An Adoption Journey

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[Music] Hey are you driving yeah are you driving in facetiming oh well hey good you're calling back when you're not driving okay well do you think that my daughter will look really good in this she's due in the beginning of September [Music] [Music] [Music] we were matched with our daughter on August 21st we were told that she would be born on September 20th so we thought we had about a month the following Monday we got the phone call while we were washing our car that they were gonna break her water because the baby was in distress we washed the car packed up the car and we're gone from our house on our way to Texas within an hour hey Daniel what information did we just get you just heard that Ellie is about to have a c-section delivery here and sounds like 15 minutes or so our daughter is gonna be born in the next 15 minutes no pretty exciting Oh her birthday's gonna be a 28 and we cannot get to Texas fast enough Jackson Mississippi right now so we're speeding we're trying to get to you we can't wait [Music] so we drove to Texas and we got the picture on her phone she was born on her way there we saw her face and we ugly cried that's probably hardest either was I've ever cried in her life she was just so beautiful yeah we were in really just kind of going through the hurricane weather and we were going somewhere through Louisiana Marty Monroe Louisiana or something like that and we're just driving all night getting exhausted we're in the morning and so it's just it's a whirlwind of just everything going on so it can just be a little overwhelming and just trying to just practically process everything how are you feeling good we're just on our way right now Hospital no but how are you feeling because I feel like I'm gonna vomit I feel good you know I'm just ready you're not nervous Oh nervous but you know expected Hospital and literally I feel like I'm gonna puke everywhere but I'm so excited [Music] [Music] [Music] tears all over your head [Music] [Music] and she knows beautiful thing you've ever seen [Music] for those two days that she's technically not ours yet just being able to love on the birth mom and allow her the courtesy of being able to love on her as much as she wants because after those two days she won't be able to get that which is heartbreaking and honestly like we celebrated getting rights to Ellie at the same time I might cry about it still I get you know the first ball is gonna have her heart broken so like while we're celebrating she's hurting tell me what you think about her just operations and she got so much love and then she can have a lot that's a lot of love a lot of like different stuff but she come here anything should be a hard job baby was born and we wanted our birth mom to be able to hold her and get to know her and you never want to be disrespectful because this is an incredible gift that somebody's giving us like we could never repay this gift she's going to be on [Music] [Music] thank you exciting crying in another shop see guys [Music] I dreamed of being a mom for so long with years of infertility and treatments and years of adoption process the fact that finally like be able to hold her tangibly and see her and look into her eyes is overwhelming every single day just ignore me [Music] there are nights where like she was not sleeping at all and I just go to sleep please sit asleep but then I just remember like I prayed for this I prayed for this exact moment and all of a sudden like it's just a perspective change yeah it's just been the coolest thing to see how the Lord just provided and years of heartache and just hard have been redeemed and the Lord never left us in any of that time and he was just right there just saying look wait I've got your girl just wait we've got our girl yeah we're waiting for we just place them in at the same time ya know but a scoop on her chest yeah it feels very real very real the fact I don't know there's a car seat in my car like that blows my mind look it's just it's been surreal it's almost like a dream never was an early rise used to be in the ball night never saw the morning line quite like I do now never said no to a party never started say even money in the way you hold my it's a way I've watched you change me from a boy to a man it's amazing just got that September 7th hey mom yeah let me in the FaceTime you do you think that your granddaughter will look good in this today just this afternoon September 7th do you think my daughter will look good in this [Music] [Music] she's doing September 7th what are we doing pick up Ellie we're on our way so it's about 2:30 in the morning and we just got to Dallas a crazy day yeah it's been a long day tired but looking forward to tomorrow it's not tomorrow it's today that we get to meet her so we will go and meet our daughters at 10:00 and we cannot wait I've never known [Music]
Channel: Genesis Media
Views: 1,215,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adoption, love, adoption story, adoption day, adoption video, journey, journey to adoption, adoption surprise, adoption process, adoption documentary, adoption papers surprise, cute baby, cute baby videos, cute baby girl, videos that make you cry, archibald project, story, love story, cry, tears, ugly cry, interview, adopting a child, texas adoption, alabama adoption, adoption match annoucement, adoption match, adoption matching process, adoption agency
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 08 2018
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