Mississippi Delta Hot Tamales - HHH

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hello everybody and welcome back to the hungry house husband show today I'm making Mississippi Delta hot tamales now these tamales much like Nashville chicken has kind of hit Mississippi Delta has its own version of the tamale it's in a few little towns down in the Delta of Mississippi funny enough and they make it a little spicier than the Hispanic version of the tamales now this recipe that I'm screaming across the screen is easily scalable you can double it triple it or have it if you want the one that's on the screen right now that I'm making makes about two dozen so you start off by boiling your pork or whatever meat you're using it's just a flat boil water cover it you're good to go I no need to really cut a whole lot of the fat off cut off as much as you can but don't worry about it once you get it to a boil reduce to a simmer and cover for about two hours and here we are two hours later then I'll keep in mind this is nothing but water it's nothing fancy whatsoever we're just basically rendering and tenderizing the meat now we're going to take this out and strain it but reserve the broth this water has a whole lot of yummy pork goodness in it so I just take a spaghetti strainer here and strain the meat into it so that I can reserve both now be sure to use a deep bowl like this one it's going to make sure that you don't splash or overfill and possibly it's going to save your toes and whatever else is on your counter now don't freak out about the level of grease in here you're going to actually need that for flavor later the amount of fat that's left on the pork you can see kind of jiggling away there we're going to get rid of that here in the next step and now for fat removal now this is really going to come off really easily it just kind of shreds and pulls off on its own we are also going to take the meat and kind of slice it into little tiny shreds go against the grain so that it's nice and thin you're going to want that kind of texture now if you're using beef I've had beef tamales that have a very stringy texture if you will a stringy but tender so that you can you know you still cut through it with your fork if that's the texture you're going for just shred it with your fingers no need to actually chop it so with this it's just simply rinse and repeat with the next piece of pork the fat will come off real easily just Chuck that and put all your pork back into a bowl but now it's time to take care of the corn husks get them softening and also for the creation of the masa so for the corn husks super easy just kind of divide them up by how many you think you're going to need and then add a few just in case some tear and put them in a bowl of warm water and let them soak for about two hours you can do this also when you're boiling or me so now for the corn dough filling we're going to do our moussaka along with our baking powder and our salt and then we add in our lard and just get that to start spinning now once that is spinning around and mixing we're going to add in about two cups or so of our pork broth that we reserved you're going to notice the dough start to cling together it's going to have a not not wet but moist consistency now to finish up our filling we need to put about a third of a cup of hot oil into a pan and add our onion and our garlic we're going to let this go a few minutes until it's nice and translucent and at this point the onions are nice and done we are going to add in our spices I just kind of chucked them all in a bowl and just threw them all in at once but they are each in there and accounted for go ahead and stir this up this is where the smell of the tamales is going to hit you wear what you're spending all this time making and creating is going to actually come to life it's the goal line-- is in right in front of us it's almost time alright so this is a lot to do to make you know something for dinner but it's definitely worth it in the end you'll see and now we're going to add in all of our wonderful pork that's been nice and rendered and chopped into little teeny tiny pieces stir that up and we're going to let this simmer for a bit just until the meat is warmed through about ten minutes or so all right time to assemble the tamales so start off with your tamale we're going to go ahead and grab about two tablespoons give or take of the masa flour now I'm doing this with my hands I did try to do it with a spoon and be all nice and sanitary and clean about it but it just doesn't work it will stick to your spoon and make a mess so go ahead reach into the bowl with your fingers grab a little bit of doubt it's not going to stick to your fingers it will stick to just about anything else blot mean tamales husk the corn husk that's been soaking and just kind of Pat it and smear it around with your fingers now it's kind of like a almost a playdough type consistency should be perfect and just kind of get it as flat as you can now to try and keep it about a half inch to an inch away from the sides of the corn husk and any extras can be kind of smeared around like this and then just Pat it into place I know this looks a little off-putting but it really is the easiest method just make sure your hands are clean and everything is good now we're going to take our filling and we're going to take about two spoonfuls maybe and kind of put it in a line in the center of your masa I don't want a whole heck of a lot in here because you do have to still roll this thing once you roll it over make sure that the meat filling is as encapsulated as possible and then pull now if you get a little split or anything like that just took a little bit of extra corn husk and put it over fold the bottom up like that and put it in your tray or whatever it is you're going to keep these things in before you boil them and that's it and now to get these bad boys cooked I'm going to take my deep pan that I did my pork in and you just kind of lay them in flat like this now very important you do not want them to fall over and you want to make sure that they are as sealed as they can possibly be if you get a flap acting like that just fold it it flip it over push it down gravity will do the work for you try and keep them as sealed as possible this is because we don't want the meat on the inside to leak and burst forth from the tamale wild we are simmering them we are going to simmer them in the broth along with the few extra spices added for about 45 minutes here in just a little bit I'm going to show you that next but go ahead pack them into a pot like this and any extra room can be taken up with a glass bowl or for wadded up corn husks whatever you happen to have laying around that you don't mind boiling a four hour simmering liquid we are going to add some chili powder some cumin and some cayenne into our broth and just give it a good whiskey once it's nice and combined we are going to go ahead and pour that in over the empty spot in our pot so right where the tamale husks are just kind of sitting by themselves now since your liquid probably won't be enough to go high we want to bring this liquid about oh say maybe an inch or so from the bottom if we can just fill up the rest with water and bring this to a boil once it's boiling go ahead reduce it to a simmer cover it and let it go for about one hour until the cornmeal pulls away from the corn husk easily there you have it Mississippi Delta hot tamales nice and spicy with the Cayenne great flavors from the corn masa it's very tender the meat was very tender and flavorful I just ate them straight from the wrapper from the husk no need for salsa or anything no hot sauce you can eat them with I believe that Mississippi way is to eat them with saltines and some Tabasco so do it however you like it but just be sure to make them they are well worth the effort I certainly enjoyed making this video for you it it was a pleasure it always is remember to Like comment and subscribe and until next time may your food and your life always have flavor bye bye
Channel: The Hungry House-Husband Show
Views: 146,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cooking, recipe, mississippi delta, tamales, mexican food
Id: GXOwS6-1Dgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 19 2016
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