The BEST Cessna in MSFS? | WB Sim Enhancement / Boris Audio Works Soundpack | MSFS

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Music] this video is brought to you by FS Academy Commander FS Academy's latest package offers a range of challenging scenarios available within Microsoft flight simulator your command skills will be put to the test with emergency Landings system malfunctions hazardous weather and more the fs Academy series is created and taught by a real world Airbus A320 captain so the instruction throughout is both accurate and informed FS Academy Commander will soon be available from the intim marketplace as well as from many of your favorite vendors hello Logan everyone and welcome back to the channel in today's video we're going to be heading out in the Cessna 172 as the title of the video would suggest I have what I think is a really nice combination lined up for you here today whilst the visual model of the aircraft that you're looking at is essentially the default Cessna 172 more specifically the classic version of the 172 available with both the deluxe and the premium Deluxe versions of the SIM I've taken the opportunity to overhaul the aircraft with a couple of absolutely excellent mods which we're going to be taking a look at in the video here today so in terms of the aircraft systems we're going to be taking a look at the WB Sim 172sp classic enhancement and as far as the aircraft sounds go we have the Boris audio Works Cessna 172 sound pack installed both add-ons I think are pretty great in their own right but certainly when combined together they make for a really excellent Cessna 172 experience within the SIM in terms of our flight today we're currently on the ground at full City airports located just on the shores of Lake snow Kwame we're going to be taking November 73924 here for a short hop around the local area as always I do hope you enjoyed the video If you please consider giving it a like and subscribing to the channel okay so welcome then to the cockpit of the WB Sim Cessna 172 enhancement I have to say that I'm actually really looking forward to the flight today it's always nice to get back to basics and it has been a little while since we last flew a relatively simple single engine GA aircraft here on the channel again the plan for the flight we're coming on the ground at full City as you can see the windtalk currently favoring the easterly runway so we'll get the aircraft started up we'll taxi out we'll carry out the run-up on route and then we're going to be departing out towards the southeast we'll be following the Snoqualmie River out towards the town of Snoqualmie we may head further south out towards the hills now towards North Bend generally though we're just going to be putting the aircraft through its Paces seeing how the enhancement mod works and of course enjoying all of the wonderful sounds as well associated with the Boris audio Works sound enhancement so with that in mind running through the before start checks the pre-flight has been completed seat belts and shoulder harnesses are secure fuel shutoff valve is selected in fuel tank selector set to both everyone looks Master switches are both off electrical equipment is checked off circuit breakers all checked in with the enhancement modded is worth noting the circuit breakers do not work bricks are tested part break is set the star checks the mixture is set through each fully Rich carpet not installed on the aircraft master switch and as we go here just listen to all of the sounds associated with the Boris audio work sound pack really excellent level of detail so master switch selected on Beacon Light is Select storm we'll take the nav lights on here as well find the engine will just come through to full throttle we'll give it a quick blast on the electric fuel pump it's a pretty hot day outside there's our peak in fuel flow so cracking the throttle about an eighth of an inch checking the prop area everything does look to be clear one of the downsides with the mods as with most of these default aircraft modifications the doors and indeed the windows don't work so just to visual check the prop is clear and again just listen to The Sounds here as we turn the engine really really excellent sound pack and nice modeling there as well you can see the engine almost didn't catch but we do have a good start so just fitting in that throttle beating in the power up to 1000 RPM [Music] or pressure has come up that's now in the green just slowly fitting in that throttle and you can see the engine just running slightly rough here at the moment as it warms up there's a thousand RPM as things continue to warm we should see things steady out we'll leave the throttle as is for now so the oil pressure is checked everyone's Master switches can go on radios will take the TNS 530 on for the com1 radios just bring the volume all the way up there as well we'll leave the genus 430 off the autopilot there the Barrow one zero zero seven that is correct one zero zero seven there as well on the altimeter that's giving us 120 feet which is great for the aerodrome elevation transponder can go through to standby ADF radio not required for the flight today so radios are set transponder is set swing flaps are selected up mixture we're down at sea level so we'll leave the mixture Rich for now [Music] and you can see there the old temperature is still fairly low currently but just starting to come up there about the stops we'll initialize the 530 the unit just currently going through its satellite acquisition phase and currently we've got a low voltage warning there as well but we've of course got the alternator now on so we should start to charge the battery here with the engine now running we'll leave the Vault meter up for now just a quick look at the oet there 31 degrees so it's a pretty hot day not too much concern there in terms of takeoff performance though again low altitude we've got plenty of Runway here at full City the JS 530 is initialized you can see there the snow Kwame river running out towards the northwest southeast we are now ready for the taxi so the part break can come off we'll just take the tax light on there as well so it breaks off [Music] and we use nice low power settings for now for the taxi and we'll make a way as I say out towards the easterly runway there's a nice little area just down at the departure end of the runway so we'll head there go carry out the run up ahead of the takeoff [Music] [Music] okay so we just pulled off here onto the Northerly apron as you can see we now got the aircraft nicely into wind and there's nothing behind us again very nice systems modeling on the aircraft overall the battery voltage warning has now extinguished and the battery showing 26.7 volts the old temperature nicely up in the green the rate there as well very realistic and the rough running on the way out I think that was actually spark plug fouling just ran the engine at some higher RPMs there to burn that off everything seems to be running a little bit more smoothly now anyway in terms of the run-up itself the doors and windows once again not actually operable but they are visually confirmed close and latched Heartbreaker set on for the flight controls basically checking the aerons they're full freeing in the quick sense same there for the elevator and for the rudder so the flight controls are checked flight instruments 135 they're on the directional gyro and same they're on the standby compass qh29 decimal 75 120 feet that does check against herodrome elevation look good and the temperatures and pressures look good suction looks good same there for the ammeter light instruments are checked the fuel valve is selected on fuel tank selector set through to both mixture is set fully Rich trim intercept takeoff so we are now ready for the run-up we'll come through to 1700 RPM [Music] and there's 1700 once again temperatures and pressures are checked come through to the left mag and drink about 100 RPM drop there on the left that's within limits Max drop we're looking for there is 125 RPM back 1700 and again spark plug fouling will affect the run up you can actually fall outside of your tolerances but again we have 100 RPM drop and less than 50 rpm in terms of differential back to both temperatures and pressures looking good once again carpet not fitted on the aircraft suction allow me to look good or come back through to idle and I'm happy now that the engine is sufficiently warmed up that we should be able to come back through to idle without killing things entirely [Music] three five this is Idle throttle rattling just about 600 RPM about 625 [Music] going back up to thousands the rest of the checklist the radios are set transponder is set through to our ad if not required same for the gns 430. in terms of the lights will take the taxi light off Landing light and strobe lights can go on and we'll take the fuel boost pump and the Peter heat on there as well laps are selected up indicating up and just a visual confirmation here as well flaps are up so the part break can come off and we'll get ourselves into position here on the easterly runway it's all clear upwind we'll just come out slightly to the right of the taxiway line here we've got pretty limited clearance off the left wing tip whereas we've got nothing out to the right of the aircraft so just clearing the building we do need to be careful here as well at full city as you can see we've actually got a road passing through the center of the Airfield and that does actually look to be true to life I don't think that's a glitch within the SIM or clown final and we'll backtrack the runway here as well you can see we've got some pretty high trees to clear actually down at the departure end of the runway on a slightly colder day that might be quite durable from the intersection but we'll give ourselves every opportunity here as you can see we've got a little turning node down at the end I do find the aircraft needs a fair amount of power to get moving initially probably a little bit more so than is realistic otherwise she taxes fairly nicely I quite like the fact that the 172 got an upgrade it's by no means one of the worst aircraft in the Sim in terms of default aircraft okay so the engine sounds are absolutely excellent as I say I'll try and keep quiet here for the takeoff so just coming through to full power will rotate at 55 knots okay it's 55 back on the oak and you can see not a whole lot of margin there in terms of clearing the trees even with the full Runway [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] nicely they will maintain 60 knots for now let's get ourselves here above the terrain as I say we're just going to be following the river out towards the southeast we've got full power 2500 rpm temperatures and pressures looking good and just come up here about the first Ridge line absolutely stunning scenery overall as soon as we clear this terrain will pitch for around 70 knots in The Climb [Music] as I say they're really excellent engine sounds and indeed sounds entirely throughout the aircraft the Boris audio works sound pack is one of the best I've heard in really any SIM for any aircraft it sounds absolutely spot-on Runway [Music] so there's the Snoqualmie River just off the right of the nose after one o'clock [Music] just come up through a thousand feet lowering the nose now for a 70 knot climb [Music] just needing a little bit of right Rudder here as well to keep the aircraft centered up with full power so trimming for 70 knots we're going to get a little bit of altitude in hand here let's say we'll just work our way down the river we've got snow Kwame the town of Snoqualmie passing off of the rise of the aircraft we'll continue down towards this first range off on the left that takes out towards North Bend once we've got some altitude in hand we'll carry out a stall just a couple of little maneuvers again just hear the range of sounds available from the Boris audio Works sound pack and once we've done that it'll just be a quick flight we'll return back to full City again we might go through a touch and go and then we'll come back around for a uh we'll stop Landing again in towards the east the blue thingy near there is just the altitude alert from the autopilot again not really relying on that here today that would just wind that all the way up just to save any more altitude alerts during our maneuvers [Music] up to 2000 nice establish in the climb will take the fuel boost pump off and again temperatures and pressure is looking good getting about a thousand foot permanent rate to climb out of the aircraft at the moment which seems reasonable we're recently light in terms of loading just us on board though we do have a full fuel load about 26 gallons on the left and the right so just passing Snoqualmie see that there off the right hand wing [Music] and apparently quite a famous feature in this part of the world is the snow qualmade Twin Falls I don't believe those are modeled in the Sim or included as part of the scenery but we'll keep an eye out now we're just coming up on North Bend that's just down below the nose of the aircraft so we'll just swing out towards the South just so we can slight that up the North Bend passing just down below us and just come up through 3000 feet we'll keep away from the built-up areas here for the stall we'll level off at 3 000 let's swing ourselves back out towards the North and we'll keep full path now just let that speed build up we'll trade that speed for a little bit more altitude before you carry out the stall I don't believe that flight modeling is a significant part of the WB Sim enhancement it's more of a system slash engine modeling Endeavor very much like the black Square products but again I quite enjoy how the default system 172 flies overall no major or egregious like modeling issues there [Music] 'll do a power off stall off the power no carpet to worry about and again initially we'll just keep the nose up start to bleed off some of that speed so we're up at 3 200 feet back through 60 knots and you might just about be able to hear that still warning just starting to kick in again really authentic sounds overall excellent sound package there's 40. and again the aircraft does still a little bit more aggressively than the real world 172 . that's not perfect there are some issues but still a really nice effort overall come back up on the power we're at 2500 feet we'll go for a steep turn out to the left [Music] safety traffic [Music] it's not something I've actually done in the cinema a long time so he'd take a little bit of concentration here [Music] and we'll just roll out again on heading there's the Snoqualmie River down off the left of the aircraft as they really just wanted to uh shut off the stall warning there I think that does a nice demonstration of just how many authentic sounds are included on the product we've already heard of course all of the sounds associated with the start external there during the taxi and same as well during the takeoff so we'll come back in towards Fall City now for a touch and go and then ultimately a landing just come back through to 2200 RPM and trim ourselves out now for 2500 feet [Music] a little bit cooler here up at altitude 27 degrees sure most of you know but for those that don't you lose about two degrees per thousand foot in terms of temperature on average whilst we're cruising our way back towards full City just another couple of quick demonstrations whilst the aircraft is very nicely modeled in terms of systems modeling engine wear and tear things of that nature it's fairly basic in terms of oh that's actually displayed to the user we don't have any onboard tablet for example all we actually get is a menu that's available by the onboard ADF radio so if we select the ADF on click on the screen itself and you can see there we get a few options in terms of overall engine Health most of these options are not accessible in the cruise but we can see the engine Health we can choose to repair the engine we can also see the engine in all quantity and choose to add any extra or should we need it we can choose to turn the realism mode on and off we've also got the option to add or remove the external equipment that we saw there during the introduction so wheel chocks Pito cover tie-downs and the cow plugs and then lastly we can choose whether or not we have state saving turned on we'll give us a read out there of the trim tab as well I believe that might actually be the aileron trim tab or the Roger trim tab and lastly strange option we can actually choose to change the LCD colors on the radio it's not really sure why you'd want to do that but nevertheless the option is available should you say wish so idle path now we'll carry out the diamond checks we'll make for a long final onto the easterly runway so the brakes our checks and all fun carriages down mixture is rich fuel pump is selected on fuel quantities are checked much instruments three two zero they're on the DG three teaser on the compass our temperature is set [Music] land light is selected on and harnesses secure down through 2000 feet you can actually see there as well full City on the gns 530 we're fairly High here so we'll take a stage of flap that's 10 degrees a little bit of drag certainly not going to hurt us and we'll pitch for 70 knots here in The Descent and fairly happy now with where we are so we'll swing back rounds inbound towards the Airfield we'll try and slide up the runway as soon as we can we can then figure out what we need to do in terms of our electrical profile if we need a little bit more drag we'll just take some more flap it says and the runway actually pretty tricky spot here buried down in the trees you can just make out the buildings there offered our 10 o'clock hey we're looking good in terms of the vertical profile currently so a little bit of power the road just down below as well we can actually follow that in towards the airfields and again we've got the the river as well just off left of the nose coming around on Final there's no other traffic coming down final we'll take 20 degrees now on the flaps and you might just about be able to make out the runway in terms of the terrain looks fairly even here in terms of high terrain we've got high train both off to the left and the right of the field so we'll make looking there visually slightly more clearance on the right will make a right hand traffic pattern which is a bit more unusual okay full flap and the pitch is full fine the indicator's down flaps are sets that in clearance not required the runway is clear just come back on 60 knots and you can see there we do actually have traffic just coming through the runway I believe in reality there's probably a stop sign there for traffic when the air filter in use by the looks of things it's getting a little bit higher so cutting the power I really like the Airfield as well one it's located in a beautiful spot but it makes excellent Landing practice obviously a very narrow Runway here it's really about the same width as a typical taxiway [Music] okay floating that one a little bit there's touchdown all the way back through to full power we'll just get rid of one stage of flap and lifting off once again just about clearing the tree line not much extra speed in hands [Music] climbformance the 20 degrees of flap is not particularly excellent so we'll start retracting the flaps and we'll just maintain Runway heading here till we're up through 500 feet flaps are up you can fill the aircraft there just sinking slightly as the flaps come in there's 500 foot but Aerodrome location 100 feet so I wait until we're up through 600 on the altimeter [Music] and there's 600 so we'll turn for a right hand downwind just maintaining around 10 degrees for now still very low speed we don't want to overbank [Music] um we'll level the aircraft off at 1 100. I'll be circuit Heights there's our southerly heading again a little bit tricky to spot the runway [Music] just approaching a thousand foot just ease off on the rudder again we're slightly out of balance I'm turning on to downwind probably a slightly wide downwind there in actuality there's 1100 feet that's actually going to keep us very close in here to the train so we'll just continue to climb [Music] just come on to downwind [Music] we'll just come up to 1500 again we are over the high train out on the left but if we'd gone out to the left-hand pattern there it would have been exactly the same situation so for the diamond checks once again the brakes are checked it off Thundercat is down mixture is Rich fuel pump is on fuel quantities are checked watch instruments are checked long light is selected on and harnesses cure there's 1500 foot above the aerodrome [Music] and keeping the path now you can see the runway just about down there on the right hand wing so we floated a little bit long there last time carried a Touch Too Much speed probably have the aiming Point slightly wrong there as well that's one thing about full City it does tend to throw you off a little bit you'll notice there's some pretty sizable private markings on the runway and they really look like the touchdown markers with your typical Runway so I find myself naturally tending towards aiming at those when in actuality they're a little bit too far down the runway for Touchdown markers so again a little bit tricky to make out the Airfield we are just coming into a base position now or clear on Final speed just coming back into the white Arc there's 10 degrees on the flaps and pitching for 70 knots we are going to be a bit high now here in the circuit having climbed up above the terrain so we'll go for 20 degrees again just give ourselves some more drag get the aircraft coming down a nice establisher now on base not looking too bad in terms of the vertical profile it's maintaining 70 knots now one last quick look on Final and actually we're still a little bit High here so we'll go with full flap and once again pitch is full fine and the character's down flaps are set and clearance is not required not quite visual yet with the runway three five and the runway is clear no it's going back onto final and that speed reduced towards 60 knots [Music] that's 60 so back up on the throttle and this time we'll really aim for the threshold of the runway you can see those markings that I was referring to they're not actually touchdown markers they just say private and once more full City really encourages accurate flying in terms of deviation from the scent line you can't really deviate from the center line it's going to reduce that speed a little bit further okay it's off the throttle let's touch down a little bit heavier on that one but better in terms of the touchdown points and coming fairly aggressively there onto the brakes that's going to allow us to vacate straight off in towards the parking area [Music] [Music] okay so we'll come off here to the right ourselves back in towards our particular hanger and we'll just hold the offline checks here until we're parked up going to be too busy in the apron's far too small here to really be fiddling around the aircraft systems they're once again keeping a very good eye here on the wingtip clearance making sure we don't bash our friend with the broom over the head and we'll swing the 172 rounds just using some break here on the right to tighten up the turn and just straightening the aircraft up onto the brakes part brake is set as usual back to 1000 RPM on the throttle both the outline checks transponder is flexed off Wing flaps are selected up carpete once again not installed strobe lights are off same there for the landing lights if your Boost pump and for pte the flaps are now indicating up trim just reset through to the takeoff position there is State saving as well on the aircraft it's very well done seems to be very comprehensive so it is worth following the checklist for the shutdown otherwise going to find the aircraft a little bit after white when you return so the trim is reset mixture leave as is these current tracks the part brake is set on transponder is off everyone like switches are selected off just carry out another quick grounding check on the mags [Music] hey Max are checked we have been running at a thousand RPM for one minute so we'll bring the mixture through to idle cut off [Music] good shut down there on the engine again really nice sounds mixture can come off Beacon is selected off we'll take the master switch off and that is the shutdown checklist complete so there you go ladies and gents I do hope you enjoyed our outing in our modern Cessna 172 as I mentioned during the introduction and as I'm sure you've got to feel for throughout the flight I think that the default Cessna in combination with the WB Sim mod and the Boris audio Works sound pack makes for a really excellent very immersive Cessna 172 experience within the SIM just to finish up the video I'll give you a few more thoughts on each product individually starting with the WB Sim Cessna 172 SP enhancement mod it perhaps makes sense to talk firstly about what the mod isn't again there's no mention of any overhaul to the flight model of the default Cessna the WB Sim enhancement is essentially an overhaul of the aircraft systems and now also includes improvements to engine modeling engine wear and tear the aircraft also models a persistent state as you hopefully saw the aircraft systems do seem to be modeled very well up to what I would say is typically a quite unquote study level standard the electrical system seemed to behave correctly and appropriately the Fidelity and finesse and the engine modeling seem to be very nice everything is apparently modeled down to the point where the outside air temperature will actually affect battery amperage circuit breakers as we saw are modeled and maywall trip as well due to faulty equipment engine where I think we went through pretty thoroughly but there is spark plug fouling model General Warren terrorist modeled accurate priming of the engine is important it can be quite tricky to get the engine started if you over prime or under Prime oil usage and depletion is also modeled and there are consequences if the aircraft's not maintained you may see a gradual power loss or foul plugs as well as a fully blown engine failure or even apparently the struts being ripped from the fuselage if you carry out a hard Landing the persistent State as well of the mod is done very nicely apparently there's 90 plus points being saved at any one time and certainly I found that as I left the 172 and came back again later on everything did seem to be pretty much in the same state in which I Departed so I think it's important to reiterate again if you're a flight model person then the WB Sim enhancement probably isn't for you but if you are more of a systems simmer or perhaps someone that's looking to get better acquainted with the 172 and its systems then I think this add-on is a really nice enhancement to the product it certainly makes the default system 172 feel that much more accurate that much more realistic again the WB Sim Cessna 172 SP enhancement will only work with the classic version of the default sister 172 but it is also worth noting that the add-on will work with all available options for the classic aircraft so both the normal tires the skis the floats and as you can see included as well with the WB Sim mod you get a custom no wheel fairing option or the 172. whilst in somewhat of a different vein the Boris audio work sound pack enhances the aircraft every bit as much I think once again this add-on really confirms for me just how important a Sansa is to an aircraft accurate and High Fidelity sounds such as these really ramp up the immersion they certainly create the illusion as well that the aircraft is that much more realistic to my mind they somewhat trick you into believing that the aircraft is study level in when it's not and I certainly felt that was the case with this particular sound pack particularly coupled with the WB Sim enhancement I really don't have much to add in terms of the sounds I think they speak for themselves throughout the flight one or two very minor gripes there was just a little bit of strange audio ahead of the still warning horn and I'm not quite sure whether it's the correct technical term but there seem to be a little bit too much Reverb in the engine note particularly during the cruise otherwise though very hard to fault the sound pack and certainly the sounds brought back many memories along the way they really do bring the Cessna 172 to life in conclusion then I thought this particular combination of add-ons made for an absolutely superb experience within the SIM there are just one or two caveats to that though the first one of course being the price the requirement to own either the deluxe or the premium deluxe version of The Sim means already you've got some up from cloth there then purchasing the WB Sim enhancement along with the Boris audio Works sound pack in total I think I spent around 25 pounds on the add-ons you certainly could argue that that's fairly pricey for a systems and sound overhaul of what is otherwise a default aircraft and again in many ways it's hard not to compare to the likes of the black Square add-ons where essentially again you are modifying a default product with that being said though I think that most of us would agree that the modeling and texturing on the default aircraft is certainly more than adequate so personally I think it actually makes sense for devs to take this sort of Avenue and make the most of the assets that we already have available within the SIM really the only area in which this particular aircraft now falls short is arguably the flight modeling though as I've already stated I think the flight modeling of the default system 152 is good enough I suspect it probably doesn't hit all of the numbers but it certainly gives you a reasonable sense of flying the real world 172. in short whilst you're not going to be getting an a2a experience with this particular combination of add-ons you are I would say going to be getting an experience that's right up there with most other products available within the SIM and once more if you are a big fan of the Cessna 172 or perks you fly the aircraft in the real world perhaps you're learning to fly the 172 and want to get familiar with the aircraft systems certainly at the moment this is the best single-engine Cessna option that I've come across in Microsoft flight simulator anyway guys once again I do hope you enjoyed the flight if you did then please consider giving the video a like if you want to see more content from the channel then please consider subscribing as well and if you would like to help support the channel further support the many hours of work that I do put into each of these videos you can do so by becoming a channel member or Patron hey sincere thank you once again to my current channel members and patrons for your support it really does help of course and it is very much appreciated to all of you I hope you are having a great day wherever you are take really good care and I will see you all again soon
Channel: Into the Blue Simulations
Views: 29,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Microsoft Flight Simulator, FS2020, Flight Simulator, Flight Simulation, Realism, Realistic, Flight Sim, 2020, MSFS, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, VFR, Real Pilot, Full Flight, Review, First Impressions, Tutorial, Startup, Cold and Dark, Sneak, Preview, Full Review, New, Cessna, 172, WB Sim, WBSim, Enhancement, Boris Audio Works, Soundpack, Mod
Id: kieFCOXX4I0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 45sec (2385 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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