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[Music] hi guys huh this is little man you want to tell you about what your name is what's your name tell everybody yeah his name is Edgar so your name is Edgar Holden right you excited so what's today tell everybody what today is yeah your dashing oh he's so cute he could not wait till today right you excited and then you get to hold your adoption sign and then you don't get some present so you said about presents you all right yeah he's been so excited oh so here you could talk to people when you got you're handing a shirt man look he got his hand in the shirt so go and talk to everybody how old are you yeah you too and you have a birthday in three weeks right you do so what else you want to tell them oh man you're speechless always talking and not he's speechless gosh then don't go so we can see you because you don't sure come on stand up cuvee the friends get to finally see ya so silly show me outfit but you ain't got no shoes on yet yeah I'm so excited yeah that's Oh tell them what your favorite color is [Music] all right oh you changed - you changed yeah oh yeah you did say you like three purple green and orange good job but he hijacked my favorite color my fila fireball and when he found out my favorite color was he hijacked it now he said I'll share it back with you so I'd say orange and green - well yeah don't thing else one two what else the one time you don't know what you speechless you're just so excited about today you must be just is speech less my speeches yeah well yeah listen you want to go now you can get adopted yeah okay let's go get adopted silly you wanna play a little uh no we played awesome eco about to have a party now it's on my plan with blocks you can play of lights when you come home we'd like to go get a job - so this is it we are finally at this day this day has finally come for a little man to be adopted so exciting he's been with us since 2016 since January they only say January 29th 28th of 2016 and it is July 2018 it's been a lot of prayers a lot of Tears everything and I don't know I just don't know how to how to start it because it is the same thing when I adopted Lizzy is the same thing I didn't know how to start it but um you guys have been along with us throughout the entire journey even the times where we took a break from YouTube you guys are still praying for us and now this time has come the little man to become a Holden he is so excited he kept saying it's my Adoption Day can I hold my adoption sign gonna do an adoption video so he's just super excited and he's gonna be three years old in like three weeks so he's just I don't know how to explain it like let's see um I remember back in January well actually it was before January um it was actually before I adopted Lizzy um I when the social worker was coming to the house to sign Lizzy's adoption paperwork so I remember it was back like in June not Jim July of no it was the the trying to think it was the beginning of August because his birthday is July 30th wait I miss it down because the girls get old it was like so it was like the first week of August and I remember this little shorter had came to the house and when we're filling out paperwork for Liz's adoption and she got adopted October 2015 and I remember this will she record come into the house and she looked at Lizzy and she said you're a big sister I like what wait what and and then I said I didn't even know it's just like me either me either and and she said do you do you want him I was like oh I was like I I was like so during and she was like it's okay it's okay if you can't take them just don't feel obligated and I felt so bad and I was like because I'm my job's Mike I'll let me take time off for a newborn and um and I don't even have Lizzy adopted and I was like oh my gosh I don't know what to do but I don't like telling anyone no for kids so to say no I was like oh my god I don't know what to do and she was like it's okay it's okay I just want to tell you can see heavens this thing and and I thought about him all the time but then I was so wrapped up on unadopted Lizzy that I kept myself occupied but I always thought about him in the back of my mind and and so fast forward six months later I get a phone call I was at work I got a phone call and they said we have a question for you and and at that time we wind back a little bit after adopted Lizzy I said I want to take a break I just want to enjoy my baby I don't want any phone calls right now I said but I would like Lizzy to have a sibling but we're not in a rush not right now so they put my thing on hold they put like my file on hold and so facts weren't six months after that now and I remember getting a phone call at work getting that phone call it was I even got it at work or when I got home I want to say I got the phone call at work this was like years ago some trying to remember and they said do you remember when we told you that Lizzy had a little brother I was like yeah I remember and they said well we need you and like I said yes right away because it was crazy because it was like I it was almost like it was supposed to be because it was almost like me saying no I can't but God saying I need you oh so you have to take him and so I took him I had a little baby another little kid I was like oh my god got two little tiny honors I was like oh my god they're still in pampers both of them and I was like I can't turn away biological siblings so I said no I have to take them and that was back in January of 2016 and the rest is history that's her little brother and and it feels so good that they can grow up together like brother and sister because you see so many stories of adopted children and their split up they're not with their families or they or they're born in different stages like they are born in different stages and they go to this home not home in this home and then they have to meet each other when they get older but these two children can grow up together and and it's like I know Lizzy and I are not the same ethnicity and so she looks different from me and I look different from her and she was like the only one in the household that looks like hard like we have we have a very mixed family there's so many people in our family cousins and and in-laws and and aunts and uncles that just look different we're a very mixed melting pot family but in this household she was the only one that looked like her and now she can grow up with someone that looks just like her and they share the same blood and he can grow up with someone that looks just like him and shared the same blood and I couldn't take that away from that so they're gonna grow up together as brother and sister through blood love the production everything because they are biological brother and sister and I'm um I'm just so excited uh and this is a good thing so now we all share the same last name and Lizzy's been sharing my last name for many years now and now he can finally share the last name and he's so excited to be a Holden he walks around saying my name is hoenn Cohen I was like it's my whole and it's holded but he's just so excited and now we're gonna get ready to go and turn him into a whole dish so thank you so much for watching and love you guys [Music] [Music] say hi say I'm a big boy now look at my big boy head over there good job hiding good job movie look at that big boy right there he's growing up he got his hair cut today he grew up look he give me the SAP you [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] yeah you so happy Oh gonna do it again okay good job oh you work and you work in I'm gonna go use your hammer let me see how you do it nice pull it out from here pull it out for me right then look at him he work [Music] you [Music] you Oh [Music] you [Music] you [Music] any I'm so happy you adopted today I love you [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Holden It Down
Views: 1,440,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 24sec (1104 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 07 2018
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