Pokimane exposes Mizkif

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told why you getting so mean to me what do you mean you're you're making her repeat herself that's that's a crazy liing me let's not bring up the racism I was actually about to that's 100% bring up the racism cool yeah so let me tell you guys what happened we went to Hot Pot and actually Miz was not supposed to come but it was right after we went to the gym so I asked AR I'm like should I invite Miz she was like whatever so I invite Miz cuz he was hungry anyways we sit down first thing he asks you know what H you should tell this part no he said is it Haun or Hune I'm like I said High Noon yeah high noon okay and I was like oh it's you and he's like oh where's that from and I was like um my name and they called me racist for that how am I racist cuz you thought her actual name was just like a username or something like I thought I'm sorry I I I went to an Italian scho I went with Mike Joy's and and and and Davids I didn't go with [ __ ] you know hes and Aras sakis and Aman that was not only enough anyways yeah yeah but like you guys called me racist for that no we didn't I call no she she just said racist I didn't even know H's a name I think she be CU I was like oh it's Korean and your face just looked like like you know like kind of like the Pikachu face that a possibility the Pikachu face is one thing if I went like this like ew that then that's racist but I was likeed like to the food no that definitely you like oh interesting he did do that to the Hot Pot by the way which is insane Hot Pot is so gross I'm sorry he got chicken breast at Hot Pot I didn't even know you could do that story I did not know you could do that so the Ser yeah with the Tomato like the the server comes up right and she asks everyone our soup face got we all answer our soup facee like miso tonkatsu Tom Yum we get to Miz and she goes what soup would you like and he goes you got any chicken and she's like yeah we have chicken breasts and he's like the chicken breast and she's like okay but how about your soup like there's chicken breast soup like really that wasn't even an option and he thought the soup was the side yeah but the soup is like what you cook it in so when he got like raw chicken breast bro is dumbfounded just I thought it like brother you what is that I'm sorry I think that place is ridiculous cuz let me let me explain why am I paying a waiter 20% gratitud ow cheddar I got this chill 20% what gratitud why would I pay him 20% gr when he's not they're not even cooking the food they're just actually in a lot of places they do cook the food it's more fun to cook it yourself though yeah and they they prepare it so well so you're telling me you're giving me raw food and I have to cook it why am I at home Curry barbecue oh my God yeah we're about to giggle come on over it's a party out here we're about to do some giggling of your what you guys eating I'm eating craw crawf
Channel: Trihard World
Views: 16,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: IpufOjVYrT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 20sec (200 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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