Mizkif asks Fuslie to fix his hair

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you want it doesn't really matter yeah you can oh wa she's a hair it looks you're out of a job it looks so good I have I still have an appointment at are you cutting layers wait can you fix my hair ma'am yeah the back of my head's [ __ ] up like look at it it's uneven cuz I cut my own hair I can't Cuts Austin Edition oh no yo would you actually cut my hair would cut it but I can't guarantee results no there's results you just might not like them sorry I can't I can't guarantee results you'll like but I promise I would try my hard F it's like Russian you hair growth treatments no but I could I could get you some Rogan I could buy it for you can you shave my back I could shave e is your back I don't want toave she does provide wa I'd shave your back if you want you call it a situation well you got a situation it's not like it's super hairy just say lower back hair you ever see gargoyles have wings yeah those are on my back wait are they like like wings I'm I'm an Italian man I don't age well you guys all will age like fine wine oh my God I don't want do you cut your yeah I do why wait can we get ray unprepared in here it's we already did yeah I I showed Emmy it's so cute now you going to add it when you go back to uh YouTube I'm too lazy see that's good though yeah like you you I'll keep it a twitch thing I don't know it's an exclusive it's it exclusive twitch Thing YouTube will never know nope Jeffrey it's special it's our secret this is like Magic by the way how you're doing this I'm prepared she kind of has that bang oh my God I see it I want it to look like her actual hair but it's all okay I'm just going to cut this chop chop chop yeah yes I didn't even know like cutting wigs was a thing I thought you would just get it in the shape you wanted no was like Ros wig necessarily right um it is but they they never come like pre styled expect you to cut yeah they expect you to cut them why don't they do the work for you if you're paying the money they used to do that but some people have really long heads so like bangs would be like up here and then they'd be like they cut they [ __ ] up the bang so they just sto doing it oh for the people is it you you're talking about yeah I've seen that I've seen that I've seen that short of you where you have a you show your forehead yeah that is me I'd have to pull it the wig down to like here so it actually covers my forehead that Short's really funny by the way really you think it's really funny yeah I have like seven of the same thing from like different days I'm just like guys is my forehead big a million views hey it's just that easy out here I want to give this to you oh thank you so much I'm retiring from the Mushroom Kingdom what we need you you're giving it to Bowser no my Bowser it's am to be W I'm retiring yep I got a job on Wall Street so wo I'm actually siging coo knives so I'm out of here I'm you cannot leave you guys need knives let me know what you're not allowed to go no I you'll be arrested going go yeah you just have to stand there yeah are you leaving slowly cuz you want the attention you want to go don't go for yeah that looks so much that looks so good I mean no miss you oh no want please please don't please don't leave the no one else will be as funny as you leave no one will be as funny please don't go oh now that was good you're very funny thanks now I actually can leave the compliment
Channel: Trihard World
Views: 3,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: T9p9DUW1EAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 20sec (260 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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