Jase's Awkward Trip to Buy Women's Underwear and Why Missy Was Upset with Him | Ep 311

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i am unashamed what about you so jay's in between um podcasts we were you were telling us about your foray into buying lingerie for missy what's this like a long time ago what could have possessed you to say i think i'll look into women's apparel i would have been married about three years so you got to how far are we going but well your motives were good you you wanted to help out i mean i thought we're we've done this the right way we waited till we got married we're experiencing god-sanctioned sexual activity between a married couple so i just you know after a couple years i was running out of gift ideas and so i thought you know what i'll get her some lingerie i just didn't i didn't i'm not recommending that i was telling y'all before this was a d-e-d don't ever do you'll never do because what they didn't realize is when somebody likes me like looking like you could have made one phone call said dad i'll tell you what it occurred to me i said it i just said oh hold on right you do not want to stand on so i'll walk into this uh you know when you're out of your league on that i'm going to go into the victorian secrets you know and i felt a little awkward when i walked in victorian secret and uh you know i just didn't realize i was like these i feel like people are staring at me and well they were for a good reason yeah i wasn't feeling that that was happening and you're surrounded by mannequins you got people in the back of the store going what what'd they see what do you say well yeah they're documenting somebody was monitoring the camera i felt like at any moment while i was at that store that there were just going to be cops coming out of every direction it was all a trap but what's the problem is you're right out you're looking at stuff because you're thinking well my why i'm doing this for my wife right but you're looking at mannequins and they're wearing the apparel so all of a sudden i started feeling kind of creepy i felt creepy when you told me that you're gonna do something creepy so i finally decide on what i'm getting and i get up there and i i have it there and she's looking at me and it's just awkward it's not like i thought why have a store where you're selling stuff where a guy like me comes in and you're making me feel way more uncomfortable don't you have a line didn't they say okay when some weird looking bearded guy comes in here here's what you want to do to make him feel better right no didn't happen she was like get out of here so then the payoff was i give it to missy and she's like why would you buy me lingerie you don't think i'm i'm not capable of doing that myself that's all i'm like okay so not only did i feel like a creep looked like a creep now my wife is saying you're just a creep the payoff was supposed to be oh look you bought me lingerie never never saw that outfit yeah so by the way just in passing i mean so after that did you did you learn from that lesson yes i've never even i don't even look at that store i don't want anything to do with it and evidently people like me are disqualified from that process well it's lisa and i hadn't been in a mall a long time we were i think we were in california and we just we went to eat at a restaurant there they would happen to be at a mall we had a little bit of time so we're just walking around the mall i hadn't been to one forever and of course it's coveted so like you only so many people can be in a store at one time at least in california i guess and so the so you're looking at nice there's lines people are waiting in line to go into a store and i was just i was looking i was thinking really i mean like you really got to want something well guess where the longest line was victoria's secret yeah i mean it it went around around the corner and i said people not only are they shopping for the lingerie they're waiting in line to shop for the live well the guy who came down here the local redneck he said in blood sucking that's getting y'all i said yeah they're goodness that's they're just they're just all in their face all day long blood sucking gnats so he said that sounds bad he held up a bottle and said victoria's secret he said see this stuff right here and i i said what what what is that of course the bugs are all all over us they're doing what we're doing like this i'm like what what is that and he said you put this stuff on and you they they will leave the bloodsuckers will leave you in here and i said look i said i'm gonna try anything i'll try it once i said but don't tell anybody you ever saw me put this on so i got me a little dab on i put it on the blood sucking that's left me alone look i knew something in that victoria's secret uh i don't know whether victoria found out about it but well that is that's the secret but whoever maybe you want to hear something crazy this should get true the secret of victoria i've known i've got a bottle of it in the forum oh i know it's awkward because look when people get in they have like a underwear model on the on the front of it no i've had people get in his rig and see that bottle and say is that yours and i'm like no that's my dad's which you told me he uses that i was like well he does it for the gnats and they go oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but here's what's funny phil this year this year i'm in alabama a million miles away from here and when i went metal detecting i told y'all about the story oh yeah we got lost and look there were gnats everywhere and the guy who i've never met before by the way the dictionary calls them no see them all right well this guy no see him it's actually a word no see him yeah and it's those nets he said do you want some spray for the gnats i'm like yeah what you got and guess what he pulls up victoria's secret victoria's secret that's it i said here's the problem that i have with this and he looked up at me like why would you have a problem with this i said the problem is that my mind is going to you going in that store to buying that and i had a really bad experience there when i was younger well that wasn't creepy so look i i think the biggest problem is is you have this misunderstanding between husbands and wives that i think god created for you to work out and become stronger through conflict and communication because look on my way back from colorado i just come back and we're everything's going pretty well but all the problem i'll i'll tell you the end problem and then i'll go back and tell you the story that led to this comment that my my wife said do what i said well when i looked at the woman's body type i knew right then she said what are you looking at a woman's body type for i was like babe so now i'll tell you the story that led to that comment so i leave my computer my laptop in the airplane but we only had a small distance of time to make our next flight to monroe and we hurriedly got there so when i got there i i'm gonna get out we had like five minutes before we start boarding i'd get out i was gonna get out my computer and i looked and realized oh i put it in in the sea in between the seat so i go up missy's like go go go tell them right there there it said assistance or whatever and i was like look i left my computer on a flame on a plane it was in terminal c we're in e and so he said well let me call him he called him nobody's answering he's like can't can't help you sorry so i went over to missy i was like nobody answered and she said well you don't have time to make it and i said i'm going for it so i took off running wide open down the stairs down the escalator excuse me i me i get on the shuttle i go to see i'm occasionally looking at my clock because you know you have 15 minutes they give you up until 15 minutes to get back you're in atlanta i'm in it i'm in dallas that was okay and so i go up there to the gate that i originally landed on and see and i see the crew that that i was with on the plane so i was like great well she's there's another woman making an announcement saying this gate has been changed you all need to move so i'm like well i don't want to interrupt her because there's like everybody's looking and so i asked the stewardess i said look i left my computer on that plane and she did she did she just completely ignored me she was looking through me i looked back okay so the woman making the announcement i said look i l i left my computer and she said sir go over to this station and i'll help you later i was like but i don't have time i need that i need to get on that plane well when she she said go to the station while i looked over the station and i see my computer i was laying there laying there and so i said never mind i see it i'm gonna get that well i had it's you know roped off and she said do not touch that computer i haven't identified it yet i thought i just did she said do not touch that so i'm telling my wife this i said then i looked at her body type and realized that if i grab this computer she's never going to catch me but missy forget the story she's like what was she doing looking at her body type i was like because i was thinking i'm fixing to take off running she's not gonna catch me yeah i mean i didn't mean anything other than that but forget the whole story it's like would you do it it reminded me phil when you were squirrel hunting that time you know and the game warden snuck up on you and you looked at the cowboy boots on and you thought nope nope what i said was when he said i looked around like that i heard a stick break i looked around that he's about 50 yards he said holy son game warden i said that's what i thought and the race was on i grabbed that computer and just took off at a dead run and the woman is saying bring that back i thought how dumb is this it's my computer right the same thing james i've left stuff before and it's like they're like so well how can you prove this yours i said cause it's mine i mean why would i come up here you have a random wallet or computer and i'm missing one i mean so did you take it and run i took it and run yeah i had two instances on that trip that made me really just oh they're frustrated that was one the others when we go up to security same thing happened as soon as we go in it's missy mia and me and the security guy sir wait your turn because they he's looking like you're not you're not with them usually she says he's with me but she just didn't so i just waited in the back they did their thing i stepped up he's i was like yep robertson but when i said that he said sir because i had him you have to wear the mask he said your your mask is not up to standard and i said excuse me because i was made the robertson comment yeah he said the mask is not up to the standard i mean i had the little white you know it's white on one side and blue yeah so i took it all i took it off and he said you have it on backwards i was thinking what i said i said well let me just turn it around he's like it's not up to standard i said do you have another one i was kind of being sarcastic he says yes see he pulls out a mass i kid you not that was the identical replica of the one i had blue on one side yes and white on the other and he handed it to me i put it on and i thought what is going on so then i just couldn't keep my mouth shut because i took about five feet and i said that was my wife that you saw before and he was just looking at me i mean but he didn't care he didn't like my theory is that that the pandemic because air travel was was not great anyway but it has now turned people into that i mean like i think the people who work there all of a sudden think that they're like the gestapo that's what it is i mean they have this power it's bad you know they keep talking about all these fights they're having on planes and stuff it's because every the tensions are so high i mean you go through that i mean that was just one trip look i'm not embellishing this in the least there was it was the exact replica i just had it on backwards which i'm like you know you know the old redneck joke when you need a new pair of underwear you just turn them inside out i'm sure i probably turned it around after i thought you know it's been a while since i've been wearing it this way let's let's turn this puppy around but they just like gate agents everybody it's just like this terrible attitude flight attendants usually people are typically friendly because you're paying a lot of money to fly i mean you're you're you know their business you're you're the customer you're the you're supposed to be the right you know right here but it's it's not good it's been bad in fact it's gotten so bad for me jays that i've gotten to where i've just taken to driving i can't give you can't give too many common people power that's right well they just tend to want to be authoritarian and that's what it is well if you say something they're like we're saving lives we're protecting life and i'm like in this case you're just being an idiot i had a mask on and i had it i mean who's to say which side is right anyway right you know i have my head my mouth covered yeah yes so concerned for your your welfare and you said well stop killing your babies that start there and then we'll talk that's a good point let's take a break so uh dad we're not trained counselors but we've done a lot of counseling i call it triage counseling what we do you just kind of you know you meet with somebody and say hey i know it's bad but you know things can get better let's get you to somebody a professional one of our sponsors is a a group called uh faithful counseling and look i mean counseling was a big part of mine lisa's uh redemptive story and there's a wonderful counselor here locally that helped us so i'm i'm really high on spiritual counseling and so i want to encourage you guys somebody may have some problems in your marriage may have other issues financial issues this is a great group to be able to do this because you may not be in a place where you have a good counselor that's nearby you can't learn to be content that's exactly right and sometimes it takes a guy to get there so what you can do is that you get 10 off your first month from our sponsor faithful counseling you go to faithfulcounseling.com unashamed that's faithfulcounseling.com unashamed you're going to fill out a questionnaire they're going to assess what your needs are and they're going to match you with a counselor that you'll love so it's faithfulcounseling.com unashamed and get some help yeah that's my theory that's that's not the friendly they used to call it the friendly skies not so friendly yeah that was a slogan to fly the friendly scout yeah not so friendly anymore but whoever the airline the best ad campaign for all airlines i've said this before was the one that just said we'll get you we'll get you there that's right that's all i want that's right just say nothing do nothing give me i don't want your bag of pretzels or whatever just get me there just give me that and don't be rude while you're doing it so so uh i preached a sermon sunday called don't miss the point and it was actually from romans 9 10 and 11. and i kind of just did a kind of a high flyover of this text and we've been talking about on the podcast we wrapped it up last time but it was interesting because so many people have missed the point that paul was making in there which is was kind of the whole idea behind my sermon and i said jason in the beginning that there's a there are reasons why people miss the point one is and this happens a lot to dad you can't hear you know somebody's making a point but if you don't hear it you don't get it right i mean maybe there's a reason jesus said many times he who has ears let him hear it's over and over and over one of my favorite uh carl allison stories he was our old mentor carl and laurie his daughter was my assistant at the church and she went and she was like i was standing right behind her and she she just said hey dad we have cake in the break room you know because it was somebody's birthday and carl looked up and he was just like i mean just come you know he was like something struck him you know and he was like there's a snake in the break room he was like he was ready to go kill a snake and i mean laurie and i got so tickled i was like that's how you sometimes you miss the point if you don't hear things quite properly and then i showed a video days that you would have loved it was our old friend so because i thought like something funny about missing the point you know and so i thought of a couple of my own stories and i said i'll just google it so i just googled missing the point humor and about the third thing that came up on the google was our old friend jeff walling oh really yeah and he was telling a story when he was preaching somewhere it was like a youth thing and so like 50 kids came forward to be baptized at the end of it and he said you know the people these faithful people that were setting up the event they had six sets of clothes 450 people for 50 people to change into so he said what he was doing so they were getting in a line to get baptized well he said every time a kid would come out they would change their clothes a little change in there and they would hand him the clothes and he would run around the thing to give it to the next kid so you put on wet clothes i guess so yeah so he's just he said i'm just running you couldn't do that now no you could so he's running around this thing he said you know i'm just breathless and he said you know we're baptized and all these kids are getting baptized he said some guy runs up to the stage he says uh jeff jeff jeff he said you know just as he says i have these wet clothes in my hands i'm trying to get these kids done he said uh from where i was sitting i could see number 37 didn't go all his arm didn't go under it was it didn't go under the water yeah so wally is like he said i'm looking at this guy because i'm running around trying to get these kids thing and he's like okay so i i appreciate it that's you've missed you've missed jesus you've missed the heart we've got to the baptism and a pinky was out of the water yeah he didn't bury that's right that was so the guy was like what are we going to do about it and jeff said he was leaving and he said sometimes god just gives you what to say he looked right he said trust jesus [Laughter] and then he said he went back around and everybody's laughing because he's telling the story and then he says but i have to tell you you know i have legalistic roots he said sometimes at night i have a nightmare where this kid walks up and he says he only has one arm and he says i'm number 37 which was a great story but it was it was really good about the idea that sometimes you can look at something and miss the point of what it is and so so basically romans 9 through 11 is the jews missing the point of what they were created for what their purpose was you know his palm back makes this whole argument that you above everybody else should be the ones that understand jesus and he even came in their era but they totally missed him and they missed all the signs and they missed all you know he does all those verses and it's interesting because we and we had gary glenn and we were talking about all the different texts that are in there but i i hadn't thought about it but i started looking at who paul used either from a text or just an illustration and let's listen to the people we use abraham isaac jacob moses isaiah jeremiah hosea joel malachi elijah jobe and david i mean that's pretty much the who's who of the of the entire old testament hall of faith that's exactly right and yet the point was that they missed was all these people were pointing to jesus and yet you missed him you know somehow you missed him so it was really interesting and so my point of course ultimately was do people miss jesus today and the answer is still yes i mean because of all these issues last night you know we got back from colorado and they had the finale for the chosen season too i believe it was sunday night so it's been a couple days so we watched it late last night but i had that same i didn't know this is what we were talking about today because i've obviously been gone but it was in that realm and i won't get too far into it because if you haven't seen it i wouldn't want to ruin it for you because it's more of a you're not sure how this is going to happen or where it's going but it was really about that that all the surrounding you know cast of individuals from every race and group and religious group for jesus to try to bring these people together that was the struggle they were missing the point of that it's not this crew against this crew or this this right in the middle of his dissertation right in the middle brothers you get to romans 10. my heart's desire and prayer to god for the israelites is that they may be saved for i can testify about them that they are zealous for god but their zeal is not based on knowledge since since they did not know the righteousness that come from god and sought to establish their own they did not submit to god's righteousness and here's the point they missed christ is the end the culmination of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes so he basically clarifies the entire book of romans right there that's right christ is the end of it it's over i'll tell you this one scene because this this is not really giving anything away but there was some pharisees that had gathered up and they're like i mean they're they're fixed to have a big meeting because they were gathering it was in in prep for one of jesus's big moments in in his ministry and they were like well let's just what are the facts that about this guy and so they were going down through the facts they were like all right i heard him out of his mouth say he was the son of man and the other one said but he also said he he was the fulfillment of a prophecy from daniel and they were like oh who is this guy and then they're like he's done multiple miracles on the sabbath they're like yep okay that's fact he he did that and then it's like now they said well what do we think we know you know they had the facts yeah like we're pretty sure that he actually has women in his following in his inner circle yeah they're like and look one of them's an ethiopian and they're like well one of them has a terrible whatever they called her you know terrible past and then it's like he has a zealot following and a tax collector and the other one said oh that's not just anything he's been seen at having meals together with degenerates and other tax collectors and it's like once you i mean they really did a fantastic job because they were just like pouring it on and pouring it on and i was like you talking about missing the point yep they had missed the point that god whatever god they were serving was not for everyone they were too far gone yep to be reached and which is the whole point let's take a break [Music] one of my favorite sponsors jay's tommy john underwear they've got big news they've got a new um they're calling it their most advanced men's underwear yet it's called apollo it's got a dry release fabric blend that's going to help with sweating which would be really good for summertime you know just to kind of help wick out that moisture that sometimes let me let me translate what you said necessity that's right louisiana july that's right essential you need you're playing oh you're on the golf course you need some underwear that don't bunch up on you they've sold over 15 million pairs of underwear so obviously these guys know what they do they're wonderful it's a great product right now you get 20 off your first order if you go to tommyjohn.com phil tommyjohn.com 20 off see their site for details that's tommyjohn.com phil one of the things i read which was really interesting in hebrews 11 at the end of it he you know all those great people which most of them i just mentioned are in romans 9-11 these people were all commended for their faith yet none of them received what had been promised so they didn't even know exactly what their role was in the process that's right god had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect and then of course in in 12 40 says jesus is the author and perfecter of our faith so i made the point that you know these these the people that were so great in the old testament they didn't even understand exactly how they fit into the plan but they just did it anyway because they trusted god which he said that's what i want i mean his own apostles sitting there listening to him when he would tell them i'm going up to jerusalem the chief priests and the teachers of the law are going to mock me hand me over to the gentiles they're going to beat the fight i mean i'm going to die in three days i'll be raised from the dead even as apostles all the way to the cross we're saying yeah do what yeah they didn't get it and even when he was leaving remember they had seen him resurrected they said is this when we're going to restore israel to power yeah and he's like you guys come on i mean like this whole that time i've been telling you but we made the point that they never understood that it wasn't they were only thinking israel was going to be saved they missed the point that god said no the whole world has the in lieu of your your your statement on how they missed it on the missing the point i mean you just think about it they they they just couldn't put it together and and i used the term i said he was hiding in plain sight that's right but they couldn't see it well jesus said this before if he came today in the modern world did well a bunch of people would miss him again for the same reasons it wouldn't be oh god it wouldn't be holy enough it wouldn't be big enough it will that's right you forget the last paragraph in matthew which also they had an awesome deal on the chosen about matthew and jesus because matthew who was a tax collector yeah so they have him kind of the guy they have the the way they've created that character is really well socially awkward because kind of on the autism scale like kind of tax lien you would be socially awkward back there if you were a tax collector but look how many tax collectors have you met guess what they're socially awkward i'm sorry if you're a tax collector but i already let me just have to talk to anyone with the irs and you're like what in the world how do you feel about the rs what's your first impression okay so if you're like you know what one day i'm going to grow up and i'm going to be a tax collector well guess what you're socially awkward but in matthew 28 the last paragraph now you just think of what's happened here this is the whole life of jesus all the miracles the death the burial the resurrection they see the resurrected lord and in verse 16 of 28 it says then the 11 disciples went to galilee to the mountain where jesus had told them to go look when they saw him they worshiped him you just stop right there and you're thinking how could you not be any more convincing in in your ministry in accomplishing god's scheme of redemption redemption they were there now looking at a once dead human who's evidently has some power i mean there's no which he had told them over and over and over so they worshipped them which i thought awesome because now they're on the mountain they're not in a church building i've used this before they had a worship experience here spontaneously nobody worried about how they were focused on who then the little word but but some doubted here we go doubting at this point and i love what jesus said in that context of some worshipping and some doubting but guess what in our churches today every sunday there are people worshiping and there are people doubting you're sitting beside people doubting yeah and you're worshiping you are correct there's doubters in the word it's not going to go away and then jesus said all in authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me therefore go make disciples which this is the point that was missed of all nations that's right he was trying to get them to see over and over and over and the whole book of romans is about it i mean if you just get that one concept it'll help you understand the book of romans and god's scheme of redemption he was trying to win everyone he's after everyone that's why they had missed jesus the point about why he was taking the worst of the worst from the best of the best to the worst to the worse i mean they were all there and i said that's why that that paul used uh elijah as his illustration who would be known as the most fearless prophet in the history of israel elijah i mean the stuff he did the way he did it his style we talked about that the way he i mean he was a man that trusted god and yet at the end of the day he sat under that broom tree and he doubted he said i'm the only one left just take me you know it's just there's no point in me being here anymore i mean he had a moment yeah he had a doubt moment and god said nope i got seven thousand you don't even know about it and so again that was back to the thing i was thinking say what yeah where are they well i could have used them back there i mean it's hard look the other night when i was doing that event we just opened up the meet and greet to everybody and i pretty well took 1 000 pictures in a span of two hours well one of the guys came up there and i'm making conversation with everybody and you meet special people there i mean i met a young girl named samantha and she had cleft hands and feet i'd never seen any like my daughter has a cleft palette this girl had cleft feet and hand she just had two two fingers on both her hands kind of shaped like the the spock greeting like that and her feet were the same way wow she had the greatest attitude of anybody i've ever met probably a 10 or 12 year old girl and i was like look you you inspire all of us adults yeah so you have all these conversations and i'm looking for that because jesus taught me that in amongst all his world vision the gospels are filled with these one-on-one encounters and so to help me get over my shyness and timidity and just nervousness about being in front of people always just focus on these individual interactions but this guy the story i want to tell this guy comes up there and he's like man i just appreciate everything y'all do you know and i i'm a i'm an alcoholic and he's like i've struggled with all that and so i was like well now we're high on jesus and and everything's going well and he's like well uh and i said oh i said how long have you been sober and he said i'm high right now look he got teared up you know and he's like i'm sorry man and i was like oh boy i said we need an invitation song because i was trying to like sure like working the line is hard to get in depth yeah i mean everybody gets about 30 seconds but now he's convicted because i basically put him on the spot which i i didn't know that i mean you were just assuming he was thanking us he was like you know i was alcoholic and and uh so i said well hang on let's take a break i said look man you you know i'm not sure maybe your subconscious because then i realized okay yeah this guy's lit up like a kite i'm not sure what he's on but i was like look you can be forgiven we're this is great maybe maybe god led you to this point you know i'm fixed to explain jesus in detail of course he got all choked up and he but he the word he kept mentioning was doubts he kept saying i have all these doubts i have all these doubts and so i thought of this passage i was like look there's a thin line between gathering up worshiping and doubting it's because here they all were at the right place right i said but it's a it's a one day at a time and realize that god is supplying the power not you because we have a tendency to doubt for whatever reason just just universal look around right and you know when uh when paul mentions the elijah story in romans 11 2 through 4 when he gets to five he says so too at the present time there is a remnant chosen by grace so this never changes there's going to be way more that reject than embrace but then he says and if by grace it cannot be based on works if it were based on works grace would no longer be grace yeah and so so my point was not only did the jews miss their special election their purpose which was to bring jesus to the whole world they also missed law and grace because they kept wanting to revert back to it and i and we've talked about this before i think it's the biggest thing people miss even now that jesus has been on the earth they still keep wanting to go back under law i mean they don't want it because it just sounds too good to be true it's like well there was a point last night in in that episode they also mentioned this i think matthew asks jesus he was like well why do you use so many parables and and riddles and because he was like as a tax collector he's the numbers man yeah he's like i don't i don't like the uh he didn't say irony he said the uh i forgot what the word they used but that was what he was referencing when when he was looking at these parables in these illustrations yeah like salt and light and right so why why are you using that and you know phil did a class one time called i believe you call it directional dialogue and jesus was a master at taking something tangible on the earth and he's talking to this group but really he's after the ones right over there that's right well and he's using light water yeah whatever salt as illustrations to something spiritual he's taking something physical or which luke 15 is a great example of that because remember it starts out saying the pharisees were saying he eats with sinners and so he tells the three parables and it's really aimed at the pharisees but it's all about lost things being found so i mean it was a great directional dialogue teaching because that's who he was aiming to that they were the older brother way back in romans 2 if you call yourself a jew if you rely on the law and brag about your relationship to god if you know his will if you approve of what is superior because you are instructed by the law if you're convinced that you're a guide for the blind he's covering everything that they oh how they missed it for those who are in dark and instruction of the foolish foolish a teacher of infants because you have in the law the environment of knowledge and true you then who teach other do you teach yourself so he he just says you've got all these claims right but i'm looking at you how come you didn't get this how come you didn't understand that the law it's over that's right jesus is the end of it and no i made the point sunday that i made every argument you can make the reason why paul was so passionate about this text is because he was the chief misser of the point i mean you talk about a guy that missed the point he when he was saul he he self-righteously thought that killing people and terrorizing them was his god-ordained mission plus he put the fault on the jewish people themselves he said god's name is blasphemed among the gentiles because of you right the way you operate right she said you you you're doing a bad thing even for the gentiles well remember he started this whole section by saying i wish i were i wish i were lost if if it meant you could be saved and i said sunday i was like you know i've said a lot of things preaching and teaching i've never said that about anybody i mean that's how anguished he was about about splitting hairs they had it down to an art form to make themselves look good you know and oh yeah they missed it i mean and that was the whole thing they missed it and so so the i'm going to read you this section from romans 10 because you know this is how they missed it but i want you to look at how paul lays it out this is that text in romans 10 9. if you declare with your mouth jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved for it is with your heart that you believe and are justified is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved and i made the point that this is simple it's not easy but it's simple i mean that sounds pretty simple you know i'm just i'm not going to be in charge my own life i'm going to submit myself to jesus and i'm going to follow him it's a simple you can find that you can find that but it doesn't mean it's easy but i think that's why he did use jesus did use parables and illustrations is because to those who are searching when you search and and try to figure out why would jesus make these illustrations that is giving you a new picture of what god is really like you just think when you're no longer open-minded when you think you got it figured out that's the most dangerous ground to be on right and i think that's why it is somewhat complex from the outside looking in because a lot of people hear all these stories and they're just like what it seems too complex or and this bible is so big but it only has one point that's right that's right it really does yeah and people like oh well what is that point we always jokingly say start with jesus and go from there i mean he is the point because that is how you have the image of this god that you're trying to have a relationship with yeah and and and again it's it's a simple path if if you're willing to embrace it let's take your last break and then he says in verse 11 anyone as scripture says anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame we talked a lot about that for there is no difference between jew and gentile the same lord as lord of all and rich richly blesses all who call him everyone who calls in the name of the lord be saved so for everybody it's for everybody and so the idea of bringing jew and gentile together the great mystery says is the same simple solution to what we see today we're living in the most divided culture since the civil war and we know the answer i mean you're colorblind if you believe that they got there by turning their back on what we are discussing today that's exactly that's how we arrived all right and that's how people because they didn't think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of god he gave him over to a depraved mind to do what or not to be done that's what he starts with in romans right and it's true it is and so so i so i kind of closed the idea that now we're all in ministry together because in second corinthians 5 he says we are we are ministers of reconciliation therefore we're christ ambassadors and so that's we've got this purpose we understand that's what we do and so it's just like we had samuel on the last podcast here's a man who was lost who was confined who was you know from everybody from a worldly perspective basically written off written off and had no future and this guy will never do anything and then when jesus gets a hold of it he spends now his life mentoring leading people forward of grace and he's trying to help the 17 year olds that he once was and ended up in prison for 25 years exactly so so therefore god made him who had no sin to be sin for us so that in him we might become the righteousness of god so it really is that's what that's why paul said we're created to do good works now that's what we do but it's not to get to heaven i mean getting to heaven came because of jesus you know because of our trust that's why the cross really when you have when you think of the cross as being an intersection a a literal cross yeah i think the reason god chose that emblem is because you have your sin crossed with his righteousness in that moment i mean that is the intersection of humanity yeah which is maybe that's not why he chose the cross but i like that that's a good reason yeah god made him well that's the verse no sin yeah to be sinned by us so that that's the interesting thing to him we might become the writer that's pretty good i've always said it was when our story intersects his story and that happens at the cross because that's where everything is taken care of so at the end of my sermon i said you know like you do as a preacher so i you know i'm laying out paul's whole argument you know and it's sort of a i wouldn't call it an intellectual sermon but you know that's that text is big and broad so i'm laying out the point so i get to the end and of course you know you got an audience of people listening to you and people listen online it's like so what's the point to you i mean what does what does any of this have to do with you because if you preach a sermon and have anything to do with the people that are listening you haven't done a very good job and i said don't miss jesus and so i'll go into the whole thing and so i tell the story about i preached the sunday before and when sage came home phyllis and then were there and they had been over where you were on the fourth and they said who preached today and she said well pap and some other guy meaning khaled you know yeah sorry kelly and they said what'd he preach about and she said well he said he was raised by teenagers [Laughter] that's what you mean that's what she does well i said that in the sermon i said i've been lucky to be alive because i was raised by teenagers i was talking about mommy that's all she got that's all she got which emma was right the illustration was more powerful the the lesson was about freedom but she got that so i said so here's what so that was my six-year-old granddaughter so i don't want if anybody asks you today what did the preacher preach about i said what are you going to say you know kurt lavy said don't miss jesus and he got it i was like kurt is right this we don't want to miss jesus because you can miss him and then i use some illustrations like i said you know you're in a 12-step program you were addicted to drugs and you go in there and finally you got some structure in your life you got some community and people are helping you think man celebrate recovery has saved my soul nope if you believe that you miss jesus and so i was like jesus is the only savior of souls and then i just went through some different things mission work all the things people can get into yeah and you're not saying those things aren't good no they're all great but i mean people that that because people have told me before that they're like well people get off drugs without jesus i'm like yep they do there's some some groups out there that do wonderful work and i'm all for it because it gives them a clearer mind to find jesus found jesus but if you want your sins removed and you want to get off the planet via the resurrection now we we have a set of circumstances that you can't help that's right now you can help them be a functioning member of society and we appreciate it it's like that always says about you know fitness gurus i mean you can man you can get that body fine-tuned and that means you're gonna die healthy yeah great great life it's a great life i think i use it every speech i give that's exactly right everybody goes in a hole in the ground the the beefed up and the ones not so right yeah it was an interesting contrast when i was in colorado because you know it's kind of become famous and i made a few jokes about being high on marijuana because they're you know it's legal pretty much there and so here's this festival i'm at and it was faith-based jesus centered 1500 people shows up so when i'm coming back from the hotel this guy said look i'm going to take you to the hippie community just they they they're just squatters down by the river and so we'll be hollow we can't yeah when we came down the hill i would say that was about the same amount that was at the festival because we we almost ran over two people who were obviously high they were just walking down the middle of the road and uh and the woman you know i was looking head high if you can follow me because i i guess that these communities clothes are optional and you didn't want to determine what bodies type she had and had to tell missy but i'm telling you this because what was strange about it is because i looked at it that all these people at the hippie gathering this the dope smoking deal they all look like me all the males just they did i thought well i could fit right in here from a physique take your clothes off and jump on in james and at my speech most people didn't they were clean shave i made my little joke about there's a place for clean shaven so i said there's a place for smooth-faced people in our world it's called the ladies room they always laugh you know and the guys are like well what's he trying to say i'm like god gave you this you're in one of the coldest environments in the world and you're shaving the warmth how you need to repent of that before we ever get to jesus have you missed the point of the beard there you go but that contrast was was so so interesting you know here we are just right beside each other two big groups of people and one we're getting high on jesus the other one smoking smoking crack or whatever smoking pot so don't miss jesus here's where i close don't miss jesus don't miss grace because man people have missed that you know they put they want to put the works back on they want to hold some of the law and then the last one is don't miss your purpose is remember the jews they their purpose was to to bring physical jesus the messiah to the planet and they missed the purpose and so i said you know if you say well you know i just i don't really know what i'm supposed to be doing i don't really know my purpose i mean i love jesus i'm following him i was like you're in good company because everybody that was around before jesus they didn't know what they were doing either yeah but you just trusted him anyway what's amazing is jesus as far as lineage goes he wasn't he was and is a jew that's right this is exactly right and so are all the people you would think so all the people that we that wrote the bible you would think that would make the connection and said i know these are all jews right yeah yeah they missed it so you know it really does make a good application i think to us that and he said that in chapter 11 he said look don't get conceited and say yeah these jews you know he said look they were the original shoot and you got grafted into that so you just better thank god every day you need to be afraid don't be boasting about it but to your point a lot of people they're like i don't know what i'm supposed to do i don't know what god wants me to do and for those people you you got to remember colossians 3 23 because paul same writer of romans made a made a valid point when he said whatever you do that's right whatever you work at it with all your heart as working for the lord not for men since you know you'll receive an inheritance from the lord as a reward it is the lord christ you are serving which is the point whatever you do that that becomes your purpose is to highlight jesus in that sense don't you think jason to one of the greatest pleasures of what we get to do by traveling around speaking is running across people that are doing something different than we're doing but god's getting glory out of it they're helping people i mean i love the stories of the people i run across like the butcher you tell me i mean all these people you find i mean you're like you know they're doing something totally different than what i'm doing but they're helping people they're paying for grace and that's what we're supposed to be doing yeah thanks for listening to the unashamed podcast help us out by rating us on itunes and don't miss an 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Channel: Phil Robertson
Views: 85,445
Rating: 4.957377 out of 5
Id: LjluI3P7iCs
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Length: 52min 1sec (3121 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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