MKLeo's School of Smash - Neutral

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[Music] yo what's up guys thankfully here ranked number one for ultimate in the world fk leo defeats tweak to be your 2019 evo champion tonight i'm gonna be welcoming you to my new series with red bull called school of smash there are many different phases in smash bros ultimate that i'm gonna be teaching you alongside with some of my guests today i'm gonna be teaching you the most important phase of this match neutral game neutral is the point of the game where like none of the players have the advantage state over the other room so neutral is basically you trying to hit your opponent with one of your tools just to get an advantage state you will need to know what your opponent is doing and then like how to punish with anything that your character has and then put him in that position so you can start winning stage control and of course at the bench state well guys the first thing that we're gonna be going into is spacing the spacing is basically yo trying to control the distance between you and your opponent most of the players are going to be doing this by using their disc joints and then not putting their hard box at risk for example there are like better characters that do this examples are like morif cloud stef rod pilot basically anyone that has this joint and a really long sword or a really long head box are the characters you're gonna be applying this the most but don't forget that there is also a really good way to create a space between you and your opponent and thus using your projectiles except for this is samus pacman snake so you don't really need a district for that you can even use it with your projectors right and this is an area what you're trying to do is hit your opponent or hit their shield so you lock them up and they just kind of reposition or wave punish you and now we're going to be talking about with punishing where punishing is basically you being right next to someone's range so you can punish them meanwhile they're still having the lag from the last monthly throughout and this is usually done by moving but remember that there is also random movement and ar aerial movement so you want to use them both to get the perfect whiff punch and of course the more you move the harder it's going to be for your opponent to know where you're going to bit and predict where you're going to land and of course that's going to be giving you an easier time to lift punch characters that are faster than others are having an easier time to voice punish examples are fox reninja joker and chic [Music] now we're gonna be talking about defensive options some characters have really good defensive options but not because their shield is better than other characters it is because of their options out of shield examples are like game and watch bowser cloud bao there's like a lot of characters that already have a really good ad up shield option and that makes them really hard to hit their shield it makes them really hard of space it makes it really hard to be aggressive and of course you would just end up losing and getting damaged in that position now into the offensive options please note that some characters are really fast and have like really good uh aggressive options so their play store is going to be more aggressive and more based on pressure some characters even have the ability to guess what you're going to be doing after you shoot one of their moves because they are really fast and they basically have no lag right their main game plan is being pressuring your shield and then guess what you're gonna do after shielding your examples are rolling jump or sport edge remember that you want to weave in and out so you're pointing things that they can do on defensive option and then you can punish starting from that examples for this is fox mithra and greninja remember that there's also special properties in mob still some characters have super armor that is basically you countering something with one of your hits for example little mac can force mesh through i don't know any of your hits and you will also get four smash even though he's taking damage and he's taking the hit he's still known and move and he's going to be releasing their move then invincibility invincibility is when like well they literally gonna do anything to you is like when you're falling from the aegean platform when you just died and then you just came back to the stage kind of like that but with one of your moves example for this like paulus dash that follows back here and mart lucina's upbeat horror box shift pika the character basically because uh every time he doesn't move he becomes way smaller and well this is known as specifically for pika but there is like a lot of catches that every time they land with something but they just do one of their moves they are going to become smaller and being smaller means that like your homework is going to be different it's going to be smaller so there's a small window to punish you to counter this option you can just delay your punish so you hit them while they are not pancaking another property that i would like to talk about is shoe breaking moves like the name says this move is gonna break your shield there's a lot of characters have this in their kid the big example of lucina's nutribe more soon to be that's literally called shield breaking right so what this move does is gonna do a lot of more damage to your shield than any other move and that's gonna help you to break their shields whenever someone breaks your shield there is like about five seconds to seven seconds where like you can literally punch them with whatever you want it depends on how hard they are mashing but you can start killing people are really really early personalities this is pretty much all the characters tools and of course the basics and now we're gonna be talking about how to apply them into the game so you get better out of spanish so like i was saying if you want to apply this to your gameplay you gotta know that some characters have really good strengths in some ways and some really bad weaknesses in some other ways so basically when you're playing a matchup this is what like will determinate how the matchup is if your strengths are really good against the other character you're fighting against and of course you have a really bad weaknesses against one of the other characters that's really what determinates how neutral is going to be playing the entire game and well this is basically what a bad matchup is and this game is all based on magics you pretty much want to use this information to bait and punish one of your opponents but please don't forget that if you're doing it it means that your opponent is also going to be doing that's where you're going to start pulling information and of course taking advantage of it the person that wins neutral the most and the person that plays neutral the best is the person that's going to win the match and then after you learn all of this about every single character then that's where you start not only playing the match up character was we're also playing the matchup player-wise that's where you need to realize what's your opponent's habits what is he doing whenever he's playing neutral when he's in the spanish or like when he's just trying to condition you and that's where you shine the most and then you will be able to win the match emotion system but i'm guessing you guys are asking how i play neutral and well i guess i'm gonna explain to you so let's say that i'm playing lucina who doesn't know that i play the scene right lucina is like really basic character that is always looking for like david and punished with her spacing and it's always going to be like that right still what um i usually would do will be oh i'm gonna short-haul up into using my spacing to pay my opponent to do something under shield because of course they just don't want to get hit by lucina's fare in their shield right because that would be really bad so what i do in there is a short hop conditioned to do anything and they would they act because they think i'm gonna throw out a fair backer whatever that's when like i land and i do one of the grabs i do one of the options and then i start comboing from there hello i guess another example of neutral voice and what position i'm pretty sure you all know and you all want me to play joker once again but when i used to play him i used to with punish a lot with fair one examples are like i was running at them and then they tried to hit me with something but i was just like outside of their range so why they was like sure hop into fair drag down up here into downsmash and that's how you punch that's a really good example now let's break down some random situations for the first video monster was trying to land he gets into a fire from that was like really bad by him since like well violet once again watch to be above him right because i mean down there is not really going to beat my up air and of course my side be being really huge being able to cover like the platforms right we're giving watch trying to land where meister is trying to land so he goes for the down air and then he starts shielding right i went for a back gear that got into a dipper so it does a lot of damage perfect for shoe breaks so the next moment i see is my steer trying to punish me i knew meister that he want to risk it he was already 100 what i did was rolling away just wait for it approach into downward smash and then he goes shield break then he died after that in this video we see my morph the thing that's never gonna happen again against isim spikachu he's off stage i realize that he's trying to get in by avoiding the ledge because he doesn't want to be there he can get dancing play he can get an f dude and die pretty early because mart well in some ways he's kind of broken right he goes to the stage i get him with the downer he he once again tries to shield in so i went for fair a space fare i get the dipper so his shield goes really low if he shoots again i'm gonna go for a shoe break and that's what i'm trying to do i see that he rolls in so what i do is like dash away with him press b he shoots it he gets short break and then after that there is a story right he he dies all right in this video we see me against sharp with your ninja he's trying to fight neutral against greninja he knows that i don't have really good actual options so he starts getting my shield but i managed to get him off stage so he starts getting desperate a little bit because he wants to get steadier stage right being off stage against greninja low percentage is really bad specifically because you can get a lot of backer combos of course i'm doing the same thing i'm a 45 percent so it doesn't really matter i'm trying to space my name trying to space my fare i get him with a dash type because i know he's scared to do something right he's staying grounded because he already saw me going for three aerial options so i i take advantage of that he stays around there i get him with the dash tag rar into back here and then i realized like well wolves doesn't really want to go low because well his recovery become worse because i can use my upbeat and then like he wouldn't he won't make it back right so i double jump following his double jump into side b side b is really strong as an ikea and that is why bingo stations with ninja is really bad specifically you're a character like both for the last video we got my pyra against paulo pillow one of the best violets of course no better than mine because i'm the goat the thing that viola likes to do is pretty much like pressuring your shield so like you can shoot poke by there he can get something after that right i was at 54 on uh well he was pretty much trying to get it he was losing by an entire stock so pretty much the only thing that he could do is like i don't know tease me with something that violet has right what he doesn't hear though is trying to space instead of like using something else he goes for double drama well that's just pretty bad right because i condition his double jump instead he wants to land in the right platform right so i will for that back gear and i realized that he goes left so the first option i mean i played violet a lot so i kind of know about this when there's a character that uses a lot of range such as like violet lucina more like you will always go for something just to like make sure you're not getting here i just to make sure like i'm not approaching and like in case i do i have to shield right because you're currently spacing something but the thing is that pyrite can do side b throughout the side b and it's just really amazing right side b gets him even though he goes for back here after he gets hit by the side b i decide that like whoa he's probably a little bit desperate just like he's trying to get back in right i mean he's really high percentages he's already in last stock so he's gonna do for something like that right he's not when i risk being grounded against a character like pirates so i realized that instead of going for the future i double jump into fear he loses his jump he has to air dodge and just go off stage and finish him off like well guys i really hope you guys learned something in case you did please make sure you share this video subscribe to the channel like it and of course comment down below what's the exact thing that you learned from this video don't forget to watch the next episode of the school of smash because i'm gonna be with some really nice guests so i'll catch you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: MKLeo
Views: 60,738
Rating: 4.9805117 out of 5
Keywords: #SuperSmashBros, #MkLeo, #Guide
Id: Gb4MOIpzo4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 26 2021
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