Fear Not The Age We Live In Has Been Framed By The Word Of God | January 24th 2021 | Pastor Bakare

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the subject of our contemplation today is fear not tell your neighbor fear not i can't hear you ask your neighbour why should i not fear say to him again fear not [Applause] you're not doing what i asked you to do i say say to your neighbour fear not and then you ask him or her why should i not fear [Applause] oh they already put it on the screen fear not the age we live in has been framed by the word of god oh that's a place to jump to dance oh hallelujah fear not the age we live in has been framed by the word of god hallelujah you really don't know what that statement means it simply means in every age and in every generation nothing happens that is not directed or permitted by god say to your neighbour nothing happens to a child of god that is neither permitted nor directed by god therefore fear not the age we living [Applause] has been framed by the word of god let's start reading scripture i'll give you four of them and to start with even the earth where you're living was created by the word of god psalm 33 beginning from verse number 6 to verse number 15 psalm 23 verse 6 to 15 by the word of the lord the heavens were made you know he didn't just roll off his sleeves and say i like to create the heavens today no he spoke and they were created by the word of the lord the heavens were made and all the hosts of them by the breath of his mouth he gathers the waters of the sea together as a heap he lays off the deep in store houses he commanded the waters to gather the one place and a dry ground appeared and he called the grass the dragon earth and the heap of waters he called seas therefore let all the earth fear the lord let all the inhabitants of the world stand in horror of him why for he spoke and it was done he commanded and he stood first the law brings the council of the nations to nothing he made the plans of the peoples of no effect the council of the law stands for how long i can't hear you church the council of the law stands forever the plans of his heart to all generations bless is the nation whose god is the lord the people he has chosen as his own inheritance the lord looks from heaven he sees all the sons of men why is he looking why is he seeing them i've told you his eyes are going to and fro he sees everything but he's not looking for everybody he's looking for those whose hearts are i can hear you those who has a lawyer to watch him that he might make himself strong on their behalf from the place of his dwelling he looks on all the inhabitants of the earth he fashioned their heart individually he considers all their works if you don't understand that before he fashions your heart he already knows what you are going to do and he fashions it accordingly a fashion mind to function the way i'm functioning it's going to fashion you have to function the way it should function and when you don't function according to your convictions and the dictates of your heart you're an accident going somewhere to happen that's why you don't have to be envious of anybody it fashions our hearts individually according to the works he has given us to do i cannot draw jack can't draw nothing but fisaya my daughter can look at you and before you say jack robinson she's finished drawing you i'm the father and i can't draw i don't know whether she got it from my wife i've never seen her draw two next scripture romans chapter 15 verse 4 to 5 for whatever things were written before were written for our learning do i have learners in the house when you stop learning you start dying or whatever things were written before were written for our learning that we through the patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope when things are not going according to what god has told you you learn from those who through patience obtain the promises you learn from joseph who at the age of 17 god showed him dreams that will become a world power but the next 13 years of his life he spent as a slave and a convict but the word came to pass you can stop god from what he has planned and purpose it is a council of the nations that will become futile not that of god now may the god of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded toward one another according to christ jesus now you may with one mind and one mouth there's your you will not be a house divided against yourself a part of you is praising god the past of you is asking questions you may with one mind a woman glorify the god and father of our lord jesus christ give me another scripture hebrews chapter 1 verse 1 to 4. and this is very very important because many of you are descendants of adam i'm not hello i come from the last adam the first adam is a living soul every living soul you are not singing the first adam is a living soul and it's a song you love to sing every living soul every living soul no the living soul eventually collapsed i'm a living stone every living stone every living stone praise the lord every living stone every living stone praise the lord every living stone every living stone praise the lord every living stone every living stone why living stone not my word first peter chapter two says so you are living stones and you have been built together as a holy habitation unto god that's why jesus said if those ones who are shouting hallelujah that the leaders of the of the temple are saying should keep quiet if you keep quiet these stones will speak was stones there were stones they were taken out of river jordan from the from the belly of the river and put as a heap as a witness so these stones will be weaknesses against you do speak every living stone every living stone every living stone the most i remember the most high rainy the most high rain in my life today the most high rainy the most i released the most high rain in my life too okay hebrews chapter 1 verse 1 to 4 god who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets as in this last day spoken to us by who i can hear you i cannot hear you he has spoken to us in these last days by his son whom he has appointed here of all things through also he made the worlds who've been the brightness of his glory and the express let us make money in our image and after our likeness but not the express image who been the brightness of his glory and the express image of his person and upholding all things how by the word of his power is upholding how many things i can't hear you does that include your circumstances does that include your situation does that include your birth your end your beginning the way you live here he uphold all things by the word of his power when he had by himself pause our sins sat down the right hand of the majesty on eye haven't become so much better than the angels as he has by inheritance obtained a more excellent name and they so why do you want to join those who worship angels they are ministering spirits sent forth to minister to them that shall be hears of salvation can i hear amen you hold everything hell by the word of his power now let's go to hebrews 11 i'll read from verse one to three which is my central text today i just built up to this point so that you have clear understanding why you should not fear because the age you're living has been framed before you got here by the word of god hebrews 11 verse 1 to 3 now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen for by the elders obtained a good testimony by faith we understand that the walls hello somebody by faith we understand that the words okay please go back to hebrews chapter one again i want you to understand because i read that i'm not sure you saw the walls there hebrews 1 1-4 god who at various times in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophet as in this last they spoken to us by son whom he has appointed here of all things through whom also he made the words can you see there now he made the words go to hebrews let scripture enter preach scripture hebrews chapter 11 9 1-3 now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen for by the elders obtain a good testimony i don't know what you use your own faith to get cadillac they got a good report the first evidence of faith is character by faith we understand that the words were framed by the word of god so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible i want you to please give me that in amplified version of the bible to let us see the meaning of the words the words now faith is the assurance the confirmation that tied to deed of the things we hope for being the proof of things we do not see and the conviction of their reality faith perceiving as real fact what is now revealed to the senses for by faith trust and holy favor born of faith the men of all had divine testimony bound to them and obtained a good report by faith we understand that the words what is the meaning of the words during the successive ages were framed fashioned put in order and he keeps for the intended purpose by the word of god so that we what we see was not made out of things which are visible the word aged there or world there is what earns aeo and s in greek and it means age the age we live in has been framed by the word of god one of my favorite passages of scripture is in the book of acts i think it's chapter 13 where i state that david said his generation according to the will of god and long after he had gone david is still impacting generations to to come because it became a mold that god used to establish some things on the earth when god said as truly as i leave in numbers 14 all the earth shall be filled with my glory it took david to say let the earth be filled with your glory there must be someone who will take what is settled in heaven forever although your word is settled in heaven it will take someone who will locate what is settled in heaven to bring it to the earth and cause it to be settled here once david did that it was easier for isaiah to see in the year that king jose died and all the king desire that is not letting you shine all the king's eyes in your life that will not let you come into full manifestation one by one they'll be dropping out of your way in the year the king uzziah died i saw the lord he was high and lifted up israel filled the temple and i saw the seraphims with six wings with two wings they covered their feet with two wings they covered their eyes our face and with two wings they were flying crying holy holy holy lord god almighty oh earth is filled with your glory an abba can take it from isaiah and say the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the lord as a waters covering the sea god is going to have the final say can i hear amen hear me loud and clear this morning nothing and i say nothing can happen to any child of god that is not directed or permitted by god why because the age you and i live in has been framed by the word of god before we got here the word frame is an interesting word and i decided to go into the dictionary uh eldar but they gave me several at the time you remember all kinds of dictionaries gave me several of them so if i look in these and i look in that in longman in oxford and this one is simple the word frame is an interesting word it means number one the most important bars b-a-r-s pose or pose on which the rest of the theme is built the most important bars pose outpost and with the rest of the thing is built each eg for example the frame of a house the frame of the house you now will understand why god said to them during the passover in egypt that they should put the blood where on the lintel and doorposts or they were framed by what they were doing you are being framed by what you're hearing this morning you're not hearing me god is framing you because i'm taken out of what has been done before you were born before i got here i'm taking of that word to show you which way to go in the day that we're living and in this season and you're not going to miss your target in the name of jesus christ you're not going to draw by the wayside you're not going to fall you're not going to fail you're not going to falter you are destined and he keep to make it please give me hebrews 11 again and give me verse 3 in amplified version because i don't understand i don't know whether you got it that because you already framed you're already equipped a feast does not go to swimming school am i making sense to you everything a fish needs to stay inside water is already been equipped with before it came forth and it does not require a vigil upon vigil for an elephant to be big they are naturally big in their family i remember commenting you don't see a prince and not see the manifestation of his glory do you understand this by faith we understand that the words listen the words during the successive successive ages were framed fashioned put in order and equipped for their intended purpose by the word of god so that what we see was not made out of things which are visible are you equipped we're going to fine tune every equipment you need and you are going to make it big and i'm going to be alive i'm going to be alive to watch you grow and become mighty and when they call you to testify you said this is not the work of any man this is the work of the holy spirit but let me tell you one thing before i even know that holy spirit my father is here my back may be bent i may behold i don't know i know it may be a few things it may be many things i just agree i told you so did when i was a little boy a woman came into our house i was insulting my mother my temperament in those days is hey god i prayed i would not even experience that anymore i didn't want the woman i was coming from my room and she was still pointing at my wife i just carried her she never came to touch my mother anymore or or talk to her but i let her at a later stage i don't even need to do that oh mama mama because of you honor will come to me you don't understand it you don't understand what i'm doing today man will see you give glory to god and thank god that our parchment because my assignment is to keep the saints for their work of ministry and i'm here not only to challenge but to equip you to be who god created you to be in the mighty name of jesus i and the children that the lord god has given me we are for signs and wonders from the lord of hosts who dwell in mount zion you are a sign you are a wonder you are a billboard advertising god a lamppost showing direction to the world in the name of jesus you may be seated the word frame also means any form made up of bars with a species not filled in a metal of wood into which a picture is put have you bought a picture frame before they were made before you bought them and then depending on the size of your picture you buy the appropriate one or you cut it to fit and you frame it and they say oh i frame the picture number three you may not be aware of this a frame is a box with a glass stop used to grow plants quickly modern times i was in glasgow and i was taken to a place mrs b was there pastor names was there where everything that the cow would eat will grow within eight days from the time the seed is planted till the time it's harvested under certain condition and environment we saw it with our eyes so we don't need anyone to be running from the nod to the southern side today no we just need to know what technology to use to create ranches that will create good food for the cow do you understand me so there are forts or boxes with a glass top used to grow plants quickly they are also called a frame generally speaking to frame a plan is to put a plan together for the past eight meetings now or seven we have been putting a frame together for the future yesterday was the first time i shared with the leaders this is the future i see for the citadel and it's not been built around any person not around me and not around any one power will not be concentrated in any person's hand we're going to do it together we said we're respecting one another along the way because if it is built around me the day i'm no more than the whole thing collapses success without succession is failure i sang for you at the 38th anniversary of the church i'm not sure you remember otp one [Music] [Music] i told you in 1989 that the day will come you'll come to church the place will be freezingly cold this is that day [Applause] and if you think my heart is in this building then you're a nicompoo a compound full sorry i take it back you're a child of god i shouldn't say that after all the bible says you must not say raqqa to your brother but he also says foolish galatians what we wish you if you think my heart is in this building then you don't know me i'm finished down everything will be settled then i step out because it's time to build the nation alongside with men of faith men of character who have competence who have character who have skill who know what to do will assemble the most the most powerful team not inside of this nation and change the landscape that men will come to nigeria and say what happened and we'll be able to say we were good for 30 years before we were released to do what we are doing wait for it it's coming generally speaking to frame a plan is to put a plan together i showed them something like yesterday that i've not i don't bring out i said if i'm called upon today i have my plan ready what will happen to agriculture what will happen today is what will happen to that is already put there is a bad leader that gets there and say hey i've got power what do i do with it god will open the door but what happens when you enter the door to set in a frame is to frame a picture generally speaking if you say someone has a strong frame you will not be talking about me if you say someone has a strong frame it means the person has a strong body my body is strong but it's not big some bodies are big but they're big for nothing dynamites come in little packages when you say somebody has a strong frame it means it has a strong body is your body strong come let me test it i want to see if your body is strong stand there [Applause] your frame of mind is the state of your mind and many of you have very horrible frame of mind anything that wants to happen you panic not understanding that everything pertaining to you has been framed before you got here that you're not an accident you're not an afterthought that god purposely built you the way it built you aren't you're beautiful does your husband tell you that all the time if it doesn't outflog him because i give you my daughter free of charge you're sleeping in the diary though she's around she's doing mbwa management by walking around huh or is in the diaspora she's around not in diaspora oh what is that there's a diaspora here okay there's there's water in this building there are people you hear there's a place for you here come back home quickly your frame of mind is the state of your mind framework is a frame on which something will be made have you seen framework and construction site they would do framework before they were concrete you know that but this one you need to hear it to frame a person to frame a person is to make it appear that someone has done something wrong to frame a person is to make it appear that someone has done some wrong all fellow things before he writes he said there's some secret in some place involving a bank that just changed hands and some secret in 1990 that made me say the things i'm saying we forgive them because many of them speak before they think and i threw a challenge out there and said put it on the sky came back saying it's a rumor and propaganda we forgive them for they know not what they do even when they know what they are doing we still forgive them because we are going to sit on the table of brotherhood and fix this nation together everyone has a role to play and when you don't understand people next time ask them why they do what they are doing i heard some of our leaders yesterday and some prominent people i said what is yoruba because if you say you're a european what is what are you leading who are you living what is yoruba tell me now oh it's language so anybody who speaks your advice everybody not necessarily so what is uruguay ethnic nationality a people sometimes i'm not going to fight you this is not my subject today because i told the person i said hold on so and so is not following you is it yoruba and say yes your wife is not following us how about this one is yoga how about that one is your wife but they are not following you they disagree with you so how can you say you are your value that you are a leader of a group stop assuming what you are not and find a way of putting people together to do so you must die to your rights anyone who is going to reconcile people must die to his rights must not be oversensitive must not be a dictator must die to his rights why we were yes sinners christ died for what purpose i might reconcile us with god i'm leaving that subject behind because part two of that message is still coming part three part one shook nigeria part three is going to shake africa you understand me we are going to get it right we are going to do it right we are going to honor people we are not going to load it over people or hang their past on them one of them said do you know do you know he killed this he killed that as i saw david killed so paul killed so moses killed and ghostly used them are you legitimizing mother no is wrong but i'm not set up as a judge over anybody god is a true judge this is what i don't see i'm not going to conclude and say because of this then your end has come i don't have that right and the more you try to hinder the person the stronger it gets so what do you do you go through your jeffrey and say we judge you wrongly come and lead us you go to your david so if we have not behaved this way if you are not sent on exile you will not have done the things you did you are living with us but saul sent you away come now and leaders after all you are the one doing it before saul started persecuting you for some 38 years i'm not holding brief for anybody i'm holding brief for god amen and you accusing somebody else falsely have you looked yourself in the mirror to frame a person is to make it appear that someone has done something wrong we can say that mrs potiphar framed joseph now this is where you have to be careful with truth and facts you have to be careful because they're not necessarily the same thing truth is a person not a set of facts jesus is the truth what garment was in the hand of mrs potiphar joseph's garment the joseph gave her that garment when she was running away he grabbed the garment and used it as evidence to frame him that he was trying to rape her and then she cried out are you here that's what it means to frame a person but are you ready for this do you know that even that was framed by the word of god she was only acting a script i'm not sure you got that all those bad things happening to you they are part of the package they are part of the process no process no progress without the frame is in frame now without jesus being framed he would not have become a convict without him becoming a convict he would remain asleep as a slave it would remain the property of potiphar but the moment he was thrown into prison he became the property of pharaoh and pharaoh has the power to grandpardon so it was no longer joseph potiphar because you bear the name of your master it was not the state versus joseph and when he was put in that prison was not solitary confinement it was solitary refinement because by the time he came out of that prison he said god will give pharaoh an answer of peace it's not in me he gave all the glory to god and those of you are asking me where is your structure true i'm going to sing for you daddy would you take care of me he future where is your structure where was the structure of jesus what structure did daniel use the pastor of the assemblies of god in zambia where was his political structure god spoke to him to step out he stepped out he became president what was the structure of obj while he was in prison he didn't know when they started pdp he didn't contribute a dime to it what was the structure of gerard ford who was not the running mate of richard nixon but some things happen richard nixon had to drop his running mate and culture afford to be his running mate do you understand i mean to be the next vice president and then what i guess kinda happened and there are four without participating in an election became president nigeria getting ready for your miracle [Applause] but won't you build some structure no i'm sending to you to reap where you do not be strong label others have labored you are entering into their harvest to do those things to take it over and to use it for the benefit of all this is the destiny of nigeria is going to happen very shortly [Applause] and you won't preach me against anybody who has worked hard they must become compensated and took pomelo there is no pot rubbishing somebody because of their past when they have worked so hard to get you to where you are you will understand me one day and you look at me guru guru i stop looking at social media let them abuse your father whenever you want to respond you have forgotten his mother's middle name you understand don't let it affect you anymore [Applause] [Music] i said even that framed all by mrs potiphar was itself framed by the word of god give me some 105 verse one if i can finish today i will continue next monday i'll continue forever psalm 105 verse 1 oh give thanks to the lord call upon his name and make known his deeds among the peoples now let's see one of those deeds verse 16 verse 16 moreover he called for a farming so when there's economic crisis is because god is about to raise joseph you don't understand it he's about to take him out of prison to come and deploy the equipment the resources he had to keep him with moreover he called for a famine in the land he destroyed all the provision of bread he sent a man before them joseph who was sold as a slave their heart is fit with fetters where is that it was laid in irons where is that until the time until the time that his word came to pass the word of the lord tested it was the word of the lord that was in action he was misspotified i was acting it out he was a script looking for a creature and when the scripture would jam the creature the scripture will be fulfilled the then the king said and released him the ruler of the people let him go free he made him lord of his house and rule out all his possessions to bind his princes at his pleasure and teach his eldest wisdom if you see that in kingdoms version he says to teach senators of egypt wisdom israel also came into egypt and jacob dwelt in the land of harm he increased his people greatly and made them stronger than their enemies we stopped there if you go to the next verse if you can a time came when he now turned the hearts of the people he turned their hearts to hate his people [Music] today crafting with his servants white next face next face next phrase next phrase listen to me god raise abraham isaac and jacob to raise the nation of israel then erase joseph to preserve a posterity and to multiply them in egypt then arrest moses to deliver them age after age after age everything has been framed by god there's nothing you can write against me if god does not permit you but you know what you lick your wounds when i get to where i'm going oh yes oh yes because when joseph was released for you said a dimension of his name every knee was back does that include that of mr spotify look joseph is a good man evie was me god knows there will be a testimony night i said i will invite them for dinner and say mr spotify would you like to tell your husband the truth just let you just just tell your husband what really happened oh god potiphar ain't nothing that would be much yourself you need to whatever you suffer me again but that's not in the bible i'll just mention i have two critical questions to ask question number one are all the edges truly framed by the word of god i'm hearing your yes but it's not loud you know with all that i've said so far are all the ages truly framed by the word of god and question number two if so how can we access what god has framed by his word for our own age let me give you practical examples you will have to do some homework here too but i will help you that's my job i want to keep you iron shampoon's iron so that you don't go and live in regret valley for mistakes you made for what others caused the pain others have caused you you learn to bless people and not curse them you learn to forgive quickly so that they don't hinder your progress in life you will not have a bitterness against anyone because it will only destroy you you let them be because if it is not been given to them to do they can do nothing but at the end of the day sending yourself into slavery is a system of transportation to get him out of his comfort zone to where he will become a world-class ruler practical examples let me take i have about six but time will not permit me i'll give you some and i'll tell you how to get the others is that okay this is a classroom this is not an entertainment cinema hall where you come to see celebrity perform no it's a classroom you must come with your parchment or come with your tablet or come with your ipad and write things down and go home like the berry and christmas and study your life must change the captivity of the children of israel in egypt and their deliverance from the house of bondage was all framed by the word of god oh every inch of the way or they are going into captivity of their multiplying the means of oppression and their deliverance from the house of bondage every inch of that way every second of the day was framed by the word of god before there was any israel before there was isaac before there was jacob 15 verse number 13. genesis 15 beginning from verse 13. then he said to abram know how i can hear you so why are you trying to pray out of the way things that god has framed to certainly happen then he said to abraham know certainly that your descendants will be strangers in the land that is not theirs and we serve them and they will afflict them four hundred years and also the nation whom they serve i will judge afterward they shall come out with great possessions now as for you you shall go to your fathers in peace you shall be buried at a good old age that was the day abraham knew that sickness cannot kill him before time disease cannot kill him before time because god has framed it son i will still be here to see your children to see your children's children and when it's time to bow out i will invite you to communion service and while you we take communion and i step up i'll go to sleep and someone says check grandpa grandpa grandpa grandpa then they will come for you great grandpa is gone [Laughter] my uncle passed at the age of 98. he celebrated his 66th wedding anniversary we were there together when they were telling us this on the 30th of december and while he was praying for the family give me that chair while he was praying for the family he was on a couch in his living room and while he was praying for them he said run it rounding is it off now or up rounding his prayer whatever he said in jesus name i sleep hello and after a few minutes he woke up he said am i still here they say you are and then he went to his room and slept and they went there the following morning he was gone let me die the death of the righteous and let my end be like east do you understand me the righteous never afraid of death i've told you it's not your boss it's your horse when it's time to go come on here i'm changing that dress abram knew that there that no assassin's bullet would fail him and no sickness will kill i love the way the patriarchs slept jacob carried his feet onto his bed and breathed his last i love the way my mother left us do you understand me if you spend 10 years being carried from hospital to hospital or learning here he has his advantage too you'll be able to repent because you don't know what happens to those who die suddenly let me read that thing i want to close i'll continue next sunday now as for you shall go to your father's in peace you shall be buried at the good old age but in the fourth generation look at him spelling it out and the father and i can trace it for you abraham isaac jacob joseph in the fourth generation they shall return here for the iniquity of the amorites is not yet complete and it came to pass when the sun went down and it was dark that behold they appeared a smoking oven and a burning torch that passed between those species so god did not allow abraham to walk in between the pieces he split into two because he knew he did not have what it takes to walk through it so he came down himself and took on that place he knew you couldn't do it he will have to do it for you that's why that covenant cannot fail he was sealed by god himself on that same day the lord made a covenant with abraham saying to your descendants have given this land from the river of egypt to the great river the river euphrates the canines the canisters the carbonites either the heat eyes the parasite the reference the amoris the canaanites the gagasha the devils are changing but yeah my god framing you up is that all this land i give so let off palestinians until these times and let them be fighting for that land is a waste of time the capital of israel is jerusalem if that's all that are trump came to do thank you donald you simply fulfilled the word of god say god will reveal to you what will happen to omolara's great grandchild he's not married yet but he will be telling you what will happen to the great grandchild now and you have the duty to write it down and see and the fourth generation this is going to happen the lord has revealed it to me and this way to go about it that's why abram isaac and jacob must dwell in the same tent they must carry the same core values from generation to generation why one generation shall praise your work to another generation and declare your mighty works it must not end with you you shouldn't tell your children how you came by your wealth teach them diligence don't just give them inheritance or they will squander and waste everything show them what produce what you are doing don't run to help them when they want to fall i don't want you to fall let them get some bruises and some scratches it's not wickedness that's the way they walk you did your own yeah minute a little more about milano paloma you know what it means he said i cannot raise you in a way that the day i die you have to follow me no matter how tall you are and your grandfather is you must grow your own height do you understand whenever you have the caterpillar in his cocoon it does not become a butterfly but everything that i'm seeing today has been framed by the word of god all that happened to israel from the time they arrived egypt and the time they were oppressed and the time was he really framed by the word of god let's check so i can close genesis 46 jacob was about to go now to egypt the process was about to begin they have told him that joseph was alive and he's gone over egypt so israel took his journey with all that he heard and came to beersheba and offered sacrifices to the god of his father isaac who was it that established beersheba abraham he planted a tamarisk tree there and built an altar and called on the name of everlasting god every generation that appeared in bashabad got showed off and god spoke to israel in the visions of the night and said jacob jacob and he said here i am so he said i'm god the god of your father do not fear to go down to egypt for i will make of you a great nation there i will go down with you to egypt i will also surely bring you up again and jose will put his hand on your eyes what does that mean you are going to die in egypt you learn joseph will put his eye to close it then jacob arose from beersheba and the sons of israel carried their father jacob their little ones their wives in the cards which i can't hear you in the cards which pharaoh has sent to carry him what did pharaoh say when he was sending those cards those mommy were gonna said do not regard your stuff all the good stuff of egypt is yours who programmed that the framer the frame the frame the frame has framed it so they took their livestock and their goods which they had acquired in the land of canaan and went to egypt jacob and all his descendants within give me verse 26 and verse 27 how many of them arrived there all the persons who went with jacob to egypt who came from his body besides jacob's son's wives were 66 persons in all and the sons of joseph were born to him in egypt were two persons all the persons of the house of jacob who went to egypt were i'm coming back to teach you that somebody they were 70. okay in exodus chapter 1 verse 1 to 22 exodus 1 1-22 now these are the names of the children of israel who came to egypt each man and his household came with jacob reuben simeon levi and judah issachar zebulon and benjamin then naftali god and usher all those who are descendants of jacob were 70 persons for joseph was in egypt already and joseph died all his brothers and all that generation do you realize what joseph did he did not allow any of them to be buried in egypt he carried all of them back to canaan you read that in acts of the apostle chapter 7 every one of them none of them was buried in egypt and he died last and he said to them do not leave my bones in egypt because the lord will visit you he had read the script but the children of israel were fruitful i'm coming back to teach you that later they were fruitful and increased abundantly multiplied and grew exceedingly mighty and the land was filled with them they grew they multiplied what is dominion they flew fruitful multiply replenish the earth subdue it have dominion they were fruitful they multiply they replenish they did not subdue so they were subdued now there arose a new king over egypt who did not know joseph and he said to his people look the people of the children of israel are more mightier than we who when your enemy begins to acknowledge your strength it's time to know that they're about to attack you do you understand me oh ho don't wait till they break your head just separate yourself from them do you understand me come let us deal shortly with them unless they multiply and it happen in the event of war that they also join our enemies and fight against us and so go up out of the land therefore they say task masters over them to afflict them with their body is this new to god what did they say they will be afflicted 400 years now raise your prayer warriors to shorten it look i can read that story from now till eternity everything god said that it framed up in that encounter and covenant ceremony with abram was being fulfilled and god did not loosely therefore they sent tax masses over them to afflict them with their bodies and they built a pharaoh supply cities python and ramses but the more they afflicted them the more they afflicted them the more they multiply and grew and they were in dread of the children of israel when that didn't work they called the midwives they said you know what any male child drown them any female child let them leave because they didn't know that there will still be a duster called esther who will be female who'll be queen you see everyone who is talking down on women was not born by a woman i love the rendition in acts of the apostle chapter seven verse nine thank you and the patriarchs who are the patriots all the twelve all the baba you know understand me and the pictures becoming envious sold yourself into egypt but is god with you you think i will be here now if god that was not with me when i was sent out of the house when i passed the night at allah gomez station on october 14 1974 because of my faith you think god was not with me i know he's been with me today and the patriarchs were coming into your soul joseph into egypt but god was with him and delivered him out of all his troubles he would deliver you out of all your troubles and gave him favor and wisdom in the presence of pharaoh king of egypt and made him governor over egypt and all his house now a famine and great trouble came over the land of egypt and canaan and our fathers found no sustainers it was time for them to meet that's why i destroyed the bread of the land then now anything look where enlarge for it's time but when jacob heard that there was great in egypt he sent out our fathers first and the second time joseph was made known to his brothers and jesus family became known to the pharaoh then joseph sent and called his father jacob and all his relatives to him 75 people i'm coming back to this in future because we saw consistency 70 70 how is it now 75 wait for another time so jacob went down to egypt and he died he and our fathers and they were carried back to shechem and led in the tomb that abraham bought for his sum of money for the from the sons of ammo the father of sheikh him okay so every one of them was carried back now but when the time of the promise drew near you don't get this when the time of the promise during when what god has told you is about to happen all hell will break loose but when the time of the promised junior with god that swung to abraham the people grow and multiply in egypt till another king arose who did not know joseph this man dealt treacherously with our people and oppress our forefathers making them expose their babies so that they might not leave at this time hello i think i will stop here at this time moses was born i was well pleasing to god what did he do i can't hear you what did he do to be well pleasing to god it was just a baby two were born before him aaron and miriam but the bible records as we'll see next week that this one was a proper child it was uluamu not to laurier be at this time moses was born and was well pleasing to god i was brought up in his father's house for three months but when he was sent out pharaoh's daughter took him away and brought him up as our own son and moses was landed free of charge moses was the only one with a mother that was paid by the state to raise him and moses was learned in all the wisdom of the egyptians and was mighty in words and deeds now when he was 40 years old eat what is eat what has been framed off not eat it came into his heart to visit his brethren the children of israel and seeing one of them suffer wrong he defended and offend him who was oppressed and struck down the egyptian for he supposed that his brethren would have understood that god would deliver them by his hand but they did not understand that's why they are writing stinkers and all kinds of nonsense about me god has sent me at this time to be a deliverer for this nation and nothing can stop its turn to your faith stand your faith you can't stop it it's a moving train you cannot stop it i'm confident in god i'm not going to kill anyone because moses wasted his time killing an egyptian god has prepared a watery grave for all of them he will bury them one day all the powers the soldiers and everything of pharaoh and his chariots in one day but he was a head of god he had to be taken aside for 40 years tell your neighbor you're already framed up [Laughter] you can't escape you're already framed up you're already framed up you have framed up with her forever you are framed up you are framed up you are friends you are framed up you are framed you are framed up look at it look at how you are framed up framed f-r-a-m-e-d from the head to your two friend are you not afraid ever free for to deal my friend after fellow might belong tell your neighbour i'm freed fear not the age living has been framed by the word of god lift your hand to heaven father in the name of jesus we are not jumping off the boat we are not running ahead of you we are not going to lag behind we thank you for what you have done and what you are doing in our hearts the circumstances the situation as part of my prayer this morning i had those prayers that you will have direction that you will know the season you are in and you know the reason for the season my father and my god everyone under the sound of my voice and those who watch this from a moment of truth when it's aired everywhere here and overseas in the name of jesus let's come into their hearts let it come into their heart and let them become men with the conviction of steel that would not run away from battle like ephraim thank you father receive all the glory and all the praise thank you for framing us up thank you for framing our destinies thank you for what we are going through it's a stopover motel we'll reach our goals we'll fulfill our destiny in jesus mighty name
Channel: Citadel Global Online
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Id: tsbFLHLtcJ8
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Length: 67min 3sec (4023 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2021
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