Miracle Baby Might Be Another Man's Child (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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Please be seated. Hello, Your Honor. Hello. This is the case of <i> Woody v. Wilson.</i> Thank you, Jerome. Good day, everyone. AUDIENCE: Good day. Mr. Woody, you are here today, desperate to learn if you are the biological father of the defendant's son. You were initially convinced he's yours, and you even gave him your name. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAUREN LAKE: Michael Woody, Jr. WOODY: Yes, Your Honor. Now, Miss Wilson, you confess you slept with another man at the time of conception, though you honestly can't be sure who fathered your child, hoping today's results will give you that answer. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: So, Mr. Woody... WOODY: Yes. You were at a crossroads. You'd fallen in love with the baby. Yes. Even though you really don't know if he's your biological child. WOODY: Yes, Your Honor. Please, explain to the court. Well, I have a three-year-old daughter already, so when I found out I was having a son, I was excited because what man doesn't wanna have a Junior, you know. So, I got plans made, you know, I'm ready to go play baseball and basketball with him and, you know, all the stuff a father's supposed to do with their son, so... <i> I'm just ready, so I'm ready to, to be a father to a boy now.</i> JUDGE LAKE: <i> So you were already having the visions</i> of everything you're gonna do, baseball, basketball, first haircut. WOODY: Everything. You got it in your mind, you love this baby... No haircut. No hair... Oh, no haircut? No haircut. Oh, let me see how long yours is, all right, yeah. That would be a no haircut. Um, so you love the baby? WOODY: <i> Yes, yes.</i> <i> I thought that was it, you know?</i> But come to find out, you know, I have my doubts about... If he's mine or not. Because you and Miss Wilson are not in a relationship. You know that there is a strong possibility... WOODY: Yes. ...that this child could be someone else's. Yes. And you're worried that this baby that you now love, won't be in your life. Exactly. (AUDIENCE MURMURING) Well, understand, the stakes are high. It's easy to fall in love with a child. And no person that has fallen in love with a child wants to see that child leave their life, understand that. (APPLAUSE) So, Miss Wilson... You, too, have concerns? Yes. Talk to me a little bit about the circumstances that got you all here today. When I met Mr. Woody, I was walking down the street with my friend. We were drunk and we were going up to the store, and he was in the apartment complex holding, you know, with his daughter in a stroller. And he said, "You're cute." And I was like, "Oh, you're cute too." So, we walked to the store, and we walked back to my friend's house. We had intercourse. (AUDIENCE MURMURING) JUDGE LAKE: Okay. So, I have to ask you this. Was he the only man you were intimate with during that time? No, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Okay. So, respectfully, how many other men were there? WILSON: Just one. Okay. So, Mr. Woody, that, of course, substantiates the doubt you feel. Yes. Because Miss Wilson is honest. Yes. JUDGE LAKE: "I wasn't just intimate with you." How did you find out she was pregnant? She sent me a message on Facebook, Your Honor. (AUDIENCE MURMURING) JUDGE LAKE: Okay. I guess she couldn't find me, so she sent me a message on Facebook. WILSON: No, no, no. No, no, no, no. How it happen? It's not 'cause I couldn't find him, it's 'cause he left. JUDGE LAKE: Oh, oh, let's... Pardon me, I'm sorry. Let's get courtroom... I apologize. ...language. Tell me, though. When I actually found out I was pregnant, I kept taking pregnancy tests, Your Honor, and they all kept coming back negative. So I went to my doctor, and, um, I got a blood test, and a week after that, she called me while I was cooking dinner, and she's like, "Miss Wilson, I just wanted to let you know "that your pregnancy test came back positive." And so I was like... Just my whole world just... Took a standstill. 'Cause I wasn't, I wasn't ready to have a child at all. <i> I sent him a message</i> and I just said that I was pregnant, basically. And did he respond right away? WILSON: No. Mr. Woody? The girl that I was dating was responding to the messages that she was sending me. (AUDIENCE MURMURING) JUDGE LAKE: Jerome, let me see that. What evidence is this you're presenting? Um, I have a couple of pieces of evidence. I got a picture of me and my son and I have the picture, I have the messages from Facebook. So this is a message from Davina Wilson. "I'm pregnant. "So I hope you know we're getting a DNA test <i> "when the baby's born</i> <i> "and I'm hitting you up with this child support.</i> <i> "I'll see you in court."</i> (AUDIENCE MURMURING) WOODY: That's right. That's your first... Hello. "You're gonna be a father?" Hello. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) Way harsh, Miss Wilson. What did you think? WOODY: I didn't know anything of it until a few days later, until after my birthday when I tried to go home to my girlfriend and she's like, "Look at your Facebook. "You got somebody pregnant right now." And I'm like, "Shut up, no, I don't." And she's like, "Yeah, you do." Now, do you believe it was his girlfriend answering you back, or do you think it was him? Honestly, I don't think it was his girlfriend. Your Honor, if you could read the text messages, if you could read the messages, that is clearly a grown woman speaking in that. That is not no man speaking in them messages. JUDGE LAKE: Too many words, right? Way too many. (JUDGE LAKE LAUGHING) So, Miss Wilson, when you get a message back, what does the message say? The first message I got back was, I think it said, the B-word, "You're lying," or something like that. And I honestly thought it was him, and so when I got that message, Your Honor, I'm like, okay, so I basically went off, like, "All I want is your money, "point blank, period. "So you wanna, you wanna leave me in the cold, you wanna, "you know, let me get pregnant and do this by myself, "then you gonna pay me some type of child support. "You gonna help me take care of my... Your child." (AUDIENCE MURMURING) So, now, was that your last communication with her or did she reach out to you again? I actually, I came back to Vacaville, and I ran into her, you know, because I knew it was a possibility that, you know, the baby was mine, but I know I wasn't the only one, but I know I played a part in making this baby, so... (APPLAUSE) I didn't want to lose my respect. I wasn't gonna leave her, you know, to raise no child on her own. (APPLAUSE) JUDGE LAKE: So, Miss Wilson, you say there's another guy. Did you also send a message to him? No. AUDIENCE: Ooh. JUDGE LAKE: So you never told the other guy you were pregnant. WILSON: No. So why, you, why did you just single out Mr. Woody if there was another guy? Because... While I was sleeping with Mr. Woody, I had sex with my boyfriend and everything. He was the last person I initially had intercourse with. So the last time I had intercourse, it was with Mr. Woody. Okay, but you do know that it doesn't matter who's first and who's last, it's about the window of conception, right? (APPLAUSE) Were they both in the window of conception? Yes, Your Honor. So, what happened when the baby was born? Throughout the pregnancy, were you, were you present? Did you go to any doctor's appointments with her? I came back, you know, I went to the 3D ultrasound pictures with her, and I was there, and then he was born. I was there. JUDGE LAKE: You were there when he was born. I was there, I cut the umbilical cord <i> and everything, you know, so...</i> And then tell me about the birth. Was it a bonding experience for you both? It was, it was very painful because he died at birth, so... We had to sit there and watch my son just be lifeless. And it hurts, you know, just to even watch that for anybody, whether you know the child or not. And so for, what you're saying is for a few moments... Five minutes, about five minutes, had to bring him back. And they brought him back. Brought him back. Oh, that's amazing. (APPLAUSE) A miracle, a miracle, so I'm sure, as you all were there, together, witnessing, literally, a miracle happen. WILSON: Your Honor, I was actually surprised he came. I was in the hospital by myself, you know, I was being induced and I'm just trying to figure out, okay, who's gonna come, you know, help me watch my son be born. Didn't nobody come. And then he came, I think, <i> when I started having my contractions.</i> When it's time to sign the birth certificate, do you sign? WOODY: Yeah, yes. (APPLAUSE) Yes. JUDGE LAKE: With pride, yes. WOODY: My first son, he's gonna be a junior. There's no other, hey, no. He's a junior, he has to have all of me. When does the doubt set back in? WOODY: Okay, so... Her sister, you know, I'm at, I'm at one of my friend's wakes, you know, he had just passed away so, you know, we at the wake or whatever, and I see her sister. I'm good friends with her son's father. So, you know, we start talking, and, uh... She comes up to me, like, "Mike, uh, you need to... "I think you should go get a DNA test," you know? AUDIENCE: Whoa. WILSON: Your Honor, that is a lie. That's, that's not how it happened. She didn't just come up to him and say, "Mike," I mean, "Mr. Woody, you need to get a DNA test," no. So, the truth is, after this amazing, miraculous birth, you knew in your mind you still needed to get a DNA test. WOODY: And even before that... Right, Your Honor. Before that, uh, seeing her standing at the apartment complex with two dudes, so, you know, they all go their separate ways. So the dude come back, one of the dudes come back by himself. So I stop him, like, "Hey, bro, is she pregnant?" And he like, "Yeah, by my brother." AUDIENCE: Whoa. So, that's another reason why I feel the way that I feel, because ain't no... I'm not gonna claim no kids that ain't mine. So I don't think anybody else should neither. WILSON: After that happened, that's when he went MIA. So after you heard from this guy coming down the street, you just backed off. It's been a roller coaster... Yes. ...meaning one day you think you're the father, the next day you don't know if he's the father. <i> Then you back in town, thinking you the father.</i> Then the guy comes down the street and says you're not the father. Then you disappear, you think you're not the father. Then you come back to the hospital... WOODY: To be the father. Now you're the father, to be the father, and you sign the birth certificate. Now, you leave the hospital and the doubt starts setting in... Yes. ...again. Yes. Are people talking to you, are they in your ear, or are you just looking at the baby and feeling like, "This baby doesn't look like me..." It's a combination. ...or is Miss Wilson saying to you, "You know, we gotta get the DNA test." What happened? She's always said that to me out the gate. She's always said, "We need a DNA test, we're gonna get it," she said that to me out the gate, so that wasn't anything new to me. But then, she also told me out of her own mouth that her, some, her friends and her family is saying that my son look like her ex-boyfriend. AUDIENCE AND JUDGE LAKE: Oh. You know, but that's even more of a reason, like... JUDGE LAKE: And you submitted pictures to the court. Yes, Your Honor. That's you, on the left side and Michael Jr. on the right. <i> Yes.</i> <i> And when you look at the baby, you see yourself in him?</i> <i> I do see some similarities, I do.</i> <i> I do.</i> (APPLAUSE) How about you, Miss Wilson, do you see similarities? WILSON: <i> I don't really know who he looks like, to be honest with you.</i> He look like her, if you ask me, he look... JUDGE LAKE: I definitely see the resemblance to... He look like her. ...Miss Wilson. It's hard for me to find myself in there. Do you think your son also has a resemblance to your ex? Um... No. JUDGE LAKE: You don't see much. No, no. Well... This is complicated. Matters of the heart, Mr. Woody, it's a special thing. And a beautiful baby like that... Yeah. It's easy to fall in love, to be attached, and wanna be there for that child in the right way, and you've done that. (APPLAUSE) And, you know... And, look, what are your hopes? I hope that he's mine. I do, I want him to be mine, I want him. I want him. Who doesn't... Who wouldn't want him? Look at him. Who wouldn't want him? I want him. <i> I take care of mine as much as I can, you know,</i> <i> I don't have the, all the money in the world,</i> <i> but I'm always there for my daughter,</i> so he's gonna get the same love that she has, period. (APPLAUSE) And what are your hopes, Miss Wilson? I just want my son to have a father. JUDGE LAKE: I know. (CRYING) It's important to you, right? It really is. (CRYING) I mean, I can't teach my son how to be a man. So... WOODY: I will. I will. (APPLAUSE) He loves him so much. He does, he gets all... When he cries with me, I'll call Mr. Woody and instantly, when he hears his voice, he stops. AUDIENCE: Aw. That's my boy. He's my boy. And do you call Mr. Woody, his dad, your daddy? Yes. WOODY: You send me a picture about every day, you know, <i> a new outfit and it's like, he's mine.</i> And I just, I really, I need to know, you know, the truth, if he's really mine, so I can get all these other nobodies out of my mind and I can raise my son correctly, the right way. (APPLAUSE) Well, I think we've come to the point where it's just time to have the results. Jerome, the envelope, please. These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics, and they read as follows. In the case of<i> Woody v. Wilson...</i> When it comes to two-month-old Michael Woody, Jr... When it comes to two-month-old Michael Woody, Jr... Mr. Woody... You are not his father. (AUDIENCE MURMURING) WILSON: He what? (CRYING) JUDGE LAKE: Jerome, will you please have her sit down? (CRYING) Ma'am, come here. Ma'am, come up here and sit down. (CRYING CONTINUES) Come on, baby. WILSON: No! Come on, let's sit down. I'm ready to go. JUDGE LAKE: You okay? I'm ready to go. I know, I know, I know. I'm ready to go. I know, I know, I know. I know, you had to know, you want to sit down? We're gonna have some resources for you. We're gonna help you just talk through this. I know this is not what you wanted to hear. But I'm sorry. Oh, come on, man... Are you serious? WILSON: How could he not be the father? He looks just like him! He looks just like him! JUDGE LAKE: As we say in the courtroom all the time, it takes DNA to be a father, but it takes love to be a daddy, and you've been that. You've been that. You can continue to be that, if that's what you want. That's my son, man. Yes, it is. Yes, it is. WOODY: What am I supposed to do? JUDGE LAKE: It's gonna be okay. That's my son, man. JUDGE LAKE: It's gonna be okay. JEROME: Don't stop doing what you're doing for him. JUDGE LAKE: It's gonna be okay. We're gonna help you work through it, okay? WOODY: Yeah. He deserves a man in his life like you, okay? That's what he deserves, okay? (APPLAUSE) You're doing the right thing, you really are, keep doing it. You're a good man. Thank you, thank you. (WILSON SOBBING) You said today when you testified in court, that you knew you needed the DNA test. And you knew you needed it because you knew there was a possibility... How could he not be... I know it's not the answer you wanted, I know. (WILSON SOBBING) But now we have to figure out how to move forward. We have aftercare available. We have Dr. Carole here. We just want, we want you to sit down and talk to her, and we're gonna figure out how to move forward, 'cause you can do it, you will do it for your baby.
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 1,717,184
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Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Id: lv3tUMwxbWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2019
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