Jase's Blood Is Boiling, Phil's Problem with Church Buildings, and Al's Righteous Anger | Ep 145

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i am unashamed what about you so i guess one of the things you kind of lose track of with so much going on in the uh in the world with the or in our world with the coronavirus and protests and riots and everything going on is that we're also in a presidential election which is always a big deal you know and i don't know it seems to be now more in my lifetime where it's it feels like every election is like there's so much riding you know there's a whole lot right now there's a lot of riding on it so uh well one things i was going to mention uh to our audience is uh we time when dad did his new book jesus politics we knew it was going to be released in this season you know of politics is one of the reasons why we want to get it in there because it's a it's a view of kingdom mindset which is what we have to get back to you know because we now have so many people they don't even understand that don't know anything about jesus don't know anything about the bible and so that's the idea is to infuse that so i want to encourage you guys to pick it up and a lot of you have i don't know if you knew this dad uh this week you're number one for in the religious book section you know of course the book's been out now over a month was pretty amazing so it's still number one number one it's number one so one of the things i want to encourage you everybody that's gotten it and read it because i know a lot of you have because you've emailed me one thing you could do to help us out is go to amazon and review the book you know do the review because that drives up people searching for it the more people review it you know the better it helps us so if you haven't done that do that also if you haven't picked up the book amazon.com is a good place to pick that up and uh and also review it so but that was the reason why we did it you know the way we did it and i thought the book turned out really really well it's kind of about that next step after theft if you look at it common sense live godly and vote godly right i mean if people kill their own offspring i'm never voting for that ever that's what you know practice perversion i'm never voting for you ever right this is actually not not right well unless you get prioritized what's more the are not the weapons of the world on the contrary they have divine power to demolish strongholds helmet of salvation sword of the spirit which is the word of god it's alive it's active sharper than any double-edged sword it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit joints and marrow it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart if you're taking notes second corinthians 10 4 ephesians 6 17 hebrews 4 12. in the book of revelation they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of that testimony they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death that romans 13 2 corinthians 6 7 weapons of righteousness in the right hand and the left put on the full armor of god ephesians 6 you know and he talks about you know so you can take your stand against the devil's schemes so as the kingdom of god the king being jesus he is overseeing all of us he's the head high priest we're operating under him i know it sounds strange but i'm a priest in the kingdom of god and i know what some of you are thinking as he's stroking his body where's your head where's your tall hat and your bucket of smoke i said no smoke no hat needed i'm just saying but you know i i think you bring up a good point it's like we don't in and of ourselves if you look at us i mean al is probably more intelligent but you know than me we are smarter than i am i guess you got it from your mama well phil you got a master's degree well i'm not just a complete idiot but uh but but i'm still solidly c-plus in my mind but yeah i will say this you've been in jesus you know longer than us and you to your credit have stuck with that simple message you know al and i got into when you do public speaking and especially how in church work i mean you get into the the theology which is you know to your point it's not mentioned in the bible but you get into why i don't get theological because you say is any this theology theological theologian is that even in the bible uh that'd be no well and somebody who i don't even know if he was a believer you know did an analysis of the bible and came to the conclusion that it was written on a fifth grade level right well somebody come along and say but phil don't you don't you feel like uh you're kind of out of touch with reality and don't you want to know the deeper truths of the bible i'm like let's see all of my sins removed by the blood of jesus i'm guaranteed to be raised from the dead i have constant mediating work keeping me cleansed i have the promise and guarantee because of the spirit of god that i was given when i was born again uh i have life and immortality ow that's as deep as i'm digging well look every every argument i've ever had where somebody said or they established a group and i'm sticking to the simplicity of jesus and surrendering to him and when they've asked that question i've always read first corinthians 1 26 he says brothers think of what you were when you were called not many of you were wise by human standards not very intelligent not many of you were influential you know there's a personalities okay not many of you were of noble birth but god chose the foolish things of the world so i'm like if your doctrine and your theology and your denomination is based on us having to have some kind of intellect to where we can only understand certain things according to your criteria which would be way above jesus because that's pretty simple here he is what do you think about him that's right you got red letters you can read and then and what i was going to say is got to have a firm grip on that and you are wise for doing so i got a text uh yesterday from my good friend todd lawler who he wrote a book and he asked me to write the forward and i'm always a little weird about doing that and i'm like you know i met this guy for you that don't know he's confined to a wheelchair he can't speak where you can understand him very well but he tries i mean he he he has i forgot the exact diagnosis of his command dad and i met him at gateway yeah that's where i met him and uh you know he's a tremendous guy one of the brothers here told me he was he he told me he said he shares jesus as much as your dad and i thought well that's somebody i want to meet so i was doing an event there and i think i shared the story on the earlier podcast anyway he asked me to write the forward to his book but i just thought you know what i'm going to be perfectly honest with you todd because it's better to text him because if you have conversation it's going to take a while i said send me the book because he had the book written i was like if i don't like it i'm just telling you right now i'm not writing that forward he was like fine with me brother and so uh he's like pray about it whatever well he sent me the book i could not stop reading when i started reading it i read the whole thing in one sitting and so i'm not a big book guy no i'm not the name of it weak is the new strong but anyway he sent me a a picture yesterday that it was it had reached the amazon bestseller oh awesome and uh i was like awesome but and then i told him i said i'm not surprised and i put on there stay humble because he was like showing me all these stats which kind of convicted him he was like oh brother he went on this long thing i was like look i'm just saying this is god don't make it about the numbers yeah this is god working this is how what he does but if you if i drove any person over there and you had a conversation with this guy you would never think that you know weapons of mass instruction and some kind you know you would say are you crazy but he's real he loves jesus he's really smart he loves people god it's an awesome book if you want to check it out god does work in mysterious ways he does and through through people that you wouldn't think but you know what convince the title again to tell the folks weak is the new strong and i wrote the forward if you just google you know weak as the new strong toddler or even me right because i wrote since i wrote the forward what's weird is you know how when these uh editors get involved we've all written the books and i told him i was like now we've crossed one one i said i love the book and i'll write the forward i said but i'll tell you this you're going to send what i write back because i don't know what i'm going to write back to your editors they're probably not going to like what i write because i'm just going to go from the heart so if you're willing to do that he's i said then i'll do it he said go for it brother so i basically just wrote how we met but what was appealing to the book about me was it it i looked at my own life and i realized what is my greatest weakness my greatest fear and a lot of people don't know this about me i think maybe i've shared it before but when i was a kid i was real shy i mean like disturbingly so and i don't know if it was because your lifestyle what all happened but for whatever reason i just when i got around people i didn't say a word i mean i went a whole year you know but seventh eighth grade i never said a word to anybody nothing i just not i tell you what things have changed now well i was fixing to shut him up so people find that weird because i think god in that's what his book is about he you know we it's it's really uncomfortable reading the book because he's thankful for his condition because he said that's the canvas that god made me strong in him and i mean i'm going to tell you it tugs on your heartstring this guy is going around in a dang wheelchair and he can't you know say a sentence that's understandable i mean it's and it's painful to watch him even try to talk and here god has blessed him his beautiful wife he has kids which i was like i didn't know you could do that todd he's like oh yeah the lord is with me he had some funny moments but he he loves the lord and when i read that book what what was uh very appealing to me was in my own life i thought i saw how god took that weakness in my life and turned it into his strength which at least gave me the confidence to get up and even though i'm a mess when i speak in front of people in my mind i've learned that it doesn't come across that way and i give credit to god about that and in his life it's the same thing here's a guy being thankful for what others would think was some kind of curse put on him and god blessed him so i just wanted to say in that vein you wouldn't think here he has the armor of god because i know we were going to take a viewer question about that armor of god right i thought this guy is one of the most powerful people that you'll run across but you would never think that based on outward appearance and the way he is physically and so uh it's really exciting it's funny jase because you wrote forward for that book i wrote a forward for a book that was the hardest book i've ever had read i mean the the hardest book to get through it that i've ever read i wrote it forward for it and it was about that abortion dr gosnell some friends of mine who are journalists who are irish journalists um wrote this book about this guy and also made a movie about him basically he was just i mean he was killing babies you know whatever the pennsylvania law was he was killing right up to their birth and then birthing them and kill them which is how they finally got it they're doing it still doing it i know well now it's being legalized which is incredible so anyway it was it was such a hard read because it was just awful it was terrible it was just and this guy was awful and the women died there it was just a terrible terrible thing but i was so convicted by it that you know when they asked me to do the thing i was like i'll do it but then when i then i had like you i had to sit down and think okay what am i going to say about this because it was so awful but i managed to do it and it was good to be supportive of it because you got to get the story out the media wouldn't touch it of course except for you know fox and a couple of those other ones to even tell the story you know but it was well even even uh todd had to break through a lot of walls because you know here he comes rolling in literally yeah and saying i got an idea you know about a book and he since he can't talk real well they're they're just not thinking that it no but but he found his way to share jesus because he's a brilliant guy oh yeah and he can write yep and so you would never know when you read the book that this is i mean of course you figure it out pretty quick because he he makes fun of himself and people are plus he's agreeing with social media because i follow him oh yeah i mean he has something he doesn't have a lot else to do yeah but i told him that you know because i a few times he would send me a text because he gave my number and he's like are you know are you upset you're not responding i'm like okay let me explain something to you um i'll get back i gave you my number but i'm not going to be sitting there on my phone and responding immediately it may be days i may be in the woods i may not have a cell phone but once we got that lined out it's been awesome let's uh let's take a break [Music] so this is kind of the new normal uh this summer it's been crazy it's just you know nothing's been like it normally is in our culture and so one of our one of our sponsors is called their their name is bespoke post which i found was really interesting and their website is box of awesome.com and i found i found these guys fascinating basically they've come up with a box of gifts for men things that men like uh you know we're talking anything from stuff to groom yourself which probably wouldn't appeal to y'all uh 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start treasure hunting yeah i'm going to give my boys this as a present perfect [Music] the difference in me and tebow is i don't after a week act like you just sent it he's like respond i'm like tim tebow sent me a weird text and what does it mean oh i scroll back oh he's respond i sent him a text two weeks ago he's like no the the dates i was asking about that came and went so this would have been good information two weeks ago have your guy give you your phone and let you check it more often right and as a reminder i've done this on a couple of podcasts because i'm still working on returning emails i told somebody you told zach i think i started because it was a couple of weeks i was away because of corona and all that and so i started out with 750 emails from unashamed listeners because i gave my email out a while back and i got it down i'm under 300 now so i'm getting there some of you are like is they ever going to respond i will but it's just going to take me awhile to pile it on isn't that something that can't don't you add to it what do you mean well if you answered 450 in the time well sometimes you do correct because i might have seen a reply but i think you've gotten into something that may be unwinnable it may be but more more undoable yeah it's just one person so i'm just saying but you know the they're so amazing and i and i love them because the stories are incredible it's i just can't walk away from it every once in a while you'll you'll send me one so i'll tell you this al at restorationproductions.net is my new email for you because i got some help you know people sorting and sending stuff to me and helping me because a lot of stuff is like unanswerable but i haven't said that every once in a while when someone like completely disagrees with me and you know i'll send those to me which i find humorous but this one this one the other day just got my blood falling oh boy and i i feel like i need to bring it up i just feel the lord is is telling me one of the basic blood boiling look one of my passages that i read more than anything are quote which now let me say this quote just because i didn't go there and say here is the book chapter and verse didn't mean that it wasn't a quote from the bible so a preacher sent me this really nice letter about the title of it was kind of done in a you'll appreciate this as a form you know as a well you know do you are you ever a former preacher because no you never expect the mafia you never al preaches now for free so welcome to the club yep and i like it better i quoted evidently we got lost in translation because this is a quote this is acts 17 and i'm going to quote this this only take a minute but y'all use this just like i do i like it because he addresses the basic three questions of humanity which i've said many times how did you get on the earth what are you doing here and how are you leaving if you want a a good sermon or you know if you're talking to a person who doesn't know jesus those are three very good questions it makes everyone think whether they're believe or not we'll say that again because a lot of people send us emails saying how do i get a conversation going so this is how i started one more time we did a former podcast you can start with a meal that's always a good start and then you just let it go from there or but if you just meet someone you start with those three questions especially if somebody is is showing some uh you know emotion or they don't they've had a bad religious experience it's like when you bring up christianity or jesus and they're oh i asked those three questions right then say well how did you get here and they're like where on the earth you've got a process you're in your mind you've got to make a decision about that that one of humans humanities decision making process is ascertain how you got here and so how you live will be dependent on that if you believe you came from an explosion and you are one cell that come out of a mud puddle well no wonder you don't view life you know you talked about earlier about where's the sanctity of life well if we just all came from some kind of gaseous mist and nothing that's why they don't view life as sacred oh we're just nothing came from nothing and we're nothing and i guarantee you you're probably bitter and depressed we believe you made the image of god number two what are you doing here which is a great question what are you doing here what are we supposed to do here do we now the world will say well you get a job find your career make some money and retire that's what you're doing here i'm gonna have to disagree with you on that i believe that god uses us to make jesus known that's why we're here that's why he hasn't come back yet that's the process that he chose so and the third is how are we leaving which is a kind of funny but so you're either leaving in a box and it's over or you believe that your spirit will go and become energy and unite with the gaseous mist that forms you and you'll be part this people believe this stuff some people freeze their bodies cut off their hands and we'll find their head cure and so fall me out jump start me let me go again star trek eventually the borg will visit us assimilate my body some people just believe nothing yeah and so i believe jesus is coming back raised my dead body because i have his spirit it's impossible for me to die my body will be changed not exchanged and we will be with the lord forever we're going to live forever with a body looking around eating fish because we want to so in that sermon in acts 17 because he it all came from you worship is something unknown because they had an altar said to an unknown god he said let me explain that to you one of the lines in there was this the god who made the world and everything in it is lord of heaven and earth and does not live in buildings some versions say temples built by hands so the letter that you sent from this preacher says god lives in buildings and he sent me a whole letter saying jace you're wrong now here's my initial reaction your you sent me a letter and i love you and at the end he says i love you jason so he was he was he was nice about it but his whole argument is based on something that i quoted now how i mean let's read that again god the lord of heaven and earth does not live in buildings built by hands and the title of his note to me was god lives in buildings and the apostle paul said he does not so here was his argument his argument was where two or three are gathered together there i will be also that was his argument now look here's what's happened there in my opinion i'll let y'all join in see what you think he has a narrative in his mind and he later on said it makes him uncomfortable if someone wears a hat in the building because this is sacred ground he went and quoted the part of nexus about where you're standing is uh holy ground uh what he should have made a better argument would have been that christ is in us the holy spirit is the first thing i told you when you that's i thought that's what he was saying but where we're at okay yeah so we happened to be in the building but look that holy spirit was in me before i walked in the building that is correct so what is paul's point it's the two why is he saying he doesn't live in buildings what what he lives in us make that point i'd be like okay and while we're in the building maybe there should be some decency and some order all right i would have plus even a better explanation is since he lives in us we are the building which is what is that first corinthians that was another one that's ephesians two season three i think it's uh no first corinthians three nine it says for yours before you read that let's take a break so dad i think one of the coolest things you and i got to ever do was to go to normandy and walk on omaha beach and go to that cemetery i mean it was just it was such a moving powerful thing and dad did a documentary there and uh but it really kind of brought war too i've always been interested in it but it just kind of made it much more real to me didn't it to you i mean just the idea of being there the men and women who fought in world war ii including my dad and my mother my mother was a riveter on an airplane and my dad fixed ships while over there but for the most part they were godly people exactly a whole bunch and and you know obviously saved the world for us uh in honor of the 75th anniversary of the end of world war ii ancestry.com um which a lot of people are familiar with we are as well uh where you can find out you know people you're related to uh they've just released uh something called the us draft card collection for world war ii so it's over 36 million draft cards and so it's a really cool way to be able to find out if you're related to somebody that served in war ii you know because of these draft cards and names so we want to encourage you guys to check these guys out a lot of great stories that are there if you go to ancestry.com feel you can start discovering some of those stories today ancestry.com slash phil [Music] first corinthians 3 9 for you are god's fellow workers you are god's field god's building uh ephesians ephesians 2 while you're there we're federal citizens with god's people and members of god's household built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets with christ jesus himself being the cornerstone thank you and in him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the lord which makes it impossible to get that inside a structure i got another one but yeah where are the structures let me read the other first peter 2 4 as you come to him the living stone capital s rejected by men but chosen by god and precious to him you also like living stones are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood offering spiritual sacrament that's all you were saying so all i was saying was when you have a building and you call it a church which is wrong we're the church that's right we're the building that's right god decided to let us house him which is crazy to think about don't put rules on like oh i have a hat on in the building oh no i'm fixing to get struck by lightning because he he made a point it bothers him if somebody walks in so here here comes a guy he don't know your rules he has a hat on i wear a hat in the building you know why because it doubles as a hair net if i don't have this hat right on i would walk into that wall i would have a wreck on the way to church and die because i have hair that goes everywhere so but he doesn't know your rules he comes in there because he wants to know about jesus and he wants to go to heaven and here comes a guy and says hey we don't wear you're showing you're being disrespectful this is a house of god well i'm going to come back and say let that guy come in forget your stupid rule you know i don't have to say stupid but it makes me angry because i'm like you're alienating people because of a rule because in your theology you have god tied to this building because you took another passage and said well where two or three gathered together he's there so now all of a sudden we got to act differently and i don't mean act from a spiritual because he the the cases he made i forgot the other ones but they were along the lines of not wearing a hat in a building he's like it bothers me so there you go that's a little deeper uh you know meaning of of why i said god doesn't live in buildings don't come up with frivolous rules at your church but don't even call it church yeah i like it how we'll call it a building it's a structure where we meet you know you think about that i hate to be morbid and barbaric but what would you do if your church been burned down in between now and sunday what would you do that's the end of the building i would be thrilled because they would take the albatross off from trying to do ministry you know what most people would say well where are we going to go to church i'm sure you'll find something i mean it'd be i hate it because it's a building and it's comfortable and it's nice going to the church building is never mentioned in the bible how about this the church that met at that building they're now going to meet somewhere else and they might just meet right there without the structure if it's not raining that's correct but jesus is not going to change your and how you respond to him is not going to change the need to fulfill your purpose on earth while you're here to share you that's not going to change loving people's not going to change it's not going to change and so that's what's happened to me with north america the biggest problem with churches is or are the buildings you are correct it becomes some kind of weird structure that god has ordained and we now have to act differently and respond differently and there's rules and we don't know all the rules and guess what the common man he's not coming there there's been a lot a lot a lot of money invested in structures that people think that's where god is in order to find him you have to go there to get in touch with him never realizing you not on a out under four or five big over up over cup trees next to the river and there's four or five of you three or four of you gathered that's the church building right there under the trees well we've proven by this podcast that there's a better way to reach a lot of people with the bible with jesus you are correct about real life you know being in our spot it reminded me jason your story reminded me of the a guy an older guy that is what used to be a member of our church and he was a preacher too priest out and it was a wednesday night and i'll never forget it and i was younger then but i was still i was working for the church and he comes up this i just met three young guys first time they'd ever come so wednesday night they're sitting there three young college age guys i was so excited they were there you know i was fixing to teach and you know this is i'm excited so i walked to the they all had hats though i walked to the back about getting ready to go teeth this brother comes up to me tapped me on the shoulder he said are you gonna deal with those three guys or me and i was like well i just met him what do you mean deal with them he said about getting them hats off in here and i mean i mean i can't tell you how angry i got in a split second and it was righteous anger it wasn't just at him but i i just looked at him i had to calm down because i'm physically teach and i was like you will not say a word to those three guys they're here for the first time tonight they're fishing here about jesus do not say anything i mean i just bowed up on it and it shocked him you know because you know i try to be diplomatic with people and all that but it made me so angry that these guys are fixing an opportunity to hear about jesus and you're worried about them wearing a hat and we'll just run them off but how you saying this makes some people uncomfortable because they feel like now you have this situation in corinthians where it says women should pray you know a man shouldn't pray with his head covered yeah and i had somebody but i got anybody about that why do y'all wear long hair same thing well right now completely different issue we'll spend a whole podcast on that yeah if you read the book of of first corinthians you will notice pretty quickly they had some problems they had big time they had some gender issues which is not uncommon to what's going on even in very much so your career is very simple you had women dressing up like men and you had men dressing up like women and the problem was you you couldn't ascertain who was male and who was female that's right lots of uh well you remember first they were doing transgender four or four transgender was known about that's right and so he addresses that and guess what he did which is what god always does he addressed it in love and it wasn't like i mean to me that's we get off in our culture of religion yeah from what this actually said he addresses that but then to try to apply that to say oh you got a hat on i know i know this i'll just say this whenever your freedom is infringed on because i have numerous verses that says christ set us free it is for freedom we've been saying i mean so whenever you start coming up with laws and rules especially ones on down the the way is like whether you have a hat on that's a long way from the heart you know what you have on your head because i know that why don't we focus on all the verses that talks about your heart which is what you can't see let's take another break so dad what do millions of americans and three former u.s presidents have in common no jesus no i wasn't expecting that that's pretty good [Laughter] actually they all agree that bowl and branch sheets are the softest most comfortable pure organic sheets on earth you were way off i mean he wasn't even on the globe same universe yeah so bowling brand sheets are amazing uh that's exactly what i'm sleeping on i haven't tried them yet i know i got to get you i just got a new set these guys sent me one so i'm kind of like crawling back up in your mother's arms just so cool and comfortable i don't know you know i don't they just feel great it's so nice you tried them yeah they're fantastic jason has them as well all right i'm gonna give you something to try so if you go online they're gonna send directly to you don't buy these a store you buy these from them which is really great you can sleep on them for a month risk-free you send it back but you won't because i don't either so you go you get 50 off a set of sheets if you go to bowl and branch b-o-l-l and branch dot com use the promo code robertson b-o-l-l and branch dot com promo code roberson 50 off best sheets you'll ever pick up and look it's not just the it's not just hats it's it's i've been in church work long enough i can i've sat in enough meetings i've heard enough arguments about somebody wearing shorts or if you go back far enough women wearing pants i mean like all these things that were about meeting in that place together all those rules and daddy and i've been elders for a long time people consistently making rules about that meeting place it's just i mean it really it's it's getting away from everything we're talking about sad thing it's a sad thing but wow we were gonna i guess i mean we can introduce the armor of god today yeah thanks a lot jason we're almost through the podcast because you took off all night time cruising he said you've never seen me upset send me a send me a memo that says god is in the building well foreign for the listeners uh and we'll get on the arm of god next time well we still got enough time yeah well get to just remember these verses psalms 34 7 the angel of the lord encounters around those who fear him now that's a good verse and he deserves that and he delivers them that's psalms 34 7. you're like the angels of the lord encamps around us and he delivers them well on the in the grand scheme of spiritual armor just remember you're surrounded by powerful angelic beings who are looking after you remember the story and remember the story in second king six oh i love you yeah elisha was you know he said open his eyes there's a lot of them i don't know whether they were surrounded this is going to be bad and he was like lord open his eyes so you can see what i'm seeing and it was just thousands of there you go all right then you got some it gives me chills every time you got psalms 91 4. listen he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find refuge pandemic or no pandemic his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart he's not going to desert you he's looking after you just just calm down that's a duck passage because that's what that's yeah but then finally psalms 2 1 25 2 as the mountain surrounds jerusalem so the lord surrounds his people both now and forevermore so i read those texts and i said spiritual armor you know and the sword of the spirit you know and the belt of truth buckle around your waist your breastplate of righteousness like ephesians 6. i'm all in but just remember you say all those things are metaphors you say where's the real protection i mean the breastplate of righteousness how could that be uh uh well it's god looking after you oh yeah look in the book of ephesians i mean i think the the scholars and what what they taught you in seminary you know the first three chapters are really telling you your position and how great god is which which is always the way following jesus is he's not looking you know like when you're a parent you go through this stage where all you want is compliance i mean that's why you say things like well how come i have to do it you're like because i said so i don't care how you feel about it this is what you're gonna do now when they get to be 14 and 15 and you start saying that there's problems because they because now because now they're learning on their own they need to be you've got i mean this is a little parenting 101 is that they've got to want to do it so just making them comply so he spends three three chapters and if i just briefly touched on the and i want to make a point that goes back to this part about god's in the building he lives in the building you know he says in chapter one god in love predestined us to be adopted as sons through jesus christ before the beginning of time i mean this was his plan for us to experience with him he he talked about us being having the promised holy spirit in 13 and 14 a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance everything god has we get he then talks about uh why jesus has authorities above all rule authority at the end of chapter one power and dominion god placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be had over everything for the church which is us the people not the building then in enact ephesians 2 the one of the most famous chapters in the entire bible you were objects of wrath you were dead you were under the control of evil one but guess what because of his grace it's a hundred percent him none of you he seated with you he seated you with him in the heavenly realms it's all this good stuff then he brings everybody all races jew or gentile under one complete place of unity in jesus i mean what an awesome thought so you get to chapter 3 and he makes this statement which is going to be my point in verse 12 it says in him in christ and through faith in him we may approach god with freedom and confidence you just think about that statement you have he's given you through his spirit the beginning of time he wants you to be a child forever he rescued you from the dominion of the darkness he destroyed racism all of the the things that we're after in the world he's giving you freedom and confidence so that you may approach god with freedom and confidence and then somebody raises his hand and says unless you have a hat on unless you're in that building well all of a sudden that seems stupid which is why it is i get so emotional about it because i'm like you're reading all this and then all of a sudden you're interjecting something that doesn't make any sense whether you have a hat on or not you've missed it you you have missed it which is why he said god doesn't live in buildings it's about what's going on in your heart you understand jesus this is the plan of god we happen to meet that's why when the coronavirus hit and they said well the church buildings are they didn't say church building they said churches can't meet yeah well that's impossible oh we're gonna meet buddy oh oh so i you know so missy the other day she went when we were in south texas she went but she had to have a mask on they had so many rules and she was like you know what i can't talk to anybody we're kind of missing we need to just break down into literally they asked me what are you going to do since they've shut down all the churches you can't make go to church anymore i said yeah they can they're like what are you talking about i said where two or three are gathered together which is the point in jesus name he'll be there you don't need uh structures it's sitting on a side of a creek bank sitting on the side of the riverbank walking down the road wherever you are so that'll make a difference let's take our last break one of the things i was going to say just there was a church a local church here pretty small and so i heard about this because we hadn't started meeting again at our spot which we do now um because you got all these rules in place and so so the people would come and there would be a escort there you had your mask on they had their mask you were walked to a certain place you have to sit here so you were set down and you sit here there was no singing or talking to anybody else and then the preacher came out and preached and then somebody escorted you out and they were describing this situation and me as even as a as a speaker i was just thinking you know that i don't want to do that that doesn't sound very exciting it doesn't it doesn't like anything i mean so basically it was just kind of we want you to come i guess punch in now the whole thing the force behind that all of these social distancing uh fear yeah they're scared to death i feel think about it we should be fearless but if you asked anybody you said who does the work for the church what would you say what's your first what would people say not what you would say what would most people say they would say the preacher whatever he preached whatever so after this whole thing i went through and and where does where is his central location at the church yep which is not it's a building because we're the church so he has an office there he has an office this is headquarters and guess what he's the head now you read this and it's like headquarters is in heaven and the head is jesus and we're the body that is the church so he gets to ephesians 4 and he's like he he makes it very clear there's one spirit there's one body there's one lord one faith one baptism one god and he talks about each one has been given grace and then he talks about these people he says it was he who gave some to be apostles now they're not that was an eyewitness to the resurrection so they came and went and some to be but they're not going far you know something to be profit some to be oh evangelists pastors teachers now here's the interesting next phrase to prepare god's people for work works of service well according to this they're supposed to prepare the people to work which and the reason i'm bringing this up is that's why when you get to the end it's like well what do i need armor for because because we do the work out out here in the world it's dangerous work yeah the building that there's no battle going on there other than somebody getting mad about somebody got a hat on or you know he ate a rice krispie treat in the sanctuary let's have a meeting right now because god is fixed to burn the building because we had a visitor first of all sat in sister closed seat and then sat there and ate a rice krispie treat so we stopped everything he probably had a cup of coffee too which is also anathema no eating in the church i've had people say oh you can't eat in there and they i don't even know where they get that but evidently it's in there because i've seen those meetings erupt because they're like there was a guy that walked in the sanctuary and actually drank a cup of coffee while the preacher was talking so somewhere they found a rule where that's out i think it's the one where it says the lord's supper first corinthians they said don't you have homes first corinthians 11. yeah that was it you wonder why so many in our country have fallen under the control of satan it's what you're discussing that's why they they say you know what give me get me out of here so we got home metropolitan areas of people that don't even know anything about who god is jesus christ none of that stuff and yet you got buildings spread out across the country and in some of these places and jesus had been talked about they'll get their creed and this is their creed you say uh oh here's the rules here the rules hear the rules hear the rules rule after rule after rule after rule well i think it comes i think most people i'm going to say this most that's my opinion are sincerely mistaken they've just met at a building so long it's how they were taught it makes them comfortable so when anything different happens which is why they're not bringing people together by the way because look everybody sits in the same spot as they did the last time they were there they sit in the same spot and tell the story about the little old lady and just and ran people out of her seat you know it's like i don't care if you're visiting there you remember even at our church they said you know we got people they were saying something about they were it was so scattered i forgot what the reasons were and uh somebody asked me about it i said would rip them pews out of there they're not going to sit at them if they're not in there we don't have pews i know but they were like well now let's don't go crazy i was like which is gonna lead to just i've spoken at a bunch of little country churches and i always chuckle because i'll see people come in older folks and again sincere people they love god but and they've left their bible there you know they're shawl they're it's like their little spots and all these pews and i just thought cause you know it's like when we're come back here for our little god god moment but you i was thinking none of you took their bibles with us it's like you know while we're here this was a thing look i've spent i've spent most of my life teaching and preaching and certainly being centered around our church building or our building but at the same time i realize that's jesus is in us and so whether we had it in fact i thought the pandemic was probably going to be an eye opener when when all of a sudden people weren't meeting in their structures about what what happens when i viewed it as a good thing i did too and i think it showed us that when we come under persecution which is coming if this other side wins the majority in our culture and what's going to happen is we're going to be like china then you're underground you're correct and so we're we're going to be secretly getting by the way out it seems the kingdom seems to function very well under strict totalitarian regimes it it it always has there are millions of people you know people are going to be looking for freedom well a lot of churches are trying the same thing because i mean it's the same concept like a pew i mean one of the most uncomfortable things you can sit in yeah you know people you know they a charge dollars basically to go to a movie and get popcorn and and a drink but you know now some of these movie theaters but i don't know what they'll do post coronavirus i mean i went and saw one with my son and they bait the seat i was like hello cup look and it wouldn't lay down yeah i got pews are the or there is a dampen more uh interaction than any way you could see it's true put rows of pews well you the people you're looking at in front of you everything's looking front where you're looking at the back of their heads well they said you have to break your neck to look around behind you look so you can look at the one right here beside you and this one but that's about as far as you can go it's just not good for us they said that revitalized the movie theater experience because you got to go who wants to go sit for two hours and be uncomfortable and sit in a nasty chair and so he did it so i'm like why don't we do that at the church belt i mean make the thing give us some stadiums evening let me relax here at least i can listen this old boy have a place where i can put my bible you know man have somebody come up you know volunteers and say you know how are you need anything when i go to a church building i'm walking in of course they usually have a weapon on and but then i got my coffee bottle i got my coffee bottle set it up there i'm like okay boys let's just fix this we fixed our worship to almighty here comes from the same thing if we're going to go to heaven we got to pay the price they don't focus on jesus paying the price and we're going to have to be as miserable as possible because there's no way we can be comfortable here and this be a good thing i'm telling you i've been to places where i thought it's like if we had a blueprint on how we can make this as miserable as possible and then they're like we just don't know why people won't show up and go to heaven i'm like they can't be going to heaven you can be too depressed you can make it worse you can put a mask on tell them they can't sing they just have to sit down and shut up i guess that makes it worse well we didn't get to ephesians six but we will next time we kind of did we introduced we introduced actually jase gave a little exposition which i got a couple more thoughts you brought out when we get back to ephesians ephesians is one book that you got to be careful about going in there and making a point on two verses that's right it's a totalitary letter in my opinion it is and and i've got a couple more thoughts about that i made some notes so we'll talk about that next time on a shame thanks for listening to the unashamed podcast help us out by raiding us on itunes and don't miss an episode by subscribing on youtube and be sure to click that little bell to get notified about new episodes and for even more content that you won't get anywhere else subscribe to blaze tv at blazetv.com unashamed
Channel: Phil Robertson
Views: 162,887
Rating: 4.9527764 out of 5
Id: 3UBNgUNhrKc
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Length: 54min 56sec (3296 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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