mkvirtualenv : The term 'mkvirtualenv' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script

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the error is the term mk virtual env is not recognized as the name of a cmd let to solve this error give the command pip install virtual env wrapper bin hyphen win okay press enter the command is this vip install virtual environment okay now let's try as you can see the command has been run without error but this loan is not created let's see ls as you can see here this lawn is not created so why it is not created because this command is not available right now so you have to use virtual involve enb instead of mk virtual env so using no virtually nb then law double n let's see whether it is there or not as you can see this liw level n is there now go inside that folder the cd l then type your scripts then activate to activate virtual environment as you can see the virtual invoice has activated the loan has come here hopes to understand this video thank you for watching
Channel: Problem Solving Point
Views: 9,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 13sec (73 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 20 2022
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