Amazon System Design Interview: Design Parking Garage

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i would like you to design a reservation and payment system for a parking garage [Music] welcome everyone to another mock interview at exponent today we're going to be doing a systems design interview question with tim before we dive in tim would you like to introduce yourself yeah for sure so hey my name is tim i'm a software engineer i've been doing engineering for a couple years now previously worked at some large tech companies like amazon lab 126 or airbnb currently working on some startup stuff on my own nice thanks for being with us today tim so the question today i would like you to design a reservation and payment system for a parking garage all right awesome uh yeah we can just dive right into it if you'd like um the first thing i like to do generally is sort of clarify the requirements a little bit just make sure i'm not making any like incorrect assumptions so to start off i guess i'll write some of them down just to make sure i've got them off the bat sure let's see so uh for this type of reservation system presumably we need a way to be able to like reserve a parking spot and maybe receive some kind of i guess uh ticket or receipt yes that's correct make this a little wider here um you obviously need to be able to pay for the parking spot yep and then um i guess this might be more of like a scale requirement but at a higher level if we think about this type of um like product uh we'd probably prefer uh to err on the side of higher consistency um yes because like if i'm thinking about it we probably don't want uh two people to be able to uh reserve the same parking spot obviously yep absolutely cool and then um i'm curious uh are there different types of parking um because if i think about like a normal parking garage you know there's like there's various there's like maybe a handicap spot maybe some larger spots maybe some smaller spots so i think for for this question let's restrict it to three types of spots um depending on the size of the vehicle so compact regular and large vehicles large awesome and then um for the are the prices for the garages uh would they be flat rate um yeah let's say flat rate and but different rates for the three different types of parking and flat rate based on time cool all right awesome um yeah i know that makes a lot of sense to me and then obviously i believe this should be some form of i guess web app or mobile app interfacing with a back-end server um so with fees i guess product requirements and requirements in mind i guess we can dive right into defining uh the sort of interface or the api we're going to be working with um so i think this type of thing is going to have some public endpoints and then some internal endpoints um so i'll maybe start us off with some of the more public end points so off the bat we need um as we mentioned in the product requirements a way to reserve so let's call this one slash reserve and i'm just calling it this in reality it doesn't have to be like i'm immediately restful it could be like graphql or anything this is just so we have general understanding of what this should look like i think that sounds good and so what should this type of thing take um we obviously want to know which garage we're referring to um we want to know i guess uh when uh the time duration during which this should be reserved as well um so that seems pretty reasonable so let's go with those something along those lines and then as we mentioned in sort of product requirements we should return some type of uh receipt or ticket so let's say it returns a tuple um obviously we want the specific spot as well as potentially like a way to identify which specific reservation we're referring to so we just call that like a reservation id um so yeah that seems reasonable for that um then there's obviously there should be some form of payment endpoint and obviously this is probably beyond the scope of the specific um problem per se but um the actual implementation could probably just be handled uh by like a third party um so yeah we want to pay by reservation id and then i want to say like you know you probably end up using something like stripe or square or like alternatively you can implement your own um that's like a little more um complex yeah i think we can we can assume that a third party will be taking care of that cool yeah awesome and then uh yeah you also oh uh you gotta be able to cancel your reservation that seems pretty reasonable um just because you know things come up in general so yeah we should have a cancel end point as well let's call that here text left and uh yeah similarly you should be able to just be able to pass the reservation id um and i think it should handle the rest on so so that seems pretty reasonable before i think our public endpoints at least for the functionality that we're describing here um we're probably going to have a few more endpoints on the internal app so let's get started on those and so let's taking a look at the public endpoints um that we've sort of created here there's like a few internal things we might need um one thing uh we need is a way to calculate the actual individual payments um on the internal side yeah and debatably that could just be part of the initial endpoint but um personally i prefer to separate them out so let's see here and yeah so similarly i should just take uh the reservation id because um presumably and and this we can delve into this more later when we define our actual data schema but presumably the reservation id um tells us like which specific garage we're referring to and then like what the actual times are that way we can sort of get the individual rates um based on like what garage it is like what time yeah so that should be fine okay um and then on the reserve side we probably need a let's say a way to check um what spots are currently available um that seems pretty reasonable for from a ui perspective um so let's say we have a free spots endpoints and uh one thing i guess when we're considering the parameters of what this uh specific endpoint might require um obviously we need this the garage but one other thing that some other things that might be prudent are like um the type of vehicle or the time um and the reason i say that is uh if we think about it the larger spots um like you mentioned that over here we say we defined like there's a compact as a regular and there's a large um the larger spots actually end up being able to be used for the smaller vehicles um obviously we would prefer to not have to do that down the line like we would prefer to use up all the smaller spots but reasonably if all of those spots are full and someone wants to reserve a spot um they should be able to reserve a large spot at least in my opinion um so there's just some things to note i guess and then there's uh some some of the more complex uh logic that's going to be held should be in the actual allocation of the spot um we don't have to dive into the minutia of the actual algorithm of that right now um but for now let's just define that as let's say allocate spot and uh that should similarly take um a garage idea vehicle type and a time okay cool and uh yeah that seems pretty reasonable for the three we have here um some of the more optional things i guess we could be adding if i'm thinking more um about the actual product um obviously the ability to create an account seems pretty reasonable if it's like a garage you're going to be end up using over and over we may want to incorporate that so let's say we have a create an account endpoint some things that we might need there are let's say an email and a password seem like pretty reasonable for the initial things and obviously we do some hashing for that we don't want to store that in plain text and then some more optional things like let's say first name or like last name yeah um yeah just uh as another thing to like note um optionally you can also just implement third party uh like single sign-on options like google or facebook login yeah and their payment details i'm assuming are gonna be taken care of by whatever third parties handling that exactly yeah cool and then let's say we just have like a login endpoint just because you need that once you've created an account cool so i think that seems pretty reasonable um at least on the first pass for um the specific system interface we're working with um so let's maybe uh consider the actual like scale or scope of the problem and we kind of we tackle that briefly when we discuss um how we want like high consistency given the nature of this problem but let's look at like the actual like size or like far reaching extent um it's honestly my initial impression is that we're not likely to deal with like many at scale issues with this type of problem um like on a per garage basis like even if we upper bound a garage optimistically at like 10 floors like i don't think the average parking garage is going to have 10 floors but let's upper boundary just for the sake of this problem and let's say there's maybe like 200 spots per floor that's like 2 000 relevant spots per garage and the system like i guess what 2 000 relevant spots per garage i don't think there's that many parking garages in the world um so i'm not particularly concerned about designing this as a more distributed system like i think even if there's like a million parking garages i don't like that's still not within the realm of like big data in my opinion um so i don't think that really factors into the considerations here um that being said as we mentioned before we care most about the system being up to date uh we don't really want to run into a race condition where like we happen to allocate to the same spots at the same time so those are just something to keep in mind um and then yeah i guess given that we're not probably not going to run that into that many at scale issues we can sort of jump over to the data schema side of things how we're going to design the database sounds good so let me shift over here on whimsical yep cool um so i guess what are some of the uh first things we probably want to tackle here reservations are obviously the point of this entire product so we can start with that let's go with reservations create a table here cool and to start us off we have i guess as most tables will we have an id and this is our primary key we can define it as a serial within most relational databases um and i apologize the i tend to lean towards relational databases um for most of this type of problem reasonably speaking you could probably go into more of a no-sql type solution um but just more of my expertise lies in the relational database side so presumably like uh some type of postgres or mysql is what we'll be working with here in the same thing um so i'll be designing the data schema with that sort of perspective in mind okay that's totally fine awesome so yeah uh back to the reservations um initial field id the serial that way it sort of increments as you add more and more it seems totally reasonable what else would we want so the other information we'd want in this sort of table we need like which specific garage it's referring to uh which spot we actually ended up allocating to it and then the start and end time seem like pretty reasonable things as well as oh also whether or not um i guess this has been uh paid depending on like how you want to format the product you might be able to pay like on site as opposed to um like in the app per se um so that sort of status might be reasonable yeah i think that's this garage id and i think we can presumably we're going to be making a table down the line with this so we'll call this foreign key as well um then let's see we have the spot id and another thing about it's probably not um unreasonable to make a spot table as well um that way it could sort of have the uh potential vehicle types and whether or not it's like reserved at a specific time yeah so let's go with that also and then yeah we want start time we want the end time and uh yeah i guess it's just paid or not paid so we just call that paid cool um see that seems pretty reasonable uh for a reservation table and obviously we can end up adding like user id or such if we end up having those but like for now this is like the important part yeah i think this is good to start with perfect um yeah so let's i guess move over to creating a garage table or garage table there's this whole debate over whether or not you should be using singular or plural and table names honestly i'm probably in the singular camp even though i just wrote reservations but i don't think it matters either way for the sake of this problem that's fine yeah yeah so this will also obviously have an id um similarly merit key and serial so what are some of the things we want for the garage where it is it's i guess something that's generally pretty important and that can also help down the line when it comes to actually like starting specific like replicas of the database or load balancing things like that um just an easy way off the bat to do that to handle that is a zip code yep that's pretty universal uh so let's go with that and um to be able to incorporate i guess the extensions of zip codes that requires a hyphen so maybe let's go with uh bearcare instead of like an in um and then what else do we want oh we want the uh the individual rates we mentioned that this is flat rate based on size yes um so for now yeah it seems relatively reasonable um to have a size and then obviously these are like um nullable uh columns in the case that they don't have that specific type of spot in the specific garage yep and one thing to note here is i'm using um decimal um i know there's obviously some issues uh down the line regarding like floating point errors and calculations and payments i think decimal is the postgres type that should be able to handle that i'm not confident that there's an equivalent mysql type but i'm sure there is so i think that seems like a pretty reasonable approach i think that's fine and then let's go with spots like we mentioned we have a spot table that is here similar to the other ones we want id with a primary key a serial and now what do we want for the spot we want the relevant garage obviously we want the type of vehicle and then we want i guess um the specific status um like what is it like maybe it's being reserved maybe it's um like unavailable right now like maybe they're like up like i don't know paving over the spot or maybe it's just totally empty um so i think those are pretty reasonable things to have there okay so the garage id obviously it's a foreign key and i guess it's a secondary key and then we want the vehicle type and uh for now i'm gonna call this an enum um and i'll get into this a little later um when we actually define oh actually i can get into this now i guess um there's sort of like a trade-off there when you end up adding enums particularly in like a relational database just simply because so you you gain you become more performant um because you have all the benefits of sort of being an int as opposed to like a you know like a character string or whatever but um the trade-off there is uh there's some like flexibility issues down the line um i know in postgres specifically when you add an enum you can never uh remove it like you can never remove the type afterwards um so that's like something to consider when you end up choosing them i think for this specific case like compact regular and large i don't think those are things that are like ever going to be like totally out of phase in a parking garage type system so i think it's totally reasonable yeah i mean i'm here um but like i mentioned before i don't think we're going to run these issues at scale here it would be totally reasonable uh to be like just a varicare as well for like flexibility and then sort of have that vetting on the application layer side yeah i think that's fine you can make it make a call over here on the trade-off that you're willing to go for for sure cool and then what else oh we had the i guess supposedly the optional table um given that we optionally want to be able to create an account um so let's say we have a users table and uh that should just have you know all the familiar things we have the id with the uh primary key it's a serial and then as we mentioned uh in the previous endpoints that were optional maybe an email or i guess fair care because we're in postgres and then okay as well and uh note that this is probably like something conventional let's say like a shot 256 hashing like that okay um and then uh yeah first name obviously nullable as well and last name um cool and then um i guess arguably uh if i'm thinking about like the nature of this type of application the whole reason we wanted uh and optional users in the first place is just uh so they could like recurringly reserve a spot and if we want to be able to recurringly reserve a spot um we probably also want um the type of vehicle actually we might want the type of vehicle in general um so i think a vehicle table is like a totally reasonable thing to have in this sort of scenario yep i think that's mine and then let's go with id as usual and then uh yeah so optionally like a user id that can be a foreign key and and then let's say we want their license seems reasonable and then yeah probably the vehicle type again similar to the one that was in the spots table so yeah um i think that probably covers our requirements here um i mean obviously i can add more um as we go through the problem but for now does that seem like a i think this seems good yeah this looks reasonable um maybe we can dive into what the high level architecture would look like yeah for sure um so yeah we can sort of get into that here we start us off with you know the very basics we want a like a application ui i mean it can be either web or mobile and then we want um some sort of like back-end server so let's say here we have a i don't know web app or mobile ui depending on the sort of me or maybe even both um and then yeah over here let's go with a sort of a back-end server yeah this will talk to this vice versa cool now some of the more the deeper considerations to have i guess here are um obviously we're gonna have a database um as we mentioned before um the one that i end up leaning towards is sort of like a postgres db so let's just call this ep and then go here and so that's just like off the bat um in reality we can end up doing a number of different adjustments here i guess um one thing that we can consider is that um a potential consideration is splitting the back-end server um into like a reservation server and a slot server given the complexity of um like allocating slots um that seems probably a little unnecessary here um a bigger thing that might be more reasonable is um given that we sort of described up here the uh that the system needs to have a high consistency um we notice that in this type of problem we probably want um to be able to read more like way more than write so if we're going to be reading a lot more than writing we probably want a number of different read replicas for the db so we can actually let's say separate out this here move it up this way and then can i just copy this oh yes i can awesome so yeah let's uh yeah let's call this a read replica i'm going to read replica so yeah the server would kind of work like this um essentially go here and uh one thing to have or that would be prudent to have in this sort of scenario um given that we're probably hosting like a number of read replicas um we probably want some form of load balancer in between just to sort of allocate um where the individual calls are going um it would probably be prudent for this type of problem to shard that based on location um i know that we mentioned earlier like the garage might have like a zip code that seems like a pretty reasonable way to approach that so let's yeah maybe this here and then from here we can go up here call this read call this read um then this one will be right yeah and then what else uh we mentioned oh go for it i was gonna ask do you anticipate any any trade-offs based on this decision yeah um well not specifically the read replica portion um one thing that i guess is likely going to end up being a specific trade-off um as i was sort of a pathing towards we mentioned that uh this type of thing uh sort of wants a high consistency um so i think it's like pretty reasonable to take a strong consistency approach versus like an eventual consistency approach um just simply because if we think about the nature of someone using this application like from a customer perspective it's likely not the case that they're going to be super frequently um reserving things like probably not more than like even twice a day at most and that already seems a little excessive um so in reality they're probably very willing to wait or deal with like a higher latency which is i guess the trade-off you make when you have uh strong consistency versus like eventual consistency where you like increase the performance i guess the execution on the uh the customer side like in the customer's view but the trade-off you make there is like you might not have the exact data we want exact data because we want them to be able to um know that the spot that they're reserving is like specifically the spot that they'll get um and the way that that's tackled in this sort of setup um is you basically read luck that's like an initial approach um that a lot of people use um seems pretty reasonable as well um especially for something that's not necessarily at an aggressive scale i'm in the sense that when someone's writing to the postgres db uh you read lock the replicas um that way they sort of wait for the result to finish that way you know the data is up to date as up-to-date as possible one potential consideration the future of that might be um depending on how you wanna split up and charge your database you might uh wanna consider uh the logic of read locking based on location because we think about it um why would we read luck i don't know something in wisconsin if like someone's reserving something in california but that's like a little more of a complex decision down the line okay yeah i think that's that's a good that would be a good next step cool um and then yeah i think that's oh one other thing uh we mentioned up here that we you know we have like a payment since likely to be using an existing third-party payment um so yeah we just draw that in here let's say it's like uh place that here have that here both ways don't really know how to do this oh there we go cool nice okay i think this this is pretty good and a good place to stop um what did you think about that tim ah it's uh it's sort of an interesting weird problem i guess um i think a lot of these types of problems end up actually having issues at scale so i think i was lucky in the sense that i i think it's reasonable to say with some like back of the envelope for me estimation that this uh sort of problem doesn't tackle that um and that made it a lot more of i guess how do we design the data problem got it yeah now i think some things that you did really well um so clarification questions at the beginning were very they were well drawn out by by you um and that made the scope of the question a lot a lot more manageable as well for you to tackle and to just understand exactly what the requirements were and i think one thing that i saw you do consistently and that was really good was providing your opinions so explaining what the problem was why you were doing something what your opinion on it was like one example was just separating the payment calculation from the public endpoint um that that was a small example where you suggested that you were going to separate it and you provided a reason for that and i think that you did that consistently throughout which just shows that you know you would be someone who people would enjoy working with as an engineer because you have opinions on things um and it's conversational too it adds flavor to to the question that you're doing it doesn't sound very robotic and rehearsed and uh and just you know adds some commentary for the interviewer to be able to interact with as well um yeah and i i like that towards the end you called out that you weren't super confident on the use of decimal as as the type um things like that i think are good for interview for interviewees to do just if there is something that people aren't super confident about call it out it's better to just throw it out there than kind of go into it blind because then at least the interviewer knows exactly where you stand and what you might need help with or hints with in the at some point in the question um what what advice do you think you'd give someone if they were to receive this question yeah i mean i think a lot of people approach these types of problems uh very like sort of i guess almost too strictly formulaically and i think that that's good um to an extent i mean i think a lot of the reason for that is like algo problems are like another metric that people are generally like um evaluated on and that honestly probably doesn't have too much bearings on the actual job um but um system design questions i feel like are a lot more uh relevant and applicable to like actual work context um so like thinking about the problem from a more like flexible standpoint there and like sort of treating it like um you're working with a co-worker and you're like actually going over like an estimation of like what i'm the entire system i like is like a pretty reasonable approach to sort of tackle these types of problems yeah absolutely well thank you so much tim this was this was really great and good luck with your interviews thank you so much it was fun thanks so much for watching don't forget to hit the like and subscribe buttons below to let us know that this video is valuable for you and of course check out hundreds more videos just like this at thanks for watching and good luck on your upcoming interview you
Channel: Exponent
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Length: 29min 59sec (1799 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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