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[Music] [Music] and good morning good morning good morning welcome to faith foundations from the revival capital of the world and this is the day the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it for the Lord is good and His mercy endures forever so many of you are watching all across the world today and across the fruited plain here in the United States and churches everywhere are not meeting in person because of some kind of there's some kind of something going around I've heard about but I thank God for His healing mercy a man okay I want to get into this I'm going to talk a little bit about some of the things brother Copeland said last week and then I look at some things going forward is that okay so we so often say good God bad devil and I don't think we fully understood what that has meant we've lived our whole lives in the age of grace with relatively little persecution we lived in a time when God we didn't live in a time when God confounded languages because of socialism first socialist government and they're in terror Babel we've lived we did not witness the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah so we've lived in a time of relatively of peace our entire life has been in the lived in the last days in the age of grace let me show you a few verses very quickly and then I want to show you some things about America and our timeline that we're on is that all right so I'll go pretty quickly with these Deuteronomy 7 and verse 9 says this therefore know that the Lord your God He is God the faithful God the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy hath said for a thousand generations glory to God with those now look there's condition to this with those who love him and keep his Commandments if you're keeping this you're in this you're okay you're covered your in covenant let me show you another one verse 12 of deuteronomy chapter 7 for the Lord your God will keep with you the Covenant and the mercy HESA which he swore to your father's say now we have we have a we have some of the things sworn to our fathers as well I'm gonna get there here in America we have some things sworn to our fathers we have some things sworn to our spiritual fathers as well okay I can go down the list I'm gonna hit these real quick second chronicles 6 the Mio 1 Nehemiah 9 all verses that talk about the exact same thing Psalm 25 says this verse 10 all the paths of the Lord listen this all the paths of the Lord are Hesed and truth to such as keep his covenant and his testimonies in that good news Psalm 89 Psalm 89 verse 28 my Hesed mercy I will keep for him forever and my covenant shall stand firm with him you'll have anything to be fearful of whatsoever Isaiah 54 Isaiah 54 and verse 10 for the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed but my kindness that's that's Hesed that's the same word translated differently shall not depart from you his mercy shall not depart from you his loving-kindness his favor His grace those are all translated and that word Heston Daniel chapter 9 Daniel chapter 9 verse 4 says this and I prayed to the Lord my God and made confession and said O Lord great and awesome God lissa this who keeps his covenant and Hesed with all those who love him and those who keep his Commandments and in all these verses and these are just a few of them I noticed a pattern here the covenants of God the covenants of the Father are attached to mercy truth peace favor blessing and they tell us in Psalm 136 one first Chronicles 16 that is mercy his Hesed endures forever so now that word let me tell you real quick about that word that word is so difficult to translate brother Copeland said that last week mercy favor loving-kindness grace covenant loyalty forgiveness those are all translations in the first Testament in the Old Testament about it why so many definitions from one word because there's no precise equivalent in English for it in the New Testament is translated to Karis grace some of the newer translations don't quite get it right and he broke it up this way here's what I saw this and I looked up some of the rabbi's and what I'm said this it's his attitude and persistence toward his his covenant and his people it's his attitude and his persistence toward his covenant people against based upon his standard of righteousness hello so his mercy his Hesed is based upon his standard of righteousness now I qualify for his standard of righteousness because I'm born again Coria God so therefore it's never gonna leave me it endures forever in my case that's good news so when this word has it is used in Israel toward Israel it's usually translated as mercy and goodness it when it's when it's headed towards a man it's usually translated as mercy favor long-suffering or steadfastness when it's translated as man's attitude towards God it's usually called kindness in that interesting it's a different level of love this word everlasting is the everlasting of what the father swore by his own name in his own blood this is why he's protecting his people even when they grumbled even when they complained because it's his way of doing things from the garden to the New Jerusalem it'll be the same see the children of Israel thought they were doing good let me show you something if you would Exodus chapter 19 let me show you where the father reveals this he tells Moses he said bring them to me bring them to my presence and so you know all the things that happened in Egypt and then he brings them out but let me show you Exodus chapter 19 mmm again with verse 3 now I'm not gonna go as fast as I did while ago with that I mean because I want you to see what happened here verse number 3 and Moses went up to God and the Lord called to him from the mountain saying thus you shall say to the house of Jacob and tell the children of Israel you have seen what I did to the Egyptians and how I bore you on eagle's wings and brought you to my self now therefore if you will indeed obey my voice and keep my covenant now he did not say Commandments there he said covenant what covenant of we talking about here the Covenant of Abraham that's all they've got Commandments are about to come the Ten Commandments but right now this is the covenant you shall be a special treasure to me above all the people for all the earth is mine I've looked at it this way I've said this to myself I am a special treasure come on now but the days that I didn't feel like getting out of bad days I didn't feel like looking at anybody or talking to anybody I am a special treasure because of the covenant now look at this verse 6 and you shall be to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation these are the words which you shall speak to the children of Israel so Moses came and called for the elders of the people laid before them all these words which the LORD commanded him then all the people answered together and said although the Lord has spoken we will do so Moses brought back the words of people to the Lord now see if you read that in the Hebrew they're already saying we've already done this we've been doing this well no they had they've been acting like Egyptians come on now they don't know that they're not righteous there's no knowledge of it and the Lord said to Moses behold I come to you in the thick cloud that the people may hear when I speak with you and and you believe forever so Moses told the words of the people to the Lord then the Lord said to Moses verse 10 go to the people consecrate them today and tomorrow and let them wash their clothes let them be ready for the third day for the third day the Lord will come down upon Mount Sinai in the sight of all the people you shall set bounds for the people all around saying take heed to yourselves that you do not go up the mountain or touch its base now go on down Exodus 33 let me show you Exodus 33 and verse 18 you got to see this Moses is going to ask something that's against his timeline against his time verse 18 Exodus 33 18 he said please show me your glory verse 19 then he said here it is look at this they said I will make my Hesed my mercy my grace passed before you and I will proclaim the name of the Lord before you I will be gracious same same word Hesed translated differently to whom I will be Hesed and I will have compassion there it is again three times in this verse on whom I will have compassion four times in this verse see a pattern with the father he doesn't just throw words out there every word he speaks is measured this is why Jesus said the words that the things I'm doing for things I've heard the father say to do now let's let's go on we're diverse and I leave off one verse 20 he said you cannot see my face for no man shall see me and live and the Lord said look at now what he does to Moses verse 21 and the Lord said let me go to the board this is key here is a place by me and you shall stand on the rock now think about this for a second where is Jesus right now he's at the right hand of the Father that's the place by him you and I because of the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ had been placed in that place right now positionally we're seated with him he takes Moses outside of his time it's the wrong time we're talking about our time right now and he said there's a place by me now let's go on verse 20 to show so shall it be while my glory passes by I will put you in the cleft of the rug and will cover you with my hand while I pass by then I'll take away my hand as you know you shall see my back my face shall not be seen so the father describes himself as Heston okay he takes Moses out of his dispensation of time and for a brief moment in time places in positionally in Christ so that he could so he could do the man's request I mean if you he has to stop the son to win a battle he'll stop the son if he if people acted all crazy I have you been to the market lately I went out to a grocery store yesterday and it looked like it hooked like a socialist country everything was empty the shelves you think this is bad wait till the tribulation honey you thank God we're missing it amen so the father describes himself with this and he puts him in Christ for just a moment in time so that he can see this now if you go through this all this all the way through you'll see over and over and over and over and over the blessing of God on us see we have been placed in Christ Jesus not temporarily we're in there hey men we're their church and we're blessed now there's so many things I could say let me just give you a little little something here in Daniel chapter 9 general chapter 12 of a timeline is that okay not to put fear in you we're not afraid right we're not afraid anything and Daniel he's talking to Daniel about Israel in the last days and Daniel chapter 9 verse 27 he says he shall confirm there's three different he's in that verse he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week and in the midst of the week show caused the sacrifice to cease and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate even until the consummation determined shall be poured out upon the desolate now let me know take it where to to verse 12 and show you something that was shown just recently not not to scare you but to give you a little timeline of where we're at and you don't have to be afraid of anything here verse eight Daniel chapter 12 and verse eight says this although I heard I did not understand this said I my lord what shall be the end of these things verse 9 and he said go your way Daniel for the words are closed up and sealed and sealed till the time of the end many shall be purified made white refined but the wicked shall do wickedly see I'm seeing a dividing line and none of the wicked shall understand but the wise shall understand verse 11 and from the time that the daily sacrifice is taken away and now this is the time of the temple destruction under Daniels day and the abomination of desolation is set up there shall be 1290 days blessed is he who waits and comes to the 1,335 days but you go your way till the end for you shall rest now he's telling you what Daniel is gonna happen to him for you shall rest and will arise to your inheritance at the end of days he's talking about the rapture right there he's talking about Daniel you're gonna enter into rest but I'm gonna resurrect your body at the end of days Church I'm telling you we are closer to the return of the Lord than you realize now the temple see I did a little math on this I got with some scholars we started looking at this he's in Persia and he's talking about the temple temple and Daniels day was destroyed in 587 BC now we know from history that the sacrifice has stopped eighteen years earlier than that 605 BC so I'm gonna do this math real fast let me just show you something and don't run crazy with this this is I'm just showing you a little thing here so 1290 days or years okay - the 605 and you get a date of 685 AD now what's the deal with that that's when they started building the Dome of the rock that exact year that's what was built on that Temple Mount that's the desolation a matter of fact if you read the Arabic in there there's a curse toward the Son of God written in Arabic on the top of that thing here's the thing that's when they begin building it but bless he that waits so you take that date 685 plus the 1,335 and you get to the year 2020 I'm telling you I'm not saying he's returning this year he might I hope so but here's the deal while I'm trying to tell you is all of this stuff is wrapped up everything that's happening in the earth right now not to cause you to fear but you just need to realize what time it is I step back and I see the whole thing on this so I started looking at something we just had Purim Purim they were they had a super moon which just happened this year there's a super moon at Passover there's a super moon at Rosh Hashanah this was in the Israeli press in Israeli newspapers listed this rabbi yosef Berger noted the political significance of super moons after the Blood Moon super moons falling on Purim Passover and Rosh Hashanah and he says this the moon signifies kingship a supermoon on all of these holidays this is rabbi bird says it means this the Davidic dynasty is about to return my god you know what he's saying he said the Davidic dynasty the Messiah is about to return and they're looking at the signs and the stars and in the heavens and they're printing that in the Israeli papers and we're wondering if we can get toilet paper my god come on man come on we need to lift up our heads we live in covenant now I'm gonna show you something real real quick about covenant what I mean we live in covenant let me let me show you a quote here real quick that I wrote this down last night John Adams president of the United States said this he said the 4th of July ought to be commemorated as a day of deliverance by solemn acts of devotion to Almighty God he said this listen to this let us acknowledge God by affirming our nations covenant with him now what nations covenant what is he talking about our nations covenant what's he talking about well I'll read it to you right here this is this was Jamestown Jamestown in 1607 listen to the words we do hereby dedicate this land and ourselves to reach the people within these shores with the gospel of Jesus Christ and to raise up godly generations after us and with these generations take the kingdom of God to all the earth may this covenant of dedication remain to all generations this is America guys as long as the earth remains there setting some covenant terms concerning this nation honey we're not going down over this thing Lissa this as long as the earth remains and many this land along with England along with England being evangelists to the world well we've done that you look at the Covenant stuff of Livingston and all those guys from England may all who see this cross they planted a cross remember what we've done here and may those who come here to inhabit join us in this covenant and in this most noble work that the Holy Scriptures may be fulfilled 1607 Jamestown Virginia that's the covenant he's talking about and if you if you look over with the pilgrims you see the exact same thing in the name of God a man we whose are underwritten the loyal subjects of the dread sovereign King James of the grace of God and Britain having undertaken for the glory of God the advancement of the Christian faith I goodness from the earliest beginnings our founding fathers our forefathers made a covenant with God and we need to remember in a time like this we need to call on it in a time like this we need to believe in it in a time like this we need to proclaim it from every corner of this land in this time amen brother Copeland I saw you're here would you would you like to say something join me on this this is this is where we're at this is the time line before he don't you as a nation we can call for hezid yes sir amen amen and and that that's essentially what that word means translated in English mercy like blind Bartimaeus yes sir he called Jesus Messiah if he did he said son David have hesed on me of mercy Saturday he just shouted it louder what did Jesus do stop right where he stood he heard Hesed this is somebody calling forehead that's his name yeah Covenant attention yes sir and we have it in this nation we have a right to it 24 hours a day Friday evening 924 it's just suddenly Gloria and I had gone to bed early and we're listening brother Hey and normally we'll listen to two messages or comes up about 10:30 and turn the lights out you know and so forth and we just finished that first message and suddenly the Lord said this I mean I jumped up ready then and wrote it in this disease called Co DV 19 will be over much sooner than you think Christian people all over this country praying have overwhelmed it and give me all the glory self the spirit of grace many and many many people will come to know me through it I'm still lord over the nation I'm on the throne and faith in me changes things Paris is missing yes sir yes what I said is a healing covenant yes sir and this nation has a healing covenant with them Gloria whoever that God amen where we're seeing the rebirth of this nation and the healing of the land that's right now there's been some really nasty things that have happened this year last year and this year that quite certain well I know opens the door to a lot of this displays of hate and hatred by politicians toward the president and hate on both sides I mean the Democrats hate him well they that there we have some people that hate them because they hate him well what did James say about all of this where there is strife where's that James Chapter three this wisdom worth here for we're envying and strife is there's confusion and every evil work I looked up the Greek word translated strife and it talks about political strife my goodness it didn't say anything about families dry of course it's true there mm-hmm but that that word is used to describe political fighting Wow there's confusion and every evil work and this fussing and fighting going on in this government just open the doors wide to this country just to bring this trash in here and just slam us with it I don't think the devil could have gotten away with it and you have to remember this Greg and you have to remember this what happens to this nation affects the whole world I mean when we get to hatin people in this nation openly and publicly in in political office and it breaks down the that protects the divine protection over this nation we get hit that we've proven that over the years when politicians come against Israel we get hit yeah hurricanes yeah well we just got hit but like the guy said came bulk stumbling out of a gunfight he said then to get you Bubba yeah but it didn't get me good [Laughter] they can't get this nation good there this we have I said with god yes sir yes certainly call for it yeah we get hallelujah amen wipe this goofy little bug out in the name of Jesus hallelujah glory thank God thank you Jesus I just want you to keep going I looked over here as you were talking brother Coppola second Timothy chapter 3 you know you you realize we live in the last days the last days began in Acts chapter 2 you've lived all your life in the last days this is that which was spoken of by the Prophet Joel in the last days all pour out my spirit upon all flesh you've lived your entire life in 2nd Timothy Paul is teaching one of his students one of his sons in the faith in chapter 3 he says this know also that in the last days perilous times shall come and we're not afraid of that and he tells why four men shall be lovers of their own selves selfish selfish selfish this is here's what self assurance is it's me withholding what I have the power and ability to give now that can be financially or they just be a smile come on now that could just that could be cookies to somebody that moves in down the street that could be I'll tell you what it is I have a neighbor that's not he's gonna do better at mowing his yard he doesn't do so well and I started you know one day is kind of lord I don't know why this guy can't seem to get his yard mowed I don't know why you know cuz I see weeds from his yard sprouting up in my yard every year because he's got all these weeds over there and I'm just complaining to the Lord about it be honest with you complaining about his dog it's a barking ass dog I've ever liked what is wrong with that dog I have I went out one time to curse that dog so just you know whatever and Bob down that dog I've loose peace over that dog you know just this dog you know it's just its flesh that's flesh have any scriptural basis for that thing it's just I'm irritated at that guy and I heard this until you get that straight until you get that straight God was dealing with me well had nothing to do with that man or his dog guess what I started doing I started mowing that man's yard I realized something about him he works in the medical profession I don't know to this day cuz I'll say hi to him doesn't really talk to me and I understand why I probably had ugly face all the time that they moved in but he works in the medical industry you see him leaving he's getting scrubs on and just you know different things and I realized this guy is working all the time in a stressful thing he don't have time to mess with his yard or to play with the dog I bought an extra bone gave that old cranky dog about start blessing that dog speaking life over that dog Hey look at there you don't you know the hole so you can look over here and see me how you doing buddy you talk to me just cover that hole back up but I started mowing the man's yard next to me if I withhold what I have the ability to give now listen to this listen this know this also that in the last days perilous or hard times you could translate hard times shall come for men shall be lovers of their own selves that's the ingredient number one selfish I have the ability to mow that man's side I don't go in his backyard of course but I mow his side yard that it takes touches to me and I've done the front a time or two and around the mailbox for a little while isn't this we got a mailbox that sets between the two of us like this right here this would be my house over here and that would be his house in our mailbox and that little strip between our two houses I used to mow half this and leave that half well that's his site and it have all kind of stuff growing up in it he had a tree coming up at one point by that mailbox and the Lord really took it to me about this I'm withholding what I have the ability to give I'm being selfish and because I'm being selfish I've opened the door to hard times I'm telling you what I didn't plan on this this wasn't in the notes but that's for somebody for what you've been going through you've opened the door to hard times in your life you'll read the rest of this list covetous boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful unholy without natural affection trucebreakers false accusers fierce and can con tynin in fierce despisers of those that are good traitors heady highminded lovers the pleasure more than lovers of god having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof now we look at that list and said none of that to me but I'm telling you what I had the ability to mow half this other half of that mailbox and refused to do it and I was opening the door the hard times in my life you out there did you go home amen I'm telling you what now this is a going to be our finest hour I saw a man in 2018 I saw a video this a man in 2018 prophesied this virus that what's going what's going to hit and then he said this but this will be the church's greatest hour this will be the church's greatest hour because you have the answer I said you have the answer why because you have a covenant of his mercy a covenant of his essid in you you might be the only well house on the street Amen talking to God yes sir truce breaker see that in that scripture yes sir verse three without a treaty or covenant my lord without a treaty or covenant now Paul's going to write that same thing about us Gentiles he said at one time you were strangers and aliens to the Covenant but we're not anymore we've had grafted in matter of fact we've been more than grafted in we've been given sonship in this thing because of the blood of Jesus our founding fathers called upon the Covenant that was made by the people who first got here amen and we're going to walk in it we're going to be proud Americans and the Lord's been dealing with me concerning that very thing as well quit quit quit dividing yourself whether you're Republican or Democrat quit dividing yourself whether you're an American you have a covenant that's what I'm looking at and you're a son and many people many other people need to come and covenant with me many other people need to get in on this thing now listen to me let me show you something we got to watch how we respond that's important you watch it in the life of Jesus I gave you verse after verse after verse about how we respond to this watch let me show you something very quickly what verse was that Colossians chapter 3 and verse 10 says this and have put on the new man which is renewed in the knowledge in knowledge according to the image of him who created him look at that according to the knowledge of the image of the one that created me then Peter tells us add to your faith virtue and to virtue knowledge knowledge is the beginning but doing it is the different matter this this is the church we got a whole lot of knowledge but it's time for us to become doers amen it's time for us to become doers I am so blessed my brother Copeland anointing everybody with oil the other night and praying the prayer faith doing what the word said people make fun of him over that's okay we're going to keep doing it Matthew chapter 5 let me show you some examples of Hesed in Jesus can I do that because that's how as he is so are we in this world now he takes this serious i'ma warn you listen you're responsible for it you know I'm gonna warn you about something you're responsible for this he takes this seriously Matthew chapter 5 verse 7 blessed are the one for they shall obtain if you want more hesed in your life you've got to sow it for whatever a man shows that's how shall he be not deceived God is not mocked for whatsoever a man sows that shall he reap if you need hazard in your life and you do the letting you do yes you do then you sow it I'll show you this in just second the life of the pot life of our Lord verse 13 matthew 913 but go and learn what this means I desire go learn what this means now this is red letters in your Bible isn't it I desire Hesed and not sacrifice for I did not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance you're righteous you're already cold you're already in amen glory to God I said no he said God forever Matthew 23 Matthew 23 verse 23 now this is one we talk about Jesus in the Mount of Beatitudes and blessed be and blessed this but he had a few anti Beatitudes where he said woe unto use pay attention to those verse 23 woe to you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for you pay tithe of mint and anise and cumin and have neglected the weightier matters of the law justice Hesed and faith i said aunt Faye Hesed and faith go together this is why we're faith specialists and because we're faith specialists were Hetson specialists go pray to God whew I'm about to get happy let me show you let me show you another one in the in the life of our master Luke chapter 10 Luke chapter 10 verse number 25 oh my goodness and behold a certain politician no dents in it behold a certain lawyer stood up and tested him now think about this they tested him put him to the test what were they doing proving him but in a different way here saying teacher what shall I do to inherit eternal life how many of you have offended heritage eternal life of curse of course he said to him what is written in the law now why did he say that because he's a lawyer he didn't answer people who called out son of david have hesita me with the law it's how you approach him is how he'll perch you know what measure you meat should be measured out to you okay here we go he said what is written in the law what is your reading of it so he answered and said you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul with all your strength with all your mind and your neighbor is yourself means you mow your neighbor's side of the yard - I'm still talking and I do that now I'm not complaining about it anymore I'm happy to do it I just I shout every time I do it I did it just before all this rain here in Texas I was praising God I praise God he didn't mow his yard I looked down to see if he mows it so I can get over there and mow it real fast I'm telling you it's become my passion to move that man's side yard Loreena God I get to mow this let me just tell you something we're getting the house now to see you so mmm that's just going and just dawned on me just now glory to God thank you Father where'd I leave off okay and he said to him you've answered rightly do this and you will live but he wanted to justify himself oh he's in trouble said to Jesus well who is my neighbor going down to verse 35 of Luke chapter 10 on the next day when he departed he took out two denarii gave them to the innkeeper said to him take care of him what ever more you spend I'll come again he tells this whole story here and repay you so which of these three do you think was the neighbor to him who fell among thieves he's telling him he given him a story of an example so that he can he can see this verse 37 he said the one he who showed Hess it on him then jesus said go and do likewise guys right now as believers as the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus as covenant people if we will do that there won't be an empty seat in any church in America this nation is crying out for the sons of God to be made manifest and let me tell you how you do it right there according to the words of Jesus so many times they would call out son of David that's covenant have Hesed on me that is the everlasting attitude of the father towards his covenant is mercy every time you call out upon him he's going to respond that way I said he's going to respond that way glory to God he's going to respond that way my wife Michelle was just took a whole group of teenagers from from Lake Country school here she took them on a missions trip they went to El Salvador spent a week down there painted some houses helped in churches did Street evangelism down a bunch of people saved a bunch of those kids that all different kinds of churches and backgrounds they come from a lot of the kids who got filled with the Holy Spirit and never been filled the Holy Spirit before they their parents sent them down in one way and they came back a different way well you got Michelle with you that's what's going to happen they get down there and they're ministering to people my son is with him my youngest one and they had a free day on their last day so they went out into the ocean now it's a super moon that day if you know anything they're nine hundred miles north of the Equator you know anything about super moons and the equator and tides probably not a good day to be in the ocean and there was a there was a rip current and an undertow that was happening and before they knew what happened our son Mitchell was out there he was past the The Breakers and he was out there couldn't touch bottom and was going under went under two or three times and I've talked to him about it and I mean took him to the bottom and he's trying to get up and he's trying and he yells out to one of his friends who goes out there swims out further to help him well they didn't have any lifeguards on duty it's El Salvador right and so they went and got some help from some local surfers who were out there because the surf was really high and said you need to go help and this so they got on their boards to try to go out there and the other kid that went out to help him is getting tired and Mitchell's all of a hundred and forty pounds if he's that soaking wet and that thing took him down and Michelle said all I could see was his little head bobbing out there she goes I knew I couldn't go out there and do anything and this thought in her head now you got to learn to listen to the difference between your spirit man and your head thought in her head well what are you gonna do about this she waded out in the water she began to come in you come back up every time his head would go there you come back up I'm your mother in the name of Jesus and she began then to speak to wind and the waves waves I command you peace be still and she's talking and she got all those other kids around her and they started all she could do was stand on the shore and pointin and and command and command and command thank God thank God coach Abie IVIS son goes out there and helps get him in and they got him in he coughed up a whole lot of sea water but the enemy tried to steal on that thing and a covenant person with authority got out into the water and began to speak something began to proclaim something began to say something that's what we've got to do Church quit griping and complaining and act like your father act like Jesus he got in the boat one day and said why didn't you guys do something about this come on now we're always asking God to do what he told us to go do she began to speak to the waves we have a 15 year old son with us today because somebody knew how to proclaim and speak the word listen God has raised you up for this very moment right here in this very nation to proclaim the word and to speak the word and not be in fear not be hoarding all the toilet I still don't know what dr. Bailey I still don't know what toilet paper has to do with this Cova day listen you don't have to hoard anything you don't have to get all in panic about anything you don't have to get in fear about a single thing proclaim the word brother Cooper Rick Reyna the man we made the rally movies and yes sir and so forth there's Montclair California a few weeks ago call them and said Rick I'm coming to see you because I have something for you so when he got there he had a whole truckload of toilet paper so rick has a toilet paper myth he's not the Queen murdered yeah he's passing it out at the church over I have no idea what toilet paper has to do with everything but I mean what you're getting everything else you get all that you can get but look it's become a ministry for his church yeah to minister to people it's a good way to go door to door yes sir yes sir I wrote something down here let me find it look at this I I'm an American citizen I served in the military right I was born here I have a covenant with God first and I've got a covenant this in this land and I started writing this last night started coming to me listen to why I wrote here we do hereby wait what no that's the that's the that's what they wrote help me Holy Ghost oh yeah yeah yeah I wrote this father as American believer in this urination we humble ourselves and affirm our covenant with you again you are Lord in my life and you are Lord in the United States of America we are your people and you are our King we love one another as Jesus loved us well now I had to write that in faith I had to put a check on myself on that one right there we love one another as Jesus loved us we renounce sin and strife and desire unity I love this chart rising up in me I started writing this down last night we repent of our forefathers sins and Jesus name and we acknowledge your blessing on our lives and on this land and we choose the blessing over the cursing in America oh I just rose up and mean I began to pray that and write that down let me read that one more time and then we're gonna take our break father as American believers in this your nation we humble ourselves and affirm our covenant with you you are the Lord in our lives and in the United States of America we are your people that's what it says we the people you are our King we love one another as Jesus loved us and we renounce sin and strife we renounce sin and strife that that means every other evil work has to flee and desire unity we repent of our forefathers sins in Jesus name we acknowledge your blessing on our land and we choose the blessing over the curse in Jesus name Amen and amen amen glory to God all right in the last things here we go it's break time we'll be back with Pastor George in just a moment god bless you we'll see you soon good morning faith family we're so glad to be with you this morning we have so many great things happening for you but what a great message there by a pastor Greg and with brother Copeland as well we want you to be part of that you can always go to faith foundations at EMI seed org slash faith foundations and gain access to the notes there and the things that we have for you there but something pastor Greg says you know talking about we choose the blessing that's a great confession and something that we're all we're having to do daily is to confess the word what word is inside of you you've got to confess that out and the times we live in is calling for the church to rise this is our day this is our our this is our time and our season so we are in unity today as the president has has called this day the National Day of Prayer which to me when I saw him do that he declared something the nation as the head of this nation he declared unity over this nation and he's asking all believers to stand together today and pray for our nation and those around us and not just our nation but those in other countries as well so we have a lot of things coming up with brother Copeland hitting the road we want to show you these events coming up and I'll be back with you in just a moment build up your faith at the Kenneth Copeland victory live 2020 at faith Life Church in Branson Missouri April 2nd through the 4th tenza kivett Copeland victory life 2020 with Jerry Savelle April 2nd to the 4th at faith Life Church in Branson Missouri learn to praise in in advance what is about to do admission is free register today at asean dot org slash branson sacramento california and the state of california will never be the same again it's the year of new visions manifest power and great change at the Kenneth Copeland Sacramento live victory campaign in Sacramento California at Calvary Christian Center April 23rd through the 25th join Kenneth Copeland along with pastor George Pearson's at the Kenneth Copeland Sacramento live victory campaign admission is free register today at KCMO org slash Sacramento great KCM dot org slash events and those of you in California we want to see you there this is going to be a great time with brother Copeland and a great season for us also we want to just encourage you if you're not on any of our social media outlets we want to make sure that you do sign up for those there are great updates that are happening with that and we want to make sure that you know what's going on every single day not only that there's encouraging word every day on those so I use it I'm on Instagram just letting you know but I get on there and every day I get something encouraging from brother Copeland sister Copeland from pastor George and pastor Terry so we're excited for that so be up on our social media outlets in order to get future updates with that but we also want you to mark your calendars for upcoming events that are coming to coasts believers and to our Southwest you want to make sure you're signing up for that as well but we also have something else coming up that is is is pertaining to the elections and so we want you to watch what's coming up with America stands I'll be back join the America stands team next week for our continued coverage of the presidential primaries Tuesday March 17th at 8:00 p.m. Eastern right here only on Victory he needs you rich he needs you blessed he needs you well he needs you strong he needs you committed need you feel the joy joy unspeakable and full of glory what happens when you full of joy the joy of the Lord is just you remember what he said John 20:21 as the father hath sent me so send by you okay so it is not too early to register for these events and of course registration is always free we just like to know that you're coming but yes California we're coming to you twice in this year so you want to be a part of that and hello pastor Greg jump on in and so we want you to be part of that and then of course Southwest here in Texas we want you to come see us I mean I'm excited about that we have seed in the ground in California amen and I am believing I am believing God for the state of California and then touch base on America Stan's coming up we've got America Stan's coming up on election coverage in the spirit of faith you say I don't like all this election coverage step well you'll like it on you'll like it on victory amen you'll like it a lot and this Tuesday night we're covering the primaries more states are holding their elections Ohio Florida a Georgia scheduled to but I heard Georgia may postpone theirs now but you can you can join us and get coverage in the spirit of faith and like you'll never see anywhere else because we'll open the Bible and talk about what's that yeah yes it's amazing and you need to be you need to know what's happening in your nation I love the perspective on it because it's a word perspective it's a truth perspective what is not something you'll get all the election results that you would get everywhere else but you'll get something different amen you'll get it in the spirit of this Tuesday March 17th there will be nine p.m. Eastern it says and then 6:00 Pacific so that and then this Wednesday we will have online service as well here at EMI Sea so you don't want to miss your home group which will be great and that will be our live service yes absolutely and we're I'm excited about it we get testimonies every single week concerning home group what it means to you what does home group it's like we're having a Bible study in your living room or you came down my living room and we had a Bible study we just talked about subjects that you send in we you know I'd like you to talk about this we talked about it we opened the word we open the scriptures not well I think this and I think that no the word says this and the word says that based upon real-life things but we like your participation so you can text and you do and yeah they do you send us text and comments and we read them the good the bad and the ugly and all of them and and we're there were there for you so we're excited about that live service that this Wednesday but also we have a Bible College in a couple in Bible College why aren't you here who should be here Casey Bible College is dot org it's right there on the bottom of the screen and we did information just go ahead and get the information and then God will speak to you whether you're supposed to be here or not in the timing of the thing either this year next year but the first graduating class is just weeks away amen it's an exciting time we just want you to watch this about kcb team we'll be right back you man there's a personal hands-on experience that you'll get that you won't be able to find anywhere else I love all the instructors and how they impart to us the things that the Lord has laid on their hearts to share with us listen to it and you listen to it until it comes out of your mouth go in a cut but when it comes out of your mouth everything that I'm learning here will carry on and is preparing me for the next step take the next step apply today all right so we want you to to apply today so pastor Greg has not changed sir brian sanders' he is our outreach pastor here at EMI C but he does a lot of great work with relief over our relief team with Kenneth Copeland ministry absolutely in fact we just had the tornado on Nashville Tennessee and the first thing we do anytime there's this type of event is we call on our partners our a members yes and for this area we had about 300 partners and E members that we checked on and then because of the massiveness of this storm we actually deployed our relief team they went knocking door-to-door but listen to this the the majority of everyone said that God's hand was at work and that Psalms 91 does work amen I just experienced that Pastor Greg just talked about my son being swept in the ocean recently but the only Psalm and the Lord had given me that way before we ever went to the ocean or way before the storm ever hits Psalm 91 he had impressed that upon me and so I know that the word works when you apply the word and you stand in your authority a word works but it is nice to know that we are not alone that's right right yes in fact we had two partners I wanted to tell you about them one of them their house was like they could literally feeling it lift and this partner said you will not take my house house stay together and she remembered what Gloria Copeland had said that if if we speak the protection over our house and our protection over ourselves it will come to pass another partner literally she was in a trailer and she felt that the trailer of lifting up off the ground Wow and she called on the name the name of Jesus in fact she said it three times and she felt the house the trailer come right back down and literally we were tracking the storm and in relationship to where our partners were and we saw amazing pace we're all the time [Music] good morning to you this is pastor George Pearson's and we are here at Eagle Mountain International Church Kenneth Copeland ministries we've got a small crew with us right here that are joining us in church this morning and we know that there are people that are watching us right now not only those of our congregation who are watching but also people watching around the world right now we know that we have folks from Australia Canada the Czech Republic Diana Mexico Slovakia the United Arab Emirates Zimbabwe Belarus Chile France Ireland Puerto Rico South Africa the United Kingdom Brazil Colombia Ghana Jamaica Singapore Ukraine and the United States of America praise God praise God I'm so grateful for our president the president of the United States Donald Trump on Friday of this last week he sent out a tweet and this tweet said it is my great honor to declare Sunday March 15th as a National Day of Prayer we are a country that throughout our history look to God for protection and strength in times like these no matter where you may be I encourage you to turn towards prayer as an act of faith and then I like what he said here together we will easily prevail so this declaration this Proclamation I wanted to read it this morning and really throughout this service everything that takes place in the service today we're taking our place in prayer we're taking our stand in the name of Jesus over every virus over every disease we've been redeemed from the curse of the law and we walk in the full blessing of Abraham so we celebrate that today let me read this to you a National Day of Prayer for all Americans affected by the corona virus pandemic for our national response efforts by the President of the United States of America a proclamation in our times of greatest need Americans have always turned to prayer to help guide us through trials and periods of uncertainty as we continue to face the unique challenges posed by the pandemic millions of Americans aren't able unable to gather in their churches temples synagogues mosques and other house of worship but in this time we must not cease asking God for wisdom comfort strength and we must especially pray for those who have suffered harm or who have lost loved ones I ask you to join me in a day of prayer for all people who've been affected by the corona virus pandemic and to pray for God's healing hand to be placed on the people of our nation as your president I ask you to pray for the health and the well-being of your fellow Americans and to remember that no problem is too big for God to handle we should all take to heart the holy words found in first Peter 5:7 casting all of your care upon him for he cares for you let us pray that all those affected by the virus will feel the presence of our Lord's protection and love during this time with God's help we will overcome this threat on Friday I declared a national emergency and took other bold actions to help deploy the full power of the federal government to assist with efforts to combat the corona VES virus pandemic I now encourage all Americans to pray for those on the front lines of our response especially our nation's outstanding medical professionals and public health officials who are working tirelessly to protect all of us from the corona virus and treat patients who are infected all of our courageous first responders the National Guard and dedicated individuals who are working to ensure the health in the safety of our communities and our federal state and local leaders we are confident that God will provide them with the wisdom they need to make difficult decisions and take decisive actions to protect Americans all across the country we come to our Father in prayer and we remember the words found in Psalm 91 he is my refuge and my fortress my god in him will I trust as we unite in prayer were reminded that there is no burden too heavy for God to lift and for this country to bear with his help Luke 1:37 promises for with God nothing shall be impossible and those words are just as true today as they have ever been as one nation under God we are greater than the hardships than we face and through prayer and acts of compassion and love we will rise to this challenge and emerge stronger and more United than ever before may God bless each one of you may God bless the United States of America now therefore I Donald J Trump president of the United States of America do hereby proclaim March 15 2020 as a National Day of Prayer for all Americans affected by the corona virus pandemic and for our national response efforts I urge Americans of all faiths and religious traditions and backgrounds to offer prayers for all those affected including people who have suffered harm or have lost loved ones in witness thereof I have hereunto set my hands this 14th day of March in the year of our Lord 20,000 20 and of the Independence of the United States of America the 244 Donald J Trump let's give praise to God and thank you father we thank you Lord we do pray we come before you in faith and thank you for these requests that our president has made and we stand in agreement with each other here and we stand in agreement with it with each other all over the world there is one name that is above every name and it is the name of the Lord Jesus Christ piranha virus you bow your knee to that name you bow that knee to the name of Jesus the healer himself and father we thank you that your blessing is upon our nation and upon the nations that are watching us right now in the name of Jesus let's sing this together [Music] from the [Music] [Applause] [Music] Wow [Music] merica [Music] oh sweet [Music] Oh father we come before you and we worship you we glorify you we magnify you we declare the glory of the Lord save this after me we declare glory of the Lord over this service today we believe we received the manifested presence of God the manifested goodness of God to his healing power of God holy spirit you are welcoming this service in Jesus name hallelujah come on sing this together what the roughest part [Music] [Applause] I know that you are always up to something [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wait something [Music] you go before me your belly [Music] [Applause] I know [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] to be something [Music] and will be [Music] you always [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] something [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to something [Music] [Music] [Music] John [Music] fear and you [Applause] [Music] Oh Oh [Music] [Music] always to something [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] do something [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] here we go [Music] clothes it matches [Music] [Applause] you know they are the he wraps itself in line [Music] [Applause] trim the sidewall operate in unison Sokka sing with me is our God and all will see how my god [Music] age to age he stands at time as it is [Music] here's the beginning [Music] beginning the spirit a son [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] how great in unison is our God sing with me is our God policy [Music] is lift up our heads and submit again he's our God sing with me how great is our God don't see [Music] [Applause] if we just stick them over there let's take a moment just singing other tongues are singing a melody is your just lift up your voice [Music] [Applause] you give like you are you drink to the tar give you've Easter every hard bro [Music] it's crazy [Applause] [Music] so we pour [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] everybody together [Music] you be saw every heart [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] before so we [Music] sorry you're right we Oh [Music] singing together [Music] praise [Music] [Applause] [Music] my heart's real crime is gone [Music] we shout [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] boy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] glory to God father we do maybe knowledge that it is your breath in our lungs Lord we breathe the breath of the Almighty and because of that breath we have the life of the Almighty the life of the greater one is living on the inside of us and so Lord we thank you that we are redeemed from the curse we are redeemed and father we thank you for the healing power of the blood of Jesus that covers us that by and through his broken body we are healed [Music] father we thank you for the blood of Jesus over this great nation from coast to coast north-south-east-west in Lourdes we plead the blood of Jesus over our nation and we say that our nation is redeemed from the curse the blessing is on our nation and the force of the blessing is pushing back coronavirus it's pushing back fear it's pushing back father according to 1st Timothy chapter 2 verses 1 & 2 we pray for those who are in authority over us we pray for our president we lift him up God we pray for our local leaders our governor our mayor and our health officials god we lift them up and we say that wisdom covers them we say that they have wisdom in every situation Lord we honor them and we thank you we thank you for them and father we give you glory for every testimony that's coming out of this season and by and through the blood of the Lamb and the word of those testimonies we overcome the evil one by faith in Jesus name Amen hey John amen the reason the reason that we sang that song it's his breath in our lungs that's right this the state they're saying that the coronavirus is supposed to have long-lasting effect on the lungs ya know so right now in the name of Jesus we take authority over that you Laurie everyone who's been affected or afflicted by that in Jesus name breathe in the breath of God breathe you're his breath into your lungs right now oh thank you for the healing of lungs in name of Jesus healing of lungs taking place right sound Street young strong and every individual strong has been touched by that yeah I thank you that the healing power of God is upon them yes in the name of Jesus right now come on praise God power hallelujah hallelujah thank you lord well praise God praise God we want to welcome all of you who are watching us whether you're watching us from the top of the world to the bottom and all the way around the middle we want to thank you for tuning in and watching us today and those the few people that are here we want to welcome you you can be seated by the way shake someone's hand greet them in the Lord hallelujah we're so blessed to be able to minister on the victory side amen according to our covenant we're so blessed to be able to administer on the victory side and I want to say to you that you are on the victory side wherever you are whatever you're dealing with you are on the victory side well that we this is a little bit of a different format but we are standing in faith and at the same time we are obedient to those who are in authority over us it has been recommended by our local governing body that we limit the that we limit mean meetings of large number of people and so we're following suit and we're doing that so you're watching us whether you're watching us online or watching us by way of the network we're glad that you're tuning in and we're glad that you're at home and in obedience with our in compliance with with those with our local authorities and so we want to welcome you this morning we also want to remind you that this week we will not be having services here on campus there will not be Wednesday night services here on campus we want to encourage you to watch us whether you watch us online and you can watch us on the network there will be special programming for you to watch us by online and on the network and we also want to remind you to stay tuned to all of our communication outlets whether that's EMI Sea Org or our social media outlets or if you're a local member of my I see we will be sending out additional information about scheduling and things to come in the very near future we also want to welcome our pastors back from Australia amen spirit led prayer conference in Australia and we want to welcome our ministry team back from Colombia glory to God glory to God you'll be hearing reports about how awesome God how the move of God that happened in both of those contexts here in the coming days but we want to welcome them back and we're excited to hear everything that God has done over those in though in those travels and pastor I'm especially glad to have you back I'm especially glad to have you back to Pastor Brian but the atmosphere is different when you're gone and I want you to know we love you we're glad to have you back you and pastor Terry glory to God all right it's offering time Amen pastor G it's different in this room when there's hardly anybody in here it feels different but I know one thing that's not different amen oh I need my phone just a second standby what I was gonna do for offering I'm gonna do something else so Christa sorry your notes don't work you know there are two kinds of nature's when it comes to who people are you can either operate out of a generosity nature or you can operate out of a selfish nature okay that's as far as I'm gonna go with the notes so let me tell you a little story about revival you see in the midst of all of this going on all the stuff that's been happening there's something I've been reading and it's not just the Bible but I've been reading things and stories of what was going on there's this little group of people in 1906 decided to get together at a little place called Azusa Street and the stable a horse stable alright look there's only like 12 of us here you got y'all gonna have to help me so when they got together in this place called Azusa Street things happen yes but listen pastor Georgia wasn't just that what I'm talking about it's not just the miracles of Azusa Street and there were many and we could spend all day and next week talking about that but there are a few men that decided to come see what was going on at Azusa Street now interesting thing about 1906 great revival happened but there was the great earthquake in California in 1906 the enemy always wants to distract know what's going on keep that in mind enemy wants to distract so now 1906 I said there's some men there's some men you may have heard of name oh I don't know FF Bosworth and a guy are going to talk to you a bit about John G Lake you ever heard of that man well listen from 1908 C 1908 1906 he took what he got in Azusa Street and took it to South Africa okay so he got in that place of revival anointing in a place of miracles and he took it to the revival capital of the world at that time he took it out he took it that's our call is to take it out we have to take it I am so thankful this week I've told pastor Greg and my wife and anybody that listen I am so glad that we have the victory Channel and all of our stuff because listen they doesn't matter what's going on out there we still got a hotline to everybody in their home so listen when that happens all right so I only got a few minutes I got to keep going so as we get out they got out so John G Lake goes to Africa South Africa now he's taking revival with him he's seen mighty moves of God so I want to tell you something that happen and those of you that know me know you've probably already heard this story but I'm going to read this because I want to get his words exactly brother cope and you will appreciate this listen things were happening the bubonic plague had spread so dramatically in South America people were dying they were dropping it was fear panic everything but there was a man down there that had some things going on the right way this man is John G Lake he was a mighty man of faith not a fear now if you watch the program this week with brother Copeland talking about the difference between faith and fear and the fear is faith and wrong direction you need to go back and watch that so anyways so he gets down there and he has such a great results with healing the nation of Britain decides to send a ship they send a ship full of doctors and nurses and supplies to South Africa and the first thing they did when they got off the boat was go find John G Lake that's the free cuz I want to see how are you getting people healed from that and we all know the story but I want to read you what he said to them his answer was this I believe the law of the spirit of life has set me free from the law of sin and death Romans 8:2 and as long as I walk in the light of the law of the spirit of life no germ will attach itself to me highly lujah that ought to lights you up like it does me I'm telling you there is nothing there's nothing that's going to stand in its way so here we are and I talked to Hank Kuna Minh and we talked and he's calling and me could we get each other wound up but listen you know there's prophecies about things happening and this late great this next great the last great however you want to talk about this awakening of revival that's not just gonna see a few people saved and healed it's gonna see the church change its gonna see the nation change it's gonna see the world changed and you're a part of it in this place of revival so that's why we go over to a generosity nature we don't take part of a selfish nature which is what we see going on out there right now oh we got to get all of our stuff got to get all of our stuff stuff that we would never buy people are buying you think you know and I won't get on the toilet paper thing but anyway so I mean people are buying stuff well because we better buy it now I was at the store yesterday in a little country store and I happen to see something on top because I'm we were gonna get some bread now when I got it and this lady looked at me like she was gonna take me out because I was taller than she was I could see where the bread was but I'm telling you we can't get over in that spirit of fear and that applies to our finances it applies to our given listen now is the very best time to sow into what the Word of God is given it's the very best time to sow into revival it's the very best time to sow into the revival capital of the world because this is good ground say it with me this is good come on now spirit of mark Hankins are getting on me aha there I said it before he did alright so if you want to give those of you in the room EMI see now listen we've got a special guest today our very own we call him our very own I don't know if he thinks of us that way but we call him our very own mark in turn the Hank and you give them a hand [Applause] and I know if pastor George was standing up here I know we're gonna take up two offerings the first ones for your church your tithes your offerings and then we're gonna take up a stupendous marvelous wonderful offering in the room and online and on television and radio from Pastor Mark at the end of the message so listen you want right check II am I see those of you watching and listening all around the world it's a very simple am i see org slash gift emi slash gift if you want to give in online or in the text to give its 360 609 keyword emi see dollar amount and of course emi see 25 thousand or whatever the Lord leads you I think we ought to have up there keyword revival in the know well anyway all right thank you for giving us as you can take up the offer [Music] god Shasta just a baby god [Applause] again if you just have a and God [Music] just happen [Music] [Music] mrs. Sutton surveys on the evidence of things unseen just your heart and you shall receive [Music] just have baby [Music] [Music] there's a sub sense of being so long we ever just stand up on his rug in your heart you shall receive [Music] bang [Music] Hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] praise glory to God would you please welcome brother Copeland hallelujah [Applause] [Music] thank you sir you may be seated for those of you that weren't here during faiths creations Friday night at 924 now Gloria in my usual routine is we go to bed early and listen to a couple of messages but brother Hagin watch the 700 club by you know 10:00 10:30 turn the light up well we had just listened to brother Hagin that first message and suddenly the word of the Lord came to me so I jumped up grin got my notepad and wrote it down 9:20 for this disease called Co DV 19 will be over much sooner than you think Christian people all over this country praying have overwhelmed it give me all the glory set the spirit of grace and many many people will come to know me through it I'm still lord over this nation on the throne and faith in me changes things [Music] [Applause] though Rita God glory to God I gave that to the prophecy keepers and that puts us in this place thank you Jesus can I say thanks for the things you have done for me things so undeserved yet you did to prove your love for me the forces of a million angels could not Express [Music] gratitude all that I am and ever hope to be I owe it all to the [Music] to Oh God Oh [Music] for the [Applause] [Music] with his blood thank God hearsay me [Applause] [Music] for the things he has God Josh let me live my life we wanted a pleasing Oh Lord to thee should I [Music] the Train [Music] [Music] for the sea [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we are victorious people different people and this is the picture [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] praise God oh we thank you and honor you and glorify you for this time that you've given us today thank you that the healing power of God is just moving throughout this congregation and throughout all that are watching us as we continue on in this service in Jesus name and everyone said amen go ahead and be seated if you would please I am so excited and so thrilled that we have mark and Trina hankins with us today and before Pastor Mark comes I'm gonna ask Trenton would you please come up here would you sing for us would you welcome her please God season he doesn't see a mess he doesn't see trouble when God looks at us he doesn't see shame he doesn't see fear he sees us in the finished work of Jesus hallelujah hallelujah so today as well we are one with him we live by the faith of the Son of God who loved us and gave us gave himself for us when he sees me come on his eyes are on us and when he sees us he sees us in Christ [Music] you need to smile you look a lot better in Christ God had a plan from the beginning of time a plan to resurrect his merrie and restore the glory the glory he once so he said you know in the form of his own little son he became the perfect sacrifice he gave his very life to rescue all of Maron now me and the resume save it next when he sees me and no sees me in Christ in him we live and in him we have its righteousness he's cancelled every debt and set this prisoner free [Music] whole pig don't you love this story we can walk right into the throne room [Music] condemnation [Music] when he sees me me [Music] [Music] when he sees me in [Music] [Music] it can't [Music] [Music] [Music] see [Music] when he looks at you and me with the eyes of love we are in [Music] hallelujah come on lift up your hand will adjust thank God for the grace grace God's grace grace that will pardon and convince cleanses we're please sing it grace [Music] [Applause] grace Minister my grace that is greater grace is great Oh [Music] hallelujah come on worship God thank you that you lifted us up and made us sit with you you share your heart with your eyes hallelujah praise the Lord praise the Lord go ahead and lift your hands up and worship the Lord thank you lord great is your grace great is your faithfulness great is your mercy O Lord great is your goodness O Lord we give you praise we thank you Father thank you father God thank you lord for your goodness and your mercy for the Lord is good this mercy endures forever thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you for to see us through the moon through the cross redeemed by the blood of the Lamb greedy by the precious blood of Jesus thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord glory to god praise the law Glen praise the Lord thank you lord thank you lord praise the Lord thank you cheese glory to God praise the Lord glory glory glory glory praise the Lord hallelujah go ahead and laugh a few minutes say ah ha ha come on what the devil meant for evil the Lord is turning things around for your good ha ha praise God glory to God well it's a great great joy to be back here we're so glad pastor George and Terry made it back from Australia and Wow amen and what a great treat to have brother Copeland saying this one man how can I say thank raised the Lord the goodness of God the mercy of God and a very thankful Trinity I always have a super exciting blessed wild time every time we come here I expect nothing less today all right so I don't want to put any pressure on you there's a few less than usual but look at somebody say you have to double praise today and shout today and you that are home right now wherever you're at I'm expecting you to praise God and lift up your voice and give God glory praise the Lord you can be seated just for a moment praise the Lord this morning I was thinking about a story that is one in one of dr. Lillian B Yeomans books and if you don't know who dr. Lillian B almonds is then she was a medical doctor and was very sick very ill God healed simply through faith faith in God faith in the Word of God and dad Hagin even before he had written any books he carried let him be young ones books with him on the road he said he carried linen be almonds books and then he carried Smith Wigglesworth book ever increasing faith and newsrooms books on faith and so I got started on it from dad Hagin and so I started reading her little books on faith and I came across this particular story that's one of my favorite stories and Lily be omens cause this story the prays cure I don't know if you've ever heard this story or not but it's called the praised cure and she tells the story here and I'm gonna have to read some of us I'll get it exactly right she says there's a missionary to China staying at Missa Cary judge Montgomery's Beulah Heights in Oakland California she had the most wonderful healing of smallpox while on the field by the application of the praise cure she fearlessly nursed the sister missionary who had the disease though she had not been vaccinated she was standing on promise that no plague should come nigh her dwelling then a very bad case of confluent smallpox came on her she didn't know what to do so she asked the Lord and the Lord told her to sing and praise him for his faithfulness to his word they isolated her quarantined the isolated her contagious and they they told her to lay down and be quiet but she said if she didn't praise God the very stones of crowd so she sang and sang and praised and praised and the doctor said he feared for her life that the case was serious awful complications threatened but she praised and praised and sang and sang he said she was evidently delirious but that he had so little help he could not restrain her so she sang and sang and praise and praise and they told her that if by chance she recovered she would be disfigured for life and she sang and praised louder than ever they asked why do you pray so much she answered she said because I have so many parts on me and I'm praising God for His faithfulness for each one separately they said the Lord had shown her a vision of two baskets one was containing her praise II and that basket was half full the other basket in which was her testing or you could say the smallpox or her problem the other basket she said was it was full so the Lord told her that the praise basket must be filled so that it would out balance the testing basket and it says so she kept at it he told her you got to praise the fill the praise basket so out balance the other testing the problem basket so it says her songs and shouts were so spirit-filled that they were contagious and the Christian nurses couldn't resist joining in so they kept the place ringing at last the Lord showed her that the praise basket was now full and overflowing and when the praise basket when it sank then the testing basket lifted into the air and in a moment as it seen the eruption and all attendant symptoms vanished leaving no trace in the way of so much as a single scar all right I know let's sound y'all got the picture here in other words she was standing on the promise that she would not get the smallpox and then it broke out and sometimes you're believing God for something it looks like what's happening it's just the opposite of what you're believing for let's try that again have you ever been believing God for something is what's happening almost looks the opposite of what you're believing for so she said Lord what am I supposed to do about this and the Lord said I want you to praise me for my faithfulness to my word [Music] I want you to praise me for my faithfulness to my word so it says she just started saying and praising the doctors told her to shut up and be quiet she kept on singing and praising singing and praising and so the other nurses that were Christians joined in and were singing and praising and so she got louder and louder until the Lord showed her the basket the praise basket got filled and when the praise basket got filled then it sunk and it lifted off from her all the symptoms of the smallpox listen and it said and almost it seemed like in a moment that the eruption the smallpox and all symptoms vanished leaving no trace in the way of so much as a single scar I'm going to leave some things that you're facing right now can vanish and Leave No Trace that it was ever even there so Lily be Yeomans call this the praise cure and so she says here's what happened she said the praise cure works every time it is not unpleasant it is delightful matter of fact it's not even expensive let's try that's not expensive come on you don't have to race the stores and try to get stuff out of there said actually the cost of it was met by Jesus through his blood and the praised cure is available every moment to every one of us then she said so are you ready to take your medicine in other words are you ready to take the Cure so then she quotes from 1st Peter 1:8 and she says here's how you begin first Peter 1:8 yet believing you rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory so here's what Lennon Bahama said she's just believed what God says that Jesus has done for you body soul and spirit think about it talk about it sing about it shout about it and the praise cure has begun let's try that one more time how many no no first Peter 1:8 yet believing you rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory so she said the priests cure works every time and it doesn't just work in one area it'll work in every area of your life spirit soul and body praise the Lord hallelujah glory to God praise the Lord in other words here's somebody said what are you doing you say excuse me I'm I'm on medication right now I'm taking my medicine and they said if you'll say about it shout about it the praise cure has already begun when you begin to fill up that praise basket I want to ask you how your praise basket is doing today I don't know how big your problem basket is but if you'll fill up your praise basket and lift everything off of you come on so you need to walk around your house and just start praising God thank him for his faithfulness to his word come on instead of looking at circumstances start praising him for his faithfulness to his word you say it's worried about what about your spiritual soul your mind your body about the blood of Jesus about the power of the stripes of Jesus and just start praising God for His faithfulness to his word and what's your problem not only lift off of you and the devil they say that problem is gonna be it's gonna be there forever but not it'll disappear without a trace not a single scar note no evidence left that you ever had that problem because of the power of the word of God the power of faith in God faith in the blood of Jesus so you begin to take the praise cure come on it'll heal your mind your soul your body your family your marriage every situation when you have faith in God take your medicine right now justice and praise God glory to God thank you chief praise God glory to God thank you lord thank you Father thank you for your faithfulness to your word praise God I don't care how it looks right now I dare you to just start praising God thank you God lift in your voice sing about it shout about it praise God glory to God thank you Lord for your goodness your mercy thank you lord go ahead and shout about it right now I said shout about it right now [Applause] lovey they God thank you Jesus whoo praise God I said you got to fill the basket up I said you got to fill the basket up come on you got to fill the basket up some people do two or three praises in they go that ought to be enough now she was going day and night praise God glory to God thank you Jesus shout about it sing about it rejoice about it rejoice over the word come on my Jesus stripes we are healed hallelu the blood of Jesus has purchased our eternal Redemption and by his blood ooh he purchased our freedom go ahead and praise God Allah come on right where you're at stop praising God a while just lift your voice I said lift your God prays alone Thank You chief glory to God praise God thank you Jesus go ahead and laugh for a minute say ha ha ha you can sit down for a minute praise the law now the basket ain't for you and I'm just giving you a little break pick you back up praise the Lord glory to God hallelujah thank you Jesus praise the Lord you cannot just sit there with your mouths shut and expect the praise cure to work for you you're gonna have to open your mouth come on you have to open your mouth I said you have to open your mouth [Music] [Applause] hahaha here's a little quote I got from from Martin Luther and he said this I often laugh at Satan and there's nothing that makes him so angry as when I attack him to his face and I tell him that through God I am more than a match for him just practice a little laugh is there a man that's the laugh of faith there is a laugh of faith and you be in the praise God give him thanks not a whiny things come on allow bold confident thanks to God yet believing you rejoice somebody said well I'm just believing right now no yet believing you rejoice people aren't believing right now yet believing you rejoice with joy unspeakable and he said that joy is a container for the glory of God and yet to go from believing to receiving receiving the outcome of your faith while you're praising and thank you God in the middle of it amen haha you know the story about dad Hagin how that even after he had been healed the symptoms all came back on him when the symptoms came back on him he said he serious in his heart his chest and he said complications on the inside he said I knew is very serious so he said before I went to bed he said I just decided to start laughing he said I just laughed he said I didn't feel like it I didn't have any emotion to it he said there wasn't nothing exciting happening he said I actually had to force myself to laugh I see some of you might need that instruction he said I had to force myself to laugh so I said he said I just laid there in the bed and just went ha ha ha ha ha ha he said and while I was laughing the thought came to my mind he said I knew it was the devil and the devil said this time you're not gonna get your healing he said that's why I'm laughing I don't have to get it Jesus got it for me 2000 years ago so it's mine I have it now and then he continued laughing ha ha ha ha ha I mean oh the devil doesn't always give up so easy he said he came back again and said what are you laughing about this time you're not going to get your healing he said that's why I'm laughing I don't have to get it Jesus got it for me 2000 years ago and so he just kept on laughing ha ha ha it's mine I have it now that means the fight of faith is your never fighting for victory you're always fighting from victory you take your place in Christ in everything Christ has done for you and from that place of victory that means you're never the Challenger you're always the champion so he just went 11 he said he said I laughed forced myself to laugh for 45 minutes now if I could just get some y'all to laugh for 4 or 5 minutes it would be a miracle but we're talking about a laugh of faith he said so I just laughed for 45 minutes 45 minutes ha ha ha ha several times the enemy the devil came back and said you're not going to get it he said that's why I'm laughing ha ha ha now listen did you know faith works the same in every area of life let's try that I said did you know faith works the same in every area of life not just Healy but every other area of victory every other area of provision and blessing in your life ha ha ha so he said I just laughed and laughed he said and when I woke up he said every symptom was totally gone and it never came back he said you know the devil don't like to be laughed at well let's try that again the devil don't like to be laughed at I don't know what's facing you and what you're struggling with right now but I dare you just to go ahead and laugh a little bit and say ha ha ha say mr. devil that ain't gonna work on me I'm redeemed by the blood of Jesus that ain't gonna work on me in my house in my body in my family or my finances I'm gonna go ahead and laugh I'm gonna praise God I'm gonna rejoice I'm gonna give glory to God I'm gonna give him thanks I'm gonna thank him in the morning thank him all day long I'm gonna rejoice in his goodness rejoice in his mercy I'm gonna go ahead and rejoice I'm gonna go ahead and laugh the way we said is how would you act if you already had the thing you've been believing for I mean just go ahead and praise God ha ha ha now you don't see us Luis great rider said something that I think I could never say it better than how he said it he said joy is the serious business of heaven our let's just say it this way jaw is serious business so when you're facing this challenge people say you need to take this serious you just go ahead and laugh and say I'm taking this about as serious as I possibly can right now I'm gonna laugh and praise God matter of fact I'm taking my medicine right now I'm taking the praise here right now and I'm gonna have to praise a while till I get the basket filled up praise God praise God some of y'all your praise basket hasn't been filled up in years I'm telling if you ever fill up your praise basket all kinds of stuff a lifts right off of you and the goodness of God will be in manifestation go ahead and praise Him right now praise the Lord come on right with you and praise him right now praise him right now lift your voice and praise him right now praise God praise God come on lift your praise God glory to God thank you Jesus glory to God praise the Lord praise God for His faithfulness to his word praise God for His faithfulness to his word whoo glory to God praise the law hallelujah ha ha ha how many of you know second chronicles 20 and verse 22 when they're faced with all kinds of armies one of my favorite verses says and when they began to sing and the praise come on God said you don't need to fight in this battle that's that I fight this battle for you I'm taking care of it for you all you need to do is do your part when they begin to sing and to pray in other words they weren't even finished singing and praises but when they began to sing and to praise the Lord said ambushment against their enemies ha and the enemy started attacking each other and then they left all their wealth come on they're less and they they had three days it says gathering the spoil how many like to go ahead and gather the spoil the next three days of the next three weeks of the next three months when they begin to see and to pray the Lord said I'll take care of this for you while you're praising praise God glory to God while you're singing and pray let's sit this way while you're praised in here God is taking care of things for you back at your house haha come on while you're praising here something is happening in your future while you're praising here why your praise in here come on right where you're at just lift up your voice and give glory to God when they begin the law and release the Lord can fight your banner for you how many believes in the United States of America when the church begins to praise God when we lift up our voice praise the Lord haha practice laughing funny look at somebody say excuse me I need to work on my praise basket for a minute I need to fill it back up I've got a I've got a pastor friend that every time I call him he answers the phone like this praise God hallelujah thinking she's glory to God how you doing mark every time praise God thank you Jesus glory to God hallelujah hate anymore I said what are you doing he said I just like to keep praising all day long praise God thank you Jesus glory to God hallelujah a man praise God glory to God now my daddy said my mama was the most uninhibited praiser that he had ever met what's that mean that basically means she didn't care what nobody thought about her just caring what people think about you can keep you from receiving from God come on that they told her this lady ran a little beyond the story they told her to be quiet now how many I can praise until somebody tell you to be quiet now if she woulda listened to them she would have missed receiving her healing in other words it was already paid for by Jesus but it was her faith and her praise that got the manifestation for her so my mama man she started praising God I don't know how to say that but just you didn't have to have any fancy music going on you didn't have to have any anybody else she's just she was why call her the first responder that means no matter what's happening she start praising God even when other people thought nothing was happening my mama would say the power God's here Jesus is here Jesus is Lord and she just are praising God matter of fact did you know the corona virus is called the corona virus because that virus has a crown on it did you know that Jesus has already dethroned that crown he's the king you said coronavirus ain't raining around here Jesus is Lord around here I'm gonna magnify the Lord I'm gonna lift up my voice and praise the Lord Jesus is Lord coronaviruses around here coronavirus got dethrone the Lord a shout hallelujah go ahead and laugh a minute say hahaha praise God Thank You Jesus glory to God hallelujah praise God glory to God thank you Jesus hallelujah praise God glory to God take your Lord praise God thank you Jesus shout about it sing about it rejoice about it jesus paid it all all to him I owe his blood has already washed his blood victory is ours this is a victory that overcomes the world this is our faith in operation praise God glory to God thank you Jesus [Music] ha praise y'all glory to God ha ha ha come on work on the basket fill the basket up come on that other stuff I left off for you no matter what it is praise God [Music] it'll be going so fast there won't even be a trace that it ever happened in your life no trace praise no praise God glory to God Thank You G hallelujah praise God glory to God thank you Jesus hallelujah praise the Lord don't let me stop you if you just want to keep going on [Applause] ain't going home with it you have to start this on your own I said I ain't going to the house with you you're gonna have to get this stirred up on your own in your house come on if your faith in your situation praise God glory to God come on you watch your life what's around your house so send glory to God Jesus is Lord I'm redeemed by the blood that ain't coming in my house I got the blood on the doorpost of my house Jesus is law praise the Lord glory to God hallelujah whoa come on go ahead and act like Jesus is greater go ahead and act my god is greater act like his grace is greater act like the blood is great ha ha ha praise Allah prays alone come on love you somebody's excuse me while I fill up my praise basket excuse me just a minute come on I'm working on my basket right now praise the Lord glory to God Thank You G glory to God praise the Lord thank you look praise the Lord thank you Jesus glory to go boom praise the Lord [Applause] God ordained strength to come out of your mouth I said God ordained strength to come out of your mouth to stop the enemy stop the strategies of the enemy come on out of your mouth open your mouth that's where your strength that's where your victory is in your mouth praise the Lord blowing there go praise the Lord I said praise the Lord hallelujah somebody down just a minute now in my house my momma uninhibited praise praise God like I got up in the morning early my momma be sitting in her chair with her Bible on her lap and she'd be praising God praying in the Holy Ghost and lifting her voice God knows if she hadn't done that I would not be here today but she just stuck with it and then you come over to church and if there wasn't nothing happening she'd stir something up I mean I believe you can stir something up just by praising God [Music] vámanos stop praising God given glory to God and then you know the source you take off and run around the church when I was a teenager I used to pray that we would have services where she would be quiet that we could have a dignified service no I took my friend my friend came to church and he's there not begin to pray lord please don't let nobody talking tongue and please don't let my mama embarrassed I think Jesse Duplantis said if you don't embarrass the devil he will embarrass you how about you go ahead embarrass the devil right now and just praise God say I'm not embarrassed I'm gonna give glory to God praise hello praise the Lord praise the Lord glory to God hallelujah praise the law you don't have to have no PhD to do this you just gotta have a mouth gotta have a voice come on and refuse to be quiet about it and lift your voice and give glory to God praise the Lord glory to God so my momma would take her praise to the next level some people just have struggling at this level right here my momma take it to the next level praise God glory to God hallelujah thank you Jesus praise the Lord then you knew she just revered upper engines warming up babies I'm just warming up praise the Lord glory to God thank you Jesus come on some of y'all need to warm up your motor right now summit praise God glory to God hallelujah thank you Jesus praise God glory to God hallelujah come on you know that's not the end of it come on that's just the beginning of it praise God thank you Jesus glory to God hallelujah praise God glory to God thank you lord praise that off then my mama go whoa thank God the turn my friend said who is that woman I said I have no idea there's one I was so embarrassed then my daddy would try to stand up and explain it to the visitors my daddy would say some of y'all think this is not necessary and it's not necessary unless it's necessary so while they're trying to figure that out because you always got somebody thinks they know what's necessary what's not necessary but if God said you gonna have to shout while the walls are still standing it must be necessary for you to shout and that was the end of it no no my momma was contagious she had been tested 100% positive for the spirit of faith she was carrying she's contagious that means she start praising then she she didn't know what else to do but the dad Hager was the first one we ever saw run around the church at my dad's first one I ever saw but he had preached the word and then he start rejoicing and praising God over that word come on how you received the word you don't just sit there and think about it Jesus didn't say coming to me and think he said coming to me and drink if you drink better you'd think better that means you can't just have a thinking relationship with God you got to have a drinking relationships and some people need drinking lessons I can tell you this because when you drink from his presence come on there's healing there there's deliverance there there's blessing there when you drink from his presence so I know something about drinking you cannot drink with your mouth shut it's good if you have some drinking friends and drinking music is really good if you have some drinking music I was just preaching Nashville Tennessee in the header maybe at least a hundred Marines that had been in the Marines years ago and they all rode their Harley's up there to the mines about 100 I'm staying at the same hotel and I noticed they were bringing in these big luggage carts full of drinks and it was like beer and stuff like it I'm doing my giant luggage carts full rolling them in hundreds of them so we witness to some of them then we're on our way to church so how we ask them kind of what is this it was kind of a reunion well what do y'all do it your ears they said well we do have a few meetings but mostly we just drink so I like to tell people I said well we just had a conference last week they said what are you doing your meetings well we have a few means but mostly we drink in other don't just think the moment you exercise your faith you begin to receive and take a drink from the presence of God and there's healing in that water there's life in that water and in his presence so my momma wasn't just a thicker she's a drinker and you have to be careful you don't sit in the thinking section come on you gotta sit next a few people said are you a drinker just a thinker because if you're just a thinker I need to move over to the drinking sex so my mom oh come on and she'd stir the whole church up and she'd start off this way praise God going to God thank you Jesus hallelujah praise God glory to God thank you you say what's going on that's a fight going on I can tell you that that's a fight come on said there's a fight going on as a fight going on here but it's a different kinda fight it's a fight of faith so mama praise God glory to God what's she doing she's facing something physically or mentally are probably in the family and she's letting the devil no he ain't winning in this situation but then Jesus is Lord and she said devil you ain't winning praise God glory to God thank you Jesus then she'd take off and run [Applause] Oh God never you ain't with it coronavirus a women Jesus [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] hahaha while your praise while you're rejoicing things are turning in the realm of the spirit things are turning in your life things are turning by the power of God why are you praising why you rejoice it given God thanks and rejoice over his word thank him for his faithfulness to his word and you say Lord I know you're watching your words I know you perform your words I know your word is working Matt early in my life praise yah ha ha ha go ahead and shout us your house wherever you're at right now go ahead and praise God it's your house go ahead and run around the living room at your house ha ha ha praise the Lord praise at all glory to God haha now sit down just a minute if you can't praise it oh don't let me stop you while you're filling your basket fill up your praise basket some people act like their problem is so complicated and really just fill up your praise basket we checked your basket it needs to be refilled again fill up your frame s Hebrews 13:15 was they say by him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually let's try that one more time by him what does that mean because of what Jesus has done in him because of his blood because of his sacrifice let us remember his sacrifice and honor his sacrifice by giving a sacrifice of praise [Applause] in other words your sacrifice appraised connects you to his sacrifice of redemption for your life are you able to get happy already I said your sacrifice a brain will connect you to Jesus the perfect sacrifice praise God glory to God jesus paid it all company didn't leave nothing out he paid it all hahaha by him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise I don't know if you have it up but you know Hebrews 1350 by him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually let's start continually continually continually continually continually continually continually that is come on what is it the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name come on that means the fruit of your lips giving thanks to his name continually we offer the sacrifice to pray to God the fruit of our white lips [Music] what does that mean that means there is no such thing as unexpressed thanks all right let's try this out of it in other words you cannot be thankful without it coming out of your mouth giving thanks to God continually the fruit of our lip oh praise God glory to go thank you Jesus praise God ha ha ha praise the Lord glory to God praise the Lord somebody said well I don't feel nothing now faith comes first feelings at the show up later praise the Lord glory to God thank you Jesus ha ha ha now look at acts 16:25 acts 16:25 here's what it says at 16:25 it says at midnight at midnight come on that means a bad time tough time Paul and Silas I love this verse Paul and Silas pray and sang praises unto God and the prisoners heard them that means there's no silent faith going on here there's no silent praying and no silent praising said the prisoners heard them and it says at midnight what had happened there you know they've been beaten embarrassed their backs were bleeding their hands are bound their feet are bound so the Lord said it to be this way he said imagine Paul of Silas at midnight come on their backs are bleeding their hands are bound their feet are bound they're in pain and imagine Paul saying mr. devil looks like you did a good job I'm in pain I'm embarrassed you got my hands bound on my feet bound but mister though you made one big mistake you should have taped my mouth shut [Applause] [Music] you shouldn't take my mouth shut cuz long as I can move my mouth I can move a mountain so long as I can move my mouth I have authority in my voice so long as I can move my mouth so come on how many you got your mouth open right now as long as I can move my mouth come on Mountains gotta move Paul and Silas lifted their voice saying praises to God and it says the prisoners heard them but the prisoners were not the only one that heard them their praise their voice with all the way up in the heaven [Applause] and the power God came down on that sound I said the power God came on that sound whoa the Lord said to me this way he said your voice is your address in the realm of the Spirit your voice is your address the power God came down on their exact address the chains fell off the doors came open and not only were they set free but everybody's a whole jail and free you cannot afford to be silent in this situation that means if you'll dare to lift your voice not only will it set you free but it said people all around you're free if you're dare to lift your horse they just sort of singing praise is the God giving glory to God thank you lord bless the Lord O my soul oh that's within me bless His Holy Name praise God glory to God thank you Lord for your faithfulness your faithfulness to your word your faithfulness to your name praise God come on practice run praise God thank you lord glory to God hallelu praise God glory to God thank you lord praise God hallelujah thank you lord praise God glory to God ha ha ha [Applause] [Music] hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah come on take it to the next level hahaha praise God glory to God praise God glory to God praise God glory to God praise God come on I got to fill my basket up here I don't know what you're facing but it'll lift off of you if you're there to fill up that phrase basket and give the glory to God give thanks to God can magnify the Lord magnify his word praise ha ha ha ha keep standing just for a moment it says that Abraham staggered not at the promise of God let's try this overnight come on you've got the word you've got the promise Abraham didn't stagger SSA are too good that can't happen here he staggered not at the promise of God but he became strong in faith [Music] he became strong in faith giving glory to God being fully persuaded what God has promised he will bring thank you for your word thank you for your problem I rejoice over your word I rejoice over you were come on it may not look like it right now may not feel like it right now but I dare you to fill up the praise back fill up your praise basket thank God for His faithfulness to his word ha ha ha sit back down a minute praise the Lord I'm just about finished Pastor Joe here's my brother Hagins he said dad Hagin a lot of hizmet I've listened to a lot of his messages many many times but the one one of my favorites is the one he has on confession and there's probably more than one but must my favorite one is called four kinds of confession and I usually get to the number two or three in that one and he goes into the confession of your faith the power of the confession of your faith hold fast to your confession of faith without wavering the importance of your confession hold fast we have a great high priest let us hold fast our confession hold on tight don't turn loose of it amen then Hebrews 3:1 Jesus the Apostle and high priest of our confession now still in Hebrews 3:1 4:14 10:23 did you know Hebrews 13:15 is the same identical word as confession in Hebrews 4:14 guster wasn't it what's that giving thanks to his name is the same greek word as confession in 4:14 in other words while you're praising God it's York fashion that God is greater that Jesus is low amen and your confession of faith holding fast to that that the original initial confession of the believer is that Jesus is Lord Jesus is Lord Jesus is Lord he is the undisputed heavyweight champion of the universe he is Lord he's master hallelujah his blood I said his blood his blood it's the blood of his cross and God sees us through that blood but it's not just the blood of his cross because Hebrews 9:12 says he took his blood into heaven when he was raised from the dead and he obtained eternal redemption for us so it's not just the blood of his cross is literally the blood of his triumph and the blood of his resurrection and the blood of Jesus is in the presence of God right now and God lives in constant view of that blood [Music] that blur who has open heaven but that blood comes into direct contact with the believers heart through faith and through the power of the Holy Ghost the the blood of Jesus and the Holy Spirit are inseparable wherever the blood of Jesus honored the Holy Spirit will work wherever the Holy Spirit works the blood of Jesus will be honored everything that the blood of Jesus does in heaven the Holy Spirit does in the believers heart [Music] it must not just be faith without application to have faith in the blood means there must be an application in the book of Hebrews he says that application happens through your confession and through your praise my mama was constantly slinging the blood everywhere you know what I mean for that cuz in the Old Testament when they had when they had worship they put blood and everybody slinging blood on everybody you couldn't even go to church and worship without getting blood on you come on it's in Hebrew Exodus in Hebrew protect blood sprinkle the book free kill everybody my mama was with sling blood sprinkle the blood by faith in other she would lift her voice and she would say something like I plead the blood now we didn't know what that meant and some people said well that's not the New Testament and I tried to tell my mother that she said well it seems to be working for me so I'm gonna keep doing it so dad Hagin said he said I didn't know what the spirit-filled people were doing he said I was raised Baptist so I came over the spirit-filled people because they believed in healing he said that's how I got filled with the Holy Ghost he said so when I came over to spear field spirit-filled people he said our Pentecostal people he said they would always say in the name of Jesus I plead the blood he said I didn't understand exactly what they were doing they said it it works so well for me I still do it to this day in the name of Jesus I plead the blood what does that mean please is simply a legal term that means I bring my case to rest how do you plead I bring my case to rest on the power of the blood of Jesus what is done in heaven what it does in my heart what it does over the devil I plead the blood right now I apply that blood and I rest my case nothing left to do but praise right now because I rest my case on the power that blow in the name of Jesus I plead the blood my momma had a lot of applications for that in the Old Testament I plead but in the New Testament it's called faith in the blood from Romans 3:25 faith in the blood I plead the blood synonymous I have faith in the blood I rest my case on the power of the blood so I'm saying the name of Jesus I plead the blood many applications if she fell sickness or disease coming on her body since you say in the name of Jesus I plead the blood if we're going on a trip you say in the name of Jesus I plead the blood so I grew up around that heathen one time I brought a girlfriend home from high school had a miniskirt on I could tell my mama didn't like her because she said I plead the blood of Jesus right finally I brought Trina home from Bible College my mama said thank God for the blood I think it was a blood I plead the blood or apply the blood I lift my voice and I applied to the doorpost of my family in my life in other words I don't just believe in the blood in the house I got the blood on the doorpost and God said when I see the blood there's a covering over your life and if I'm covering so somebody's got to put the blood on the doorpost somebody's got to turn talking about it praising God for it lift your voice and make a confession of faith about the power of the blood of Jesus son Hebrews you've got the blood covenant through the blood of the everlasting covenant God is working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight well you ought to laugh about that through the blood of the everlasting covenant so you've got the blood covenant you've got the blood of his cross in his death and then you've got the blood concerning your confession of faith so my mama would say the blood of Jesus and I got this little card from Grace Ruth and she said it this way the blood of Jesus purges me from every defilement of the enemy let's try that again the blood of Jesus here's the way workers were sitting there's not one thing in me the blood does not cleanse come on let's just try that I don't know if I'm supposed to stay up there or not but I'm coming down there buddy praise the Lord so your confession come on mace with you pray and lift your voice the blood of Jesus I plead the blood other blood of Jesus purges me from every defilement of the enemy there's not one thing in me the blood does not cleanse and Jesus when he said this is my blood this is my body if the New Testament this blood of the New Testament for the remission of sins someone pointed out forgiveness in the Old Testament but remission in the New Testament the difference between forgiveness and remission is remission means cancellation of penalty and the removal of guilt go ahead and laugh a minute huh in the Old Testament God said I will not remember your sin but in the New Testament the blood has the power to remove your sin from your remembrance in other words sin consciousness is removed from you and guilt is removed from you by the power of the blood of Jesus let me not only God forget about it but I forgot about it because of the power of the blood so your confession I gotta finish it what time is probably the blood of Jesus it's it's not come back this is the blood of Jesus your confession of faith the basis of you pray the blood of Jesus purges me from every defilement of the enemy Andrew Murray said you honor the blood by boldly confessing that it cleanses you from all sins from all unrighteousness praise the Lord Andrew Mercer to enjoy this blessing nothing isn't necessary except faith in the blood of Jesus he said the blood of Jesus has done everything this blood has open heaven reached into your conscience into your heart and we overcome Satan by the blood of a lamb and the word of our testimony that means the power that blood and your confession of faith [Applause] I'm rejoicing over that blood I'm redeemed by the blood I'm washing the blood to enjoy this blessing well I feel like slapping somebody this morning I said to enjoy this blessing I said to enjoy this lesson nothing is necessary except faith in the blood of Jesus everything [Applause] [Applause] [Music] come on he purchased our freedom with his own blood are you washed in the blood by the blood his blood over your solvent over your life his blood come on it reaches to the highest mountain it flows to the lowest Valley the blood that gives us strength ha say I'm one minute I'm just about finished that's the George tell me feel minute stop listen when you take communion woo your confession but when you take communion or the Lord's Supper come on the body the blood our little grandson Dylan huh Wow we've had two and a half years two and a half years ago he's a twin when he's three years old diagnosed with leukemia man two and a half years man Hospital two and a half years quarantine much of the time and so we we've thought his finish and one week before they rang the bell the doctor came out and said we've seen some bad cells and so he needs to have a bone marrow transplant man we were like wow but you know we ain't hooked I said we will so she sent us to New Orleans with my daughter in Dillon we had Harlem four or five months in New Orleans quarantine most of the time and so she took they had to get a donor and found that Gavin Dylan's brother was a donor three of them qualified but Gavin was the best and Gavin was not that happy about it and so Gavin had to go in the hospital for days and they took his blood put a line to his heart and took his blood for four days and they got enough blood to last the rest of Dylan's life and they took the blood put it in a dialysis machine and got the stem cell and then the day came where they were going to give Gavin's stem cell to Dylan and we had to go outside we're looking through a glass doctor is in there and she's done so many of these just a great lady and she took Gavin's stem cells on the tongue on a pole it look just like a cross when we're looking their precious blood on that pole and she said the next six hours are gonna be critical because either he's gonna receive those stem cells or he will reject them we said when those stem cells go into Dylan he's gonna say welcome come home we're glad to see you come on in I here's what the doctor said the doctor said here's the starting the stem cells of gavin the donor going into Dylan and before before the process started she stood by the bed and she said to Dylan mr. Dylan we are getting ready to say goodbye to you because you will never be the same person after this [Applause] we study some of them we found out that once the bone marrow transplant takes place that literally if Gavin has committed a crime Dylan could be convicted of it because they have the same blood same DNA and that literally Gavin's if his eye color was different from Dylan it would change Dylan's outcome change his hair change his skin missing and because that new blood runs through his brain they said it will even affect his personality which means he's gonna start liking what Gavin like and and start disliking but Gavin Dola it's very true to this day so when that blood started going in those stem cells started going in to Dylan six hours Dylan was just singing through the whole process matter of fact for two and a half years we would play Eddie James song the same spirit that raised Jesus from death and Dylan would dance and we'd all dance and before he left the hospital the other day before he got in the car none of us told him but before he got in the car and from the hospital in New Orleans gentle said excuse me I'm not getting the car yet I needed so perfect six hours then just a few weeks later the doctor said now I'm going to test him and see what percentage of Gavin's stem cells are in Dylan and what percentage are Dylan told since he'll so we're like praise the Lord because we want good success and she came back she said I got some good news she said we hardly ever see anything like this that Dylan is already 100% gathering [Applause] listen if medical science can do something like that I wonder who the donor was [Applause] [Music] apply to you you say welcome to Oni immigrant asiye I'm a demon washing them I sit down just one moment listen so here's what the doctor said before they did the stem cell she talked to us for three hours she said does anybody have any questions I said I have a question because I want to know why a year ago you said leukemia was in remission a year ago and now we're doing this I want to know why she said well actually there's two kinds of remission the first kind of remission is just where the cancer is not working she said but with the bone-marrow transplant there's another kind of remission that we call molecular remission she said we're going for molecular remission where we can study every molecule in Dylan's body and there'll be no evidence he ever had leukemia in the old testament you had one kind of remission but in the New Covenant in the New Testament God said I'm going for another camera mission I'm going for no evidence you ever had that situation for the power of the blood of [Music] laughs Oh miss aha praise God thank you Jesus praise the Lord [Music] sit that down just a minute so when you take communion 1st Corinthians chapter 11 23 26 around there Paul said you do show the Lord's death until he comes again when you take the cup which is his blood in the chapter before that Paul call it the cup of blessing in the Old Testament the blood was applied externally but in the New Testament you drink the blood you drink the blessing your blood blessed I said your blood bless your confession produces a consciousness whoa what the blood of Jesus what it does in heaven what it does in you and what it does over hell come on whistling in blood everywhere so when he said you do show the Lord's death a writer pointed this out I'm not sure Hughes who did that but they point out that the words show in that word is literally the word promulgate promulgate you do promulgate the Lord's death until he comes again you promulgate well the definition r4 promulgate is this you put a law into effect when you take communion the cup and the blood and the bread you promulgate show you put a law into effect by an official proclamation so I was preaching this in Mexico City my interpreter said we know what the word promulgate is down here he said because when we say promulgate it comes from a husband and a wife and they get married they say I now pronounce you man and wife you two are now one I just promulgated [Music] so your confession is more than just a few words and when you take communion we just haven't crackers it please drink the cup your faith is engaged in there so will you put along to effect so when you take communion you say now mr. devil it is illegal for you to do that in my house because I'm putting a law into effect so when Dylan had that bone marrow transplant we our daughter her husband got all the kids together and they had communion together put the blood treat the blood put the blood on the doorpost the blood covenant and she said mr. devil it is illegal for you to keep this on my son because of the blood of G his body was broken his blood for our freedom whoo come on and when they came out of Egypt who said they came out with joy I don't know I don't know but I don't know if we can get anybody happier I said when they came out of Egypt they came out with they came out with joy they came out with joy I said they came out with joy when they came out they came out with joy and I said there was not one sick one whole trap and he said he gave them the land of the heathen and they came out with silver and gold Oh glory glory glory stand up on your feet and give the Lord praise hallelu [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] so here's let me finish with this passage or I'm ready what's happening anyway all right the blood of Jesus purges me from every defilement of the enemy the blood of Jesus guards my mind day and night the blood of Jesus prevents deception and aborts every attempt of the enemy to deceive me the blood of Jesus is my divine covering and protection against every attack of the enemy come on I got the blood on there I got the blood of he said and the blood of Jesus is so full of grace it perfect what concerns me and reconciled everything in me to the perfect will of God every day and in every way come on I'm redeemed by the blood I'm washed in the blood come on give the Lord a shout right now what is praise God come on fill up your praise basket right now I said fill up your praise basket right now praise hello Wow come on up here we're gonna go ahead and receive communion so go ahead and be seated this is really something what we're in the middle of right here and those of you who are watching you can you can partake of this with us you can step into this with us there's so many great quotes so many great things that were said one of the greatest ones though we're blood slingers blood slinger so what we're going to do go ahead I want you guys to lead us in this community would grace is awesome this is so perfect exactly what we need isn't this what we need my mind Wow thank you Jesus praise God go ahead and stand up again as we receive this thank you howling to come on in here hallelujah praise hello praise God we celebrate transfusion she said we're getting ready to say goodbye to you I want you to say whatever it is messing with you the devil or sickness come on or depression or say I'm getting ready saying goodbye to you right now I'm watching there's a side to you right now thank you look okay you do the body you do the blood okay Jesus I thank you thank you that you were wounded for our transgressions your body was broken yeah you were touched with the feeling of our infirmities the chastisement for our peace our wholeness was upon you and by your stripes that wounded you in your body yes you took our infirmity bodily and yourself the Lord laid upon you the iniquity of us all and you were crucified you shed your blood you died then your body hallelujah Jesus so that you could give us victory in our bodies we have a glorified body hallelujah the same spirit that raised Jesus physically from the jab from the tomb raises it quickens our mortal body and we confess today that we are one body with Christ the head and we are the body in the earth we are joined one to another we are whole in Christ we take your bread and we thank you that we are blessed hallelujah in the name of Jesus amen hmm thank you law thank you thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you your body was broken so we could be healed by your stripes we are healed Lord we take the cup which is your blood the blood of the everlasting covenant the blood of Christ oh by the blood of Jesus that we have boldness and confidence in the holiest and we draw near in full assurance of faith thank you thank you Lord for the blood of Jesus our hearts are sprinkled by that blood that it cleanses us from all sin by the blood of Jesus we're redeemed we're blessed we have boldness and confidence because of the blood of Jesus that all sin all unrighteousness guilt and shame removed by the blood of Jesus purges our conscience from sin and from evil and from from sin consciousness all because of the blood we're washed in the blood we partake of your blood it reaches to the highest mountain and reaches into our heart your personality into our conscience cleanse by the blood of Jesus free from sin and even the memory of sin that sin has gone into total remission absolute remission by the blood of Jesus thank you thank you for that race we take the blood we drink of your blessing that Christ has redeemed us from the curse and we are blessed we enjoy the blessing of the Lord because of the blood thank you redeemed from the curse of sickness redeemed from the curse of poverty and lack redeemed by the blood of the Lamb oh and we overcome Satan by that blood thank you we thank you for the blood the blood silences the voice of self-condemnation the voice of the Spirit of God since we've been made righteous cleanse because of the blood thank you Father thank you you can take the cup [Music] hallelujah I'll lift your hands and let your voice you look like you thank you lord thank you lord Oh the the 13 14 15 16 17 chapters of the book of John Jesus said all of that in that covenant meal all of that mother was covenant on her huh it was extremely I take communion every day hmm and mark every time you take it you see something different yeah yeah Oh God oh thank you Jesus there was a reason why he said all of you drink of it it was very important for Judas to drink them extremely important for him to drink in true covenant etiquette blood covenant etiquette if Mark and I actually entered into a blood covenant we would become friend that sticks closer than a brother and in the King James translation James capitalized it when he said Abraham was a capital F the friend of God now this is bigger than all outdoors remember Jesus said I no longer call you servants but friend [Music] when Judas came up to him and kissed him Jesus called him friend Judith broke the Covenant Jesus did what would have happened that Judas hadn't killed himself and even Jesus had him shopped with him in his that's called a salt cover I mean for that man they were covenant I mean he covenant did with him price [Music] thank you and then he left the room hmm and he covenanted with the enemies of Jesus for thirty pieces of silver he changed his cousin hmm now when we plead the blood I got so excited but you'll call us saying that all dollars when you plead the blood you've just thrown that whole covenant into Satan's face you slapped him with a slap he can never over deal with yeah Kelly said to father go see that's what got me so excited man 35 40 years ago yeah I found that G so this is my blood bath and G we're dancing around oh then Kenny said my blood brother is the donor [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's what after that baby yeah yeah that's what happened boy that's nasty on the devil thank you lord thank you lord mark and Trina thank you so much what a divine appointment this was when we arranged to have you come here Terry and I gone now we're back and I really wanted to be back for this I really wanted to be a part of this and we're just so thankful to you do you appreciate them Wow Wow go ahead and be seated I'm gonna go ahead and receive your offering right now and it's gonna be a really good one to those of you that we're liking envelope on the front row just raise your hand we'll get one to you if you like an envelope and there's one in the seat pocket in front of you those who are watching right now first of all you can do the text to gable put the information up there and then if you guys will go ahead and give you the information for our guests there we go well text number three six six oh nine a-m I see guests and then the dollar amount and then if you're giving online it is EMI seed org slash give and then click on to guest speaker and that information will come up before you so we are so thrilled and so thankful for what the Lord is doing and you know this and guys come on out here this is this is not a time to panic this is not a time for us to walk in fear this is a time for you and I to be walking in faith have faith in God have faith in God have faith in God and so I was thinking about this song come on out here come on out here I was thinking about this song and that just I just really had it in my heart for us to do this here doesn't stand a chance it doesn't stand a chance so father we honor you and praise you for this time for this offering for this day for this magnificent message and all that is taken place and all that is happening in the nations and we stand on that word that brother Copeland gained that this will be over much sooner than you think Christian people all over this country are praying have overwhelmed it we've overwhelmed it in the name of Jesus so guys let's go ahead uh sure when the people already if you wait on them and let's go and do this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sustained [Music] doesn't it doesn't stand a chance [Music] doesn't stand a chance with a stack [Applause] does it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that can say [Music] here doesn't sandwich [Music] break off [Music] [Applause] [Music] correction power [Music] [Music] doesn't stand a chance [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] glory to God praise You Father thank you Jesus altar ministers we are here come on up here if you need prayer for anything before we go today feel free to come and we will agree with you thank you for joining us really from the top of the world of the bottom all the way around let me read to you all of the countries that have been with us today are you ready Australia Canada the Czech Republic Guyana Mexico Slovakia United Arab Emirates Zimbabwe China Hungary Panama the US Virgin Islands Denmark st. Lucia Kenya Belarus chat Chile France Ireland Puerto Rico South Africa the United Kingdom Antigua and Barbuda Finland India Romania Spain Honduras Russia Mauritius Brazil Colombia Ghana Jamaica Singapore Ukraine Bahamas Germany Japan Taiwan Pakistan Netherlands Philippines New Zealand and the United States of America praise God everybody hallelujah well as we go I remind you of this God loves you we love you and Jesus is Lord come on guys sing it you are dismissed day this has been what a day is this great I'm so grateful so many of you watching us all across the country Greg Stevens I'm an associate pastor here at the ministry what a day this has been I'm so excited listen let me tell you what's coming up this week you don't want to miss any of the things this week beginning Tuesday night America stands election coverage in the spirit of faith we're going to cover the states that are still voting I guess I heard Georgia is postponed there but we're gonna cover them Ohio Florida and there was one other one that I can think of right Illinois hey it was well but we're going to cover all of those states you can get all of that 9 p.m. Eastern Time 8 central six on the west coast and and join us we'll bring you up to date of what's happening there and then on Wednesday night what's happening was not sure we won't be live in Church here but we will be on the network a with homegroup or something so you'll want to watch that it's going to be very very special all right I bless you I thank God for you you're blessed and prospered in Jesus my name God loves you I love you and remember Jesus is Lord see you Tuesday night don't miss it [Music]
Channel: Eagle Mountain International Church
Views: 10,689
Rating: 4.9466667 out of 5
Id: ZcYZnT0isic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 214min 16sec (12856 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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