Mock Product Manager Interview (LinkedIn PM): Design Product To Encourage Voting

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hey everyone welcome to this p.m. lesson live mock interview as you know this is a live mock interview where we ask experts how they would go about answering some common PM interview questions I'm super fortunate to be here with Mitchell Kim today who is at LinkedIn he also was a part of the p.m. lesson course and and he is a p.m. lesson coach now as well Mitch would you want to say anything else about yourself yeah Thank You Steven for having me yeah I used to work at LinkedIn and some situation with my visa so I'm still on flex but uh and I've been serving as a coach for p.m. lesson and joined up a lot and yeah and I'm excited for today's session with Steven so looking forward to it cool maybe before we jump in like any tips or advice that you have for a person recruiting right now someone who's interviewing right now maybe just one piece of advice do you might have yeah I guess two things that really helped me the most first it's just that I did a lot of mock interviews whether it was through so I was a client of Steven actually when I first got started out so I got help professionally too but I just grabbed a friend whether it was through online or whether it was just a friend from school and did tons of mock interviews and it just made me a lot more comfortable a lot more prepared and confident and I just knew what kind of questions will be asked during the actual interviews and I was able to replicate that when I practice so I would recommend anyone trying to recruit for product management to do a lot of mock interviews prior to your interview and also another thing is people usually don't put much emphasis on behavioral questions it depends on companies but LinkedIn especially cares a lot about the culture that culture fits and people that we hire so I would highly recommend people to go through your resume look at the blood points that you listed in your resume and then really make sure you have the stories compelling coherence stories that you can tell for commonly asked behavioral questions like the conflicts you had in the past or what kind of changes have you instilled in your organization's those are pretty common questions so I think you can prepare for every experience that you have listed on your resume and then that will make you a lot more they'll make you stand out during to be of a questions portion of the interview so that's another piece of advice that I would give awesome yeah I I really resonate with the the practice is something I tell a lot of people is just how important it is to get the practice then because you don't realize what you don't know until you practice you a lot of good feedback and you were really good at that I think that's all you didn't get to have practicing you got a great opportunity yeah injury is in hand reach from a Ukraine yeah and for those of you watching we encourage you to comment with questions with thoughts and any constructive feedback would be helpful as well and we also really would love to have you like and subscribe to either the YouTube channel or the Facebook you know whichever is better for you or both if you'd like um it helps us make sure that we keep can keep doing these things and know that they're valuable to you so without further ado let's get into the question is that okay with you Mitchell sounds great quote so the question that I want to ask you today is how would you design an experience or a product that would encourage people to vote more okay I'm gonna take a couple more seconds question and then probably ask a lot of questions in the beginning since it's a little vague I would say um so when you say designing an experience and product are we talking about like a digital product physical product you have a preference or do you have a something in mind um let's say in the digital world given that this is a let's assume were interviewing for a digital tech company that's great and I think it'd be a more scalable solution in this case and then are we trying to design you said experience or product something that covers the entirety of like a voting experience from like learning about the candidates to like casting their votes and then hearing about candidate or the results or are we like trying to do have a little more focus and then try to come up with like a single product in that within that experience that is probably prominent experience use case it's a good question let's focus on the ladder I don't want to redesign my call of voting a little too much for a short interview yeah and then I'm not too familiar with like the barding election processes outside of the US so is it okay if he just constrained it to the US and something similar that something systems systemically similar to the u.s. yeah let's keep it to the US for now and we can have a small chat later if we want to talk about how to expand to different countries totally sounds good and like presidential house Senate I would assume it doesn't really matter and then we'll try to tailor towards all kinds of voting experience and election processes or do you have something in mind here it's up to you yeah yeah yeah okay sounds good and before last question do you have any demographics in mind so are we trying to help other people get to like the voting location easily or are we trying to target the younger population to Millennials or do you have anything in mind here and it's a good question let's just say from our data were specifically looking at younger people as people that we are seeing there's an opportunity for them to vote but they're not voting totally and Danny wants to find a way to target them and to help bring them in you know yeah and then I think it goes well with our target of designing a digital product since they may be a little more tech savvy okay so good point you know and yeah would you mind if I take like 30 seconds to just organize my thoughts a little bit and yep go for it and for those of you watching I'll be taking notes during the session and then I'll be providing feedback afterwards to Mitchell so that we can make sure we get a good sense of how the interview might go in an ideal way yeah just uh before I start maybe I'll just walk through the process that I will talk about and the next 20 minutes I will probably focus first on the different user pain in the voting experience like why are they not voting why is this particular younger generation is just not interested in voting and then after listening some of those pain points I'm gonna go ahead and privatize some of them based on some factors and then after nailing down the pain point that we were solving I will brainstorm some solutions and features that we can build to solve that pain points and then once again prioritize those solutions and features based on some criteria that I come up with how does that sound yeah perfect okay yeah sounds good and so first question is like why earn young people in the US or not why are they not coding and here I think we can make some assumptions that a maybe they just don't understand how like the political voting system works in general so that's like first assumption first pain point like they don't know how like how Senate this electrical system work maybe is that so we can work with that or maybe just it's just too inconvenient on the voting day for them to get to the voting location so maybe you can help with that or to dig deeper into this a little bit maybe younger generations I can speak for myself to like prior I just like don't know much about politics don't really care about the candidates like what kind of proposed policies that they have in mind it just looks so similar to me and then I had this kind of negative perception first politics so maybe that's something that we can tackle so that's like another assumption and lastly maybe they're just frustrated with political landscape like they would cast some boats in the past and then they feel like either their voices aren't heard because like their candidate didn't win it or even if he or she won the policies or they just can't see in effect in real life how their votes their support is changing the world in a way that they want to see it happens so maybe some of those assumptions that we can work with so just to summarize again a they just don't understand how the system voting system works and they just want like a primer to that and be it just too inconvenient to get to the voting locations just the logistics is kind of keeping them away from voting and third maybe they just don't understand the candidates their policies like the politics of it or the they do understand it but once they cast our votes or or show their support they just don't seem feel like their voices are heard or their candidates are winning the election per se so after this assumptions unless you have something that you really like of the four I can just go through them and then prioritize them based on what I think it's gonna be most impactful how's that sound to you yeah thanks for checking in and yeah that sounds great go ahead and I'd love to see you these are a great initial four set of four and let's let's talk through them yeah and I guess two before prioritizing I guess I want to check step back and then think about like our goal for this product so we said we're building a product single product digital product that will help younger generations vote more in the US and that's the ultimate goal but just thinking about this there are certain things that come into mind like and I think the most important thing is just usage and user adoption so voting we're just trying to get this younger younger users who this days have so many other things that are distracting or that they can put their attention into but we are trying to build this product that can fit nicely into this their routine their rhythm and stuff like that so I'm gonna maybe cut user adoption and usage as our primary focus for building this experience yeah and and then lastly another factor that I will think about is like how how crucial is this pinpoint and experience of voting and then like I really want to tackle the biggest problem that is holding them back from voting so I will keep that in mind also as I practice so looking at these don't understand how the political voting systems work in general while I agree and empathize that it is complex I feel like a simple googling or I feel like this use case is not as prominent or is not as impactful we can solve it by not building like a full-fledged product but can do it by more contents or more awareness in my opinion so that's what I think and also second assumption of inconvenience of getting to the locations I think in my opinion once you have the desire and the knowledge to vote for you will find a way to get to the voting location in my opinion so like especially nowadays with ride-sharing apps and then in my previous school we used to have shuttle buses on voting days to help people get to the voting location so I think the bigger problem here is not the logistics or to getting to somewhere to vote it's more about the desire and awareness that's strong enough for these people to have the desire to vote so I would say let's focus on the two assumptions that really touch on those areas a they don't know much about the politics especially the candidates and their policies and be they do but they feel discouraged because when they cast their votes they just feel like their voices aren't heard and in my case especially thinking about our pot our target user group which is the younger folks although there I've seen younger folks who are especially passionate about politics I would assume the main reason that is holding these people back against from voting is they just don't know much about politics candidates and proposed policies and I feel like although there is some frustrating factors if you're passionate about it you will still go ahead and then cast our vote so thinking about this I think the most prominent and most impactful use case or pain point that we can tackle against is just general awareness about the political landscape and the candidates and the proposed policies that this younger folks that would be interested in how does that sense yeah it sounds great and I really like to break down and how he talks about it so we're talking about awareness is the key goal that we want to push um what's a key assumption that we are making here that if wrong might change our decision yeah so I guess the number one assumption here is younger people don't vote because they don't know about the politics and the candidates the policies is the strongest assumptions that we're making so testing that will be the most important thing for us to validate as we build out this experience yep okay great so with that assumption in mind let's go ahead and drive forward on this idea that awareness is the main issue then we're not getting our voters to the polls yeah Childress yeah yeah thank you yeah with this assumption so let the question is how do we build a product to teach this user population about the politics especially the candidates and policies and I guess some factors that I'll be thinking about is maybe this younger folks I mentioned there are a lot of things nowadays digitally especially that grabs their attentions and a lot of their interests maybe is there a way we can tie politics and voting into their interests and what are the mediums and channels that they frequently visit and how can we meet them there maybe that's one thing that we can consider and also just like if I were the user because I am that demographic younger generation who isn't as involved in the political landscape like what would I actually use a product if it's out in the market is something else that I will think about and just the right rhythm and a cadence that we need to push off the contents to raise awareness it's the last thing that I would think about yeah and then with that if you could give me like like a couple minutes to just brainstorm a couple solutions and I'll walk through them and then prioritize them in front of you cool sounds good and for those of you who just came in we are doing a live mock interview with Mitchell who is p.m. at LinkedIn we are doing the question how do you design a product to encourage people to vote more to engage with us we'd love for you to like this video right now and send us reactions and thoughts and comments and and for you to chime in later also if you'd like to ask Mitchel any questions or mean any questions during the interview about this particular interview and you can always subscribe to us on p.m. Westin calm where we have upon ton of online free content for you to put your best foot forward with your PM interview that's great yeah and thanks for waiting Stephen so I came up with a couple features three or four here and I will just mention those to you and then if you have anything that you like we can focus on those or otherwise I will go through some right as an exercise later to figure out what will be the best feature to build out here so one thing just thinking about like the right mediums and channels and and their user rhythm that these younger generation folks are more familiar would inspired me to think about maybe stories in like Instagram story or snap stories style of political app where candidates can push out short clips of them talking about their involvement in the local sector they are trying to they're going in the election for or just something about the policy they're sponsoring or just in general just something to raise awareness about their campaign so like a simple live video campaign platform that we can build out for younger generations another feel just about this one so is this is this something I mentioned it's like a separate experience or is this integrated into a different like a snapchat or an Instagram yeah so I'm talking through and then thinking out loud as well just and last point that we mentioned before going to solution it's like would I actually download this standalone app I think the question answer to that in my opinion is no so I think it would be the best if you can integrate with the existing platforms that used users are already on like Instagram or snapchat so we can meet them at the right medium of the channel so yeah okay yeah I don't think that means that we should ditch the idea I'm totally um just curious how you're envisioning it yeah so if we wanted to go down this path we could do something I think there's creative ideas where we could you know partner with Instagram and I'm like a section of Instagram that's like Instagram 2020 oh and or 2020 you know yeah right for any or you know maybe it's just like an Instagram election sure and then we can explore the different candidates there so I think it still is a good idea but it's helpful for me to know where your head's at in terms of the experience absolutely yeah and yep and no expert interrupts no norisse and maybe we can test it first with the integration idea first that's a little cost effective and then if it's taking on take we can probably spin it out as a separate app so that I think there are a lot of things that we can explore there with the right channels and another one is just that idea of tying the political and voting system into the existing introvert interest that or maybe the locations of these users maybe we can build a platform where this users can come in and then subscribe to certain issue certain interests certain locations like San Francisco for as an example and then we will regularly send out as it digests or build up like a discovery platform for these users to find candidates find policies that has to do with certain regions or certain interests that they are particularly passionate about so that's another idea and maybe the third is when I look at when I think about politicians I really know where to go to find out more information about these politicians I usually google them and the wikipedia page is pretty hard to navigate sometimes and it's a lot of articles but some of them are from one side and another side and it tends to be a little more polarizing rather than factual in my opinion so maybe something like LinkedIn for ditions where it is more tailored towards the careers that this politicians and policymakers have through so not only their prior work experiences but how many bills have they written and how many have had they gotten past or how many appearances in public have they been in and then what did I say what did I talk about did I do any fundraising did I do did I run any ads on Facebook per se especially in this climate and how involved were they in this local scenes that they are trying to run for so maybe something like that LinkedIn for politicians where we can go in and then just learn more about this politics that's tailored towards this particular profession and election and last idea I think this is a little bit out there but maybe something worth mentioning it's just a social aspect of election and voting and especially it's something that this younger generation is familiar with like who is my friend voting why so how to make voting a little more fun in a social environment like obviously there are things that we need to think about and hashes because usually in democratic society you really don't tell other people who you voted for but people usually do after in in private so maybe we can tap into that space and then facilitate the conversation in a more civil manner and that in which way that would encourage people to vote more so that's the last idea so just to recap like Instagram snapchat style style stories platform where candidate can raise awareness about their campaigns or policies or election in general and second is a platform where you can subscribe to certain issue or a region and then we will send out maybe through our digest or on a discovery platform the candidates and policies that are specific to the interest in locations that you subscribe to and maybe third LinkedIn for politics politicians where we have a platform where you can lay out your footprint as a politician and where we can as a voter check out those and then and show support and lastly who is my friend voting cut type of a social voting app that could encourage more discussion and voting in general so yeah how does this sound yeah awesome there's a lot of cool ideas a lot of having conversations we can have about these ideas yeah I wanted to just first focus on Wikipedia a sort of LinkedIn for politicians um how do you make sure it's factual so yeah we already kind of talked about how Wikipedia is not totally objective but why would this platform be more objective and who will be maintaining that information will be the politicians what be a curator will be the public like how does it formation even get there yeah yeah that's an interest question if and I think here mainly there are three directions that we can go with creating the contents and editing the contents and validating the contents like one is as you said and you mention all all three already one is by politicians themselves since it is their profile or it is their their information second we can have a designated editor who can curates the information and edit them as time progresses and third way is crowdsourcing so really relying on the public relying on the users that we're going after to validate some of the claims that this politicians make about their experiences and past I think there's trade-off to everything a politicians I think owning their contents will be most factual that maybe since it's coming from them so we'll have a less risk of maybe we post something and then then disputing it so it will be coming from them originally and they will have more vested interest to keep this contents fresh and up to date so that's one thing that we can rely on but obviously there is knowing knowingly some trust issue with the public and the politicians so some people may ask hey this platform is just shiny thing where politicians really look good but we don't really know the full picture so there's that side of a risk with having a solely relying on the politicians to have the information up-to-date and the editor I think it could be the most objective source of information if you'd be careful in selecting the right numbers and variety of editors but also there's a scalability issue as we build out the platform so there's that and crowdsourcing I think is the most saleable solution but also the Internet and how we mentioned the Wikipedia and the Google records can be polarizing sometimes it would be hard to really understand what is fact what is not so I think there's trade-off all in all these accounts I am leaning towards all of the above so we I think there's a way that we can take all these into a single platform in a way that makes sense maybe we can have the politicians type in the initial information and as they sign up and then they can regularly update the information as they progress through their career and then we can have a few editors that really make sure these accounts are factual and then have them arrange it in a way that makes sense and lastly we can add craft sourcing by the public to maybe on the profile they can show validation show support or just like Wikipedia they can come in to request for edits in cases that it doesn't make sense or they don't agree with there's certain things and they want to voice their opinion so I think when we build out this platform we can I think we need actually all three of these factors to really build out a platform that is factual that is most up to date but also engaging to the public how does that sound yeah that sounds really well thought out for sure um and it does address a lot of my concerns or I I have a sense of how we can play with it and when I'm now and you know increasingly product strategy is a part of some of these interviews and so I wanted to ask you in terms of it and you know this is maybe a little digging into politics but like what are the [Music] groups of people you might have to convince to make this product actually go to market also let's say that we're we're you know we're working on this product you want to take it to the market however we're what which group of people do you think we're gonna face the most resistance from totally pushing it out yeah I think just first thought is definitely the candidates in the position themselves for them it is a huge step to really put themselves out there and then they'll be facing probably a lot of support but also at the same time a lot of criticism as politics goes and they'll have to put it they are the ones who have to put the initial efforts to make this work and it also use this platform actively and advertise it and they'll be if they if we get them on our side I think they will be the biggest supporter as well as ally in terms of pushing this so I think convincing them and in a way that hey this is how you campaign now in the digital age to the younger generations and then this can help you win the elections and actually raise awareness I think that sending that message to this target demographic will be really important gotcha yeah I think it's a really good point I would add that the parties themselves maybe yeah you know because they're kind of affiliated with the politician and there might even be a situation where one of the parties agrees to it and the other party doesn't and then how would that affect your platform if just one party agrees to that platform yeah it would be really interesting and I think it's problematic because once one party's say Democrats agree and then all the Democrats petitions are on it is easier for Republicans to say hey that is a left-wing platform and then we got nothing else to do so I think it will be ideal to get both platforms in but part of me thinks like if this really works in the Democrats are having a lot of success and in terms of engaging with the younger generations there could be some aspect of like FOMO from the other party as well and then I think we if we want to focus on the Democrats and really nail that down and there's a way to we like to convert the other side as well so yeah cool yeah I think it's really good to think about this kind of stuff because in this product to go to market strategy is actually really important like if we're really thinking about it because yeah a lot of like you don't want it to become a democratic platform or a Republican platform that's only but perhaps you can do that and then use the pressure of just like hey they're eyeballs here we're getting a lot of traction to bring in the other parties cool I I kind of dug deep on that one I you know I wanted to just pop back up a bit and you know and not all interviews I don't want us to like go through the user flow with this one necessarily but just yeah did you get a sense for you like what your priority was with the different options that you out list it that you listed and we can kind of and I know we talked about like social aspects and some other stuff too so I just wanted to give you some space to talk about you know some of the other ideas you wanted to talk about them a little bit more and give me a sense of priority for you totally on and then after that we can kind of wrap up the interview and do feedback because I want to be mindful of time as well sounds great thank you yeah so just to go back to the ideas for the audience as well I think the story style platform like Instagram and snapchat were this candidates can push awareness campaigns is cool but as you said actually both that and the issue and interest based work and you can subscribe to certain issues and it will push out the contents the idea is cool but I think there is a factor of like if you were the user would you actually take the time to download this app and then have it and then regularly visit as a user I think there's some question mark is there for the first one Instagram style I think there's definitely ways to test it with with the existing platform like insta and a snapchat part of me thinks maybe this is just a pure content player rather than building a product in itself and what we can do maybe is to utilize platform likewise who's my friend voting or the LinkedIn for politics bill the audience and then we can use that platform audience to do this more creative style story stock and awareness then we can even add the stories type of profile information to maybe LinkedIn for politics and then these people instead of like a static profile can add live videos of themselves or campaigns and feed themselves so that's one thought here and the who is my friend boating I think that one is also very very interesting part of me thinks there are a lot more complexities and things to hash out for this to really really work and the audience also needs to happen just noting routing back to the single problem that's the most important thing to solve to get the voters to vote it's just their general awareness of the political landscape and the candidates and the policies so thinking tying all that back and then just sequencing in the products and the features I am leaning towards to LinkedIn for politics as well and then I think as because it is the most I guess pressing needs to build a platform where candidates and this younger voters can communicate in a factual manner and that encourages a civil discussion so I think we can build out this part if I were the product manager or the founder for this company that is targeting this goal I will build out this LinkedIn for politics platform and then with the audience try to incorporate story style candidate candidate awareness contents maybe we can build out a discovery mechanism where they can subscribe to certain issues and then we'll push out certain contents in a way or we can also use that audience to facilitate conversation between these users so in my opinion looking back at all these features and the factors that I mentioned my party sits on LinkedIn for politics as well cool okay this really helpful explanation and you know in a normal p.m. interview we may dig deep under that but I my whole time and keep this short video for those watching so if you're watching right now is a perfect opportunity to comment and to ask mutual follow-up questions or to offer feedback or to just ask us in general for any questions that you have so please comment below if you're watching the video even if it's just to say hi we really like it and I'll kind of take the time now to jump into some feedback for you Mitchell and overall a great interview I had a lot of fun it was a really cool topic not when you normally get to discuss in a p.m. interview um I thought some things that I thought you did really well I thought you really nailed it with the questions in the beginning you're really you know I could tell you're kind of narrowing down the scope of the question and understanding where in the question you want to top right um you also did an excellent job in the beginning with summarizing so you know you kind of went through like a B C D of the ideas that you just talked about and it was perfect because I was already getting confused a little bit it was like a little too many things and I was like okay where is he what's he saying like yeah I don't know and you'd said that and then I was like okay I got it I completely follow you and you know if you were at a whiteboard you would probably write it on the whiteboard as well so awesome job with that I thought you did an excellent job with checking in with me and kind of just regularly saying like you know which please jump in if Bob LA or you know is the Sun okay to you goals uh I thought you did a good job integrating goals into the conversation early on I think you could have done it even more later in the conversation yeah and you know just kind of always in the interview just it's good to go back up you know take a breath and just say like okay what are our goals the first place like why are we down here what are we doing and then you can go back down and tinker away and kind of come up with the ideas um so I think that's a really effective approach to do maybe three or four times throughout your interview um so we also have user okay so I I prompted you for this one but I wish that you had stayed at your assumptions more clearly yeah so you know it was really hard to know where to go and I don't know like personally I'm not convinced necessarily that awareness is the right direction ago but it doesn't matter like what matters is you're communicating that to your interviewer god you're sitting like this is my assumption like I think awareness is the issue because a lot of young people don't even know like about the candidates they don't even care so you can see this I'm going to defend it a little bit more like kind of how I just did yeah sorry if you want to jump in at any point great thank you yeah and I think we have a comment from the live section as well from Metta yeah yeah yeah yeah I'll let me to thank you for commenting let's get to you right after I finish with the feedback but all of you participating currently like keep flowing in with comments we'll get to them you know Hari andrey lewis and some of the others that have liked or commented if you haven't liked this yet please do it really helps encourage us and we feel like we're doing something that's all value pulling helpful so you would love it yeah great so let's continue on a little bit more with the feedback Mitchell and then we'll get to me this question um so the other sorry I thought you had a great structure the other big piece of feedback that I would have for you is that unless prompted by me I don't think we got in too much have like insightful realizations about the world and so what I think and I think you did an excellent job but I think that you know advanced p.m. interview questions it's really important to drop some of these nuggets like yeah like how does voting how do we think about voting like and kind of like bubble up to the philosophy of the whole thing like yeah you know like what is what is the point of voting like voting is to help people's voices get heard great and so maybe we can think beyond just voting it you think about like what are ways to get people's voices hurt yeah and it doesn't mean that it's a vote it could mean that it's like a social media thing or so you know sort of interacting with people so I I really like I like the interview but I think it was a little too within the box yeah I wish that we had stepped outside the box and just been like okay whoa what is what is this whole thing about like what is the real point of this thing yeah that's a great piece of paper thank you yeah um those are my main pieces feedback overall Mitchell like you killed it with this interview I thought it was really well structured really thoughtful and you know if we had more time it'd be fun to grill you and some other stuff yeah you can go we can go ahead and start answering the questions if you want to you get a chance to read me this question yeah and I think it's a really good question and I was actually thinking about that myself as I was answering because here I was prioritizing really based on qualitative reasoning rather than more of a streak framework or quantitative measures like our eyes or metrics per se before you jump in let me read the question out loud I'll just read it to you so the question that made it has is do we need to use some kind of quantify Merc to prioritize or is it okay to use qualitative reasoning for example ROI or you know versus saying I think this is more valuable because X Y Z mm-hmm I think both qualitative or quantitative works but in my prior experience and then also during this interview I found myself with the qualitative reasoning it is easier to lose an interviewer and lose a structure and it doesn't sound as structured per se so if you are going down the qualitative reasoning route I highly recommend and I would do myself to structure it more summarize it more so that the arguments or more Corin and the interviewer is with me the entire time but always quantitative and more strict frameworks also makes it easier and then shows you show us an interview that you're an analytical thinker so I think there's a good in that and you can maybe utilize both depending on the question what do you have anything to add here see what yeah I think it's good I think it's a good point I think for these types of interviews quantitative analyses are not very useful maybe we could talk about metrics much later in the interview and once we define the product but we would discuss it too early on and it wouldn't be valuable because this is ultimately a good qualitative discussion really yeah so then we have another question from Nathan Nathan yeah we'll follow up with other sorts of mock interviews hurry we have off the platforms that we talked about what would be the first preference to between LinkedIn Instagram and snapchat and so literally cracking from around the my interpretation is that Hardy's a little bit misunderstanding to point you're banging you're not saying that we're gonna put it on LinkedIn you're just saying that we're going to make a platform that's similar to LinkedIn yep but do you have any thoughts on I mean I think he's pointing at a good point is that like we want to target a younger audience and be perhaps linked in style right platforms don't agree with that and yeah I think you're absolutely correct that we have to target the right channels and mediums and to meet him there and and as Steven said I wasn't really talking about putting it on LinkedIn but was gonna build a separate system we can explore but in this case then we will have to utilize this different channels that younger generation frequent as a marketing strategy or go to market to really meet them there and then maybe push out the contents and then integrate with this platforms to really make sure that we are where our target users are so yeah that's my thought on that one yeah I like the idea of like loading stories into maybe you know you can bring in some of the other stuff that you had mentioned goody very good points there - yeah cool and then let's get to one last question from meetup and then we'll wrap up the comments and questions and thank someone for commenting and please remember to like and subscribe and find us on PM less and calm or slash p.m. lesson for tons of other videos like this one and maeda as last question is it is it good practice to call out the structure we plan to use before diving into the answer like Mitchell did Mitchell what were your thoughts on how that landed and I can jump into yeah actually it's also a lot of things that I see from my clients where they'd gone off some books they really practice and they really had the structure down and and then usually they would really follow or read a structure for every type of question and then the piece is feedback that I would give to those clients it's try to loosen up a little bit and my experience in my experience the best interviews when like a conversation that you have with your friends so try to and I think this also comes with practice as you practice more and really get the framework down there are rooms for you to be more creative take out a couple steps or add something independent of the questions and for a particular your modesties particular question about calling out the structure and summarizing before I think if you do it too much it seems rehearsed but if in my interview here with Stephen because it was a lot of qualitative I was going off a lot under a lot of things and I could really I could see myself and Stephen being lost there a little bit so that's why I added in more summarizations and the usual to help with that so I think as you get more comfortable as you get more practices in you will have to read the interviewer and this will be a little difficult with the phone interview and make sure you put in the right amount of structure in place to help the interviewer be on the same page and in the in case of one of your interviews I would try to do it a little more because conversation tend to get a little lost a little easier through phone interviews but uh Stephen do you have anything else to add there yeah I think structure is great I am I am a big fan of structure and didn't write a structure beforehand I would just say that yeah you don't have you robotic or mechanical with it and I didn't feel like Mitchell was at all during this call like Mitchell laid it out we went through it but in any odd structure but it you know I could poke him I could push him and he wouldn't change the direction and that felt really organic and natural to me that's good thank you all right well Mitchell um I think we're wrapping up but I just wanted to one last time say that you know Mitchell is a p.m. lesson coach so if you're looking for coaching for p.m. rolls especially for companies like LinkedIn Mitchell is here to help and you can find out more and contact us either at Steven at p.m. lesson comm or you can find us online at p.m. lesson comm to see our free online course and a bunch of other great content available for you to help you ace your upcoming
Channel: Exponent
Views: 38,204
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Keywords: product management, product manager, product, what is product management, product management jobs, product management training, project management, product marketing, how to become a product manager, tech product management, learn product management, product management explained, product management in startups, product management interview, pm interview, pm jobs, product manager coaching, product management coach, linkedin, linkedin Product management
Id: jQhdz4j29fU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 21sec (2661 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2019
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