Hillsong Church - Earl McClellan

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[Music] it is come on are we gonna see God this morning [Music] as my [Music] [Music] to see [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] - seen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jesus [Music] the presence of Jesus here with this [Music] - [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh everything [Music] well this year [Applause] jeez [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let the [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] - [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's say together and here's the there's ass [Music] Oh [Music] this round [Music] let your boy get up [Music] [Applause] a little [Music] leads us [Music] aha [Music] is all [Music] today but God [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] to Jesus would you make this your prayer this morning [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] see your cut [Music] let me see [Music] you're [Music] he's alone [Music] - from head and you came on there was my senior to fulfill to [Music] in this 42 come on church would you sing together [Music] bring your breath [Music] [Music] [Music] to ritzy disguise yourself [Music] [Music] that you rose to the stars [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] praise [Music] to the king of kings welcome so good to have you at Hillsong Church this morning a third service for the morning here at a Hills campus we're glad you're here with us and I hope you feel a home you know it's an amazing thing you come off a week like this weekend so joyful so full of gratitude for other God's done weary on the outside renewed on the inside that's a good good place to be right so there's always a little prayer request a lot of people are believing firm answers to all sorts of desperate situations and these situations you'll see some of them come up on the screen oh I just saw the train for pastor Bryant Bobby Orr I'll receive that one fantastic the whole thing is it's an every area of life people have needs and we as a family we can come together and lean in together and really believe God to bring healing and answers to people in desperate need come on Rob you come up right here this is our penthouse young adult youth pastor here oh man all right show school cops why are we lift our hands and pray right now dear little we lift up these prayer requests to you right now Jesus and we thank you Father you're a restorer whether you're a healer filing you're a miracle worker and right now Lord the lives of all these people Jesus but for your restoration Jesus your healing power father and they'll all your work all these things together for our core Jesus your blower Myers is your faithfulness Lord to lift all them up see right now Jesus say Lord have your way amen amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you guys can be seated be sure to say someone next to you say hi to someone Nix do you [Music] there's always a lot of good praise reports and I've got people today praising God for their healing jury Hillsong conference some incredible miracles incredible healing miracles took place a Hillsong conference so we got praise reports for their suffering someone thanking God to thee supernaturally given them a new job someone got a successful good biopsy report someone else thinking God for a brand new house someone thanking God another one they healing during Hillsong conference someone's praising God for all the volunteers at conference and we'd all agree with that someone else they have had hearing restored in their left ear and they're thanking God for that family coming to Hillsong conference so many other good things yeah it's great to have you here if you are visiting a church loves visitors we thrive on visitors yeah so feel at home feel welcome it's a little coach yeah it's a little church with a little of people's little church with a lot of people in other words we're family were community we care about each other we're friends and I would just would love if your nice living Sydney does busy today I'd love you to come back I love you too really find her the community and family right here we are blessed with Hillsong College the students our team our faculty our faculty our executive vice president which is a long name meaning he runs the college and I get all the credit fantastic I'm the president which means I get all the credit he's the executive vice president which means he does all the work that's kind of how it works but we the vision of what we do together we do very much under percent but full of new vision right now for the college now we go to Phoenix Phoenix heal better Oh beyond that pull yes yeah thanks God all right amen ah how are you Church very cool very cool we are gonna come around a scripture this morning and then illustrate it will take up the offering those year the Hillsong Church will know you can give by using one of the ways behind me here on the screen if you're new or visiting you're welcome to participate as well the Bible says here in Acts chapter 2 verse 42 says they devoted themselves to the Apostles teaching this is after the church gets filled with the Holy Spirit which we just been singing about and individuals take it upon themselves to well be thinking of others not themselves and it says that they were teaching and to the fellowship and the breaking of bread and to prayer everyone was filled with or and many wonders and miracles signs were done by the apostles says all the believers were together and had everything in common selling their possessions and goods they gave to anyone as it as they had need and then it says in the Lord added to their number daily those that were being saved I love these passage of Scripture because we see that the church gets filled with the Holy Spirit and all of a sudden they begin to think about others we see the rich in community beginning to consider the poor and you see this amazing what seems like a glimpse of heaven on earth happening here amongst the early church and what I love about this is that the whole motivation was towards others you know when we bring our tithes and offerings it's because we're others focused a few months ago I was driving home from church with my daughter in the back and it had been her birthday she got given birthday money she had a $50 note we call it a pineapple and she had a $20 note the red one which we call a lobster and yet she had 70 dollars of her birthday money on the way home I said Lily how was kids today she said it was so good dad she said I i tithe to the offering and I said ah that's great how much did you give and she said I gave the $50 which in my head at the time I'm trying to work out hang on tithe on seven here's $7 what sir and what did what have you done here and and while I'm thinking it through this little voice comes from the back seat I just want kids to know more about Jesus like me one of those moments where I wanted to pull the car over get down on my knees and say Lily depart from me for I am a sinful man but what I loved about it was her motivation was that others would come to know Jesus for motivation was that the kids ministry would continue to grow you know when we bring out tithes and offerings it's to meet the needs of the community and to extend it to bring Jesus to a world that needs to know him badly amen amen so hold your offering in your hand this morning those of you that are part of our Online Campus Giving will be shown right there on the right-hand side of the screen you're welcome to contribute let me pray for your father we thank you Lord for your goodness and your favor father as we continue to bring our tithes and offerings week in week out Lord that would continue to see the needs of the community met and the kingdom of God extended here on earth father we thank you for the honor it is in Jesus mighty name Amen amen host he may receive the offering as they do that check out the screens and find out all that's coming up in the life of Hillsong Church oh hi firstly so glad you're in church and your being here makes a big big difference and that's kinda what I want to talk to you about we thank God for the people who attend our services and people come expectant and I want to encourage people to understand that coming too early coming on time taking time to have her kids in the program and being in that place early really makes a huge difference to the services in the atmosphere and also stay until the end if you can stay you make a massive difference so we're trying to build the kind of culture in our church where anything could happen now I encourage you to just stay right through to the last prayer and then you're welcome to head out straight away it makes a big difference and I know you can help us to take the church forward I don't know if we're gonna be able to survive this journey we're in where did you get that language from a from a God in a shepherd who prepared a table before you in the presidency enemies no because he had just told you in the verse before we're going through the valley of the shadow of death we're not going to any valleys we are going through the valleys [Applause] [Music] on [Music] you see revival comes to those hobbies then creates a little shudders the breath of God the wind of God wishes from the one who [Music] [Applause] you say I dunno it doesn't mean it's just out there somewhere it means it's really down that there's a sense that God is what it is something new beside this is a time [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] all right we just link to all our campuses everywhere around Australia into Bali and Indonesia also Church of the air we love you guys out in remote parts of Australia and online campus thank God for you and every other way people link in to Hillsong Church soon this couple right here are going to be starting a Hillsong Sunday morning link in the Curan guy area so starting in the Gulf trouble sir knives in the Gulf trouble sir knives fantastic excited let people see your smiling face you too Carly because we need to see them the beautiful side of the family as well alright so always plenty happening and there is now and of course it's only one year to Hillsong conference it's almost upon us and we need to be registering we really do you know it is a funny thing like you've just been through conference and all the sudden with casting forward to a year away but man next year we've got such great plans and I'm excited about it and you saw that beautiful emotive breathe again video right there I'm so excited that Bishop TD jakes is going to be a conference and by the way if you weren't at conference you may or may not have heard that the Prime Minister of Australia came and addressed the conference and it wasn't a political talk at all it was really just talking into the heart of Australia and I thought that that was a great honor because of the office of the Prime Minister I think it's always important we pray for a government and we pray for the people who God puts in leadership and authority over us so regardless of their politics let's be sure that we are really always praying for our leaders anyway so it's the least expensive time right now to to register for next year's conference and so I hope there's more people than ever from your own church and of course to be visiting whether Hugh as well from our own church to be registering for conference no matter what state you're in why don't you make the effort and sometimes you might get so used to think we can't get to conference but what if what if as a couple will you decide we'll look let's do it this year let you let's do it let's make the commitment we'll go to conference Bishop TD jakes priscilla shirer castle luna pastor Keith Moon are the most incredible church in Guatemala you wouldn't even believe what's God's raised up you know from Guatemala right no no you look so excited I thought that maybe you were but you're not you're just from Rudy Hills sorry about that anyway you can see the list of people Michael Todd list this guy's fresh new name for us but what God's doing through his life is absolutely incredible Tasha Cobbs Leonard is a worship leader supreme I know a lot of the creative a worship people are very excited about that Robert Madhu's at young and free conference and so it's just gonna be amazing this is the time to be registering and I like I said already heard right across that church wherever you guys are that we are registering and then we just had the most amazing half of the house giving in our church and I'm just still so grateful to God for the generosity of the people of Hillsong Church of the miracle of what we've been able to do for and through the Husan foundation because of people's incredible giving and we're gonna see tangible outcomes to that incredible giving and so we've always had when I said always for many many years sort of in the heart of the people who carry the over and above giving towards the Hillsong Foundation which has built facilities that's very building here wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the Hillsong foundation and kingdom builders and then a whole army of faithful people so anyway kingdom builders they just people who believe that part of the reason they're alive is to help finance the work of the Lord through the local church and they're just people who really want to make a difference not always wealthy people just generous people and I would love to some of you to be thinking about the next 12 months and whether or not you'd like to be a part of kingdom builders we have a retreat once a year which is fantastic more recent times that's been in the in the Hunter Valley and so we go up there and enjoy the Hunter Valley and we also get usually from a guest speaker and it's incredible we stay there all the way through and have church there Sunday morning linked to the rest of the church and then a couple of at least a couple other times a year we get together for either a breakfast or a supper and I are the spire to speak to all our kingdom builders where I want to put in Correll gonna put courage in people you know the word encouragement means courage in to put courage in and so that's how I see kingdom builders I want to put courage in people to really rise out to be all that God's called them to be and so I want you to watch a short video it's about kingdom builders and then you'd be thinking about and praying about it and all our campuses all our four years wherever you are there'll be people there who can ask or sorry answer questions about kingdom builders and so just have a look at this and see if God puts something on your hair safe not just because he wants an extra person in heaven more than being saved I actually need to fulfill the calling I think this is the way to fulfilling the one thing that I've never wanted to do is stand before God at the end of my life and him go you know I love you you're amazing but missed out on this business whenever I had belonged to the Lord and was given to me by the Lord but only with the one purpose to keep giving back to see the kingdom through honor [Music] we're in 23 global rooms 30 countries 129 locations and of course the kingdom builders play a huge part in that so we've just received and celebrated our heart for the house offering and all the money that we received in the half of the house offering goes into the Hillsong Foundation guseong foundation giving period runs every year from July to June and it's early in this financial year that people make a commitment to become a kingdom builder our kingdom builders are a community of people that believe they are called and part of the reason they're alive is to finance the work of the local church and they make a decision every financial year to give a specific amount $5,000 or more over and above their tires and offerings throughout this period then gather with the rest of our church redheart for the house where we as a whole church give generously towards the work of the foundation I love that we partner with so many great organizations that are really making a difference people's lives on the ground and you might have a heart to do something really significant in regards to helping people and I really believe through involvement in kingdom builders it presents us with a great opportunity to do that of course it's not the only way but I believe it can be a really significant way we might never have the opportunity to go to some of these places and help but we can actually do that through our generosity being part of our local church here in Australia a common question I get asked is how do I become a kingdom builder it's quite simple really if you jump online you can click a button to easily apply and you're part of a community of people that gather locally on your campus but also gather a few times a year nationally where we gather with Pastor Brian and Bobbie and really stand with them in the vision they have for our church I'm a kingdom builder and my purpose in life is to finance the kingdom gosh here - seriously seriously consider becoming a kingdom biller we are seeing revolve around the will you are sitting in this room today and thinking hey do I qualify you call Hillsong home you qualify so bobbi and I are gonna be away for a few weeks but I'm telling you they said oh the front row but yeah I'm just not sure about how sincere that was tell everybody that tell everybody that I said that was heartfelt was genuine that's why I've always liked you anyway Bubba now be away for the next few weeks forgot Hillsong conference in Europe in London coming up just a week away and so please pray for that we're in the o2 arena which is similar sized to the one that we are at here Saints as its name so often I still call it the Acer arena which is back from the year 2000 but anyway it'll be a big crowd there from all over Europe people come from all over Europe so pray pray for us up there and then we've got a gathering which we call Hillsong family these are pastors and churches that are not called Hillsong but they're kind of part of our bigger family and so we've got a gathering with them then we're going to Berlin to a speak at the 10th anniversary of Hillsong Berlin and so mark Wilkinson and Joyce actually are right here than the pastors there the pastors give us a wave of Berlin and while we're there I can say Hillsong Ukraine Hillsong Moscow Hillsong South Africa just seen the ones I can say Hillsong Holland and Belgium yeah these guys are an incident wrote it down and now in Brussels and Belgium as well and pardon Dallas where Hillsong Dallas fantastic I can see Hillsong Australia so pray for us church is gonna be strong we're doing a lot of things we're doing new things we're gonna have a whole series called Sunday night at the movies and so we'll have people who are great great great well-loved people in our church will present from big blockbuster movies so have you can imagine it there'll be portions of movies and then there'll be a little bit perfect to bring friends and family and neighbors and people too so that's coming up I know it's gonna be strong right because the Lord wants us to have us great second half of this year so let's be ready for that let's be up for anything and for everything I believe God's be doing some really significant things in and through our church anyone here still know anyone who doesn't know Jesus personally so let's really believe God for their salvation amen let's go here's a film producer and you look live on this funny was that New York Yankees cap on as well in the Polo neck you look like a he just looked seriously that so loves the Lord has been part of a church many years and it's executive producer on a movie that reached literally reached number one movie on Netflix internationally internationally was pretty incredible amazing well we're blessed the pastor shoreline Church in Dallas in Texas and incredible Church is here with us sharing the word this morning I'm coming back to you cuz I'll keep on louie giglio speaking tonight and so we're gonna have a phenomenal night at church tonight 4:30 over there 5:30 here or whatever time wherever you guys are at and our other campuses are ill McClellan is really an amazing I think is the most smiley encouraging positive happy person I've ever met they are sounds powerful in the Word of God and we're thrilled to have you here and we were thrilled to have you a Hillsong conference can we stand across the entire church and give a big welcome to pastor over Thailand as he comes to share God's Word Hillsong Church come on you all ready for a great day y'all I said y'all we're from Texas great to see all of you stay standing for just a moment if you would not mind come over are you gonna put it right there my friend you're looking at me like I was crazy he's like you got to get out of the way I'm gonna move it Hey as you're standing at all of our locations I want you to stand because your pastors Brian and Bobby Houston or two of the most amazing individuals on the planet and I want to give them a huge huge round of applause come on a little bit better just a little bit better just a little bit better thank you thank you thank you these two individuals have led a conference okay they poured it all out this past week and here they are still at church lifting their hands worshiping leading and have hearts of absolute gold I wanna before you seat it before you see it I still want to say one more thing let's say one more thing oh there's a story in the Bible about a guy named of Phoebus chef and he is dropped when he is young and he has his feet no longer work he's disabled and later on David finds out that he was born he's a son of David's best friend and David ends up bringing mephibosheth to his home and he gives him a seat at the Kings table and Mephibosheth has been an exile thought he was gonna be killed but instead now he has gone from exile to sitting at the Kings table and I feel a little bit like this with Bryan and Bobby Houston they have been so kind to my wife and I to our family and it's like they just said hey come on in you're gonna have a seat at the table and I felt that from every pastor every leader every staff person every volunteer my son has felt that from all of the team and this is what all of us have felt and that's why we are part of this church family Thank You Bryan and Bobby Houston for giving us all seat at the table it means the world all right now you may be seated but before you I'll give somebody kiss or a hug or a high-five one single guy was like oh my goodness that's a word from the Lord she doesn't like you she doesn't like you I am so so honored excited thrilled to be here we've had an amazing week at conference this past week it was so so phenomenal and now we get to keep on going with church on on Sunday and we've got louie giglio tonight as well make sure you are back make sure you show up at every one of our locations it's going to be phenomenal I do have a picture of my family I want to show them to you because I'm really really proud that God would grace me with such a beautiful family this beautiful woman here is my wife Anika is her name we've been married 22 years now she is my best friend the most the finest the most beautiful the most loving individual Pastor Brian if you think I'm smiley you need to meet my wife she smiles more than me when I first met her I thought she was doing drugs at the hut I thought oh my goodness she she she's high right now she's high but she was so fine I was like hey I gotta go after I gotta go after her we've been married now again for these 22 years and it has been the ride of a lifetime she is so full of life my biggest encourage I try to be her biggest encourage her as well and then we've got our son Parker he is 14 years old he's actually with me I'm not sure if he's here he's hanging out with young and free earlier I don't know if he's here maybe he is or not he is here he is still here so Parker I love him a ton I want to say in front of everyone my 14 year old I just feel is an amazing young man and I know at times I'm like trying to push him forward to be all God is calling to be but I also want to make sure everybody knows and Parker you know I love it I'm really really proud of you and excited to see who you're gonna become we've got our young our middle son Grayson and for those of you who are parents if you can give me any insight how to get our middle and our youngest to stop fighting all the time I would greatly appreciate that whoever can write that book I'll give you my blood I'll give you whatever you need because my two youngest children go at each other a whole whole bunch but I love them tremendously Greyson is Wonder in a bottle so full of joy and excitement and then we've got Elle grace she is our 4 year old and she is like the star on our Christmas tree she has really brought our entire family together in beautiful beautiful ways I was telling some some friends that she is super sweet at times then other times we feel like she was in prison she would like run the yard you know she would be the one you got to get the cigarettes through her in order to get them into the prison we feel like she would be that individual so we all sleep with one eye open and she's made all of us better and stronger but she's so so much fun but hey we're gonna open up God's Word today you guys ready for that you ready for God's Word hey I want you to have a high expectations okay I want you to believe that God is going to speak to you today this is not just another Sunday it's not just another day you didn't just happen to show up the God of heaven planned today it was all orchestrated your days are written in a book and God knew today was gonna be happening so I want you to believe big you went to me on that you went to me I want you to trust big I want you to know that God is able to speak to anyone through anyone at any time if you have that high level of expectation he will meet you there turn with me in your Bibles to the book of Ruth the Book of Ruth it's an Old Testament book it's a really really short book too so if you want to feel really spiritual this week read all four chapters anymore like yes I'm holy now though it actually doesn't make you holy but it's fun to read through an entire book of the Bible let's start reading in verse number one Ruth chapter 1 verse 1 it says in the days when the judges ruled there was a famine in the land so a man from Bethlehem and Judah together with his wife and two sons went to live for a while in the country of Moab the man's name was Al emilich his wife's name was Naomi and the names of his two sons were Malin and Killian they were if afro fights from Bethlehem Judah and they went to Moab and live there now Elimelech Naomi's husband died and she was left with her two sons they married Moabite women one named Orpah not Oprah Orpah and the other Ruth after they had lived there about ten years the unthinkable happens both Malin and Kili own also died in a mia was left without her two sons and her husband the title of today's message is breakfast is ready breakfast is ready turn to your neighbor say breakfast is ready breakfast is money our church is not black not a black church at all it's actually mostly white people but every now and then I like to go turn to your neighbor it just makes it feel like it's a black church at that point in time touch 5 people and tell them God loves them you know this passage of Scripture is easy to to read and not feel a lot of the Bible can be that it could feel like it's it's someone else's story and not your own story but but if you wouldn't mind today I'd love for you to slow down just a little bit and I want you to feel a little bit of what this woman would be feeling there's a famine in the land maybe similar to what's going on in Australia right now there's a drought that's happening a lot of people are hurting we're praying and trusting God for that rain and we're believing that this nation will be saturated with with the rain of heaven for sure not just spiritually but also physically as well but maybe there's a famine in your family relationally there's a famine maybe you had to move out of your house maybe you right now are separate it from your Fauss maybe in your business there's a famine maybe when you look at your bank account there's a family maybe you look at your relationships with some friends there's a famine and so it is with this family you got a husband you got a wife you got two kids and things are not going well in their community so they decide they're going to pack up and they're gonna move to Moab so they get in their minivan they head up to Moab and they get there and things seem to be going alright and then they owe me loses her husband he dies again if you just read that and don't feel that it can seem trite but every funeral that we have done of a spouse in our church you look into the eyes of that husband or that wife that has lost their significant other and there's an emptiness that can be there they're trying to figure out how will I live without this person it's like their leg has been severed and you don't just grow a new one you have to learn how to live without your leg and here this beautiful woman Naomi she's lost her husband but at least she has her boys right Leigh she has her two sons and she can look at them and and see glimpses of her husband unlimite leg maybe she sees it in a laugh or she sees it in a smile or she sees it in how they they work or how they walk or how they sing and then these two sons get married so there's a couple of weddings that takes place and they do the cupid shuffle like you might do at her wedding and they're listening to all their posts below music or maybe even throw on some Hillsong and they have a fantastic fantastic wedding and he's got she's got her two now daughter-in-laws and she can't wait for babies because I've heard the best part of about life is not being a parent but being a grandparent I have heard that I don't know that to be true yet and I bet I hope I don't know for a really really long time Parker she's looking forward to grandbabies but she doesn't get grandbabies which she gets his tragedy 10 years later her two sons also die there's anything tragic for a parent to walk through its to have to go to the funeral of your own child and to stand in those rooms you can't put words to those emotions so this woman Naomi has lost she would say everything she's at the bottom of the barrel she is crying huge tears she's probably cried so many tears she can't cry anymore have you ever been to that place where you're just so emotionally spent it's like you don't even have any more to give you're so tired you feel like dying this is this woman and maybe it's some of us that are at one of our locations or in this room today maybe you're at this place feeling like I'm at the end I'm at the bottom I need God but it's like the world has turned its back on me it's like God has turned his back on me and Naomi is in the middle of this and this is one of the things I love about the rawness of the Bible of the honesty of the Bible it does not paint a picture that since you know God your life is easy and perfect it paints a very real picture that you and I as human beings walk through this broken fragmented world but the good news is and I think if Naomi was standing here today she would tell you what I experienced in Chapter one of my story is not the last chapter of my story the God of heaven worked things out in my life in ways I've never thought possible she would put it like this if it's not good it's not final if it's not good it's not final if it's not good in your marriage right now I'm telling you it's not final if it's not good what the relationship with your kids it's not final if it's not good at your business right now it's not final if it's not good in your mind right now if you can't sleep at night I'm telling you it is not final but God of heaven always has the final word and his final word is always always good he can't help but be good that's all that exudes out of God all that exudes out of him is Grace and love and mercy and he is more for you than you're for yourself so hear hear this beautiful woman Naomi ends up going back home she hears the famine is over she starts heading home and they hop in that same minivan that they drove up to Moab in and she's now driving back with her two daughters and they stop and Naomi tells them you need to leave me go away it's like I'm cursed everyone who's connected to me dies every business I touch fails every relationship I have it ends terribly just leave me maybe you have some friends like this in your life they won't come to church with you because they're thinking the building's gonna fall in on them they're thinking something that's good for you can't be good for them because everything that was ever good for them always turns out bad this had enough brokenness in their life that they start to think that their life is all about brokenness as a matter of fact Naomi's name means pleasant but she changes her name from Naomi tomorrow it means bitter can I encourage you to not let your valley rename you can I encourage you to not let your dark place rename you can I encourage you to not let the pit that you're in remain you can I encourage you to not let that one Saturday night when you were in high school to remain you can I encourage you to not let that one season of your life when you made some of the dumbest decisions you've ever made to rename you some of us some of us are sitting on the sidelines and not getting involved in church because we've allowed a season to rename us we're thinking I can't serve on the worship team I can't be a HOSA I can't serve with the kids I can't do any of these things because I mess up here and I messed up here and if they knew who I really was there is no way that they would ever allow me to be a part of this family and you come in late and you leave a little bit early but I want you to know we see you and we know you and we love you already and even though you've renamed yourself we still see you as a son and a daughter of God that's the spirit of this house so this woman has remained herself bitter and now she's trying to push people out or push people away from her trying to push people away she's trying to push people away she's trying to push him away why she doesn't want to hurt anymore she's going to MIT to too many funerals I don't want to go to another one now she's trying to push people away push people away but you can't get close to me don't get close to me don't get close to me so now I'm being mean to you not because I don't like you it's actually because I love you so much and I don't want to hurt again so if I push you away now that way at least I can control my pain because I can't take another one coming out of the blue pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing girls leave me girls leave me girls leave me girls leave me and Orpha besides the leaf she says I'm gonna I'm gonna go back I don't want to be single forever I don't want to be by your side forever I'm gonna go back but Ruth Ruth I like her I like Ruth she's like uh uh uh you can't you can't get rid of me you're stuck with me no leave me nope nope I'm not going anywhere you can try to go this way I'm going that way you go that way I'm going that way if you go two more steps the other way I'm going with you if you go five steps backwards I'm going with you that you cannot get rid of me where you go I go where you say I stay your people will be my people your guys gonna be my god I thought you loved friends like this don't you love those friends and I'm like I you cannot get rid of me I'm thinking about a guy in our church he lost his mother and he went into such a pit of depression rightfully so I loved his mom so much she lost the battle with cancer and he was so involved in church on the front row serving you know just a part of the community he lost his mom and he just kind of became a recluse and went went to his apartment would have his shades down all the time and I was so grateful every Sunday morning but not just on Sunday mornings every single day somebody was at his house knocking on the door saying sorry Adam you can't say they're sorry Adam you got to come out sorry Adam we love you too much sorry Adam you can't push us away that's the cycle of Churchill song is as well you just got to have a place where you got some people like oh you can't get rid of me I know you cussed at me I don't care I still love you I know you're trying to push me away but you can't get rid of me I am so in your corner Ruth says I'm staying I'm staying I'm staying this is what the fire does in your life - the fire actually exposes those people who are meant to be with you in the next season because you know every person is not for every season every person is not for where God is trying to take you some people were perfect for when you were thinking like this but they are not ready for when you're thinking like this some friends of yours are perfect for when you're just playing Church but some of your friends they will not handle when you want to show up early and you want to stay late and you want to give money and you want to lift your hands and now you want to wear a t-shirt and I want to invite me to a conference and now you want to give your time they're not ready for that right there they're okay you being lukewarm they're not okay you being on fire and I'm letting you know some of those friends won't need to fall by the wayside not because they're bad and you're better than them they just can't handle the next season that God is bringing you in to stop holding on to people that God is trying to shake free from your life you don't have to demean them you don't have to disrespect them you don't have to look down upon them matter of fact you don't have to add them on Instagram or Twitter or anything you just keep running your lane and doing what God has called you to do you keep being who God has called you to be and you look by your side and see those who are willing to run right alongside of you for a quick aside you know single people if you're wondering is that person right for you are they the one that you should marry or not marry should you keep dating them or not dating them the question is look at your pace and if your pace is a strong pace and you're looking to your right and that person is right there with you or maybe a little bit ahead of you that's probably somebody you want to hold on to but if that individual is sitting by the way side over here huffing and puffing let them get their lungs a little bit stronger before you try to rescue that person that was free that was free so they come into town they come into town and uh and Ruth and Naomi find a go go home they go back to the land little lemon like owned and and they're there and they've got their ice cream and they've got oversized sweatshirts and Lululemon leggings on and they're watching watching Netflix maybe your movie watching you're watching Netflix I won't like this guy wasn't sure which person it was you yes you cool hat yeah thank you all of you producers here or than watching reruns of the office and just eating the ice cream and some of you post-conference alike that sounds really good right now that sounds really good but Ruth says I can't I can't oh boy I got I gotta go I gotta go she's one of those people you know their knee is jumping up and down they're sitting next to you now it's like it's like they all they always got they always got to be going they always they always got to be going it's like hey what's gonna chill we're gonna relax you going on vacation with these kind of people and they just want to do excursion after excursion after excursion after excursion you're like up That's not me on vacation I'm telling you right now I'm working on my tan ID on vacation I am sitting back just you know black people do get blacker so I'm sitting there relaxing but some people are like no no I gotta go I gotta go and that's Ruth I think she has that kind of temperament she's like I know I gotta go I got to do something I can't sit around here for Mom I love you but I can't sit around here for it can I go get a job she's like go go go go get your job mom coming back Nora I'm just gonna get a job and then Ruth gets up and she goes and finds a job goes around from place to place to place the place or maybe she didn't um the Bible actually says she showed up in one particular field but this field was strategic it seems like it was kind of on accident like from her perspective she thinks I chose this field she does not know that the God of heaven is actually orchestrating her steps and the God of heaven actually closed some doors so that he could guide her to the right place at the right time the steps not just the journey but the steps of a good man or a good woman ordered by the Lord that God is actually directing your steps maybe you think you chose Hillsong Church just because you're like oh yeah I want to go there but actually God said no I'm gonna lead and guide you to the exact place where you're gonna be planted and become all that God has called you to be I'm gonna unlock my purpose in my destiny on the inside of you when you get planted in that life-giving place so she finds herself in this place thinking I just chose it not knowing that God's got a bigger plan in the midst of all of it and she goes to work y'all she goes to work she's a hard worker I like Ruth okay she's a hard worker matter of fact the owner of the company shows up his name is Boaz he shows up quick sidenote Boaz is a cool name okay and if your name is Boaz you're cool you cannot have a named Boaz and not be cool on the other hand if you have the name Earl I met some Earl's in my dam like dang that could have been me too and I'm not too far I'm not too far from being Earl is it's too much of a name for a baby okay I told my mother this I said mom why why would you name me Earl unless your father's name is your grandfather's name I know I know I know Mom I get that but they're grown men okay you cannot name a baby come out of the womb Wow Earl it's too heavy it's too heavy you know I'm right you know I'm right it's decent now but as a baby it just does not work at all Boaz shows up cool names strong name owner of a business shows up and he sees this woman over there working he's like what it's in the Bible as amplified or message or something girl who is that open thing he doesn't talk to her first he talks to her supervisor says hey who is that supervisor says you can read this is this is about chapter 2 verses 6 7 & 8 surprises oh that's that's uh that's that's Ruth man she she's amazing matter of fact she don't he only took a short break she's been working all day it's like she showed up early stayed late and when everybody else was taking really long breaks and complaining about how hot it is out here and so upset that they had to do all this stuff during harvest time she just keeps on grinding she just keeps on working she just keeps on going everybody else is over here mome moaning and complaining and but but she's there something different about her she's just going and going and going and going and going and going and going and then boa says really and she's fine let me talk to her let me talk to her so she comes over they're having a talk so now here is this factory worker here's a woman that was on the floor of the factory now she's talking to the owner of the company and they're having a one-on-one and everybody else is like what in the world going on there why is he talking to her and now he's having this interaction he's like hey might affect want to come have lunch with me she's like what I'm gonna have lunch with the owner of the company ever been let into a place you're like how in the world did I even get in here she goes in and sits down is having lunch with the owner of the company the owner then as I hate drink whatever you want eat whatever you want as a matter of fact he has a bunch of bread passes it over to her ladies if you're ever on a date with a man and he passes the bread all the way over to you that man is into you you better not let that man go so now they have this interaction and it's amazing then he sends her back to work on the field but tells the people in front of her hey whenever you pull your wheat I want you to drop a little bit extra on the ground for her so now Ruth is out there doing her job picking up this barley that's falling on the ground and she's picking it up and there is tons on the ground for her now it's possible for Ruth to think I'm so awesome there's never been a better part barley harvester than me but she does not know that the her boss actually talked to somebody else on her behalf and has now positioned her perfectly to receive something she could not have received on her own and this is what God has been doing for you as well listen you're wonderful and you're great and you're fantastic and I know your grandmother loves you but please understand God has been better to you than you deserve he's been better to me than I deserve as well and we're all picking up some extras here's a quick aside this woman Ruth she's actually working in a field that one day she's gonna own but she doesn't know she's gonna own it she does not know what she is doing and she's just grinding here's a principle I want to make sure we all get favored follows hustle favor follows hustle because she was willing to show up because she's real willing to crime because she was willing to give 110% because she was willing to stay early because she's willing to stay late it's amazing how doors a favor opened up to her it's amazing how some extra ended up on the ground it's because she was willing not to go halfway not willing to give just a little bit she actually went 110% I just want to encourage you go 110% in everything that God has called you to do everything from being a father to being a husband to being a mom to being a business owner to being on a team you give 110% and you watch how the favor of God follows things don't live with the bondage of trying I don't want to over commit okay then I get into this just real quick okay real quick I'm almost done I'm almost done um we talked about this a little bit at our master class at conference once you become a Christian you already overcommitted you went too far because what Christ is calling all of us to do is more than any of us can do on our own so you don't have to live with the mindset oh I don't want to serve at church because I don't want to over commit my friend you gave your life to Jesus you decided to pick up your cross and follow him you decided to die Bailey since you've already gone that far you've already gone all the way so why not just go ahead and throw yourself fully at the cause of Jesus Christ and give yourself fully that every single thing that he's put in front of you and you watch how the favor of God follows that so now the favor of God is all over her life she ends up she ends up now with this relationship that she's about to have with Boaz okay now I want you to look with me in chapter 3 verse number 18 chapter 3 verse number 18 I want you to look at this it says then they owe me said wait my daughter wait my daughter everybody say wait wait my daughter wait my daughter wait my daughter until you find out what happens for the man will not rest until the matter is settled today chapter 4 verse number 1 meanwhile Boaz went up to the town gate and sat down there just as the garden redeemer he had mentioned came along Boaz said come over here my friend and sit down so he went over and sat down I want you to see chapter 3 verse 18 Ruth is waiting chapter 4 verse number 1 Boaz is working chapter 3 verse 18 Ruth is waiting chapter 4 verse number 1 Boaz is working she's waiting he's working she's waiting he's working she's waiting he's working awesome 14 year-old Parker for Mother's Day in May I think it's in May here in Australia as well Mother's Day you always got to honor moms on Mother's Day there's no doubt about that right so Parker I wake up and I see Parker in the kitchen okay he is in the kitchen stove is on okay she was a teenager and fie but he's got some eggs on that skillet he has got some toast in the toaster he has taken out some strawberries cut them up so finely and put them around the plate what he is doing is preparing breakfast for his mom he says dad I love mom I just wanted to make her breakfast in bed so he picks this plate filled with toast and filled with eggs and filled with strawberries he goes into the room his mom is still sleeping she wakes up to something that her son had prepared for her go with me to Genesis go with me to Genesis go with me to Genesis Genesis chapter 1 verse number 3 since there was evening and there was morning the first thing there was evening of this morning go with me to chapter 5 verse 5 verse 5 chapter 1 verse 5 there was evening and there was morning the second day good a verse 13 now verse 13 there was evening and there was morning when you keep going down in Genesis chapter 1 you keep seeing there was evening and there was morning there was evening and there was morning there was evening then there was morning and that was called a day notice it does not say there was morning than there was evening says the evening then morning it's as if we're getting a little wink that the God of heaven is saying my day starts at night and ends in the morning your day starts in the morning and it ends at night so put another way when you go to sleep that's actually when God goes to work when you when you lay your head down at night this encourages my heart so much because I'm a goer as well I want to get things done I want to make things happen but the God of heaven is saying listen I know I've given you gifts and talents and abilities and he's done the same thing to you every single one of us every single location he has given you gifts and talents and abilities and he wants you to work yes but there comes a point in time you can't do anything on your own way you is the power of God and what God does to release his power many times it says I need you to stop I need you to wait I need you to put your head to rest and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna work on your behalf while you're sleeping and then when you wake up you will see what I prepared for you I'm getting scrambled eggs ready for you I'm cutting up strawberries for you I'm getting a husband prepared for you I'm getting a business ready for you I'm getting campuses in countries and nations prepared for you and if you'll sleep soundly just know I have not stopped working at that time that's what my time just gets starting hey I'm all done here band you can come on up you can come on up our last verse a scripture it's found in chapter 4 verse 13 says so boaz took ruth and she became his wife when he had put on Bruno Mars versace on the floor the lord enabled her to conceive she gave birth to a son verse 17 the women living there said naomi has a son they named him Obed he was the father of Jesse the father of David wait wait wait come on so Ruth and Boaz have a son and they named him Obed and Obed has a son and they named him Jesse and Jesse has a son and they made him David and then generations later the savior of the world will show up God will put skin on and all of humanity will be saved because the son of David has come into the world you're telling me that God took all of the tears and all of the pain and all of the heartache and all of the misery and all of the loss that Naomi went through and he said I will still have the final word over your life and you're gonna hold in your arms one day someone that will be connected to the savior of the world this is what our God does he is able to make all things work together for good for those that love him and have been called according to his purpose he has not forgotten about you you keep on grinding you keep on waiting you keep on sleeping you keep on serving you keep on loving you keep on giving you keep on doing everything that God has called you to do when you watch you watch the generations there are on the other side of your obedience at all of our locations I want to ask you to do me a favor bow your heads just for a moment I ask you to bow your heads not because it's mystical or magical but just so that you can focus for just a second but I pray that your hope and your peace your grace and your power would rest on every one of us and if you're under the sound of my voice right now and you have never given your heart in your life to Christ you've never made them first you've never made them number one you've never made put him in charge of your life put another way you're in the driver's seat of your car Jesus is not you've never repented you've never turned that you've never given control of your life over to Jesus or maybe you're under the sound of my voice and there was a time you did there was a time you were following Jesus there was a time you gave him your heart but you you slipped away you've gone another direction you've turned your back on God and yet you believe in him but you know you're not following him you're not on the path of Jesus right now and whether you're in this room he or any one of our locations you're saying I don't want to go my own way anymore I want to go his way I don't want to be on my own path anymore I want to be on his path if that is you on the count of three I want you to do something simple but something bold I want you to shoot your hand in the air and say that to me I want to give my heart and my life to Christ ready 1 2 3 just shoot your hand in the air you're saying yes that's me thank you so much thank you so much raising you're saying yes that's me I want to give my heart I want to give my life to Christ I want to make him first I want to make him number one in my life at all of our locations this is a moment of transformation a new beginning a fresh start I'm asking if they want to do me a favor put your hand over your heart if you would not mind and I want everyone to repeat this prayer out loud after me say dear Jesus I ask you to forgive me of all my sins I admit I made mistakes and today I give you my heart I give you my life give me the power to live for you in Jesus name Amen a name and it's up to our heads up and clap our hands by the fact Church family let's stand to our feet right now let's celebrate every single one that gave their heart and their life to Christ here is a moment for us to worship and remind our hearts of the goodness of God let's sing church [Music] gorgeous what do we put our heads together and think muster Earl McClellan we're gonna sing in a moment's time if you wouldn't mind right across the church just taking a seat just for a moment for every single person that prayed that prayer maybe for the first time maybe you read community life at the end of the service in all foyers in all of our locations there'll be people waving around a New Testament Bible which is a gift from Hillsong Church to you to mark this significant day that you made a decision for Jesus so come on church let's really celebrate with all those people that have made a decision this morning and why don't we put our heads together and think pastor Earl McClellan fir [Music] as we do and it's a custom in our house to be generous to those to bring the word we're gonna receive a love offering for pastor Earl and his family his ministry and all that he's doing so I want to give you a moment to prepare there's a envelope on or under your seat that you can use there are other ways on the screen behind me that you can also contribute but let's continue to be a generous Church and let's really saw a significant seed into all that they're doing in that part of the world so I'll give you a moment to prepare and then we'll pray for them and all that they're doing who's looking forward to louie giglio tonight I'm sure there's more people looking forward to louie giglio tonight in melbourne are you looking forward to louie giglio tonight [Music] all right let's pray father I thank you for pastor Earl and his family and his church and his ministry and not all that you've called him to father we thank you for the blessing that he's been this week but he's sold and watered into our house and into your people and father I pray that you would bless them Lord as they take steps towards all that you've called them to we thank you for them in Jesus name Amen amen what do you pass the containers along so good your voice is about mine but you're not young yeah yeah yours is a misters husky is mine already talk talk what c or i'll be receiving that giving thanks for that and thank you pass the early game to such fantastic message on IRB powers [Music] so can we stand together [Music] and father I think he you bless your people and you keep them Lord your face your favor your grace smiles upon us tonight good I thank you your word will go deep in the hearts of people and Lord for what we receive may we be uplifted maybe you can be ready born to move forwards and orbits and all you have ahead of us Lord I think you thought your mercy I thank you Father for your protection I thank you for your goodness on your people Lord I believe that you do bless them if you do keep them that we can look forward to a second half of this year with great faith in you and we thank you in Jesus name Amen amen baby come on let's worship together be blessed [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you see plays [Music] it's a night
Channel: Hillsong Church
Views: 47,396
Rating: 4.869565 out of 5
Keywords: jesus, hillsong, praise, worship, Earl McClellan
Id: u1Ybsz5-oaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 48sec (5508 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2019
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