Mixed Reality Cessna 152 Cockpit Tour - Quest 3 / Virtual Desktop / MSFS 2020

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hello and welcome to my mixed reality cockpit tour here we are at wellsborne Manford in the Cessna 152 and as you can see I've got pass through on my quest 3 so I can see my actual cockpit so I achieved this by first of all having a custom cockpit which I've built out of wood 3D printed Parts a bunch of switches encoders Leo Bodner boards and an Arduino and this creates all of the actual controls that you would find in a Cessna 152 it's not exactly to 100% scale it's probably about 97% scale and we can see inside all of my lovely wiring and the Yoke that I'm using is the CH products yoke and we have a custom Intel computer there which Powers the three displays which is two 10-in displays and one 19in display and we've we've even got a real working key and the primer also works with springs I'm not the best at wiring but everything works as I say so we can turn on the radios with the knobs all of the other knob switches work and I get that working by using air manager and we just got three panels for the three different screens showing generic 152 dials on each of the screens just so I can get all those readouts as I need and then using mly I've got things like the flaps working and also I have the trim working with the relevant needles and the original plan was to have this cockpit just have a monitor which it originally did it had a 50-in monitor and I was going to go for three monitors but with the release of the quest 3 I thought to myself could I use the pass through mode to actually generate a real mix reality Sim in VR a common solution for this is to use reality mixer the steam VR app but for me that doesn't work because I use vdx R in Virtual desktop and that doesn't support that app so I had to come up with another way of doing this so how did I do it well I started off by modeling a very basic block in blender making it pink and then just injecting that block right into the Cessna 52 model so it have a nice pink block as we can see in the Sim here and then using virtual desktops pass through mode I just set that to match the same color that I've textured that block and then when we go into VR we can see my pass through cameras automatically see through and then I can just position myself in VR so it all kind of matches up and then when we've done that all I need to do really is turn off the controllers so I go down and I roughly find where they are and I turn them off if you're using the JPL s 152 you can have it remember state so it turns these off completely but there we go I've got it now all lined up so within VR I can actually sit in the cockpit and I can look around and now I can see my hands as I'm playing the game I can see all of my controls I can interact with them in real time which makes it feel really immersive for me and it makes it really easy to understand how to actually interact with the cockpit I can then go through a startup procedure really easily because I can see and feel everything I'm not fumbling around I get that actual real world feedback and I can actually use my eyes and see what I'm doing which is much better than trying to Fumble around with VR controllers to try and flick the switches in my case anyway and then I can go through the startup process I get real world feedback I can feel the key in my hand as I turn the engine and then we can start the engine up and then when the engine started I can check to see if any warning lights on the cockpit AR and they're all created with mob flight as well and then when I'm ready to go I can turn my radios on I can use the encoders in there to dial in Whatever frequency I want which is really cool and it makes it feel realistic to me I've got all the buttons of the radio working correctly I've got a transponder and then I can get on the move and because it's VR I actually do get a full view around me not what I'd get if I had monitor so I can look behind me nice and easily and then I can get out onto the taxi way again starting my fly is really straightforward I'm just going through the standard procedure but I can see everything I'm doing within the cockpit and because of the quest three pass through it gives me in full color and really makes it easy for me to see what's going on so things like take off are great because you can really look around you and get a view for what's going on and you can get a good feel for the speed that you're doing because you're IM in that environment and then when you're up in the air having a nice look around is really easy in VR because you're completely immersed in that cockpit as I say if I had three monitors it would still look cool but I really do like the fact that it feels like you're in the cesna 152 cockpit and not just surrounded by three monitors and I find doing the pattern at Wellborn mford really easy now because you can easily look out the side of the windows and get a feel for where you are in that visual pattern so I know exactly when to turn I can see always where the Airfield is and it just makes it really fun and immersive to fly the plane landings is where it really comes in because I can always keep my eye on the runway and make sure that that I'm lining myself up properly and because you get that real sense of speed and position when you're in VR you can really work out your approach you can easily look over the nose of the plane to see where your position is just by moving around you don't have to have any keys to move you around the cockpit you can literally physically move yourself so I just think this works really well and I find Landing is super cool in VR anyway so but now to have it in mixed reality I just think he's really immersive and there we go that's a quick tour of my mixed reality setup using Microsoft flight simulator and the quest 3 along with my custom built cockpit I hope you've enjoyed this quick tour I'm going to do some more videos probably YouTube shorts of simple flights so as always thanks everybody for watching thanks for subscribing liking these videos and leaving any comments and I'll see you soon bye for now
Channel: Flying Theston
Views: 3,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QhiNsU5FvXU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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