Mizkif finds out his tapping a balloon challenge was already over

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fa chat the clip says everything that's that's my fault yeah but now let's see the there's there is nothing she can do [Music] yeah oh no wait my uberdriver cancelled [ __ ] I almost messed off [ __ ] I really don't think this touched my chest yeah Play It Again never there's no rule that even says we I almost oh death first sure touch your chest do it slowmo all right Watch the watch how the balloon moves see that certainly was press pushed off your chest [Music] [Music] oh an that's sick you like Matrix that that's awesome what is that [Music] sound who is making that noise em [Laughter] what the hell is that noise no dude no Chad it was my fault I I flicked it too shittily that was my fault double what okay this looks like it's going to be some there's something wrong like I'm not paying attention at all's any we're so out of it it's such a boring thing to do [ __ ] we got to do it again was that were we really that bad did you launch it like that I think we have to have no distractions yeah maybe wait yeah I don't know I don't know if this was a double though yeah is that a double hit that looks like for sure a double it changed directions twice do all these details even [ __ ] absolutely they matter em mean that's there's Integrity in this yeah so we [ __ ] this up like seven times watch it again all right so you're going to go oh a realization yeah that's there's a double there for sure you push it up and then push it as side so so far it's two my fault one emy's fault or is it three one my fault one Em's fault is it three to one wait which one was my fault you hit Dave which is just a penalty mhm damn it dude I was having fun
Channel: Trihard World
Views: 4,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rtY7HTY7ljY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 5sec (185 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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