Python Chatbot Tutorial | How to Create Chatbot Using Python | Python For Beginners | Simplilearn

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foreign YouTube channel today we are going to create a chatbot using Python and before proceeding I have an insight for you guys that is if you are aiming to get certified as an AI and I'm an engineer and want to build a career in AI in that case you can check this professional certificate program in Ai and machine learning that is in collaboration with IBM and Purdue University that is by simply learn that will open the doors for the best care opportunities to find the details of this PCP program in Ai and machine learning when check the link in the description box below I will also update the description and the pin comment with the link you can check this course I will scroll you down for you and just give it a shot check it out with the link in the description box below and moving on I have an quiz question for you guys and your question is among the following option identify the one which is NoDa type of learning and your options are the first option is supervised learning second is semi unsupervised learning third is reinforcement learning and the fourth is unsupervised learning please answer in the comment section below and we'll update the correct answer in the pen comment you can pause the video give it a thought and answer in the comment section and today we'll train the chatbot on a data set that will store in a file will call intents and that would be the Json file and the data set that would contain path tons of words that are associated with different intensive texts so for that first we'll create a folder and name it as chat Port using python so we will name as chat hold only and here we have our intense file we'll just copy paste into a chatbot and first here we'll open a command prompt first we'll create a virtual environment because virtual environment is the best thing when you are creating a project your libraries won't desktop any of your other projects or any other libraries won't disturb you this project so to create that you will write python minus m n v and the name of the folder or on which name you want to create a virtual environment I will create with the name chatbot and it has been created you can check here then inside the chatbot folder we have the chatbot and we have include lip and scripts folder that holds all the python and its necessary files that is interpreter and other files so now we want to activate this so to activate it we'll write the name of the virtual environment then we'll go inside scripts and after that we'll write activate to activate our virtual environment you can see here that in circular basis we have chatbot written here this shows that our virtual environment has been activated and now we can install any libraries that we want for this project now before that this is the intense Source oh sorry intents dot Json file so for this I will get you guys Visual Studio code open and I will show you guys the intense.json file so this is the Nintendo's intense node Json file which hold the data set for our chatboard so this data set contains patterns of words that are associated with different intents or texts after that we will create a file and name it as new DOT py and there we will write the code that will pre-process this data by tokenizing levertising and removing stop words then we will create a bag of words that will represent the data which is used to train a neural network model the model has three layers with the first layer of being a dense layer with 128 neurons and second layer being a Dropout layer and the third layer being a dense layer the number of neurons equal to the number of intents then this model will be compiled with the stochastic gradient descent that is SGD Optimizer with a learning rate of 0.01 and momentum of 0.9 and nestro acceleration the model is then print with the training data for 200 epochs and the train model is saved in a file that will name chat Port model so first we'll start with the Json file you guys can see the Json file I have updated some data set here I will just upload this file on the GitHub page and you can download it if you want to use this also now moving on now we will create a file and we'll create the file inside this chatbot and we'll name it as new DOT py and inside this file we will perform all the other operations that is tokenizing limitizing and removing stop words and before that the first thing we need to do is we need to install and import libraries as we have created the virtual environment and we don't have any libraries that is instead of built-in library is installed into our virtual environment so we will install the Nexus is a necessity libraries for our virtual environment so here we have created the Json file and that has all the possible outcomes of user interactions with a chatbot we first need a set of tags that users can use to categorize their queries these tags include name age and many others every new tag would require a unique new pattern as we have the tag goodbye thanks query greetings and these are the patterns and these are the responses that our chatbot would give us so identifying these Trends can help the chatbot train itself on how people query about a chatbots name allowing it to be more responsive the chatbot will return pre-program responses that are these responses and now we'll start with installing and importing libraries for that we'll get back to our Command Prompt in which you have activated the virtual environment and the first Library we need is numpy so for that we'll write the command installed numpy and here we are collecting the data and if you want uh like if you want to know the command to install these libraries you can just go to your browser and you can open a new tab and there you can write the name of the library that is numpy and then you can write P by p i that is the PIP website to install any Library so it will show you the command to install the libraries here we have we can see that numpy is installed now in store tensorflow so for that we have written the one whip install tensorflow so it's downloading and you can see that it's being installed in our virtual environment that we have named as chatbot you can show you guys how to get numpy pypi so this is the website you can just click on that and you can see the command to install a particular Library similarly you can do for tensorflow and the next we will install is nltk so we'll wait until it installs now the tensorflow library has been installed now I'll install the nltk so for that I'm writing one pip install and press enter so now it would be installed is installed now I will come back to our ID and I am using visual studio code as you guys have seen it you can use any that you have Hands-On and now we'll start with importing the libraries and we'll import required modules such as random Json pickle numpy tensorflow and ltk and we'll import wordnet limitizer class that is from nltk.stem module and will initialize an instance of the worldnet limitizer class and we'll load the Json data that is from the intense.json file that you guys have seen that we have stored the data set into that and store it in a variable and name it as intents so we'll start with importing first of all import random and after that we will import Json and after that we'll import so I have written equal import critical and after that we will import numpy as NP and after that we'll import enter flow as TF and here we will import nltk and from nltk dot stem import word net limit ISO okay now we have imported the Json file that is used to utilize the work with Json data then we have random that is for various distributions and this module implements pseudo random number generators and the word net parameterizer it can lamidize and tensorflow it's a multi-dimensional array of elements that is represented by the symbol now we will create our variable it is limitizer and that will initialize it and now we'll create a variable for to load the intense.json file so I will name it intense and we'll use Json dot loads loaded and we'll use open and intends to Json and fight to read it okay now we'll initialize empty lists that is for Words classes and documents and now we will also create a list of characters to ignore that would be also initialized into a list so when initialize lists for words we have initialized now for classes and after that we'll do for documents and now we'll create a list for ignore letters so inside this we will all right what we need to ignore okay so slash question mark and exclamation mark these would be neglected from a data set that is Json file we get and over so these would be neglected now we will look through the intents and their patterns and after that we'll tokenize each pattern into a list of words using nltk dot word underscore tokenized that is if we open the Json file you can see the tags patterns and responses now and after adding each word in the word list that is we have created then we'll add a tuple containing the word list and the intent tag to documents then we'll add it into the documents and if the intent tag is not already in classes we'll add it to the list if the intent tag is not already in classes so I will show you how we'll do it so for intent in intents and for pattern in tent and inside will pass patterns we will create a variable and name it as word list and that would be equal to nltk dot will use the word underscore tokenize recognize it and inside will pass the pattern after that we'll use words dot extend an inside will pass word list word list and now and now we'll append the documents that is we'll add a tuple containing the word list and then 10 text to documents so for that we will append it it is documents Dot a band and inside and pass word list and intent tag okay and now if intent tag not in classes that is if it's not present in classes then classes will be appended and they would be dependent by tax okay now we will limitize each word in words using wordnet limitizer and we'll remove the characters in ignore Letters From words that is if there is ignore let us present in any of the word will remove them and then we'll sort the words in alphabetical order and removing duplicates using set and after that we will be sorting the classes in alphabetical order and removing duplicates from set and after that we'll pickling the sorted words and classes list and save them to files called words.pkl and classes dot pkl respectively okay so for that first of all limitize each word in words using wordnet parametizer so for that we will create a variable and name it as words and have we'll use limitizer create an list for that also rametizer and we'll limitize use the limit as function and inside we will pass word and forward in words not in ignore letters that is if it's not present in known letters will sort it out so ignore shown and that is we have named model letters okay and inside this now we will sort this words equal to sorted and inside will create a set and inside we will create classes okay no what we will do in classes as well sort the classes only that would be in set that is if there are any repetitions that would be animated and it would be sorted so we'll sort the classes in alphabetical order and we'll remove any duplicates if they are present and nucleus they would be removed now we will use pickle and use the term function and inside will pass words and will move one save words Dot pkl ift we and the next we'll do is people don't dump that is all pickling the sorted words and classes that would be classes list and saving them to files that would be words.pkl and classes dot pkl okay so now we have done for the words now we'll do for the classes so for that we will write pickle dot dump and inside will pass in which we want to save them so first we'll pass the classes and after that we will open classes Dot pcal and write WP okay and now we'll initialize an empty list that would be called training and after that we'll create a list of zeros with length equal to classes and sort it in a variable called output empty and looping through each document in documents and will initialize an empty list called back after that we'll tokenize each word in the document and limitizing it using wordnet limitizer and we'll create a bag of words representation of the document by setting the value of each word in words to one if it happens in the document and 0 otherwise so to do that we'll start by creating a praying list okay and after that all right output empty and do length of classes now we'll run a loop that is we'll check in the document for document and documents will create a bag and what patterns that is document and what patterns equal to limitizer Dot limit is and that is word dot lower okay and now all that all right for word and word patterns not enough for Loop that is forward and words and we'll abandon back that is back Dot append and we'll show output row and before output row we will back dot a pen one first that is banknote append one and that is f what in board patterns else will backdoor depend zero okay we have done this dotument zero now what we'll do is we will create a variable and name it as output row and inside we will create list and that would be will pass output empty okay okay okay so now we have created output row and now inside output row open when it passes classes and that would be the index and the particular document okay and that should be equal to one and after that if it's there then we'll append IT training dot append and inside back plus output run okay and after that load random dot Shuffle and we'll pass training inside that and training equal to NP Dot array and this sign will pass training after that we'll create a train X and inside when pass training colon length words trained by and this will create a training list and inside will pass colon and length of what okay now we have created this we have created a bag of words for the representation of the document by setting the value of each word in words to one and if it appears in the document and we have set it zero otherwise and now we will get a new sequential Keras model which is a linear stack of layers for that we'll write model equal to TF dot Keras code sequential and after that we'll add a densely connected neural network layer to the model this layer has 128 units and the input shape is determined by the length of the first training example the activation function used in this layer is re value so I will show you how to add this we have added the model now the model we'll add and for that we'll write TF Dot Keras dot layer and that is the dense layer and inside we have 128 and we'll input shape that is equal to length of train X okay and what will pass is X zero and this and here we will have activation activation and that is of r value foreign no we will add a Dropout layer to the model which will randomly set 50 of the inputs to 0 at each update during training to reduce overfitting so to do that we will write model not add TF dot Keras Dot layers and which level drop out okay and by zero point five that is 50 percent okay it will set inputs to 0 for the fifty percent inputs and now we'll add another densely connected neural network to the model and this layer will have 64 units and the activation function used in this layer will be r value okay so for that we'll add model load add and inside we will pass TF plot Keras node layers note and we'll use the dense one and inside will pass 64. and activation equal to re Lu okay that is done and now we'll add another Dropout layer to the model with the same configuration as the previous one that is model Dot add and inside pass TF dot Keras dot layers and this would be the dense layer and inside will pass length of chain y 01 and set the activation equal to softmax so this add some final densely connected neural network layer to the model this layer has a number of units equal to the number of unique classes in the training data and the activation function used in this layer is softmax softmax ensures that the outputs of the layer represent a probability distribution over the possible classes so now we'll create a stochastic gradient descent Optimizer with a learning rate of 0.01 and momentum of 0.9 and stroke momentum maneuver so for that we'll write sjd equal to TF dot Keras Dot optimizers and node SGD and inside and right learning rate that is equal to 0.01 and we'll set the momentum that is 0.9 and next drop that is equal to true so now we have created a sdd now will compile the model specifying the lows function as categorical cosentropy the optimizer as the STD Optimizer created earlier and the metric to be used to evaluate this module as accuracy to evaluate this model as accuracy we will compile the model so for that we will write model dot compile and inside pass loss equal to categorical close entropy and we will set the optimizer equal to SUV okay and Matrix equal to accuracy okay now this will train the model and no mainly to train it will create a variable and name it as haste and to train this model using the training data for 200 ebooks with a batch size of 5. the verbose parameter set to 1 specifies that progress messages should be printed during training the training data is passed as numpy arrays to the model's fit method so for that we'll create a variable and named as hist and inside will pass model Dot fit and inside will pass NP Dot add a inside will pass train X and P Dot array and inside will pass train y and equal to 200 and batch size that will set as 5. and verbose equal to 1 okay so now we will save the train model to a file and name the file something so we will set what we'll name it so to save this model write model load save and we'll write the name of this model as chat port underscore simply learn model dot H5 okay and pass test so this will save the train model to a file that is new chatbot underscore simply learn model dot H5 along with the training history so as this would be done we want something to print we will print executed okay so this will simply print the executed to the console to indicate that the model has been trained and saved successfully so I'll save this and run it so we'll save this any error or not modify model is executed successfully wait for it okay so here you can see that it has shown that it's running in Virtual environment we have turn it again and see it has shown us some errors but we'll wait for the execution once again yes so in 45th line okay so this will be in Brackets okay [Music] yeah for this okay so let's hear this and run it again again and run it again so we have a new terminal here and we are executing the file so you could see it is downloading the models and it has printed executed so our model is running fine so now we'll create another file and name it as that will create a file cheat and here we'll execute the functioning of chatbot and what it will provide us back so before that I will give you a quick recap of the new DOT py file so this new node py file is an implementation of a simple chatbot using tensorflow which is a machine learning framework developed by Google and the chatbot is trained using neural network to classify user inputs in predefined intents Android appropriate responses based on the detected intake and the code starts by importing the necessary libraries including numpy tensorflow and ltk the word net limitizer from the analytical library is used to reduce words to the base to improve classification accuracy that is called limitize the code also loads the intense.json file which contains the predefined intents and Associated patterns and responses now the code then prepares the data for training by iterating through each pattern in the intense.json file tokenizing it into individual words limitizing the words and adding them to a list called words in each pattern and its Associated intent are also added to a list called documents additionally a list called classes is created to store the different intents next the words list is clean by removing any punctuation characters and duplicates and then sorted alphabetically similarly the classes list are sorted these clean and sorted lists are saved to files called words.pkl and classes Dot pkl respectively using the Picker Library and the code then I did through the documents list and converts each pattern into Bag upwards that is a list of binary values indicating whether each word in the words is list is present or not in the pattern the corresponding intent for each pattern is also converted into a one hole encoded Vector indicating which intent it belongs to these bag of words and one hot encoded vectors are then combined and added to a list called training the training list is then shuffled randomly to ensure the neural network does not learn any older dependencies in the training data finally the training list is converted into a numpy array and split into separate arrays from the bag of words that is strain X and one hot encoded vectors that is train y you can see them and the neural network is defined using the tensorflow sequential API which allows the layers to be added in the sequence the neural network consists of three fully connected layers the First with 128 nodes the second one is 64 nodes and third with the number of nodes equal to the number of classes the first two layers also include drop out regularization with a dropout rate of 0.5 which helps to prevent overfitting the model is compiled using stochastic gradient descent that is SGD as the optimizer and categorical cross entropy as the loss function the accuracy Matrix is also calculated during training finally the model is trained for 200 epochs with a batch size of 5 and verbose set to 1 to display progress during print after training the model is saved to a file that is chatbot underscore simply learned dot H5 along with its training history and the program Trends execute to indicate that the training is complete now we'll move to and inside this file first of all import the necessary libraries to run the code and the necessary libraries here are random This One Import random and after that we will import Json and after that we'll import pickle and then showing error in Json no okay the import numpy S and P and after that we will import nlpk and now from nrtk dot stem well import word netlimitizer okay now so Keras dot models will import node underscore model okay now we have imported these let us load underscore model so random is used for generating random responses from the bot and Json is used for reading the intense file in Json format the color is used for reading the words.pkl and classes dot pkl files which are pickled python objects numpy is used for creating arrays and nltk is used for natural language processing and wordnet nematizer is used to limitize words load underscore model is used to load the pre-trained chatbot model now create a variable and initialize the word net limitizer and after that we will create an intense file and load the Json file that is intense node.json file for that we will use json.loads and inside will open the file and here we'll name the file that is intents dot Json and after we will use the read function to read this file now we'll create a variable and name it as words and inside we'll load the words.pkl file using the pickle Library that will write pickle Dot Dot and inside we will open the file that is words Dot pkl and pass are and after that load the classes file and that is pickle Dot we'll just copy it change it to classes Dot pkl okay now load the model that is load underscore model that is the pre-trained model and we have set the name of the model as chat code underscore simply on model dot H5 so we'll copy it and get back to our file and inside dot load store model will paste it so this initialize the limitizer object that creates the intense.json file and loads it into a python dictionary using the Json Library the words.pkl and classes dot pkl files are loaded into python list using the Pica library and finally the pre-trained chatbot model is loaded using load underscore model now what we'll do is we'll create a function and that function will take a sentence as input tokenize it using nltk dot word underscore tokenize limitizes each word in the sentence using the limitizer object and returns a list of limitized words so for that we will create a function and name the function as cleanup sentence okay and in that will pass the sentence and now we'll create a variable sentence words and inside this variable we'll use tokenize and pass the sentence to tokenize it that will use nltk Dot word underscore tokenize and will pass sentence and after that with the same variable will limitize it so to limitize it use limitizer dot limit is and inside will pass is there any air okay what underscore tokenize and in the element eyes we'll pass the word and forwarding sentence words what we'll return is limitizes sentence words so we'll return sentence underscore words okay so we have done that and now we'll create a function that takes a sentence as input calls the cleanup sentence function to get a list of limitized words then creates a bag of words representation of the sentence and it turns it as a numpy array the bag of word supplementation is a binary Vector that has a one in the position corresponding to each word in the vocabulary that appears in the sentence and zeros elsewhere so for that we will create a function and we'll name it as bag of words and inside will pass the sentence okay now we'll use the same variable sentence words and here we'll call the cleanup sentence function and inside will pass the sentence okay and now we'll use Tag variable and the zero position into length of words and now we will run a loop for sentence words that is for WN sentence underscore words and in this Loop will enumerate the whole words that is for I comma word n enumerate and will pass words here and inside if word equal to equal to w n bag of I equal to 1 else and here it will return the array with the fluids return and that is NB Dot array and we'll pass back here now we'll create another function that takes a sentence as input creates a bag of words representation of the sentence using the bag of words function feeds the bags of words representation to the pre-trained chatbot model using model dot predict function and returns a list of intents with the probabilities and the error underscore threshold variable that we will create that will set the minimum probability required for an intent to be considered the list of intents is sorted in descending order of probability and each intent is returned as a dictionary containing the intent so for that we will create these functions and we'll start with the function predict class and inside will pass sentence and here we'll create a variable and named as bow and inside we will call back off words function and pass the sentence and after that we'll create a variable RDS and use the model predict use NP dot array and inside will pass vow and it's zeroth position okay and after that we'll set the error threshold equal to 0.25 and we'll make it in capital letters only get threshold that is equal to 0.25 okay now we will create a variable and name it as results and inside we will pass a comma r that is for I comma R in enumerate and we'll pass this and that is if R is greater than error threshold okay and if that's the case then we'll sort it and short term results Dot sort and inside will pass equal to Lambda X and that is position one and reverse equal to true okay and return underscore list that is and for RN results return list dot append will append and inside intent and classes are and probability that is Str f and the brackets are passed and after that we will return underscore list okay and after this we will create another function and that will be get response and this function will take two parameters intense underscore list and intense underscore Json and this intense underscore list that will contain the predicted intents of the user input while intense undisco Json contains a Json file that lists all the possible intents and their corresponding responses the function then matches the predicted intent with the intent in the Json file selects a random response from the list of responses associated with the intent and it's a and returns it as a chatbot response okay so for that we'll create another function and we'll name it as get response and inside this we'll pass intents underscore list and intense underscore Json okay for this we will create a variable named as list of intents and in this intense underscore Json and inside intense and we'll also create a variable tag and set this will pass intense underscore list the zero position and and okay with intent only okay now we'll run a loop that is for i n stuff intents f I equal to equal to tag and result equal to random Dot choice and okay random number choice okay and inside we have there is responses and after that we'll break and then we have the result that is we will return the result okay and after that we will print that create what is running and you can remove that also and after this the main program will use an infinite Loop that waits for user input through the input function and once the user enters a message it calls the predict underscore class function that is not shown in the code to predict the intents of the message it then calls the get underscore response function to retrieve the appropriate response from the Json file and print it as the chatboard's response using the print function so first it will call the underscore class function so for that we will create a loop while true message equal to input and have create ends and the predict class function and inside will pass the message and in the highest variable it will call get response and inside will pass and intents and after that we'll print Arias okay now we are completed with a code so we'll save it and run it so we are waiting to always get executed structure terminal and execute it again okay now it has shown the virtual environment so we will run it again okay so in line 10 it shows some error okay we'll see that okay now take any we are just initializing it so I'll run it again so you can see that a code is executed and it has printed great photos running so we'll ask I do I do okay we will just okay we have to run it again get what is running so we'll get high okay if there is some error just cut this file and cut this intense.json file inside this chatbot only and we have done that now we'll run it internal and now run it oh sorry we are running the lens node.json file that's why why Dot py and okay it says there it is an error and 10th intense.json okay and don't see any error in this once see if there is any error okay and showing error so what we'll do is we'll copy the path of the intense.json file and run it so for that we have from here we'll copy the path get back to paste the path and Slash intense node.json file and now we will run it again now you can see that the file is successfully executed first like without path also it has been executed and the file is in the same directory it should be but it was showing error so we have done that and we'll do the same for the and here also we'll copy the same path Json save it and run the chatbot now you can see go what is running you have written great or go it is saying okay no worries so well same hi and he responders to good to see you again that is from the intense.json file is giving us the render responses so this is our intense.json file and from here like if we say him greetings that is patterns hi or how are you here selected good to see you again and hit as responded us that is he is using the random function RC voltage will random function and we say him buy or will same thanks he's saying good to see you again thank you now he's saying you are welcome so I don't know why he said good to see you again and thanks see thanks for helping me there's only my pleasure and you're welcome is there any error I'm asking what is Big Bang okay he's responding correctly now maybe there could be a slight Arrow in the pre-processing so no worries our code is running fine and I will update all these files that is intense.json file and new DOT py into the GitHub repository you can download it from there you can create your own chatbot and you can provide data to it that is you can provide other tags and the patterns that you will inquire him and the responses accordingly so here we have done with the project and with that we have come to the end of this session and I hope the session both interesting and informative if you liked it please let us know in the comment section below also do subscribe to our Channel and stay tuned for more from Simply learn till then stay safe and keep learning foreign hi there if you like this video subscribe to the simply learned YouTube channel and click here to watch similar videos turn it up and get certified click here
Channel: Simplilearn
Views: 85,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: python chatbot tutorial, how to create chatbot using python, how to build chatbot using python, how to make a chatbot using python, how to create ai chatbot using python, chatbot in python, chatbot in python with source code, chatbot in python with gui, python chatbot, chatbot in python code, python chatbot for beginners, python chatbot gui, make python chatbot, build a chatbot python, python for beginners, python programming, python tutorial, python tutorial for beginners
Id: t933Gh5fNrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 29sec (4349 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2023
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