Nancy Drew: Treasure in the Royal Tower

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hi there it's me nancy drew you're just in time for my latest mystery treasure in the royal tower choose your difficulty level to start off if you're new to adventure games you might want to click the tutorial button first for a few tips on how to play the game where are the settings uh maybe we should change the george so much from my wisconsin ski vacation that's too low they arrived here is that good castle last night i feel like the voices need to be loud the mountain is completely shut down and the surrounding roads are closed that's good i'm one of the few guests who made it to the castle at all yeah that's perfect awesome close captioning character speech player speech should hear this wind you should hear this win my father's friend is away on business okay that's great nancy hi there it's me nancy check dear george so much from my wisconsin ski vacation i arrived here at wickburg castle last night oh baby the mountain is completely shut down and the surrounding roads are closed i think i'm one of the few guests who made it to the castle at all the place is huge and old and slightly creepy under the circumstances you should hear this wind what's more the owner christy lane my father's friend is away on business i tried to ask the caretaker dexter egan but he said he didn't know doesn't that seem odd i couldn't help feeling like there was something he wasn't telling so close to igor huh this makes me a little nervous but i'm determined to enjoy myself after all this is a vacation right i have big plans to explore the castle that ezra wickford the original owner must have ezra i love that name built such an extraordinary place it's filled with strange dead-end corridors for one thing and i noticed one of the towers is totally different from the other ones of course i'll have to save some time to meet the jacques bruno oh oh shuck tell best she'll be the first to know if he's half as gorgeous in person as he looks on his website oh my god dancing this time the culprit is just a snowstorm talk to you soon love nancy was she not with ned at this point it is a mailbox oh you just wrote it what is that sound i'm hearing i'm hearing like locker 310 can we take that with us nope i came prepared i have a notepad detective goobers on the case number 310 five one seven did that nothing else can we take that letter opener no okay close it there's a plant there's a notepad what's that oh we're room 205 okay what the hell's that sound what the hell is that sound okay there's our alarm clock address book ned nets here the radiator hi you've reached ned at omega kai epsilon i'm not here to take your call right now so please try again later thanks oh my babe is gone this like the radiator is broken oh my god can you imagine if it actually made that sound brickford castle menu baby back ribs creature of the night barbecue sauce [Laughter] fried bologna sandwich supreme on white bread whoa white bread we're getting fancy over here crushed potato chip sprinkles 50 cents actually heaven better than nothing broccoli surprise something smoking chili cheese dog sugar sugar crusted rhubarb jerky royale keto enlightenment lie pie odyssey to banana land i want everything [Laughter] all you can eat fried chicken drumsticks okay close that can we go yeah in our suitcase can i read this oh yes oh thank god in 1920 ezra wickford the inventor of chocolate milk chat quick fact chat is that true is that is ezra wakeford the inventor chocolate milk did we give him god status they made him up legend yeah sounds legit the inventor of chocolate milk dreamed of building a castle like no other the project took seven years 132 conquerors and a million adult millions of dollars but by the time it was done wickford castle had become an architectural marvel then in 1945 wickford mysteriously locked himself away in the castle and allowed the place to fall in the state of decline after wake for its death the castle was closed down for many years its fate unknown until it was inherited and re-opened by his great niece christy lane in 1990 oh now it is one of the most popular vacation resorts in the midwest the castle is a maze of corridors and some of them lead nowhere no one knows why ezra included these dead ends in the castle design but everyone agrees he must have had quite an imagination learn the story of 18th century france tower during his travels in france wickford became so enchanted with the chateau rush rushmont that he brought the castle's grand design grand tower and had it built onto the castle in 1924 but he bought a castle tower few people have ever seen the inside of the tower because mr wakeford kept it sealed off the tower is still closed but in the coming months christy lane plans to open it up to the guests and offer guided tours mrs lane also plans to restore the vintage 1920 elevator oh that's all i can read miss lane is grateful to the wisconsin historical foundation for their support in this project visit the library also while in france wickford acquired the majestic library and many of its contents from the state of jean-leb the room is filled with antique books both french and english it's worth a visit just to see marcel bonet's famous portrait of marie antoinette which was imported from the chateau of rochemont outdoor attractions we're located just at the foot of scenic butter ridge in the winter months guests enjoy skiing on some of the best groomed slopes in the midwest in the warmer months guests love the hike to butter lovers lake butter love earth like it's a place to be the mountain fields are covered with the region's magnificent wildflowers look for ladies slippers skunk cabbage black-eyed susans butterfly weed devils paintbrush tote flecks and more are those plants no matter how you spent your time at wickford castle you're bound to have an adventure i'm off on an adventure well i think that's it how do i back out oh yeah i close it yeah i remember nope should we go out hello it's me nosy nancy i'm here to be nosy okay it sounds cold in this castle or is it just me oh no no no no back no back up leave we're not ready for that let's go here oh big painting is that marie antoinette how do i how do i look at it eh might be how do i go down okay oh scary we've played resident evil 4. don't trust them what's this can you handle can you handle the view [Laughter] pepper cliff arms cheese free tour of the best cheese in wisconsin that's that's where i would go butter lake this is the place to be the pier lake pond can we open it wickford castle butter rich just sounds so funny anything there oh front desk hello miss drew did you get squared away upstairs hi eagan uh room is charming radiator okay yes thanks mr egan my room is charming but i think there's something wrong with my radiator it hisses and there's a clanging noise too would you mind checking it out for me sorry about that inconvenience but you're just gonna have to sit tight for a while i'm the only one on duty while the owner's away and around here it seems like even if it ain't broke it still needs fixing last time i checked there were only 24 hours in a day and now to make matters worse there have been a couple of incidents his voice is so like he the words he's using are nice but the way he says it means like it sounds like he's like being really mean if that makes sense what kind of incidents someone vandalized our historic library really turned the place upside down the owner miss lane she's gonna be pretty upset oh vandalizing a library someone has no soul why would anyone want to vandalize the library i have no idea i straightened up in there before checking yesterday and everything was fine now it looks like a bomb went off books everywhere and somebody hacked a big hole in one of the walls i locked the place up and called the police but who knows when they'll be able to get here someone looking for treasure maybe wow a hole in the wall what do you think they were looking for i can't tell but somebody's definitely after something yeah he sounds like he's like i hope you have a nice day [Laughter] it's like the really scary like he like he needs to be polite but he really doesn't want to what else has gone wrong well this professor hotchkiss just called me a terrible flap saying our room's been robbed i went up there but she wouldn't open the door to talk about it wouldn't even tell me what was missing so what she want me to do about it sounds like you're swamped mr egan is there any way i can help well a hotchkiss has a pair of ski boots in the basement the frenchman's been working on him for but he won't deliver him says he's a ski instructor not a bellhop i hate to ask this but if you could grab those boots and bring them up to her it might smoother feathers sure would smooth mine you got it you can count on me can you do something about my radiator sorry not yet so how long have you been working here a while a while okay see ya mr egan you're a trooper can i uh i can't look at anything on the desk maybe man maybe when he leaves i should wait until i'm alone oh she's already like i should wait until i'm alone nosy nancy um okay should we check the side here honestly this looks really nice to spend like a week or something hi i'm lisa did you hear what happened someone broke into the library and vandalized it dexter locked it up he's saying the culprit must be one of us in the castle can you believe it i mean we're all locked in here so yeah yeah dexter just told me the library is a disaster area and then it's totally off limits too bad huh i'm dying to see what they did to it don't quote me on this but i think dexter has an extra key to the library somewhere around his desk people don't like her voice it's um it's got that like she would be great in cartoons you know it's got that energy like she's just like leave it to me i guess you've really got your finger on the pulse around here any other castle scandal i should know about oh we got scandal honey professor hotchkiss is claiming she's been robbed for one thing but the real scandal is downstairs his name is jacques brunei what do you know about professor hodgkiss oh my gosh wait till you hear this hotchkiss is this nutty old woman who's always typing and talking to herself in her room i was walking past her door earlier and i heard her screaming that her room had been robbed you said she's a professor do you know what she teaches i'm really not sure she just kept wailing my theory my theory i think she teaches history or maybe a foreign language i thought i heard a couple of french words pop out of her mouth but don't quote me on that either i only barely passed spanish in high school my theory my theory hablo espanol espanol hardly i'm just a humble photojournalist covering weird old mansions in the midwest and this place is one of the weirdest did you know ezra wickford the original owner shut himself away in here for like 50 years i wonder why he was so anti-social my thoughts exactly i mean did we stumble onto the set of as the castle turns or what well you probably want to get settled i wonder what we're gonna do with ourselves while we're all cooped up in this place it really reminds me of um the winchester manor the the one that took like forever to build and then has like dead ends and stuff i've been there with susie since you took me there one time it's like a little road trip was awesome i'll let you get back to your magazine stay warm yeah see she she has the kind of voice that would be like a little boy in cartoons she'd be the one that was like pikachu i choose you great energy though just doesn't really fit that character major figures and events of the french revolution book two the storming of the bastille on july 14 1789 oh long time ago an angry parisian mob stormed and captured the old royal prison known as the bastille i think that's how you say that the ma was looking for weapons and ammunition the governor was killed the seven inmates none of them political prisoners were freed after the prison was overthrown its thick walls were torn down when told what had taken place king louis xvi yeah exclaimed why this is a revolt no sire was the reply it is a revolution and indeed the first outbreak of violence marked the true beginning of the revolution after july 14th there was no going back the mob who participated in the takeover later became known as ley vancouver de la bastille something like that so the venker like the takers the takers of bastille jean lebouff born to peasant farmers jean labeouf became one of the commanders of the french revolutionary army at the age of 22. wow he's best known for foiling louis the 16th and marie antoinette's attempts to escape paris paris in june 1791 after hearing rumors of their planned escape labeouf organized troops to intercept the fleeing royal couple the king and queen were captured at variness and escorted back to paris as prisoners the monarchy was finally overthrown less than 14 months later the buff later became a general under napoleon bonaparte and a member of the new french aristocracy he amassed great wealth and built a beautiful chateau that became known throughout the french upper class for its splendid library labeouf died in the war of 1812 ironically the great general was not killed by enemy soldiers but by food poisoning that resulted from eating a can of rancid beef my god can you imagine dying at that the chateau remained in his name until the 1920s when hit the when his then-impoverished family was forced to sell off his estate no book one should have done this one first huh marie antoinette born in vienna austria on november 2nd 1755 she was the youngest daughter of francis the first and maria teresa emperor and empress of the holy roman empire in 1770 as a young teenager she was obliged to wed louis the 16th of french french friends to symbolize an alliance between france and her parents dynasty the habsburgs of habsburgs of austria four years later marie antoinette became queen of france when her husband was crowned king louis xvi as queen her lavish lifestyle made her unpopular while the commoners stood in breadlines praying praying for food they cursed the queen who was living so comfortably in her grand palace people's discontent grew and grew until a full-scale revolution break broke out in 1789 yeah wasn't she wasn't she decapitated or something she was executed in 1791 it looked like the monarchy would not survive and marie sought assistance from other european rulers it was arranged for the king and queen to escape paris on the night of june 20 but revolutionary forces apprehended the royal couple at fairness on june 25th and escorted them back to paris as prisoners on august 10th the monarchy was finally overthrown marie antoinette spent the rest of her life in parisian prisons louis the 16th was executed on orders from the national convention in january 1793 and in august the queen was put in solitary confinement i think i think i visited the place she was held i think i i think we had a tour in paris and we went by her cell marie antoinette was brought before the revolutionary tribunal on october 14 1793 and guillotine guillotined guillotine it's a guillotine right two days later yeah so she was executed she was executed without proof of the crimes for which she was accused it is uncertain who actually invented the guillotine but we do know that it was named after dr joseph guillotine who recommended its use to the national assembly in france in 1789. can you imagine inventing that it's like hmm we need a more efficient machine to kill people i know we'll just have a blade that falls down let gravity do the work you can't you can't have an executioner with an axe he'll get so tired all those decapitations a guillotine similar to this one was used to behead thousands including maggie antoinette yeah i do remember kinda anything else i think that was it yeah two books here i think that's it what's back here oh no no no scary no we're not doing that later oh lots of doors can't go in them though oh see that secrets secret door another dead end castles like this must be so cold it's locked elevator it's locked it's locked oh oh wow we needed to go to the basement right um to talk to the french ski instructor dude oh i see boots i've never skied in my life i always thought it was like a super rich people thing bonjour mermoselle je m'appelle jacques brunei so what brings you to a beautiful whistle so close dude just you should have just said jacques brunei nancy drew i'm here on vacation what's your excuse what's your excuse well this is an awesome cheese french alps and did you come to wisconsin for the cheese i am here for isabelle mom patio she's an american studying at the university in madison and i've asked her to marry me wow excuse enough to be in wisconsin espa and besides i am not the first french work of art to end up here the way she said that was so good did she come to wisconsin for the cheese [Laughter] um it's a fine excuse so when's the wedding ah so you came halfway across the world for love that's a fine excuse so when's the wedding um as soon as possible why the rest why the rush do not ask me about the affairs of my heart nancy i would think you were trying to steal it how will you spend your time here nancy i'm dying to have a look inside that library i heard it was vandalized do you know anything nancy a party girl should not worry herself with this type of thing while he is on vacation i should warn you dexter is very protective of this place he does not take kindly to people snooping around where they should not tread carefully here dude you don't want to bring looks into things with a woman to be like a pretty girl like you shouldn't be nosy a pretty girl like you shoot them in a minute um [Music] thanks for the tip but i think dexter and i are going to get along just fine get along just fine you say ah a woman who knows her own powers of persuasion joe why does everything need to be um i want those shoes yeah i need to bring professor hotchkiss her boots do you have them yes i fixed her boots but you should be relaxing by the fire sipping coco nancy i'm not running errands for dexter dude i can decide what i want to do okay you're not my fiance you have your own fiance to worry about um tell me about these boxes you're making when i are not skiing i need some other way to express myself so voila i make these hot boxes for keeping secrets safe i'm sure you have many secrets nancy why because i'm a woman what do i look like someone who has secrets i look like someone who's nosy yes do you know much about the tower that's closed off i heard the original owner imported it from france it comes from the chateau reshma in a town in france near where i grew up marie antoinette used to visit this tower when she was queen of friends until she lost her head in the revolution that is uh-huh i'll talk to you later bye-bye for the cheese we got the shoes that's just i feel like every game has like a little thing like the first game we did was like detective beach one is like for the cheese [Laughter] um god there's there's a lot to look at oh that's the elevator that's where we came from i don't think i can check any of these doors elevator reset oh we shouldn't touch that oh okay we know where the power is uh close that ski rental that way so many doors we know now from the last game that we did that you can't really oh oh too dark i should take the elevator yeah let's too dark creepy we know from the last game that there's a ton of doors that you can't open you're just not really supposed to go so stairs here too dead end oh okay okay and then there's the rental and then there's lockers women women women men that's nice i would definitely go to the sauna oh north pole out there close the door close the door i thought it turned around yeah it's confusing i thought i turned around okay this way let's take the elevator so we were on one right let's go to two this time okay hello second floor it's me let's see oh a two or four what where are we two or three wait is this where he came from oh oh right right which which room was um [Music] oh there's two sides i see do we know what room oh um can i check like my dialogue no journal checklist ah that's what i'm looking for yeah i'm still getting higher boots not yet yet mr eagan what room is it that's a shame okay see ya mr egan goodbye well that was meaningful let's uh let's just search around probably okay no rooms here this one this one this is my room it's locked uh that's our room oh god i don't want to be in there close it okay so that's our room what is here yet another dead end oh weird weird weird definitely winchester manor where where is she is it here that's the elevator oh i think we're getting close [Music] yes hello is that jacques with my boots is that shack with my boots actually it's nancy drew but i do have your boots for you oh good boots fine thank you thank you everything is fine uh just leave the boots at the door please oh and it seems i'm out of change i'll just have to tip you the next time mandy um [Music] no tip is necessary professor hodgkiss i don't actually work here my name's nancy drew i heard your room was robbed and i'd like to find out what was taken so that mr egan can report it everything's under control dear nothing to report thank you for my boots my poor feet have been feeling so exposed damn she got back to typing quick but oh i was like i still have the boots wait what was that it's not her but i definitely heard the door hmm should grab the boots oh is that what that was as she was typing like grab it okay let's talk to eagan again be like dude i did it can i help you about my radiator mr egan do you think you'll be able to fix it anytime soon sorry not yet hodgkin's called to report that she got her boots but now i'm told that the light is out in the back stairwell can you check the circuit breaker in the basement and make sure it's working oh okay okay see ya mr egan you're a trooper he he's friendlier than he looks he ain't too bad so the breaker we've seen that we have to go to the basement so which one is it two three hmm maybe we should say first what should i call it for the cheese uh continue let's see oh it doesn't actually tell us what what we're doing which way do they need to face [Music] okay so that's on on on on on on maybe think that did it oh this was the dead end wasn't it was the other side hmm it's too dark i should take the elevator all buttons should face inward weren't they already facing anymore though [Music] so like that i thought i think they already were like that though when one is blown you need to flip it on enough then back to on okay we can flip them all once do you think that did it can i just go here did you figure out the problem with the circuit breaker hmm hmm i guess i haven't gotten around to it yet hmm that's a shame okay see ya mr egan goodbye what do you think we gotta do we have a we have a flashlight we can get maybe um did i check this sassy detective [Laughter] oh fingerprinting 101 using fingerprints to determine keypad access codes by karen clausen when we touch things some of the oil from our skin is left behind on the surface of the thing we have touched fingertips each have a unique pattern on them and the oils shows or prints this pattern oil shows or prints this pad this is how we get the term fingerprint when you touch several surfaces with the same fingertrip fingertip the oil begins to get used up so the fingerprints become lighter and lighter the most common method of discovering fingerprints is called dusting when you brush a light powder over a surface the powder or dust will cling to the oil left by fingerprint fingertips revealing the fingerprints remember fingerprints will appear in darker or lighter shapes depending on how much oil is present now sassy detectives put two and two together to figure out how to determine a keypad access code here's a little test if you saw the four fingerprints below what order would you put them in from first to last will the darkest fingerprints be the first button that was pressed or the last what's the code okay no drawer here there's this one i don't think we get a flashlight we can check that maybe [Music] but i'm not missing it now am i flashlight on the bureau that's a pen and a pencil you mean the oh i thought it was a hair dryer yes a hair dryer i think okay i think we just gotta go back and forth until we find it what is that oh banging okay let's try it again [Music] or wait do you think there's the locker we can check because it's locker 310. maybe not i can't click on any of it oh jacques 517 don't think that's it there was an arrow here do you think oh maybe it's um like we need to go buy them and then press the button hmm there is a 310 i don't see it maybe we're not supposed to yet oh here [Laughter] five [Laughter] one seven the combination is five one seven but it's not working hmm okay we'll figure that out later now this so you know these lights are here i feel like the it wouldn't be any of the big ones because they control like whole floors so let's start with that and see if it works and then we just gotta check each light you think oh that was it wha that was the first one i tried huh i did it [Music] well good good on you nancy i don't want to pester you mr reagan but um the radiator thanks for dealing with the circuit breaker okay we're really making progress here kid so you go up to hotchkiss's room and see what she wants for dinner she's not answering her phone no problem boss no problem boss god honestly wouldn't it be kind of nice to be snowed in on a in a place like this to be like oh i can't i can't leave better just like read books do some puzzles that's nice was it here no can i go to the other side here yeah ah virginia wolf never endured such interruptions who is it it's nancy again dexter needs to know what you want for dinner no hard to think of food candy when i'm right handed ranging rapids of my theory oh right now i have plenty of pre-packaged energy globules to keep me going but tell baxter a powerful craving for couscous yes couscous for dinner would be splendid i'll have a nice tip for you next time fanny my gosh she's amazing i can just imagine when they write dialogue like this the team at her interactive they must be like yeah that's funny there hey okay um hello let's go back i always forget which way i'm not familiar with this place yet not that way out here forward right right right right left left steer to the left and you're there oh it's gone oh that means we can snoop hey pen pals paper products stephen book dexter oh it's his to-do list get brene to fix boots refund guests who canceled snow plows try to reach chrissy again change the library alarm code change bulbs replace filter keep searching keep searching get boots back to professor check basement circuit breaker get dinner orders from guests keys to what my gosh she's so nosy the balls on nancy i don't see anything else just stealing keys there's literally nothing yet that indicates that like she needs to do something or someone's not to be trusted i can't see that door i want to look at the picture but can't candy you guys see anything that i haven't looked at i think that's it floppy fluffy disk okay let's get out of here i don't know what that key is for can't really examine it or anything library key i haven't found the library door yet nothing there oh she's gone too there's a box there but that's nothing i'm close to the library where is it does it have a sign that says library watches it's 8 pm oh maybe it's this it's locked [Music] the alarm went off i'm a criminal okay let's try and go in wait where was it here close the door close the dirt oh it's closed oh we need to dust it i'm so busted i'm so busted run run run didn't you hear dexter coming yeah but i didn't know what to do i guess i just froze it's not like you nancy you always know how to make an emergency exit maybe you really do need some rest who can think of rest and relaxation when there's a mystery to solve okay so that's where we need the fingerprint dust thing mysterious we have the letter we want to mail we have our door card and we have the key to the library but we can't really turn off the elevator still broken yeah that's true it broke a while ago i can go down the stairs now and reset it [Music] up [Music] that should do it oh [Music] is it here oh it's down here okay um should we talk to jacques again that was his name right oh he already closed as well what's that a paintbrush hmm oh oh we're dead stuck i i can see that it's stuck now what it's stuck hmm look up can we i don't think we can oh we can oh oh holy i'm not sure if i can make it oh god that shit's scary okay here goes oh we died [Laughter] holy is there anything else i can do here oh oh holy that is a dangerous elevator it's still broken as it's locked if it's locked how did you get through out of there [Music] oh oops ignoring me what would i need a paintbrush for i guess maybe i can use it as like if i get some powder i can choose the brush maybe oh what's this [Music] i hmm like this game would these kind of games would be fun to play with an eye tracker oh this one goes nowhere there's probably something what's that banging huh should we tell the egon so the name was his name egan egan i'll go to sleep oh i guess yeah we should just meet him tomorrow he's probably just done for the night [Music] so it's 9 30 p.m now i started for like 8 a.m [Music] of all the sounds you could have gone with do i have a bathroom can't go in it okay dude you really need to fix that radiator because that is an obnoxious sound how did nancy get any shut-eye yes the professor says she has a hankering for um couscous couscous never heard of it tell her to order something off the menu oh my god can you imagine being that person like you stay at a hotel and you just like first off you're not there when someone's like what what would you like to eat but then someone shows up and you're just like i'll have this please even though that doesn't even exist or it's on the menu um i was in the elevator and it got stuck between floors i had to climb out the top and i just barely made it up to the floor above do you think you'll be able to fix it well i doubt it's broken i'll check the power switch in the basement glad you're okay but don't go climbing around the elevator shaft anymore it's dangerous in there mm-hmm it is okay see ya mr egan you're a trooper so what's the plan for today should we go see jacques again she's not here whatever her name was was it lisa i always click one too far in this hallway oh he's not here yet when does he open oh 9am go see jack for the cheese yeah give hotchkiss a menu oh the one from my room i guess we could go talk to her yeah let's see if i can get this menu yes cool now let's follow the sound of typing which is not here it's so hard to find her here no this way yeah is that my couscous already sorry professor but there's no couscous in the house you'll need to choose something from the hotel menu well i don't have a menu at least not from this hotel oh be a doll and and set me one will you tata there how do i put it down did you get the menu sure did how about opening the door so i can give it to you oh you're a sneaky one just slip it under the door please nice and easy no funny stuff she reminds me of that oh baby back ribs yes [Music] fried bologna sandwich i'm not usually much of a meat eater but very well 50 drumsticks chicken that is a cluck cluck 50. 50 drumsticks whatever makes you happy rock and roll dear okay hey smyrna good to see you thanks for 15 months thank you she's a weird one 50 seems like an awful lot of waste i don't think you're going to finish all of that unless she's hiding a family in there in that room can i help you the professor has changed her order seems she's developed an appetite for chicken drumsticks 50 of them okay then drumsticks we got oops but i guess jock better take that bag of chicken legs out of the freezer will you tell him and then take the rest of the day off kid your radiator's as good as fixed nice okay see ya mr reagan goodbye why not just change my room like i doubt that the hotel is full wouldn't it be easier instead of having to fix it to just be like oh can you just like switch rooms to a different one that's fine nancy como sava sava bien uh dexter needs you to defrost that big bag of chicken legs what does he think i am it's a chef dexter told me the combination to my locker number 310 is 517. i tried it but the locker won't open mm-hmm dexter must be confused because i think that is the accommodation for number five eleven a try three eleven okay i'll talk to you later bye bye bye bye that sounds like um wasn't that something the parrot would say in um [Music] in the third game the parrot was like alley bye bye [Laughter] blackmore matter that was it ah look at that what does it say shutter shutter slug oh camera can we read this what oh spanish right how's it going wisconsin i can't read the rest of it though big plaza hmm pedro anyone who can read it or passports helen carp so quiet here i feel like i'm gonna get a jump scared by something oh yeah helen carp so i'm accidentally oh tanya lee good wait is that her as well is she faking to be someone else hmm wait didn't she say she didn't speak any spanish but she has the whole letter maybe we should talk to her and talk to okay how do i close this talk to jacques that that's not our locker nancy um so we found her in the couch the other day maybe she's only there a certain certain hours a day [Music] walk please there yeah she's not here [Music] nice and quiet what's that oh you forgot some oil oh we need oil for is there anything here we can use as a powder like some makeup powder it doesn't look like it oh she's back hi there how's it going what do you know about jacques brunei didn't you watch the last winter olympics he's france's big cheese of skiing her voice has a certain penetration into it but he totally choked at the games i guess he's washed up now but at least his looks haven't gone down the tubes wow so tell me more about the life of a photojournalist it must be very glamorous at times well there's nothing glamorous about the pay i can tell you that much there was a little mix-up with the lockers and i accidentally opened yours yeah and trying to see whose stuff was in there and i found a bunch of ideas well i was kind of confused i was just trying to see whose stuff was in there and i found a bunch of ids in your bag they all had your picture and other people's names on them a savvy photojournalist always carries a couple of alternate identities nancy when you're working under deadline you don't always have time to play by the rules i'm sure you know what i mean damn does your job take you to exotic far-off places well there is a lot of travel too bad i'm so useless with foreign languages i'm dying to find a way into that tower where do they usually hide the secret entrances in weird old midwestern mansions i guess i should know shouldn't i too bad most of the places i've covered aren't any weirder than imitation butter i wish you'd hurry up and find it though so we can check it out i'll let you get back to your magazine later nancy later man she played that off very smoothly the fact that she had multiple ids or as if you would like say hi d's okay let's see if we can get in there again i can't believe it's not buttery i wonder if she's the evil one so now we're on the basement though right so this is a different floor there's something down there wait down where here so oh what if we can prevent the thing the door from locking and then send the elevator up what is this it's stuck put some oil on it whoa what the elevator's in the way ah how do we get the elevator to go up oh scary we can't take the box no ah that's how we get it okay how do we do that hmm can we climb the ladder oh i can't really i can't climb this though i think oh now i can oh where the are we oh my god oh there's one that i missed i can't go in it oh found our way into the library what oh god hide is he coming [Music] okay okay i hear you darn you crazy old man i know you hid that thing around here somewhere [Music] the least you could have done was left me a hint so he's looking for something maybe he vandalizes okay let's get to snoopin should we save that i think we're good though i want to look at the upper floor more if i can this is so hard to get around like how do i uh now turn back no like turn left from here i want to turn but i can't oh there oh i can't go here okay let's go down place is a mess maybe have a look over here purple hearted queen traditional history books have seldom mentioned it but there is ample evidence that marie antoinette's favorite color was purple this is not an insignificant fact as some might think but one that may offer great insight into the character of the queen who i believe has been hastily and unfairly judged both in her lifetime and up to today purple is traditionally considered to be a color of majesty or royalty but this does not mean that it is merely a color of wealth and power on a deeper level purple symbolizes loyalty dignity wisdom and truth when marie had her portrait painted by a master marcel bonnet she chose to pose rolling a purple rose instead of wearing the extravagant diamond tierra that king louis xvi had given her she knew that it would be inten insensitive to wear such a tiara at a time when the french masses were starving and angry by choosing the rose marie accepted marie acted with wisdom and loyalty to her people as one of the last acts of her short life marie chose to wear purple slippers for her walk to the guillotine convicted for crimes which she never confessed crimes that were never proven marie accepted her death sentence with resignation however as she walked to meet her death in her favorite purple slippers she expressed her unshakeable dignity and her silent protest to the truth of her innocence purple she was a treat streamer that's why she liked purple huh anything there's is there anything to this hmm oh so we can set that a sly rabbit will have oh what oh hmm oh [Music] how do i back out of this out there cyril will have three openings so it's thin okay let's see what else we can find what's that blood or wine that's a light okay famous portraits marie antoinette of the many great portraits painted by marcel bonnet during his career none of us feel more controversy and gossip than the portrait of marie antoinette which was completed only months before the revolution broke out it all began when king louis xvi's marie's husband commissioned an opulent jeweled tiara for her birthday set in the tiara were ruby emerald and sapphire and a 52-carat diamond bigger than any diamond ever before worn by french royalty when he was horrified by the tiaras extravagance and refused to wear it it's even rumored that she referred to it as my crown of ruination though no one knew that she what she meant by this when it came to when it came when it came time to have a portrait painted by the master bunny marie insisted on posing away from the palace at versailles in the tower room of the chateau rochemont where she often visited oh is the treasure for this game the tiara uh where she often visited to escape the growing turmoil in paris further the queen refused to be painted wearing the tiara king louie was furious but marie would not budge she chose to ornament herself with a purple rose instead not just a flower but a symbol of her willful defiance of her husband's wishes when the portrait was finished she gave it to the rashmans in appreciation of their loyal friendship because this dude purchased that tower right shortly thereafter the revolution erupted in full when marie antonoid and antoinette and her husband were arrested the queen refused to reveal the whereabouts of the tiara even after her execution neither tiara nor the magnificent jewels it contained were ever found to this day speculation and heated debate continued about what became of the crown of urination the painting is now in the hands of a private american collector ah so it might be in this place and that's what the dude's looking for maybe maybe maybe um back up anything we can do here oh is that the portrait wait is this a real portrait is there actually a portrait of her holding okay i can't see anything um there's the hole atlas of the united states oh okay hmm this is important madison the badger state wisconsin is the badger state is that true is that still a thing motto forward what violet sugar maple robin badger okay polka morning dove global latitude 45 north 90 west it is that's amazing the badger state okay sure is dusty can you use some of that dust yes oh my god my brain that was so big brain anything here the diary of hans axel van fersen [Applause] who's that hans axel von persin was a swedish french soldier but his name is german and diplomatic agent who became close friend of queen marie antoinette during the early 1780s went on to work for the counter-revolutionary movement after 17 and 89. after antoinette's execution von farrison wrote about her every year on the anniversary of her death until his own death in 1810. many scholars have concluded that he must have been in love with her his diary recounts his political movements during this time and provides us with valuable historical insight into the political climate in france at the end of 18th century thanks to the fine scholarship of melissa st john at the university of michigan the mitten state this significant historical document has been uncovered and translated into english the trouble in france continues to mount the revolutionaries have forced the king and queen to return to the twiliers in paris where they are living like virtual prisoners and working with the counter-revolutionaries to help the royal couple escape to england everything is arranged false passports oh june it's june 21st right now everything is arranged false passwords carriage disguises just after midnight on tuesday the king and queen dressed as servants will slip out of the city by coach i will be their driver i have instructed marie to bring her jewels with her if they are stopped she may be able to bargain with the revolutionaries her diamonds for her life i can have no peace until i know that she's safe beyond the treachery of the revolution alas what a cursed knight i had not expected that commander labeouf murray's most outspoken enemy would be present at the checkpoint in varenes the man who died by beef le buff who died by bee wait his name is la buff isn't labeouf like beef and he died because he ate bad canned beef did i just put that together it is yeah okay marie tried to negotiate but that scoundrel took her jewels and threw her at the mercy of a revolutionary apes anyway i was helpless to stop him she and louis were escorted back to paris like common criminals the situation's grim indeed i still cannot speak to the queen as she is kept under full-time surveillance i'm awaiting orders from vienna as to what to do next but i fear that i may it may be too late to save marie or her husband the thought of her suffering destroys me okay i want to see i want to see if that portrait is true is real this game contains other couple portraits modeled off of real ones i see yeah it is based of a real one but they kind of changed the color of the rose it's made by elizabeth louise vijay lebrun sorry it's not really great quality but she is holding a rose but it's a pink rose interesting that's cool okay let's uh do the fingerprint stuff okay so the code must be star three seven two one oh that's not what i meant back up back out back out i need to save i'm still a criminal okay is it pressed okay don't do that okay oh we have to redo this every time or do you think it's a three digit code oh you guys think it's three then this one then seven two one approved okay so three star seven two was what it was okay just four digits okay yeah i wrote it down this time so it's still armed though how do we disarm well at least now we know how to disarm it i guess is there anything else we want here oh yeah oh this is only 20. never mind then uh god where where is the arrow down i went out there maybe if i set the globe 40 and 90. like that is there another one oh oops hmm press the top oh oh 15 oh oh whoo minus fifteen ten and minus five okay minus fifteen ten and minus five that was the loudest click ever what even happened what changed a door opened upstairs how do you guys know oh oh that's so cool what is it i want to see everything a lighter well that that's nothing special we can get a lighter anywhere it's so dark in here oh oh there's a key in the candle oh my god that's amazing i want that thing what is that should we snuff out the candle [Music] the castle's been empty for many years now these hallways just echo in vain and oh how i miss you my one time son my angers dissolved into pain i still don't know why you pilfered my wallet the money could hardly have mattered that fifty dollars i'd have given you twice but instead my poor heart is shattered if only i could find you would patch it all up talk through it as dad and son should perhaps you meant only to test my love perhaps you left misunderstood i want you to know that your old man forgives you old bygones are bygone with me so i've left you one keepsake to remember me by you'll sure be delighted to see go out to the garden my old thinking spot my refuge and our hours of dread your luck charm is stashed where no stranger would look in the back of my old troubled head so this is goodbye my dear dexter oh farewell you offered me much needed joy i'll never forget all the laughter you brought me my darling young rascally boy wait so okay wait dexter it was dexter egon right that was his full name hmm i guess we should tell him can we yeah okay good shouldn't leave a candle burning you don't want everything to burn down you know should we leave the way we came or okay thank you so we got a key now and the key goes to somewhere outside maybe okay the alarm is off thank god again the doors are closed good [Music] there's more in that room really it's locked damn it damn it damn it uh uh three seven two okay um the room upstairs the little room [Music] but what i clicked everywhere are you sure other side of the room oh here oh when he was good he was very very good dexter the son in my life oh best attendance award oh so cute first vehicle oh my god father's day 1944. yeah dexter egan certificate of merit uh sesquicentennial earned student trip to dc students from all corners of wisconsin competed at the badger state spelling bee in madison on saturday the day began with 116 finalists aged 9 to 15 at capitol elementary school after 14 rounds of competition there were three remaining finalists marcia aldridge tanya jones and dexter egan butter ridge in the end egan a fifth grader correctly spelled sesquicentennial i don't even know how to say that to earn an all expense paid trip next month to the vanderbilt national spelling bee in washington not to mention a trophy in statewide fame after a contest after the contest dexter said he had been preparing for the event since last fall the charming 11 year old was just one one of more than 50 000 elementary and junior high students in wisconsin who participated in the classroom school city and country county competition that led to saturday's competition several hundred people from around the state drove to madison to watch the event among those in the audience was the chocolate milk tycoon chocolate milk ezra wakeford who's egan's adoptive father went oh adoptive when asked how he felt about dexter's victory wakeford said he felt like the proudest dad on earth and added adopting dexter was the best thing i ever did oh vanderbilt national spelling bee will be held may 28th that's nice and that is the certificate of service one second like a little thing there oh okay according to the records of the young buck ruse he was a member of this organization okay i think that's it what's this one when he was bad he was a horrid wait what kind of what kind of book why would you keep a book like this mr wickford was started to report that your son dexter was caught on school grounds last night throwing rocks at the gymnasium windows it's the second time he had been caught attempting to destroy school property he feared dexter was becoming a danger to himself and others no choice but to expel him 1945 their pop sorry taking so 50 out of your wallet without asking i know it was wrong i know you are very disappointed in me i'm sorry i'll never do it again sad excuse for stealing suspect passing phony chicks bank employees at the milwaukee branch of first national bank on 3rd street helped police catch a young man who tried to cash counterfeit checks in their bank september 6th man came into the bank with phony checks and identification that matched everything on the checks milwaukee police sergeant fred layotta said bank employees noted the license plate and description of the car called police and identified the young man after the milwaukee police stopped the car the suspect has been identified as dexter egan of butter rich the adopted son of prominent chocolate milk tycoon ezra wickford he had three different sets of false id matching to checks as at 18 indicated is already like a pro egan was arrested on felony charges of possession of false id for purposes of fraud possession of counterfeit checks attempting to pass the checks and conspiracy if convicted he could face a prison sentence of up to 20 years as of last friday egan was being held at the county correctional center on fifty thousand dollar bail said the jail spokeswoman ezra wickford could not be reached for comment nor has anyone come forward to post bail oh so he's done time i raised a crook souvenirs i'd rather see it burn i have changed your will according to directions you gave me in our meeting of may 21st in the event of your death dexter will have no recourse to inherit wickford castle or any of your estate or financial holdings further he will be unable to claim any association with or capitalize upon your name or reputation i am currently proceeding with your request with all your adoptive relationship to dexter and to annul your adoptive relationship oh and to serve sever any subsidiary legal ties you may have to him oh my god i will notify you when these procedures are finalized on a personal note allow me to say how sorry i am to hear of dexter's criminal conviction and to urge you not to blame yourself i'm sure you did the best you could with dexter but some children just turn out to be bad eggs i don't believe that well wait there are there is the whole thing though with like serial killers that are just like already torturing animals when they're kids but i feel like it's a lot of times it's like broken families though nonetheless while your disappointment must be profound i comment on your prudence and pragmatism in the decision you have made to protect your estate so how did dexter end up here then did he just get a job here or something because he doesn't own the place right the hotel this is a hotel now i can't believe they that that would keep books like that on them okay it's awfully quiet in here i feel like i'm about to be jump scared too many horror games oh mortimer susie how fitting so there's a bunch of bugs we can look at but i don't know why what was the letter again um go out to the garden my old thinking spot my refuge and hours of dread your luck charm is stashed where no stranger would look in the back of my old troubled head that it might be that there's like a bust like a statue in the garden uh and then it might be like there's like maybe a keyhole or something okay everyone satisfied now do you think we got everything in the room before i leave there's the music check the time it's almost six or almost five actually yes ma'am thank you okay then i think i can go here so scared of the alarm every time and but wasn't it way too cold outside is he here dude i know so much about you now so did you grow up around here you could say that um did you know the original owner ezra wickford when he lived here you could say that did you know him well they call it the past for a reason okay because it's over so do you know if ezra wickford had a place where he liked to go and think someplace he thought of as a refuge there was a private area the garden yeah the entrance was hidden so no one could bother him there were you allowed to go out there once in a while he'd bring me out there and teach me about his favorite flowers but that was like a hundred years ago do you think i could go check it out forget about it there's nothing out there but dead weeds and crumbling statues okay see ya mr egan all righty then all righty then ah she's gone too hmm we might be able to find it though we have a key but where would we go secret garden area hmm floor under basement do you think so through the uh elevator yeah there might be something we can do in the elevator but i don't know how to get in there with the without like i don't know blocking the elevator maybe the door from locking or you can't close it again but dexter doesn't care apparently oh what close what tapestries might have a hidden door i don't know call the elevator and then go through the vent in the library oh oh that might be a good idea uh let's see where is the elevator right now here maybe if we call it okay wait for it to come up but then we don't go in okay that's a that's a brilliant idea uh this way this way a dish away that way nope jesus way turn then we go here we go down no not down steps we go this way god what a big hotel okay we need to be quick with the alarm excuse me i just want the [Music] why can't i turn there it's locked oh my god so stressful back up go here uh three okay so scary okay and then we go here she's so fast okay you guys are brilliant so smart oh the weights [Music] okay i don't know what that's gonna do wait what that just leads here it's locked oh my god really that's where he came out of god damn it okay let's do it again she's got the zoomies okay [Music] what are those sounds so we can do something with the weights here oh creepy basements what is it what are you doing what are you doing nancy what are you doing here dude what are you doing here don't you think i should be asking you that question i can explain nancy but please don't tell anyone that you found me here if i get sent back to france my fiance will give up on me and i will have let down my family again hmm how can you expect me to keep quiet oh you're destroying the castle if you're willing to saw through this gate then you must be the one who wrecked the library what does your fiance expecting you to accomplish by breaking into the queen's tower what's your fiancee expecting you to accomplish by breaking into the queen's tower i am doing this for my country and for my family's name isabel has nothing to do with it except that i feel i must succeed before i will feel worthy to marry her the tower holds a valuable french historical document if i can find it and return it to france perhaps i can make up for my failure at the olympics hmm what kind of document the tower first belonged to the chateau roche mount in france when ezra wickford bought the tower my great-grandfather was the master carpenter in charge of dismantling it and preparing it for shipment one day when he was working alone he found a secret compartment in one of the walls a secret compartment inside he found an old journal with a nest on the cover and a medallion with a strange blue stone in it but he heard other carpenters coming so he hid the medallion in his pocket and sealed the general back in the compartment before he could get back to study the journal and return the medallion the tower was dismantled and shipped to america he never learned who the journal belonged to or what it said what happened to the medallion i have the medallion now and i'm hoping if i can get into the tower i can find the janal too you see he thought if he told his story ezra week further might get angry accuse him of interfering with the project and tried to ruin his name as a carpenter so he kept quiet so how do you know all of this i was his only great grandson on his deathbed he gave me the medallion and told me the whole story he begged me to come here to wisconsin to find the journal and return it to france hmm um what did he think the journal contained that was so important the janal bore a royal seal it must have belonged to mary antoinette because she used to visit the tower during the revolution so perhaps it contains her confessions or perhaps it contains proof of her innocence either way the contents of that journal could change french history forever forever um but how do you think the medallion fits in what's its significance i have no idea i believe whoever hid dijon must have left the scenario with it as a part of their message but what nancy do you think you could help me let me show you this medallion and maybe you'll be able to tell me what it's for i expect payment in cheese you seem pretty desperate why would i believe that you're not the library vandal i might be willing to help you but you have to tell christy everything i might be willing to help you but you have to tell christy everything i'm sure she'll understand and then you won't have to sneak around in the middle of the night hunting the castle with that screeching hacksaw okay nancy i see your point i will explain everything to christy lane as soon as possible now will you help me i think this medallion will interest you and maybe you'll have some idea what it's for it's in my locker oh will you go get it while i take care of something the combination is two six six five i'll meet you in the locker room in a minute okay entry songs from still christy well as long as you promise to tell christy what's going on oh you're the best nancy that's what they tell me don't mention it did that check so this is where he tried to get in it's locked it's locked it's locked hmm so that's not the key for that okay oh i got the tip hmm i wonder why really old chair over there ooh the that's creepy hmm okay let's have a look at these stairs that we found the secret door ah can we leave it open no we can't oh that's so annoying so we have to climb through the elevator shaft every time we want to go there i really wish we could just open that once we know that it's there um let's see let's go to his locker six six [Laughter] oh five oh this locker is oh ouch what knock me out someone attacked me oh that phone is about to turn evil headache headquarters here nancy it's jacques what happened are you okay don't really know what happened i opened your locker like you said and it was lights out nancy i don't really know what happened i opened your locker like you said and then it was lights out nancy but you do have my medallion right he's so loud uh i sure don't have it now it was the last thing i saw but i sure don't have it now you can't be serious i'm afraid i am serious i have no idea what happened to it this is too much unbelievable well do you think we can call it ned oh lala you've reached ned at omega kai epsilon i'm not here to take your call right now so please try again later thanks he's not here and then there's george again hello george it's nancy great timing nancy bess and i were just saying how we wish we were out on the ski slopes with you hang on i'll get her to pick up the other phone hey bess our favorite detective's on the phone hey nancy how's the vacation oh my god i completely forgot that was a thing when it's not like landline like everyone can pick up the phone you can all talk together that's so weird uh i guess i should have mailed that letter not only do i have a blizzard on my hands but i may have stumbled onto another case too the castle library was vandalized and one of the other guests says her room was robbed boy oh boy have you searched the library for clues yet well that's the thing dexter egan the caretaker says it's locked up and off limits until the police can get here but who knows when that'll be that's funny nancy i didn't know the phrase off limits was even in your vocabulary seriously though don't you think that your dad's friend christy lane would feel better knowing that you're on the case at least until the police can take over she's right nancy i mean who knows what this eagan guy is all about anyway sounds like you're just gonna have to find an alternative entrance to that library here i go again just hope i don't have to slide down the chimney and what about this robbery who got robbed i'm not sure what about this robbery professor hodgkiss i think she's a bit eccentric you mean weird nutso a few sandwiches short of a picnic okay you guys i just mean that i'm not sure how reliable her testimony will be yeah but she'll probably tell you something important whether she means to or not okay he sure is french brunei he sure is french those accents should be illegal i hate to break it to you best but uh he's engaged now there's a real crime oh my god humanity is devastated i met this nice woman lisa ostrom what's her deal she's a photojournalist doing a story on the castle she sure got me curious about that tower oh yeah does she know where the entrance is i don't think so well keep an eye on her name we know where to end those photojournalists are born snoopers you know george are you suggesting that nancy is a second-class snooper you're going to give our friend a complex oh right like nancy doesn't know she's the prime minister of snooping um i'm trying to meet with professor hotchkiss to find out what was stolen from her room but she won't open her door to discuss it that's odd i wonder what she's so nervous about i'll bet she's hiding something in her room like what bess the elephant that trampled the library she's probably just a little freaked i mean if her room really was robbed you'll find a way to make her trust you nancy i'll bet bess's last slice of pizza on it hey wickford wrote dexter a farewell poem before he died the inventor of chocolate milk was a poet too yum i could write a poem or two about chocolate milk it says that he had some sort of luck charm for dexter to find where something about his old thinking spot somewhere out in the garden funny but i didn't see any garden when i came in well you can't exactly tiptoe through the tulips when they're buried under six feet of snow never mind my cheeky cousin over there nancy when the storm passes you should go out and see what you can find ladies i need inspiration brain juice a hint they don't call us your trusty sidekicks for nothing help i'm a little stuck gee nancy maybe you should see if hotchkiss has polished off those drumsticks so she can tell you about the robbery okay you two those 50 drumsticks watch out for weird people okay but isn't it kind of late it's is it 1am oh 1pm okay let's have a talk is that you brandy oh i'm glad you're here at the moment my theory is rising like a magnificent my theory right there i need to collect a few more ingredients if you will but it's a delicate situation if i leave my room even for a moment i feel the souffle will come crashing down in a heap what do you need me for professor what i need is some information about the castle hard numbers i've come to the conclusion that you are an enterprising and faithful soul therefore i have decided to entrust you with this important mission who knows if you succeed i might whisk you away from the hotel business to be my personal research assistant oh um well professor hodgkiss i'm not actually in the hotel business but i'd love to help marvellous here's what i need to know how old was marie antoinette when she married king louie i'll be very eager to hear what you come up with but please don't disturb me unless you have the answer okay god she is a typical person that like you have a conversation bit with but they they basically have a conversation with themselves like they don't listen to a single thing you're actually saying um the clanging has stopped yeah what is here oh oh right that didn't it's like we've told her like five times now that we don't work for the hotel but still she's like oh i need this great give me food um what's the next thing who can we where can we find that information about marie antoinette i think we've read it somewhere [Music] what age thanks for coming down i've been wanting to talk to you how's your head did you slip or what [Music] i'm feeling much better thanks but what was it you wanted to talk to me about it's just that when i found you out cold in the basement and hauled you back to your room i noticed all this red dirt on your shoes i'm just curious where it came from i found my way into the corridor that leads to the queen's tower uh i'm not gonna tell you that hmm i guess it could have i don't know if we can trust him i really don't know i hope i didn't track it around the castle though did i no you didn't track it around the castle guess it's a mystery but listen i don't want to find you out cold on the floor again so watch your step missy i feel like he's like the red herring you know he's probably not the evil dude maybe it's one of the ladies so what'd you find in the library how do you know i was in the library oh come on nancy you've been on the prowl i can tell by the sparkle in your eye wow is it that obvious i guess i'll have to work on my poker face i knew it so what'd you find in there dead bodies ezra wickford's icky childhood bug collection hmm just a lot of books and basic library stuff nothing major ah you're no fun [Music] did you know professor hodgkiss published a book on marie antoinette yeah i looked her up on the internet the critics panned the book looks like otherwise she's a real quack hmm when you researched this place did you find any references to a secret garden hmm not that i remember but i probably wasn't even thinking about gardens i mean it's hardly croquet weather yeah i'll let you get back to your magazine later nancy okay um what else is there to do so we lost the medallion we could go and check uh jacques locker for any other information because we only clicked on one thing and then got knocked out hey i didn't click too early this time [Music] okay [Music] jacques darling i am trying to be patient but i cannot understand what is taking you so long my mother and father are traditional people and they think it is highly unusual that you would ask me to marry you without demonstrating your commitment to me in any symbolic way you know i believe that our love makes us richer than kings and queens but i cannot live on hot dogs and mac and cheese forever you said you had a plan he said it would only take a couple of weeks but it has been two months i can't wait forever please don't make me give up on you i remain your petitio isabel make your own money i don't see the problem u.s immigration our records indicate that your visitors visa will expire within one month if you're if you remain in the country after that time you will be doing so in violation of the law if your visitor status has changed or you wish to dispute your records please contact your local immigration authority d is for dazzling d's for diamonds diamonds are clear right not so actually when viewed under a special jewel jeweler i can't say that word jewelers right yeah that's a jeweler's light you can see that diamonds come in every color of the rainbow what's more the color of the diamond is the second biggest factor in its price after carat weight the clearer or more colorless the diamond is the more it's worth most diamonds have at least a hint of yellow or brown body color others called fancy diamonds have a blue pink purple or red tint if a diamond does not have enough color to be called fancy then it is graded in a scale of colors ranging from d through z a d diamond is considered to be colorless at the end of the spectrum another anything more intense than z is considered fancy fancy yellow diamond is more expensive than light yellow diamond god what a weird a weird scale diamonds come in a variety of shapes round emerald heart marquis oval pear and princess still not every diamond with the same shape looks the same two heart-shaped diamonds can appear very different actually and you don't see you don't need to be a diamond expert to see that one may have more shape appeal than the others the most popular shaped diamonds are cut into is the round okay it is also the most brilliant or sparkly of all the cuts the ideal cut for a diamond is the one of for which the diamond's proportions achieve the most brilliance the diagram below shows what is considered ideal cut in round brilliance according to american ideal talkowski talkovsky and the european ideal cuts the proportions given are relative to the griddle girdle diameter okay so we checked that we checked that i think we got most of it yeah right you guys agree is this to the outside oh can we go out i don't want to freeze to death uh freeze to death boom no trespassing what is this warning do not enter i entered it's a roomba do you think this is his thinking spot oh what is this what are we supposed to do i don't know hmm big machines no idea hmm we can go back oh there's a back here but i can't really see anything oh local buzz do you know what your neighbors are up to remember when not many of us are old enough to remember young dexter egan the adopted son of old daddy chocobox most of us only came to know dexter the boy who was lucky enough to grow up at wakeford castle as villa's country's county's most famous juvenile delinquent according to legend it was dexter's troublemaking that caused wickford's disappearance from public life most of us have used this name as an example to our own children to frighten them into obedience you don't want to turn out like dexter egan do you we would ask a counterfeiter convicted felon bad egg isn't it amazing that after 25 years in prison dexter egan's release is coinciding with the grand reopening of wickford castle now owned by the enterprising young christy lane it's true and rumor has it that egan is determined to straighten out his life and make up for past mistakes but how will he become when sconces next chocolate milk tycoon when asked about his plans to reinvent himself the ever-charming dexter said no garment does this spell trouble for villas county only time will tell well he's obviously looking for his dad's treasure or whatever it is um is there anything else that i should oh is it the window too dirty so much to look at i need this place later clean the outside of the window oh oh three two four maybe that's for this no not this one this one no it only has one two three and that's maybe the top yeah something for later could try and clean the window yeah but i don't have anything to clean it with though i don't think i can go around hmm at least the weather calmed down nancy i still cannot believe you lost my medallion how could you have been so careless what did you send me to get your medallion in the first place was that some kind of setup set up what are you talking about all i know is my medallion is gone i should never have trust you hmm my sentiments exactly goodbye avoir little miss nightmare little misfortune actually um what's our next step i don't know why i would have this for trying to think who we need to talk to where we need to look oh yeah the professor wanted her age i wonder if it counts because we've read the documents i think do you think we should try and talk to her [Music] was that was that eagan uh was it [Music] i always looked the wrong way first there's the sound of typing [Music] yes did you find the information i asked you for sure but i need you to write it down so i don't forget oh i have to put it in what was the question again exactly what age was she when she got married 14 thank you let me do some calculations to see if this is correct no that can't be it it doesn't fit my calculations you'll need to try again should we go downstairs to look at the book again uh 1770 born in 1755 so 15 at the age of 15 she was engaged and then four years later she became the queen of friends so she was 18. well she was engaged obliged through it in 1770 and four years later we came became the queen so 19 yeah or 1774 we can try either but i think she asked what age it was thank you let me do some calculations to see if this is correct no that can't be it it doesn't fit my calculations i love how she needs me to do research and then she tells me your brother is wrong right anyway eureka if there's one thing i like in a young person it's ingenuity now i've got work to do time to stir the cauldron and stoke the fire but if you'd like to talk i'll be holding office hours in the lobby between three and six a.m meet me then three and six a.m a.m what what is she doing is my room like here-ish no it's on the other side better go to sleep i guess that's what she's saying so uh 3am i always hate those how you feel when you wake up in the middle of the night to like go to the airport oh she was in the lobby well maybe here oh nancy dear welcome to the witching hour isn't it marvelous to be up and about when others are sound asleep i find my brain waves are at their most powerful during this time yes i happen to do some of my best work wait did she say nancy ah she knows my name what is this theory you're working on well you probably know by now that i'm a scholar of french history my specialty is marie antoinette oh poor marie the most misunderstood queen of the 18th century marie used to visit the very tower that now belongs to this castle i'm convinced that this place holds evidence that will forever change the way the world views marie but the walls have ears so i'd rather not say anymore right now if you're really interested why don't you go up to my room and have a look around yourself you've been such a great help to me almost like an apprentice oh i've always wanted an apprentice wow professor that's really generous of you i'd love to learn more about your work but are you sure you don't mind i insist your mind is like a ravenous monkey gobbling up every banana in its path how can i stand in the way here's my extra pass key i get back to work at 6am sharp so just make sure you vacate the premises by 5 59 and put things back where you find them it's all scientifically organized in there what did you mean when you said marie antoinette her voice actress is great everyone thought marie did nothing but spend france's money on jewels and fancy soap for herself while her people were starving history books have upheld the myth that she was just a spoiled and heartless brat but i don't believe it why not i believe that she's been the victim of vicious rumors and lazy historians for too long and that if the real story could be told people would realize that marie antoinette was actually a good woman who wanted to help her people but didn't know how do you know anything about a tiara that was given to marie antoinette the infamous tiara of course oh people thought marie had this extravagant piece commissioned for herself and they hated her for it but really it was her husband king louis xvi who had it made for her birthday oh she didn't want it refused to wear it and then a few months before the revolution broke out the tiara disappeared what do you mean it disappeared it was never found there were rumors that she had it destroyed but no one has ever been able to prove this see you soon goodbye she's awesome [Laughter] a bit rude that she doesn't actually listen to me well now she does now that i've earned her respect probably but definitely the voice actress is amazing i love it uh but now i can't follow the sound of her typing there let's have a look type type type oh the chicken has the 50 chicken wings or chicken drumsticks born november 2nd scorpio like me what a coincidence australian austrian birth name maria antonia married off at 15 she had to change her name she must have been frightened her favorite color was purple like me i wonder if she adore chicken drumsticks despite the elaborate hairstyles that were the fashion of the day marie preferred to wear her hair loose unpowdered and natural evidence that she was unpretentious there is no concrete evidence that she was the one who cultly declared let them eat cake in response to the news that her people were starving marie was immature but not cruel oh that's her she was the one who was rumored to say let the meat kick huh [Music] ah i forgot that i must have i mean i've been to the thing in paris but i that kind of stuff i just forget beatrice marvelous to receive nudes of your progress i'm sure you are onto something important with the medallion and the stained glass window medallion but i think the significance of the medallion must go beyond the message you've seen i've looked through my family letters and it seems that when marie antoinette gave her niece helga the first the medallion she told helga to keep it safe as it was part of a great truth that she hoped would someday help to heal the wounds of france helga urged her to explain his great truth but this was all that marie would divulge the truth can be the truth can seem hard and ugly at first but eventually its hardness becomes a thing of eternal beauty but yeah you must find out the meaning of this keep up the good work old friend i know you'll be successful helga hmm beatrice okay testing can anyone hear me hot kiss to earth come in earth oh okay i think i think we're rolling now let's get a look at these hallways so rich in detail you'd never know this place was built in 1920. it's all so 18th c 18c and there's marie i feel so close to her just being here it's as if her spirit is in the air sweet as the smell of fried chicken what what happened hmm oh is the battery empty oh can we charge it okay we'll probably need to leave it for tomorrow um i think that's it is it done how can i tell whether it's finished there's another door i can't click on it it's just the bathroom probably check the couch ah wait [Music] did she bonk me on the head [Music] i don't know how long the battery needs to charge what do you think should we leave it for tomorrow [Music] i don't want to be in there when she gets back uh bonk one day to change the battery that's what i figured yeah that's good then we'll leave it there uh do you think we should confront her on it maybe not at 3am though hello my fellow night owl or perhaps i should say there might be two medallions did you find anything of interest in my room uh i did pop in there though interesting doesn't begin to describe the place would you mind if i went back another time of course not pop in all you like just not when i'm working i saw a letter on your desk from your friend the baroness von hanseldorf and i'm just wondering did the medallion she gave you have a blue stone in it by any chance heavens no where did you hear such a thing my medallion had a green stone in it anything else would be a mere imposter a flaming faker do you hear me hmm what do you think of lisa ostrom that leslie yes oh real dynamo but oh i told chester that i would not require any maid service during my stay i don't know why she didn't get the message see you soon goodbye hmm [Music] yes dear see you soon right oh righto uh maybe we should go to bed for the night get people back and maybe show that we found the medallion to jacques [Music] i don't think it's her i don't think she blocked me on the head it could still be like someone hid it in her room to try and frame her but who knows [Music] i had to check behind the front desk yeah we got the key to the library from there okay new morning what should we do whatever it is i'm sure you don't need my help you grow up here right in this castle you've been holding out on me mr egan i read in an old issue of the daily telegraph that you grew up here right in this castle all right i did live here for a few years once upon a time i was an orphan until ezra wickford came along and adopted me but i left the castle when i was 16 and i never saw him again that's the story all right but why did you leave some things can't be explained kid it was a long time ago when nothing can change it now okay see ya mr egan goodbye should we tell him about the dirt he won't kick you out okay i have no time to talk to you mr egan that red dirt you asked me about it came from the tunnel that leads to the queen's tower i should have told you in the first place but i was afraid you'd be mad i was wondering when you were gonna come to your senses and fess up am i mad nope if you must know i'm impressed ezra wickford set that secret door up so nobody would be able to find it when i was a kid i was obsessed with getting into that tower ezra told me that if i could get through the secret door he'd take me up to see the queen's tower finally i got into the tunnel and when i came out with that red dirt all over me he laughed he was actually proud of me no did ezra wickford have the dead end corridors and stairways built on purpose too yeah ezra was a character he always said he thought dead ends were funny ha ha but the truth was he was worried sick about being robbed maybe it made him feel better to think that a crook would get caught this way hmm sounds like ezra was pretty paranoid did he trust you well not exactly a mistake was made only a small thing but it didn't take much for him to give up on people anyway i'd say you earned the right to check out the tower for yourself but you got to get through that gate right there's an old skeleton key in the maintenance shed now that the storms pass you can go out and get it but be careful it's still dead cold out there whoo nice i don't want to press my luck with you but i sure would like to see ezra's private garden could you tell me how to find it it's nothing but wasteland out there if you're bent on tromping around in the cold go left when you get outside away from the shed look for a wrought iron gate you'll figure out the rest okay see ya mr egan you're a trooper he's actually not too bad uh so let's talk to jacques about the medallion and that maybe we can tell him that um the other lady the professor thinks that it's fake oh he's not here yet white 9am let's go here first try and get that key so he says there there's a key here to get how do we get it though did i just miss it oh i found it nice okay so that might help us with the that door that fake wall and i wonder what that telescope is for oh oh i thought we could maybe hold it in front of it see something that way so it was a right oh uh okay [Music] we're in here now so this is the secret garden created in loving memory of eleanor [Music] wickford ah aha turn around boy [Music] damn it that must be it poop his nose [Music] there must be some way we can turn it around maybe [Music] oh second medallion okay and she has a green one so that's three [Music] we found it [Music] oh what's that don't know we've had it go and we got a key now let's go back inside where it's warm oh okay we should save that key wait that's not skeleton key otherwise it's too fake okay nice uh continue keep the stupid medallion it's yours well i wanted to say that i found it but okay never mind so do you think we can use the key now on that wall uh that was here right hmm no i guess not turn go there [Laughter] she is so fast okay [Music] here oh do i have to do this every time oh my god oh what was it okay three wait is this different three five three five one yeah it's different now changes every time oh my god what a pain in the ass so creepy down here so quiet okay so i feel like we need to be able to do something here as well but i don't know what let's see if we can get in here now oh we can what is this symbols hmm what the is this i feel like that's death how do we get across oh maybe the oh no i can only click right or left hmm chains oh well i got them all up by that side did we get a hint about that wait there's five chains and five of these oh maybe it's the height of them ah nice i feel like i should save again but it's probably fine oh i don't know what we do here should we go up okay i definitely need safe this is this is like death country uh death territory death okay oh there's no stairs here about that door on the left hmm looks like some kind of prison you can't see who's in there or anything you can't look inside i'm guessing we need to get those i can't click on anything though like we need to connect those but maybe we need oh they're three colors oh ah thank you oh he just shot right through so they only stop at the yellow and probably against each other yeah okay oh that's i okay i wasn't thinking about that one going in there already okay so that's the last one can i reset it okay because that one's easy like we can easily get that one where it needs to be but these other ones need help like so can i do it oh yeah can't go left okay we should be able to solve this already right hmm i could do this okay but how am i gonna get this one in here i need to get a piece here or here could maybe if i do this oh my brain and then this okay i could leave this one here though before scooting it in oh but i think i got it nice something really heavy is moving is it or is it the stairs that they open up oh yeah baby that gold oh oh god okay ah i can move pieces and rotate pieces okay that's a lot of freedom we we have here does it need to match these you think i wonder if it needs to match anything on the side [Music] hmm match the bottom oh oh now i see it thanks so that doesn't match at all maybe this one yes ah okay okay okay um that case we have multiple ones that okay these need a thin line as well time for puzzles oh perfect oh those match nope like that yeah that looks perfect okay okay i'm very lucky [Laughter] [Music] okay let's see yes how how did i get these correct wait this one's the only one that's off oh and here [Music] what's that that the diary the journal le journal [Music] can we read it no oh there's a huge portrait of her with the flower [Music] looks like a keyhole of some sort well not that is it these looks like ah it is those but we need one more we need the green one and we need to know which symbol represents what should we leave do you think we should give it to the lady i don't know if we can trust the lady though the professor she's trustworthy she's in other nd games really oh that's good good to leave okay that's fun um [Music] let's see if we can go up to her room glad you came down to talk get this i saw dexter walking out to the maintenance shack with this like green ornament thing in his hand oh he's up to something right maybe you should check it out really thanks for the tip lisa i think i will want to come along thanks nancy but you're the brainiac i'll just guard this comfy chair and wait for your report i'll let you get back to your magazine keep me reading a magazine for three days she's like oh i should've really brought a different book i didn't think i'd be here inside all day [Music] this way and then this way and then this way and then typing she's gonna ignore me we gotta wait until three am and she's in four games oh that's cool yeah i really like her so it makes sense i i i'm waiting for the day that that lady comes back uh with the southern voice was it was her name savannah or something that is her name i was like is that a place am i mistaking her name with a place yeah something like don't trust the supernatural nancy it is also a place oh okay my brain isn't too weird then she's only in two games no oh she's the best maybe she can come back in the future again um okay what's our what's our game plan we have to wait for the battery and we have to wait to give the journal we so the journalist lady saw egan walk off with the medallion that we need outside so maybe we should go check that [Music] check the machine under the window this one oh oh fat rat oh the medallion it's right there oh i love that this whole music plays when we get it okay gosh i can hardly feel my toes okay okay we'll go back geez [Music] oh god oh no but i have the key what should we do i'll freeze to death oh god do you think we can do something here should be warmer in here at least do you think we need to do this you got a signal for help how do i do that we don't have flares or anything oh god the music i don't know what to do the music play with the machines oh ski lift oh do you think we should mess with this then i don't know what it needs to be set to though it could be oh those move together ah like that there [Music] what the what's going on out here is that you nancy come inside it's freezing out here what kind of a stunt was that missy sorry about that but i was locked out well then what can i say except good thinking well so okay so must he must be a good guy right because why if he was the one who locked us out why would he even bring us back in he seems like he's like a little bit like cold on the outside but warm on the inside kind of guy um okay should we um maybe wait until 3am and then talk to our friend again professor what's her face but what was egan doing with the medallion then though if he didn't steal it from the professor i hate this alarm sound teenage trauma um is it this way no it almost mix it up it's oh to the right here i want to go see that video first [Music] let's go see it [Music] oh oh what's this it appears to be some kind of peephole but what be praying shall i peep do believe i'll peep oh the beauty the colors so this is what helga told me to look for where's my medallion ah it fits note to self high five team hotchkiss and what's this a message eureka it says the diamond and that that's it is the better be empty again or i don't know [Music] um that was in the back wasn't it like no this is the dead end isn't it um it was actually where she was here to the back i think yeah so she saw a peephole here le verite to surely dated to lamont wait doesn't that mean the truth is always the world or something the whole world always idea i don't know what this is the verite the idea of the world truth is always the idea of everyone [Music] can we look through all of them no can we look oh wait yeah we can look up can't we can we look up with all of these no because then how would we know where to place them oh that one's red blue and not really oh there's a symbol okay wait let's try a different one oh we can zoom in too how do we get it off maybe we don't ah the red roses maybe oh there's those too i don't know if i can put them on or maybe it's oh wait maybe it changes depending on what you put on oh yeah it does okay so i need to write those down right green is whatever dies and a snowflake uh red close to snowflakes but not quite oh god that is the ugliest rendition of that symbol possible but and then whatever that is the text changes changes to oh yeah to those who seek is that what it says i don't know what let's is that hope it might be completely wrong my french is so rusty i'm good holy [Laughter] a diamond of misery in my journal you find a solution beneath moon and then that thing that is such a weird symbol and then a drop it's so ugly but i got it written out now do you think that's good within ah the dawn is inside or within oh don't yeah okay i had french in high school that's why i i know some of it but not like much i forgot a lot plus studying japanese like my limit is three languages you know and that like anything else that i learn it just i feel like it just overwrites some of my other knowledge well we got those should we we should give the diary the journal journal to the professor there she is [Music] is to search hope to those who search can you tell me what this means in english to find and solution is just like it sounds solution the solution is found within can you translate this for me now where the heck have i seen that phrase before well anyway it means the diamond of misery in my journal i found something that i think you'll be very interested in it seems to be some kind of journal i think it was written by marie antoinette herself but let me see that oh this is it i've been trying to track this down for 15 years where on earth did you find it um i thought this evidence could help prove your theory but you see i need to know what it says too because i've been what should we choose i'm nancy that's how i found it yeah she probably won't listen anyway here they don't actually matter okay then i'll go yes i think this could help prove your theory but you see i need to know what it says too because i've been nancy i must warn you i'll wrestle you for this if i have to and it won't be pretty uh i'm sure physical combat won't be necessary professor i'm glad to help you with your work but i need your assistance in return you're fluent in french aren't you absolutely i'll get to work on it right away i'll have the translation ready in my room for you this time tomorrow until then i mustn't be disturbed okay cool so that takes care of that should we go put these in i i'm worried though that that finishes the game maybe we should wait for the translation first we also have this thing still maybe uh actually maybe i should just set the alarm for 3am then again sleep the whole day away i'm so glad you stopped by i've translated the entire journal it's fabulous and as an added bonus it includes marie's official decoder something no one else has ever found before okay see you soon goodbye how are we not talking about that oh it's so exciting about your discovery i wonder what it will lead to see you soon goodbye [Music] now it's in her room damn it there my husband is like an impossible child i still cannot believe louie brought bought this tiara when the french economy is in so much trouble i told him i didn't want it what does he expect me to do with it i cannot wear it people hate me already they call me madame de deficie as if the country's debt were all my fault i wish i could sell it and return the money to france but this would embarrass louis publicly now if he and i appear divided the mob will erupt they'll overthrow the monarchy in no time and we will find ourselves kneeling at the guillotine i have thought of a plan i will have the tiara dismantled there's dear old jeweler claude m in a village near roshmond who will do it for me i trust him with my life once the stones are removed cloud will make the ruby the emerald and the sapphire into ornamental medallions these i will scatter across the continent the diamond is worth untold millions and must be returned to the french people but not now not while the country is tearing itself apart i will hide it as carefully as i would hide the key to my soul so that it will not be discovered for generations someday when the medallions are brought back together and my message is decoded the diamond will be found but it will take an extraordinary person and i don't believe it will happen until the wounds of this revolution have healed and history has wrought a new more rational french order of some kind finally when the people's wealth is returned to them this diamond of misery will be restored to its magnificent beauty tomorrow i will have my portrait painted by the great marcel bonit i have announced that i will not wear the tiara louie is furious he does not even know that the wretched crown no longer exists i have sent the emerald medallion to vienna to my dear cousin the baroness hal govan dorf as a token of my affection the ruby and the sapphire remain in my secret compartment where i keep this journal but soon i will decide where to send them my own court speaks viciously of me and i feel terribly alone i hope that someday years from now my actions will be better understood if you're reading this know that my honor shall be blue our courage shall be read and your loyalty shall be green i wish you well we're a traveler hmm okay so honor blue courage red and loyalty okay there you have it we got it um what's next now that we have that i wonder if we can go put in the medallions then hi there nancy see you soon right right oh i should maybe save this uh def that's fine you missed the decoding hint oh wait [Music] in the room where do i look i think i see what this is now let's see purple rose hold diamond key of queen but where have i seen a purple rose and what's a diamond key okay i can barely even see this can i zoom in i don't see the first icon purple loyalty queen king to spy guilty to kiss rose to escape harter diamond oh yeah that's purple rose the red is purple rose and she said diamond key can you scroll down oh i can key with a drop this one queen so key um and then this one queen of queen of key key of queen and then the one that i confined to this one to hold and then the this one to hold diamond maybe decode the words in the diary oh loyalty courage and honor oh yeah you're right okay so that icon god how do you even draw that these are the ugliest drawings in the history of nancy drew courage is that one uh honor what are these symbols they're so weird okay i drew them so they're good we're good now could have taken a picture um i'd rather have them selected plus we're old school you want to write things down it's more fun that way sometimes i take pictures but um so now we know where to put the medallions so should we go do that then you need the middle key first we need another thing purple rose to hold diamond key of queen so the purple rose has the key is it in the tower though that's where we find the key oh the painting okay so the only way we can get there is through the vent again in the library i wonder who the evil one is we haven't seen the reporter at all but i feel like jacques i wonder if he's the one who vandalized the library [Music] here we go again okay so that one that one that one okay ah yes nice uh this way no yes maybe so okay here we are what's that square is it the stairs going back so now no one can follow me maybe i need something to pry these tiles off oh oh nice what is that oh i feel bad for vandalizing it though ah okay courage red there wait i should save honor is blue oh wow diamond whoa well you look at that sparkly rock and it was her sunglasses hi lisa how did you get in here i followed you of course turns out a nosy goody touches detective is good to have around after all now why don't you toss me that big honking diamond so i can blow this popsicle stand and never set foot in lame-o wisconsin again lisa you must be kidding me this diamond belongs in a museum in france yeah well i belong in the lap of luxury and that diamond's gonna get me there hasn't anybody ever told you to mind your own business what did i do with that button in the back many times well maybe this time you'll learn my eyes don't worry my spicy devil villain venom won't last for long but i'm afraid by the time you get your eyes back you'll have missed my grand exit okay um are you the one who caught me on the head in the locker room ouch i bet that hurt but i had to get the medallion somehow didn't i i hope we can still be friends why did you leave jacques medallion at hodgkisse's room and hodgkin's medallion out in the shed to spread suspicion around of course you knew it to play with your mind someone planted that i was at a dead end she planted that i got the two messages from the stained glass window but then what i knew you would figure it out so i decided to put the medallions in your hands and let you lead the way hmm why did you have to vandalize that beautiful library just a little translation mix up when i read the message from hotchkiss's medallion i thought it meant diamond of misery in the library whoops guess i went a little overboard looking for it in there anyway enough with the questions nancy you'll just have to read the rest in the papers oh there she goes i've got to stop her press the button ah help get me out of here it's all moldy darn you nancy drew you're the worst friend a diamond thief could ever have dear dad i think i almost became friends with a goddamn thief everyone at wickford castle is resting easier now that marie antoinette's journal and her famous diamond are safe and sound the journal the diamond and the medallions are all going to be featured in a new marie antoinette exhibit in paris everyone will be rewarded except lisa of course first she missed her plane to run and now she's going to be charged with attempted grand theft professor hodgkiss is thrilled because her french government has granted her permission to publish marie's journal in the u.s before it gets returned to france this ought to help prove her theory about marie's character once and for all thanks to jacques and his great grandfather's efforts to find the journal the brunei name is being celebrated all over france in the meantime jacques and isabelle have eloped it's so romantic i showed dexter the poem that ezra wickford wrote him and he was relieved to know that his old pop didn't carry any hard feelings to his grave no all the talk shows want dexter to tell his story on national television but he keeps turning them down i guess he doesn't want to be famous or infamous but when christy lane called and asked dexter to be her business partner he accepted nice business and dexter's expert knowledge of the castle i think they'll make a great team oh that's good they say that never too late to change history history me i'm determined to go out and enjoy this snow before some other case comes up see you soon you go skiing nancy you deserve it yay that was a great one i mean they're all good i i like them all [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Gab Smolders
Views: 475,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: girl gamer, survival horror, gameplay, playthrough, full playthrough, walkthrough, girl playing, gamer girl, girlgamergab, gg gab, nancy drew, nancy, point and click, steam, nancy drew 4, 4th game, #4, treasure in the royal tower
Id: zCIags-2fm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 186min 19sec (11179 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 25 2021
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