Miracles: Adoption | Stories #1, COTCFamily

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hey everyone my name is Nathan Johnson and this is my beautiful amazing wife Katie Johnson and today we're here to kind of tell you guys about our amazing story back in 2006 I had a diagnosis of colon cancer stage 3b December 27th actually remember the day I had my surgery and in March I started chemotherapy and and radiation through all that it was um we came to the point that we the doctor said it was very high probability that we would not have kids on her own the struggle over the next few years was it was pretty real I was having some pain one night so Nathan took me to the hospital and I remember going to the ER and I I remember their first question was you know what could you be pregnant and we looked at each other and we were like no and then um shortly after that tests and everything I remember the nurse and the doctors coming back and saying all so you've heard you're pregnant and we were just like blown away because we were like that's not it's not possible but unfortunately it was an ectopic pregnancy so so it didn't the baby wasn't didn't make it out of the tube didn't make it out so it was a miscarriage so obviously it was it was just so terrible to think that we were so close and then and then we didn't you know we didn't have a baby but then at the same time I remember having the conversation that hey God was just telling us listen I got this be patient because I can do miracles and the world says I can't happen God says man and and it just it just wasn't just wasn't time yet two years ago I remember a weekend driving the car it was after church we had gone to lunch and I remember finally just letting go I remember um saying a little prayer to God and I remember just this weight being lifted and just being at peace I know in the seven years the first seven years of our marriage and in trying and and then the miscarriage and I mean ladies you know you go to baby showers you go you know your friends have babies and and it's um your heart just it just aches you can't breathe because it just hurts so bad you know um no you want a baby so bad and and then you can't so um so I remember um I remember the day that that pain went away and it was crazy because it wasn't because I had a baby it wasn't because I was pregnant no one gave us any news it was just I think I either gave up like the fight and I finally just said okay God you got to take it cuz I can't take it anymore um and I remember it was crazy I remember I remember that day sitting in the car and telling and telling you that you're you're enough for me I could breathe and I just I felt like I hadn't I hadn't breathed in a while and I felt like um I could finally just take that deep breath that just made me feel better and it was calm it was just I was happy I was I was happy and at peace that's you know our God brought us together our God you know healed you and brought you through colon cancer and if he wants us to have babies then we're gonna have babies but I think realizing that if that's not his plan if we're not meant to have babies that that's okay too because like I said there's there's a purpose for us there's something we're supposed to do and and when the time's right for him to bless us with babies then yay that's awesome but if not we we had to have faith that there you know there's a direction he's pushing us to so a week later I get a text from a woman here Church and it said the caller so i wasn't i didn't get the text till the next morning so 8:30 Saturday morning um I'd go to work normal workday so I call her and the words I hear next kind of took my breath away she says we have a baby here and you want to come get her and I said say what she says we have a baby here that he's a home you want to come get her and I said yeah listen I said when she says tonight and my heart sank mm-hmm I remember calling my sister-in-law and saying I need help I I need you to meet me at Target because I wearing home a baby tonight and I don't know what I need and so the running joke in the family has been you know you get nine months before you have a baby we had nine hours so um after we got harmony it was probably about a month maybe two months we formed a relationship with her birth mother and then she had made the decision that we were gonna adopt harmony yeah I think the the main thing that got us through all this it was our faith I mean without faith and God it would it would have been impossible for us to even you know get through this and we knew that you know God had a plan for us whether it was you know with kids or without kids that um that he still had our best interests in mind so he you know if we didn't have kids he knew something he knew our lives he has our lives planned out so he knew what we what we would be going through so and I know deep in my heart that that you know he cried with me and and with us and and and literally carried us through this looking back on the the tiny moments her her first rollover her first crawl her first walk um every single moment I feel like he's putting his hand on my shoulder and just saying remember I'm here I got you and and it's it's so neat because you know when when the days do get rough or or something does happen that that's a little overwhelming I just got to stop and I got to say you know what he's he loves us and he's um I think the most important part was for me was just letting go it wasn't really giving up because I was faithful and I knew that God had plans for us but it was it was letting it go and letting him do his work and and and I can't even I can't even explain how awesome his work is because he just was great amazing dog for sure
Views: 485,974
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Keywords: cotcfamily, adoption, childbirth, faith, God, christian, christianity, florida, Florida, Bradenton, miracles, kids, children, joy, faithful, faithfulness, trust, stories
Id: Ft5Ftto0pCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 14sec (434 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 30 2016
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