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hello and welcome back to english with Lucy today I've got a grammar video for you I know it's been a while since I did a grammar video but a lot of you have asked for a video on modal verbs so here it is today I'm going to introduce you to modal verbs i'm going to tell you the rules how to use them when to use them do note that there are a lot of different situations in which you need to use different modal verbs and it would be impossible for me to go through them all so this is an introduction and hopefully you will leave the lesson feeling a lot more comfortable when using modal verbs let's get started so firstly what are modal verbs well they are part of a larger category called auxiliary verbs and these are verbs that add meaning to another verbnow modal verbs are special because they follow a strict set of rules and they are used in a very specific way I'm going to talk about the nine modal verbs today don't get them confused with the semi models that only follow some of the modal verb rules now if I ask you right now to tell me the nine modal verbs would you be able to tell me them if you can that's great but for those who can't I've got a really easy way of remembering them we've got 3 m's 2 w's to c's and two s' so when you write them out in a pattern it's much much easier to remember them all so we've got the 3 m's we've got must might and may we've then got the 2 w's will and would we then got the 2 c's can and could and then the two S's shall and should remember will and would our special in spoken and informal language they can be contracted so will can turn into ' Double L i will i'll and would can turn into apostrophe D so we have she would she'd now the majority of these modal verbs express different meaning depending on the context so you really have to understand the sentence or question as a whole I'm going to help you with this today later on in the video we can talk about the different meanings that each modal verb can express but firstly we need to go through the rules what can you do with them what can't you do with them without these rules you're going to find it very difficult to use them but the good news is that all of these rules apply to the nine modal verbs that we're looking at in this lesson so rule number one infinitives come after modal verbs but without to ok so we're saying i might eat pizza I can play football rule number 2 modal verbs take no s in the third person singular she must leave or it might happen rule number three modal verbs do not change their form according to tense so they've got no past form and they've got no future form it just stays the same so the easy way of remembering it is modal verbs don't change they stay exactly as they are so rule number four we use modal verbs in negative sentences like we do with other auxiliary verbs ie without the word do so the way we use modal verbs in negative sentences is subject modal verb not verb let's look at some examples you must not eat my food you must not eat my food or i can not speak French I cannot speak French so it's always in that order just like we would with other auxiliary verbs now remember you must learn the contractions for the negatives which are used quite frequently in spokane or informal language might might not mightn't must must not mustn't may may not no contraction can cannot can't could could not couldn't will will not won't would would not wouldn't shall shall not shan't should should not shouldn't ok so those were the negative contractions number five easy now we've looked at number four with interrogative phrases modal verbs are used like other auxiliary verbs modal verb subject verb some examples can you help me can you help me will you let him will you let him so those were the rules now let's have a look at the individual modal verbs and how and when we can use them so firstly let's look at might might can be used to show possibility they might be eating lunch or she might give us a discount then we have may may can also be used to show possibility the teacher may be late today and it can also be used to ask for permission may I leave now note that using may to ask for permission can be seen as quite formal then we have must must can be used to show probability or to make a logical assumption she must be stuck in traffic must can also be used to show necessity I must go home right now and it can also be used to show prohibition you must not smoke here then we have will we'll can be used to indicate future time i will leave at seven o'clock it can also be used to make a promise or to show willingness i will give money to charity this Christmas it can also be used to ask a polite question will you help me with this for example then we have would again would can be used to ask a polite question would you help me with this it can also be used for invitations or preferences or desires i would like a cup of tea or would you prefer apples or oranges then we have can can can be used to show ability i can speak English it can also be used to suggest a possibility or give an option for example you can call him tomorrow it could also be used to show impossibility that can't be her and it can also be used for a request can you help me could on the other hand can show past ability i could do trigonometry five years ago it can also be used to ask a polite question could i call you it can also be used to show possibility and impossibility she could be here or she couldn't be here and it can also be used to make a suggestion you could try doing this then we have should-should is used to recommend you should try this new bar it can also be used to say what is correct or right for example we should deal with this right now it can also be used for an uncertain prediction he should be home soon but i'm not sure shall shall can be used to make an offer shall i help you with that it can also be used for confirmation I shall meet you there at midnight it can also be used for promises you shall be the first person to know ok so that was my very condensed video on modal verbs so what can you do next well firstly your homework is to comment below with three sentences using modal verbs I want one in affirmative one in the negative and one in the interrogative and up until midnight i will correct as many as possible and then i would like you guys to correct each other don't forget to connect with me on all of my social media remember I now upload lessons on mondays wednesdays and saturdays so i will see you for another lesson very very soon mwah
Channel: English with Lucy
Views: 767,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: must, can, could, should, might, will, would, may, shall, english modals, english lesson, british english, english grammar, pure modal verbs, modal verbs, english modal verbs, modal verb rules, english with lucy
Id: BT3JbwlpQxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 30 2016
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