Pastor Earl McClellan // Miracle Sunday

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hey friends thank you so much for being with us today i cannot wait for what god is gonna do in your heart today is a miracle day now we call it a miracle sunday but if you're watching on a monday or a tuesday or wednesday thursday friday it does not matter saturday god is going to meet you exactly where you are i want you to lift up your expectation because this moment's on an accident i'm so glad you're here so glad you're part of the shoreline city family and i believe god's going to change and transform your life today love you a ton we'll see you soon it is miracle sunday uh for shoreline city and what is miracle sunday you might ask honestly a few weeks ago i was praying and processing and thinking about you know the things that god wanted to do in the upcoming weeks and we had some meetings and i had some conversations and in my time of prayer this just really dropped in my heart that this is something god was wanting us to do on this particular day so i don't know what it is you might have on your shoulders i don't know what it is you might be dealing with what you might be wrestling with i'm not sure the things that might be messing with your mind right now the things that maybe been in your family for quite some time dealing with but what i do know is that god is going to meet you exactly where you are today if you have your bibles you can turn with me to john chapter 5 john chapter 5. if you didn't bring your bible put the scriptures on the screen for you i'm reading out of a different translation today i thought it painted the picture a little bit better it's john chapter five we're gonna read verses one through nine in the new living translation it says afterward jesus returned to jerusalem for one of the jewish holidays holy days rather not holidays holy days uh can't wait for christmas and inside the city near the sheepgate was the pool of bethesda with five covered porches uh we're not sure which holy day jesus was attending it could have been the passover could have been the feast of tabernacles uh could have been pentecost could have been a number of different holy days uh and this sheep gate uh in this whole area you could actually still find in jerusalem today if you go over to the holy land this has all been excavated and you can see what the writer here is actually talking about so this uh the pool of bethesda with five covered porches crowds of sick people blind lame or paralyzed lay on the porches one of the men lying there had been sick for 38 years when jesus saw him and knew he had been ill for a long time he asked him would you like to get well [Music] i can't sir the sick man said for have no one to put me into the pool when the water bubbles up someone else always gets there ahead of me jesus told him stand up pick up your mat and walk instantly the man was healed and he rolled up his sleeping mat and began walking uh this man here i i love this passage of scripture and i'm not going to speak too long today because i have a number of stories that i want to share with you today a bunch of stories that i think will connect with you heart to heart a bunch of stories that i think will help lift your faith and understanding of who god is and how he still works in people's lives everyday people's lives but i like the scene here because uh this area this pool of bethesda there are sick and lame and paralyzed and broken people everywhere they would come and a number of translations talk about in verse number four and it's a verse that some manuscripts have and some manuscripts don't have but it talks about how the the water would be stirred by an angel and the first person that would get into the water would be healed so when jesus shows up he sees sick people broken people everywhere it was reminding me a little bit of what i think church is supposed to be like i don't think church is supposed to be a place where everybody who comes is perfect as a matter of fact if you're looking for that church keep on walking because it is not shoreline city in shoreline city we actually have people that have been through some stuff we have people that have walked through divorce people that have walked through laws people that have walked through difficulty people that have struggled with their mental health people that have been addicted people that have lost a home or have been bankrupt we have people that have had a great career and then lost everything we have folks that graduated from college and folks that dropped out of college we have people that have gossip we have people that have been broke and we have people that are hurting physically we also have people that hurt others physically or emotionally this is not a church filled with everyone who does everything right all the time but i'm so glad we know that there's a place that we can go where we can find the healing and restorative power of god but in this scripture they would show up and they were they were looking at the water this man is here and he he's trying to get in the pool because when you get in the pool that's when you get healed so all these sick people are everywhere and all of them are focused on trying to get in that water and and i just could not help but but picture this man who's been sick for 38 years and he's trying to get in the water first little does he know it wasn't in the water that he was gonna find his healing [Music] it was in the man that was standing right there next to him asking him questions about his life and i get a little bit concerned sometimes and i love i love our worship team i'm so thankful for them and y'all i try to prepare the best messages i possibly can every week i don't want to be some boring dud up here that's just not does not know anything about the scriptures i want to give my best and man we try to get our host team and our parking lot team on point ready to serve everybody on the chat we want to make sure people are ready to be life-giving and loving and i think god can use all of that but my friends the power of shoreline city is not in the music and it's not in the preacher the power of shoreline city is not in our welcome and it's not in our chat the power of shoreline city is found in jesus christ and jesus christ alone and if you get a touch from him the message can be bad but jesus is always good the music can be off-key but jesus will show up and i'm letting you know that today no matter where you are if you're lame if you're sick if you're broken if you're paralyzed don't look to me because i don't have what you need but i know exactly who has what you need and his name is jesus it's always been jesus it always will be jesus and we're not stepping back from lifting him up and as we do whether you're north or antigua or white rock or online or wherever you are around the world it's always been jesus it always will be jesus always be jesus has always been jesus do you want to get well you want to get well want your marriage well want your mind well you want your family well i'm gonna give you my best i will i promise i'll give you my best and we're gonna try to be the most life-giving church we possibly can yeah we're gonna cross our t's and doubt our eyes we wanna try to be excellent we'll raise up leaders we want to do all of that by the end of the day it's in jesus today i got some stories i want to share with you [Music] some people that came and they encountered jesus he put their lives back together and what he's done from them for them he'll do for you i want you to look at this first story it was filmed on april 18th of this year from live in jansen classical and one year into marriage we found out that i was pregnant while i was miscarrying and it was the shock of our lives because something that was so uncomplicated to us in our brain all of a sudden was like this question mark a dream that we had had so deeply in our hearts all of a sudden we were asking ourselves are we ever going to have this and um that kind of sparked a what has now been three and a half year journey of healing and processing and crying and doctor's appointments and trusting and growing and this sort of alchemy of life in step with god but that was october of 2018 and then in december of 2019 we found out that i was pregnant the happy way and um it just felt like god's redemption completely it felt like an answer to every single prayer that we've ever had our best friends were pregnant at the time and we were just beside ourselves we felt like okay this is the promise coming to fruition um and we told our closest friends and within 24 hours of telling our closest friends we lost our second child and that was the realest pain we have ever felt realest pain we have ever felt the lowest of lows i'd never experienced loss like that and i think that from there i had to come from my own journey with god to this realization and this knowing in my spirit that infertility and the loss and the pain in that was not excluded from what jesus paid for on the cross and i had to come to that revelation of healing and wholeness and completeness and calling is readily available to me right now before the miracle i'd like to introduce to you the clefor curse come on out here liv and jansen and i want to show you [Music] [Applause] [Music] the baby bump that is right here show the people what they want to see babe inside you [Music] on the day that they were sharing that news we were pregnant and we had no idea no clue we had no idea we made jokes that we were gonna like bear our soul to our church family and then flee the country because we went on vacation the day after that new mexico so we were like we'll just get it all out and then we'll leave the country and god will just renew our spirits and of course he did but a couple of days after we got back um i was like hey i kind of feel like we've got to just rule out this option so that i can just go on with my life she was showing all the signs yeah i was ignoring all the signs um i think hungry no no no no crabby yeah um and then about five tests positive tests later and we were like this is actually happening we facetimed you guys in tears and we're like right now what's the baby's name going to be holland poppy cleficure oh that's beautiful 23 weeks today we cannot believe on that day when you are burying your souls encouraging the church you had your miracle already sitting on the inside of you in that moment so surreal it's so surreal i feel like um what we did realize is once we found out and once we kind of got past the threshold where we were like no we feel like we can really stand on this promise we realized god wasn't any more faithful in our opinion once that happened it's not we didn't feel like god loved us anymore at that starting point we realized god's stock didn't go up in our minds um it was just of course this happened because he loves us so much like of course this happened because he's so faithful i was wondering if jansen if you wouldn't mind praying for people in our church family because we got a lot of a lot of individuals that would like to be pregnant one day and i might be battling infertility and and i know this might not be the most make the most sense as far as a connection but i also feel like there's a lot of dreams that people are wanting to have birth a lot of businesses that people are wanting to have birth and and these things feel like maybe they've been miscarried a number of times so if you would not mind just praying for our church family from something you've walked through and helping individuals come out on the other side of this jesus i empathize with every person in this room that's feeling broken feeling like they're missing something feeling heartbroken feeling lost feeling insecure being told lies because of the experiences they're walking through because the dreams and miracles on their heart have not come to fruition yet god i pray for every person in this room online in antigua and at north campus god that you would meet them exactly where they are father we're standing on your promises knowing that you're a miracle worker knowing that you're a waymaker knowing that the best is yet to come knowing that you're not done yet knowing that you're meeting us where we are bringing hope bringing life bringing peace bringing comfort to every person in this room and online god we thank you and we praise you we say good father we say miracle worker we say way maker we say both faithful and trusted friend because that's who you are and we're standing on that knowing that we're going to leave today filled with hope filled with life filled with peace because that's what you called us to walk in god we thank you so much for every business that's going to be birth father i pray for the miracle of fathers reconciling with their sons i pray for the miracles of prodigal sons and daughters coming home i pray for the miracle of finances being turned around i pray for the miracle of thriving businesses i pray for the miracle of children i pray for the miracle of families coming back together god i pray for the miracle of marriages being sown back together because that's who you are and that's what you do god and if it's not done if it's not good it's not finished amen [Music] [Applause] miracles on miracles a million little miracles miracles on miracles counter miracles one two three four i can't even count them all miracles on miracles a million little miracles lord we thank you for the miracles on miracles count your miracles one two three four i can't even count them all [Music] one two three four i can't even count them all [Music] so it was about 10 years ago that my wife and i almost lost our marriage um we were about four years in and uh we had uh we had one son he was about uh he was almost two and um man i just remember it's almost funny looking back it's not funny it's weird to look back because i don't recall all the steps to get there but i do remember starting to feel really cold towards her um and i remember the day that it had been months of me just being cold but i remember the day that i went home and we were looking across the kitchen counter from one another and i asked her a question and her response was just incredibly cold and sharp back at me and i thought man i lost her like that was uh she's given up now i think i felt like i had given up a while back um and uh man it just got really really ugly we weren't a part of a church community at the time we didn't have anybody to go to to talk to and so we were very fortunate and by the grace of god had uh she was on her way back home and her mom said no you're not you're gonna stay there and you're gonna work it out um god god's capable of miracles so uh so he's gonna work one here uh but it's not gonna happen if you leave so forever grateful to her mother for uh for pointing her in that direction but um i'll say that that god i mean it was a miracle the people that he brought around us because we were not yet in a church community um and and we both knew that the first step and those advising us told us the first step would be that we had to get plugged back into a church that we connected with um and we actually had uh uh some friends that told us that there was this incredible couple starting a church named earl and onika mcclellan and so uh we went to a retirement home and uh and they were having service and we both in tears on the way out um said man i feel like that's that's where we're supposed to be uh the main thing was that there were there were families that we wanted our family to look like there were kids that we wanted our kids to grow up with and um and man to look back and to see how dark it was at one point and then to know that there's no way that it could have recovered without us first surrendering ourselves to jesus in our marriage to jesus and then seeing what he did when we individually submitted to him and gave him our marriage and then to see what he did and by bringing us together and what he can do using us and i mean it doesn't ten years ago feels like a lifetime ago and i just can't even describe and encourage anyone enough to be a part of a church community who's going to challenge you in your marriage who's going to challenge you as you parent and it's just such an honor to know that that we've gotten to be a part of building this church for 10 years because not only were we building the church but while we were doing that god was building our marriage and building our lives and and it seems like uh i look back and those look like different people um today we have the incredible honor uh to have been a part of building that my wife rachel tuttle is the worship pastor and has been for 10 years and our kids have grown up in this church and uh man we can't imagine our life without it but but let no credit go to us but let all the credit and the glory go to jesus because um he rescued us and we're forever grateful oh my life i've been carried by grace don't ask me how cause i can't explain it's nothing short of a miracle i'm here i've got some blessings that i don't deserve i've got some scars but it's how you learn [Music] it's nothing short of a mirror cause i'm here [Music] i think it over and it doesn't matter i know it comes from about i've got miracles on miracles a million little miracles i've got miracles on miracles cowgirl miracles one two three four i can't even count em all miracles on miracles a million little miracles thank you lord i've got miracles on miracles count your miracles one two three four i can't even count them one [Music] two three four i can't even count more [Music] [Applause] my man kyle can come on up here uh for those of you don't know the guy on the screen is married to the young lady that was just singing right there that's rachel and alan tuttle and we would not know rachel and allen without a miracle that god worked in their life this man right here i love him so much so man kyle dendy so incredibly proud about he and his wife they actually lead a neighborhood gathering they live in california right now so they are in west hollywood is that right west hollywood kyle is an entrepreneur and but a real one you know some people say you're entrepreneur but it's like they make no money [Laughter] he's a real entrepreneur uh forbes magazine cnn so many different things that god has been doing through this young man that has been absolutely phenomenal and i'm so incredibly proud of him but he is he's walked through some stuff and i i want him to share his very uh real raw and honest story with all of you you know if you look back at my my family years ago you would see my mom my dad my twin sister and myself and you would see family pictures and it was it was all smiles joy and laughter and honestly that's exactly what our our picture looked like and that was until january 1st 2003 i remember like it was yesterday it was new year's day and my mom my twin sister myself we went to this new year's eve party in the neighborhood and i remember as i was about to go my dad putting me in this car seat and as he shut the door i remember it just slightly bumping my knee and in that moment as a dramatic little kid i felt like i'm sad i felt like mad like why could you let this door hit my knee and you see what i didn't know was that when i came back from that new year's eve party i was gonna walk into the house at five years old and i was gonna see my dad just after he took his life and in one single moment i saw my entire world fall to the ground and at five years old there was no way for me to really know how to process that how to handle that and i remember walking through hallways at school going wherever i was and even if i didn't know somebody and they didn't know me i felt like they had this lie in their head saying this is the kid whose dad died i had all these insecurities and what i wanted so badly was to never ever have to talk about what happened in my life and somebody finally asked me kyle when i was 15 years old they said you got to share your story at this this big event on a stage just like this and i did that thing we do when we don't want to say yes but we don't want to be confrontational so we say we're going to pray about it but we're really not going to so i said i'm going to pray about it and i really wasn't going to but at 15 years old i actually did pray about it and i actually got up on that stage and in that one single moment what i realized was that story that i had for so long decided not to share because i thought people would judge me it was really a story that if i shared it it was going to bring freedom to me and freedom to everybody else around me you see it's just like a bomb that goes off not because of what's on the outside but because of what's on the inside when we internalize everything that we're going through it makes us feel like we're going crazy but if we'll share the story and the testimony and the obstacles the challenges that god has done in our life we might just find out that if we share our story we might just help somebody else get through the thing that god brought us through so my testimony today is simply this that whether you're five like i was or whether you're 50 we can't control every little thing that's gonna happen in our life but if the devil is gonna try to beat you up don't let him beat you up and get away with it share your story and you might just change your life and you might just change someone else's life as well [Music] come on let's count them say and i [Music] [Music] everything you've done for [Music] moving miracle [Music] [Music] when [Music] over and over and over the word of the lord [Music] [Music] and i can't even i can't even [Music] one two three four [Music] [Music] so beautiful hey if you in mind be seated at all of our locations just for a moment a little like a catholic church today standing up and down we have people in additional seating today too is that happening right now uh people in additional seating so everybody who's in the lobby right now love you so much give them a big round of applause too love you two weeks from now we will be starting a third service at our white rock campus so we're excited about that our services up north will be staying the same the same times but at white rock and online we'll be switching from 10 o'clock to 10 30. so i'm really excited to keep providing more space for friends and family members to come in [Music] in john chapter 5 that we were looking at a little bit earlier this man he's been in his situation for 38 years 38 years you know when somebody's 38 minutes late it feels like forever you know when you're waiting for somebody at a restaurant or something like oh my god you're two minutes three five minutes you're like what is it the wrong day you're checking your phone you're texting them let alone 38 years i'm not sure how the guy ended up at that pool perhaps friends brought him that would be my expectation but maybe it was his family members that were bringing him [Music] but he finds himself at that pool he's been there long enough to know what you need to do to try to get healed and try to get whole [Music] and jesus asks asks him do you want to get well some people read his response and they think it's an excuse like you know i can't serve because these other people getting ahead of me and i don't i personally don't read it like an excuse i read it like a statement of fact like the guy is sitting there or laying there and he's got this rabbi teacher that comes up to him and is asking if he wants to get well and he's like man do you know what i've been fighting for for years [Music] do you know how long i've been praying for my husband do you know how long i've been praying for my wife do you know how long i've been dealing with this sickness or this issue do you know how long i've been estranged from my family you're gonna ask me do i want to get well i've been trying to get well and nothing is working [Music] i'm putting one foot in front of the other i'm doing everything that i know to do and things are not getting better and that is the reality for a lot of us we're doing everything that we know to do and things still aren't quite turning around things aren't quite turning around with our family maybe our parents are still talking about divorce maybe our loved one is still battling cancer maybe someone that we care about is still in the hospital but we're doing everything we know to do and it feels like 38 years i'm so glad that man did not stop coming to that pool if he had stopped coming to the pool he would have missed his day so you would think that god would give him his miracle on year one or year two or year three but he didn't [Music] he waited for 38 years and i don't i'm not god i don't understand why god does things the way god does things i don't know why god allows some things to happen as to go on as long as they go on but what i do know is that if you are battling anything if it's felt like 38 years jesus is on the scene today and in this moment i believe [Music] he's saying do you want to get well so take all the excuses you have or the reasoning you have i want you just to lay that down for a second so yeah i want to get well i have some friends you know these individuals that stood up here today shared their story opened up their hearts i just wondered at home or in antigua north and in this room right now or wherever you are around the world if you would be willing to say you know what there's some things in my life that i want to get well some things that i want to see adjusted so i'm actually going to ask people to stand in just a moment i'm asking you to stand up if you're believing for god in a particular area a matter of fact if there's anyone in our church family that is believing god for some type of a relational miracle relational miracle i just want you to stand up wherever you are just building for a relational miracle every campus north i want you to do the same friends at home want you to do the same if you're believing you stay standing if you're believing for a healing some type of a healing maybe physical healing i want i want you to i want you to stand as well maybe it's for a friend family member or a friend doesn't have to be for you might be somebody like oh my gosh my uh my uh i've been praying for my own i've been praying for my uncle but praying for my grandfather [Music] how about anybody that you know or maybe it's you that's dealing with fear and anxiety at any location i just want you to stand up i want you to stand up and say yeah i i know there's a miracle there's a miracle i need i'm gonna pray i need to stand in the gap for somebody there [Music] how about finances man we can't get away from needing money do we it's like those bills keep coming every month how about finances maybe with a business with your own personal life or your your your parents are struggling maybe there's something going on with finances a job maybe we got friends north and in antigua and around the world and at our white rock campus right now that have the courage to stand but i'm actually not going to pray for you today i'm going to ask somebody else to pray for you i'm gonna have somebody to pray for you who just got their own cancer diagnosis 10 days ago and is fighting with every ounce of faith and strength they can believe in god even while they're in this 38 years time trusting him for a miracle i want to bring out ron and judy brown right now to get ready to pray over all of us judy and ron were the very first couple to say yes to joining shoreline city ron's on our board judy's our executive pastor and we love them so very much and we said 10 days ago we found out that there's some cancer in judy's lungs and in her brain but just so you know we're praying that every bit of that cancer is going to be dried up and go and leave in the mighty name of jesus christ we are asking god for a miracle but since we have people standing in north antigua at white rock even in our additional seating right now i pray that you're standing i thought let me have somebody with some faith somebody with some strength somebody that's in the fire right now but is still trusting god be the one to share you know that first night in the hospital i laid there and i thought god what just happened like what what are these words these people are speaking over my life and the lord said to me judy i knew this is not a surprise to me i need you to lock eyes with me i need you to stand on the faith that i know you have that i've taught you all your life you stand on the faith you lock eyes with me and i will bring you peace i will carry you through this and so that night you know it's crazy in the hospital they wake you up every 30 minutes but every time i woke up god breathed in my ears he breathed in my spirit and he said you will live you will not die [Applause] he said you will proclaim my testimony and so that morning i woke up that next morning and the first thing i did is where's my bible i know that scripture i know it's scripture let me find it in the bible and so i went to psalm 118 and it says when hard-pressed i cried out to the lord he brought me to a spacious place the lord is with me and i will not fear and then we drop down into verse 15 and it says shouts of joy and victory resound in the tents of the righteous the lord's right hand has done mighty things the lord's right hand is lifted high i will live i will not die and i will proclaim to the world what the lord has done in my life [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so those of you who are standing in this room in antigua and our north dallas campus for those of you that are in your living room watching it online what i want to challenge you to do today is to lock eyes with jesus right now i want to challenge those that are maybe not even standing that maybe don't even have a faith enough to ask god for your miracle i challenge you to interact with god because judy and i we are standing on psalms 118. we are believing what the words say in psalms 118 and we are living in our miracles so will you join me in prayer father for every person who is standing here waiting for their miracle collectively and individually lord we are reaching out to you knowing that you know the miracles you're about to do knowing that you know what you want to do in each and every miracle that's being requested this morning father all over the world there are people who are reaching up to you who are standing on faith father that you will want miracles in their life father your word says that it will not come back void it will not come back empty so father we stand waiting for miracles we stand in our miracle we stand knowing that you are god and that our faith is steadfast we trust in you we trust in everything you do we love you lord father we will always give you all the glory and all the honor that you so deserve father in your son's most holy name we pray amen come on team head and lead us [Music] jesus [Music] we come to you now this is a house of worship this is a place of praise [Music] where every demon trembles where we proclaim your name this is the house of healing our hearts are full of faith [Music] you have our full attention in the name of jesus come alive in the name of jesus this is a house of miracles we bring everything to the feet of jesus everything in the name of jesus this is the house of miracles [Music] this is [Music] resurrection power your blood your blood runs through [Music] your kingdom your kingdom triumphs even the coldest praise [Music] this is of jesus [Music] you've been dead long enough father we stand and we bring it to you everything to the feet of jesus everything in the name this is [Music] i still believe your mood i still believe you're speaking god i believe you're working all things for [Music] all things for good [Music] i'll fix my [Music] i still believe you'll speak [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] say come on [Music] we bring everything [Music] in the is of jesus speak to it speak to it this is [Applause] [Music] come on can we take 15 seconds and just lift up the name of jesus what are you believing for the miracle workers in the room he can work it out there is praise and miracles on the inside of you would you just release it like the miracle has already [Music] [Music] if you give god a shout of praise clap your hands how faithful is our god [Music] rising up in all of our hearts since faith rise again hey the greatest miracle the greatest miracle it is when a lost person is found in jesus christ that's the greatest miracle that can ever happen when someone goes from dead to alive from lost to found from blind to sea and i think we've got some people in additional seating some people online or some people in this room right now you would say right now your heart is not in god's hands you're going your own direction you might not call yourself a bad person but we don't need to call you a bad person you're lost because you're not on the path that christ would have for you so if you're under the sound of my voice right now you've never given your heart and your life to christ you've never made them first you've never made them number one in your life usually i have people bow their head and close their eyes but today i'm gonna keep every head up every eye open and everybody looking around because i i really want this to be a moment where we're not just trying to play games with god i want to make sure you understand that there is miracle working power in and through every single space every single living room every single home every single state every single person so if that is you you've never given your heart and your life to christ or one point in time you did you slipped away you've gone your own direction you're like nah today today i ain't playing any more games i'm done i'm crossing over i'm giving my heart and my life to jesus on the count of three i literally want you just to throw your hand in the air and say yes that's me ready one two three just go ahead and throw your hand in the air right now you say yup that's me that's me that's me that's me that's me that's me that's me i'm not playing games i'm not playing games i'm not playing teenagers single people married people older people people in the balcony people on the floor people in additional seating people at home people in antigua just saying i'm not playing any more games i'm giving god my heart my whole life i'm gonna ask everyone everyone do me a favor put your hand over your heart every person i want you to repeat this prayer out laugh to me say dear jesus today in this moment i give you my heart i give you my life i ask you to forgive me of all my sins i admit i've made mistakes i've gone my own way but today i give you everything in jesus name amen and amen can we clap our hands church family celebrate with everything we have on the inside of us man hey you may be seated for one more moment friends honey how about this day so holy so holy so beautiful hey listen i'm more going to ask you yeah i'll make this really really clear i want to ask that those you not just to those who raised their hand but really those of you who have even been on the fringe for a while here at shoreline city like kind of like this is your church but you're not really like in in you know it's like to us but you kind of sneak out so we don't get to get to know you you know you know you know i'm gonna ask you to actually give us one whole year where you actually go all in with your faith all in with becoming who god has called you to be
Channel: Shoreline City Church
Views: 2,225
Rating: 4.9111109 out of 5
Id: HjFzg7qLSSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 24sec (3024 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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