"Misconceptions & Lies" Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr (Powerful Sermon, Easter Sunday 2016)

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praise the Lord this is the day that the Lord has made and we're rejoicing and we're glad in it this is Resurrection Sunday and I'm excited about it thank you for joining us wherever you are in the world I'm excited and grateful for you joining us but I'm excited that this is a day we're celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ it is his resurrection that gives him a clear distinction from any other person in the world and we're celebrating that today I'm going to be ministering about misconceptions and lies as a matter of fact so many people are defeated because they've bought in and believed and embraced misconceptions and lies from the enemy so we're going to be asking questions and looking at a number of passages that speaks to those questions I believe we got some clear answers from the Word of God and I believe it will give you clarity and direction not only for your own issues but even for the issues of others that you you know who need answers to these misconceptions and lies thank you for joining us and we pray god's richest blessings upon you today and this week heavy resurrection day father we bless you we worship you we adore you today god you're worthy to be praised and worthy to be exalted we come before you in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus we come in a seating to one another right now father we pray for the person whose hand we hold it we ask you God to speak to them and bless them and heal them and deliver it or whatever they stand in the need of father we pray in Jesus name that you work a miracle in their life as we come before you today we not only pray for each other but we pray for our brothers and sisters around the world we pray for those who are participating with us in this worship experience online we pray for the military around the world godness that we pray for families that have lost loved ones we ask you God for your mercy and your compassion as we come today bless our service bless our time together bless the word of life allowing to call somebody to be changed and transformed save somebody today delivering heal restore in the name of Jesus plant somebody this day Almighty God we give you the glory and the thanks for what you've already done we thank you for what you're going to do in Jesus name we pray amen amen all right you can't be seated I do want to take a moment and acknowledge the presence of a very special woman of God who has really had an impact on our nation in ways that you don't know because she works behind the scenes some years ago her husband Tom Skinner really played a big role in the Venge a local circles of our nation and she's he passed on and she now leads his own organization that he started Skinner Leadership Institute and she's really ministering to young adults youth and politicians that really lead our country and she's worshiping with us this morning and I want to give an acknowledgement to dr. Barbara William Skinner this here with us this morning I I want the boy I'm on the board that helps oversee this I'm the chairman of board actually she let me be the chairman of the board and so I want to thank her for that and I'm just honored to have her today okay this morning this is Bible study look at your day but say we have a Bible study since you don't come for those who are regular attendance here you know that that means we're going to be looking at a lot of verses and a lot of passages so what I want to talk about today is misconceptions and lies say that misconceptions and lives I want to talk about it because what I've come to recognize has I witness and share the gospel with people every time I get an opportunity and I try to do it on a daily basis I realized that the stuff that people tell me it has the why they don't love serve God or go to church or whatever is always based on some misconception or some line that they believe they thought something they heard something they accepted it as truth they believed it and they made decisions and practices in their life on the basis of these misconceptions and lies how many of you know it's important what you believe because if you believe the wrong thing it can jack your life up so I thought I would spend this time today and talk about seven misconceptions seven seven lies and matter of fact if you go to John 14 very quickly I have two I have two foundational scriptures for this message today and they're all they both in John John 14:6 saying Jesus says I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the Father except through me there's the first that that's an important thing Jesus says he's the way the truth and the life and the important point here is he said he's truth you can trust him for truth some of you have built your lives on our lives you have you're making practices based on lies and it's problematic but he says he's the truth and we can trust him we have confidence in him because what he shares is truth now in John chapter 8 I want you to slide back to John chapter 8 and I know if you can't if you don't have that all of these verses I'm gonna give you today gonna be up on the screen you can read with us I want to read verse number 44 Jesus is talking in John 8:44 and he says it's to the Pharisees he says you are of your father the devil and the desires of your father you want to do he was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him when he speaks a lie he speaks from his own resources for he is a liar and the father of it whew I'm some strong words right there when I was growing up my mother didn't let me say the word light we had to say your storyteller we had to say oh my he telling a story but now that I'm an adult I feel good to call people liars you're lying and that's what Jesus says to them he says you you are following the path of your head your father since you're not following God you're in church between following God your religious leaders but you're not following God you got the facade of religiousness on you but you you you you're not following God he says you were following and doing the things of your father the devil and he's a life he says his method Jesus a race I'm right here in verse 44 he says there's no truth in him y'all haven't met somebody they just can't tell the truth to say their life y'all ain't never met nobody like that maybe you that person is just like that if you can't find nobody like that he says you have your father he can't tell the truth because there's no truth in it and what I want to spend some time talking about today is is I want to I want to talk about some misconceptions and some lies that the devil has given and promoted and exalted that people have embraced and accepted and governed their life on the basis of it and it's challenging it is a problem because if you accept the line you believe it and you live your life on it there can be dire consequences when you believe something that's not true so I thought for a few moments today that you'll bear with me let me walk through some some lies and give you some scriptures for it here's the first line that the devil tail see it's the first thing here's the first misconception here it is you don't have to go to church to worship God write that down you don't gotta go to church and that's what a lot of people do they don't go to church they said I don't have to go to church to worship God so they they worship at the bedside Baptist Church pillow pillow coastal cathedral and they say and I guess there is a level of truth to that but it's not the complete truth is yes yes you don't have to go to church to worship but you could worship anywhere a matter of fact it is the will of God that we live a lifestyle of worship that we worship when we get up in the morning we roll up out of our bed that we worship throughout the course of the day when you on your job you ought to be worshiping your God you'll be worshipping God when your boss is in your grill jumping all over you and you want to give them a piece of your mind you ought to be saying thank you Father that I'm not telling them what I you should be saying god I thank you I have a job thank you lord I'm not gonna say nothing and I go cut some back I'm not gonna give him a piece of my mind I'm not going to quit because I like to eat thank you that I got a job that's a worship moment that's a worship moment we always live a life of worship but the concept that the devil wants you to think is that you don't need the church you don't need to be connected to other believers you don't you go down to the church that's what the devil wants you to think and believe and yet a lot of people live their life that way they've drawn a conclusion and they've embraced this lie that I don't have to go to church but that is not what the Bible teaches man if I go to Hebrews chapter 10 let me give you this verse I got seven of these things I got to move fast he's what Hebrews chapter 10 say you said somebody said take your time you know I can't take my time that's why you got to tell me Hebrews chapter 10 and I think it's important for me to tell you about Hebrews chapter 10 this writer in Hebrews that we don't know his name but he's writing to some Christians who have some Jews have converted Christianity and they're thinking about quitting Church quitting Christianity and he says this to them and is true to us it's true for us too in Hebrews chapter 10 I want to read verse 24 and 25 verse 24 says and let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works not verse twenty-five not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some but exhorting one another and so much the more as you see the day approaching what would its powerful let me break it down to he says he says we gotta give consideration to other people see when you don't go to church and you stay home and say you don't need a church all you're thinking about is yourself you're being selfish look up and down your OD as a selfish person see if you can figure out who it is go ahead and look up and down but the scripture says we ought to be considerate of one another in order to stir up love and good works we should be considerate not just about what we desire or want but we ought to be connected with the body of Christ and other people in the church so we can stir them up to do what it is God has called them to do now I don't get why you said I ain't never felt stirred I'm sitting at the bedside Baptists your mouth will tell the truth y'all have visited bedside bathroom time to time you know get stirred up until you get into relationship with people God wants us to be relationally connected with other people matter of fact verse 25 says don't forsake the assembling together has the manner of some is some people have made it a practice they don't want to go to church they don't think they need church and so they don't and that's the line from the pit of hell that's what the devil wants you to do the devil wants you to stay disconnected from the church the devil want you to stay at home devil want you to watch on television the devil wants you two to stay disconnected but God designed the church and the fellowship of the body of Christ to help you become everything that God wants you to become I don't know about y'all but I need your church I need your church I need to be around other people I need to be around people who encouraged from me when I come to church and I see somebody who I know is going through drama and pain and I see that worshiping God that inspires me to worship God through my pain and challenges when I see God and I hear the testimonies of miracles or what God has done in somebody else's life it encourages me that if God did it for them he could do the same thing for me as a matter of fact the text says and I love the scripture right here it says you need to do that because you know that the day is approaching what is that day that's the day that Jesus is coming back and he says you need to be surrounded about other people to help make sure you stay on the right course so that when Jesus comes back you will be found in the right place doing the right thing now I feel some tension in the room somebody say there's tension in the room you need the body of Christ because I this tension because I know you think you don't need the body Christ but you need the body of Christ you need to be connected matter of fact the Bible says that God loves unity there's something spectacular when the people come together and get on one Accord God does the supernatural people get healed shackles get broken people get a new mindset in a new heart people get delivered people get breakthroughs marriages get healed people come out drugs people can save their lives get transformed when we come together and everybody's on one Accord God loves unity and you can't be unified sitting at home by yourself known in preach God calls you to be connected with the body of Christ and in the church and in his kingdom is jacked up as the church is God calls you to be a part of it because there's power in the church and because the devil wants to keep you home he's telling you you don't have to go to church to worship out I'm saying to you that the scripture clearly teaches the opposite don't make it a practice of not worshiping God collectively and unified with the church calling pastor that's no more here's the second misconception in the light of the devil tails since I'm look you don't want to charge because in churches full of hypocrites then going down there with all the hypocrites down there and you you know what it's true the church does have hypocrites it's full of hypocrites yes there are hypocrites in the church look on your road there's several hypocrites on your own look on you I can guarantee there's some hypocrites on your right and some hypocrites on your left matter of fact I think if you check the seat you sitting and they might be hypocrite in that seat too yes the church has people who have problems and issues and challenges with solos that you got hypocrites on your job there's hypocrites at the bank where you keep your money you got hypocrites in the store you go to on the fraternity that you're in the sorority the book club the motorcycle club guess what there's some hypocrites at the gym you work out at wait a minute there's some hypocrites at the bar that you attend why you gonna let him and fish stop you from going to church when you got all these other things you know that David stop there's a big difference between all those other places in this place this is the best place for hypocrite to be this is this is what important here's what's important hypocrites can be changed when they come to church let me show you a passage right here first first Corinthians chapter 6 I love this passage right here first Corinthians chapter 6 let me read it starting to verse 9 listen to this listen listen to this passage it's up on the screen you to bring your Bible it's up on the screen do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God do not be deceived neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor homosexuals nor sodomites nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkards nor revilers revile ISM in partygoers I knew y'all would require on that point right there no extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God you somewhere in that list behold up verse 11 says and such were some of you or y'all missed a great spot we all been in one of those categories we all done some of that before and I like verse 11 it says and such were some of you but you were washed you were sanctified you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the spirit of God that's where we used to be but when you come to church something about the kingdom of God changes you that's why I come to judge and change me his let me just be honest which we all we all jacked up everybody had jacked up I'm jacked up you jacked up for next year jacked up people hind you jacked up he was - you left right in front of everybody everybody got some everybody got something nobody you're perfect up out of your ducks avi nobody crosses every team the church is not a social club for Saints it's a hospital for sick people I'm sick and you're sick and we are sick and we come to see the doctor named chief and even though I'm sick today I'm not as sick today as I was last year I'm getting better whoa this is the place for ministry and for healing and for deliverance and breakthroughs and answers get your marriage he'll get your children right get off your dishes and your drugs and your habits and your bad issues and your bad attitude to get a different change of mind and a different attitude I don't know about y'all I need the church I need the people of God I need the Saints of the Most High God I need to church somebody how high your neighbors say I need the church no better place here's the deal there's no better place for hypocrite to be than in church matter of fact I think I've told our churches before I'm the chief sinner I'm the president of the jacked up club matter fact we should call the name of our church jacked up Baptist Church no no jacked-up Joker Baptist Church none I don't call y'all Joker's no more jacked-up Rascals Baptist Church and I'm the lead jacked up Joker I don't dot every I I don't cross every T I never try to give an implication to anybody that I'm perfect I've sinned and fallen short of God you all know what my sin is none of your business or my sin is worried about y'all get yourself straight let's all come together that God do surgery on all of us one at a time and what I discovered is that I'm better this year than I was the last year let me go to number three I wish I had time I could talk about that a little bit more but don't let the fact that the church got hypocrites stop you oh can I read another passage to y'all let me read just let me read second Corinthians chapter 5 verse 17 it's some of you know this by heart therefore if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation old things have passed away behold all things have become new you get in Christ and old stuff starts dropping off nobody gets saved and become perfect get saved on Sunday and no sin on Monday did not happen like that it's a process God starts cleaning this up and he stops working on it and he starts changing us and as you get in Christ and get in his word and worship Him and live for him you saw you see stuff just cars dropping off things you used to do you find yourself not doing them anymore and places you used to go you look up and say I don't go down there no more and people used to hang out with you say you know what I don't like to hang around them no more God raises up some new friends for you I wish I had somebody who knew what I was talking about here's number three here's another distraction a misconception a lie that stops people from getting connected with God and connecting with church they say all the church wants is my money and so you get tired of the church asking for money now I I want you to know that the enemy wants you to think and believe that all the church wants is your money let me let me explain something to you right quick God does not need your money matter of fact the capital A Thousand Hills belong to him which implies here's what that verse means when the Bible says the cattle on a Thousand Hills belongs him what that means is God owns everything yeah he didn't eat he didn't want you my he don't need your money he doesn't want your money what he wants is your heart if he gets a hold of your heart if you make a commitment giving him your heart that's what he's after is your heart and as a matter of fact what I've discovered is you might go to some churches that put a focus on money but let me talk about the First Baptist Church of Lonard we don't put focus on money here matter of fact what we focus on is teaching you how to manage your money and you know what we've discovered when you manage your money gods away I just finished the series on financial freedom just past few weeks and the testimonies are incredible when you manage your money the way God wants you to manage your money he blesses you in supernatural ways and a part of what he wants you to do is to manage your money so that you have a heart to want to be a giver every Church teaches people how to be givers because we live in a selfish culture so we're trying to teach people how to be givers and and and when you give here's what happens Luke 6:38 job this verse down Luke chapter 6 verse 38 job this verse down here's what it says it says give and it will be given to you good measure pressed down shaken together and running over will be put into your bosom oh I like that for with the same measure that you use it will be measured back to you we teach people how to manage their money and a part of managing your money is learning how to be a giver and when you give God will give it back to you pressed down shaken together and you'll give you more 30 60 100 times more than you gave yes as a matter of fact I tell people all the time don't tell me that you have had an encounter with the eternal God of the universe and that he gets in your head and you think differently and he gets in your eyes and you look at life differently and he gets in your tongue and you start talking differently and he gets in your heart and you love differently and you get it sure he gets in your hands and you worship and you gets in your feet and you dance but somehow another after he even got into all of that he slipped around your wallet it is impossible to have an encounter with God and you not want to sort of help that same thing happen all the people you can't meet Jesus and be so selfish that you don't want somebody else to meet Jesus but that's what the devil wants you to think that all the church wants is your money let the record reflect God don't want your money he wants your heart here's number 4 I'm trying to be out of here on time here's number 4 people stopped going to church people have blind taking the misconception they don't want to walk with God because church people have hurt me I went down there to the church people and they hurt me they did me wrong somebody go sing another somebody done me wrong song and they're going to put it on the church and here's what I would tell you listen carefully and Suttons jot down this verse Psalm 62 verse 5 jot it down because when people come to church and they get hurt by people they get hurt because they had an expectation of church people so you came to church expecting people to treat you differently than in the world but I need that I need to set the record straight church people are in the world people too I should have got a few more amens on that point than that we're not trying to tell you this is what is with Psalm 62 and five says it says that we should put our expectations in God and not in people people will let you down every time I can't get no help up in here people will disappoint you every time the psalm 62:5 says my soul waits silently for god alone for my expectation is from him and what I'm telling you is don't put your expectation in people because people will let you down every time don't be shocked cause somebody in church did messed you up the church is full of jacked up people I told you that's a jacked-up joke about the church any church you go to two people in there I messed up don't put your expectation in people I'm check don't put your expectation in me don't put it in the dig and so put it anybody give your expectations of God he will never let you down whoo this is a significant point because it seems like every other person that I'd stop stop and talk to the minister to they can go to some story but somebody did them wrong from church what else do you expect from human beings human beings are going to mess up every time and so the passage and the challenge and the encouragement is that you never put your hope in people and by the way while I'm on this point while I'm on this point I want to I want to say something about this one I'm honest I never allow what somebody else does to stop you for worshiping the old lady don't ever let somebody make you stop going to church make you stop serving God make you quit the choir quit the earth the earth shibaura come on somebody say the earth sure boy don't don't ever let anybody and if you listen if you allow them to do this if you let them convince you to walk away the devil has won I want to read second Corinthians chapter 2 to you and I want to read verses 7 through 11 can I do that to you now this is a passage where the Apostle Paul is talking to the church in Corinth because they had some people in the church doing some bad things so he says to them so that verse 7 2nd Corinthians 7 chapter 2 verse 7 so that on the contrary you ought rather to forgive and comfort him less perhaps such a one we swallowed up with too much sorrow his he said what you ought to do instead of being bitter and and and and and treating the person who did you wrong wrong he said she should rather forgive therefore I urge you to reaffirm your love to him he said somebody do you wrong just love the hell out of them come on talk to me for just a second verse nine but to this end I also wrote that I might put you to the test whether you are obedient in all things he said if you a child of God you have a relationship with him somebody hurts you you forgive them and he says I wrote this to put you to the test that you might to see whether or not you would be obedient in all things now whom you forgive anything I also forgive for if indeed I have forgiven anything I have forgiven that one for your sakes in the presence of Christ he says if you forgive I want to forgive too but I like what verse 11 says because if you don't forgive here's verse 11 let's Satan should take advantage of us for we are not ignorant of his devices the devil's plan is to get you bitter against somebody and when you get bitter against somebody don't want to talk to them not taking their calls don't want to be reconciled and won't forgive them you open up the door for the enemy to have control and influence in your life some of you are where you are because you have bitterness in your heart and you won't forgive and when you don't forgive you open up to go for the devil to repair it and hell in your life filling in professor and so they mocked the acknowledgement didn't the admonishment the encouragement today to you today is to forgive and don't allow the people who hurt you and mess you up to send you away let me go to number five some of you have what I call God pain God pains means you're not mad with people you made with God because God didn't do something that you wanted God to do you had God pain you have a bitterness against God because you had something happen in your life that you don't know why it happened you got some pain some situation some death some divorce some lost job some some something that happened in your life that is what pain to you and in the back of your mind you're angry with God and my assignment today is I have to tell you I cannot tell you I cannot answer for you why God allowed something dramatic to happen in your life that's cause you to have pain I can't give it an answer and I don't want to perpetrate and act like I can tell you why because I don't know why but here's what I do know here's what I have learned here's what I put my confidence in is reverse Romans 8:28 and here's what that verse says all things work together for good y'all excuse me for just a second somehow or another I learned by coming to church Romans 8:28 that all things somebody say all means all all means all say that all means all y'all don't get it let me give it to you again all means everything somebody say every day it means that everything that happens in my life if God permitted to come into the doorway of my circumstance he might not have been he may not have been the author of it but for it to enter into my life he had to sign off on it and if he's signed off on it he knows that when is all said and done somehow I'm going to benefit for what happened Oh I wish I had somebody who understood what I was trying to tell you all things work together for good to those who love God to those who are the called according to his purpose I look back over my life and all of the things that happened that brought me pain and caused me to cry and made the devil tried to make me bitter but now that I am where I am in my walk with God I can look back and thank him for everything that happened that once brought me pain oh this is an important point because the devilĂ­s trip some of you up with this piece and he's made you angry and bitter and my assignment is to tell you that all things are working together they may not be apparent at the moment you may not be able to see it right today but God is orchestrating and moving the events of your life and he's shifting things and taking things out and putting things in so that when he gets to you a he wants you to ultimately be everything will be in order and you will be ready for it I realized when I look back over my life at some pains and some challenges I had that God allowed me to go through those things so that when I became the pastor of the First Baptist Church of Green Arden I would be better able to minister to hurting and bruise people that if I had not have had it I wouldn't be able to do it somebody say Amen oh man I got to hurry up hold up matter of fact some of you think God doesn't care about your life so you said why would he let this happen if he loved me he wouldn't let this happen here's what Jeremiah 29 and 11 says y'all he got to say nothing he says I know the thoughts that I have towards you says the Lord there are thoughts of peace not of evil to give you a future and a hope y'all excuse me God's got a future for you and hope for you he hasn't forgot about you he ain't trying to hurt you he's trying to give you a future and hope and give you peace somebody ought to say Holyrood amen what number was that here's number 6 here's up some people think if you're good outweigh your bad you'll make it to heaven that would be a negative if your good outweigh your bad that's not true we're not saved by human efforts your works your service your giving will not earn you a spot in heaven there are a lot of people who think that if my good outweighs my bad if I if I'm a nice good person that God would surely let me in that is the opposite of what the Bible teaches matter of fact in Ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 and 9 let me read it to you Ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 says for for by grace you have been saved through faith by grace grace is God's God's unmerited favor God extends his favor to you for by grace you have been saved through faith you get saved by grace through the instrument of your faith in the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ and then it says this and not that of yourselves it is a gift of God not of works lest anyone should boast here's what I say you can't get the Kevin by your works hell will be full of a lot of people who think that they don't go to heaven because they are good people look at your neighbor say you ain't all that good as a matter of fact you your measurement of good is based on you comparing yourself to somebody else don't compare yourself to other people compare yourself to the god of the universe and when you compare yourself to God all of our righteousnesses has a filthy rag we're all dirty we're all messed up when we compare ourselves to God but here's what he says you jacked up you tow up you messed up but he says I got against I'm going to give to you and imma giving to you when you put your faith in the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ it's not a clock I got one more point I wish I had time to talk about that worse thing a lot of people been tripped up by that works thing you're going to trick yourself you gonna fool yourself thinking you won't get to heaven by works here's number seven and I'll be finished I'll be done here's number seven and number seven is this is that people think that Jesus is not God he's just a good man or he's just a prophet but he's not all he said he was well let me tell you what the Bible says the Bible gives us a definition of who Jesus is and here's what it says in John 1:1 cuz I know some people say he one God he's not to save you he's not he's not all he said he is but in John 1:1 here's what the Bible says in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God y'all excuse me I'll miss that the Word was God who's the word slide down to verse 14 John 1:14 and the word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glory has not the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth would you talk about pastor here's what the Bible is telling us Jesus is God wrapped up in human form and the reason I put my confidence in him and my trust in him and the reason I believe and put my trust in him for my salvation is he did what no other so-called religion leader has done Mohammed didn't die for my sins Buddha didn't die for my sins Confucius didn't die for my sins how the divine didn't survive for myself some young moon didn't die for myself Jesus Christ died for my sins he hung on the cross and God whipped him and gave him the whipping that you and I should have gotten for our sins but he took our place jesus took my place Jesus took your place and died and he got buried and the thing that's significant about his burial is that when he buried he carried all of our sins away Oh y'all better remember that in other words he buried it never to be reminded me buddy ever reminded you of something that you did wrong Jesus I'm gonna take all your sin and imma bury it and I'm never going to remind you about it ever again but hold up he didn't stop right there he didn't just die he didn't just get buried but we are celebrating yet one day he got up out of the grave with our power Muhammad didn't get out of the grave who didn't get up out of the grave confusion is still in the grave but jesus is alive and well how'd I know you let me close they say well pastor how you know you won there nobody Kover the Israel I did go to the place where they told me where they buried him because I had to check for myself and I looked in there and he wasn't there but I know something that skeptics would push that off but here's what the skeptics cannot push off you can say whatever you want about you to say somebody stole his body out of the grave if you want you can say they took me to the wrong grave if you want but one thing you cannot take away is he got up in my heart he got up in my life he made himself real to me and gave me life and gave me joy and gave me peace and free me from my challenges in life and my assignment is to tell you he'll do the same thing for you in your life today all you need to do is acknowledge that you need him and humble yourself matter of fact if you know you need him get out of your seat and make your way down here immediately right now come quickly I'm Way over time I didn't mean to take so much time but make your way and come right now and say I need the Lord right now and say yes to him don't be ashamed don't be embarrassed but make your way right now God is waiting with his arms stretched out wide for you to come come that's right encouraging all their coming so far how you doing
Channel: Inside FBCG
Views: 76,768
Rating: 4.7471862 out of 5
Keywords: FBCG, Pastor, John K. Jenkins Sr., First Baptist Church of Glenarden, Lord, God, Jesus, Christ, Holy, Grace, Sermon, Word, Bible, Study, Baptist, Church, Gospel, Preaching, Ministries, Ministry, Praise, Spirit, Religion, Blessed, Blessing, Salvation, Revival, Fellowship, Choir, Black, Preacher, Preachers, Chorus, Misconceptions, Lies, Powerful Sermon, Dispelling Myths
Id: hTAMPqz_EsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 6sec (2526 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 09 2016
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