Beating Valheim BUT Trolls Spawn Every Second

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valheim a beautiful game where you make progress by gearing up and defeating tough bosses there's ichthther the Elder bone mass Mater yogluth and the queen these are the apex predators of valheim but can you defeat them all while trolls spawn right next to you every couple seconds you see trolls are the very first mob you encounter that strike fear into the hearts of new players trolls are an initiation ritual for newcomers anxiety they like to hang out in the Eerie black forest biome and occasionally decide to pay her Peaceful Meadows base a not so peaceful visit they're a destructive force of Nature and have a knack for Wrecking things as if it's an art form which doesn't sit well with new players or seasoned veterans who painstakingly built their stuff so let's break down this challenge the game has six bosses and my mission defeat them all here's how it goes first boss a troll Pops in every 60 seconds second round one troll every 50 seconds then the tempo picks up even more 40 30 15 seconds for the next bosses and Just for kicks the final boss Showdown will crank it up to one troll every single second and just to put things in perspective that's 60 trolls a minute with my only rule being is that I can only use the best gear and weapons available for that specific boss I'm fighting for example I can't use the iron armor or black metal weapons for ichther since the best tier of gear I can get in the Meadows is bronze and so with this in mind I have to be very strategic in my choices of which bosses I fight first because if I choose the order poorly it can make the later fights pretty much impossible to win I mean imagine trying to beat a tanky boss like modder who spends half the fight in the air while 60 trolls spawn every minute yeah exactly that's not happening and so with that in mind I decided that my very first fight would be against the king of the planes yagluth yogluth will be my first boss and I chose to go with the full Fenris armor set paired with the frostner and jogger fangbo for my weapons along with a black metal shield now I did debate between taking on bone mass or yagluth as my first boss but I eventually settled on Yahoo my reasoning was was that I wasn't entirely sure on what to anticipate with this type of Challenge and I figured it was a good middle of the road kind of fight I chose this setup in particular because this fight typically involves a lot of running and rolling around to dodge ogloos attacks as well as managing the planes dwelling mobs that love to stick their noses where they don't belong introducing trolls to this equation would amplify the need for movement making stamina management a serious problem and that is the reason I chose the benris armor set this armor holds a special place in my heart due to his nine percent movement speed bonus when worn as a complete set its only drawback being that it doesn't give much defensive bonuses but it does offer fire resistance which is actually perfect for yogluth because it counters his Firebase assaults and the choice for bringing the frostner weapon was a strategic one because not only does it offer a solid damage output on its own but it also inflicts Frost damage which is great for slowing down enemies and there was going to be a lot of them in this area as the yaglu shrine was unfortunately located right next to a giant fueling village now even though yogluth is one of the tougher bosses in the game the fight itself was going pretty smoothly until I accidentally alerted the fueling Village which immediately complicated things and forced me to think on the spot you see taking the mount proved to be very difficult with everything going on so I had this bright idea of leading them away but in my attempt to flee I aggroed some locks and then on top of that the timer ticked up to 60 seconds which as you know made the troll spawn and this was the moment that made me realize that the enemy of my enemy is actually my friend because the trolls were apparently a much bigger priority for the fuelings than I was and uh they all ganged up on him so now instead of these trolls being a hindrance they became a strategic asset in this fight I could use them as a distraction against the mobs in the area and get back to the task at hand of fighting the big bad boss of course this was much easier said than done because to be honest the trolls were taken out very quickly by these powerful little gremlings but hey it was better than nothing because at least to solve the problem of me having to deal with them myself so that was pretty much how the fight went down the whole fight consisted of me trying to juggle the fuelings trolls desquitos and trying to get my damage in on yadwoof when I could the fight itself lasted around 12 minutes from the time I summon yagoth to the moment I took my last swing all in all it wasn't actually too bad of a fight but it did make me reconsider the order of the next couple boss fights [Music] for the next fight I decided to go with the Elder and I just went with tankiest armor available in the spine which was full bronze and for the weapon a simple bronze X originally I was thinking of taking on some of the harder bosses earlier because obviously the trolls were my main concern but after that last fight I realized that since I could use the enemies as a distraction I needed to take out the Elder as soon as possible before the troll spawn timer got way too low reason being is that the black forest biome in which the Elder is located is home to the trolls meaning that the mobs here see the trolls as allies and will team up with one another to take me down remember I am all alone here and on top of that the bronze tier Weaponry won't be fast enough to take out the trolls before more spawn in which would result in me being overrun so I had to take on the Elder while I still had the chance as for the fight itself I just Dove right in tanking what I could and put all my focus into dealing as much damage before too many trolls spawned in I finished the fight in a little over two minutes and with just two trolls being almost too much to handle I knew that I may the correct choice and with that threat dissolved now is where things could get a little bit tricky this next choice was a tough one the rate at which the trolls were spawning was getting very dangerous I decided it was time to fight the putrid green blob bone mass for the gear I went with full tank and picked iron armor and iron mace stag breaker and the iron Tower shield from Max defense my thought process behind picking bone mass was pretty simple while yes taking out the harder bosses would be easier with less trolls the problem is that the lower tier armor would ultimately be my downfall with the amount of trolls spawning in later on so the strategy for bone mass was the same as the one I had for The Elder my plan was to just bum rush him and take him out as fast as possible while pretty much just ignoring the trolls I had a sneaking suspicion that this would probably be the last time that a strategy such as this would be viable the reason this works on bone mass even though he's significantly harder than the other is because of his fat gelat in his body and look this isn't me trying to bad shame him all I meant by that is that it can use him as a barrier against myself and the trolls as well as the various enemies bone mass throws in to buy me more time to get my swings in which made this strategy possible the fight went pretty well all things considered and I even managed to finish him off with my fist for some style points that's three bosses down and only three to go with the last three having trolls spawning every 30 seconds 15 seconds and of course every single second for the finale the queen was my next choice and the one I was most worried about being the new boss in the game she was definitely one of the hardest her attacks were powerful she summoned Seeker soldiers very often spews maggots out of her mouth and on top of all this she plays this annoying game of Hide and Seek in the midst jump scaring you with sneak attacks out of nowhere and that's just a standard fight now I gotta deal with trolls popping up every 30 seconds as well so unfortunately I couldn't put her off any longer honestly looking back at it I probably should have tackled this fight right off the bat because oh boy did I struggle I started off my attempts going with a full magic build magic robes Frost staff dead razor protective barrier spells the whole shebang going into this fight I thought that I could maybe ignore the trolls completely and focus on the queen while they fought the bugs but there was just way too much going on for me to handle the trolls kept spawning in my way and the dungeon was way too small for me to maneuver around and I couldn't take them out fast enough with the Spells due to each cast taking up so much of my eater reserves I also ended up sacrificing a huge chunk of my health and stamina just to use them magic which as you can tell didn't really help the situation after many attempts I realized that I had to try something else because this was just not working so I tried a new approach and changed up my gear just a bit I still went with the full magic gear setup but this time I had a trick up my sleeve and I already know I'm going to butcher this but the him and apple pole arm this pole arm was the key to the puzzle because its main use would be to take out the trolls you see because it's such a high tier weapon only available from resources found in the misslands it dealt an insane amount of damage to the trolls with this new weapon it took only two to three attacks to take out a troll from the moment they spawn giving me just enough breathing room to fight the queen as for the queen I would still be using my staff of Embers for those long range attacks and the dead razor staff were the skeleton companions to help me out because God only knows how much I needed someone on my side for this battle and of course I'd still be using that protective barrier for that little bit of extra safety now don't get me wrong this did not make the fight Easy by any means but it did make it manageable which was all I could ask for at this point and so I went full on sweat mode kiting the boss around and getting those licks in while I could while keeping the constantly spawning trolls at Bay every now and then leaving One Alive to deal with the never-ending flow of seekers around me and trying to manage my health stamina and uter reserves finally after around 8 minutes which felt like forever of playing murderous hide and seek in the most annoying biome with the queen I dealt my final blow but there was no time to celebrate because with that final blow it was time to face the second to last boss with a troll spawning in every 15 seconds with my next choice being between modern neck there I realized that my only real option was the mother of all dragons because well the final boss is going to have a troll spawning literally every second and to be fair I don't even know if that's possible even with the best gear and weapons in the game but I would cross that bridge when I come to it because for now I have to think of a way to take out a flying boss who spends half the time in the air leaving me to deal with these annoying ass trolls every 15 seconds for my gear I decided on the root armor set which gave a plus 15 stat bonus to the bow skill I was hoping this would help me out a lot since modern would be in the air most of this fight and that armor combined with the weapon I chose which was the jogger Fang aka the second best bow in the game would hopefully be enough to get me through this fight I also brought along the silver sword to help out against the trolls and to use against moderate in close combat when she lands on my first few attempts it uh it didn't go too well you see the trolls are spawning at an alarmingly rapid Pace leaving me little to no time to shoot my shots and uh things just kept getting out of hand after a few attempts it was clear to me that unless I found a way to take them out as soon as they spawned this fight would be out of stalemate so I came up with a new plan of action which was to make the trolls my top priority since getting overrun was what was holding me back I decided not to focus too heavily on the silver sword and Stand My Ground while camping the draggerfang which actually worked out surprisingly well this strategy allowed me to stay a safe distance away from moder's attacks because she seemed to get kind of janky when she lands and just kind of stood there glaring at me and not doing anything while I pelted her in the face with arrows and as for the trolls well they spawned right in front of me while I was shooting a constant stream of arrows and because they spawned right in front of my attacks it actually made them stun for a second which did twice as much damage and allowed me to finish them off in only two to three hits once again so for this fight I focused on the trolls while she was in the air and ran a safe distance away when she landed to shoot my shots I was slowly and carefully whittling down her health until she finally died I ran over to pick up her head as a trophy and prepared for the hardest fight against the easiest boss in the game the the dear boss ichthther one troll every second has 60 trolls a minute would this even be possible well to be quite Frank with you nah absolutely not at least not normal I had to seriously think of some weird out of the box way to wrap up this challenge because there's no way in hell amending this on a fail after all of this but regardless of what I came up with I knew that I had to end this challenge with full troll hide armor as my gear of choice so I began to Theory craft an experiment first thing I did was I tried to build platforms to stand on hoping that the trolls would spawn and fall down giving me a chance at sniping the boss but unfortunately that failed the trolls were spawning at such a rapid Pace that they ended up pushing me off as well as stacking up way too high which allowed them to reach me and even the ones at the bottom kind of ruined this idea because they were damaging the support I then thought of maybe ranging iqther from a raft thinking that maybe the trolls would sink to the bottom of the ocean as soon as they spawn but unfortunately that also didn't work because they spawned on the raft and besides the ocean floor was way too too shallow for this to work for those that did fall off but then I tried something that finally had some potential you see after hundreds of hours of playing this game I know just how buggy and glitchy can get so I got the idea of digging myself into a hole under the small altar to see if I could position myself just low enough so that the troll attacks Miss I tested this out and voila it worked they did get some damage in every now and then but not enough to outright kill me but there was still the question of how to actually defeat exit I mean Staying Alive was great and all and definitely a step in the right direction but I still had to beat the boss so I grabbed myself the Stag breaker which is a two-handed weapon that deals AOE damage when I spawned in the boss my strategy was to just swing it wildly all over the place and hope that ich there gets jammed up right next to me in the midst of the chaos the thing is I was kind of on a deadline because my FPS was rapidly dropping at an alarming Pace I could maybe keep this up for four maybe five minutes before my game crashed so I swung my two-handed hammer like my life depended on it praying that the boss got within range after almost three minutes I finally won I didn't actually see him die but his giant health bar got down to zero which is a win in my book at this point the challenge was completed I did try to run back after getting out of there to pick up my trophy but as you can see I just wasn't able to get around the 300 or so trolls guarding the area and at this point I'm pretty sure that this is their home now thank you all for watching and I'll see you soon
Channel: Haunted Oath
Views: 20,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HauntedOath, Valheim, Mistlands, Ashlands, Valheim Ashlands, Valheim update, Beating Valheim but Trolls Spawn Every Second, I Beat Valheim, Valheim Trolls, Valheim Mods
Id: XsjPeE2cTXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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