Mirialan Species | Masters of A Unique Force Tradition

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is a great student based at the Jedi research outpost on Batu I hope this is part of the plan and my attack on the temple was an attack on what the Jedi have become an army fighting for the dark side you have great potential but perhaps it is I that might teach you as your master never achieved the rank of Jedi Knight did he what's up meta nerds this video will be a complete breakdown of the Mary Ellen species from biology to culture unique connection to the cosmic force and how they played an outsider's role in shaping Galactic history with each era having some notable individuals and will be drawing from all these resources but first I want to thank established titles for sponsoring this video and making me a true Lord my aisles ancestors are surely looking on with pride especially since established titles works as a fun way to preserve the natural Woodlands of edelston Scotland and restoration efforts all around the world planting a tree with every order how it works is that you purchase a title pack for at least one square foot of dedicated land coming with a unique plot Number and works through a Scottish custom where landowners are referred to as lairds or Lords and Ladies in English and so you can use your new title on credit cards plane tickets or throw it on your dating profile you get this neat plaque which even has your own Crest it makes for a great last minute gift while keeping these wild areas from being industrialized and helping Global Charities like one tree planted and trees of the future which honestly is more than a lot of other Lords in the cities can brag about the first 200 people purchasing a title pack using my link will effectively be next to my plot so we can establish our own little meta nerds Kingdom and to make it even better established titles is running a massive Black Friday sale right now and if you use code meta nerds you get another 10 off on top of that go to established titles.com meta nerds to get your gifts now and help support the channel their Story begins at grid coordinates Q4 in the outer rim on the cold desert world of Muriel with a curious atmosphere that created Pleasant pink skies and even at their Peak the Mary Island population never reached more than 500 million Planet wide these are one of the true near human species out there being basically identical and Ableton to breed you don't have any other female officers here on ORD mantel private oh uh no sir it's it's not that you're just so uh which points do I share at ancestry or genetic manipulation by the celestials or ricotta you're some sort of artificial intelligence the ricotta used to create new life forms the real cartoon enslaved me to create a force powerful species that might give them insight into their own glass sensitivity the only difference from humans includes a general greater agility and remarkably quick reflexes and visual differences with their green to yellow skin color in the occasional purple with the eyes that could be brown blue or green like a human but also Violet gray red yellow or orange the earliest histories of these people show that religious Traditions around the force have been around for as long as any of them could remember a forced tradition that was unique emphasizing free will but seeking communion with the force to act as a guide as well as looking for input from family elders and tribal Leaders with seemingly no focus on light or dark dichotomy but they are one of the few people to heavily focus on the cosmic Force while groups like The Night sisters manipulated Force energies and i-core through a process called Magic and the bardotans focused on the living Force the mirialans were obsessed with fate and the Paradox it played with one's Free Will believing that the main focus of one's life was to figure out where your will ended and the forces began while the Jedi Talk of the balance of light and dark these people believe wisdom lay in finding the balance between an individual Free Will and recognizing this Cosmic will the structure of their elders and tribal systems are not clear but those that were believed to have a deep connection with the force would focus on cultivating this gift and they would be the most concerned with the effects of their actions where the more common Mary Ellen was more likely to claim that everything was just fate no good or bad it was just the Force's will and they moved on and the elders would play a role in these tattoos as well since they were not means of personal expression or art but status symbols like a diploma mixed with the rank plaque each design signified aptitude for a certain skill for the passing of some test and this geometric pattern would repeat the more proficient you were so the more tattoos the more experienced and focused Amiri Allen was you were wearing your resume out there for all to see but this also worked to Mark citizens as their society became more stratified and specialized becoming a kind of classism because while it makes sense to be excluded from certain jobs because you lacked a certain skill these tattoos became a more generalized form of discrimination as people with less skills were treated as lesser and general everyday life but one potential for confident con man was that most people didn't understand all the guilds or what these ranked tattoos meant the sheer number of them meant you must be good at something but especially since there was a whole complex grammar if you will with the order of shapes and even just the slightest differences in alignment would have dramatically different meanings so if you had some obscure tattoos and some confidence you might be able to lie your way into some high level settings while on the other side there had to be concerns for at least an old boys club effect where you just take from your own stock and there's no mention of real social Mobility when you even could have had Global spanning secret societies with unique tattoo identifiers that are worn out and open but nobody else knew what it meant by 3951 BBY that Mary Allen had already been long-standing members of the galactic Community which is interesting for being such a far-off Outer Rim World it may be due to their large presence in the force and industrialized society that when Jedi came to contact them they were able to hit the ground running and absorb all kinds of alien Tech and wisdom or a darker explanation is that this was because of how prominent their neighbor was zigeria the slaver capital of the world was at the end of the listahol run which puts igeria right in between the most important hyperlanes in the Galaxy the premium trade route and the heidian way bringing tons of traffic to this area that would later come to support the corporate sector just around the corner the Mary Allen had their own powerful planetary Defense Force both on world and with the Navy and they would side with the Sith Empire during the Jedi Civil War but try to avoid fighting the republic or having their forces sent to some far-off battle instead they just hope to play defense and keep the sector free from either Republic or imperial presence promoting Mary Ellen as a safe haven world for refugees as stories of Sith war crimes increased the sentiment on Muriel shifted to support the Republic with many voluntarily leaving home and getting out of the Imperial territory to find their nearest Republic enlistment Center many of those practicing their native Force Traditions would seek to join the Jedi Order it's unclear how this worked with the order's restrictions on age I'd imagine that they almost set up a sort of Mary Allen Branch where children could be moved to the order and Mary Allen adults would act as advisors using their unique methods of communing with the cosmic Force alongside Jedi Masters to try and let the Forest guide military and policy decisions since at this time the Jedi Order was still the head of the military not monks rapidly forced to be generals like we see during the Clone Wars the Jedi Order would usually not allow any connection with a force sensitive child's family out of fear of attachment and split loyalties but they made exceptions when the specifics of a species required it like with coyote Mundi being allowed to marry and have kids because of his peoples near Extinction due to low birth rates and even if this exception was made for the Mary Ellens because of wartime necessity hoping to take a powerful force worshiping people out of the Sith Empire and press as many powerful force wielders into the military as possible the remnants of this decision stayed with the order from then on out as the Mary Allen tradition was that if any of them became Jedi they would take a fellow Mary Allen as their Padawan by 3661 BBY the mandala florians would try to impose a blockade of the hidian way during what would be called the Great Galactic War this route ran right through the Galaxy and connected Coruscant to Muriel as well as countless other worlds which was a recipe to get all of the Smugglers and underworld elements to become temporary allies with the Republic with Hilo viz organizing a fleet of smuggling Freighters to break through and deliver Aid to the core which did help to turn the war in the Republic's favor earning her enormous riches and fame throughout the Republic the blockade broken hailovers brought Freighters full of raw Goods into Carson and walked away with more wealth than she had ever imagined sadly there was no honor among Thieves and when she had her earnings stolen viz went into hiding to escape from the Hutt cartel who had financed this operation to break the Mando blockade during the Cold War massive tectonic shifts created canyons and exposed cave systems and revealed a sprawling law City with unfathomable riches who this belonged to was never explained or if it was secretly being used by some tattooed secret Guild or maybe the force worshipers or someone else the truth has never been revealed this time up to the late Republic era would be marked with a constant presence of Mary islands in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant and in general they were one of the more common near human species but with life in a galactic monoculture the face-tatch tradition and system of classifying people was dying out and only the most traditional of families held the ritual as sacred and absolutely necessary we also see the tragic love story of Mervin getter who hope to push the boundaries of social norms and biology with his twilik lover sadly a love that was cut short when he was atomized during the Great hyperspace disaster of 232 BBY around this time Padawan ADI sanzi was with their Master xylon mapping out an ancient Temple which had a powerful presence in the force when she discovered a Sith runestone the dark side drove her into a Berserker state where she would kill her master and then black out forgetting the entire incident Yoda arrived to a distress call and together they tried to figure out how Master Solomon was killed when they came across the stone they tried to possess her again but with Yoda's help she was able to stay in the light and lock away the power hours of this unique Sith Relic she would end up fighting against the nil Invasion but did break the tradition of taking a Mary Ellen Padawan when she took Nua of the urodal species in the final Century of the Republic Jor Eris set on the High Council and seemed to follow the tradition of picking from their own species with Getz droom as her Padawan who also would come to sit on the council but then we see sislin mirror choose Mace Windu as her Padawan only to have the tradition seen again with luminara and duly and barasafi this Padawan would become disillusioned during the Clone Wars the Jedi are the ones responsible for this war that we've so lost our way that we have become villains in this conflict that we are the ones that should be put on trial all of us and while she was likely executed shortly after this the Imperial era would see the seventh sister she was a survivor of Order 66 only to be captured and corrupted through a combo of dark side power at the hands of Vader and the grand Inquisitor and likely with the large suite of chemical and physical torture devices in the inquisitor's HQ she would live on Long into the era of rebellion with her fellow Mary Ellen luminara being used as a sick trap for other survivors of order 66. unduly had two padawans during her life at the temple but there are no details on the other one and since she had such a deep respect for tradition almost certain that it would be another Mary Allen we can't be certain that this was the girl that would grow up to be one of the most feared women in the Galaxy but if the seventh sister was her old Padawan then it adds a really dark extra layer to this trap the grand Inquisitor would leak out Intel to his double agents that posed His Rebel sympathizers saying the old master was being held here alive perhaps keeping this physical body work to trap some of the menopause presence in the force in case a Jedi reached out and tried to detect her while this would work to lure Kanan and Ezra they would escape and it was during Ezra's time with Maul that the seventh sister would eventually meet her end into the Galactic Civil War era there were many that threw in with the alliance and though we never get details we should imagine that the force worshipers back home got a lot of attention from the emperor either trying to manipulate them as even if they could sense the dark side force in him they weren't focused on the distinction between light and dark and their skills in trying to read the will of the cosmic force would have been incredibly useful to Sidious I would imagine these people would not be massacred but Sidious would try to provide them with Limitless access to knowledge and credits in order to study and build anything that would ensure that his life was Guided by his own will not fate or the will of the force during the Galactic Civil War a force sensitive pilot named keovenzi would most often fly in a-wing with Vanguard Squadron under Harris and doula's command and by 34 ABY we see resistance allies say Nara San on the Colossus so that's it for the breakdown and the only cool behind the scenes fact is that a disciple of the will cause impell was so impressed with some of the Muriel and force worshipers those non-jedi located on the Homeworld that he included a quote from many genvarin in a book book The collected Poems Prayers and meditations on the force a major work with other Guardians of the wills like base malbus and sheridanway if you made it this far please hit that like button it's the best way to help me out leave a comment for the algorithm what you thought on this video or recommendations for future videos subscribe if you want to see more and take a look at the membership but most important of all remember whether for good or bad no matter what species you are you will be judged for your face tatts and the force will be with you always
Channel: MetaNerdz Lore
Views: 71,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star wars aliens, star wars, star wars creatures, star wars explained, luminara unduli, stupendous wave, star wars theory, star wars races guide, star wars species list, star wars races, star wars races list, mirialan star wars, mirialan lore, mirialans, mirialan culture, mirialan swtor, barriss offee, seventh sister, metanerdz, metanerdz species, star wars species, hutt, gungan, bith, sullustan, devaronian, togruta, twilek
Id: z1nzI4EnQwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 18 2022
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