Lyft Product Manager Interview: Driver Cancels

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and we're going to be doing a mock pm interview focused on an execution style question focused on lift lift cancels are up five percent what is going on hey everyone i'm here today with hadar uh hadar before we jump into this question could you tell us a little bit more about yourself yeah hey um so my name is uh i uh just recently quit lift uh but i was working there for uh something like two and a half or three years uh as a pm uh focused on a bunch of different stuff uh some driver onboarding some regulatory policy uh towards the end on uh creating new products for our writers and on the cancellations policy uh for for the ride sharing uh product uh before that uh as a pm postmates and a non-profit called kiva and then did some startup stuff for a while before that awesome well we're super excited to have you and today as i mentioned we're going to be doing an execution style interview question uh for this question i want you to imagine that you are working at lyft which uh you're very familiar with um lift cancels are up five percent what is going on what's the problem here uh is what we're going to explore throughout this interview question okay um sounds good so what i'd love for you to do is to come up with hypotheses as to what's going on for the purpose of this exercise we're going to do a little bit of a role play where i will be a data scientist and you can imagine that i have access to tons of data and i can tell you answers to everything however um unfortunately i'm a very terse data scientist and i only answer in yes or no questions um so i can't tell you anything more other than just yes or no um but you can feel free to ask me questions to understand and diagnose the issue um again the issue is that lift cancel rates are up five percent okay yeah that all sounds good um cool so this is a starting point you want to make sure i clarify and like have the the prompt right uh so i'm a pm at lift uh i'm on the cancel side let's say cancels are up uh five percent which obviously is not a good thing i want to see why that happened uh and then uh you have like a magical dashboard and i can ask you whatever question uh you'll only give me like yes or no answers have to be pretty precise like what things i ask you right yes um cool okay and just make sure i understand how we're defining cancels um so first question um is this like are we talking like writer versus driver cancels or like is like the admins like the system behind the scenes cancelling i guess yes there are no questions is this driver uh cancels yes it is driver cancels yes okay so judge to make sure our writer cancels uh different in any way or is it jessalyn driver inside no we're not seeing a different deviation and writer cancels okay got it got it um has the way that we uh define the metric change in all like as an example like maybe the way we used to define it is uh you know you requested the ride already um and the driver was like dispatched and then you like the writer cancels the ride that's like the driver cancels the ride uh at some point um let's say that that's the definition uh as an assumption like has this changed since before that the increase happened yeah good question we haven't changed the definitions of metrics uh in the past in the time frame that's relevant for this question okay uh and uh are we like logging it differently like have you switched like you know from redshift to hive or like anything like that um we have implemented a lot of changes recently um i'm a data scientist so i don't know exactly the the changes that we've invented um but yeah there's been some changes to our system our instrumentation and things like that i'm not sure whether or not that's applicable here though okay sounds good uh yeah so i mean maybe i'll try some other stuff for a while and if we aren't really getting anywhere then we can come back to uh instrumentation and see if there's like a technical problem with that um that's okay with you yeah that sounds good cool okay so i think we have a good sense of like what we're talking about it's like drivers are canceling uh we haven't changed the definition of driver cancels at all maybe the metrics are being logged differently but sounds like that's like i don't know maybe it's like a routine thing that hasn't had much of an impact who knows we can come back to it um typically when i want to like find the root cause behind this sort of thing i like to break it down into different types of like categories in which things might go wrong a couple that come to mind right now and we can maybe think of more later are uh like what's going on like in the physical world that people are in like using the product it's like kind of marketplace specific stuff uh maybe there's some technical uh you know ways to slice and dice the data that will help us to find the uh the segment that's experiencing this more if such a thing exists uh maybe there's like user specific issues or like competitive issues those are maybe like the four that i'll touch upon um to sound okay yep that sounds great thanks for the breakdown yeah sure um so let's start with uh marketplace so um this is stuff like seasonality like maybe time location or something so this is as a starting point um has this change uh did this did this change happen uh like gradually like decreased over time into what is now like cancelling up five percent or so like a stark like it used to be like the normal amount and all of a sudden it's up five percent like within a day or something um yeah so you're asking about the to clarify you're asking about the time duration of the change is that right yeah or i suppose like uh did the so cancels are up five percent uh from some point in the past uh was that point in the past uh like very recent it's like a stark change or has it been kind of gradually uh increasing up until where we are at now it's a relatively stark change so it looks like there's been something happening within the past maybe a couple of weeks that have caused it to change um it's not like a slow change yeah great question yeah that makes sense like something fundamentally is different about the product the marketplace something and it like just made like a step change that that makes sense uh cool is it a regional at all like are we seeing like certain countries or cities uh that you know disproportionately have an increase in cancels or is it like kind of uniformly up across the whole platform um we're seeing it focus generally in domestic areas but we're not seeing a huge uh it's not like it's only in the domestic areas we're seeing a little bit more in the domestic region got it okay yeah so maybe like there's like a specific city or like a state in america or something but it's like kind of across the board right okay that makes sense um cool and i guess you said it was a star change is there any like holiday or something like uh i don't know is that like a big like you know uh countrywide holiday or like a parade i guess parade would be like city specific but it's like it's like a national holiday i guess um i'm actually just a data scientist i'm not totally sure what holidays are coming up is there a way that i can look up something for you that would help you determine if there's a holiday um yeah i mean maybe like if you just had like a you know a magical calendar of uh holidays sure so i can look at my magical calendar or maybe i'll look at kind of a database or something and check and cross-reference if there's any holidays um there's a couple esoteric holidays like uh maybe national pancakes day but i'm not totally sure how applicable that is for the question that we're having today yeah okay you should probably partner with ihop but uh i guess otherwise it doesn't sound like it has had much of an impact um okay cool so um maybe nothing around holidays um i'm gonna skip forward uh a different uh category now let's talk about maybe uh like technical uh you know potential problems um is this so i think lifts only on ios and android right maybe there's like a mobile product as well uh but like broadly is there like a specific platform in which we're seeing this happen more great question we're not seeing a deviation in the platform usage generally like we we have certain platforms that are used more than others but um the norm when you normalize to the amount that they are being used it doesn't show any deviation and pattern so yeah it doesn't look like there's any deviation between the two platforms or other got it okay all right that makes sense and uh we'll get to like user behavior type stuff later but um since we're talking about driver cancels i think uh you know probably not worth thinking too much like the passenger app uh at least quite yet but on the driver app uh i think i imagine there's like different versions of the app and stuff like that right um if it's the same across all the platforms is there maybe like a you know a version of the app that uh it's happening more on like some of the older versions for example or anything like that got it so you want me to slice by the version number sort of of the app release that we've launched yeah it was like maybe different across ios and android but like let's say like they're temporarily like tied somehow like is there like a older version uh that's it's happening more on or something got it got it um yeah so i'll look and i look into it um i'm not seeing a huge deviation in terms of the uh the app version that the driver is on in terms of whether or not they're more or less likely to be in that canceled set the set of five percent that are cancelling got it okay that makes sense uh cool and then i guess this is maybe like half technical half user behavior stuff but is there any like experiment that we've launched recently like as lift like uh i don't know something that like maybe could have broken something and caused a bad experience that leads more cancels or i guess like any new experience that we've launched yeah so um we did launch a experiment where we changed the color of our icon um the uber the sorry the lift icon we changed the color of it recently um we're at 50 for that experiment right now got it okay interesting um yeah i mean like intuitively doesn't feel to me like that would have like a large cause like cancel i actually prefer to keep digging even though there's some idiosyncratic thing here um if nothing else like fine you know yields like a bigger source of problems then uh maybe be worth like doing some user research and asking drivers if the new color is uh somehow causing them to cancel more often um if that sounds okay with you that sounds okay yeah um totally it well i guess just to push back a little bit like is there a way that you would determine that we could determine whether or not the color change is causing the cancellation like could we look at in the data to check that out yeah yeah that's a good point i guess uh are there is a higher degree of cancels in uh either the variant or the control placement right right there's no there's no deviation between the purple and the pink um we changed the purple so yeah no deviation there so yeah that's a good call yeah easy easy to check don't even need to uh save you for later good good good call uh cool okay yeah so i guess that was the only experiment though right there's no other experiments that yeah that was that was the main experiment we launched recently okay uh and just to like kind of triple check here so i think we've talked mostly about that the example we gave at least was like a ui uh experiment right anything in the back end like for example like uh the matching algorithm might be different somehow and like matching drivers on the different criteria or anything happening there um we do launch stuff every week um we haven't seen something so major though that we've launched uh in terms of the matching algorithm and things like that that would be relevant to this particular problem yeah and i guess broadly uh you know back to the point that you brought up earlier i guess we could just look hypothetically we could look at all the different experiments that are running and see if uh the varying versus the control or if it's like multivariate like just compare all the different uh you know buckets of people and see if there's any interesting cancels and it sounds like maybe there isn't um okay um i guess the last thing comes to mind for technical uh any like connectivity issues of any sort uh that we're seeing in like i guess this maybe it's like across the entire country since we already know it's not happening uh regionally yeah i guess what specifically would you want me to look for in terms of connectivity could you be a little more precise about that yeah fair enough yeah i mean it's actually getting more into like user behavior so maybe i'll just jump into that and this will be a part of it but uh one of the first things that i would want to think about is like the funnel of like the experience here right so we have um you know presumably like there's an app open uh on the rider and the driver's side uh the rider side which isn't a part of this because the drivers are canceling uh but you know writer opens the app they set the destination request a ride they like basically like that's it they can take to their destination on the driver's side which is maybe more interesting here uh the driver uh you know opens up their app and starts a session uh loads content they like get requested a ride they accept the ride and so forth right um maybe i'll just like save it there and ask like is there a specific step in that funnel from like app open um all the way to completing uh a ride uh that is like disproportionately uh happening yeah so you're asking for in the various stages of the funnel when is the cancellation happening is that correct uh yeah i mean i yeah i guess like it could only happen from when the driver uh accepts the ride right right right um or i mean i guess one clarifying thing here is uh so presumably the driver gets asked if they want a ride uh and they can like choose to accept it or not right um if they unless we're doing like auto assigning but let's say like we're not at least in some cases um if a driver like doesn't accept a ride as i can as a cancel are we only talking like after they accept uh we are talking about after they accept so that would be cancelled yeah okay got it uh okay let's get into this a bit more later um yeah i guess i just want to like close that loop on the connectivity side um or is the app like crashing at all like i think that that's basically what i'm getting at is like is uh did the app i was saying like app crashes like uh higher than normal yeah uh good question we're not seeing any app crashes higher than normal nor are we seeing um bug reports reported by the app either so yeah we're not seeing like crashes or uh bug report issues coming up right now okay okay yeah that makes sense um cool okay so now let's maybe go full on into the user side um so i just want to wrap up the funnel thing so the driver accepted uh the ride uh and this from this point onwards they you know might cancel uh are we seeing uh a disproportionate amount of these like uh increased cancellations happening um i'll start like broad and i'll ask you some specific questions i'm trying to think through like um from when you uh from the except the ride until when you're like at the location like picking up the passenger uh you might cancel like kind of early on because of something or later on because of something right um are we seeing any like clustering of cancels i guess is the question uh based on like the time between being uh dispatched to arriving at the pickup location yeah we're seeing it more at the beginning of that experience so the time duration would be more towards the front end of the of the ride of the of the driving to the person yeah okay yeah that's that's interesting that's good to know um okay um has the uh has the distance from the uh place where the driver was dispatched and the destination that they're being or the pickup location they're being asked to drive towards has that distance uh changed meaningfully recently is it like is it on average longer for example so i see what you're saying like is the distance from the driver to the pickup point longer than normal is that what you're asking yeah yeah i guess like just to take a step back for a second i'm trying to think through like uh because we're mostly focusing the driver like is there anything from the driver's perspective that might uh disincentivize them to complete the ride and cause them to cancel got it um and if i think about that just like just to wrap up this thought like at a high level like drivers care about uh like dollars per hour basically they want to make money it's a job for them right um and to do that they have to do a lot of jobs per hour i think they're not getting paid hourly right so uh i expect that uh you know they'd prefer to do shorter rides or shorter pickups at least um because i don't know like they probably think they're doing more rides per hour i don't even know if they get paid for that pickup time so either way they probably want to uh to do shorter pickups right so i guess the question is uh based on that right uh has that distance grown at all yeah uh good question so based on that the distance has not grown no we are not seeing that the rides are substantially further away than they were before okay got it uh and sorry distance and also time is the amount of time as well yeah yeah okay cool yeah do you want to double double check that uh okay cool um let's see um i don't know if we may have already covered this thing that comes to mind is like are there more drivers lately like as a you know proportionately to the amount of riders like are we like oversupplied potentially but there's you know so many drivers that um maybe they're frustrated because they're not getting as many rides or something like that yeah we're not seeing a increase in supply of drivers but that's a great question as well so yeah the this there shouldn't be there doesn't seem to be uh more or fewer riders or drivers on the platform right okay now makes sense um let's see um maybe one thing that comes to mind is like a more macro thing um have you seen anything like in the news like any public sentiment is like a strike or like uh i don't like delete uber a while back seem to be like a big thing for them is like something maybe similar like bubbling up uh right now that we've seen in our data scientists but like yeah totally yeah i can do a sentiment analysis on lyft as a company uh on some of the sites um we're not seeing a deviation in the sentiment there so um it doesn't seem like there's something newsworthy that has come out about lyft in the past uh few weeks okay that makes sense uh and then maybe uh two yeah i think two more things that come to mind uh in users and then i have some competitors stuff i want to ask about sure um but on the uh so it's a marketplace there's like two sides and you have to coordinate stuff right uh are we seeing any difference in like the writer behavior like specifically as an example uh because i presume cancers are happening before the writer arrives actually one thing to clarify um or no you already said that it was happening near the dispatchers so presumably it's not happening when they're already there so right they couldn't interact physically is there increase in like passengers calling drivers um nope uh no increase in passengers calling drivers okay got it uh cool and last question uh maybe we could even start with this but uh demographically like if you like segment out based on different types of drivers like age or uh i don't know uh any other pii that we have on them or how old their vehicle is how tender they are on the platform right you can classify some different ways are we seeing any like segment of drivers that are disfortunately canceling yeah good question um it's very slightly skewed towards people who have been on the platform a little bit longer but that's it doesn't really seem to be much of a pattern there okay got it uh cool so maybe like a little bit more on the tenured side uh i think the the most interesting like thread to keep pulling on is it was happening like soon after they uh were dispatched um so there's something to like maybe incentivize them even though they just started to cancel they haven't invested too much yet and something more lucrative came up um so actually getting into competitive stuff um so i mean hopefully we have a good amount of like competitive intelligence i think uber is like kind of the biggest player especially if it's across the whole platform or across the whole nation rather there's other folks like uh like via and juno and stuff but they're they're not really across most of the platforms so maybe just focus on uber i guess sure um do we know if uber's uh i'm sure they've launched that all the time but do we know if they've launched anything uh fairly vigorously like a big product announcement or anything like that they're launching stuff all the time um i look into this stuff and it does look like they are doing an increase in types of some marketing campaigns that they're working on lately for drivers so we're seeing some increase there with marketing campaigns okay that makes sense uh yeah i don't know like if we're able to attribute uh like what marketing campaigns of uber a driver has gotten and like and split like lyft drivers by that but i'd basically be curious like what types of marketing campaigns are sent out like is there something that's incentivizing drivers to like you know spend more time on uber or like spend less time in lift explicitly like either one right um i guess first question is like do we have a way of knowing if uh uh i think even lift the driver is seeing a specific type of uh like marketing uh copy from uber um we we can't know exactly like the copy itself but we can know if our drivers are using both apps based on some analytics that we do on their usage and things like that um and so we we could also look into that and we could potentially look into um the types of uh behaviors that we're seeing from those drivers and and how they might be using different things but we do have some subset of users also that we can talk to that are just like a user research pool that we can always communicate with as well okay okay yeah so maybe let's get into qual in a sec if we were able to do that with this exercise but this is a starting point maybe the only thing that we can really pull on is uh like uber uh slash like uber plus lift drivers just like just lift drivers uh if we split it based on uh drivers who are just on left versus drivers who are on uber and lift um is there a difference in cancellations uh yep yeah we're seeing no cancellations for the subset that are just on lift no no cancels at all or just like no change or sorry no no deviation in that yeah okay that's cool okay well i guess in that case then uh it must be something that's specific to uber um not to jump you know to conclusions too quickly like maybe the people who drive for uber and lyft are uh like predisposed to being like more savvy and uber's not even doing anything but they're just like picking and choosing between rides like it could just be naturally the case for switchers uh but maybe if we get some qual do we know if like uber is like incentivizing them at all to you know pick their rides over lift like usual so we talked to our quality and we talked to some folks about who used both uber and lyft and we've noticed that there are some campaigns being sent via notification that encourage drivers to cancel lift rides and pick up uber rides that have more monetary value so uber is kind of providing even more financial incentive to have drivers use their rides as opposed to the lift rides and they seem to be um often sometimes correlated with a ride that just got picked up so uber seems to be picking moments when the driver has left the uber app and gone to the lyft app got it okay um i guess we found it that sounds like that yeah okay great job um well i mean now that you found it just like maybe a quick follow-up question and we don't have to spend too much time on this but just imagine imagine that you are like the pm for lyft right now and um you work on cancels and you're noticing this trend and now you know what the issue is so there's some kind of competitive marketing campaign that's causing drivers to cancel more often um what how maybe very briefly like how would you think about that problem and what steps would you take yeah uh just make sure i got that right so uh i'm a pm on lift it's like cancels related still uh sorry you're saying uh somebody on my team is suggesting that we change the policy uh um it's just more like what should what should we do like um in response to this like this competitive campaign via from okay okay yeah so so it's not even okay it's not canceled policy sorry so it's uh so this competitive thing is happening uh what should we do um it could involve trans changing the policy like that could be a thing that we employ but just holistically like what would you what would you think about here yeah for sure um yeah so you know let me show you grounded in like the goals of the company and the user uh i don't know if we like want to spend like you know a whole chunk of time there but yeah just a brief i'd say yeah yeah let's say like high level uh since i get there is uh you know it's bad if we're canceling rides a lot that makes the platform so reliable for uh writers um lyft overall wants to be like a reliable uh transportation option like it's kind of like a high level like goal or mission for the company um so cancels are bad we want to minimize those uh well at the same time you don't want to like be uh you know we want to we want to incentivize drivers to be on the platform and make sure that they i think what they mostly care about is getting paid but also having a good experience uh so we probably want to make sure that they're getting paid commensurate with like the market rate for driving um right so if they're getting paid more on uber should consider maybe um paying them more like increasing incentives to match uh another option is uh i don't know if that's like financially affordable we could dig into that theory but that would be like obviously a big consideration if we wanted to start doing that but otherwise we could incentivize them to like not cancel by changing the policy um maybe you like get a warning and then eventually banned from the platform if you cancel too often or something so you have to commit if you are to accept the right um the only concern there is uh let's say like we extrapolate that like in it you know we do that and drivers still want to cancel uh they might just like stop driving for lift and like retention might get hit on the driver's side uh so i probably run a couple of tests maybe um try a couple of tests that uh either like uh match uh incentives with uber and like we can you know probably figure out like on the ops side like uh what they're charging and like kind of match um and you can stretch that separate experiment where we uh maybe like threaten uh you know threatens kind of a strong word but uh warned the driver uh you know if they commit to a ride and then they cancel it after you know already committing to doing the ride um that it might uh compromise their ability to be on the platform um and just like see how that affects uh like immediate uh you know fulfillment rate of requested rides uh but also like the longer term driver attention side got it awesome um well i i know we're a little short on time so i want to wrap up there and get some feedback but overall um awesome answer radar as always um would love to hear from you a little bit of self-reflection about how that went for you and then i can jump into some of my notes and then we can rap yeah for sure uh yeah i think um you know it's this is one of those questions where i feel like there's always like unknown unknowns where like maybe there's another category that i could have split it by that i didn't think of um like i know like yeah there's some other way to cut it that like didn't come to mind so maybe i missed something there nothing comes to mind right now but i you know that totally could be the case uh i think with uh the experiment uh stuff that that was like and we you know resolved it together like in line but um it would have been easy to check the variance of control that was definitely a miss on my side to not you know proactively mention that um and the only other thing is uh well i think that well my interpretation of the point of this exercise uh is to see how someone like analytically breaks down like possible root causes and it's more like an execution thing versus like a product sense thing um but like it's always always helpful to ground why we're saying what we're saying in like the user value or like the user perspective which i was trying to do at least with like the you know funnel for example or talking about like what my incentivized drivers to cancel uh but i'm sure it could have done more of that in certain boards totally yeah um i'm great points and i thought you did a really great job of breaking it down and yeah like for for those watching like this type of interview question is a very different type than a lot of interview questions it's an execution style one where there's a lot of back and forth with the interviewer and they can be very fun but it can also be very infuriating if you keep hearing no and like keep wanting to know how to answer the question correctly and so i think you did a great job also just keeping up faith you know that you'll get to it eventually even though i was saying no to a lot of the directions you're going in um because the point of this interview question isn't getting to the right answer but it's showing that you can think through the process and showing that you can think through each piece holistically um so a couple points that i i thought were really great where even though you were shooting in the dark you're doing options i always knew your high level meta goal like i could hear your thought process throughout the process so one thing that i see that's not so great with some of these interview questions is that when people just kind of be like oh was it in like this country like was it um with this user and i don't hear sort of the high level thought process whereas with you i had that top meta part where it was like okay i'm gonna go into this section first and then okay it might be promising but let me go over here first then i can come back to that if i need to some of that like a thought process was really really helpful it was a great map of where you were going um i thought also um we had some you know fun discussions around like different little paths we went down like the holidays thing was kind of interesting i think yeah the other piece for that i would just say is that you know in an interview just being precise is helpful so like um sometimes i've had these questions where the interviewer just says like oh like i don't know what a holiday is like i'm just like tell me what i should do and then you have to almost code it for them like okay i go look at the corpus and like go find the holiday thing and then do that so i think that's that's one point and then yeah like comprehensive i thought it was very comprehensive you went through almost every option um and then when we got to the end i think you did a great job of kind of being like aha like we got something what's like let's use this let's jump into it and then go there and then you you did a great job summarizing and then even the follow-up question i loved how you brought it back to the goals which is always really helpful um so yeah great great answer any any reactions to anything i just said or comments uh yeah i think i mean all that makes sense um yeah i think the the like precision and uh explicitness of uh like what i'm asking is is that's an important thing uh the holiday is a good example of that um yeah i think just like stepping out of like being the interviewee because i've written this interview myself when i was working with a lot i think like two quick thoughts uh that i would even add to this is uh and this is maybe more of like what the like what's going on in the interviewer's head like while you're interviewing is uh like definitely don't be frustrated i i for example when i ask this question i'll have a root cause and if the candidate like gets to it quickly actually just change the root cause it's like a little like a secret for you know anyone watching but um the point is not to get to the answer right like if you're getting a bunch of notes it's actually probably a good sign so long as you're like structuredly uh you know going through everything um so that was one thing another thought that i may have forgotten um yeah that's it okay well um we can always uh follow up after if you think of it afterwards um but uh thank you again so much hadar for being on the show this is super valuable you did a great job interviewing um and i think uh folks learned a lot about execution-style questions and uh being a list product manager if people have any other ideas or thoughts or edge cases that they can think of that they would have asked in this question do comment below we'd love to see comments and your thoughts on it um but otherwise good luck on your upcoming interview and thank you hadar for being on the show yeah thanks all right you
Channel: Exponent
Views: 60,205
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Id: fN6D4i82X_E
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Length: 30min 24sec (1824 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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