this kind of shapes I would like to start from the complex parts to simpler Parts because it is always easier to model the simpler parts so let's start from over here I'll go to the right View and scare this like that let's turn off work plane go to the cube and I will give some segments make the group editable and select that pattern also I will enable Symmetry and I'm going to duck it over here because I will change some stuff back to time so you know let's grab that polygon like it's over here enable this one I will hold that Ctrl and smooth this out uh sorry I should have enabled Z as well alter control let's move this one over here then I will call it the edge modes select this one I will right click on one of the axes and select the world let's move this one on somewhere around here you can't really talk particles then let's see I should bring this down then I will select that edge open control and extrude this two times then I am going to grab that h alter control one more time exclude this two times perfect now I will deselect everything because I will use Bridge tool and connect these edges perfect now I will make these edges perfectly straight select them all scale them on the y-axis to zero persons since we have perspective distortion these will not align perfectly but it should be okay now let's double click on this and Total Control move this up let's go to the top view it looks like this point should be perfectly straight so I will scale them on the Z altar shift and stop at zero persons perfect let's close that hole right click close again or you got all tool and select create option that's all as you can see the edges should be beveled so I will select on this one because the Symmetry is on right click select bevel tool and bevel these out with zero subdivision it's going to be enough then I'm gonna grab slide tool because we need to get rid of that triangle all time control and merge this one to this one also I want to slide this Edge because I want these polygons to have the same size so I will move this on the X just a bit doesn't have to be perfect something like that should be now and I believe this is gonna be it for the overall shape now let's put this one into a cell division surface I'll download select the audition surface now I will grab Loop cut tool whereas that yes here this one the most obvious one and this one but we are going to need something different we want to select these edges and I will select bevel tool this time I will need more than zero so let's set this to one and bevel these out something like that to get rid of these General I'm gonna change my military into uniform perfect let's hit Q uh it is looking great you may get this building error but it is easy to fix just go to the phone tag and turn off edge breaks then watch over here I will add these Loop Cuts okay you're gonna see that all these changes to overall shape we are going to need these especially on curved surfaces then I'm gonna add some Cuts because we want a uniformal gel mesh same here I will open shift get these ones in same here alternate shift and increase the number of cuts try to have these polygons as Square as possible then we are going to need something like that on the sides so I will grab Blanca tool let's enable single line and let's see I believe we can make something like that never mind other sites because symmetry is handling that for us then we are gonna get these triangles let's find a way to get rid of them I can yeah these edges and there's gonna be well of course we need to this world is H we have an element over here but since it's not gonna change the shape again keep it also Southern surface in Hangouts mode will convert them to clouds as you can see there is some tightness over here let's see what's going on yes we have duplicated edges so first let me select all the points and use optimize tool yes it's fixed that so optimize tool basically merge the points when they are too close to each other I'm going to check the geometry and everything is looking pretty good now the bottom parts let's see I need to select these ones but I believe I should turn off symmetry I will show you another way to mirror the geometry but first let me model this part I believe I need to select these polygons then I will make any set then use fit Circle tool I need to change the angle then scale this ink let's see it's supposed to be over here and I believe it is supposed to be smaller than that yeah something like that should be enough also I want to follow the Right View open control as you can see I need to scale this in just a bit more Auto control bring this down one more time and last time I will move that point down then select these unconnected points then bring this up and let's double cards the cdq and this is exactly what we want now I want to select these polygons and select scale tool open control and scale this in I will grab Loop Cuts tool and it is supporting edges this part is looking weird so I will alter control and slide there our thing is boot card tool it's very much easier perfect now I will show you how you can mirror these polygons on the other side right click select submit rise when you open that up it's gonna come with link bit Hub option is enabled so if you keep that enabled it's gonna use the settings you are using in this metric Hub but in that case I want something different so I will turn this off so I modeled this on the plus side of the X so I should select plus two minus it okay and that's going to be it's now the sides let's go to the right View to make this part I will use another Cube that I'm going to pull this out so let's make this one editable and smooth points then let's move it over here going to Edge mods I will make earring selection select these edges and I will build this like that then select the cube hold down alt and select pull put this one under that and that's going to be it before making the bull editable I will enable High single object and make it editable now let's go into points mode we need to clean up the mesh to do that come over here go to mesh checking enable that go to Edge points and select these points and simply delete them we can turn off mesh checking now all I need to do connect the points but before doing that because I will have bevel on these edges first I will melt these polygons you can find it over here left over here now I will make a loop selection create a bevel tool set sound division to zero and bevel these like that I believe before doing that I'm going to select these polygons also I don't need that whatever you want select this back and I'm gonna scale this in but as you can see we need to unlock the X click on here scale is in right now I will pay all these one more time yes now it's much better let's make it oh sorry for centimeters now I can connect the points this one is easy this one is easy okay connect these like that then I'm gonna select hoop cut tool I will eat this then go back to polymer pencil perfect now let's add sporting edges for adding these I will eat Q this way I will see the topology and it looks like we need to make these inner two points this one over here these ones here cdq check the five frames it looks like we missed that one perfect now let's grab back Loop cut tool and add this one in perfect we need to scale these to zero and let's move these up because we want uniformity especially on these curved surfaces which means that I need to move this up so that these polygons will have the same sizes same here this is really important on a periods shapes should always wash that out now as you can see if you brought the uniformity of the polygons to fix that I will just double click on them then I will use rectangle selection tool alter control and deselect these ones we don't want to change these edges we just set them up now I will right click and select equal spacing tool perfect the perfect surface of course you may find some images too sharp to fix that we need to select them off but for the moment I will keep them like that because we need to add more details to the shape for example let's go to the front view and you can see that we have a cut out on the top part so to do that I will use phone black selection in polygon mod and click on that polygon then I will make and sets let's see I believe you are going to need something like that that I will do the same thing but watch that out it's gonna be really small subtle Extrusion and select this we put selection tool alter control and of these polygons that's going to be all another thing the top part of the shape I don't know if it's coming through the video but there's this part which is slightly larger so I'm gonna make a loop selection and scale this out uh I believe yes unlocked X so I will unlock that and scale this out perfect I can't select these and move them up all right there should be okay let's try to make these edges softer I mean right now they are too sharp so I will make a loop selection to select these edges grab slide tool slide these off like that's then we may need something similar on these edges as well so I will select them like that so let's hit Q now it is looking much softer now I will move these edges on the X let's enable symmetry okay I will turn this off then I'm gonna double click on these edges we're gonna need to select these in we will need something like that which means it's on the top part that's a I believe I moved these points I will fix that in a moment let's let's handle these parts so I will grab slide tool altar control select this in then I will do that one more time so that I can select these polygons and I can exert them like that spotting Edge on these polygons so I will select this in it looks like I need to select these polygons and make them flat so use Font break selection ET and scale them to zero on the y-axis they should fix their parts so I'm not sure about here let's make it more obvious I will scale this in just a bit and I will select these polygon so it looks selection and smooth this down and finally I will make some Rex selection to select these polygons only and make any sense which means that we need something similar over here operates and also let's fix here I will use political cancel I don't know what happened over here but these things happens all the time okay let's hit q and check the wireframes everything is again nice and clear now let's try to model the inside of that USB first I have an adult Cuts right over here so that I can select this polygons I'm going to split this out we can right click and select where is that yes this one I will go back to the original one and delete this polygons while we are here let's rename that too charger and USB I will solo this one I'm going to turn off it close the symmetric help I don't want to use the knee of symmetry system because sometimes it may get too complicated with it so I will try to make it as simple as possible which means that I will use the alt symmetry generator we still have that one to use it of course we need to add Center edges sweep this one for example over here all time shift and add these ones in we have or xh over here we don't need to add anything more then I'm going to model mods as you can see the axis of the object is very often to fix that go to tools Axis Center access to this show to reset the axis of two objects but we still have a problem as you can see it is right it's not right on the edge and it's going to create a problem to fix that I will enable access mods so that we can move the axis but we are going to need one more thing and it is The Edge snap enable that and in the options enable The Edge modes and move that up it's going to automatically Snap On The Edge and let's check check the top view as you can see these edges are not perfectly straight so let's go to the coordinates first let me turn off snap and access mode select these two edges and check the Z first I'm going to scale them to zero then position them to zero now I can select these polygons invert them and delete them now I will hold down alt and select symmetry change the mirror plane I will do that one more time symmetry and select x and z now we are going to go I will mostly use the Right View let's grab Lanka tools and it looks like I need to add this one over here maybe somewhere around here then I will wait a new Loop Cuts here and here then another one then I'm going to scale this like that's then while these are selected I will make any sets then go back to points mode Let's merge these points with polygon pen tool as I want to load these polygons then I can move these over here let's see it's supposed to be somewhere around here I believe by the way I am not expert about this technicals you know stuff that's I'm just trying to model what I saw because I am holding the objects right in my hand and it looks like we have something like that then I believe we can make the symmetry editable because we need to close that hole right click close polygon hell tool and it doesn't look that good which means that I need to reach this then it's sporting edges like three then use the close polygon hold tool one more time now it's gives a better result sometimes you need to kind of help the tool by eating geometry then let's see we are going to have holes to do them I can hit this Edge over here then let me see I can get this one and this one I will move this up to make enough space same here that should be enough now I'm gonna select all of them and make an inset then go into Edge mode double click on the edges and you know just try to match them as much as possible okay there should be enough maybe I can scale this to zero let's move them out these parts will not be usable so I'm not worried about this just delete them then let's put enable sound division service but when I enable it I will start to see the charger so I will just hide it for the moments and since this is these are not in a single group I'm gonna group them so that subdivision surface will subdivide both of these you know obviously I need sporting edges these ones easy stuff but when we reach over here I cannot add that Loop cuts because it's gonna break the rounded parts let's say that we get this one if you enable side Vision surface these parts will be you know sharper you're not gonna probably see it when you render it but just in case I want to show you the most efficient way so let's add these sporting edges I know if these are triangles but we have an option I will do the same thing if you enable the southern surface it's going to look okay since the service is flat this triangles will not affect anything I will quickly do the same thing on this holes as well no I'm going to hit these edges foreign this is going to be enough for this piece since it's not going to be much visible I will select them all Ctrl a select extra tool and enable create caps option and exert these out then and if the submission surface I will eat these once let's unhide the charger all right not bad because of the symmetry there is light offset so I'm gonna move these down just a bit bags also I want to extrude these edges out perfect then we have let me hide this we have this thing over here I don't know idea what is that but you know the USBs so I will let a cube in let me hide this one for the moments make it editable I have to match it then I will make an inset since move it on the X let's unhide or objects I want it nng to select this unseen points and to move them on the X then I will write this one more time okay I will add another Cube and I'm going to scale this like that make it editable it could be somewhere around here then another one I don't know something like that maybe select the larger then don't get this filter control and drag the object of then I can't connect this connect objects and plate I will go back to this one because we need to make space for these both polygons is one then maybe another one over here solid polygons and exert them turn off the absorption and that's gonna be it's maybe okay that's now as quickly exporting edges I'm gonna put them in that solution Service Group I will hide the other ones for the moments let's quickly handle the cubes actually you know what I can use line cap tool I will just turn off visible only then I will let my shift and it is edges same here this is any other way to add sporting edges same here and it's horizontal ones okay stand other one let's quickly do that this one this one this one these ones turn its edges this might be too excessive you know loss of polygons for for such an unimported piece which will not be much visible but you know I want to show you exactly what I'm doing such objects if you have time obviously you can make it lighter like it can get rid of unnecessary they just like that then double click on these edges dissolve them same here but before doing that we need to do the same thing on that side as well so let me quickly do that then double click so same here double click of this pages of another topology is much lighter and I believe this is going to be it's unlike these words maybe salary servers all right looking pretty huge sometimes I enable screen space and with exclusion it helps to see the objects better I just want to move these like that just a bit then the last thing I want to add actually before doing that let me make a phone break selection selection between n or you can get it from here select is polymer ions and I'm going to scale this to zero perfect and the last thing I want to add is that same let me go to the front view yes you can see that we have a scene right in the middle we are trying to make this one as realistic as possible so I will try to add this as well so double click on these edges it's going to select them all but we don't want that I'm not going to need these edges so to select them with like selection tool over here new name is price selection because just select them then um I don't think we're gonna need these ones all right now I will grab Bell tool bit on subdivision this is going to be too much so I will bring this down to one centimeters then I will double click on this little edges perfect then I'm gonna scale these onto X just a bit not too much and we don't need to select this let's do it these are still selected let's select them and scale there one more time just a little bit not too much without something subtle just like this one these are going to look really good when your rendered object it's kind of imperfections make it look like really real is we have so many polygons in a such a small area these parts are looking more you know that's than the other parts so we need to make this part slightly softer so I'm gonna move this in let's see if it's gonna help yeah not bad same here perfect then this is the last thing I promise I will make an inset use Circle tool we have something like that right in the middle perfect we are diameter modeling before closing this let me select these ones and use a cool spacing tool now it is time to unwrap the UVS of the objects before doing that let's check the normals of the polygons is one I will hit Ctrl a on the keyboard and it looks like they are flipped I will right click and go to the button and say reverse norms then the charger Ctrl a this one is looking okay then this one you know what I can combine this connect objects and delete let's say that the site USB or actually let me just combine these two Ctrl a everything is looking great then the charger this one is also okay now we can change our layout to UV edits let's start with the charger as you can see the UVs our mess right now I'm gonna reset them preset UV then I will go into Edge mods to select everything and start to select the sharp edges for example this one you can do that by double clicking on them or you can use Loop selection right over here or you can use the shortcut UNL then I will select these and this as you can see I am selecting the card Pages only this one and this one then these edges these these these errands this then this one this one and this one this part is really easy just select the style Pages it is most of the time really always this one and this one then this this I could select these as well all right I believe I selected them all now the next step is selecting these Sims for example we need to select a scene on these polygons if you are able to make a loop selection it means that you need to select and H is a scene because these polygons needs an exit point if that makes sense same here you can make a loop selection which means that I need a scene actually this is going to make more sense if I show you on a cylindrical objects or polygons for example I can make a perfect Loop selection but this polygons needs and exits point or an edge to be unwrapped into the view so for these reasons we select Sims I also try to select these seams as far as possible from the camera for example I selected these ones and probably maybe we could select these edges instead so that we are not gonna see it when we rendered objects and these edges these ones stand these same here I'm not going to select anything on these polygons I know we can make a loop selection but projection mapping will handle these polygons you can say it by the angles of the edges then you're gonna need something on these polygons and probably something like that I could make a loop selection but because of the projection and angles of these polygons they don't need any seams but it is different for these polygons I will need a seam so I'm going to select this then let's see we're going to select these as well select the first one all time sheet select this one then hold down control and shift at the same time and select the last one and we will need Pro probably something like that over here same here I am holding Ctrl and shift to make these selections I believe this is going to be it of course to make sure we need to unwrap this while these are selected just click on here we unwrap they are very small right now so I will go into poly one mod select the mode Ctrl a go to UV packing select geometric one and I can enable equalize iron size and hit apply as you can see we have nearly no problems at all maybe these ones need some alignments to do that I will just select a straight edge and click on alarm UE Islands I don't know why but these seams are flickering I don't know why maybe it's because of my 7040 or my PC so I'm gonna turn off that UE seems yeah everything is looking great to make sure of course I will apply a material to all objects to see the alignments of the US before doing that let me unwrap the USB it's going to be really fast since I I'm not going to texture these objects I can use this projection types and for this kind of our surface shapes box projection is great let me show you just click on box and that's all maybe we can use UV packing as you can see a bit fast and very accurate results now let's apply a material just click on the material icon double click go to color I'm going to select these UE tile protectants go to viewport and bring these up to one case so you can see it better in preview then all we need to do apply this to the charger actually you don't have to do that this material stuff because Cinema 40 has its own UV tile UV map you can select it from here but you cannot scale the UV map or Texture instead you need to scale up the polygons and I don't like to do that so the easier way is applying any material which has a UV tile on it is UE texture whatever you call it then I can close this and now I can scale this in stats like 35 percent now let's check these polygons as you can see I need to rotate it I will rotate it then hold down shift to snap it to 90 degrees then I'm gonna hit mirror V and I can move that aside actually I should also click on Mini review as well then it's parts is looking already okay and these parts I'm gonna move it over here then rotate its 90 degrees so these three UE islands are going to be the most important parts because I'm gonna put textures on them so it's because why I am mostly focusing on these three ions then we have these ones I will just rotate it 90 degrees then can see it from the texture that we need to hit meter U and mineral V this one is okay this one I'm gonna it's mirror you and Miri and this one just double click on any here we Island thread is going to select it automatically then this one what is that this one may need some relaxation so let's go to relax UE and it's apply I'm gonna rotate it 90 degrees same here Disney it's a little bit relaxation I need to flip this review and mirror V okay everything is looking perfect now I will actually you know what I'm going to select them all move them aside then move these in as I told you these are the most important ones because I'm going to put textures on them so they deserve a larger space than the older ones of course if you want to model game models or game props the workflow will be different than that but since we are gonna stay inside my body we can do that like changing the sizes of the US then this one again this one up here then I can select them all go to UV picking geometric enable preserve orientation because you know we just rotated some of them to align the UVs I will turn off equalize Island size because I make this larger than the other ones I keep that enabled it's gonna try to rescale them all one more time based on their field sizes now let's see it's apply that's gonna be it of course we can't spend more time and make it more efficient like I don't know selecting these making them again larger and playing to all the rubies pads it's going to be more than enough for our projects then the other one I don't think it's I don't think we need to do anything on this one just to check it I'm gonna move the material on the USB one as we can see it is looking really nice no instruction at all okay I can delete this material and we are done with the use now I'm gonna start to paint the textures before moving forward I will go back to UV edits because I just solved that these polygons are out of their place as you can see and this may create a problem to fix it let's go to the UV commands and hit UV test this is going to put them in place now we can switch to paint mods are usually unlock this and the this one over here so that we get to view spot 3D and 2D now to paint any objects you need to click on here to the setup Wizards I will select the objects that I want to paint and it's going to be the charger to select all and select the charger saying next and click recalculate UV because we already did that say next I will need both color and bump so enable this as well boards the size I would set this to 4K it is kind of industry standard right at the moment say finish and close now we are ready to paint off models of course we are not gonna paint them like that I will use textures so let me show you what I in Photoshop here are my textures this one and this one for the bump map so this is why they are in white then this check texture will be for the color that's all save that as PSD will be able to open that up in 740 by the way this texture is from an image I played with this blending mod to extract this out otherwise this is something like that if you hold down alt we can play with the blending mode and this is how I did this texture so save that spsd and let's go back to server 4D in Cinema 4D I will first check my textures made one color or the color texture and the other one is for the bunk map let's first get the color out of the way it's going to be really easy first I will open that texture I made in Photoshop open texture as you can see it comes with these layers just like in Photoshop as I told you first I will handle the color so I will just enable this layer select select rectangle and select these then edit copy now I should go back to color texture of the material and paste that over Ctrl V that's all now we need to find where it is supposed to be okay I need to scale this scale then altern shift to keep the expect ratio of the texture okay this is looking fine then I'm gonna click off then it's going to ask me do you want to transform the layer yes also for the backgrounds I'm going to make it pure white first let's check the colors yes it is in white so I can go over here and select field layer perfect now let's check if we have any texture distortion I will enable Southern surface and as you can see we have no Distortion at all now I will go back to textures folder write this one in let's select this one same process rectangle selection select these edits copy go to the pubmap this time and paste that off this is supposed to be somewhere around here and the good part is that you can see that in the 3D View this is going to be something smaller so I'm going to scale this down alternate shift somewhere in the middle like that click off say yes go back to textures folder and the last one same thing rectangle selection Ctrl C bub map and fix that over it should be on the top somewhere around here I need to scale this down alt and shift yeah we are done over here actually let me paint this background layer to Black because this is going to be a bump map let's go to Colors set this to Black and yellow layer let me check this one one more time yeah white okay we are done with the textures now all I need to do is save them click on Save texture as we can keep it as tip file so that we can go back and change anything okay let's name it the color then pump map file save textures and pump that's going to be it's we can switch back to standards so as soon as I switch to standard mods and select move tool you are going to see that the texture resolution has dropped down this is because we left about the paint but we can always go back to material and go to viewport and change the texture preview of size to one page for example we are done with the texturing now it is time to render this charger I switched to cinema 4dr26 because 2023 version is keep crashing especially when I hit render button create shipped so because of these reasons I will continue with 4dr26 and octane while we are talking about this let me change my render to Octane render I'm going to change my resolution to full HD and I can close that now let's scale this down to its normal size for a reference I will add a cube and change its y size to something like five centimeters then select a null let me change that name to larger then I'm gonna scale is down until it fits inside of the curve doesn't have to be perfect something like that would be okay we can delete the cube we can zoom in by pressing s now let's add a camera look through that first thing first I always change my link to something like 90 or three to five let's use 19. and this is looking flying now the environments and HDR nice let's open up live River window first thing first let's make some changes for example I'm going to change my direct lighting to tracing and to lower these down to 5 12. eight eight and see I clamp to one present so that we are going to get much faster results in the Wild River window I can close that I can lock the view and that's that's gonna be it you can hit render let's add first in hdri environments click on image texture and click on this folder I will use sdg hdri as you can see it gives immediately a very nice result but I don't want to see it in the background or the background I will create another hdri environment but I'm going to change its type to visible environments so that it's not gonna affect the lighting now we can start to work on the materials click on over here actually we can do it from here create obtain closer material it's going to be for the charger manager open that up open up node editor let's search for texture watercolor in and Link that to diffuse and other one is the bump map I will just water control and drag this off and select texture and Link that to bar that's gonna be it let's apply this to to charger we can drag this on to the previous material I have the object and I see that it has a very rough surface but I'm going to get that with above map so let's look for bump sorry not one noise excuse me I I want obtain noise bring that in and it's gonna go to the map I'm gonna combine this later but first I want to get this out of the way the noise also I'm gonna install it alt ND you we they will transform because I'm going to scale this into like 0.1 or point zero one you may get these artifacts because this is using our UV double space you can change it uh like you can go to noise and enable select projection and change its projection to something like box now noise will be uniformal scale I need to scale this down 0.1 or something like that now I need to combine these two to do that we are going to use adds not let's put this one texture to texture one and these will go to the texture too and this goes to the map I can turn off solar mode off d let's make a render region it's going to be much better as you can see this is too sharp to make this one less powerful I will add and octane gradients search for gradients option gradient and put this one on the connection all I need to do change is white color to dark room actually before doing that let me make a render region so you can see it better see as I move this down to the black values the surface will be glossy so I will use roughness channel of the material like 0.2 Strike 10 okay 10 is too much so nothing like six Maybe we need to invert it just click on the invert and that's going to be it I want to check the top part as well so let's select the charger group for the curtains and play around and this is looking okay I can reset this uh so let's check the other sites okay not bad so now I'm gonna make another material for these metal Parts materials create closer material that took metal first thing first diffuse should be pure black then index something like six it'll be enough to make this one metal and for the roughness I'm gonna do something different let's open up the node editor I'm going to control the roughness beats and RGB Spectrum basically a color value let's link that to roughness first of course we need to assign this material so move these aside select Charger go into polygon mod I'm going to make a loop selection then I will grow the selection a few times u n y it is right over here row selection a few times then right click on the metal material and say apply this is going to create a selection tag and apply the material on these polygons and you can see what we are getting of course this color will be too much for the roughness so I'm gonna make this one something like black but not pure I want some roughness then I'm gonna import another texture look for texture image texture this time I will bring in something like you know these garage textures so let's select um let's try this one for example and Link that to roughness I'm gonna make this one larger so you can see what's going on I don't know maybe we can scale this down UV transform 0.1 yeah this is looking much better now I'm gonna combine this same process adds not this goes to the first section slot then this goes seconds and Link add to the roughness now I can change the overall roughness with that color value like we can make it that something like that or something that's of course you can make this one more complicated by adding more textures scrunch textures but for the moments this is going to be enough for me I can close this set this back to one now I want to play with the camera settings I will add first and octane camera attack thank you and Camera imager enable camera imager processing first I always increase that highlight complexion up so that we are not going to lose anything in the highlights especially on lights objects while talking about materials I want to play with this color because it is too white and it's kind of white color is is not something that you want so we need to kind of break these down and lower the power of that white color to do that I will select octane gradient and put on the connection I will basically move changed change the white color to something darker to see it better I will make another region and let's make it like 90 percent you can see the effect we are getting this should be enough right side of the object is looking really nice we have a nice highlights over here a good contrast with this black shadow but on the left side it is a little bit tall so we need to add a light to that side to do that objects lines obtain area lights let's go to the top view model knots rotate its 90 degrees this line is probably too large so I'm gonna scale this down and so to make this part more pleasing I'm gonna move these lines up so that it's going to create a shadow around here so it's gonna give us more definition of the shape so I'm going to basically move this up and we are going to start to get slight Shadow on this area since we scale this down the intensity is not that powerful so let's make this one something like 150 you know it's too much and I think we put this one on the wrong side it should be somewhere around here I think this is a good looking product shots let's rotate this and let's make something for the VSP parts uh I'm gonna stop the render for the moment and get a closer look VSP going to put it on mods I can double click on these polygons I will just apply this metal material on these then double click on this polygons it's gonna select them all and this time I'm gonna just apply this white material let's go back to the camera and re-enable render all right pretty nice you may find the black backgrounds boring and you are right for such shots like product shots the background is usually in kind of you know white whitish color so let's select the backgrounds also let me rename that backgrounds this is hdri I'm gonna change background color to something like a whitish color that's not exactly White like that in that case we may need to make some changes on the lighting like rotating this something like that will be more natural so that it's the charger will be in a white dish environment as it is all about what we are working on so I'm gonna set this back to the original one and change my background to Black not exactly black but something closer to Black then let's go to post processing enable this one I always like to add some blue this kind of breaks the wrongness of the renders kind of some layer power with this and get a different look if your highlights are too sharp we can always go back to the camera and play with the highlights completion check this part out as I increase the Highlight compilation up it is now let's check the logo yeah this highlight is too much now this is looking really nice and that does look really good I'm gonna rotate this just see the logo perfects all right here one that's gonna be it I am really happy with the results I hope you learned something new and enjoy tutorial if you have any questions you can ask them in the comments I read them all so I will see you later bye
Channel: polygonpen
Views: 94,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: modeling, 3d, cinema 4d, maya, blender, 3ds max, zbrush, procedural, hardsurface, organic tutorial, lesson, grid, curved surface, surface modifier, advanced, tutorial, vfx, pivot, axis, basic, production, industrial design, product, industrial product, render, coffee, cup, beginner, easy, glass, cloner objecy, normal scale, normal move, charger, Uv, Unwrap
Id: kxuoGi70p7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 5sec (4865 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 25 2022
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