Mocha Pro Edge Snapping & Magnetic Splines - Rotoscoping Tutorial

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hey guys and welcome to another very exciting moko tutorial whenever you want to place a visual element be that text particles and explosion behind a person or a moving object in your shot and you didn't use a green screen you will likely have to revert to rotoscoping rotoscoping is the process of cutting out your foreground element frame by frame for the purpose of isolating and extracting it from your video now you either one of those real people who really likes rotoscoping like me feels a little more like your personal slice of hell either way mocha Pro from bars effects especially since its latest version twenty nineteen point five has some really useful tools to make this whole process a whole lot easier these include new magnetic splines a free hand tool and something that I'm personally really excited about and that is an edge snapping feature that allows you to automatically snap the points of a shape to the outline of your object in this tutorial I want to show you how you can use these new tools to save yourself a whole lot of time but first full frontal sky map this video is sponsored by powers of X now I really like using their products and I really enjoy working with their team and if you want to find out all of the cool stuff that you can do with their tools go and check out their website and boris FX comm you can now also get mocha Pro on an annual subscription for 295 US dollars and anything on the bar sub X store you can use my custom coupon code surfaced studio in one word to get yourself 15% of the final price but now I feel like I've waffled on for long enough so let's jump right into the tutorial welcome to the exciting world of Adobe After Effects I already have a very simple composition set up here and it contains my base footage called water garage mp4 which is just this really simple clip of water staring confusedly into the garage as always if you do want to follow along with this tutorial you'll be able to download all of these files for free from our website so simply go to surfaced studio comm for slash downloads and here where to grab these files to follow along now a half already 2d motion tracted this booty the clip and created this check are null object right here that now follows the movement of my shot so that allows me to despair and other visual elements to it and then composite them realistically into the scene I have already added another layer called BCC fire into my shot and if enable that it just has giant line of fire that I've placed into the middle of the shot I've parented it to this track a null object just as follows the cameras movement the problem now obviously is that well that fire element sits in front of water because we haven't visually composited it so it looks like it sits behind him this now means we need to wrote a scope water we need to kind of cut him out of this moving shot where he is moving a little bit as well and composite him right on top for that let's duplicate this water garage layer place that on top of the fire and you now have multiple options you could obviously just use an After Effects mask and I'm draw around Walter let's just do that really roughly here and well there you go kind of however you now need to animate this must follow along and this is where it starts getting painful so let's just delete the mask again and well we also have the rotor brush tool which allows you to essentially draw and define the opacity of your layer and then it'll try to automatically follow the movement of your objects but I'm personally not a big fan of the rotor brush tool just because I feel it does a little bit more what it does rather than what I wanted to do also I'm never really happy with the results because the edges always end up flickering a little bit and it always just ends up looking it always ends up looking a little bit weird I just don't have much control it just doesn't look as nice and smooth so let's delete the rotor brush effect again and let's instead use mocha for the rotoscoping let's apply mocha Pro to our water garage duplicate layer I'm also going to rename this one to water roto make sure your resolution is set to fall and let's launch mocha Pro here we are in mocha and because I have the latest version it starts out in the essentials workspace now I personally prefer using the classic workspace just because it feels more familiar to me it's got access to all of the pro controls right off the bat so I prefer using this one but you can also do most of this in the essentials workflow now let's come to the beginning and play this through this allows us to a review the footage before we start working and it allows mocha Pro to cage all of our friends cool that looks good now let's rewind and start rotoscoping rotoscoping people is generally pretty difficult I would not recommend creating one shape for the whole thing and recommends us breaking your people down into body parts as gruesome as that might sound so let's zoom in a little bit and start creating a spline for the pants first and traditionally in older versions of mocha you just select the create X spline layer tool and start defining your shape kind of outline around the pants but because we are on version 20 19.5 the tools I want to use here are the magnetics line freehand tool and the edge snapping feature so right next to the X line layer tool you've got the magnetic layer tool so let's simply select that and that kind of works the way you expect it to this is click here top left hand side of the pants press Z click and drag to zoom in a little bit so you can see right here the magnetics Punto will automatically follow the edge of contrast along the pen so I can just drag down here now it doesn't work anymore once you're off screen so I'm gonna get pretty close here click once to place that point and now I could either just kind of outline along here but I could at any point in time switch over to the freehand tool which allows me to essentially draw any shape I want for that all I do is click hold and now I'm in freehand mode and I can essentially I could right if I wanted to I'm totally free to define the spline in any way that you want so the magnetic tool and the freehand tool work hand-in-hand really nicely but let's just undo that because that's not really what I want I just wanna click drag it with a little bit of space at the bottom here and come in again on the right hand side want some EpiPens let go it's going to create a new point right there and again I'm back in magnetic mode so I can just kind of come up here click create a point and just drag this across and click to close my spline and moeka will automatically convert this into a basics file but the magnetic to just helps me to find the shape to begin with now with this spline still selected let's first rename this layer to pants let's reselect the magnetic spline tool and all on the right hand side you actually have an option for detail and this is the amount of detail for the magnetics one we've defined if you wind this down you can see mocha is going to reduce the number of points on this spline as you check this app mochas going to add more and more detail and I do want a fair bit of detail ACCA's are some curves around it and now this is just a standard spline so I can now start tracking this and working with this for that down in my options I'm going to increase the minimum percentage of pixels used to probably between 80 and 90 percent I want this to be fairly accurate translation scale rotation and shear don't really need perspective so we're pretty much set up let's simply start tracking forward mochas doing a pretty good job of holding on but I could see some slippage that we are going to fix in just a little bit but for now I'm going to speed the rest of this tracking process up just so that you don't have to sit through this and it's done mocha has done a reasonable job of following their shape doesn't quite work as well as bending downwards and the belt gets revealed but we're going to fix it up with some keyframes and this is where the new edge snapping feature really really comes in handy now let's come to the very last frame let's zoom in a little bit and well we now have to adjust all of these ports and have placed them back exactly where they needed to go to kind of make this shape follow the movement of the pans properly and this can be a little bit tedious especially if you have to do this multiple times because right now we've just created keyframe on the last frame which is this little green marker here but halfway through we're going to have to create some other key frames to kind of just you know like make sure that our points always follow the movement of the pans properly and I'm pretty sure that the guys from oak also figured out you know this this can probably be easy and so they've added an edge snapping feature let's press Z click and drag up to zoom in a little bit let's select a point here on the left hand side this one come into the menu and under tools you'll find a new option called snap selected points or shortcut for that assault and s2 remember that that will comes super handy if you select that mocha will automatically snap any selected point to the nearest identifiable edge the cool thing is you can actually do that for the whole bunch of points so let's select all of the points up here at the top corner where the belt line is press Alt + s and moeka will automatically snap all of them as best as I can to the nearest edge I'm going to press I and add a few more points into this spline because I think it's not detailed enough so I'm gonna add a few more get a bit more detail in there let's just reselect all of those again all in s and you can see this actually snaps pretty well to the belt now there might be a few small things that you may want to tweak up but for the most part that's done really well so let's select the points on the right hand side Alton yes it looks pretty good select all Thrones on the left Alton s cool that deps works pretty well let's come down there's a few points here that kind of start overlapping a little bit I'm gonna fix those up just so that that doesn't get tangled up but that looks pretty good let's come to the last keyframe and again you can see it's off a little bit here so let's select those points alt + S to snap them select all of the ones on the left hand side Alton s and they're all already pretty nicely snapped let's do the top part yep that looks pretty good to me just a little bit of an overlap on the left-hand side here that looks pretty good and let's scrub through to see where this goes off yep right here I probably want another keyframe again selecting all of those on the left side Alton s and snap that and this is super useful you can also just drag the points close enough to the edge and press Alt + S just to snap them there the rest of the way it just makes this whole process so much quicker and so much easier all I'm doing is I'm just selecting the points that I want to snap and press Alt + s to dis snap them into place and then I'll just fix up any little issues that are might still have let's come back to the beginning maybe rise here again let's just select a couple of points and press alt and s a few times just to make this all snap and fall into place cool and that's it that is actually a pretty damn good track and all of these keyframes were super easy to create just because I had this edge snapping feature and that's really the main exciting new features that I wanted to show you in mocha Pro 20 19.5 now to give you a satisfying ending I'm going to continue the process of rotors in water out of the shot and I was going to create separate shapes for the torso the head left and right arm and once all of that is done let's jump back into After Effects back in After Effects on our water roto layer let's come into the mocha Pro effect expanses the mat option you need to view your mats what we've defined in mocha Pro or let's disable then simply hit apply so that's going to apply our mocha Pro rotoscoping directly to our layer any fan I'll rewind and play this back that is pretty darn good especially considering that I spent 30 maybe 40 minutes max on this entire rotoscoping job the new edge snapping feature in the latest version of mocha Pro is a huge time-saver and I do really like having the magnetic and free entrance to set up that initial spline another cool thing to notice that all of these new features are actually available in all variants and integrations of mocha Pro that means they're also available in the latest versions of the borĂ¥s continuum complete and Sapphire effects collections from Boris effects and this will work in After Effects Premiere Pro avid media composer and all other supported hosts and it just makes life so much easier whenever you have to deal with any sort of rotoscoping and that is always to it if you enjoyed this video please hit that like button if you knew you hit that subscribe button and if you do have any comments questions or suggestions just leave all of that down in the comment section below if you want to watch more filmmaking visual effects 3d titles click these links over on the right-hand side and finally thank you very much for watching and until next time I will see you later
Channel: Surfaced Studio
Views: 46,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mocha pro, after effects tutorial, borisfx, edge snapping, rotoscoping, how to cut out person, visual effects, magnetic layer, freehand tool, spline, how to rotoscope, surfaced studio, how to composite fire, realistic fire, free stock footage, follow along, intermediate, how to place text behind person, vfx, special effects, funny, how to, instructions, mocha, rotoscoping software
Id: kVKms5qk_gw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 29 2019
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