"You Must Be Born Again" Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr. (Powerful Word)

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praise the Lord everybody wherever you are in the world this is another day that our Lord has made and I'm rejoicing I'm glad about it and again I want to take a moment and celebrate and thank all of you who join us from around the world wherever you are I want to give a shout out to the college students I know watches I want to be give a shout out to the military people who are serving our country around the world god bless you wherever you are I want to thank God for the many who watch us before they go to their own services I want to pray god's richest blessings upon you in a supernatural way today I'm going to be ministering from John chapter three one of the most important sections of scripture in the Bible I'm going to be talking about the very important statement that Jesus said you must be born again it's a matter of fact I want to talk about you making sure you're born again and what's the key for us to help others become born again Jesus talks about it in John chapter 3 thank you for joining us have a great day god bless you Oh Lord - your name father we bless you we honor your name we worship you we glorify you you are worthy to be praised you're an awesome God we bless your name thank you for your loving kindness thank you Lord for your tender mercies thank you for waking us up keeping us all week we humble ourselves before you we declare our need for you Lord without you we are nothing as we come before you right now we intercede and pray for one another in the name of the Lord we pray for one another in the name of the Lord we hold our brother our sister up and pray a work a miracle whatever they stand in the need out of whatever it is God thank you that you are concerned about what concerns us we pray that you work it out fix and repair deliver and heal in Jesus name father I'm praying today not only for the people in this building but we pray for our brothers and sisters around the world who participate with us through other mediums television radio the internet CDs DVDs whatever medium God in a supernatural way speak to them or most profoundly change hearts bringing deliverance God I pray that right this state that you would anoint us to be your mouthpiece your conduit your instrument I'm praying today father that by the power of your mind somebody would get sane somebody would be restored and reclaimed somebody would get assurance somebody would be planted somebody would be edified now God you get the glory the honor we thank you for what you've already done we thank you what you shall do in Jesus name we pray amen amen while you're standing open your Bibles to the passage that Reverend Pierson read already so well John chapter 3 and I want to read these first seven verses of John chapter the Gospel of John chapter 3 for seven verses there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus a ruler of the Jews this man came to Jesus by night and said to him rabbi we know that you are a teacher come from God for no one can do these signs that you do unless God is with him jesus answered and said to him most assuredly I say to you unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God Nicodemus said to him how can a man be born when he is old can he enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born jesus answered most assuredly I say to you unless one is born of water and the spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of God that which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit do not marvel that I said to you you must be born again amen you can be seated I'm wondering if I can get anyone to agree with me that the direction that our country seems to be going is the opposite of God's direction as a matter of fact I am extraordinarily troubled and concerned about the world that our children and grandchildren will have to live in amen it's it's actually horrifying that that we have run rapidly away from God's will God's Word God's away as matter of fact our country has embraced the religion of secular humanism the religion of secular humanism says whatever a person feel is right in their own eyes is right while I am certainly would never try to stop anybody from doing whatever it is they feel they want to do my challenge is why do you have to force your immoral practices on the rest of us to have technology it's strange is troubling and it is particularly troubling to me because we claim to be a Christian nation churches are full all over the country right this morning right on this Sunday churches are packed with people and it appears to me that there's a number of people who claim to be Christians who claim to have a walk with God who are the ones who are actually incorporating and supporting and paying for and making all these things happen all the while they claim to be children of the Most High God it is extraordinarily troubling that the term holiness is not even a term that is spoken anymore today obeying God and never we don't want to do that anymore it seems like every day I hear something every day I hear something that is so horrifying to me of what's happening in in our country it is it is a terrifying and troubling situation and the reality is and I wanted to talk to you about this because it is it is critical that all of us understand that just because a person says they are Christian doesn't mean that they are Christian there's a lot of people who say they're Christians who are going to slide into hell from a church pew or a church chair in us in our case that's troubling it's troubling I don't want anybody who comes to the First Baptist Church of the NAR and who's remember the First Baptist Church Bernard to think that just because you come here or just because you joined just because you're singing a choir or just because you an usher or just because you're in hospitality or just because you serve in some capacity in one of our 119 ministries that doesn't that mean that you are going to heaven so I wanted to talk to you today from this passage of John three these deeds this justice chapter here is probably one of the most important chapters in the Bible I would I would I would place it right up there with the death burial and resurrection of Jesus this here is a very very significant chapter I want you to read it I want you to really go back home and digest it I want you to ponder and think about what is said in this third chapter because Jesus is talking to a fella named Nicodemus can I talk about Nick for just a second Nick at night Nik comes to Jesus at night he comes to Jesus because Nick is a religious leader in his day in this community he is he is a Pharisee the Pharisees are the the religious separatists of their day they are so right they got it all together they've got to either cross the t's they got to go on on so well they have separated themselves from the rest of the crowd they got it like that he not he's not just a Pharisee he's not just a separated one holy righteous got it all together he's also a leader and so he comes to Jesus at night as a leader because he doesn't want anybody else to know that he is conversing with disband named Jesus Jesus is one of the he's preaching a sermon he's preaching messages teaching messages he's got thousands of people following him he is the big deal but the deal is he's preaching and challenging the status quo of the religious people of their day he is in essence challenging the the Pharisees and the Sadducees and their practice is in life he's challenging what they're doing what they're saying and what they're teaching how they live in he's challenging them so so Nick sneaks up to talk to Jesus at night and he and he says to Jesus in verse number two this man came to Jesus by night and said to him rabbi we know that you are a teacher come from God for no one can do these signs that you do unless God is with him he said I we know you from God now we've been watching me to see you perform miracles and you're doing all that you must be from God and before he could talk about anything else Jesus answers a question that he didn't ask jesus answered you'll see that verse three and said to him most assuredly I say to you unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God who has profound matter of fact and there's one conversation with Nicodemus Jesus says this term three times he says in verse 3 unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God he says born again in verse three I'll see that slide down to verse five he says most assuredly I say to you unless one is born of water and of the spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of God y'all see that slide on down to verse number seven do not marvel that I said to you you must be born again he talks about that he mentions that terminology three times in this short pastor scripture that's what I want to talk to you about today my subject for this message is you must be born again man Frank look at him later say you must be born again turn on the other side and say you must be find another joke and say you must be born again now I'm going to talk to you this I want listen to me carefully I wonder I want you to talk to you about this for two reasons the first reason I want to talk about it is because I want to make sure that you understand being born again because I want you to make sure you are born again I don't want you to be somebody who comes to church but you've never been born again that that that would be tragedy if you're not born again the Bible is crystal clear unless you're born again you are not make it into the kingdom of God you have to be born again you have to be you must be Jesus said it's an absolute requirement it's not an option you're not there's not many roads to heaven y'all listen to all these people saying all the stuff they want but Jesus said if you want to get to heaven you must be born again as a matter of fact he said in John 14:6 there's no other way you can get to heaven but by me he said John 14:6 he said I'm the way the truth and the life no man can get unto the father but by me and you go by him you have to be born again can I get an amen right there from anybody this becomes a very significant thing so number one I want you to make sure your born-again churches I won't cross this country are full of people who would think that going to heaven just because they singing in the choir serving on the board go to church man at times you can do all of that and still go to hell and it's sad to me that a lot of people think that works is going to get you in singing serving given attendance will not get you into heaven you have to be born again must be so that's the first I want to talk about that I want to make sure you know that you're born again now this is essential for me because in the course of my life I grew up in church I grew up at this church it's the only church ever belong to First Baptist Church of none I grew up in this church and I sang in the choir I joined the church has a kid I came forward and joined has a kid why because I was in the sunbeams and I saw my other son being friends taking communion when was communion day and I saw them over there drinking drinking out the cup and sticking their tongue all up in the cup I wanted to find out what the communion tasted like so I joined church got baptized went in the water the water was cold chilled my body but not my soul she saw me I don't know that about that you you got to be in church a long time to know about that right there I went down into the water but I in baptized and joined the church but I wasn't saved and I came to grips with that in my teenage years little few few years later working at church in church every time in church all the time satsang the cry was an usher I was active in Sunday school I did all of that I was active in church but I realized there was something missing in my life that religion was not satisfying something there's a big old empty void that was I was empty yeah I was in church but I was empty as a teenager I realized that I saw a joy that other people had that I did not have I did I had an emptiness that the six girlfriends I had wasn't satisfied orna day y'all go acting like yawning y'all ain't done something like that yeah for I've lived in the same community too lived on the same street to live back behind each other I would jump leave one house jump the fence cut through the backyard and be at the other person's house spent a long time ago I'm feeling something back here I don't know what it is but one Tuesday night I went to a revival at a church up on South Dakota Avenue and southeast in Northeast Washington DC I went to a revival that a organization was having in the church and on that night I realized something was missing in my life and I came forward that day and got born again when I went down I can hear people whispering I can feel the tension in the room people say he's already saved he already goes to church he's already been baptized he sees in the choir he belongs to First Baptist Church Menard he's an usher down the edge doing all of that why is he going down there but that day I didn't care what anybody thought about me all I knew is that something was missing in my life and I wanted it to be changed and that night God saved me now say that today because I know there's some people here today that you haven't been born again you've not had any counter with Jesus he's not he's not in your life and if you die in that condition you're going to hell we can't pray we can I pray you out of hell in heaven only you can make a change about that only you can do that only you can decide why your breath in your body activities of your limbs clothing and your right frame of mind only you can make the decision I want to be born again only you I did it when I was a teenager thank God for it so I want to talk about that that's one reason the second reason talk about it because I want to talk about this passage here it's a very central passage because the reality is there are so many churches full of people but our communities are not changing that change and if we're going to change the community all of us would have to be solid the earth we're called to be the salt of the earth you are not called to be the salt of the earth that's our mandate this year to be the salt of the earth we are to be the salt of the earth an assault is is a change agent we're supposed to be changing we're seasoning who is supposed to help pull the best out of people we're to be a catalyst for change it would it be a preservative of truth so we're called to witness and share the gospel and help other people get saved now and be born again we're called to help other people be born again I was in I was getting my car washed about a week and a half ago and the car wash I went to the car wash and I was standing outside that gone through the car washing there was they were trying to call and a guy came up to me and said hey is that your car I said yes he said I like I like your car I said I like it too is I'd like to talk to successful people and you appear to be successful say can you tell me what it is about you that makes you so successful i'm teiiing he'd he had no idea who he was talking to so i put it on it BAM and I discovered he was a Jehovah's Witness here's what I know i'ma tell you I noticed in just a moment I know he has not been born again and I'm retaining the minute while I know he has a mid morning again but I knew he hadn't I've been born again so when I know somebody hasn't had the encounter with Jesus that I've had when I know that they have not had the the ability to be changed like I have and the presence of God coming in their life I pour it on him I talked to them about how good god has been to me and I talked about how he answers my prayers and I talked about how he opens up doors and how he walks with me and talks with me and how he does the supernatural on my behalf oh I can talk to him when I know they don't know the Jesus that I know he's my project this man is going to be my project I'm gonna pray for him I'm intercede for him I got his number I gave him mine he gonna be the project I'm gonna pray him right on into the kingdom that'll be nice olive oil and I want you to do the same thing I want you to be the same way the people you're surrounded by who have not been born again so here's my thing the question is as we talk about this passage Jesus tells Nicodemus unless you're born again listen to this verse 3 most assuredly I say indeed I say to you unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God and this who this is important right here somebody say go ahead pass it's very important he says you got to be born again to see the kingdom now let me give you my first verse because I'm my first point I'm sorry because I'm running ahead of myself I'm so excited about this passage my first point and this is what being born again means that you have been you have been regenerated somebody say regeneration write that down regeneration regeneration regeneration means that you are you've had the presence of God come and live inside of you and and here's what I learned and when Jesus said unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God here's what he's saying unless a person has been regenerated unless they've been born again they can't even see the kingdom of God somebody say see holla back see see here's what I learned I learned I've spent a lot of time talking to people trying to get them to see spiritual truth and trying to get them to see the way God works but the reality is if you have not been born again you can't even see the things of God when you get it takes a regeneration for God to open your eyes for you to understand and comprehend the way he works and the reality is is that if you haven't been born again you can't even see the things of God I spent up when I pass it in King George County I spent a lot of spent a lot of time trying to get people down there if some of the people in that church to see biblical truth I had one lady if I said the sky was blue she said it was green if I in go up she sit down if I said turn left she said we going right she fought me tooth and nail every day I was there and I spent I was on the phone going through the scriptures and talking with her and having Bible studies going over our house trying to get her to understand biblical truth I didn't ever try to make any changes in the church that didn't try to have biblical basis to it but she couldn't see it and one day God spoke to me and said she will never see him because she's not born again y'all stop spending time trying to get people to see spiritual truth they can't see it you got to be born again to see it you have to have a relationship with God to see it God has to open your eyes to see it no argue with people about paying your tithes and offerings or praying and talking to God and fasting and loving people then doing our stop trying to make people who don't have no relationship with God to see it they can't see it the only way they can see it is God has to open their eyes up to see and that's what Jesus said you can't even see the kingdom of God unless you've been born again do y'all see that then so Nicodemus says to him verse 4 Nicodemus said to him how can a man be born when he is old can he enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born Nicodemus says how can I get meat to be born again how do I go back into my mother's womb how do I do that how can I make that happen this this this is the Nicodemus is approaching it from a physical carnal standpoint he's trying to understand spiritual truths from a carnal perspective and that's a mistake that a lot of people have made trying to understand God from that kind of advantage point but here's what Jesus is I look I love what Jesus says in verse 5 jesus answered most assuredly I say to you verse 5 unless one is born of water and spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of God look y'all miss two great points if you want to see the kingdom and enter the kingdom you got to be born again you have to be regenerated if you want to see it and enter into it you got to be born again matter of fact four years in verse in verse five our church and many churches really have taught in verse five when Jesus said unless one is born of water and the spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God we talked for a long time that to be born of the water meant to be water baptized so we used to teach people that you had to get water baptism in order to get saved but the reality the fact water baptism has never saved anybody I know a lot of people who have been water baptized and didn't change if I thought that water baptism can change people I would lock the doors bring a pool in here and I wouldn't let you out of here - you had gone down in that water and went out of here and I do realize if I did that I would have to hold some of y'all under the water a little bit longer than others come on look at your neighbor say that might would be you what about Chism is not what changes you do not if you know if you know if you're not born again you go down into the water a drops in and you come back up a wet Center that's the only deduction you're getting baptized doesn't change you you get baptized because you are saying you don't get baptized to get saved you get baptized because you are saying it's an act of obedience but but the deal is Jesus says he he talks about being born of the water he's not talking about baptism he's talking about being physically born since it being born of the water and the spirit he said you got to be both physically born and spiritually born this is why abortion is so horrible because you deny a child the opportunity to be physically born I know this is tough I feel tension in the room you got hot my passion is that in verse six he says that which is born of the flesh is flesh that's how we know he's talking about a physical birth cause he says in verse 6 that which is one of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit he said you have to be born both physically and spiritually they have to take there has to come a time in your life when the God of the universe comes and takes residency in you you are born again you are regenerated that means this you are born from above the power and presence of God from above comes and takes residency in your heart and changes you that's what being born again means and Jesus is trying to give us clarity about that that's what is required in order to be a child of God to see the kingdom and the into the kingdom you have to be spiritually born again there's some of you today you've never been born again you join the church you're saying in the choir you got you you got baptized you take your million but you never been born again you like to steal jacked up you have no change in your life you're never been you you don't you it would be tragic for you to be here under the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ and walk out of here and deny and reject being born again and die and go to hell I don't want you to do that he wants you to get saved and get born again the thing that I did that was so wonderful that I don't regret is that when I went to that revival that night I did not care what anybody thought about me all I knew is something was missing in my life and I wanted to get saved and God had the audacity to save me oh and if God had the nerve to save me he can save you so now Jesus tells Nick when he says how can I do this he says you got to be born again then in verse 9 Nicodemus answered and said to him how can these things be how does a person get regenerated it comes down to this point - right here here's the point somebody say realization say it one more time okay I know I said one more times here the third time real loud real is it this is the deal Jesus is telling Nick and us that the key to transformation and regeneration happening to a person is them realizing something walk with me down through verse starting at verse 10 verse 9 Nicodemus says how can these things be in verse 10 jesus answered and said to him are you the teacher of Israel and you and do not know these things you don't know this most assuredly I say to you we speak what we know and testify what we have seen and you do not receive our witness if I had told you earthly things and you do not believe it how well you believe if I tell you heavenly things verse 13 no one has ascended to heaven but he who came down from heaven that is the son of man who is in heaven verse 14 put a circle around verse 14 highlight verse 14 under 9 verse 14 is the key verse and has Moses lifted up the serpent you want to ask the question how does a person get regenerated verse 14 is telling us the key verse 14 and has Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness even so must the Son of Man be lifted up look listen to me real carefully this is important Jesus in answering Nick's question goes back to the time in Moses is life and Moses this time when the people rebelled against God and God sent serpents into the into the camp and the Serpent's bit to people and they died so every time I was got bit by a snake they died and so Moses with the God and prayed to God and said God please a little more people died please have mercy and so God gave Moses the answer God said to Moses I want you to make a brass serpent I want you to put the serpent on a stick on a pole and I want you to elevate it up high and he says if anybody gets bitten now have them look up at the brass surface and when they look at the brass serpent they will be healed so that's what Moses did he made a brass Serpent put it on a pole raised the pole up stuck up high and any time anybody got bitten by a serpent they went to the pole they looked up they they got healed Jesus is saying in the same way that the Serpent's got the brass serpent got lifted up the same way Jesus says I gotta be lifted up in it and if I be lifted up or y'all excuse me if I'm saying salvation comes when he just lifts it up and I told you a few moments ago that I know that that Jehovah's Witness was not born again and I told you I would tell you how I know I know he was not and is not born again here's how I know because Jehovah's Witnesses don't elevate Jesus they don't lift up Jesus they don't believe in who Jesus is they denied Jesus they say he's not God they say he didn't die on the cross for our sins they dictate the throne to him they lower him and they haven't elevated him and some of you are the same way you have not elevated Jesus for who he is he's not just a prophet he's not just a good man he's God wrapped up in human form who came down through to the earth through 40 in two generations and he died on the cross that our sins might be forgiven and he was buried and rose again from the dead and if he just be if he is lifted up for who he is you will get born again I wish I had somebody can I get a witness anywhere in the camp if he is lifted up if he is lifted up if you recognize who he is if you come to the realization of who he is you'll be born again is not just a good man he's not just a prophet he's not just your delivering that you cry out to when you in trouble for him to come by and be your delivery boy he is God wrapped up in human form he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities and the chastisement of our peace was laid upon him he is everything he said he was he went to the cross he died he got beat up for our hang-ups he was hung of our hang up and he died and he was buried and he did with Buddha and Confucius and Mohammed and all the rest didn't do earnest Sunday he got up out of the grave with all power in his hands and I'm coming trying to drive the lines out of your mind and out of your heart cuz the devil doesn't want you to believe that but God told me to tell you he loves you enough that he wants you to live and have life more abundance he did conquer death he did defeat the devil and the sooner you realize that the sooner you come to grips with it if you can't embrace that you cannot be born again some of you rejected it and it's demonstrated by the life that you live you have to be born again if you can come and realize that let me close with this oh this is the 12 heart service ain't in verse number 15 he says whoever believes in him here it is if you believe in who he is first 14 says even so much the Son of Man be lifted up verse 14 verse 15 says whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life you got to believe you got to come to the realization of who he is you can I get a me right there here's verse 16 for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes whoever believes somebody say whoever believes not just footing Creedence in his existence not just saying that he lived the devil's know that he live James 2:19 says the devil's believe that he lived but the devil's don't put credence in who he is it becomes his central and important limit holes point 3 right here did y'all get my first point what was that regeneration y'all got 0.2 here's 0.3 the results their results of being born-again what are they in verse 15 it says whoever believes in Him should not perish they shall not perish save not perish but have eternal life you put your faith you get born again you have eternal life you live forever verse 16 God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son to whoever believes in Him should not perish somebody say shouldn't I perish but have everlasting life somebody say everlasting life for God did not send his son verse 17 into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved verse 18 but he who believes in Him is not condemned there's the other benefit you're not condemned oh that's powerful right there whoever believes in Him is not condemned the word condemned means punishment some of you are living on the edge you're being punished but when you get born again God promises us that he covers us in the blood and we won't be punished I don't know about y'all but I've done enough sin for God to punish me many times over but that blood of Jesus is so powerful it wipes away all of my sins and washes away all of my sins and some of you today yeah I don't care what you've done how frequently you did it how recently you did it I don't care what you've done the blood of Jesus will keep you from being from them verse number 36 slide over to verse 36 is on the other side of the page turn over to verse 36 his way over the last verse in their passage I'm giving you time ago - it's the last verse he who believes in the son has everlasting life there's a promise he believes in the son has everlasting life the realization of who is has everlasting life and he who does not believe the son shall not see life but the wrath of God abides on him Abad means it stays some people teach it you and I go - you're going to go to purgatory and work off your sin the Bible doesn't teach that the Bible says if you reject Jesus you will have the wrath of God abides in a body means it stays with you forever I don't know about you but I don't want to go to hell forever I want to go there for a minute amen and I'm not going there because I got the promise of God right here that if I elevate the Son of God and lift them up for who he is I shall have eternal life somebody give the Lord a shot right there with me only the Spirit of God can make you be born again and I want to challenge everybody in this build and ask yourself the question have I had a born-again experience have I had an encounter with God that is transformed and changed my life I ain't asking if you came to church and felt something no no no no I'm asking has the god of the universe come and lived in your life made himself real to you I know I'm saying I know I've been born again but pastor how you know I know it you know how I know I know it because I see the kingdom of God I can see biblical truth I can see things that I couldn't understand in my own natural sense God opens my eyes to understand his way of living I know I've been saved I know I'm born again how you know pastor coz God I know I've been born again cuz I know I love people who can't stand me I know only God could have done that I know I've been born again because if they smacked me on one cheek I got the capacity to turn the other cheek I know I've been saved I know I've been born again because if they want me to go one mile I go two miles I know I've been born again because if I do something I have no business do it I feel the conviction of the Holy Spirit deep down inside I can't keep walking down the particular path I know I've been born again I know I've been born again cuz he walks with me and talks with me there's nothing I can't explain to you like living and walking with God talking to you answering your pray I know I've been on again I don't know who you are but somebody in here wants to be born again you're hungry for God you tired of living your life the way you live in it you won't forgiveness you want to go to heaven that's you get about your seat right now and make your way down here right now without hesitation without delay just get up and say that to me and I want to get right with God I don't care what people think about me I don't care that I'm already a member I don't care that I've already been baptized I want Jesus in my life I want to be right with God get out of your seat and make your way down here right now hallelujah yeah yeah praise Allah
Channel: Inside FBCG
Views: 53,080
Rating: 4.7377048 out of 5
Keywords: FBCG, Pastor, John K. Jenkins Sr., First Baptist Church of Glenarden, Lord, God, Jesus, Christ, Holy, Grace, Sermon, Word, Bible, Study, Baptist, Church, Gospel, Preaching, Ministries, Ministry, Praise, Spirit, Religion, Blessed, Blessing, Salvation, Revival, Fellowship, Choir, Black, Preacher, Preachers, Chorus, You Must Be Born Again
Id: fQgcm59uc7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 42sec (2442 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 16 2016
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