Miracles Don’t Just Happen | Dominion Partners | March 7th 2021 | Pastor 'Tunde Bakare

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[Music] hallelujah hallelujah maybe ancient words active and alive today impart you like never before in the mighty name of jesus please be seated in god's awesome presence the subject of our contemplation for these dominion partners sunday is miracles don't just happen say that with me is it because of your okay screaming little miracles don't just happen today within the church of the living god are two categories of people whenever you consider the subject of material prosperity the first category of people are those who pray constantly for financial miracles i'm not mocking them because i've been in their situation until i understood what to do many times these people on the edge as the world on financial thin eyes they are extremely vulnerable they are constant song i'm serving a god of miracles i know yes i know i'm serving a god of miracles i know yes i know you know this song you have been singing it that song is for those who are looking for divine bill out long ago i remember very well at the excellence hotel during one of the partners meeting i chained that song how many of you remember that day i'm serving a god of great blessings i know yes i know i'm serving a god of great blessings i know yes i know when they asked my son to make his pledge yesterday they got to the place for richer and for poorer in sickness and in health enrollment students for richer and richer and in health and health my friend from ghana wrote he said that's your son because you changed everything i should defeat i could not bust out in laughter with it did not enhance that with us just is that enriching and richard in health and health i said okay i don't know who wrote that scripture originally but my son changes yesterday and i'm in alignment with him that enrich our richer and in health and wholeness i don't want to sign for what i don't want to hubble poverty is not in my door it's not in my household neither is sickness or disease can i hear amen out of the mouth of babes and sock knees he has perfected praise but somebody will say that that does not make sense the things of god don't make sense it don't make sense he's the lord that heals you he's the one that gives you power to get wealth so why are you signing for rijampura make up your mind which one do you want amen the second category of people are those who know how to work and operate in blessings already abundantly provided by god especially for his own people these are like the tree planted by the rivers of water that brings forth his fruit in season and sleeps and all with that and whatsoever this second category of people do shall prosper look with me through some one one two three let me share some hidden things that you probably may not be aware of you'll be reading it and you've heard me quote it over and over again but let me give you some things in there that may not be clearly obvious to those who have been in church for too long a time have been hearing this passage quoted the man who walks in the council of the ungodly huh does he say that no the man who does not walk in the castle of the ungodly will have to pray for miracles no bless he does not even need to pray now i believe we need to pray i pray but praying for god bless me is like my son saying that my school feast is is due and i know many people go through this experience oh it happened to me once in my life i remember that money and mrs people remember i took me by the hand was going through serious financial stress it was a lot everything knocked down our generator knocked down our kind knocked down we lost humongous resources and it was time for boomi to go to school there was even no car to take her to school that day i carry that in my home and we walk a little we walk a little career again and as i got to the school the headmistress said ah there you are we've been looking for you i said in my heart don't disgrace me before my daughter you know how much the schoolfist was 500 naira and i didn't have it you don't know what you are not missing if you are not rich before and you are down you are not missing anything you have been rich before and you've been signing checks of millions and suddenly you can't afford 500 milli 500 naira uh suicide will be knocking at your door i said what what is it is that oh you remember the school magazine as a school magazine said yes so i can't remember he said the school authority asked us to stop the school magazine for now and you advertise in the magazine so the answers to refund money to parents who had paid for the advertisement i said he said yes i said how much he mentioned i said how many times will he come i said two times but i just use it for school fees my wife was walking at the balcony i was crying back home i said what happened i said i'm serving a goddamn miracles i know yes i know i told you i sang this song before i'm serving a god of miracles it was that day i knew the meaning of jehovah jiren is a god who makes the provision before the need arises he had allowed me to do that he knew what i would go through and i was not exposed to shame you will not be exposed to shame in the mighty name of jesus before school fees is due you have what to pay can you imagine your children falling down before you every day asking you for breakfast and praying wouldn't that be some agony matana instinct of your wives who create trouble in such moment can you see that the children are hungry that will not be your portion but let's look through this up bless is the man who walks not in the council of the ungodly nor stands in the path of sinners nor seeds in the seed of the skunkful those who mock the word of god is every observer all you know is bible but his light is in the law of the lord and in his law he meditates how often they are nigh he shall be like a tree this is the first thing you have not noticed before it shall be like a tree planted in the middle of a sentence the word planted is capital p in the middle of a sentence showing that the planter is god he is the first farmer in the entire human history who planted a garden east of eden and took the man informed and brought him into the garden he planted have you noticed that planted before it shall be like a tree planted by the rivers not just one rivers of water that brings forth his fruit in its season whose resources shall not wither whatsoever it does shall prosper so let's quickly look at three things there these people are blessed because of the choices they make therefore they do not need to pray for miracles because of the choices they make bless is a man that does not walk in the council of the ungodly i told my son last night as a prostrator full fled before me after all the ceremonies to receive a patriarchal blessing i'd never asked any of my son to fall down before me they were standing before god and that was for a trucker blessing and i release such a blessing that i don't normally release onto him i say now is yours go and be greater than i am going to achieve more than i ever achieved let everything i've achieved today up to now prepared into insignificance compared to what your generation would do at this time the wife was still standing outside in the car was waiting the car said tell your wife to come down and she came down said remove her shoes and i began to pour water on her feet to wash he said this is not a call take the last thing jesus did for his disciples before going to the cross before the communion was to wash their feet so every dose that ever gathered unto these feet have no access to you anymore you are entering a different realm in your life where you become a mighty rock and no serpent can crack the rock welcome into our family you are a daughter not a daughter-in-law you are fully accepted as one of my own and the patriarchal blessings are released upon your husband is for you both enjoy your life these people are blessed because of the choices they make they did not work stand or sit in the skirt in the seat of this comfort that the normal god's word that made the choice to delight in his word dave and night to delight in something is to be so excited and overcome by it that people will be asking you what is so special about the bible so when you find out you know when i got born again the whole of the university of lagos knew i knew only one chorus especially after i had become baptized in the holy spirit january 17 at 1 00 a.m on top of mariette hall i went to every room and they come distributing campus preacher that we start to write every sunday and i had only one song i'm so glad i belong to jesus i belong to jesus i belong to my lord i'm so glad i belong to jesus i belong to jesus i belonged it was with joy i was singing it and every vacation from a lucrative marina i had my yellow t-shirt and a black trouser that i would use to do boss evangelism every day of that vacation do you understand me i didn't see any building like this i wasn't looking for it but i was being faithful with the leadership that i had bless is a man that does not work in the counsel of the ungodly not stand the way of sinners no sit in the seat of this kung fu the choices you make as you lay your bed in life so you rely on it number two they are blessed i've told you that because they are planted by the planter himself are you aware that you're planted psalm 92 those who are planted in the house of god shall flourish in the courts of jehovah they will not diminish they will flourish so we know who planted who is it are planted i can't hear you question are you hunted there's another point there i don't want to miss mine this will last for a whole month the word reverse they are planted by the rivers of water what do you understand by that look in the middle column of your bible you see another word written there by the war reverse look in the middle column you see the channels those who are planted by the rivers of water cannot afford to be receptacles they must be channels because except god can get it through you he will not get it to you can you see the world channels there huh uh-huh that's why you bring your bible anybody with new king james version of the bible in the sanctuary by the word reverse can you see the middle column what does he say channels it's not channel tv they just took one of these if you are a receptacle if you get all you can and cannot you get and sit on the can they clan will breed worms that's what happened to those who gather their manner inappropriately and try to keep it it bread warms when you get all you can and can all you get and sit on the can will be a kind of worms channels if god can get it to you or through you it will get it to you for as long as you're a channel carrying water you can never be dry it's simple their partners prophet jeremiah captured these two categories of people it captured the the the what you call their heart condition those who are always vulnerable and will be always praying for miracles for financial bailout you know those things we could not pay salaries i don't know why they still exist right they don't match them all together the government had to borrow money or have to look for some funds to build them out how many of you are looking for bailout this morning that's not the way to leave us living on the fringe walking on financial thin ice edge if that thing ice breaks you're in crisis god doesn't want you to leave look that way girl wants your wife to look at you when you come and say you're good because you're a solution provider it doesn't want your children crying before they eat do you understand me so be honest with me which category do you belong this morning don't lift up your hand know it in your heart as you hear me today you will not go with a bowling hand to any man again in the mighty name of jesus you will not wait for people to pull you out of financial crisis you know you don't know it's a heart condition when you don't trust god you have nothing but to trust man and god is looking at it and he said that man is operating the curse look at how jeremiah captured it in jeremiah chapter 17 i'll read from verse 5 to 13 and then we'll use verse 14 to pray jeremiah 17 5 god says lord curse is a man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength whose heart departs from the lord i got a lot to teach you this this season is it okay if i spend this whole month is it all right will a man be too much in your life to fix you so that you can be properly framed by the world that has framed you before you were born for he shall be like a shrub in the desert where is he going to get moisture from that's what happens to you when every time there is a need in your life you are thinking of who could be you out if i can go to this one if i can get to that one if that's what you are doing your whole mind is full of contact lists of contacts and connections huh if i could let get your brother let go to you all my problems will be solved i'm wrong look at you ask questions you're already angry if i can get to be allah last year in the curry look at her a washer to water your lord and people where she rhymes allah shall know me no huh or if i can only get to justice even even the face shield is tinted and it matches the color hey do you know mrs mrs lady do you know her want it in bali him that puts his trust in the arms of flesh because the arms are flesh we fail you oh he felt me several times uncle arrived from england in 1967. i was so glad he gave me a nickname pankola leaders doing his dad um i was i was all over him he said i understand you're not you couldn't go to school and i'm back now you go to school hallelujah i started rejoicing kai whoa see what god is going to do for me and my uncles are by december of that year he was returning home for christmas he died in an accident he had sent others to school like my cousin i just passed on at 73 mr below and all that his older sister has it i could he had demonstrated so i was so happy so then my aunt antifa no woman had no child of our own said i understand you couldn't go to school i'll take it over i stopped crying i started rejoicing another person has taken over praise the lord hallelujah glory to god no i didn't know hallelujah then i know you did not tell him mr kima only god can show us the way i read the quran over and over again my entry call for a party killed a cow and who all rejected was very rich she had sent my older cousin morality to school so i'll be the next one she went underneath her bed to bring some special plates out heart attack wow she died my hope for going to school through the window so i decided to shave my hair i went to kabul's your backbone lucky overland i say you know my father in his lifetime said yes i'm the last child i would desire to go to school but none is not coming from anywhere can you help me travis gave me money for form i went to take the form if others died this one will leave khabib she entered the roof over here he did not die he just entered the roof wow unto him that poses trust and the people wanted to help it didn't happen i'll leave the rest of my memories let's read on cars is a man who trusts in man a makes flesh and strength whose heart pass from the lord each time you are focusing on people you have lost your focus on god you shall be like a shrub in the desert and shall not see when good comes but shall inhabit the past places in the wilderness in a short land which is not inhabited but blessed is a man who trusts in the lord whose hope is the lord for he shall be like a tree planted by the waters we spread out these rules by the river and we not fear when heat comes but his leave will be green and will not be anxious anxiety in the heart is the root cause of depression that's what the bible says i will not be anxious in the year of drugs now will cease from yielding fruit what is the what is the difference between the two the condition of their heart their heart is received above all things and desperately wicked who can know it go to verse 14 for me while i can continue let me read on i i the lord let me read on i the loss of the heart and test the mind is such in your heart is stressing your mind he hears your whispers words that did not speak the hurt the curse the pain everything in your heart that is crying to god and because of the way people are treating you according to you not knowing god was deliberately putting stumbling blocks on your way do you return to him i the lord saw the heart i tell the man even to give every man according to his ways and according to the fruit of his doings as a partridge that brutes but there's no heart so is he who gets riches but not by right it will leave him in the midst of his days and at his end he will be a fool a glorious high throne from the beginning is a place of our sanctuary oh no the hope of israel all who forsake you shall be ashamed and when he hit that place then he prayed the prayer in verse in verse 14. those who depart from me shall be written in the earth because they are forsaken the lord the fountain of living waters prayer heal me all over and i shall be healed save me i shall shall be saved for you are my priest and your feet and pray that prayer for with me heal me o lord and i shall be healed say o lord and i shall be saved for you are my praise not anybody else heal me o lord and i shall be healed serve me o lord and i shall be saved for you are my praise in the mighty name of jesus may we all experience financial fitness as we are healed and saved from luck and penalty by the god of our praise in the mighty name of jesus amen please be seated this is why i don't want to rush this i can go straight to miracles don't just happen and not lay a solid foundation we dig deeper into these two categories of believers those praying for financial miracles are called divine bailouts and those operating in limitless blessings because they know what to do let me lay some solid rock-solid foundation you know that's why i like the book just written by my friend he separated the child from the green i'm not teaching from the book if i am i'll tell you and you get a copy you see whether i'm copying him i told him he's stepping to my tough this is my natural terrain one of the things i'm endowed to do to help people let me lay some rock solid foundation are you ready huh number one everything god created for the benefit of mankind is in abundance everything take for example the fish that we eat almost on daily basis if you have eaten fish in the past few days lift up your hand i can see you have eaten fish in the past few days do you see how many hands if you have been eating fish since you were born and you could eat solid food lift off your hand you have been eating fish now fish really but fish fish fish my family and i were given a vacation several years ago in the south asian sea that was the day sheikwa and i took the water scooter and went 150 below sea level to see fish in their natural terrain all right and we're feeding them then suddenly fear hit me i said are you crazy you brought your son here if this see something happens i attacked him the water scooter to go up then i saw the divers were already all around us not angels because they know it was that that's that's their tourism they were already around us if anything happens they'll just snatch us and carry us off we got up mrs b did not follow us why why summer only only me who loved let because before that time we did canopy trek you remember you remember canopy trek my mouth i will not say the rest [Laughter] and then we went to dubai the whole family our swimming pool was on top of the building and my servant the children were swimming i would say let's teach you how to swim he said no the baccarates can gang up to drown me i said me and your children i have friends who can she swims now i have friends who they see what i do wrong you want me to mention their names oh they have been too good to me i'll keep quiet oh anything they cannot hold they don't go near her that day in the ancient sea as well coming out they found a new specie of fish that had never been seen and it's rare displayed we don't have a name for it yet because it's the first time we are seeing this type of fish can you believe that i stood there totally amazed at what we don't know and we think we have seen it all you understand me i think we have seen it all look at face for example genesis chapter 1 verse 20 everything god created for the benefit of mankind every one of those things in abundance then god said let the waters abound with what with an abundance of living creatures and let birds fly above the earth across the face of the firmament of the heavens so god created great sea creatures and everything that moves with wheat the waters abounded according to their kindness and every winged board according to its kind and god saw that he was good and god blessed them before he created man god bless them saying be fruitful multiply fill the waters in the sea and let the bars multiply in the earth you don't understand this god man was not created at this time man had not been blessed at this time but one man was surviving and leaving was already blessed by god to multiply and increase on the earth so if your subject is in your house it created the world of abundance cookery foreign yo [Music] [Music] number two no human want or need however huge or human girls condemn god's account or deplete his resource base no human need i want because some people saying that the lord said it will meet my need not my one no the lord is my shepherd i shall not want it means both no human want or need i'll never heal your humongous condemn god's account or deplete his resource base that is the faith that built the citadel god's resources are inexhaustible can you say that with me the way you are saying issues you don't believe it ephesians chapter 3 verse 20 and 21 unto him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think according to one what power works in you what power works in you i have three solid power working in me you want to know the power of the holy spirit you shall receive power after that the holy spirit has come upon you the power of his word i am not ashamed of the gospel of the lord jesus it is a power of god unto salvation to him that believes the third power is the power of my choice the things i choose the power of my choice there's a lot of power in what you choose and once you make your choice chances choices will be followed by consequences give me that scripture again unto him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that work in us next verse to him be glory in the church by christ jesus to some generation's past for some of the time to all generations forever and never and the church said amen do you know him as god who loots his people with daily loads of benefits the bible says that god graceful to all induce season he alone can give strength in our ramifications to all people and a resource base will not be depleted let me show you some examples scriptures first chronicles 29 verse 10 to 12. if this is in your bible you either believe it or just use blade to cut it out therefore david bless the law before the assembly and david said blessed are you lord god of israel our father forever and ever yours oh lord is a greatness the power and the glory the victory and the majesty for all that is in heaven and in earth is yours yours is the kingdom oh lord and you are exalted as head over all both riches and hannah come from where from you and you reign over all in your hand is power and might in your hand it is to make great and to give strength to some people to give strength to all psalm 68 verses 19 and 20. psalm 68 verses 19 and 20 blessed be the lord who delay lords us wait benefits the god of our salvation and onto our god our god is a god of salvation to god the lord belongs escapes from death whatever is assigned to choke life out of you today you are released from his grief in the name of jesus christ give me some 104 verse 1 listen to this psalm 104 verse 1 bless the lord all my soul oh lord my god you are very great you are clothed with hana majesty verse 22 thank you when the sun rises they gather together oh give me that's too fast give me verse uh let me start from verse 18 or 19 is talking about about how god organizes this planet so that animals don't eat men do men eat animals the high heels are for the white goats the clays are a refuge for the rock badgers thank you he appointed the moon for seasons the sun knows it's going down you make darkness and it is night in which all the beasts of the forest creep out the young lions draw after their prayer and seek their food from god when the sun rises they gather together and lie down in their dance god orchestrated the planet and still occasionally that way the wild beasts will be in there then in the day for what reason so that men can go to their own work man goes out to his work and to his labor until the evening oh lord i'm manifold are your works in wisdom you have made them all the earth is full of your oh i can't hear you the heart is full of you is that person in your father is he your father and the heart is full of all his possessions and you have nothing to show for it this great and white sea which are innumerable timing things living things both small and great they are the ships sailed about there is that leviathan which you are made to play there these all wait for you including leviton these all wait for you that you may give them their food in this season what you give them the gathering you open your hand they are filled with good you hide your face they are trouble you take away their breath they die and return to their doors you stand for your spirit they are created and you renew the face of the earth oh lord our god may the glory of the lord and there forever may the lord rejoice in his works including you may your life bring joy to god may god rejoice over you in the mighty name of jesus now number three there are two ways god provides for his own people two ways two major ways directly without a human or other agents as indeed when he provided manner for the children of israel the bible same places he opened the doors of heaven and gave angels food to men i'm going to elucidate on that later for you when i teach you miracles don't just happen you will realize that even in the provision of manner as exclusive as it looks there was a role played by abraham hello i said there was a role played by abraham even in the giving of manna you don't believe me do you when those three angels of assignment came to his tent in genesis 18. he horrid sarah and holy the servants and they presented food for them and they ate angels ate man's food it was paid down for the day that men will eat angels food i will get there and you see that god did it is that because of abraham my servant i will show you that later at a later stage one way god provides is for him to do it by himself by himself that generation didn't do anything it was done for them before they go there and god remember his covenant with abraham according to the scripture and opened the doors of heaven now this is my challenge this is my challenge if god opened the doors of heaven and pour manna down for 40 years but not say bad days nonstop you know you're not there yet if all you are praying for is for windows of heaven to be open when there are doors am i making sense to you and that which is little is approve me in matters of titan offering if i will not open the windows of heaven right and pour you a blessing that no room can take i don't really believe in that you do not qualify for a window how would you qualify for door the second way god provides for his own people is by involving them in the process as clearly demonstrated when he fed five thousand with five loaves and two pieces of fish brought to the meeting by a young lord it was what they heard that they put in his hands that they pray that heavens open they look up to heaven and multiply in the hands of the disciples you put nothing in his hand what would he multiply for you many of us are sure changing ourselves because of our small brain we think we can outsmart god someone asked me a question when i pay my time shall i give up grass or net i said send yourself into a net that's fine i don't care because that's not my concern that's not my focus that's not my source but that's what i do for my own benefit and for the benefit of my household i don't do arithmetic with god you understand me i'm always looking for opportunity to give more to him because i brought nothing to this world everything i have came from him and i will use them to glorify him can i hear amen in case you do not know our god is the el shaddai the multi-breasted one out of whose breath the milk of mercy and compassion constantly flow for all his creation and those who know how to access that will eventually like abraham locate their own place called jehovah gyra the place where divine your obedience will attract divine provisions constantly we sing this song but i don't think we believe it there is nothing that i need that you won't supply there's nothing that i need that you won't provide if i believe i don't think mine that way i see my since i believe look i changed those things to suit me because of the level of knowledge and i'll preaching there is nothing that i need that he won't supply there is nothing that i need that he won't provide since i believe [Music] since i believe you keep on singing if i believe so i say to the mountain moon so i say to the mountain get out of my way cause i believe yes i believe this introduction to the message miracles don't just happen i would like to round off this introduction can't even get to this subject today four major factors that we almost embrace in order to benefit tremendously from divine provision of health of wealth of riches and honor four major factors we must all embrace in order to benefit tremendously from divine provision of health of wealth of riches and honor who would like to tell me the first one what is the first factor that must be clear must be real huh what is the first thing what is the first factor somebody said god factor i don't want you to put it that way everybody talks about god factor what is the first thing that you must do to make those things real in your life health wealth riches and honor because you can have riches without honor you can come in with all your billions end of story you can have all the billions with our health they'll be passing some tubes into you in order to feed but what are these factors guaranteed by the word of god that once you embrace them i'm talking to believers not to the ungodly as i was if you repent from your sin all i've seen and come short of the glory of god but what are the four things believers must embrace in order for them to access divine provision of health of wealth of riches and honor number one this is the the first one is what i call all time key to true prosperity all time key to true prosperity is number one do you know what it is seek god and his kingdom first seek god and his kingdom first above all other things and above all other people demanding for your attention your age now we're standing i started sensing the fatherhood of god at about the age of four because if i turned three my father died and i was being raised by three four women my stepmothers and my mother at home i was the only man at home i did your fault although that's that gone i didn't know how it happened but i started sensing god is present the time i was 10 he showed himself to me there's no one who seeks god that god will turn away from listen do you know seeking god will bring true prosperity to you give me ii chronicles chapter 26 i want to show you a teenager there who became a king and show you how it truly prospered now all the people of judah took us ayah who was 16 years old are the teenagers in the house today are they in order in their own church okay so you need to hear this age is no barrier to good to good matters and to character and to wealth and to hell now all the people of judah took uzziah was 16 years old and made him king instead of his father a messiah he built a lot and restored it to judah after the king rested with his fathers right uzziah was i can't hear you his i was 16 years old when he became king and he reigned 52 years in jerusalem his mother's name was jacolia of jerusalem and did what he did what was right in the sight of the lord according to all that his father messiah had done read this with me he sought god in the days of zechariah who had understanding in the visions of god and as long as he saw the lord as long as he saw the lord god made him to prosper as long as look don't read those things and just read them gloss over them as long as he did because he stopped he stopped you remember he was a leper to the day of his death because he assumed he could do some things by himself now he saw the lord in the days of a man who understood the visions of god and so when you come to an environment like this and you are being taught about the ways of god if you are wise you put aside what you think you know you learn and learn and relearn he saw god in the days of zechariah who had understanding in the visions of god and as long as he saw the lord god made him prosper let's compare that with new testament uh protocol in this regard matthew chapter 6 you don't like me to read verse 24 i will read it again because of you you are just in the sanctuary you worship mammon thoroughly these are written in red so this is jesus speaking no one can serve two masters for either we hate the one and love the other or else to be loyal to the one and despise the other you cannot serve god and mammon can you do you ah ah god's children do you serve mammon i can't hear you no you love god you hate money give me verse 24 again no one can serve two masters for either he will hate the one and love the order or else it will be loyal to the one and despise their other you cannot serve god and mammal how do you serve mammals how do you serve god it begins from your thought processes you don't think it don't act it thought is a father of action if you want to know whether yourself mama or not read the next verse verse 25 therefore i say to you do not worry about your life are you worried about your life what you will eat what you would drink now about your body what you put on it's not life more than food and the body more and clothing what is he saying there don't worry about food fashion or future are you worried about those things you know you are so you are worshiping mama it begins with a thought therefore do nothing take no thought it will be offered to you don't take it that morning when i could not pay 500 nana school fees for my daughter and i still took her bodily to walk to school what do you think i was expecting that they will say that i will not pay i didn't just know but i knew what happened to me before i married the mother the two months of my wedding my appointment was terminated and the song i was singing my god knows our way through the wilderness all i have to do is i was learning i was it was my training time for raining today i was learning how to trust god i took a step of faith and pulled my daughter and said let's go we walked somewhere carrying out some we walked some she was all smiling she didn't know and i got there god had made the provision imagine i said you can't go to school today because you can't pee that's what you do because you have taken the thought you have signed for it take no thought leave a comment your password i can't leave a go on your can leave a comment because i'm not rich like you i didn't start where i'm living now but when my friends were buying land i followed them they said they found a beautiful passion of blood i won't mention their names it may be what right now we all went there there were doctors as a lawyer i had little money in my pocket when we got there the password of land was about three thousand i was thinking of if i could buy two but when we went and went and went and went and went and went and went and went i went i wonder when i went and went and wanted [Applause] we went i went i went i went and we got to this place i won't tell you where because you know who lives there i said guys i'm buying land here i would rather go to about and come here this is the end of the city it is those who are not priests that were pushed by joseph two thousand years because the priests were being fed from the table of pharaoh and even godly priests are fell from the table of pharaoh i will feel from the table of the master you understand me as i am not by here as a igbo why this is pride i say it's not pride hear me civilization will not get here in 25 years i'm not coming here not coming here they bought the line they built their houses i rejoice with them i didn't build any i was renting an apartment but i had my eyes on old money site called jerry fixed can i tell the rest of the story over 20 years after i went to greet one of them who built there and they made food for me i was about to eat i said look i like your wife's vegetable aniko but i don't want fork i want to use my hand to relish it and they call their son bring water i say i'm coming man mala mala eventually mala showed up with a pole on his shoulder one pill there one fell i took the water washed my hands and drank and i said i told you that 25 years after civilization would not get here you see so i call one of ours here because i want you to act like you're from legal state go there and dig a boho for them so he acted like oh there's a legal state is trying to do something for you here and they said we should locate it us as a legal state what did i do for liquor so well because they want this neighborhood to have water is that they will be disturbing me our instruction is clear we must dig it here he said i know who is doing this praise the lord let's look at new let's read on i'm not going to rush this look at the birds of the air for they need a soul no reef not gathering to bangs yet your heavenly father feeds them are you not of more value than they hello the birds of the air they don't sow they don't reap they don't gather into bands yet your heavenly father face them now what you don't realize here is that birds are smarter than many human beings because your heavenly father does not put the food in their mouth they may not have bands where they gather it into they gather it into their nests your home is your nest oh lord [Laughter] come on let's read further which of you by warren can add one cubit to his stature there was nothing they didn't tell me i could eat that would make me big raw egg mixed with glucose a little hot water i will even add bomb fitter to it to give it taste cake if you eat cake my metabolism is strong before i land some people is burnt you can add one cubic to your stature so why do you worry about clothing consider the lilies of the field how they grow they never toil no spain and yet i said to you that even solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these that was a man who mishandled a misuse his wealth and when jesus was speaking he said all the governmental it's not as beautiful as that of lily of the body that they don't even spin for themselves let's read them now if god so close the grass of the field we today is and tomorrow is thrown into the oven will he not much more clothe you or you are little faith what is it that is troubling your mind that is making you think those dangerous thoughts hey confidence in town there ain't no work is going on there things are paralyzing but you know the bible says whatever you say in his hand that's what he will do for you numbers chapter 14 says why did you say my hair there will i do for you keep on moving keep on complaining keep on talking there's no money in town there's no money in turn my son got married you know i was free of charge because it's my son there are many in town they are building houses and you are attending the dedication everyone in town they are buying new cars do you know the best time to prosper in the time of farming for the bible says in times of farming my people shall be satisfied and what does it say they would do to farming they will laugh why would they love opportunity to prosper has come opportunity to separate the child from the grain has come i don't care what you think if you're not thinking godly you can be my friend you will soon run i will not need to chase you you run away from me because i think big all the time this little frame cannot contain what i am inside that's why i remain an enigma it's totally you can you can you can the way i have been the way god has trained me none of these things move me you know it is material things that will catch up with me i'm not sure you are hearing this because my god is big as a very big goddamn he is always by my side therefore do not worry say what shall we eat or what shall we drink or what shall we wear well after all these things the gentiles those without god without covenant without jesus after all these things the entire seek for your heavenly father knows that you need does he know so why do you repeat your prayers because you don't believe in us for your heavenly father knows you have need but seek no not seek the kingdom seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you can you see the vision of labor in that scripture there's the vision of labor who does the seeking you who does the adding god where you take over god's job give an adding and keep on adding and not seeking and then you become like solomon reading garments that cannot be compared to the beauty of the lily if i can look at that that's all you're encumbered with your assignment is to seek first the kingdom of god his assignment is to act number two after seeking god and his kingdom the second requirement for walking in god's blessing is the big o the obedience factor because you can seek god and he'll give you instruction and you will not move my son in the faith the pastor of glory uh gloria and what now glory and grace chapel grace and glory chapel the one that was the architect for this city they were building professor adebamo when they got the password of land where they were god asked him he spoke to his wife go and start now they had no approval that the law spoke to me start now i said i'm an architect i'll be violating the law he said that he had learned to trust when god speaks through his wife so they started and as they started government moved against them you can't be you can't be you can build and they made appeal and you know i said kai when they came to say oh you have gone this far but for the fact that you have started would not have given you approval and they waived it eventually they gave them the approval god does not think the way you think he sees ahead of you when he says jump don't even say how high just bang underneath or the everlasting arms but you must hear him clearly in order to obey him implicitly when you are seeking god is not seeking him for those things that i will add he knows you have need of him you are need of those things you seek him for who he is almighty god possess of heaven and earth you bless his own name you glorify him i've been married for many years now ask mrs b we have had any meeting where we are praying for financial needs to be met i can't recall any has there been any that you and i saw that i said oh wallambo no when you know what to do and you take a step of faith god covers the ground because faith does not fail his word will not return to him void deuteronomy 28 now it shall come to pass may it come to pass for you today [Applause] if you diligently obey the voice of the lord your god to observe carefully all his commandments which i command you today that the lord your god will set you where high above all nations of the earth and all these blessings are come upon you and overtake you because not if because it's that with if it's ending with because because you obey the voice of the lord your god you see many people walk anticlockwise now acting diligently to the voice of the lord their god and they are asking him to bless them nonetheless and when that happens they pursue the blessings the blessing does not pursue them if you acting diligently to the voice of the lord your god and obey his commandments this blessing shall pursue you and overtake you you know what that get to the place where you say god look for another address i'm tired i will open the window of heaven and pour you a blessing that no room can take or is he only working for one man no i obey if you acting diligently to the voice of the lord your god and obey his commandment this blessing shall pursue you because you obey god testified concerning abraham look at hebrews 11 8-12 wow i love this hebrews 11 8-12 by faith abram that's the legacy of abraham by faith abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to the place which he will receive as an inheritance and he went out not knowing where i was going i've taught you that what it means because in chapter 11 he had said they were going to canaan he knew where i was going but he did not know what was waiting for him there he obeyed nonetheless you've be nonetheless at the age of 75 are you that old can gusty shift you can he move you into a place where no one can pull you down you obey and then the next generation rose and god testified i cannot let you be without because abraham obeyed in genesis 22 isaac was about to go he went to jail i was about to go to egypt god sergion in this land i will bless you multiply you because abram obeyed may your obedience pave way for your children in the name of jesus christ many of us are here to pass this test of complete and implicit obedience to god's word if you are abraham with an only begotten son called isaac that god said bring him to me and offer him to me as a born sacrifice will you go abraham's blessings amen abraham blessings i am blessed in the money is only song that we hear can see it because you're not doing what abram did if you're not going to live like abraham don't ever ever sing that abraham blessing is yours wasting your time the third factor quickly is to develop the capacity to eat and let your soul delight itself in abundance regardless of your current financial status or situation did we have all the money to build the citadel where we started did we what we had could not even pay interest but we started anyway and i kept on telling you this citadel is a faith project it will not stop from the day it starts until it finishes and you'll be dedicated debt free uh we have been in it now for almost six months all right and yet is completed it's not finished we still have to finish we'll finish it god who brought us this fire he would do it to the end and i will remind you that day when i stand there very soon and said this building there's nothing to pay anymore it's completely debt free and at the dedication you will hear how and what because i'm publishing a book on how this building is financed to silence naysayers and those who think there must be some crooked things people are doing the building is here anyway yeah anyway isaiah 55 is god's invitation to an abundant life i want you to see who and who qualified for it to let you see how magnanimous god is if you look at the title you say invitation to an abundant life if you have your new king james version that's the title oh everyone who says come to the waters and you will have no money come by and eat what are you going to use to buy and eat is paid for by the precious blood of the lamb you can also use influence of others to get what you don't deserve and you have no money come by and eat yes come buy wine and milk without money and without price why do you spend money for what is not bread and your wages for what does not satisfy listen carefully to me and eat what is good and let your soul delight itself in abundance who is a who is a a partner for this incline you're here and come to me here and your soul shall live and i will make an everlasting covenant with you the sure message of david david is a pattern of how god can take a man from obscurity into prominence he had nothing in his hands he stood up one day so lord take the lifting off of my hand as an evening sacrifice i brought nothing i have nothing to offer but i'm lifting my hand i'm lifting my life i'm lifting my all to you as an evening sacrifice and god took us down and one day when he was living in his cedar house he said i live in a house of cedar the house of god and the ark of god is dwelling in the tent made with human hands in the tents of content i will build god a house second psalm chapter 7 is so delighted in abundance and what does he want to use it for god i will build god the house he had no money to build chapter 8 was spelled out conquest after conquest after conquest after conquest and he gathered all the resources he got from the conquest to devote it to the building of the temple let your soul delight itself in abundance you must stretch aside completely your grasshopper mentality and your small growth mentality grasshopper mentalities belong to those who went to the to spy the land and came back we are like grasshoppers unfortunately grasshoppers don't eat grapes they brought grapes but they couldn't eat out of it small goat mentality belonged to that of the prodigal son's older brother said oh you killed the father canvas my god you have not given me when will you stop this small go thing when the fatter cow is waiting for you finally number four the fourth factor is having the desire to be a blessing to others in line with god's covenant with abraham genesis chapter 12 genesis 12. listen to it very well now the lord had said to abram get out of your country from your family and from your father's house to a land that i will show you i will make you what a great nation i we bless you and make your name great and you shall be a blessing see if you follow the order your name becomes great before you become a blessing i love you no cafe de torre uh i hope you understand that and this time start small and grow you understand me don't despise your seed because the power of the seed is not in its size the power of the seed is in its productivity how many seeds are in a mango one how many mangoes are the seed that is planted uncomfortable not only must your soul delight itself in abundance you must position yourself to become a blessing to other people do you understand me you want people to say we thank god for you look there's some testimonies i can share i can't share them they're so rich one of such couple came to me last sunday and they gave me an envelope and i said thank you i put it down says there's something in that envelope because we know you where you drop it that's where you would be because i want you to read when i read the letter i was almost crying we are what we are today by the way you have been teaching oh that bless me more i remember when our other body as nobody uncle b my ladder call me at home you remember this is el paso my wife gave you a check the last time out you have not presented it as a check again you remember sir check are too late too literally before he saw where it was i got a draft i remember how much that i gave you last week it was given to me in november that's not what i'm after i'm not after yours i'm after you you must come strong mighty powerful so that you become god's own finnish product that he can display he has done the work in the workshop and now he presents you in the display room let's see my finished product see what the lord has done these are four simple factors that must be real in your life you know you must seek first god and his kingdom to you must obey him implicitly three your soul must delight in seven abundance and four you know that these things are happening to you for the benefit of others i've used my life my family and everything to illustrate this to you over and over again miracles don't just happen you are either going to be hanging on the rope of bailout where you operate in blessings abundantly provided by him which is your choice today stand to your faith i want you to pray with me lord grant me the grace to obey you like abraham did so that generations after me will be mightily blessed lift up your voices and pray it's in genesis chapter 26 3 to 5 because abram obeyed my word you obeyed my priesthood my law my covenant therefore i will bless his descendants after him lord grant me the grace to obey you like abraham did in the name of jesus my faith abraham obeyed grammy grace grant me faith obey you no matter what you say i will obey you all the days of my life grant me the grace to be you in jesus mighty name not only grace to obey but i want you to pray a second prayer lord help me to be strong in the grace that is in christ jesus help me to be strong in the grace that is in christ jesus what is that grace your bad god regardless of circumstances and situation second timothy chapter two verse one to seven be strong in the grace that is in christ jesus he obeyed his father he land obedience through the things which he suffered now he became here of salvation forever the one who gives us that salvation we are here so i beg your pardon because of what christ did lord let me be strong in the grace that is in christ jesus all the days of my life in jesus mighty name with this solid foundation we continue building next week because i want to show you the nuances all the details so that you can see clearly where you belong either as just waiting for bail out or those who are walking in the blessing abundantly provided by god which side do you want to be are you one decide of blessing i've told you what to do may god grant you grace to do them in jesus name
Channel: Citadel Global Online
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Id: cd8HyZKWueQ
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Length: 81min 59sec (4919 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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