Senters Family Adoption Story

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Sara and I have been foster parents for eight years I think for us it's like they didn't choose their beginning and everyone always says to us I'm so glad you're doing it I could never do it and but I think if everyone said I could never do it then no one would be we are that family that will just do it my name is Ryan centers and this is my wife Sarah and we have six kids four adopted out of foster care so after we were foster adoptive parents for a season in our house was filling up and we're like we cannot have any more like kids in our own home but we still very much felt called to the work um so we opened up a social service agency called Ohana we wanted to make sure that if we can't have any more kids in our home that these kids have a family about three years ago our family was full like we had five kids in our house and we were very busy and I got a call from a caseworker and they had this kid who has been in foster care for at that time six years I think at this point probably seven or eight different homes that's a lot of picking up your stuff the case we said you didn't want a family he just needed a place to he could H out he really was just scared to get hurt again so he moved in to OHANA and his name is Christian and for some reason him and I just really had a solid bond and I remember deserves this moment that happened I remember sitting in his room in our group home and he says you know Ryan I just wanna a dad who will teach me to drive and parents will go watch my games and I felt like the spirit in ways I have never felt before I called Sarah I laugh and said we have to adopt Christian there wasn't really a hesitation I mean we knew it would be hard [Music] some very normal things for us or triggering for him there were moments that he was trying to bond and attach with us and me in particular and it got to real then he actually ran away and that was hard [Music] and that moment hearing nothing from him for months and months and months like I feel like a death [Music] fast forward and around Christmastime it was like Christmas day or the day after Christmas he says hey dad I just want to come home I just want to come home and he moved home and has been a different kid a kid we prayed for um I think going through so many different foster families I kind of had a outlook on how foster families work you know I seen the worst I seen the best I seen you know on the edge of taking me and taking me out I don't me to another group home I think what on the center's family is more of like they wanted me no matter what I was going through matter where is that no matter what situation I was in they always said you know we love you and I think for me it's like that showed me a lot [Music] I think for us like this God calls us to love the spirit is love and we have to like start there it's a big thing to love and it takes a lot of time and it's hard and it's messy but it's worth it I have watched the other aspects of God's goodness and his Spirit come out so I've watched Christian have peace in his life when his whole life has been unrest in turmoil and now he just gets to be a kid that's only from God things family means like loving each other no matter what someone does I think loving is the main part of family you
Channel: Ryan Senters
Views: 92,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ryan Senters, Sara Senters, Christian Senters
Id: GCAMqjvaUek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 37sec (277 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2019
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