How To Make Tamales From Scratch - New Orleans Style Tamales

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[Music] [Music] [Music] what's up guys welcome back to my channel today we're gonna be making new walnuts hot tamales let's go ahead and get started alright guys the first thing we're gonna do but just tell you what we need for the recipe you're gonna need three pounds like grams your need for onion chopped the recipe calls for them to be quartered because it's gonna go in a food processor but I just did mine really small the way it will chop them up better we need three teaspoons of granulated garlic three teaspoons of cayenne pepper one teaspoon of black pepper four teaspoons of coarse ground kosher salt one teaspoon of ground cumin we need a half a cup of water one eighty one eight ounce can of tomato sauce 1/2 a cup of chili powder and one and a half cup of yellow cornmeal and then we need Somali papers I found these at my local rouses the deep south brand it's four and a half or four and a half it's 250 in there it's got the texture of a corn husk we're not using a corn husk because this is a New Orleans style tamale so that's that for that and then for the sauce that's going to be 1/8 ounce can of tomato sauce quarter cup of chili powder and one teaspoon of ground cumin and salt and pepper to taste so let me go ahead and add all this this stuff here to the pot and we're gonna bring it up to a ball turn it off and set it to the side I'll be right back all right I got the sauce in the pot and we go ahead and add the quarter cup of chili powder and the 1 teaspoon of ground cumin mix this up this is just gonna be the base for the sauce after we get the tamales in the pot we're gonna fill the pot up to where the water is just covered over the tamales and then we'll add this red sauce in there and now we're gonna go ahead and add some black pepper and some salt and I don't know because it will pop everywhere a little bit more so I think we'll go a little more black pepper I'm gonna make mine spicy I like you know it's gonna have three teaspoons of cayenne pepper I think I'm gonna go ahead and add some cayenne pepper into this sauce and then once I get the sauce in the water and everything starts to simmer real good then I'll taste it and make the water spicy like I want it listen now we're gonna go ahead adder teaspoon that's pretty good I think that's hot enough now the next step it's probably to clean the stove for the big splash but after that we're gonna add all these ingredients into a food processor and right so a couple seconds get everything mixed up real good except to ground me you and I sticking the ground meat in there is just this stuff here and then once that's done then we'll put the ground meat in the bowl and we'll pull all these ingredients into the meat and then mix it up really well with our hands so let me go ahead and get all this in the processor get it all chopped up and then I'll be right back with the next step all right guys we got this whole chopped up in the food processor go ahead and pour it over to me and then mix all this up by hand you might want to wear gloves because I think that red chili powder stuff for staying your hands so I'm gonna go ahead and get this mixed up and I'll be right back all right guys we went ahead and mixed up all the sauce with the meat got cornmeal in the bowl I went ahead and put 100 papers in water that's just to soften them up make them easier to fold and do one at a time and sink it down in the water do the next one sinking down till you do 100 just just will make about 90 to 100 tamales so the first thing we need to do to make the tamales it's get about TSP for a meet then you just want to make it oblong then you dip it in the cornmeal and this don't look like it's going to make a lot of cornmeal you know around the tamale but it actually does that did cooks and cools off just get a paper out the bowl set the tamale in the in the paper and then you just roll it up fold ends and there you have it that's tamale I'm gonna set them in a pot laying flat in the pot and you lay out one layer one way and then when you come back with the next layer we layered the other way perpendicular until you do all the tamales and then let me go ahead and do all that I'm gonna make all the tamales and I'll be back with the next step all right we got all the tamales me that I'm gonna fight I'm gonna put water in there till it covers this tamales and we're gonna put the red sauce and a little bit of water kinda help mix it up and we'll head it in the pot then we'll get this come up to a little ball and then we'll turn it down to simmer for two hours so after the two hours is up I'll be right back all right guys hot tamales all done they all cooled off and once they cool off they start to firm up as you can see it looks just like a regular tamale and it tasted really good they're very juicy not dry at all as you can see in there this made a hundred tamales this is only half of them here and that's how you make new all-star tamales so if you liked this video go ahead hit the subscribe button from me give me a like leave me a comment tell me what you think and I'll see you on the next one [Music] [Music]
Channel: Kajun Kravings
Views: 60,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make tamales from scratch, New Orleans Style Tamales, cornmeal tamales, cornmeal tamales recipe, tamales, tamale recipe, tamales Recipe, How to make tamales, Easy Tamales, hot tamales, tamale (dish), hot tamales challenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 03 2018
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