Mizkif says why he doesn't work out at IronForge Gym

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um don't look at don't doesn't look like Iron Forge to me bro you if you're going to link my Instagram post from yesterday like good one like yeah I don't go to Iron Forge we've already established this Iron Forge gym is too far away I don't go like it there's yes it's a great gym and it's fantastic but I don't go to Iron Forge gym you want to know why when I go to Iron Forge gym and I work out it's hey Miz hey Miz hey Miz hey can I get a picture hey Miz what I can I talk to dude hey Miz Hey where's fandy hey Miss hey Miss where's Cano when's he coming back hey M can I talk to you in for minut can I go to I [ __ ] hate going to Iron Forge gym because everyone there is just asking me for things I can't work out that's not a thing at Iron Forge gym I can go and do content never can get a good workout in you'll I'll be blasting Three Days Grace and you'll have eight people come up to me and ask for things so I don't do it and you know something crazy Rob doesn't even work at Iron Forge gym apparently it's a thing where gym owners do not work out at their own gyms they just don't do it because they say usually it just makes people bother them and talk to them and they don't want to do it and that makes perfect sense like I that like it makes perfect sense be nice to your fans don't take us for granted squeaks I'm not taking you for granted because I know you're not my fan and I can never take you for granted but do I take my community for granted absolutely where else are they going to go like honestly like what else they have to do besides watch a [ __ ] balding old man like start screaming at the clouds they have nothing to do they're here on Twitch what are they going to do I'm leaving then leave you know what fine get out of here like I I don't have to tell you I'm old I'm disheveled I have a cat now and I've only 500 steps into my day so I have a lot to do look go W go go watch Bruce okay listen go watch [ __ ] Bruce I I get it you want to go watch Bruce go watch [ __ ] Bruce I understand I totally get it go watch speed listen some of you guys are probably way too young for me anyway like some of you guys are in your probably like your late 20s like I'm I just am not your kind of crowd I'm just not there um I I cater more to those who Waits and I cater there those who are like you know 35 to 55 so a lot of you youngsters out there who are watching me the Whipper Snappers it's just not going to work I'm just an old man um oh
Channel: Trihard World
Views: 7,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JI3eWQnv_e4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 30sec (150 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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