Be Careful What You Do with Your Harvest | Pastor 'Tunde Bakare

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today's message we go down in history as a legacy message it will because of the dealings of God Almighty with me and because I'm giving you one of the best that I've received from him the teachings and the trainings over the years that I've shipped my life and helped me that no matter what assignment it gives to me it will always show up with a bond and provision this money we are going to continue or is it afternoon already we are going to continue we have stopped last Sunday with a message the difference between the God driven Church and the need driven Church they subtitle for today's message is be careful what you do with your harvest see that you'll never be careful what you do with your habits this message we make some and break others you know the Lord Jesus Christ when Simeon got into the temple he held them in his hand and told the mother and everyone who care to listen this child is settle for the rising and falling of many people in Israel may you rise in the name of Jesus Christ you're going to turn your Bible with me to three texts of Scripture I'm giving you my best things that I knew that I understood what my eyes have seen by his heart am i has a handle the trainings I've received that a cup of qatar porter me from obscurity into prominence there's no pride and it had wickedly more rule so she tried to call me a LaRue and I want you to be patient with me as I deliver this masterpiece of a legacy message we are going to turn to three or four texts of Scripture to contents contextualize the message itself we are talking about the habits and I said be careful what you do with your habits so I want to go first and foremost to the place and the time the Lord God Almighty promulgated the law of the harvest Genesis 8 verse 22 22 it was a law promulgated by God not for Christians but for the human race because there was no church at that time no Hindu no Judaism no Muslim no religion it was God and Noah a man who found grace in the sight of God and because of the disaster and the chaotic disorder that erupted in the world before the flood came god almighty initiated a new law is called the law of habits that governs the universe genesis age 20 to 22 the Noah built an altar to the Lord and took of every clean animal and of every clean bird and offered burnt offerings on the altar and lost smelled a soothing aroma then the Lord said in his heart we never again cross the ground for man's sake although the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth now will I again destroy everything as I have done while the earth remains seedtime and harvest cold and heat winter and summer and day and night shall not cease tell you the board the law is still on it's a spa was gravity for as long as this are remains see time and habits shall never see let's look in the New Testament for the New Testament version of the law of the harvest at no server but one example is enough Galatians chapter 6 I'll read from verse 6 to 10 Galatians chapter 6 verse 6 to 10 he reads and I quote let him restore the word share in all good things with him who teaches pastors are not good to go on fine bara we congregation if you are teaching them accurately they will not be dismayed they will not be afraid they will not like any good thing and when that happens you don't need to put pressure they'll be the one looking for you like the penitents and carrot eyes and the guitars were always there for David but enduring my eye says the pastor's of the Shepherd's are become brutish they do not know God therefore I will scatter the flock and take their flock away from them when Shepherds do their job they don't need to go with begging bowl because people will know that that's grace that is working in a shepherd life that is working in their lives like in debt those distress and browser content became mighty men following David so galician succeed do not be deceived verse 7 God is not mocked for whatever a man shows that he will also reap seed time and harvest shall never cease whatever you sow agree whatever you plant you go have as - we're done i do - we're done a bathroom whatever you sow degree whatever you saw you Nagori if you go whatever you plant in I don't have a stroke we're done a good row we're done a bad room whatever you saw agree let's read for he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption but he Woo's souls to the spirit will of the Spirit reap so there are two grounds to so in you can swing to your flesh or you can be led by the Holy Spirit in the way you handle your harvest because you have to have asked before you give do you understand me it's not going to be real struggle if you have received harvest it's not difficult to part with what part of the harvest do you understand that someone said basha but the barrel shed but the barrel yeah toward a bad parent if anyone yet if the hunter is going to think of the trouble he went through before catching a game you will not give to any other person it will consume it all by himself it depends on the type of animal years caught if he catches a rat or rabbit he can consume it without poison lots of delicious but when you you go to the hunting field and you're able to kill an elephant nobody begged you because before you call your neighbors that was what happened to Peter James and John when the boat began to sing they beckoned to their partners whose boat was not used the compactness bring it in here do you understand me if you saw into the flesh we allow yourself to be manipulated into giving there be no returns we're going to the flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption but if you are not by the Holy Spirit and you sow into this spirit you will have a spirit reap eternal life God's kind of like us away let's read up to verse 10 and let us not grow weary while doing good because when you are sewing it's not easy especially when you are given to go down it cost you something it's so easy let us not be weary while doing good for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart if we do not faint if we do not lose not in due season we shall reap and in the course of this message if time permits I will show you how the season can come together many of you may not know this is my terrain do you understand me this is my past law this is the area God has really helped me and has graced me and when I flow in this area I am not telling you what's happened to someone I'm telling you what God has done in me for me through me for others and you will be partakers in the name of Jesus verse number 10 therefore as we have opportunity you know you know you know what what every time I see dusk I create the opportunities you don't understand I create the opportunities why do I say so because a generous man devises general schemes and it's by his generosity that it will stand as we have opportunity let us do good to all especially to those who are of the household of faith to all include those who are not of the household of faith let us do good to all especially you can see your brother in need and we was drowning and you are saying let us pray together when you have something to help him how can you say you love God when you don't love your brother let's see the process that I love have a stage of giving you the program promulgation of the law I've showed you the New Testament question what process does it take from the time of sowing to the time of reaping mark chapter 4 was 26 to 29 mark 4 26 to 29 the reason I quote and he said the kingdom of God is as if a man should scatter seed we're on the ground and should sleep how by night and rise by day and the sea sooo sprout and grow e himself does not know how don't think you're getting this a farmer goes to Seoul it spreads the seed on the ground and it's got to sleep in his house and to rhyme sleep at night rise by day and the sea takes root and begins to sprout the farmer does not know how just as how many children do you have three how many boys two are many girls one when you were intimate with your wife did you plant a son did you plant a woman you do not know the way bones are found in the womb of a woman with a child what you gave to her is a drop of liquid how do X have balls and feathers and beat you don't know how so if you don't know how what makes you the lot of the harvest let's read for the earth eats crops by itself first the blade then the head after that the full grain in the head but when the Grail rifles immediately he the one who scattered she puts in the sickle because they have asked us from who brought about the harvest I can't hear you please even even able to finish this message today I will continue another time landbase talking deep in your heart no matter the increase that you receive that comes to you by virtue of your expertise talent profession career business trade what am i - there's only one Lord of the harvest his name is Jesus not you I'm saying you don't have a right to do what you will with your habits and I'm talking from experience can I repeat myself the harvest is not yours is Lord and if you want to stay on the side of perpetual increase you must constantly ask him what to do with the harvest Matthew chapter 9 verses 37 and 38 Matthew chapter 9 mustard verses 37 and 38 then he said to his disciples the harvest truly is plenteous they have as truly is plentiful but the laborers are few say that with me [Music] I can't hear you by the Liberals therefore pray I can't you pray the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into his harvest now our conclusion with this message is talking about souls that's how we conclude so this is this applies to soul winning because thereafter in chapter 10 he called twelve of his disciples and made them apostles and power them and send them to the lost sheep of Israel so you read immediately he must be talking about soul winning they have as of souls belong to the Lord if the habits of soul belong to the Lord about the habits of the souls you didn't get it if the habits of the souls belong to the Lord who did the souls belong to mmm didn't get it once upon a time you were in the valley of decision you are not born again God sent someone your way you had the gospel you hear that to the Lord so you were part of the harvest in the field that was brought in so if you are brought in as by the leading of the Lord of the harvest you that are brought in rules you who owns what you have well let's not stop there let's go on it does not apply only to the habits of souls it applies to all facets of life Genesis chapter 2 verses 4 and 5 Genesis 2 verses 4 and 5 this is the eastery of the heavens if you read it in KJV said this is the generation this is the genealogy of the heavens and the earth when they were created in the day that the Lord God made the earth and heavens before any plant of the field was in the earth can I hear amen before any plant of the field was in the earth and before any half of the field at grow for the Lord God had not caused it to rain on the earth and there was no man to till the ground do you understand this there was no growth anywhere nothing was growing at this point in time because there was no responsible man god controls with the harvest he did not cause it to rain on the earth Genesis chapter 2 verses 8 and 9 I want to show you don't forget these so that you do not become X Vilonia many people have crashed because they don't understand this Genesis chapter 2 verses 8 & 9 the Lord God did walk planted a garden eastward in Eden and then he put the man whom he had formed why did he not just thrust him into the entire earth he want to test him in little things because it can give him much because earlier it was faithfully to not be given much so he planted a garden to start testing him to trust you training him okay what happened when he planted a garden and out of the ground the Lord God made every tree grow it wasn't Adam Damiri grew and so whatever grows in that garden who is a lot of the harvest the Lord made he grow every that is every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food The Tree of Life was also in the midst of the garden and the tree of knowledge of good and evil neither I go to how Adam fell Hakata with his wife their own faith window which is leased the whole planet was the earth the go the belayer they understood thing was there's but one hey I'm the Lord of the harvest I'm giving you all this but though it is the day you eat it in dying shall surely die did mankind pass the test no so they were thrust out of the Garden of Plenty and pleasure and abundance to now be sweating and between in the ground that's what happens to you when you become the lord of the harvest let me go further Genesis chapter 26 verse number 12 Genesis 26 verse number 12 the niceic soul in that land and reap in the same year what what year was once that there was a famine in the land beside the fun in there was in the days of Abraham Simon is not a new thing do you understand me inflation depression they are not new but in the means of inflation you can compare your ground to produce by obedience to God so Isaac soared in that land and reap in the same year what a hundredfold why the Lord bless him he was a lot of harvester made it happen the law of blessing not his expertise not his network not his net worth not his wizardry at investment the law blessed him and what happened next verse the man began see this is the trouble the moment will begin to prosper we hijack the process so we return we return to square one the man began to prosper and continued prospering until we became very prosperous for you had possessions of flogs possession of herds and a great number of sevens so the Philistines MVD I stand before God with joy the quick and the dead overnight today I saw one of my sons in the faith and I would tell the person when we finish let God be true and every man a liar if it is false Almighty God knows if it's true Almighty God knows he was wearing a simple flowing I better and I said where are you going he said so you won't believe it they just told me to come and collect another check for 2 billion I say you have just started by consultative process but they come in a lot of the heifers yourself but so the boy is still alive so if you want to lie against a man who's alive you better lie in secret God began to prosper my practice in a phenomenal way that what was coming was coming overwhelming and suddenly I thought the resources were mine Landy had way what I'm giving to you free of charge now I began to think how can you pay this type of money as tight i sized up the pastor one day's kill him I remember very well the first time I brought an offering to my pastor for the convention and I brought it in in cash and his side and he wanted to pray for me God is witness both of us fail another force beyond us came in do you understand me when you begin to think you suddenly think you had the one in charge now so I went to stop pricing rules Royce this was 1985 my wife is alive yes this is respect that I really like and I began to look at houses in strategic places because the harvest was on the way I was elated and nothing could stop it and suddenly everything vanished pastor is alive I had to go and amend my ways and to humble myself before God before you restore to me wasted opportunities so I'm talking from what God has done in my life I learned never to assume the harvest is mind because it is he who gives you power to get well in order for you to acquire everything you desire in order for him to establish a covenant does God want you not to acquire oh all those things will be freely added to you but not because you're running after them Leviticus 26 those data had seven shipload coming from Korea on the hi-c more Ambon was among sons to dock I can name did everything was shattered I gave to pasta we knew how much was coming in but suddenly all I was acquiring and I was walking about I saw da Rosa this is why they even will bring groceries to me I don't want they take they take it take it go when you become strong and you say daddy has Rose Royce our pocket are usually because there are no rules to write it on do you understand these things man in those days can I be honest with you it would be a benign o'clock I'll call British Caledonia Airways when are you flying tonight so we are going I can tell you the name of the officers in BA we are flying at 10:30 as a reserve a first-class seat for me and sometimes will be sweet here and you say what am I going to do I've been going to Switzerland to swim for the weekend I wear slippers go to Switzerland and swim for the weekend return home you understand me oh what a mode Ibaka called caribou sing yeah because you don't know you're not a lot of harvest niba tea at the Murray made the endemic wincc I don't want it to happen to anyone close to me because I've gone that way before I prayed in the spirit I prayed in the Holy Ghost I prayed in understanding nothing happened and I had a laughter from hahahaha you are too full on to your empty I can't see you anymore let God be true and every man a liar I know what I'm talking about Genesis ellipticals that the twenty six lift across 26 three to five lift equals 26 3 to 5 if you walk in my statutes and keep my Commandments and perform them then I will give you reign in its season they'll add I would do what I is a fan of rain how did your Bible describe I'd give you rain in its season the lines are read it's produce the trees of the future yield their fruit your treasures are last in the time of vintage and the vintage are last at the time of sowing you shall eat your bread to the full and dwell in your land safely not only that not only does verses 9 and 10 if you will be accurate and you let him be the Lord and you are just a steward verses I intend for we look on you favorably and make you fruitful multiply you and confirm my covenant with you you shall eat the old feathers and clear out the all because of the new believe me I'm not sure you know that it can jam all the seasons you know safe as long as the earth remain seed time and habits shall never cease but you can jam them that as you are so you are reaping and you are reaping you are sowing as your so you are reaping and you don't know what time you are in because of a balance of blessings coming your way you can jump the seasons together only waiting for you to be faithful mr chapter 9 the most lying 13 are you there okay behold the days are coming and I hear amen can I tell you they are here that as you hear this this spiritual dream fulfilled in your hearing today the holy days are coming says the Lord when the plow man what is the role of deployment to clear the ground in order to start swim when the plow man shall overtake the Reaper and the Treader of grapes he moves all seeds do you understand me they would all see they were running into each other the cycles would jump the mountains shall drip with sweet wine and all the hills shall flow with it I will bring by the captains of my people Israel they shall build the waste cities and inhabit them these are plant vineyards and drink wine from them this I also make gardens and eat fruit from them you will not live over another person to eat in the name of Jesus Christ you'll be in charge of your own time you wake up when you choose you sleep when you choose you determine where you want to go and we are you don't want to go and you are not be holding on to anyone except God Almighty because of the conscious source and the cycles are jamming all around you see if anyone thought last week let me avoid what I have seen now you see what would happen at Sunday he's been paid settled because God is not waiting for you you just want to include you let's go on John chapter 4 is read a lot of the habits or not you can be thinking in four months what I'm expecting will come and as you know I'm bringing it now the four months is too far away for him John chapter 4 27 John for 27 and at this point his disciples came and the Marvel that interpretive woman you remember the woman of Samaria he had no one said what do you seek or why are you talking with her the woman then left her waterpot went I went to the city and said to remain common sea man who told me all things that I ever did to this be the Christ then went out of the city and came to him in the meantime his disciples audience a rabbi eat like I was coming this morning my daughter say and I pack your breakfast you have not eaten I said when I get to church I would drink something before I preach just live food live food out of it now I'm just going for this rabbi eat he said to them I have food to eat of which you do not no man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God shall manly but I have meat that you do not know of therefore the disciple said one and as any one brought him anything to eat who eats anything jesus said to them my food what is my food this this is the this is the what do you lawyers call it this is the what does IMF call it conditionalities these are the attached laws to the law of harvest this one makes the law of harvest work in your favor my meat is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work when you are the epicenter of God's will harvest time for others will not be same for you they will wait till the till winter summer spring and what of you but it will ask you to lift up your eyes and see the field here we go do you not say there are still four months and then comes the harvest how many months before the havasu coming do you translate that three four months and then comes behold I said to you lift up your eyes and look at the fields for they are already white for harvest everybody is waiting for four months but if you lift up your eyes it would give you incredible creative ingenuity that was shuttin the process [Music] at a critical point in the cause of building this each other who are behind by 750 million I told you the story here in time and I came to Jared sir please let's all rally around and do our best we gave our best he came to 30 million and I would say Oh God you said this is feet project Almighty God you said he would not start from the days transiently finishes what would I do I can't overburden these people help me I trust you you sure God come for your sake change governmental policy for your sake you move Sam I was sitting at home when my bankers would be some investment for me in the past came in and said the investment we did for you it's time for rule over shall we roll it over a rule what Hoover I'm what do I have they mentioned the figure that week central bank raised dollar from 362 560 and when the road instead of rolling over when they multiplied it was just a little mud on what we needed I cleared it up and we pay and over the next week he went back to 360 who is a lot of harvest who was shot in the process who made that provision can it do it for you you can change I call the CBN governor say I don't know what you are doing there but this one you did well you did well you did very very well more grace to your elbows do you not say go back to verse 35 do you know say there are still farmers and then comes the harvest behold I say to you lift up your eyes and look at the fields what they are already white for harvest and he will reap receive wages and get us food for eternal life that body you swords somebody else will be see do and who reaps may rejoice together I'm suing this money you are going to reap that we are going to rejoice together for in this the same is true once rose and another reefs I love these and many people will never attend this you know their career because of the death what you call it same wheel I sent you to reap that for which you have not labeled or does a live board and you have entered into their livers you don't understand others we finished our new battle answer to the dynamic walk with me see [Applause] okay if you don't believe it's a lot of harvest first Corinthians chapter 3 verse 6 I I can't hear you who is that I planted apollos water I planted Apollo's watered need animals who cause increase to come into manifestation I planted Apollo's watered but God gave the increase next verse in case you doubt what I just said so Nina EVOO plants is anything no he waters by God who gives they increased I'm going to run up I can't get to one tenth of the message for today I will continue in future I'm not going to do any overfitting anymore I want to stop here and show you something critical because if you miss this point then you will continue in the vicious cycle of poverty for the rest of your life it's not a curse if you miss this next point you will see that you will not have enough it's not because your curse is because you are working contrary to the law of habits and you don't know its process and how it functions so you can say you can't invest and it continues no matter what you end your not be able to see and when you save anything one trouble hit it one it will go it's called vicious cycle of poverty we cannot invest because we cannot see and we cannot see because we cannot invest okay let me read that to verse 9 so Nina he who plans us anything or he who waters the God who gives the increase now evil plans and evil waters are one and each one we receive is already word according to his own label for we are God who who are God's fellow workers the Apostle ik force the people who are planted who are watering we are God's fellow workers you are God's field you are God's building God gave us a master plan the blueprint to begin to recraft destinies to begin to shape life to begin to point in the right direction we will plant orders who water God gives the increase neither he will plunge us anything no he will waters that God will give the increase but we are God's fellow workers you are God field so if you are God's field how would you get increase okay should I conclude in this note on this note today all right there's a hidden truth here it is very crucial you understand it so that you do not shoot your servant of food and sabotage your own financial increase you are God's field let's go to Isaiah 55 you are what the problem is when you do not know you are God's field you will think you're liberal you are called liberal you are not there yet you are still field you become core liberal when your posit a s--t of being a fruitful field as their 55 verse one two three what is it title of Isaiah 55 an invitation to abundant life how many people are ready to receive this invite today are you sure an invitation to abundant life I can tell you upfront or qualities whadya laude an invitation to upon a life listening to what God's Word says verse 1 2 3 o everyone who thirsts come to the waters and you have no money come by and eat how can you do that you've got no money and you're going to buy how would you buy and get somebody else paid for it he paid with his life he's a lot of the habits that's why you didn't bring anything to this water you're taking nothing out of it do you understand me except what you do what is given to you will be the deeds that follow you when you're no longer here I hear a voice from heaven that says blessed those who are dead in the Lord for this is from their labor and their deeds followed that is what you do with what is given to you here there will be diesel follow your you returned empty are you still here let me read Isaiah 55 again o everyone who thirsts come to the waters and you who have no money come by and it yes come by what wine and milk without money and without price don't disqualify yourself he's still raising the poor from the donkey of the beggar from the doors to set them among the princes because the pillars of the earth belongs to the Lord and not to any person next verse why do you spend money for what is not bread and your weddings for what does not satisfy listen carefully to me and eat what is good and let your soul delight itself in abundance incline your ear and come to me here on your soul journey and we make an everlasting covenant covenant in perpetuity where there is no decrease no diminishing returns where you ever increase and never decrease come into everlasting covenant with me the sure mercies of David you know what is your message of David is is my pattern I received from following the little Eve's and she made him a king and I gave him named renown among the great men of the earth and because it is so delighted in abundance he said I'm living in a house of cedar like act of the Covenant of God of Israel telling me why we built that house he had no time no money in his hand his house was built by foreign King for him so how can I be living here and leave that in that situation and he said how big God it has and God said none I don't build me a house that was second samuel chapter 7 you go to 2nd samuel chapter 8 he began to have clunkers after contest after contest after so they lighted in abundance i know one of my people here who was in debt when we laid the foundation of the citadel and was simply pretty pray Lord grant me grace to be able to at least fond 10 percent at that time it was two billion somebody that was in debt that could then rise to give a billion and more than that and you will not notice it in his head you begin to walk like this and nobody can talk to him anymore ego could be I said to you you have opportunity to rise as a building rises some of reason some of the men in the same situation because of your heart attitude clinging to what cannot keep you and never be sufficient for you or the supporting themselves as you or let me give an apostille dual no pass ahead da corny you're always better thank you next verse indeed I've given him as what a witness a pattern a prototype for people that if you can follow what David did you get the same result but let's go to verse 10 you will understand what you are God's field now while you are God's field verse number 10 for the rain comes down from where as rain comes down and the snow from heaven and I now return there but water the earth the field what are the earth a maked bring for amber we may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater so shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth that when you are hearing word like this your heart attitude can begin to knock it off you understand me so you cannot penetrate into your field and cause it to burn and bring forth we are not supposed to be struggling is as the rain comes down and the snow from heaven and what are the head so that it brings forth and birth so shall my word be when it's coming out of my servants mouth because a cold Libra we are labourers your field the world is coming like rain is coming upon your ground it's coming upon your field to water it so that it can bring forth and burn so shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth is a no return to me void but it shall accomplish what I please and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it so if the world penetrates your heart and takes root downward and begins to produce upwards see what will happen next verse 4 you shall go out with joy you'll be led out with peace the mountains and the hills every stumbling blocks in your way shall break forth into singing before you and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands instead of the thorn pay attention instead of the thumb shall come up the cypress tree and instead of the Brier this is the ground I was cursed before in the days of Adam because it bond with the whole thing instead of the turns are come up the cypress tree and instead of the bitter brass shall come up the mighty tree and it shall be to the Lord for a name for an everlasting shine that's another quarter ask anybody my family in my neighborhood where I grew up and all my mates that mu me they knew this is not the work of any man my family knows this is God do you understand me they learn that there's nothing you can do about this I told you the story of my uncle came to Lagos to see my older brother when I step into politics in 2011 my uncle said I'm scared this is the staff of our family now we don't want him killed you know what the Dietrich we all know what they did to this what they did to that or not good one that this and that please why don't you talk to your brother I said no uncle don't worry I believe my brother enough to know that he's not holding on to God uncle said half does he have other powers is that my brother is not God is girl with only him God is the one holding him they can't leave don't worry I survived see here I mean sign and a wonder to my family to my people and you will be one also now what kind of ground are you are you producing thorns you are God's field we are fellow libras let's go into the New Testament and see what you seeing your God's field the water who preaches God's ream and as you are watered you are supposed to bring forth on board like a dirt so as to give seed to the sower and bread to the eater Hebrews chapter 6 verses 7 and 8 ebrill 6 7 and 8 for the earth which drinks in the rain hello you are the field for the earth with drinks in the rain every Sunday every Wednesday every time we have opportunity to gather together you are drinking the rain the word the word that is coming - sorry yard we drinks in the rain that often comes upon it and these herbs useful for those by whom it is cultivated that's a critical thing you can despise your posture in your heart and get to the point that you say look I think I'm stopping here I've done enough let others do it happened to me I began to say but we will a loss see been a key no shima rule I started dealing with man instead of dealing with God paid a high price for it but I would never do it again because it is a fell only brother cultivate the soil now wait for the earth with drinks in the rain des often comes upon it and BS has useful for those by whom it is cultivated receives blessing from God but every beer stands and prayers it is rejected and near to Brinker's whose hand is to be borne as our people crush from top to bottom they despise the one who is telling them the truth they just feel their money's everything out there you talk to me like that then the rain stops then the ground is no longer cultivated either by God or by servants and you produce Therns and brass 2nd Corinthians 9:6 2:11 2nd Corinthians 9:6 2:11 but as I say he was so sparingly we also read what does it mean - so sparingly you say Leto is not literal because there with a woman gave only two pains and she said it gave more than all is to spare the fat for yourself and give the lean to God go read Malachi keep the best for yourself and leave the rest for the lord of harvest it was a sparingly shall reap sparingly and evil sauce bountifully Asia also reap bountifully so let's each one give as he purposes in his heart so when you are given God is not looking at a month you have is looking at your heart whether you are bringing honor to him or dishonor not grudgingly of necessity when you begin to do it illegal forgot at you God loves a cheerful Giver and I taught you before you never become a cheerful Giver on to your first and foremost a cheerful Giver for it is blow through so it's years now we'll read with joy and enjoy food given would take place because you have given God would cost you something not pittance you're not tipping God let's go on and God is able to make all grace abound toward you that you always having what o sufficiency in what in all things we were may have and I like the word may not automatic may have an abundance for every good work as it is written is dispersed abroad he has given to the poor his righteousness endures forever now many would supply sea to this world and bread to the eater is what is in King James Version me he will supply sea to this one bread for food supply and multiply the city of so not the one you have eating and increase the fruits of your righteousness do you understand me maybe multiply and increase the city of Seoul increase the fruits of your righteousness so that you have perpetual rights today with him I can continue forever on this course two important lessons number one you must constantly give God opportunity to increase you every time don't be weary in well-doing constantly give God opportunity to increase you so that you don't decrease Ecclesiastes chapter 11 verse 1 to 6 Ecclesiastes chapter 11 1 to 6 cast your bread upon the waters for you we find it after many days give it 7 to 7 and also to 8 for you do not know what evil will be on the earth if the clouds are full of rain they emptied themselves upon the earth can you imagine is when their food that they emptied themselves upon the earth when you are full you try to contain it the clouds are full of rain the empty themselves upon their if it tree falls to this outward enough in the place where the tree falls the alike Eva observes the wind we're not sure and he woulda got the clouds we may leave as you do not know what is the way of the wind or how the balls grow in the womb of highways which are so you do not know the works of God who makes everything in the morning so you'll see in the evening do not with all your hand at the beginning of a project so your seed when it's coming to an end don't say I've done enough that's the evening of that project do now with all your head for you do not know which we prosper I thought what you gave before or what you are given now either this or that or what up what are like will be good lesson number two the lesson to learn from all days is that they have us is not yours and you cannot dispense you increase the way you choose let God lead you even in your investments you cannot dispense your increase the way you choose let God lead you even in your investment dog is power to get wealth in order to establish his covenant not just to satisfy your material acquisition he wants you to have things but you will not worry things having you is a jealous God you will be checking your heart from time to time to see where that gold has become your God the encounter between the rich young ruler and the Lord of the heavens prove this one thing you not good so what you have carriers cross and follow me and it went away miserably because Jesus was wrong now that it was no longer having things things already processing I think I will stop here because the rest would take another two or three hours to finish is a lot of the habits not you do you understand me be careful what you do with your habits let me give you a tip to let you know that you can attract curse to yourself about what you enter your descendents by what you do with your harvest did God not bless nor the gunner multiply him did he no increase then Noah began to plant a vineyard and the harvest of his vineyard got him drunk it became naked what happened the curse that God lifted off the ground landed on his grandson for 350 years be careful what you do with your habits stand to your feet Lord I bless your holy name this morning for the engrafted word and the word of power you're putting my heart on my mount for my generation I pray that everyone here need me will I not will understand that you are the lord of the harvest you want to increase yours you want to bless us in perpetuity but those who cannot trust to remain steers and treasurers to you you stop you're in over them this how people become X million years they used to have that's will be their new nomenclature they leave a my people from search restore the years that the locusts of eating bring them back to the place of Janu repentance so that it can truly repent and know that you freely give us things to enjoy but you do not want anything to replace you in our lives we say forever O Lord that gold will not replace God in our lives will not trade you for gold will not trade you for silver and you remain the Lord of our harvests the Lord of our increase and every investment will do will be because you are leading us into it / not lead us to a material mess marriage them will not derail us receive all the glory and all the praise in Jesus mighty name and the people said stretch your hands towards me and pray I refuse to take offering at the end so that you not think is about your offering stretch your hand and pray pray to the Father that haven't been a blessing to you I will not attract curse to my soul but have them preach to others I'm a not a common castaway as I pray for you that you have hearing ears understanding heart and you humble yourself before mighty hand of God so that in due season it will exalt you and bring you to that place of over and above all where you move from sufficiency to have all things that you can use doing bless other people and to extend the frontiers of its kingdom on the face of the earth we thank you Father in Jesus name and the people said chainable be careful what you do with your harvest be very very careful what you do with your habits I want you to imagine a squirrel you know what it's Christ is a box in that box I want you to draw a cross in your mind can you see how many pigeon holes we do have there for the first one you can call one the second one you can call to the third one you can call three the four twenty can call for the first one are the halves the second one are they have notes the third one adhere to have the fourth one are be used to have have been no the boxes there's no box are not being so that's why I'm careful I know who all the things given me I'm a steamer not on earth as long as I remain in covenant with him I would like no good thing it does not matter how big the project a resource will come from the east from the west from the now from this out nothing we fail that would be your portion I love you
Channel: Citadel Global Online
Views: 6,033
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Length: 63min 39sec (3819 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 04 2020
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