God's Unusual Vessels 9A | July 25th 2021 | Pastor 'Tunde Bakare

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father be glorified today let the entrance of the world bring light and understanding to the simple let the words of my mouth the meditations of my heart and the hearts of your people be acceptable in your sight and lord we have that you confirm your world with signs and wonders following glorify jesus in the midst of the church thank you holy spirit in jesus mighty name we pray and the people today we shall continue with part nine of our current series titled god's unusual vessels i seriously hope that this will finish in the month of august after the ordination service i trust god i'll be able to bring it to a close it's been for quite a while now since april but be patient with me is because there's so much more to explore if you will please turn your bible with me to job chapter 12 6-10 many of you should know that by heart now read it over and over again he reads and i quote the tens of robbers prosper and those who prefer god are secure in what god provides by his hand but now as the beasts and they will teach you and the birds of the air and they will tell you or speak to the earth and it will teach you and the fish of the sea we explain to you what would they explain to you who among all days ooh among all days the base of the field the earth the birds of the air the fish you see who among all these does not know that the hand of the lord has done this has done what in whose hand is alive of every living thing and the breath of all mankind god does not need to fight anybody i've told you this no matter how pompous or how arrogant or how full of himself or herself that person is when god wants to deal with the person just pushes a button as a light out and the breath is gone it collapses he was not sick we didn't know what happened no the owner of the bread took it and the cause of this series we have considered the earth as god's non-human and unusual vessel with the capacity to produce whatever seed you sow into it with the capacity to vomit those who defile it and with the capacity to swallow up those who think they're what they're not i'm not going to go over all that anymore we are now going to the beast of the field i've opened up with the lion the king of the jungle and so it's the only beast i'm dealing with this sunday i hope i'm able to finish and then in the days to come we look at the donkey there's so many lessons to learn from them as i unveil this king of the jungle i'm going to show you four different occasions that it was used by god for three major things number one judgment against rebels whether they were his people who rebelled against his world all known those who are not his people would divide the land upon we believe god has used a lion to judge to bring judgment upon those who rebel against him he has used lions to train his people he has used the process of that training when they master it to promote them somebody said rely on i'm not talking about pretend lions lions of nowhere will think they are lions if the lion of the tribe of judah is not living in you you are not a lion you are not even a cat let me start by looking at how the lion was used in the days of jerusalem the servant of solomon who became the king of israel after solomon's death because solomon rebelled against god i could have just gone to the story street but the story behind the usage of this lion is so rich that we cannot just ignore it and just go straight to the lion there's too many lessons to learn first and foremost i want you to note that jeroboam was neither from the tribe of judah he was from the tribe of ephraim now was in the lineage of david but became king of israel because of solomon's unfaithfulness to god you know i hear people say this person does not have experience never won an election before i do not know what election jeroboam won and what experience he had at rulership it was industrials we are going to examine that it was a mighty man of valor was valiant he was serving faithfully and he was content with his position until god says it's time to give power to whosoever i will the details of solomon's rebellion which provoked the rebellion of jeroboam do you know the lions were not meant to be devouring people and killing them it was because adam rebelled against god the lions rebelled against him you don't understand that god said no ones are hurt on my holy mountain and if you think that never happened before going to noah's ark lions were there so our beer there are all kinds of what you call wild animals today but they all at grass because the presence of god was in the earth that's why the church should be the place where while beasts come men of the underworld get to and the power of god arrest them as a deed to solve chances on the road to damascus and turn wild peace into those lambs give me first kings chapter 11 verse number 1 to 13 and we'll read what happened there to solomon the king of israel beloved by god are you really ready for this message is that what we want to talk about lion no talk about what produced life to go destroy a young prophet but king solomon loved many foreign women you read in king james version nehemiah 13 called them outlandish women as well as the daughter of pharaoh [Laughter] women of the moabites ammonites sidonians and heteites from the nations of whom the lord had said to the children of israel you shall not intermarry with them not there with you surely they will turn your heart away your heart after their gods solomon clung to these in love and he had 700 wives princesses and 300 concubines and his wives turn the way his heart what is that story can anyone guess why i decided to have 700 wives and 300 concubines mr zike can you hazard a guest dr elvis huh he had heard the prophetic word one of you shall change a thousand and two of you ten thousand because he was not prepared to fight against those countries that his father fought is a one easy way to make them my friends is to marry their daughters they'll be at peace with me clung to them marriage it was so when solomon was old that his wife turned his heart after other gods and his heart was not loyal to the lord his god as was the heart of his father david for solomon went after asteroid the goddess of the sidonians and after malcolm the abomination of the ammonite this was the man whose father carried the act to jerusalem and centralized the presence of god in governance solomon did evil in the sight of the lord and did not follow the lord as did his father david then solomon built a high place for chemos the abomination of moab on the hill that is east of jerusalem and for molech the abomination of the people of ammon and he did likewise for all his foreign wives so how many temples were you going to have who bond incense and sacrifice to their gods do you know what this mountain where i built all this was little cold you'll find it in the book of kings later in the days of josiah it was called the mountain of corruption so the lord became angry with solomon because his heart had turned from the lord god of israel who had appeared to him how many times twice and had commanded him concerning this thing that he should not go after other girls but he did not keep what the lord had commanded therefore the lord said to solomon because you have done this and have not kept my covenant and my statutes which i have commanded you i will surely tear the kingdom away from you and give it to your servant hello was it the ambition of jeroboam that brought the kingdom to him he was a rebellion of solomon nevertheless i will not do it in your days for the sake of your father david i will tear it out of the hand of your son did the son marry many wives that is unworshipped by the at the shrine of the foreign gods look when god speaks take him serious do you understand me he's not joking it says what it means and it means what it says don't read your greed into his creed and you will say rehoboam did not do anything it is my prayer that our blunders will not destroy future destinies however i will not care away the whole kingdom i will give one tribe to your son for the sake of my servant david and for the sake of jerusalem which you have chosen wow there is an important lesson for all leaders in every sphere of life in this story the bible states in proverbs chapter 16 verse number 7 that when a man's ways please the lord what does he do he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him read that with me one more time the knox translation of the bible says when a man's ways please the lord he causes his enemies to become his well-wishers please please note this day that the opposite is equally true that is when a man's ways displease the lord he can raise enemies against him as well as make his valiant servants to rebel against him this is what happened to solomon now let me teach this deeper because i've taught you this before but let's go deeper somebody said deeper now you are now certified members of the allied bible church after all i grew there too spent five years there we brought home somebody said deeper left dig deep i wasn't redeemed too so digging deep let's dig deep somebody said digging deep deeper was deeper reading was digging deep what are we going to consider both we are digging deep in order to get deeper and stronger in god can i hear amen david the father of solomon in a messianic psalm dedicated to solomon prophesied through major things is that number one god will give the gold of sheba to his son and number two is enemies we lick the dust psalm 72 let's read it together now you will be wondering that the queen of sheba got up one day and brought all the precious gold and jewels of of sheba to solomon because of the wisdom of solomon no no no it was because david his father ahead of time in the holy ghost had seen where will happen and he declared it give the god of shame back to my son the things i've prophesied over your life will catch you by surprise in the name of jesus if you look at that some eden he said it's a messianic somebody the son of solomon he dedicated this one to his son so give the king your judgments oh god and your righteousness to king son will judge your people with righteousness and your poor with justice the mountains will bring peace to the people and the little hills by righteousness it will bring justice to the poor of the people it will save the children of the needy and will break in pieces the oppression they shall fear you as long as the sun and moon endure throughout all generations it shall come down like rain upon the grass before mounting like showers or water the earth in his days the righteous shall flourish and abundance of peace unto the moon is no more it shall have dominion also from sea to sea and from the river to the ends of the earth those who dwell in the wilderness we bow before him and ease i can't hear you and his enemies we licked the dust the kings of the season of the isles will bring presents the kings of sheba and sabah will offer gifts don't stop there yes all kings shall fall down before him all nations shall serve him for he will deliver the needy when he cries the poor also on him who has no helper it will spare the poor needy and will save the souls of the needy he will redeem their life from oppression and violence and pressure shall be their blood in his sight and he shall leave read and the gold of sheba will be given to him prayer also will be made for him continually and delay it shall be praised the gold of sheba shall be given to him and his enemies will lead the doors was the god of sheba given to solomon first kings chapter 10 don't take this as a waste of time i know you know the references i will read them for the sake of those who don't now when the queen of sheba heard of the fame of solomon concerning the name of the lord she came to test him with hard questions she came to jerusalem with a very great retinue with camels that bought spices very much gold and precious stones and when she came to solomon she spoke with him about all that was in her heart so solomon answered all our questions there was nothing so difficult for the king that he could not explain it to her and when the queen of sheba had seen all the wisdom of solomon tell your neighbour wisdom can be seen the house that he had built the food on his table the sitting of his servants the service of his waiters and their apparel his car bearers and his entryway his access point to heaven his empty way by which he went up to the house of the lord there was no more spirit in her she passed out then she said to the king it was a true report which i had in my own life about your words and your wisdom however i did not believe the words until i came and saw with my own eyes and indeed they have was not told me your wisdom and prosperity exceed the fame of which i have this was another queen happy are your man and happy at this your servants will stand continually before you and hear your wisdom blessed be the lord your god who delighted in you setting you on the throne of israel because the lord has loved israel forever therefore immediate king to do what to do justice and righteousness then she gave the king 120 talents of gold spices in great quantity and precious stones was a prayer and the prophetic prayer of david answered concerning his son was the gold of sheba given to him how about the air is enemies licking the dust the moment solomon turned against god god raised addresses not satan there are so many things you are binding and losing they cannot be bound because god is behind it i think please ponder i think god may give chance to sit and to talk to tell you how many times you lied against him four screens chapter 11 14 rather than his enemies licking the doors the law raised two adversaries against solomon and subsequently turned his industrial servant against him now the law raised up an advisory against solomon haddad the edomite do you remember married from the land of adam but right from where he thought he would have peace goddess an adversary he was a descendant of the king in adam that was not the only one verse 23 to 25 and god raised up another adversary against him raising the son of a leader who had fled from his lord at the desert king of zubair so he gathered men to him and became captain over a band of raiders when david killed those of zuba and they went to damascus and dwelt there and remained in damascus foreigners have been settling in for in people's land for a very long time because of their rebellion it was an adversary of israel all the days of solomon beside the trouble that that crossed and he abroad israel and reigned over syria who arrest him i can't hear you see the problem with you and me is that my perspectives are different from yours and sometimes yours are also different from mine because you don't want to read this type of story god raised the first adversary thinking he would repent he didn't god raised the second adversary or from outside he didn't know because i know what to do for you as i said to you i'm about to raise one with your servant devoted to you to turn against you verse 26-28 then solomon seventh jeroboam the son of the neighbor and aphromis from zureder whose mother's name was a widow also rebelled against the king and this is what caused him to rebel against the king solomon had built the miller and repaired the damages to the city of david his father the man jeroboam was a mighty man of valor does this make sense because solomon developed the city of his father rehoboam rebelled does he make sense he was an industrious guy and solomon saying that the young man was industrious made him the officer over the labor force of the house of duty so rather than serving the king he became union leader if you had to study your bible you'll see that try by tribe they will bring sustenance to david month by month so each tribe will bring in a month so that no tribe was overwhelmed by sustaining the conspicuous consumption of king solomon they came when the likes of jeroboam said we've had enough why because solomon had turned against god brothers and sisters it is very instructive for us to know that the rebellion of jeroboam against king solomon had a prophetic undertone because he was precipitated by his dramatic encounter with prophet again the sinolite i eyesight of jerusalem the man was minding his business when the prophet showed up you really want me to preach this message in the citadel fashion or for me to paraphrase and to talk in variables that the big fish is about to leave the sea first kings chapter 11 verse 29 here we go now it happened at that time when jeroboam went out of jerusalem that the prophet that sheila knight met him on the way did he send for the prophet to come they received prophetic guidance or counsel and he had clothed himself with a new garment and the two were alone in the field the naida took hold of the new garment that was on him and threw it into 12 pieces and he said to jeroboam take for yourself 10 pieces for those says the lord the god of israel behold i will tear the kingdom out of the hand of solomon and will give 10 tribes to you but he shall have one tribe that's judah and benjamin they will be guarded as one but he shall have one tribe for the sake of my servant david and for the sake of jerusalem the city which i have chosen out of the all the tribes of israel please pay attention because they who i can't hear you who built the mountain of corruption solomon who married strange wives what happened to israel they became guilty by association because they have forsaken me and worshiped asteroids the goddess of the sidonians came as the god of love the moabites i may come the god of the people of ammon and i've now walked in my ways to do what is right in my eyes and keep my statutes and my judgment as did his father david however i would not take the whole kingdom out of his hand because i've made him ruler all the days of his life for the sake of my servant david whom i chose because he kept my commandment and my strategy let me tell you one thing that is deceiving you because judgment has not struck you think god is pleased because for as long as solomon was in his palace as long as he was ruling and railing and eating and enjoying his life he didn't care about what would happen thereafter though god said so he no longer trembled at god's word remember what happened to hezekiah also hezekiah said to isaiah as long as there is peace in my day whatever happens to the likes of daniel in babylon is a headache may our blood does not destroy future destinies in the name of jesus but i will take the kingdom out of his son's hand and give it to you ten tribes please pay attention to this story this is the story behind this story and to his son i'll give one tribe that my servant david may always have a lamb performing jerusalem the city we have chosen for myself to put my name there so i will take you somebody said i will take you this is jeroboam there is no royalty in its lineage it is not from the tribe of judah he's not from the tribe of benjamin where the first king came from do you understand me god had already rejected the tabernacle of joseph by this time out of which a frame came why because in the day of battle it turned back and god said okay i will take you jeroboam and you shall reign over all your heart desires and you shall be king over israel then it shall be if you hear that i command you walk in my ways and do what is right in my sight to keep my status and my commandments as my servant david did then i'll be with you and build for you an endearing house as i built for david and we give israel to you what's your another king who labored and labored and labored never got what he was looking for until god gave us a prophetic vision that we relate that produced result and now i come back again prophetic cancer you think it will last and i will afflict all the descendants of david because of this but not forever solomon therefore sought to kill jeruba but jeroboam arose and fled to egypt to shisha king of egypt and i was in it was in egypt unto solomon's death sometimes people wonder why true prophets did what they did and why true prophecy do what they do despite the challenges they face especially in the hands of despots and dictators it's like they take their lives in their hands to declare god said the lord what was a hidden dream in an open field tearing a new garment into 10 pieces if the king will hear about this prophetic simulated what will happen to the head of ahidah i want you to consider samwell in his role he anointed saul as king over israel because god said so i remember where i said when the lord showed me the vision to produce this government they can deny it from now till eternity it doesn't change the thing the day the lord showed me the vision clearly i took two men with me and we went to england we got to uk and i said to the president your turn to win is here this is how it will take place he said i've lifted my hand in public that i will never offer myself again i said we are changing the world because god has showed me how it will happen let go be true and every man a liar now you can take my name to anywhere encourage me and say you are the one that brought this man upon us was somewhere responsible for saul or god told him you know why i'm not overwhelmed by what is happening in nigeria you'll find out today because i know what you don't know i'm not overwhelmed it's not affecting me and i'm not talking about economic hardship and all that everybody is feeling that but i can see the end i know how to end do you understand me i know where this train is going and i know i should end by the word of the lord let me narrate the vision publicly because i told them in private it's about to make it open and declared because i fear no one but god we want what you call bolly kaja in the vision you know what like have you ever been inside a cat and say you know i didn't say multi way where did you enter going to school and your wife that's not real balaka we were in that ballet culture mr president was on the steering i was sitting next to him were driving towards the elders of the southwest in order to arrange for a major mystery rather fire was behind me legend god damacan was behind him and he got to a place he packed the vehicle i told him this story in london before the major process began on a slope like this i can show you the place in alberta it was a sloppy place like this and he came out of the vehicle and said you know what i'm going to reach myself i'll be back and he left when i saw how sloppy the place was i said no sir anything can push us here we would die let me repack the car or the vehicle so i moved to the driver's seat in order to repack the vehicle i suddenly realized no steering no ignition no pedals no gear no handbrake he took everything down so now that he has taken everything in his hand should we overwhelm you why don't you wait for the end of the vision i know what i saw i kept it to myself we will all be in the country when you see the captivity turn around in the name of jesus because this nation will not capsize this nation will not break this nation will not attend to disruption in the name of jesus when solomon did not use the powers he took it from his hand there's nobody bigger or stronger than god he has not created any frankincense master he cannot handle listen to me as i preach today the fire of god is upon me to consume the works of the wicked in our nation i want you to consider somewhere that he anointed saul as king and god showed up one day and said samuel why are you still interceding for so i've rejected him from big king go to the house of jesus and anoint one there that i've provided as king i've provided myself a clean there and what did someone say if so we'll hear this he would kill me he said take a little goat and tell everybody you have come to sacrifice it's called divine guitar people don't know what's about to hit this nation i'm so sorry for you you open your mouth in place you the fear of god is about to hit this land you will know that he rules in the affairs of men and he gives it to whosoever i will i don't care whether anybody listens to me or not anymore i'm not even interested in going to anyone you know the rest of the story he got to the house of jesus and he united david in the midst of his brethren he almost missed it but god did not allow it to happen they brought this young boy from attending to literal evils he was anointed in the midst of his brethren when i say change your guts what you don't understand is this the moment that happens the spirit of god depends on soul and ladder don't leave it and so you'll be making useless decisions you'll be making terrible mistakes and blunders because the spirit of in will come upon you are you still here you're thinking nigeria's problem do you think kano is nigeria's problem if justice is in our land there will be no khan and there'll be no restored justice and all those things will just die down but keep on making them hear us be portraying them with all your energy and see where to learn i'm not supporting anyone who is born in police stations and killing people there are consequences for illegality if you take laws into your hand you'll be dearly for it don't fight useless battles and you know every other thing that follow king saul do you know how long he ran for do you know how long you ran for 40 years and god told rated him you're already complaining it's not even 8 years you're ready more money god is not in a hurry but he will do what you will do and all men will fear before him do you know how long david runs for another 40 years do you know how long solomon ruled for another 40 years it took 120 years before god said okay now the consequences of your action is about to take place all israel in force kings chapter 12 gathered at a national parade to speak to king rehoboam who was to succeed his father what did they say to him angry homeworld we need restructuring king rehoboam everything is lopsided king rehoboam your father has been flogging us and has been oppressing us reduce it we are not saying take it away up reduce it and give us some respect we will serve you give me three days and i will call you all back to come back and he went to the elders who sat before his father what do we say to them he said please humble yourself because you'll be related listen to these people now and begin to reduce the tension in the land and the oppression in the land begin to reduce it that's the wise thing to do it's okay i've heard you and then he turned to the europeans he said what do you think i should tell these people that you are going to show them that you are really in charge about you are in charge they voted for you you are in charge they campaign for you you are in charge they let their lives on the line for your sake and you think your father's property something is wrong with your brain the three days came and all these i got out together fellow country men and women my father beat you with whips i'm going to beat you with scorpion my little finger is stronger than the lions of my father oppression continues as a you you think you have the sovereignty we do somebody said nigeria for nigeria movement [Music] i'm letting you know it's about to start i'm going to champion it it's going to go like wildfire across this nation nigeria for nigerians you'll be bigger than save nigeria group you have never seen anything like it before is a movement propelled by god nigeria for nigerians to deliver us from the hands of oppressors in the mighty name of jesus this is a fight to finish i'm not going to die for this country i'm going to live for it nigeria will prosper in my lifetime nigeria will be saved nigeria will be changed nigeria becomes great it is the wicked that the land will vomit in the name of jesus somebody say wow [Applause] because i kept quiet you think i'm all together like you the people said to your tent oh israel we have no portion in the house of jesus anymore sovereignty is not in your hand you are commander in chief of nothing except the people put you there the highest office in the land is the highest the height is the office of the citizen at the office of the president nigerians are going to rise they are going to demand for their rights nigeria for nigeria movement in the name of jesus and i dare you to try to stretch your hand against me like you have done to others then you will know whether god sent me but i'm just empty i'm just making noise in the name of jesus christ somebody shout nigeria for nigerians the time to serve this country had come the government can save us the military can save us we have sent it nigerians was rise and demand for what is rightfully death in jesus mighty name get out of my way get out of my way get out of my way this is a fine i want to get out of my way get out of my way i love you i served you i respected you i did everything to make it work for you but you turn against me and god has stand against you get out of my way be seated i don't have all the time today to consider elijah and ahab and jezebel or elijah who did not even bother to go talk to jezebel at all gave a little honor to one of the sons of the prophets and they go anoint jehu and start a prophetic revolution jezebel was well dressed on the window supported by eunuchs and who got there he said have you come the one who killed this master who is on the side of the lord you know what lost their voices they throw her down dog's head i had had all parts of our body in the place where the blood of naboth was shed look why do prophets do what they do if i can't get to lion are you okay i will get there someday i'm not going to rush this because time had come for truth to be spoken do you understand me i am not holding dialogue with anybody anymore i will not come to you you will come to me because it is war listen oh god are you ready for this what gave confidence to these prophets they didn't have blood running their veins did they have wives they'll be saying we don't know what will happen next were you alive when i went to canon in the days of our bachelor and prophesied that muhammad is not the only head of state that would come back home dead that our bachelor was returning home dead and i began to sing a battle with butcher were you here like when it comes to time when when the time comes for god says god speak i don't fear no joke i only respect people and i wait for god's bidding are you with me here [Laughter] yeah what gave them their conviction a degree in politics they went to lsc they've been to oxford and cambridge they had tutorial in political engineering they had nothing what was their confidence the one who sent them amos chapter 3 verse number 7 surely the lord god the lord god does nothing unless he reveals his secrets to his servant the prophet i remember in the bedroom of the president when i told him i've come to tell you you'll be president and this way to take place and to walk i will excuse myself completely to give room to others but right in my lifetime this next time around you are going to be we were under two in the room he said no i have stood publicly that i would never offer myself i said we are canceling it how are you going to do it and i laid the thing on the table and we set it in motion i moved the motion for the major at a good school and you became president now my mouth is smelling it is the same mouth too it is the same samwell that anointed soul that god sent to god annoying somebody else do you understand me nigeria for nigeria movement begins from now god is stirring up the spirit of nigerians in the name of jesus enough of this nonsense do you understand me you will know that when god sent to man it does not fear anybody sit down listen to this why did jesus go to the cross would we take what motivated him to go to the cross talk to me pastor okay the father's will purpose for which he came love huh to for the joy that that was what took him there it is true he came to die for our sin it is true the joy was set before him he ended the cross but there was much more this is what makes prophet stick you remember when he fed 5 000 they said this is the true prophet that this will come from and they wanted to crown him and say what was it that emboldened jesus to go to the cross because the matter was settled before he went give me john chapter 13. if you don't know what i know you can't do what i'm doing you i'm not just i'm not a social critic i must get comment i must be told what to say you talk what you like you get five minutes applause that's the end and nothing changes you will see that nigeria will change we are going to sit on the table of brotherhood and negotiate from the position of week of strength not a weakness john chapter 13 why did jesus go to what motivated him now before the feast of the passover when jesus i can't hear you what do you know when jesus knew that his hour had come that he should depart if you give me if you this is john 13 if you give me john chapter 7 he told his brother your time is always here my time has not come you go i know when my hour comes now before the feast of the passover when jesus knew that his hour had come that he should depart from this world to the father having loved his own war in the world he loved them to the end fantastic and supper being ended the devil haven't already put it into the heart of judas is carried simon's son to betray him jesus knowing that the father had given all things into his hands do you understand this he knew that the father had given all things to his hands that he had come from god and he was going to god and nothing in between can truncated i've been telling you there'll be a new nigeria and i have a part to play in it that new nigeria is about to come into manifestation these men that they said they are lethargic this man that you said they are laid back they are going to rise up with a kind of force you've never seen before they're going to demand for their rights it's called nigeria for nigeria movement do you understand me is nigerians from nigeria britain is not going to fix this country america will not fix this country you are going to rise up you are going to be started by god the flame and the fire of the holy ghost will be upon you and when you enter jerusalem the elders will be trembling and saying comment down peaceably because before tonight is over things are happening already [Applause] i told you to get your dancing shoes ready for august you are going to dance and dance and dance and dance because the enemies you see today you will see them no more he knew he came from the father he knew he was going he knew all things had been handed over to him that's why i said to you that satan or witchingly filed bankruptcy at calvary if the princes of this world had known they would not have crucified i dare you to stretch your hand i dare you listen what did paul know in the midst of euroclyde on tempest what gave him confidence is that the angel who of god whom i serve and whose i am stood by me tonight if you don't know anything keep your mouth shut because these men are wicked do you understand me they will kill you like cockroach but he said i know who i am i know give me first timothy listen to paul my lord first timothy chapter 1 verse number 12 i don't have time to go to europe clyde i assure you he said the angel of god whose i am homo stood by me tonight and i went on vacation like i've been to do you understand me it is not the man you knew that is standing before you today you are going to find out you are going to find out second timothy 1 12 for this reason i also suffer these things nevertheless i am not ashamed why for i know whom i have believed and i am persuaded that he is able to keep what i have committed to him until that day i showed you samuel dania look at danielle look at like me you think they're not humans like us the bible says elijah is a man of like passion it was what they knew that propelled them what do you know what do you know what has god spoken to you concerning the nation nigeria i've been at on this journey for how long now and i have not backed off yet because it's my destiny to birth the new nigeria it is the enemy of the new nigeria that will vanish [Applause] this nation will be saved this nation will be changed this nation will be upright this nation will be judged in the mighty name of jesus and listen to this listen to this when david was running to the battle to kill goliath the king said whose son is this young man john said i don't know is that inquire but when he returned with the head of goliath he would not know he said whose son are you he said i'm not confused about my father i'm the son of your servant jesus the bethlehemite in our family we are lying killers we are trained by lions god will send lions a way to train us to fix lions like you because proverbs 28 15 a wicked ruler over poor people is like charging me it's like a roaring lion and i'm standing before you i've told you i've killed a lion before you're not listening you are history what is it that made nebuchadnezzar to fall prostrate before you know you know you know you know if someone is your mate you can stretch your hand if someone is sent as do you know what they call stroke do you know what they call paralysis do you know what they call brain tumor do you know what they emulate in the brain you wait you will get one of them in this look listen i'm serious except you leave nigeria alone let my people go [Applause] how about us what do you know what you know will determine your convictions and your full persuasion but when you don't know you'll be throwing your hands into the air the bypass of if i've eaten anything let me be exposed romans 8 28. i can't hear you no i'm not hearing you no that that is not you that is elijah no that is samuel no that is elisha no no that is exile no that is jeremiah and we know that all things work together for good to those who love god to those who are called according to his purpose for whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his son what is the image of his son he knew where he came from he knew where he was going he knew that everything had been given over to him we've been made conformable to the image of his son that he might be the first one among many brethren moreover whom he predestined this he also called whom he called this is also justified whom he justified this you also glorified continue continue what then shall we say to these things i can't hear you if god be for us who can be against us nobody in all these things we are more than conquerors i want you to know today beyond any shadow of doubt that what you know will ultimately influence your persuasion and conviction also what you don't know can cause you to stumble and falter before the wicked always remember as we go on this journey because nigeria will be set free [Applause] it's a done deal it is signed it is sealed it is delivered as we progress in this journey and we stop the true spirit of genuine and patriotic nigerians from nigeria i want you to know commit to heart memory everything learn it understand it proverbs 25 26 proverbs 25 26 what does he say ready read i righteous man who four times before the wicked is it like a murky spring and a polluted world read it again one those who drink from such foundation that are polluted and mucky so that nobody fears people in the church anymore the fear of god is returning to this country is going to start from the church in the name of jesus christ if you have your time and then you have the time take your bible and read after they said to your tent oh israel the children of israel went to look for the hubbub i made him king over them because he was popular no because he had won an election before because he was a member of the political party because he was contributing money towards the perversion that is going on in the land or the person that no no by the word of the lord the lord had sent a hediah the prophet the shiloh knight to him in the open field and ten parts of those garments tom were given to him and the rest for israel i want you to see what happened and i bring this to a close but before i do i want you to write this down any constitution that will not bend we break [Music] say that with me any constitution that will not bend will ultimately break and those who make peaceful change impossible will only make violent change possible we are for peace i'm not for war and for peace in this land so may the good lord help us and our government to make the right decisions regarding the restructuring of nigeria before it is too late i can hear your amen that god rules in their fears of men and gives the whosoever wills even the basis of men is clearly evident in how rehoboam became king by prophecy he was not looking for it it was destiny it was prophecy it didn't send for the prophet they met you don't even know how they met you were not told but both of them won the field on the same day he taught those governments into 12 and gave him 10 and gave him the prophetic word this god factor will be the game changer in nigeria as we inch towards the change of gods in 2021 and the change of government in 2023 despite the screams and the plotting of politicians to the contrary can you see verdict 21 can you see verdict 23 let me show you first kings 12 and i'll close first kings chapter 12 verse 20 to 24. now it came to pass when all israel heard that jeroboam had come back they sent for him and called him to be to the congregation and made him king over all israel there was none who followed the house of david but the tribe of judah only and when rehoboam came to jerusalem he assembled all the house of judah with the tribe of benjamin 180 000 chosen men were warriors to fight against the house of israel that he might restore the kingdom to jehovah the son of solomon but the word of god came to surmise the man of god saying speak to rehoboam the son of solomon king of judah to all the house of judah and benjamin to the rest of the people saying god says the lord you shall not go up nor fight against your brethren the children of israel let every man return to his house for this thing i can't hear you for this thing verdict 21 this thing is from me verdict 23 this thing is from me there will be a change of god before there will be change of government is already set in motion nobody can reverse it because this thing is from the lord lift up your hands and pray with me may everything from the lord that we usher in the brain of righteousness peace justice and progress in our land come to passpeterly in the mighty name of jesus i can hear you pray i want you to pray everything from the lord that we usher in the reign of righteousness of peace of justice of progress in our land may everything from the lord come to possibly delay in jesus mighty name members this thing is from me this thing is from me this thing is from me you can get your motherboards to pray against it but nothing there's no cancer that can stand against the council of the lord this thing is from the lord you were warned before this time you are told you had in your heart this thing is from the lord from this day the battle is lord you are face to face in your bedroom in your consciousness everywhere you are face to face with the lord is going to show you that it's a man of war this thing is from me thank you father thank you lord leave your hands to heaven father in the name of jesus i thank you for this day this hour and this moment i thank you for the word you have put in my heart and my mouth for my generation and especially for the nation nigeria i spoken for your word because you sent me to declare it and now father thank you that everything from the lord will overtake and overthrow every plan of the devil and every plan of the wicked in this land your name will be glorified nigeria will flourish in jesus mighty name i declare a new season upon the nation of nigeria it's a new season it's a new season of our nation nigeria will flourish again god will heal our land he will restore us again nigeria will flourish again declare with your mouth this thing is from the lord there is no cancer against the plan and purpose of god this thing is from the lord so that nigeria will flourish again if the law permits me i will continue with the lion next sunday god bless you
Channel: Citadel Global Online
Views: 32,222
Rating: 4.8431373 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 18sec (4098 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 26 2021
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