Rodian (Greedo) Species COMPLETE Breakdown (Biology, Culture & History)
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Channel: MetaNerdz Lore
Views: 124,817
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Keywords: star wars aliens, star wars species explained, star wars species quiz, star wars species breakdown, clone wars, bad batch, mandalorian, star wars races, metanerdz, metanerdz species, rodian, togruta, twilek, gungan, zabrak, yoda species, mon calamari, quarren, hutt, hutt empire, hutt species, chiss, trandoshan, lasaat, rodian voice, rodian language, greedo, greedo shot first, greedo shot first slow motion, han shot first, han solo greedo, han greedo
Id: 1Z4b9wITdmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 17sec (1337 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
"The Rodian species is one that many may just know through famous individuals like Greedo, but did you know their bounty hunting tradition rivaled the Mandalorians? See their history of tyranny, the underworld connections, breakdown of their biology and impact from Old Republic to the Yuuzhan Vong invasion."