I Played in the NBA Celebrity Game and This Happened…

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I played in the NBA All-Star Celebrity Game and we're gonna break down everything that happened starting from when I pulled up to the arena the red carpet my teammates were looking like this so stylish silu looks like a million bucks my smooth brain forgot NBA pre-game you're supposed to wear the most fire fits possible I didn't get the memo that was my one chance in life to have dope tunnel picks in a sick outfit My Fit was an embarrassment bro I had a stain on my shirt so I tried to wash it out next thing you know I'm taking a picture with my celebrity teammates oh it's so embarrassing look at that stage did a couple interviews on the red carpet that was cool I'm feeling so Hollywood then your boy made it into the locker room I was one of the first ones there or in the locker room this is my little section got the reigning MVP next to me right here what's up baby back to back you good yeah baby all right bro check it out the jersey with the 17 jesser very clean seeing the jersey for the first time was a surreal Moment Like This is a huge dream come true for me they gave us a hat truffles let's go what is this still what the hell you see this coat that coat is nice you just get hooked up played at a game like this it's awesome I wasn't really able to film too much in the locker room a little bit after that clip 21 comes in the room I was in the locker room 21 Savage was like you could hoop a little right I was like yeah he's like you look like Tyler Hero Let's go I will take that from 21 Savage once we all got our jerseys on we walked down the tunnel and I encountered a legend Richard Jefferson we got a chance to warm up and I started vlogging shout out to everyone who was showing me love and support at the game it meant the world to me and I even got some of the teammates on the Vlog you ready dude you took 69. it's yin and yang man it's game time baby let's get the job that's my teammate Mr Savage yes sir after warming up we went back to the locker room to meet our coaches Giannis Alex and thinassis on tentative kumpo right here and Lindsey Vonn an Olympic skier when Giannis will enter the room bro the energy was there he had this huge coat on it was so sick Giannis is hilarious look at him saying what up to 21 yeah everyone was saying that to him after that we went back out to warm up and I gave Jonas a custom pair of shoes so you're gonna have to subscribe because that's a full video coming later I surprised a bunch of All-Stars with shoes so subscribe to see that shout out to my boys in the building with the jester shirts that's height that's the support I needed it was now game time ladies and gentlemen and to introduce the lineups was Ben Affleck what that's insane and his son Sam shout out to Sam now this is an epic moment listen to the intro your boy got this basketball influencer has traveled all over the NBA creating videos seen by hundreds of millions of fans the little Cloud master and my favorite YouTuber the little clap master that is what I'm known as my first time on big TV and I'm known as the little clap Master you know what I will take it because it is true if you're new to this channel very awkward uh when I I celebrate my go-to is just some little clap you'll see it later in the game I don't do it on purpose it just happens he also said I was his favorite YouTuber so that's awesome shout out to you Sam it was time for the game to start people I didn't make it to the starting lineup though so I'm gonna put this right back on don't sleep on me honest bro I've been trading all month for this making the starting lineup is hard I'm just happy I'm there there's 11 players on the team we got a whole Squad and the game started we won the tip off and instantly through a turnover this is how the celebrity games are they're hectic Kane Brown pulls up for three air ball great start to the match then my boy DK got the ball everyone move out the way hey he got a dog light work for DK if I was one of the most athletic people I've ever seen in my life on the next play my boy simu drives in finds Nicky Jam Ruffles four-pointer it's a deep shot air balls it Wade is not happy [Applause] Ruffles is tough D Wade is Right Wade wasn't happy about the Ruffles four-pointer but the ball goes out to see who for the Ruffles four that's why he's a superhero our team was popping off to start the game look at this simu goes in for the layup is 10 to two we're dominating since we were on a roll D Wade activated crunch time which makes the points doubles for both teams for two minutes wild stuff goes down in the Celebrity Game our first play with the Ruffles crunch time activated DK pulse drives in and won yes so technically that was worth four points and if he makes the free throw that's an extra two so if he makes his free throw it's a six-point play breaks the free throw but we're up 16-4 the other team comes down right after that and gets an and one of their own during the free throw it was time for substitutions this is my moment coach I'm ready I'm ready they did not sub me in um there were six of us on the bench I was the one person who did not get subbed in but that's okay Giannis you are sleeping on me I am nice don't get it twisted I'm just gonna put this right back on with the new Squad first play Down D Wade is yelling out your nails 21 Savage comes in nice Crossover with the assist to vote beautiful mid-range our team's trying to have some fun out here we give the ball to Janelle and they come out like some hungry Lions they go down get fouled on the layout we started to lose our lead our team was going downhill they got a layup and took the lead timeout coach you got to put me in this is my moment okay ladies and gentlemen it is time for your boy to enter the game with two minutes in the first I enter the game I'm taking up the ball you know what I'm a good team player I see DK wide open for the four pointer I pass it he airballs it it's a rebound and mess I somehow help the rebound get it to our team 21 is wide open top of the key takes the three bang 21. what are you doing something for me oh my bad it was a four pointer his foot was on the Ruffles line dkc's 21 Savage 21 Taps it to me I get the ball I see my boy Tucson wide open three hey look at that I get on the floor seven points instantly for my team Osborne right here he was a Hooper Hooper takes the jump shot and then Albert pulos gets the rebound and they call the foul on me I feel like it was on 21 though at this point I'm thinking I haven't taken any shots bro I need to get the ball I'm guarding Diamond to Shields and WNBA player and I'm like I'm gonna try to steal this so I play some aggressive defense get the foul call but it's good though because now our team will get the ball back we can get the final shot before she took her first free throw Hassan went up to her and was like you know this is on ESPN right trying to get in her head and it made her miss her first free throw Big Frame play from us on and with eight seconds left they give the ball to Alex Toussaint my boy was also going for MVP drives in gets the foul call he hits the first and second free throw and at the end of the first we were up 26 to 20. I came in the game down one two minutes left at the end of the quarter we were up by six man I make things happen for my squad all right boys I didn't take any shots to the first but I did get a clutch assist at the end of each quarter they activated a bonus that changed the game let's see what the first bonus was six verse six six verse six what is going on honestly I was happy because I was like extra spot on the court sign me up Richard Jefferson was doing his thing commentating then all of the sudden okay okay I have my whistle he is now a ref this man is a legend I didn't end up starting in the second quarter but it is the six for six this is going to be hectic they finally put in Calvin Johnson drives in for a layup instant bucket y'all hear that music a bass drop is coming fortunately Guillermo did not have the range on that one he was definitely the crowd favorite at the arena the basketball and the sixth verse 6 it was ugly we were getting blocked we were having turnovers got 11 points in the game maybe it was a mess out there coach you need me you really do nope it was such a mess at six minutes it was time for a change the subs came in I was not chosen to go on the court so I was still on the bench Tucson was now on the floor drives in step back three bang that was a tough shot 21 Savage comes down right side of the Court pulls up air ball unlucky after that airball the coaches knew what to do put me in the game yes sir so I'm talking about at this point we're 15 minutes into the game I got one assist I don't really got anything to show for it so in my head I told myself next time I get the ball I'm driving to the basket and I'm shooting it I don't care no one else is passing I gotta do it my first play of the game they give it to their star player Osborne he drives in and Metcalf says no denies him with a beautiful block oh my God I'm so happy DK was on my team you guys this is my moment 21 passes me the ball I'm locked in I told myself I'm driving in and out on poolhost get by him pumping Calvin Johnson throw it up probably not the best idea to pump fake on Calvin Johnson but hey I'm going to the free throw line I'll finally get some points Ruffles crunch time was activated so points are doubled but it was flashing these crazy lights in the backboard Beverly was not ready for that my first free throw in my hands are super sweaty bro I'm nervous and it goes in and out no I can't train all month to miss two free throws in a row so I make the second one which is double points so that was two points for me diamond to Shields gets the ball WNBA Superstar right here I'll come out of nowhere and block her Carpenter not today not hit me with the block she's a professional Full House throws it to me I do a little half spin Blow by the defender I'm thinking I'm gonna shoot it but I nearly lose the ball so I throw it over to DK who's usually an automatic bucket but he misses the reverse this time and I can't get the rebound as well I take out the ball left to right crossover I hit my boy 21 21 gets the ball jab step drives in loses it and now I'm sprinting back on defense in my head bro I was thinking way too much this game I was like how lit would it be if I got a charge on someone so I see poolhost and I'm like you know what I'm gonna take a charge on this dude this is so embarrassing I I shouldn't even show you guys this I'm embarrassed of this clip just watch I hit the ground they're not calling that Albert pulos is going like one mile an hour I might have been able to block him but in my head I was like I'm taking a charge bro I'm ready for this Tucson had the ball at the top I'm like you know what I'm gonna go help him out set him a screen my man was going for that mvp drives in and gets fouled on the floater I was starting to realize the only way to really get the ball is off of rebounds you saw misses the first free throw second free throw is up it misses it I was one of the rebounders there I looked down the court and I see someone open so I turn on the Jets and intimidate him and get the rebound I went from coast to coast to help get the stop I'm putting in the energy coach you see me I'm hustling so on my way down the court I was like you know what I'm pulling this I see the Ruffles four point live I'll go up in the back of my head I don't know why I was scared someone was gonna block for you from behind I was way too in my head I'm sorry coach my confidence throwing it out of bounds you can't see it but 21 Savage comes up to me puts his arm around me he says this hey bro you gotta slow it down past the ball I'm just like sorry Mr Savage my man everybody was airballing out there then the next play DK gets a three-pointer it's up and he also air balls it I'm not the only one the other team's coming down throw a horrible bounce pass we get the steal but then the team steals it right back and then I get the block clean block and they call a foul bro it was all bold so now guys I have three fouls who else first shot is in and the second shot is in as well ref I'm mad I'm taking off the ball I see my boy simu Chang chi in the building pass it to him one dribble pull up the mid-range is in and out DK gets the rebound to me pause okay I probably should have shot this but my guy was wide open for the three so I passed it out he takes the three-pointer and it's an absolute matchup to get the rebound V and Albert pujos are fighting over it and it ends up being a jump ball but look at that man I'm hustling I'm getting so many rebounds on on the jump I swear poolhost hit this one out of bounds but they called it on me I swear refs were selling there's about 20 seconds left right now the ball goes over to DK DK sees me in the corner a pump go past Full House I see Calvin Johnson I go up for the contact layup I'm not scared of nobody Calvin Johnson is a beast but I'm not afraid of the contact at the end of the half we are down by three points first half I had four points couple rebounds and assists but I wasn't putting up MVP numbers just yet since it's halftime I gotta give a shout out our new bucket Squad All-Star shorts have just drops on bucketsquad.com we got two different pairs of shorts literally the best basketball shorts you could ever get we have used sizes and regulars so make sure to check out bugswan.com or Link in the description and the next bonus that was unlocked was unlock a Legend So Carlos Boozer has now joined our Squad bro has been living good since he has retired he's put on some weight don't think he's been in the gym at all now let's see who the other team gets Richard Jefferson was the ref takes off his rough outfit and joins the other team this is not good Richard Jefferson is a beast Mr one from commentating to wrestling to now playing on the other team first play of the second half the other team drives in it gets the ball to Guillermo then Boozer blocks him or Guillermo honestly man came into the game to fully Guillermo then Richard Jefferson drives back in and just posters it Boozer no energy no effort Mr Jefferson was not playing around man just dunks it easy Richard Jefferson was guarding 21 and they decide to double team they trap us 21 throws the turnover the second half was not looking good for us they get a dunk in crunch time so they are up big now Richard Jefferson from the corner drives in and gets the foul loser I need you to play some defense I was on the bench I literally started talking to the coaches I was like coach I'ma give you that energy boozer's not doing anything out there I will hustle I'll get us rebounds they were trying to win the other team was starting to take quite the lead Osborne did a spin floater and then Mr Jefferson gets the rebound and gets found again Boozer was given no energy Boozer mid-range at the top holes up that's his shot brick then Richard Jefferson their Legend comes down and dunks it it was looking bad for our team Tucson tries the four-pointer air balls is time out during the timeout I was telling the coaches I'm gonna give you all that energy I'm a hustle and I talk to Giannis first of all can I just say that is one of the coolest video clips of me in my entire life second Giannis told me if I get the rebound go all the way or look up the court and pass with a minute and a half in the third quarter your boy is checked back in the game we are down by 11 points when I subbed in with a minute and a half left guys look who's guarding me Guillermo Ain't No Way Guillermo is stopping me I'm thinking simu hit me I got the mismatch of the ages instead simu drives in and finds DK who goes up tries to get the poster gets fouled DK hits the first free throw then on the second free throw DK shoots it it misses two himself big brain play gets the little floater to go that's ideal Guillermo had the most Guillermo shot of all time got the ball stuck he was shooting it on me thank God he didn't make it bro Guillermo made it on me I would have been embarrassed after that they had a tip off for the memes it was Guillermo versus DK obviously DK hits it all the way down to Tucson gets the layup that was an awesome play Irmo gets the ball our team decides to double and he drops it down to The Miz the Miss hands it off Kane Brown goes in for the layup he misses the Miss grassy boom I'll strip him and then I remembered what Giannis told me so I threw it up to DK I already know what's gonna happen hey hey DK with the slam dunk from the assist from your boy I listen to my coach I did exactly what he told me your boy is out here making winning plays for his team and now at the end of the third we were only down four points in the one and a half minutes I was in in the third we outscored him by seven points I'm making winning plays for the final bonus it was Captain's challenge both of the captains got to do a Three-Point Contest shooting 25 threes each each one they make is a point for their team so we're all thinking bro we got Dwayne Wade on our team like this is gonna be easy we're about to get a comeback off our captain Ryan goes first and actually scored 11 three-pointers that was sick we're all thinking oh we got B way this is gonna be easy we're about to get a huge lead our captain D Wade goes and he only ended up getting 10 points so going into the fourth instead of being down four points we are now down Five Points the coaches didn't even say who was subbing in so I literally just walked onto the court I was like I'm here so your boy was starting in the fourth quarter first play of the game DK gets the ball pulls up for the three-pointer and air balls it it was a game the next play core day comes down misses the wide open layup I get the rebound and I remember what coach said go all the way coast to coast in and out all the way your boy gets fouled let's go this is my moment I shoot and I make it barely rimmed around let's go five points to my name next free throw I have to make two in a row boom let's go we are about to witness some absolute BS the other team saves the ball the dude's in front of me I smack the ball 100 ball he takes the shot and gets the and one on me but I didn't even foul him stop the Flames stop so now I have four fouls right and the worst part was on the and one free throw he misses it they get the rebound Roe pulls all the way down baits me into a foul and gets another and one back to back and ones on me so I got five fouls now I was heated we are down eight points with six and a half minutes it was time for The Comeback my boy Sema had the ball gets a little screen goes all the way great layup the other team misses me and Tucson Bo try to get the rebound it's a fast break three on Two And he decides to go in between both of them and shoot it he misses it but Enrique gets the rebound step back I'm like I need to get this rebound I'm hustling I'm running on the floor passing back to Enrique she throws it out to Tucson for the three he airballs it I catch it and one ah you feel me yes sir look at this and one on Albert pujos I fall on the floor my whole game plan was like imma just try to be the hustle Player for my team help my team win by rebounding and that was also the only way I was getting the ball was rebounds it worked out got the and one healthy my team come back and win this game I got three and ones in a row two of them were fouls but still you guys already know that I had to knock down the free throw yes sir your boy now has nine points that and one gave us so much momentum Enrique came down through the lake step back mid-range bang we are only down by one point now look at that man I support my teammates with some small claps momentum is on our side but then DK gets fouled he misses the first free throw and makes the second one we are now all tied up at this point I'm just thinking we gotta get the W then right after that bucket they activated Ruffles crunch time points are doubled for both teams they drive in DK with an insane block I'm hustling to the corner and unfortunately I'm out of bounds no dude right when I heard the whistle I oh I was so sad it was crunch time they were over dribbling right here DK doubles one more time he was doubling like crazy on the fast break you know what time it is Boom looking like Shaq out there DK was popping off and crunch time was activated so that was a four point dunk there's only three seconds left on the crunch time so the dude takes the three-pointer going for the double points gets blocked by DK I get the rebound I see my boy DK I'll throw it Cross Court pass all the way for the reverse bro DK I see you look at that man I'm a team player I'm trying to get us the W then their point was coming down and no one was defending them for some reason so I stepped in and accidentally fouled that was my sixth foul I fouled out of the game [Music] Papa John's at no point in my head did I even think about fouling out I didn't even know you could foul out of a celebrity game there has been 20 NBA Celebrity games and I'm officially the first person to ever foul out of a celebrity game like are you serious I'm honestly kind of proud of myself at the start of the fourth quarter we were down by five and when I fouled out we were up by four points yes sir my final stat line was nine points eight rebounds four assists and my plus minus was plus 17. honestly pretty good for the amount of minutes I played it was still a super close game when we were only up four points Alex Busan comes in gets Stripped by pulos pulos comes down tries to lob it to him like he's DK man gets the ball and then gets fouled on the shot thankfully he misses first and second free throw walls dribbles the ball goes for the free throw DK with the Hang Time blocks him then he's going all the way man DK is an athletic base all right we are now of six with one minute left but anything can happen [Applause] uh time to get the W let's go rough six 35 seconds left I'll put my all in the line man I can't believe I found it out [Applause] [Music] so there's 30 seconds left in the game I'm Vlogging from the bench and then Guillermo walks to our bench out of nowhere what's up how are you man I'm good can you record a video yes about the Guillermo Sony's a huge fan so I literally was taking a video for Guillermo's son mid game on the bench well here about really came up to me bro I'm honored I'm a huge Guillermo fan 24 seconds left in the game Osborne comes for the mid-range pull-ups and he hits it so they are still only down by four but then they get the Steal clutch steal gets fouled he's going to the line not that guy he hits the first and second free throw so now our team is only up two points with 20 seconds left for our inbound they forget about the backcourt we throw it all the way down and Tucson gets the clutch layup so we're still up four with 14 left they need a four pointer to tie the game so Osborne comes down and pulls up for the four pointer and air balls poulos gets it and gets fouled so he's going to the line thankfully he misses the first free throw he then shoots and makes the second free throw we then get the ball to 21 Savage who gets fouled he's going to the free-throw line we really need this free throw right here this is a big shot from 21. the shot is up rolls around and barely goes in clutch shot from Mr Savage second shot is up we need it he hits it clutch and then this is where everything went wrong people six seconds left we're up by five you think we'd be good the Mist throws it out of balance now there's only two seconds left and it's our ball we're good right simu tries to pass it in they get the steal and the layup now they are only down three points cue the bass drop I'm leaving [Music] The Miz hits the four-pointer for the win at half court we cannot believe it this is the biggest choke ever not so he was out of time when he shot it thank the Lord the shot did not count and team Wade gets the victory let's go we won the match DK was an absolute monster one MVP congratulations to him I did a jersey saw with C move that was so sick he was literally one of the nicest people of all time and then after the game I got one of the coolest Clips I've ever filmed I went into giannis's family and friends locker room and he started talking about me he said I'll do whatever it takes then what to do if you need energy that's okay give me one second in the second time every rebound yes I'm there for y'all yes we needed the energy y'all are the best coaches of all time that's that's love hi there that was just a surreal moment I will never forget a huge thank you to the NBA for inviting me to this it was an honor to plan it and a dream come true I made some content for their app I'm gonna put a link in the description if you check it out it will really help me a lot and of course to you guys for your support without your support I wouldn't be able to do anything I wouldn't be doing any of this I vlogged the entire weekend had exclusive access that's popping up right here if you're not already subscribed hit that subscribe button I'll see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: Jesser
Views: 8,993,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jesser, nba, nba all star, nba celebrity game, nba celebrity game 2023, jesser nba, nba celeb game, basketball, all star weekend, nba exclusive access, nba all star game, giannis, dwayne wade, nba BTS, unseen NBA footage
Id: -CpbCWBPWhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 32sec (1532 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 09 2023
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